1 /*
2  * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef SkSwizzler_DEFINED
9 #define SkSwizzler_DEFINED
11 #include "SkCodec.h"
12 #include "SkColor.h"
13 #include "SkImageInfo.h"
14 #include "SkSampler.h"
16 class SkSwizzler : public SkSampler {
17 public:
18     /**
19      *  Enum describing the config of the source data.
20      */
21     enum SrcConfig {
22         kUnknown,  // Invalid type.
23         kBit,      // A single bit to distinguish between white and black.
24         kGray,
25         kGrayAlpha,
26         kIndex1,
27         kIndex2,
28         kIndex4,
29         kIndex,
30         kRGB,
31         kBGR,
32         kBGRX,     // The alpha channel can be anything, but the image is opaque.
33         kRGBA,
34         kBGRA,
35         kCMYK,
36         kNoOp8,    // kNoOp modes are used exclusively for sampling, subsetting, and
37         kNoOp16,   // copying.  The pixels themselves do not need to be modified.
38         kNoOp32,
39     };
41     /*
42      *
43      * Returns bits per pixel for source config
44      *
45      */
BitsPerPixel(SrcConfig sc)46     static int BitsPerPixel(SrcConfig sc) {
47         switch (sc) {
48             case kBit:
49             case kIndex1:
50                 return 1;
51             case kIndex2:
52                 return 2;
53             case kIndex4:
54                 return 4;
55             case kGray:
56             case kIndex:
57             case kNoOp8:
58                 return 8;
59             case kGrayAlpha:
60             case kNoOp16:
61                 return 16;
62             case kRGB:
63             case kBGR:
64                 return 24;
65             case kRGBA:
66             case kBGRX:
67             case kBGRA:
68             case kCMYK:
69             case kNoOp32:
70                 return 32;
71             default:
72                 SkASSERT(false);
73                 return 0;
74         }
75     }
77     /*
78      *
79      * Returns bytes per pixel for source config
80      * Raises an error if each pixel is not stored in an even number of bytes
81      *
82      */
BytesPerPixel(SrcConfig sc)83     static int BytesPerPixel(SrcConfig sc) {
84         SkASSERT(SkIsAlign8(BitsPerPixel(sc)));
85         return BitsPerPixel(sc) >> 3;
86     }
88     /**
89      *  Create a new SkSwizzler.
90      *  @param SrcConfig Description of the format of the source.
91      *  @param ctable Unowned pointer to an array of up to 256 colors for an
92      *                index source.
93      *  @param dstInfo Describes the destination.
94      *  @param options Indicates if dst is zero-initialized. The
95      *                         implementation may choose to skip writing zeroes
96      *                         if set to kYes_ZeroInitialized.
97      *                 Contains partial scanline information.
98      *  @param frame   Is non-NULL if the source pixels are part of an image
99      *                 frame that is a subset of the full image.
100      *
101      *  Note that a deeper discussion of partial scanline subsets and image frame
102      *  subsets is below.  Currently, we do not support both simultaneously.  If
103      *  options->fSubset is non-NULL, frame must be NULL.
104      *
105      *  @return A new SkSwizzler or nullptr on failure.
106      */
107     static SkSwizzler* CreateSwizzler(SrcConfig, const SkPMColor* ctable,
108                                       const SkImageInfo& dstInfo, const SkCodec::Options&,
109                                       const SkIRect* frame = nullptr);
111     /**
112      *  Swizzle a line. Generally this will be called height times, once
113      *  for each row of source.
114      *  By allowing the caller to pass in the dst pointer, we give the caller
115      *  flexibility to use the swizzler even when the encoded data does not
116      *  store the rows in order.  This also improves usability for scaled and
117      *  subset decodes.
118      *  @param dst Where we write the output.
119      *  @param src The next row of the source data.
120      */
121     void swizzle(void* dst, const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT src);
123     /**
124      * Implement fill using a custom width.
125      */
fill(const SkImageInfo & info,void * dst,size_t rowBytes,uint32_t colorOrIndex,SkCodec::ZeroInitialized zeroInit)126     void fill(const SkImageInfo& info, void* dst, size_t rowBytes, uint32_t colorOrIndex,
127             SkCodec::ZeroInitialized zeroInit) override {
128         const SkImageInfo fillInfo = info.makeWH(fAllocatedWidth, info.height());
129         SkSampler::Fill(fillInfo, dst, rowBytes, colorOrIndex, zeroInit);
130     }
132     /**
133      *  If fSampleX > 1, the swizzler is sampling every fSampleX'th pixel and
134      *  discarding the rest.
135      *
136      *  This getter is currently used by SkBmpStandardCodec for Bmp-in-Ico decodes.
137      *  Ideally, the subclasses of SkCodec would have no knowledge of sampling, but
138      *  this allows us to apply a transparency mask to pixels after swizzling.
139      */
sampleX()140     int sampleX() const { return fSampleX; }
142 private:
144     /**
145      *  Method for converting raw data to Skia pixels.
146      *  @param dstRow Row in which to write the resulting pixels.
147      *  @param src Row of src data, in format specified by SrcConfig
148      *  @param dstWidth Width in pixels of the destination
149      *  @param bpp if bitsPerPixel % 8 == 0, deltaSrc is bytesPerPixel
150      *             else, deltaSrc is bitsPerPixel
151      *  @param deltaSrc bpp * sampleX
152      *  @param ctable Colors (used for kIndex source).
153      *  @param offset The offset before the first pixel to sample.
154                         Is in bytes or bits based on what deltaSrc is in.
155      */
156     typedef void (*RowProc)(void* SK_RESTRICT dstRow,
157                             const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT src,
158                             int dstWidth, int bpp, int deltaSrc, int offset,
159                             const SkPMColor ctable[]);
161     template <RowProc Proc>
162     static void SkipLeading8888ZerosThen(void* SK_RESTRICT dstRow,
163                                          const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT src,
164                                          int dstWidth, int bpp, int deltaSrc, int offset,
165                                          const SkPMColor ctable[]);
167     template <RowProc Proc>
168     static void SkipLeadingGrayAlphaZerosThen(void* dst, const uint8_t* src, int width, int bpp,
169                                               int deltaSrc, int offset, const SkPMColor ctable[]);
171     // May be NULL.  We have not implemented optimized functions for all supported transforms.
172     const RowProc       fFastProc;
173     // Always non-NULL.  Supports sampling.
174     const RowProc       fSlowProc;
175     // The actual RowProc we are using.  This depends on if fFastProc is non-NULL and
176     // whether or not we are sampling.
177     RowProc             fActualProc;
179     const SkPMColor*    fColorTable;      // Unowned pointer
181     // Subset Swizzles
182     // There are two types of subset swizzles that we support.  We do not
183     // support both at the same time.
184     // TODO: If we want to support partial scanlines for gifs (which may
185     //       use frame subsets), we will need to support both subsetting
186     //       modes at the same time.
187     // (1) Partial Scanlines
188     //         The client only wants to write a subset of the source pixels
189     //         to the destination.  This subset is specified to CreateSwizzler
190     //         using options->fSubset.  We will store subset information in
191     //         the following fields.
192     //
193     //         fSrcOffset:      The starting pixel of the source.
194     //         fSrcOffsetUnits: Derived from fSrcOffset with two key
195     //                          differences:
196     //                          (1) This takes the size of source pixels into
197     //                          account by multiplying by fSrcBPP.  This may
198     //                          be measured in bits or bytes depending on
199     //                          which is natural for the SrcConfig.
200     //                          (2) If we are sampling, this will be larger
201     //                          than fSrcOffset * fSrcBPP, since sampling
202     //                          implies that we will skip some pixels.
203     //         fDstOffset:      Will be zero.  There is no destination offset
204     //                          for this type of subset.
205     //         fDstOffsetBytes: Will be zero.
206     //         fSrcWidth:       The width of the desired subset of source
207     //                          pixels, before any sampling is performed.
208     //         fDstWidth:       Will be equal to fSrcWidth, since this is also
209     //                          calculated before any sampling is performed.
210     //                          For this type of subset, the destination width
211     //                          matches the desired subset of the source.
212     //         fSwizzleWidth:   The actual number of pixels that will be
213     //                          written by the RowProc.  This is a scaled
214     //                          version of fSrcWidth/fDstWidth.
215     //         fAllocatedWidth: Will be equal to fSwizzleWidth.  For this type
216     //                          of subset, the number of pixels written is the
217     //                          same as the actual width of the destination.
218     // (2) Frame Subset
219     //         The client will decode the entire width of the source into a
220     //         subset of destination memory.  This subset is specified to
221     //         CreateSwizzler in the "frame" parameter.  We store subset
222     //         information in the following fields.
223     //
224     //         fSrcOffset:      Will be zero.  The starting pixel of the source.
225     //         fSrcOffsetUnits: Will only be non-zero if we are sampling,
226     //                          since sampling implies that we will skip some
227     //                          pixels.  Note that this is measured in bits
228     //                          or bytes depending on which is natural for
229     //                          SrcConfig.
230     //         fDstOffset:      First pixel to write in destination.
231     //         fDstOffsetBytes: fDstOffset * fDstBPP.
232     //         fSrcWidth:       The entire width of the source pixels, before
233     //                          any sampling is performed.
234     //         fDstWidth:       The entire width of the destination memory,
235     //                          before any sampling is performed.
236     //         fSwizzleWidth:   The actual number of pixels that will be
237     //                          written by the RowProc.  This is a scaled
238     //                          version of fSrcWidth.
239     //         fAllocatedWidth: The actual number of pixels in destination
240     //                          memory.  This is a scaled version of
241     //                          fDstWidth.
242     //
243     // If we are not subsetting, these fields are more straightforward.
244     //         fSrcOffset = fDstOffet = fDstOffsetBytes = 0
245     //         fSrcOffsetUnits may be non-zero (we will skip the first few pixels when sampling)
246     //         fSrcWidth = fDstWidth = Full original width
247     //         fSwizzleWidth = fAllcoatedWidth = Scaled width (if we are sampling)
248     const int           fSrcOffset;
249     const int           fDstOffset;
250     int                 fSrcOffsetUnits;
251     int                 fDstOffsetBytes;
252     const int           fSrcWidth;
253     const int           fDstWidth;
254     int                 fSwizzleWidth;
255     int                 fAllocatedWidth;
257     int                 fSampleX;         // Step between X samples
258     const int           fSrcBPP;          // Bits/bytes per pixel for the SrcConfig
259                                           // if bitsPerPixel % 8 == 0
260                                           //     fBPP is bytesPerPixel
261                                           // else
262                                           //     fBPP is bitsPerPixel
263     const int           fDstBPP;          // Bytes per pixel for the destination color type
265     SkSwizzler(RowProc fastProc, RowProc proc, const SkPMColor* ctable, int srcOffset,
266             int srcWidth, int dstOffset, int dstWidth, int srcBPP, int dstBPP);
268     int onSetSampleX(int) override;
270 };
271 #endif // SkSwizzler_DEFINED