1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/callback.h"
9 #include "base/macros.h"
10 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
11 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
12 #include "base/time/time.h"
13 #include "base/timer/timer.h"
15 namespace base {
16 class MessageLoop;
17 struct PendingTask;
18 }
20 namespace timers {
21 // The class implements a timer that is capable of waking the system up from a
22 // suspended state.  For example, this is useful for running tasks that are
23 // needed for maintaining network connectivity, like sending heartbeat messages.
24 // Currently, this feature is only available on Chrome OS systems running linux
25 // version 3.11 or higher.  On all other platforms, the AlarmTimer behaves
26 // exactly the same way as a regular Timer.
27 class AlarmTimer : public base::Timer {
28  public:
29   ~AlarmTimer() override;
can_wake_from_suspend()31   bool can_wake_from_suspend() const { return can_wake_from_suspend_; }
33   // Sets a hook that will be called when the timer fires and a task has been
34   // queued on |origin_message_loop_|.  Used by tests to wait until a task is
35   // pending in the MessageLoop.
36   void SetTimerFiredCallbackForTest(base::Closure test_callback);
38   // Timer overrides.
39   void Stop() override;
40   void Reset() override;
42  protected:
43   // The constructors for this class are protected because consumers should
44   // instantiate one of the specialized sub-classes defined below instead.
45   AlarmTimer(bool retain_user_task, bool is_repeating);
46   AlarmTimer(const tracked_objects::Location& posted_from,
47              base::TimeDelta delay,
48              const base::Closure& user_task,
49              bool is_repeating);
51  private:
52   // Common initialization that must be performed by both constructors.  This
53   // really should live in a delegated constructor but the way base::Timer's
54   // constructors are written makes it really hard to do so.
55   void Init();
57   // Will be called by the delegate to indicate that the timer has fired and
58   // that the user task should be run.
59   void OnTimerFired();
61   // Called when |origin_message_loop_| will be destroyed.
62   void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop();
64   // Delegate that will manage actually setting the timer.
65   class Delegate;
66   scoped_refptr<Delegate> delegate_;
68   // Keeps track of the user task we want to run.  A new one is constructed
69   // every time Reset() is called.
70   scoped_ptr<base::PendingTask> pending_task_;
72   // Tracks whether the timer has the ability to wake the system up from
73   // suspend.  This is a runtime check because we won't know if the system
74   // supports being woken up from suspend until the delegate actually tries to
75   // set it up.
76   bool can_wake_from_suspend_;
78   // Pointer to the message loop that started the timer.  Used to track the
79   // destruction of that message loop.
80   base::MessageLoop* origin_message_loop_;
82   // Observes |origin_message_loop_| and informs this class if it will be
83   // destroyed.
84   class MessageLoopObserver;
85   scoped_ptr<MessageLoopObserver> message_loop_observer_;
87   base::WeakPtrFactory<AlarmTimer> weak_factory_;
90 };
92 // As its name suggests, a OneShotAlarmTimer runs a given task once.  It does
93 // not remember the task that was given to it after it has fired and does not
94 // repeat.  Useful for fire-and-forget tasks.
95 class OneShotAlarmTimer : public AlarmTimer {
96  public:
97   // Constructs a basic OneShotAlarmTimer.  An AlarmTimer constructed this way
98   // requires that Start() is called before Reset() is called.
99   OneShotAlarmTimer();
100   ~OneShotAlarmTimer() override;
101 };
103 // A RepeatingAlarmTimer takes a task and delay and repeatedly runs the task
104 // using the specified delay as an interval between the runs until it is
105 // explicitly stopped.  It remembers both the task and the delay it was given
106 // after it fires.
107 class RepeatingAlarmTimer : public AlarmTimer {
108  public:
109   // Constructs a basic RepeatingAlarmTimer.  An AlarmTimer constructed this way
110   // requires that Start() is called before Reset() is called.
111   RepeatingAlarmTimer();
113   // Constructs a RepeatingAlarmTimer with pre-populated parameters but does not
114   // start it.  Useful if |user_task| or |delay| are not going to change.
115   // Reset() can be called immediately after constructing an AlarmTimer in this
116   // way.
117   RepeatingAlarmTimer(const tracked_objects::Location& posted_from,
118                       base::TimeDelta delay,
119                       const base::Closure& user_task);
121   ~RepeatingAlarmTimer() override;
122 };
124 // A SimpleAlarmTimer only fires once but remembers the task that it was given
125 // even after it has fired.  Useful if you want to run the same task multiple
126 // times but not at a regular interval.
127 class SimpleAlarmTimer : public AlarmTimer {
128  public:
129   // Constructs a basic SimpleAlarmTimer.  An AlarmTimer constructed this way
130   // requires that Start() is called before Reset() is called.
131   SimpleAlarmTimer();
133   // Constructs a SimpleAlarmTimer with pre-populated parameters but does not
134   // start it.  Useful if |user_task| or |delay| are not going to change.
135   // Reset() can be called immediately after constructing an AlarmTimer in this
136   // way.
137   SimpleAlarmTimer(const tracked_objects::Location& posted_from,
138                    base::TimeDelta delay,
139                    const base::Closure& user_task);
141   ~SimpleAlarmTimer() override;
142 };
144 }  // namespace timers