1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 NXP Semiconductors
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #include <phNxpNciHal_Kovio.h>
18 #include <phNxpLog.h>
21 #define KOVIO_TIMEOUT 1000 /* Timeout value to wait for RF INTF Activated NTF.*/
22 #define KOVIO_ACT_NTF_TEMP_BUFF_LEN 64 /* length of temp buffer to manipulate
23 the activated notification to match BCM format*/
24 #define MAX_WRITE_RETRY 5
26 /******************* Global variables *****************************************/
27 extern phNxpNciHal_Control_t nxpncihal_ctrl;
28 extern NFCSTATUS phNxpNciHal_send_ext_cmd(uint16_t cmd_len, uint8_t *p_cmd);
30 int kovio_detected = 0x00;
31 int send_to_upper_kovio = 0x01;
32 int disable_kovio=0x00;
33 bool_t rf_deactive_cmd = FALSE;
34 static uint8_t rf_deactivate_cmd[] = { 0x21, 0x06, 0x01, 0x03 }; /* discovery */
35 static uint8_t rf_deactivated_ntf[] = { 0x61, 0x06, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01 };
36 static uint8_t reset_ntf[] = {0x60, 0x00, 0x06, 0xA0, 0x00, 0xC7, 0xD4, 0x00, 0x00};
38 static uint32_t kovio_timer;
40 /************** Kovio functions ***************************************/
42 static NFCSTATUS phNxpNciHal_rf_deactivate(void);
44 /*******************************************************************************
45 **
46 ** Function hal_write_cb
47 **
48 ** Description Callback function for hal write.
49 **
50 ** Returns None
51 **
52 *******************************************************************************/
hal_write_cb(void * pContext,phTmlNfc_TransactInfo_t * pInfo)53 static void hal_write_cb(void *pContext, phTmlNfc_TransactInfo_t *pInfo)
54 {
55 UNUSED(pContext);
56 UNUSED(pInfo);
57 return;
58 }
60 /*******************************************************************************
61 **
62 ** Function kovio_timer_handler
63 **
64 ** Description Callback function for kovio timer.
65 **
66 ** Returns None
67 **
68 *******************************************************************************/
kovio_timer_handler(uint32_t timerId,void * pContext)69 static void kovio_timer_handler(uint32_t timerId, void *pContext)
70 {
71 UNUSED(timerId);
72 UNUSED(pContext);
73 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D(">> kovio_timer_handler. Did not receive RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF, Kovio TAG must be removed.");
75 phOsalNfc_Timer_Delete(kovio_timer);
77 kovio_detected = 0x00;
78 send_to_upper_kovio=0x01;
79 disable_kovio=0x00;
80 /*
81 * send kovio deactivated ntf to upper layer.
82 */
83 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D(">> send kovio deactivated ntf to upper layer.");
84 if (nxpncihal_ctrl.p_nfc_stack_data_cback != NULL)
85 {
86 (*nxpncihal_ctrl.p_nfc_stack_data_cback)(
87 sizeof(rf_deactivated_ntf), rf_deactivated_ntf);
88 }
89 return;
90 }
92 /*******************************************************************************
93 **
94 ** Function phNxpNciHal_rf_deactivate
95 **
96 ** Description Sends rf deactivate cmd to NFCC
97 **
98 ** Returns NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS if successful,otherwise NFCSTATUS_FAILED
99 **
100 *******************************************************************************/
phNxpNciHal_rf_deactivate()101 static NFCSTATUS phNxpNciHal_rf_deactivate()
102 {
104 int cb_data;
105 int retryCnt = 0;
107 do
108 {
109 retryCnt++;
110 status = phTmlNfc_Write(rf_deactivate_cmd,
111 sizeof(rf_deactivate_cmd),
112 (pphTmlNfc_TransactCompletionCb_t) &hal_write_cb, &cb_data);
113 } while(status != NFCSTATUS_PENDING && retryCnt <= MAX_WRITE_RETRY);
115 if(status != NFCSTATUS_PENDING)
116 {
117 //phNxpNciHal_emergency_recovery();
118 if (nxpncihal_ctrl.p_nfc_stack_data_cback!= NULL &&
119 nxpncihal_ctrl.hal_open_status == TRUE)
120 {
121 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D("Send the Core Reset NTF to upper layer, which will trigger the recovery\n");
122 //Send the Core Reset NTF to upper layer, which will trigger the recovery.
123 send_to_upper_kovio = 0;
124 nxpncihal_ctrl.rx_data_len = sizeof(reset_ntf);
125 memcpy(nxpncihal_ctrl.p_rx_data, reset_ntf, sizeof(reset_ntf));
126 (*nxpncihal_ctrl.p_nfc_stack_data_cback)(nxpncihal_ctrl.rx_data_len, nxpncihal_ctrl.p_rx_data);
127 }
128 }
130 return status;
131 }
133 /*******************************************************************************
134 **
135 ** Function phNxpNciHal_kovio_rsp_ext
136 **
137 ** Description Implements kovio presence check. In BCM controller this is
138 ** managed by NFCC. But since PN54X does not handle this, the
139 ** presence check is mimiced here.
140 ** For the very first time Kovio is detected, NTF has to be
141 ** passed on to upper layer. for every NTF, DH send a deactivated
142 ** command to NFCC and NFCC follows this up with another activated
143 ** notification. When the tag is removed, activated notification
144 ** stops coming and this is indicated to upper layer with a HAL
145 ** generated deactivated notification.
146 ** Returns NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS if successful,otherwise NFCSTATUS_FAILED
147 **
148 *******************************************************************************/
phNxpNciHal_kovio_rsp_ext(uint8_t * p_ntf,uint16_t * p_len)149 NFCSTATUS phNxpNciHal_kovio_rsp_ext(uint8_t *p_ntf, uint16_t *p_len)
150 {
152 uint8_t tBuff[KOVIO_ACT_NTF_TEMP_BUFF_LEN];
154 send_to_upper_kovio = 1;
155 if((p_ntf[0]==0x61)&&(p_ntf[1]==0x05))
156 {
157 #if(NFC_NXP_CHIP_TYPE != PN547C2)
158 if((p_ntf[5]==0x81)&&(p_ntf[6]==0x70))
159 #else
160 if((p_ntf[5]==0x8A)&&(p_ntf[6]==0x77))
161 #endif
162 {
163 if (kovio_detected == 0)
164 {
165 if((*p_len-9)<KOVIO_ACT_NTF_TEMP_BUFF_LEN)
166 {
167 p_ntf[2]+=1;
168 memcpy(tBuff, &p_ntf[9], *p_len-9);
169 p_ntf[9]=p_ntf[9]+1;
170 memcpy(&p_ntf[10], tBuff, *p_len-9);
171 *p_len+=1;
172 }else
173 {
174 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D("Kovio Act ntf payload exceeded temp buffer size");
175 }
176 kovio_detected = 1;
177 kovio_timer = phOsalNfc_Timer_Create();
178 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D("custom kovio timer Created - %d", kovio_timer);
179 }
180 else
181 {
182 send_to_upper_kovio = 0;
183 }
185 if (!rf_deactive_cmd)
186 {
187 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D ("Send RF deactivate command to NFCC");
188 status = phNxpNciHal_rf_deactivate ();
189 }
190 else
191 {
192 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D ("RF deactivate command is already sent to NFCC");
193 disable_kovio = TRUE;
194 send_to_upper_kovio = 0;
195 }
196 status = phOsalNfc_Timer_Start(kovio_timer,
198 &kovio_timer_handler,
199 NULL);
200 if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == status)
201 {
202 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D("kovio timer started");
203 }
204 else
205 {
206 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_E("kovio timer not started!!!");
207 status = NFCSTATUS_FAILED;
208 }
209 }
210 else
211 {
212 if (kovio_detected == 1)
213 {
214 phNxpNciHal_clean_Kovio_Ext();
215 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D ("Disabling Kovio detection logic as another tag type detected");
216 }
217 }
218 }
219 else if((p_ntf[0]==0x41)&&(p_ntf[1]==0x06)&&(p_ntf[2]==0x01))
220 {
221 rf_deactive_cmd = FALSE;
222 if(kovio_detected == 1)
223 send_to_upper_kovio = 0;
224 if((kovio_detected == 1)&&(disable_kovio==0x01))
225 {
226 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D ("Disabling Kovio detection logic");
227 phNxpNciHal_clean_Kovio_Ext();
228 disable_kovio=0x00;
229 }
230 }
231 else if((p_ntf[0]==0x61)&&(p_ntf[1]==0x06)&&(p_ntf[2]==0x02)&&(p_ntf[3]==0x03)&&(p_ntf[4]==0x00))
232 {
233 if(kovio_detected == 1)
234 send_to_upper_kovio = 0;
235 }
236 else if((p_ntf[0]==0x61)&&(p_ntf[1]==0x03))
237 {
238 if(kovio_detected == 1)
239 send_to_upper_kovio = 0;
240 }
241 return status;
242 }
243 /*******************************************************************************
244 **
245 ** Function phNxpNciHal_clean_Kovio_Ext
246 **
247 ** Description Clean up Kovio extension state machine.
248 ** Returns NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS if successful,otherwise NFCSTATUS_FAILED
249 **
250 *******************************************************************************/
phNxpNciHal_clean_Kovio_Ext()251 void phNxpNciHal_clean_Kovio_Ext()
252 {
253 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D(">> Cleaning up Kovio State machine and timer.");
254 phOsalNfc_Timer_Delete(kovio_timer);
255 kovio_detected = 0x00;
256 send_to_upper_kovio=0x01;
257 disable_kovio=0x00;
258 /*
259 * send kovio deactivated ntf to upper layer.
260 */
261 NXPLOG_NCIHAL_D(">> send kovio deactivated ntf to upper layer.");
262 if (nxpncihal_ctrl.p_nfc_stack_data_cback != NULL)
263 {
264 (*nxpncihal_ctrl.p_nfc_stack_data_cback)(
265 sizeof(rf_deactivated_ntf), rf_deactivated_ntf);
266 }
267 return;
268 }