1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
9 class CFWL_WidgetImp;
10 class CFWL_WidgetImpProperties;
11 class CFWL_WidgetImpDelegate;
12 class IFWL_Widget;
13 class IFWL_Timer;
14 class CFWL_SpinButtonImp;
15 class CFWL_SpinButtonImpDelegate;
16 class CFWL_SpinButtonImp : public CFWL_WidgetImp, public IFWL_Timer {
17  public:
18   CFWL_SpinButtonImp(const CFWL_WidgetImpProperties& properties,
19                      IFWL_Widget* pOuter);
20   ~CFWL_SpinButtonImp();
21   virtual FWL_ERR GetClassName(CFX_WideString& wsClass) const;
22   virtual FX_DWORD GetClassID() const;
23   virtual FWL_ERR Initialize();
24   virtual FWL_ERR Finalize();
25   virtual FWL_ERR GetWidgetRect(CFX_RectF& rect, FX_BOOL bAutoSize = FALSE);
26   virtual FWL_ERR Update();
27   virtual FX_DWORD HitTest(FX_FLOAT fx, FX_FLOAT fy);
28   virtual FWL_ERR DrawWidget(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics,
29                              const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = NULL);
30   virtual int32_t Run(FWL_HTIMER hTimer);
31   FWL_ERR EnableButton(FX_BOOL bEnable, FX_BOOL bUp = TRUE);
32   FX_BOOL IsButtonEnable(FX_BOOL bUp = TRUE);
34  protected:
35   void DrawUpButton(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics,
36                     IFWL_ThemeProvider* pTheme,
37                     const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix);
38   void DrawDownButton(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics,
39                       IFWL_ThemeProvider* pTheme,
40                       const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix);
41   CFX_RectF m_rtClient;
42   CFX_RectF m_rtUpButton;
43   CFX_RectF m_rtDnButton;
44   FX_DWORD m_dwUpState;
45   FX_DWORD m_dwDnState;
46   int32_t m_iButtonIndex;
47   FX_BOOL m_bLButtonDwn;
48   FWL_HTIMER m_hTimer;
49   friend class CFWL_SpinButtonImpDelegate;
50 };
51 class CFWL_SpinButtonImpDelegate : public CFWL_WidgetImpDelegate {
52  public:
53   CFWL_SpinButtonImpDelegate(CFWL_SpinButtonImp* pOwner);
54   int32_t OnProcessMessage(CFWL_Message* pMessage) override;
55   FWL_ERR OnProcessEvent(CFWL_Event* pEvent) override;
56   FWL_ERR OnDrawWidget(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics,
57                        const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = NULL) override;
59  protected:
60   void OnFocusChanged(CFWL_Message* pMsg, FX_BOOL bSet = TRUE);
61   void OnLButtonDown(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg);
62   void OnLButtonUp(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg);
63   void OnMouseMove(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg);
64   void OnMouseLeave(CFWL_MsgMouse* pMsg);
65   void OnKeyDown(CFWL_MsgKey* pMsg);
66   CFWL_SpinButtonImp* m_pOwner;
67 };
68 #endif