1 /*
2  *  Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "webrtc/base/virtualsocketserver.h"
13 #include <errno.h>
14 #include <math.h>
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <map>
18 #include <vector>
20 #include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
21 #include "webrtc/base/common.h"
22 #include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
23 #include "webrtc/base/physicalsocketserver.h"
24 #include "webrtc/base/socketaddresspair.h"
25 #include "webrtc/base/thread.h"
26 #include "webrtc/base/timeutils.h"
28 namespace rtc {
29 #if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
30 const in_addr kInitialNextIPv4 = { {0x01, 0, 0, 0} };
31 #else
32 // This value is entirely arbitrary, hence the lack of concern about endianness.
33 const in_addr kInitialNextIPv4 = { 0x01000000 };
34 #endif
35 // Starts at ::2 so as to not cause confusion with ::1.
36 const in6_addr kInitialNextIPv6 = { { {
37       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2
38     } } };
40 const uint16_t kFirstEphemeralPort = 49152;
41 const uint16_t kLastEphemeralPort = 65535;
42 const uint16_t kEphemeralPortCount =
43     kLastEphemeralPort - kFirstEphemeralPort + 1;
44 const uint32_t kDefaultNetworkCapacity = 64 * 1024;
45 const uint32_t kDefaultTcpBufferSize = 32 * 1024;
47 const uint32_t UDP_HEADER_SIZE = 28;  // IP + UDP headers
48 const uint32_t TCP_HEADER_SIZE = 40;  // IP + TCP headers
49 const uint32_t TCP_MSS = 1400;        // Maximum segment size
51 // Note: The current algorithm doesn't work for sample sizes smaller than this.
52 const int NUM_SAMPLES = 1000;
54 enum {
59 };
61 // Packets are passed between sockets as messages.  We copy the data just like
62 // the kernel does.
63 class Packet : public MessageData {
64  public:
Packet(const char * data,size_t size,const SocketAddress & from)65   Packet(const char* data, size_t size, const SocketAddress& from)
66         : size_(size), consumed_(0), from_(from) {
67     ASSERT(NULL != data);
68     data_ = new char[size_];
69     memcpy(data_, data, size_);
70   }
~Packet()72   ~Packet() override {
73     delete[] data_;
74   }
data() const76   const char* data() const { return data_ + consumed_; }
size() const77   size_t size() const { return size_ - consumed_; }
from() const78   const SocketAddress& from() const { return from_; }
80   // Remove the first size bytes from the data.
Consume(size_t size)81   void Consume(size_t size) {
82     ASSERT(size + consumed_ < size_);
83     consumed_ += size;
84   }
86  private:
87   char* data_;
88   size_t size_, consumed_;
89   SocketAddress from_;
90 };
92 struct MessageAddress : public MessageData {
MessageAddressrtc::MessageAddress93   explicit MessageAddress(const SocketAddress& a) : addr(a) { }
94   SocketAddress addr;
95 };
VirtualSocket(VirtualSocketServer * server,int family,int type,bool async)97 VirtualSocket::VirtualSocket(VirtualSocketServer* server,
98                              int family,
99                              int type,
100                              bool async)
101     : server_(server),
102       type_(type),
103       async_(async),
104       state_(CS_CLOSED),
105       error_(0),
106       listen_queue_(NULL),
107       write_enabled_(false),
108       network_size_(0),
109       recv_buffer_size_(0),
110       bound_(false),
111       was_any_(false) {
112   ASSERT((type_ == SOCK_DGRAM) || (type_ == SOCK_STREAM));
113   ASSERT(async_ || (type_ != SOCK_STREAM));  // We only support async streams
114 }
~VirtualSocket()116 VirtualSocket::~VirtualSocket() {
117   Close();
119   for (RecvBuffer::iterator it = recv_buffer_.begin(); it != recv_buffer_.end();
120        ++it) {
121     delete *it;
122   }
123 }
GetLocalAddress() const125 SocketAddress VirtualSocket::GetLocalAddress() const {
126   if (!alternative_local_addr_.IsNil())
127     return alternative_local_addr_;
128   return local_addr_;
129 }
GetRemoteAddress() const131 SocketAddress VirtualSocket::GetRemoteAddress() const {
132   return remote_addr_;
133 }
SetLocalAddress(const SocketAddress & addr)135 void VirtualSocket::SetLocalAddress(const SocketAddress& addr) {
136   local_addr_ = addr;
137 }
SetAlternativeLocalAddress(const SocketAddress & addr)139 void VirtualSocket::SetAlternativeLocalAddress(const SocketAddress& addr) {
140   alternative_local_addr_ = addr;
141 }
Bind(const SocketAddress & addr)143 int VirtualSocket::Bind(const SocketAddress& addr) {
144   if (!local_addr_.IsNil()) {
145     error_ = EINVAL;
146     return -1;
147   }
148   local_addr_ = addr;
149   int result = server_->Bind(this, &local_addr_);
150   if (result != 0) {
151     local_addr_.Clear();
152     error_ = EADDRINUSE;
153   } else {
154     bound_ = true;
155     was_any_ = addr.IsAnyIP();
156     // Post a message here such that test case could have chance to
157     // process the local address. (i.e. SetAlternativeLocalAddress).
158     server_->msg_queue_->Post(this, MSG_ID_ADDRESS_BOUND);
159   }
160   return result;
161 }
Connect(const SocketAddress & addr)163 int VirtualSocket::Connect(const SocketAddress& addr) {
164   return InitiateConnect(addr, true);
165 }
Close()167 int VirtualSocket::Close() {
168   if (!local_addr_.IsNil() && bound_) {
169     // Remove from the binding table.
170     server_->Unbind(local_addr_, this);
171     bound_ = false;
172   }
174   if (SOCK_STREAM == type_) {
175     // Cancel pending sockets
176     if (listen_queue_) {
177       while (!listen_queue_->empty()) {
178         SocketAddress addr = listen_queue_->front();
180         // Disconnect listening socket.
181         server_->Disconnect(server_->LookupBinding(addr));
182         listen_queue_->pop_front();
183       }
184       delete listen_queue_;
185       listen_queue_ = NULL;
186     }
187     // Disconnect stream sockets
188     if (CS_CONNECTED == state_) {
189       // Disconnect remote socket, check if it is a child of a server socket.
190       VirtualSocket* socket =
191           server_->LookupConnection(local_addr_, remote_addr_);
192       if (!socket) {
193         // Not a server socket child, then see if it is bound.
194         // TODO(tbd): If this is indeed a server socket that has no
195         // children this will cause the server socket to be
196         // closed. This might lead to unexpected results, how to fix this?
197         socket = server_->LookupBinding(remote_addr_);
198       }
199       server_->Disconnect(socket);
201       // Remove mapping for both directions.
202       server_->RemoveConnection(remote_addr_, local_addr_);
203       server_->RemoveConnection(local_addr_, remote_addr_);
204     }
205     // Cancel potential connects
206     MessageList msgs;
207     if (server_->msg_queue_) {
208       server_->msg_queue_->Clear(this, MSG_ID_CONNECT, &msgs);
209     }
210     for (MessageList::iterator it = msgs.begin(); it != msgs.end(); ++it) {
211       ASSERT(NULL != it->pdata);
212       MessageAddress* data = static_cast<MessageAddress*>(it->pdata);
214       // Lookup remote side.
215       VirtualSocket* socket =
216           server_->LookupConnection(local_addr_, data->addr);
217       if (socket) {
218         // Server socket, remote side is a socket retreived by
219         // accept. Accepted sockets are not bound so we will not
220         // find it by looking in the bindings table.
221         server_->Disconnect(socket);
222         server_->RemoveConnection(local_addr_, data->addr);
223       } else {
224         server_->Disconnect(server_->LookupBinding(data->addr));
225       }
226       delete data;
227     }
228     // Clear incoming packets and disconnect messages
229     if (server_->msg_queue_) {
230       server_->msg_queue_->Clear(this);
231     }
232   }
234   state_ = CS_CLOSED;
235   local_addr_.Clear();
236   remote_addr_.Clear();
237   return 0;
238 }
Send(const void * pv,size_t cb)240 int VirtualSocket::Send(const void* pv, size_t cb) {
241     if (CS_CONNECTED != state_) {
242       error_ = ENOTCONN;
243       return -1;
244     }
245     if (SOCK_DGRAM == type_) {
246       return SendUdp(pv, cb, remote_addr_);
247     } else {
248       return SendTcp(pv, cb);
249     }
250 }
SendTo(const void * pv,size_t cb,const SocketAddress & addr)252 int VirtualSocket::SendTo(const void* pv,
253                           size_t cb,
254                           const SocketAddress& addr) {
255   if (SOCK_DGRAM == type_) {
256     return SendUdp(pv, cb, addr);
257   } else {
258     if (CS_CONNECTED != state_) {
259       error_ = ENOTCONN;
260       return -1;
261     }
262     return SendTcp(pv, cb);
263   }
264 }
Recv(void * pv,size_t cb)266 int VirtualSocket::Recv(void* pv, size_t cb) {
267   SocketAddress addr;
268   return RecvFrom(pv, cb, &addr);
269 }
RecvFrom(void * pv,size_t cb,SocketAddress * paddr)271 int VirtualSocket::RecvFrom(void* pv, size_t cb, SocketAddress* paddr) {
272   // If we don't have a packet, then either error or wait for one to arrive.
273   if (recv_buffer_.empty()) {
274     if (async_) {
275       error_ = EAGAIN;
276       return -1;
277     }
278     while (recv_buffer_.empty()) {
279       Message msg;
280       server_->msg_queue_->Get(&msg);
281       server_->msg_queue_->Dispatch(&msg);
282     }
283   }
285   // Return the packet at the front of the queue.
286   Packet* packet = recv_buffer_.front();
287   size_t data_read = std::min(cb, packet->size());
288   memcpy(pv, packet->data(), data_read);
289   *paddr = packet->from();
291   if (data_read < packet->size()) {
292     packet->Consume(data_read);
293   } else {
294     recv_buffer_.pop_front();
295     delete packet;
296   }
298   if (SOCK_STREAM == type_) {
299     bool was_full = (recv_buffer_size_ == server_->recv_buffer_capacity_);
300     recv_buffer_size_ -= data_read;
301     if (was_full) {
302       VirtualSocket* sender = server_->LookupBinding(remote_addr_);
303       ASSERT(NULL != sender);
304       server_->SendTcp(sender);
305     }
306   }
308   return static_cast<int>(data_read);
309 }
Listen(int backlog)311 int VirtualSocket::Listen(int backlog) {
312   ASSERT(SOCK_STREAM == type_);
313   ASSERT(CS_CLOSED == state_);
314   if (local_addr_.IsNil()) {
315     error_ = EINVAL;
316     return -1;
317   }
318   ASSERT(NULL == listen_queue_);
319   listen_queue_ = new ListenQueue;
320   state_ = CS_CONNECTING;
321   return 0;
322 }
Accept(SocketAddress * paddr)324 VirtualSocket* VirtualSocket::Accept(SocketAddress* paddr) {
325   if (NULL == listen_queue_) {
326     error_ = EINVAL;
327     return NULL;
328   }
329   while (!listen_queue_->empty()) {
330     VirtualSocket* socket = new VirtualSocket(server_, AF_INET, type_, async_);
332     // Set the new local address to the same as this server socket.
333     socket->SetLocalAddress(local_addr_);
334     // Sockets made from a socket that 'was Any' need to inherit that.
335     socket->set_was_any(was_any_);
336     SocketAddress remote_addr(listen_queue_->front());
337     int result = socket->InitiateConnect(remote_addr, false);
338     listen_queue_->pop_front();
339     if (result != 0) {
340       delete socket;
341       continue;
342     }
343     socket->CompleteConnect(remote_addr, false);
344     if (paddr) {
345       *paddr = remote_addr;
346     }
347     return socket;
348   }
349   error_ = EWOULDBLOCK;
350   return NULL;
351 }
GetError() const353 int VirtualSocket::GetError() const {
354   return error_;
355 }
SetError(int error)357 void VirtualSocket::SetError(int error) {
358   error_ = error;
359 }
GetState() const361 Socket::ConnState VirtualSocket::GetState() const {
362   return state_;
363 }
GetOption(Option opt,int * value)365 int VirtualSocket::GetOption(Option opt, int* value) {
366   OptionsMap::const_iterator it = options_map_.find(opt);
367   if (it == options_map_.end()) {
368     return -1;
369   }
370   *value = it->second;
371   return 0;  // 0 is success to emulate getsockopt()
372 }
SetOption(Option opt,int value)374 int VirtualSocket::SetOption(Option opt, int value) {
375   options_map_[opt] = value;
376   return 0;  // 0 is success to emulate setsockopt()
377 }
EstimateMTU(uint16_t * mtu)379 int VirtualSocket::EstimateMTU(uint16_t* mtu) {
380   if (CS_CONNECTED != state_)
381     return ENOTCONN;
382   else
383     return 65536;
384 }
OnMessage(Message * pmsg)386 void VirtualSocket::OnMessage(Message* pmsg) {
387   if (pmsg->message_id == MSG_ID_PACKET) {
388     // ASSERT(!local_addr_.IsAnyIP());
389     ASSERT(NULL != pmsg->pdata);
390     Packet* packet = static_cast<Packet*>(pmsg->pdata);
392     recv_buffer_.push_back(packet);
394     if (async_) {
395       SignalReadEvent(this);
396     }
397   } else if (pmsg->message_id == MSG_ID_CONNECT) {
398     ASSERT(NULL != pmsg->pdata);
399     MessageAddress* data = static_cast<MessageAddress*>(pmsg->pdata);
400     if (listen_queue_ != NULL) {
401       listen_queue_->push_back(data->addr);
402       if (async_) {
403         SignalReadEvent(this);
404       }
405     } else if ((SOCK_STREAM == type_) && (CS_CONNECTING == state_)) {
406       CompleteConnect(data->addr, true);
407     } else {
408       LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Socket at " << local_addr_ << " is not listening";
409       server_->Disconnect(server_->LookupBinding(data->addr));
410     }
411     delete data;
412   } else if (pmsg->message_id == MSG_ID_DISCONNECT) {
413     ASSERT(SOCK_STREAM == type_);
414     if (CS_CLOSED != state_) {
415       int error = (CS_CONNECTING == state_) ? ECONNREFUSED : 0;
416       state_ = CS_CLOSED;
417       remote_addr_.Clear();
418       if (async_) {
419         SignalCloseEvent(this, error);
420       }
421     }
422   } else if (pmsg->message_id == MSG_ID_ADDRESS_BOUND) {
423     SignalAddressReady(this, GetLocalAddress());
424   } else {
425     ASSERT(false);
426   }
427 }
InitiateConnect(const SocketAddress & addr,bool use_delay)429 int VirtualSocket::InitiateConnect(const SocketAddress& addr, bool use_delay) {
430   if (!remote_addr_.IsNil()) {
431     error_ = (CS_CONNECTED == state_) ? EISCONN : EINPROGRESS;
432     return -1;
433   }
434   if (local_addr_.IsNil()) {
435     // If there's no local address set, grab a random one in the correct AF.
436     int result = 0;
437     if (addr.ipaddr().family() == AF_INET) {
438       result = Bind(SocketAddress("", 0));
439     } else if (addr.ipaddr().family() == AF_INET6) {
440       result = Bind(SocketAddress("::", 0));
441     }
442     if (result != 0) {
443       return result;
444     }
445   }
446   if (type_ == SOCK_DGRAM) {
447     remote_addr_ = addr;
448     state_ = CS_CONNECTED;
449   } else {
450     int result = server_->Connect(this, addr, use_delay);
451     if (result != 0) {
452       error_ = EHOSTUNREACH;
453       return -1;
454     }
455     state_ = CS_CONNECTING;
456   }
457   return 0;
458 }
CompleteConnect(const SocketAddress & addr,bool notify)460 void VirtualSocket::CompleteConnect(const SocketAddress& addr, bool notify) {
461   ASSERT(CS_CONNECTING == state_);
462   remote_addr_ = addr;
463   state_ = CS_CONNECTED;
464   server_->AddConnection(remote_addr_, local_addr_, this);
465   if (async_ && notify) {
466     SignalConnectEvent(this);
467   }
468 }
SendUdp(const void * pv,size_t cb,const SocketAddress & addr)470 int VirtualSocket::SendUdp(const void* pv,
471                            size_t cb,
472                            const SocketAddress& addr) {
473   // If we have not been assigned a local port, then get one.
474   if (local_addr_.IsNil()) {
475     local_addr_ = EmptySocketAddressWithFamily(addr.ipaddr().family());
476     int result = server_->Bind(this, &local_addr_);
477     if (result != 0) {
478       local_addr_.Clear();
479       error_ = EADDRINUSE;
480       return result;
481     }
482   }
484   // Send the data in a message to the appropriate socket.
485   return server_->SendUdp(this, static_cast<const char*>(pv), cb, addr);
486 }
SendTcp(const void * pv,size_t cb)488 int VirtualSocket::SendTcp(const void* pv, size_t cb) {
489   size_t capacity = server_->send_buffer_capacity_ - send_buffer_.size();
490   if (0 == capacity) {
491     write_enabled_ = true;
492     error_ = EWOULDBLOCK;
493     return -1;
494   }
495   size_t consumed = std::min(cb, capacity);
496   const char* cpv = static_cast<const char*>(pv);
497   send_buffer_.insert(send_buffer_.end(), cpv, cpv + consumed);
498   server_->SendTcp(this);
499   return static_cast<int>(consumed);
500 }
VirtualSocketServer(SocketServer * ss)502 VirtualSocketServer::VirtualSocketServer(SocketServer* ss)
503     : server_(ss), server_owned_(false), msg_queue_(NULL), stop_on_idle_(false),
504       network_delay_(Time()), next_ipv4_(kInitialNextIPv4),
505       next_ipv6_(kInitialNextIPv6), next_port_(kFirstEphemeralPort),
506       bindings_(new AddressMap()), connections_(new ConnectionMap()),
507       bandwidth_(0), network_capacity_(kDefaultNetworkCapacity),
508       send_buffer_capacity_(kDefaultTcpBufferSize),
509       recv_buffer_capacity_(kDefaultTcpBufferSize),
510       delay_mean_(0), delay_stddev_(0), delay_samples_(NUM_SAMPLES),
511       delay_dist_(NULL), drop_prob_(0.0) {
512   if (!server_) {
513     server_ = new PhysicalSocketServer();
514     server_owned_ = true;
515   }
516   UpdateDelayDistribution();
517 }
~VirtualSocketServer()519 VirtualSocketServer::~VirtualSocketServer() {
520   delete bindings_;
521   delete connections_;
522   delete delay_dist_;
523   if (server_owned_) {
524     delete server_;
525   }
526 }
GetNextIP(int family)528 IPAddress VirtualSocketServer::GetNextIP(int family) {
529   if (family == AF_INET) {
530     IPAddress next_ip(next_ipv4_);
531     next_ipv4_.s_addr =
532         HostToNetwork32(NetworkToHost32(next_ipv4_.s_addr) + 1);
533     return next_ip;
534   } else if (family == AF_INET6) {
535     IPAddress next_ip(next_ipv6_);
536     uint32_t* as_ints = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&next_ipv6_.s6_addr);
537     as_ints[3] += 1;
538     return next_ip;
539   }
540   return IPAddress();
541 }
GetNextPort()543 uint16_t VirtualSocketServer::GetNextPort() {
544   uint16_t port = next_port_;
545   if (next_port_ < kLastEphemeralPort) {
546     ++next_port_;
547   } else {
548     next_port_ = kFirstEphemeralPort;
549   }
550   return port;
551 }
CreateSocket(int type)553 Socket* VirtualSocketServer::CreateSocket(int type) {
554   return CreateSocket(AF_INET, type);
555 }
CreateSocket(int family,int type)557 Socket* VirtualSocketServer::CreateSocket(int family, int type) {
558   return CreateSocketInternal(family, type);
559 }
CreateAsyncSocket(int type)561 AsyncSocket* VirtualSocketServer::CreateAsyncSocket(int type) {
562   return CreateAsyncSocket(AF_INET, type);
563 }
CreateAsyncSocket(int family,int type)565 AsyncSocket* VirtualSocketServer::CreateAsyncSocket(int family, int type) {
566   return CreateSocketInternal(family, type);
567 }
CreateSocketInternal(int family,int type)569 VirtualSocket* VirtualSocketServer::CreateSocketInternal(int family, int type) {
570   return new VirtualSocket(this, family, type, true);
571 }
SetMessageQueue(MessageQueue * msg_queue)573 void VirtualSocketServer::SetMessageQueue(MessageQueue* msg_queue) {
574   msg_queue_ = msg_queue;
575   if (msg_queue_) {
576     msg_queue_->SignalQueueDestroyed.connect(this,
577         &VirtualSocketServer::OnMessageQueueDestroyed);
578   }
579 }
Wait(int cmsWait,bool process_io)581 bool VirtualSocketServer::Wait(int cmsWait, bool process_io) {
582   ASSERT(msg_queue_ == Thread::Current());
583   if (stop_on_idle_ && Thread::Current()->empty()) {
584     return false;
585   }
586   return socketserver()->Wait(cmsWait, process_io);
587 }
WakeUp()589 void VirtualSocketServer::WakeUp() {
590   socketserver()->WakeUp();
591 }
ProcessMessagesUntilIdle()593 bool VirtualSocketServer::ProcessMessagesUntilIdle() {
594   ASSERT(msg_queue_ == Thread::Current());
595   stop_on_idle_ = true;
596   while (!msg_queue_->empty()) {
597     Message msg;
598     if (msg_queue_->Get(&msg, Thread::kForever)) {
599       msg_queue_->Dispatch(&msg);
600     }
601   }
602   stop_on_idle_ = false;
603   return !msg_queue_->IsQuitting();
604 }
SetNextPortForTesting(uint16_t port)606 void VirtualSocketServer::SetNextPortForTesting(uint16_t port) {
607   next_port_ = port;
608 }
CloseTcpConnections(const SocketAddress & addr_local,const SocketAddress & addr_remote)610 bool VirtualSocketServer::CloseTcpConnections(
611     const SocketAddress& addr_local,
612     const SocketAddress& addr_remote) {
613   VirtualSocket* socket = LookupConnection(addr_local, addr_remote);
614   if (!socket) {
615     return false;
616   }
617   // Signal the close event on the local connection first.
618   socket->SignalCloseEvent(socket, 0);
620   // Trigger the remote connection's close event.
621   socket->Close();
623   return true;
624 }
Bind(VirtualSocket * socket,const SocketAddress & addr)626 int VirtualSocketServer::Bind(VirtualSocket* socket,
627                               const SocketAddress& addr) {
628   ASSERT(NULL != socket);
629   // Address must be completely specified at this point
630   ASSERT(!IPIsUnspec(addr.ipaddr()));
631   ASSERT(addr.port() != 0);
633   // Normalize the address (turns v6-mapped addresses into v4-addresses).
634   SocketAddress normalized(addr.ipaddr().Normalized(), addr.port());
636   AddressMap::value_type entry(normalized, socket);
637   return bindings_->insert(entry).second ? 0 : -1;
638 }
Bind(VirtualSocket * socket,SocketAddress * addr)640 int VirtualSocketServer::Bind(VirtualSocket* socket, SocketAddress* addr) {
641   ASSERT(NULL != socket);
643   if (!IPIsUnspec(addr->ipaddr())) {
644     addr->SetIP(addr->ipaddr().Normalized());
645   } else {
646     ASSERT(false);
647   }
649   if (addr->port() == 0) {
650     for (int i = 0; i < kEphemeralPortCount; ++i) {
651       addr->SetPort(GetNextPort());
652       if (bindings_->find(*addr) == bindings_->end()) {
653         break;
654       }
655     }
656   }
658   return Bind(socket, *addr);
659 }
LookupBinding(const SocketAddress & addr)661 VirtualSocket* VirtualSocketServer::LookupBinding(const SocketAddress& addr) {
662   SocketAddress normalized(addr.ipaddr().Normalized(),
663                            addr.port());
664   AddressMap::iterator it = bindings_->find(normalized);
665   if (it != bindings_->end()) {
666     return it->second;
667   }
669   IPAddress default_ip = GetDefaultRoute(addr.ipaddr().family());
670   if (!IPIsUnspec(default_ip) && addr.ipaddr() == default_ip) {
671     // If we can't find a binding for the packet which is sent to the interface
672     // corresponding to the default route, it should match a binding with the
673     // correct port to the any address.
674     SocketAddress sock_addr =
675         EmptySocketAddressWithFamily(addr.ipaddr().family());
676     sock_addr.SetPort(addr.port());
677     return LookupBinding(sock_addr);
678   }
680   return nullptr;
681 }
Unbind(const SocketAddress & addr,VirtualSocket * socket)683 int VirtualSocketServer::Unbind(const SocketAddress& addr,
684                                 VirtualSocket* socket) {
685   SocketAddress normalized(addr.ipaddr().Normalized(),
686                            addr.port());
687   ASSERT((*bindings_)[normalized] == socket);
688   bindings_->erase(bindings_->find(normalized));
689   return 0;
690 }
AddConnection(const SocketAddress & local,const SocketAddress & remote,VirtualSocket * remote_socket)692 void VirtualSocketServer::AddConnection(const SocketAddress& local,
693                                         const SocketAddress& remote,
694                                         VirtualSocket* remote_socket) {
695   // Add this socket pair to our routing table. This will allow
696   // multiple clients to connect to the same server address.
697   SocketAddress local_normalized(local.ipaddr().Normalized(),
698                                  local.port());
699   SocketAddress remote_normalized(remote.ipaddr().Normalized(),
700                                   remote.port());
701   SocketAddressPair address_pair(local_normalized, remote_normalized);
702   connections_->insert(std::pair<SocketAddressPair,
703                        VirtualSocket*>(address_pair, remote_socket));
704 }
LookupConnection(const SocketAddress & local,const SocketAddress & remote)706 VirtualSocket* VirtualSocketServer::LookupConnection(
707     const SocketAddress& local,
708     const SocketAddress& remote) {
709   SocketAddress local_normalized(local.ipaddr().Normalized(),
710                                  local.port());
711   SocketAddress remote_normalized(remote.ipaddr().Normalized(),
712                                   remote.port());
713   SocketAddressPair address_pair(local_normalized, remote_normalized);
714   ConnectionMap::iterator it = connections_->find(address_pair);
715   return (connections_->end() != it) ? it->second : NULL;
716 }
RemoveConnection(const SocketAddress & local,const SocketAddress & remote)718 void VirtualSocketServer::RemoveConnection(const SocketAddress& local,
719                                            const SocketAddress& remote) {
720   SocketAddress local_normalized(local.ipaddr().Normalized(),
721                                 local.port());
722   SocketAddress remote_normalized(remote.ipaddr().Normalized(),
723                                  remote.port());
724   SocketAddressPair address_pair(local_normalized, remote_normalized);
725   connections_->erase(address_pair);
726 }
Random()728 static double Random() {
729   return static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
730 }
Connect(VirtualSocket * socket,const SocketAddress & remote_addr,bool use_delay)732 int VirtualSocketServer::Connect(VirtualSocket* socket,
733                                  const SocketAddress& remote_addr,
734                                  bool use_delay) {
735   uint32_t delay = use_delay ? GetRandomTransitDelay() : 0;
736   VirtualSocket* remote = LookupBinding(remote_addr);
737   if (!CanInteractWith(socket, remote)) {
738     LOG(LS_INFO) << "Address family mismatch between "
739                  << socket->GetLocalAddress() << " and " << remote_addr;
740     return -1;
741   }
742   if (remote != NULL) {
743     SocketAddress addr = socket->GetLocalAddress();
744     msg_queue_->PostDelayed(delay, remote, MSG_ID_CONNECT,
745                             new MessageAddress(addr));
746   } else {
747     LOG(LS_INFO) << "No one listening at " << remote_addr;
748     msg_queue_->PostDelayed(delay, socket, MSG_ID_DISCONNECT);
749   }
750   return 0;
751 }
Disconnect(VirtualSocket * socket)753 bool VirtualSocketServer::Disconnect(VirtualSocket* socket) {
754   if (socket) {
755     // Remove the mapping.
756     msg_queue_->Post(socket, MSG_ID_DISCONNECT);
757     return true;
758   }
759   return false;
760 }
SendUdp(VirtualSocket * socket,const char * data,size_t data_size,const SocketAddress & remote_addr)762 int VirtualSocketServer::SendUdp(VirtualSocket* socket,
763                                  const char* data, size_t data_size,
764                                  const SocketAddress& remote_addr) {
765   // See if we want to drop this packet.
766   if (Random() < drop_prob_) {
767     LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Dropping packet: bad luck";
768     return static_cast<int>(data_size);
769   }
771   VirtualSocket* recipient = LookupBinding(remote_addr);
772   if (!recipient) {
773     // Make a fake recipient for address family checking.
774     scoped_ptr<VirtualSocket> dummy_socket(
775         CreateSocketInternal(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM));
776     dummy_socket->SetLocalAddress(remote_addr);
777     if (!CanInteractWith(socket, dummy_socket.get())) {
778       LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Incompatible address families: "
779                       << socket->GetLocalAddress() << " and " << remote_addr;
780       return -1;
781     }
782     LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "No one listening at " << remote_addr;
783     return static_cast<int>(data_size);
784   }
786   if (!CanInteractWith(socket, recipient)) {
787     LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Incompatible address families: "
788                     << socket->GetLocalAddress() << " and " << remote_addr;
789     return -1;
790   }
792   CritScope cs(&socket->crit_);
794   uint32_t cur_time = Time();
795   PurgeNetworkPackets(socket, cur_time);
797   // Determine whether we have enough bandwidth to accept this packet.  To do
798   // this, we need to update the send queue.  Once we know it's current size,
799   // we know whether we can fit this packet.
800   //
801   // NOTE: There are better algorithms for maintaining such a queue (such as
802   // "Derivative Random Drop"); however, this algorithm is a more accurate
803   // simulation of what a normal network would do.
805   size_t packet_size = data_size + UDP_HEADER_SIZE;
806   if (socket->network_size_ + packet_size > network_capacity_) {
807     LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Dropping packet: network capacity exceeded";
808     return static_cast<int>(data_size);
809   }
811   AddPacketToNetwork(socket, recipient, cur_time, data, data_size,
812                      UDP_HEADER_SIZE, false);
814   return static_cast<int>(data_size);
815 }
SendTcp(VirtualSocket * socket)817 void VirtualSocketServer::SendTcp(VirtualSocket* socket) {
818   // TCP can't send more data than will fill up the receiver's buffer.
819   // We track the data that is in the buffer plus data in flight using the
820   // recipient's recv_buffer_size_.  Anything beyond that must be stored in the
821   // sender's buffer.  We will trigger the buffered data to be sent when data
822   // is read from the recv_buffer.
824   // Lookup the local/remote pair in the connections table.
825   VirtualSocket* recipient = LookupConnection(socket->local_addr_,
826                                               socket->remote_addr_);
827   if (!recipient) {
828     LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Sending data to no one.";
829     return;
830   }
832   CritScope cs(&socket->crit_);
834   uint32_t cur_time = Time();
835   PurgeNetworkPackets(socket, cur_time);
837   while (true) {
838     size_t available = recv_buffer_capacity_ - recipient->recv_buffer_size_;
839     size_t max_data_size =
840         std::min<size_t>(available, TCP_MSS - TCP_HEADER_SIZE);
841     size_t data_size = std::min(socket->send_buffer_.size(), max_data_size);
842     if (0 == data_size)
843       break;
845     AddPacketToNetwork(socket, recipient, cur_time, &socket->send_buffer_[0],
846                        data_size, TCP_HEADER_SIZE, true);
847     recipient->recv_buffer_size_ += data_size;
849     size_t new_buffer_size = socket->send_buffer_.size() - data_size;
850     // Avoid undefined access beyond the last element of the vector.
851     // This only happens when new_buffer_size is 0.
852     if (data_size < socket->send_buffer_.size()) {
853       // memmove is required for potentially overlapping source/destination.
854       memmove(&socket->send_buffer_[0], &socket->send_buffer_[data_size],
855               new_buffer_size);
856     }
857     socket->send_buffer_.resize(new_buffer_size);
858   }
860   if (socket->write_enabled_
861       && (socket->send_buffer_.size() < send_buffer_capacity_)) {
862     socket->write_enabled_ = false;
863     socket->SignalWriteEvent(socket);
864   }
865 }
AddPacketToNetwork(VirtualSocket * sender,VirtualSocket * recipient,uint32_t cur_time,const char * data,size_t data_size,size_t header_size,bool ordered)867 void VirtualSocketServer::AddPacketToNetwork(VirtualSocket* sender,
868                                              VirtualSocket* recipient,
869                                              uint32_t cur_time,
870                                              const char* data,
871                                              size_t data_size,
872                                              size_t header_size,
873                                              bool ordered) {
874   VirtualSocket::NetworkEntry entry;
875   entry.size = data_size + header_size;
877   sender->network_size_ += entry.size;
878   uint32_t send_delay = SendDelay(static_cast<uint32_t>(sender->network_size_));
879   entry.done_time = cur_time + send_delay;
880   sender->network_.push_back(entry);
882   // Find the delay for crossing the many virtual hops of the network.
883   uint32_t transit_delay = GetRandomTransitDelay();
885   // When the incoming packet is from a binding of the any address, translate it
886   // to the default route here such that the recipient will see the default
887   // route.
888   SocketAddress sender_addr = sender->local_addr_;
889   IPAddress default_ip = GetDefaultRoute(sender_addr.ipaddr().family());
890   if (sender_addr.IsAnyIP() && !IPIsUnspec(default_ip)) {
891     sender_addr.SetIP(default_ip);
892   }
894   // Post the packet as a message to be delivered (on our own thread)
895   Packet* p = new Packet(data, data_size, sender_addr);
897   uint32_t ts = TimeAfter(send_delay + transit_delay);
898   if (ordered) {
899     // Ensure that new packets arrive after previous ones
900     // TODO: consider ordering on a per-socket basis, since this
901     // introduces artifical delay.
902     ts = TimeMax(ts, network_delay_);
903   }
904   msg_queue_->PostAt(ts, recipient, MSG_ID_PACKET, p);
905   network_delay_ = TimeMax(ts, network_delay_);
906 }
PurgeNetworkPackets(VirtualSocket * socket,uint32_t cur_time)908 void VirtualSocketServer::PurgeNetworkPackets(VirtualSocket* socket,
909                                               uint32_t cur_time) {
910   while (!socket->network_.empty() &&
911          (socket->network_.front().done_time <= cur_time)) {
912     ASSERT(socket->network_size_ >= socket->network_.front().size);
913     socket->network_size_ -= socket->network_.front().size;
914     socket->network_.pop_front();
915   }
916 }
SendDelay(uint32_t size)918 uint32_t VirtualSocketServer::SendDelay(uint32_t size) {
919   if (bandwidth_ == 0)
920     return 0;
921   else
922     return 1000 * size / bandwidth_;
923 }
925 #if 0
926 void PrintFunction(std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >* f) {
927   return;
928   double sum = 0;
929   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < f->size(); ++i) {
930     std::cout << (*f)[i].first << '\t' << (*f)[i].second << std::endl;
931     sum += (*f)[i].second;
932   }
933   if (!f->empty()) {
934     const double mean = sum / f->size();
935     double sum_sq_dev = 0;
936     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < f->size(); ++i) {
937       double dev = (*f)[i].second - mean;
938       sum_sq_dev += dev * dev;
939     }
940     std::cout << "Mean = " << mean << " StdDev = "
941               << sqrt(sum_sq_dev / f->size()) << std::endl;
942   }
943 }
944 #endif  // <unused>
UpdateDelayDistribution()946 void VirtualSocketServer::UpdateDelayDistribution() {
947   Function* dist = CreateDistribution(delay_mean_, delay_stddev_,
948                                       delay_samples_);
949   // We take a lock just to make sure we don't leak memory.
950   {
951     CritScope cs(&delay_crit_);
952     delete delay_dist_;
953     delay_dist_ = dist;
954   }
955 }
957 static double PI = 4 * atan(1.0);
Normal(double x,double mean,double stddev)959 static double Normal(double x, double mean, double stddev) {
960   double a = (x - mean) * (x - mean) / (2 * stddev * stddev);
961   return exp(-a) / (stddev * sqrt(2 * PI));
962 }
964 #if 0  // static unused gives a warning
965 static double Pareto(double x, double min, double k) {
966   if (x < min)
967     return 0;
968   else
969     return k * std::pow(min, k) / std::pow(x, k+1);
970 }
971 #endif
CreateDistribution(uint32_t mean,uint32_t stddev,uint32_t samples)973 VirtualSocketServer::Function* VirtualSocketServer::CreateDistribution(
974     uint32_t mean,
975     uint32_t stddev,
976     uint32_t samples) {
977   Function* f = new Function();
979   if (0 == stddev) {
980     f->push_back(Point(mean, 1.0));
981   } else {
982     double start = 0;
983     if (mean >= 4 * static_cast<double>(stddev))
984       start = mean - 4 * static_cast<double>(stddev);
985     double end = mean + 4 * static_cast<double>(stddev);
987     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
988       double x = start + (end - start) * i / (samples - 1);
989       double y = Normal(x, mean, stddev);
990       f->push_back(Point(x, y));
991     }
992   }
993   return Resample(Invert(Accumulate(f)), 0, 1, samples);
994 }
GetRandomTransitDelay()996 uint32_t VirtualSocketServer::GetRandomTransitDelay() {
997   size_t index = rand() % delay_dist_->size();
998   double delay = (*delay_dist_)[index].second;
999   //LOG_F(LS_INFO) << "random[" << index << "] = " << delay;
1000   return static_cast<uint32_t>(delay);
1001 }
1003 struct FunctionDomainCmp {
operator ()rtc::FunctionDomainCmp1004   bool operator()(const VirtualSocketServer::Point& p1,
1005                    const VirtualSocketServer::Point& p2) {
1006     return p1.first < p2.first;
1007   }
operator ()rtc::FunctionDomainCmp1008   bool operator()(double v1, const VirtualSocketServer::Point& p2) {
1009     return v1 < p2.first;
1010   }
operator ()rtc::FunctionDomainCmp1011   bool operator()(const VirtualSocketServer::Point& p1, double v2) {
1012     return p1.first < v2;
1013   }
1014 };
Accumulate(Function * f)1016 VirtualSocketServer::Function* VirtualSocketServer::Accumulate(Function* f) {
1017   ASSERT(f->size() >= 1);
1018   double v = 0;
1019   for (Function::size_type i = 0; i < f->size() - 1; ++i) {
1020     double dx = (*f)[i + 1].first - (*f)[i].first;
1021     double avgy = ((*f)[i + 1].second + (*f)[i].second) / 2;
1022     (*f)[i].second = v;
1023     v = v + dx * avgy;
1024   }
1025   (*f)[f->size()-1].second = v;
1026   return f;
1027 }
Invert(Function * f)1029 VirtualSocketServer::Function* VirtualSocketServer::Invert(Function* f) {
1030   for (Function::size_type i = 0; i < f->size(); ++i)
1031     std::swap((*f)[i].first, (*f)[i].second);
1033   std::sort(f->begin(), f->end(), FunctionDomainCmp());
1034   return f;
1035 }
Resample(Function * f,double x1,double x2,uint32_t samples)1037 VirtualSocketServer::Function* VirtualSocketServer::Resample(Function* f,
1038                                                              double x1,
1039                                                              double x2,
1040                                                              uint32_t samples) {
1041   Function* g = new Function();
1043   for (size_t i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
1044     double x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * i / (samples - 1);
1045     double y = Evaluate(f, x);
1046     g->push_back(Point(x, y));
1047   }
1049   delete f;
1050   return g;
1051 }
Evaluate(Function * f,double x)1053 double VirtualSocketServer::Evaluate(Function* f, double x) {
1054   Function::iterator iter =
1055       std::lower_bound(f->begin(), f->end(), x, FunctionDomainCmp());
1056   if (iter == f->begin()) {
1057     return (*f)[0].second;
1058   } else if (iter == f->end()) {
1059     ASSERT(f->size() >= 1);
1060     return (*f)[f->size() - 1].second;
1061   } else if (iter->first == x) {
1062     return iter->second;
1063   } else {
1064     double x1 = (iter - 1)->first;
1065     double y1 = (iter - 1)->second;
1066     double x2 = iter->first;
1067     double y2 = iter->second;
1068     return y1 + (y2 - y1) * (x - x1) / (x2 - x1);
1069   }
1070 }
CanInteractWith(VirtualSocket * local,VirtualSocket * remote)1072 bool VirtualSocketServer::CanInteractWith(VirtualSocket* local,
1073                                           VirtualSocket* remote) {
1074   if (!local || !remote) {
1075     return false;
1076   }
1077   IPAddress local_ip = local->GetLocalAddress().ipaddr();
1078   IPAddress remote_ip = remote->GetLocalAddress().ipaddr();
1079   IPAddress local_normalized = local_ip.Normalized();
1080   IPAddress remote_normalized = remote_ip.Normalized();
1081   // Check if the addresses are the same family after Normalization (turns
1082   // mapped IPv6 address into IPv4 addresses).
1083   // This will stop unmapped V6 addresses from talking to mapped V6 addresses.
1084   if (local_normalized.family() == remote_normalized.family()) {
1085     return true;
1086   }
1088   // If ip1 is IPv4 and ip2 is :: and ip2 is not IPV6_V6ONLY.
1089   int remote_v6_only = 0;
1090   remote->GetOption(Socket::OPT_IPV6_V6ONLY, &remote_v6_only);
1091   if (local_ip.family() == AF_INET && !remote_v6_only && IPIsAny(remote_ip)) {
1092     return true;
1093   }
1094   // Same check, backwards.
1095   int local_v6_only = 0;
1096   local->GetOption(Socket::OPT_IPV6_V6ONLY, &local_v6_only);
1097   if (remote_ip.family() == AF_INET && !local_v6_only && IPIsAny(local_ip)) {
1098     return true;
1099   }
1101   // Check to see if either socket was explicitly bound to IPv6-any.
1102   // These sockets can talk with anyone.
1103   if (local_ip.family() == AF_INET6 && local->was_any()) {
1104     return true;
1105   }
1106   if (remote_ip.family() == AF_INET6 && remote->was_any()) {
1107     return true;
1108   }
1110   return false;
1111 }
GetDefaultRoute(int family)1113 IPAddress VirtualSocketServer::GetDefaultRoute(int family) {
1114   if (family == AF_INET) {
1115     return default_route_v4_;
1116   }
1117   if (family == AF_INET6) {
1118     return default_route_v6_;
1119   }
1120   return IPAddress();
1121 }
SetDefaultRoute(const IPAddress & from_addr)1122 void VirtualSocketServer::SetDefaultRoute(const IPAddress& from_addr) {
1123   RTC_DCHECK(!IPIsAny(from_addr));
1124   if (from_addr.family() == AF_INET) {
1125     default_route_v4_ = from_addr;
1126   } else if (from_addr.family() == AF_INET6) {
1127     default_route_v6_ = from_addr;
1128   }
1129 }
1131 }  // namespace rtc