1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <stdbool.h>
18 #include <arpa/nameser.h>
19 #include <string.h>
21 #include "resolv_stats.h"
22 #include "private/libc_logging.h"
23 #include "isc/eventlib.h"
25 #define DBG 0
27 /* Calculate the round-trip-time from start time t0 and end time t1. */
28 int
_res_stats_calculate_rtt(const struct timespec * t1,const struct timespec * t0)29 _res_stats_calculate_rtt(const struct timespec* t1, const struct timespec* t0) {
30     // Divide ns by one million to get ms, multiply s by thousand to get ms (obvious)
31     long ms0 = t0->tv_sec * 1000 + t0->tv_nsec / 1000000;
32     long ms1 = t1->tv_sec * 1000 + t1->tv_nsec / 1000000;
33     return (int) (ms1 - ms0);
34 }
36 /* Create a sample for calculating server reachability statistics. */
37 void
_res_stats_set_sample(struct __res_sample * sample,time_t now,int rcode,int rtt)38 _res_stats_set_sample(struct __res_sample* sample, time_t now, int rcode, int rtt)
39 {
40     if (DBG) {
41         __libc_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "libc", "rcode = %d, sec = %d", rcode, rtt);
42     }
43     sample->at = now;
44     sample->rcode = rcode;
45     sample->rtt = rtt;
46 }
48 /* Clears all stored samples for the given server. */
49 void
_res_stats_clear_samples(struct __res_stats * stats)50 _res_stats_clear_samples(struct __res_stats* stats)
51 {
52     stats->sample_count = stats->sample_next = 0;
53 }
55 /* Aggregates the reachability statistics for the given server based on on the stored samples. */
56 void
android_net_res_stats_aggregate(struct __res_stats * stats,int * successes,int * errors,int * timeouts,int * internal_errors,int * rtt_avg,time_t * last_sample_time)57 android_net_res_stats_aggregate(struct __res_stats* stats, int* successes, int* errors,
58         int* timeouts, int* internal_errors, int* rtt_avg, time_t* last_sample_time)
59 {
60     int s = 0;   // successes
61     int e = 0;   // errors
62     int t = 0;   // timouts
63     int ie = 0;  // internal errors
64     long rtt_sum = 0;
65     time_t last = 0;
66     int rtt_count = 0;
67     for (int i = 0 ; i < stats->sample_count ; ++i) {
68         // Treat everything as an error that the code in send_dg() already considers a
69         // rejection by the server, i.e. SERVFAIL, NOTIMP and REFUSED. Assume that NXDOMAIN
70         // and NOTAUTH can actually occur for user queries. NOERROR with empty answer section
71         // is not treated as an error here either. FORMERR seems to sometimes be returned by
72         // some versions of BIND in response to DNSSEC or EDNS0. Whether to treat such responses
73         // as an indication of a broken server is unclear, though. For now treat such responses,
74         // as well as unknown codes as errors.
75         switch (stats->samples[i].rcode) {
76         case NOERROR:
77         case NOTAUTH:
78         case NXDOMAIN:
79             ++s;
80             rtt_sum += stats->samples[i].rtt;
81             ++rtt_count;
82             break;
83         case RCODE_TIMEOUT:
84             ++t;
85             break;
86         case RCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR:
87             ++ie;
88             break;
89         case SERVFAIL:
90         case NOTIMP:
91         case REFUSED:
92         default:
93             ++e;
94             break;
95         }
96     }
97     *successes = s;
98     *errors = e;
99     *timeouts = t;
100     *internal_errors = ie;
101     /* If there was at least one successful sample, calculate average RTT. */
102     if (rtt_count) {
103         *rtt_avg = rtt_sum / rtt_count;
104     } else {
105         *rtt_avg = -1;
106     }
107     /* If we had at least one sample, populate last sample time. */
108     if (stats->sample_count > 0) {
109         if (stats->sample_next > 0) {
110             last = stats->samples[stats->sample_next - 1].at;
111         } else {
112             last = stats->samples[stats->sample_count - 1].at;
113         }
114     }
115     *last_sample_time = last;
116 }
118 bool
_res_stats_usable_server(const struct __res_params * params,struct __res_stats * stats)119 _res_stats_usable_server(const struct __res_params* params, struct __res_stats* stats) {
120     int successes = -1;
121     int errors = -1;
122     int timeouts = -1;
123     int internal_errors = -1;
124     int rtt_avg = -1;
125     time_t last_sample_time = 0;
126     android_net_res_stats_aggregate(stats, &successes, &errors, &timeouts, &internal_errors,
127             &rtt_avg, &last_sample_time);
128     if (successes >= 0 && errors >= 0 && timeouts >= 0) {
129         int total = successes + errors + timeouts;
130         if (DBG) {
131             __libc_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "libc", "NS stats: S %d + E %d + T %d + I %d "
132                  "= %d, rtt = %d, min_samples = %d\n", successes, errors, timeouts, internal_errors,
133                  total, rtt_avg, params->min_samples);
134         }
135         if (total >= params->min_samples && (errors > 0 || timeouts > 0)) {
136             int success_rate = successes * 100 / total;
137             if (DBG) {
138                 __libc_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "libc", "success rate %d%%\n", success_rate);
139             }
140             if (success_rate < params->success_threshold) {
141                 // evNowTime() is used here instead of time() to stay consistent with the rest of
142                 // the code base
143                 time_t now = evNowTime().tv_sec;
144                 if (now - last_sample_time > params->sample_validity) {
145                     // Note: It might be worth considering to expire old servers after their expiry
146                     // date has been reached, however the code for returning the ring buffer to its
147                     // previous non-circular state would induce additional complexity.
148                     if (DBG) {
149                         __libc_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "libc",
150                             "samples stale, retrying server\n");
151                     }
152                     _res_stats_clear_samples(stats);
153                 } else {
154                     if (DBG) {
155                         __libc_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "libc",
156                             "too many resolution errors, ignoring server\n");
157                     }
158                     return 0;
159                 }
160             }
161         }
162     }
163     return 1;
164 }
166 void
android_net_res_stats_get_usable_servers(const struct __res_params * params,struct __res_stats stats[],int nscount,bool usable_servers[])167 android_net_res_stats_get_usable_servers(const struct __res_params* params,
168         struct __res_stats stats[], int nscount, bool usable_servers[]) {
169     unsigned usable_servers_found = 0;
170     for (int ns = 0; ns < nscount; ns++) {
171         bool usable = _res_stats_usable_server(params, &stats[ns]);
172         if (usable) {
173             ++usable_servers_found;
174         }
175         usable_servers[ns] = usable;
176     }
177     // If there are no usable servers, consider all of them usable.
178     // TODO: Explore other possibilities, such as enabling only the best N servers, etc.
179     if (usable_servers_found == 0) {
180         for (int ns = 0; ns < nscount; ns++) {
181             usable_servers[ns] = true;
182         }
183     }
184 }