1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package android.media;
19 import android.annotation.IntDef;
20 import android.annotation.NonNull;
21 import android.annotation.Nullable;
22 import android.graphics.ImageFormat;
23 import android.graphics.Rect;
24 import android.graphics.SurfaceTexture;
25 import android.media.MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities;
26 import android.os.Bundle;
27 import android.os.Handler;
28 import android.os.Looper;
29 import android.os.Message;
30 import android.view.Surface;
32 import java.io.IOException;
33 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
34 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
35 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
36 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
37 import java.nio.ReadOnlyBufferException;
38 import java.util.Arrays;
39 import java.util.HashMap;
40 import java.util.Map;
42 /**
43  MediaCodec class can be used to access low-level media codecs, i.e. encoder/decoder components.
44  It is part of the Android low-level multimedia support infrastructure (normally used together
45  with {@link MediaExtractor}, {@link MediaSync}, {@link MediaMuxer}, {@link MediaCrypto},
46  {@link MediaDrm}, {@link Image}, {@link Surface}, and {@link AudioTrack}.)
47  <p>
48  <center><object style="width: 540px; height: 205px;" type="image/svg+xml"
49    data="../../../images/media/mediacodec_buffers.svg"><img
50    src="../../../images/media/mediacodec_buffers.png" style="width: 540px; height: 205px"
51    alt="MediaCodec buffer flow diagram"></object></center>
52  <p>
53  In broad terms, a codec processes input data to generate output data. It processes data
54  asynchronously and uses a set of input and output buffers. At a simplistic level, you request
55  (or receive) an empty input buffer, fill it up with data and send it to the codec for
56  processing. The codec uses up the data and transforms it into one of its empty output buffers.
57  Finally, you request (or receive) a filled output buffer, consume its contents and release it
58  back to the codec.
60  <h3>Data Types</h3>
61  <p>
62  Codecs operate on three kinds of data: compressed data, raw audio data and raw video data.
63  All three kinds of data can be processed using {@link ByteBuffer ByteBuffers}, but you should use
64  a {@link Surface} for raw video data to improve codec performance. Surface uses native video
65  buffers without mapping or copying them to ByteBuffers; thus, it is much more efficient.
66  You normally cannot access the raw video data when using a Surface, but you can use the
67  {@link ImageReader} class to access unsecured decoded (raw) video frames. This may still be more
68  efficient than using ByteBuffers, as some native buffers may be mapped into {@linkplain
69  ByteBuffer#isDirect direct} ByteBuffers. When using ByteBuffer mode, you can access raw video
70  frames using the {@link Image} class and {@link #getInputImage getInput}/{@link #getOutputImage
71  OutputImage(int)}.
73  <h4>Compressed Buffers</h4>
74  <p>
75  Input buffers (for decoders) and output buffers (for encoders) contain compressed data according
76  to the {@linkplain MediaFormat#KEY_MIME format's type}. For video types this is a single
77  compressed video frame. For audio data this is normally a single access unit (an encoded audio
78  segment typically containing a few milliseconds of audio as dictated by the format type), but
79  this requirement is slightly relaxed in that a buffer may contain multiple encoded access units
80  of audio. In either case, buffers do not start or end on arbitrary byte boundaries, but rather on
81  frame/access unit boundaries.
83  <h4>Raw Audio Buffers</h4>
84  <p>
85  Raw audio buffers contain entire frames of PCM audio data, which is one sample for each channel
86  in channel order. Each sample is a {@linkplain AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT 16-bit signed
87  integer in native byte order}.
89  <pre class=prettyprint>
90  short[] getSamplesForChannel(MediaCodec codec, int bufferId, int channelIx) {
91    ByteBuffer outputBuffer = codec.getOutputBuffer(bufferId);
92    MediaFormat format = codec.getOutputFormat(bufferId);
93    ShortBuffer samples = outputBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asShortBuffer();
94    int numChannels = formet.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_CHANNEL_COUNT);
95    if (channelIx &lt; 0 || channelIx &gt;= numChannels) {
96      return null;
97    }
98    short[] res = new short[samples.remaining() / numChannels];
99    for (int i = 0; i &lt; res.length; ++i) {
100      res[i] = samples.get(i * numChannels + channelIx);
101    }
102    return res;
103  }</pre>
105  <h4>Raw Video Buffers</h4>
106  <p>
107  In ByteBuffer mode video buffers are laid out according to their {@linkplain
108  MediaFormat#KEY_COLOR_FORMAT color format}. You can get the supported color formats as an array
109  from {@link #getCodecInfo}{@code .}{@link MediaCodecInfo#getCapabilitiesForType
110  getCapabilitiesForType(&hellip;)}{@code .}{@link CodecCapabilities#colorFormats colorFormats}.
111  Video codecs may support three kinds of color formats:
112  <ul>
113  <li><strong>native raw video format:</strong> This is marked by {@link
114  CodecCapabilities#COLOR_FormatSurface} and it can be used with an input or output Surface.</li>
115  <li><strong>flexible YUV buffers</strong> (such as {@link
116  CodecCapabilities#COLOR_FormatYUV420Flexible}): These can be used with an input/output Surface,
117  as well as in ByteBuffer mode, by using {@link #getInputImage getInput}/{@link #getOutputImage
118  OutputImage(int)}.</li>
119  <li><strong>other, specific formats:</strong> These are normally only supported in ByteBuffer
120  mode. Some color formats are vendor specific. Others are defined in {@link CodecCapabilities}.
121  For color formats that are equivalent to a flexible format, you can still use {@link
122  #getInputImage getInput}/{@link #getOutputImage OutputImage(int)}.</li>
123  </ul>
124  <p>
125  All video codecs support flexible YUV 4:2:0 buffers since {@link
126  android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP_MR1}.
128  <h4>Accessing Raw Video ByteBuffers on Older Devices</h4>
129  <p>
130  Prior to {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP} and {@link Image} support, you need to
131  use the {@link MediaFormat#KEY_STRIDE} and {@link MediaFormat#KEY_SLICE_HEIGHT} output format
132  values to understand the layout of the raw output buffers.
133  <p class=note>
134  Note that on some devices the slice-height is advertised as 0. This could mean either that the
135  slice-height is the same as the frame height, or that the slice-height is the frame height
136  aligned to some value (usually a power of 2). Unfortunately, there is no way to tell the actual
137  slice height in this case. Furthermore, the vertical stride of the {@code U} plane in planar
138  formats is also not specified or defined, though usually it is half of the slice height.
139  <p>
140  The {@link MediaFormat#KEY_WIDTH} and {@link MediaFormat#KEY_HEIGHT} keys specify the size of the
141  video frames; however, for most encondings the video (picture) only occupies a portion of the
142  video frame. This is represented by the 'crop rectangle'.
143  <p>
144  You need to use the following keys to get the crop rectangle of raw output images from the
145  {@linkplain #getOutputFormat output format}. If these keys are not present, the video occupies the
146  entire video frame.The crop rectangle is understood in the context of the output frame
147  <em>before</em> applying any {@linkplain MediaFormat#KEY_ROTATION rotation}.
148  <table style="width: 0%">
149   <thead>
150    <tr>
151     <th>Format Key</th>
152     <th>Type</th>
153     <th>Description</th>
154    </tr>
155   </thead>
156   <tbody>
157    <tr>
158     <td>{@code "crop-left"}</td>
159     <td>Integer</td>
160     <td>The left-coordinate (x) of the crop rectangle</td>
161    </tr><tr>
162     <td>{@code "crop-top"}</td>
163     <td>Integer</td>
164     <td>The top-coordinate (y) of the crop rectangle</td>
165    </tr><tr>
166     <td>{@code "crop-right"}</td>
167     <td>Integer</td>
168     <td>The right-coordinate (x) <strong>MINUS 1</strong> of the crop rectangle</td>
169    </tr><tr>
170     <td>{@code "crop-bottom"}</td>
171     <td>Integer</td>
172     <td>The bottom-coordinate (y) <strong>MINUS 1</strong> of the crop rectangle</td>
173    </tr><tr>
174     <td colspan=3>
175      The right and bottom coordinates can be understood as the coordinates of the right-most
176      valid column/bottom-most valid row of the cropped output image.
177     </td>
178    </tr>
179   </tbody>
180  </table>
181  <p>
182  The size of the video frame (before rotation) can be calculated as such:
183  <pre class=prettyprint>
184  MediaFormat format = decoder.getOutputFormat(&hellip;);
185  int width = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH);
186  if (format.containsKey("crop-left") && format.containsKey("crop-right")) {
187      width = format.getInteger("crop-right") + 1 - format.getInteger("crop-left");
188  }
189  int height = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT);
190  if (format.containsKey("crop-top") && format.containsKey("crop-bottom")) {
191      height = format.getInteger("crop-bottom") + 1 - format.getInteger("crop-top");
192  }
193  </pre>
194  <p class=note>
195  Also note that the meaning of {@link BufferInfo#offset BufferInfo.offset} was not consistent across
196  devices. On some devices the offset pointed to the top-left pixel of the crop rectangle, while on
197  most devices it pointed to the top-left pixel of the entire frame.
199  <h3>States</h3>
200  <p>
201  During its life a codec conceptually exists in one of three states: Stopped, Executing or
202  Released. The Stopped collective state is actually the conglomeration of three states:
203  Uninitialized, Configured and Error, whereas the Executing state conceptually progresses through
204  three sub-states: Flushed, Running and End-of-Stream.
205  <p>
206  <center><object style="width: 516px; height: 353px;" type="image/svg+xml"
207    data="../../../images/media/mediacodec_states.svg"><img
208    src="../../../images/media/mediacodec_states.png" style="width: 519px; height: 356px"
209    alt="MediaCodec state diagram"></object></center>
210  <p>
211  When you create a codec using one of the factory methods, the codec is in the Uninitialized
212  state. First, you need to configure it via {@link #configure configure(&hellip;)}, which brings
213  it to the Configured state, then call {@link #start} to move it to the Executing state. In this
214  state you can process data through the buffer queue manipulation described above.
215  <p>
216  The Executing state has three sub-states: Flushed, Running and End-of-Stream. Immediately after
217  {@link #start} the codec is in the Flushed sub-state, where it holds all the buffers. As soon
218  as the first input buffer is dequeued, the codec moves to the Running sub-state, where it spends
219  most of its life. When you queue an input buffer with the {@linkplain #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM
220  end-of-stream marker}, the codec transitions to the End-of-Stream sub-state. In this state the
221  codec no longer accepts further input buffers, but still generates output buffers until the
222  end-of-stream is reached on the output. You can move back to the Flushed sub-state at any time
223  while in the Executing state using {@link #flush}.
224  <p>
225  Call {@link #stop} to return the codec to the Uninitialized state, whereupon it may be configured
226  again. When you are done using a codec, you must release it by calling {@link #release}.
227  <p>
228  On rare occasions the codec may encounter an error and move to the Error state. This is
229  communicated using an invalid return value from a queuing operation, or sometimes via an
230  exception. Call {@link #reset} to make the codec usable again. You can call it from any state to
231  move the codec back to the Uninitialized state. Otherwise, call {@link #release} to move to the
232  terminal Released state.
234  <h3>Creation</h3>
235  <p>
236  Use {@link MediaCodecList} to create a MediaCodec for a specific {@link MediaFormat}. When
237  decoding a file or a stream, you can get the desired format from {@link
238  MediaExtractor#getTrackFormat MediaExtractor.getTrackFormat}. Inject any specific features that
239  you want to add using {@link MediaFormat#setFeatureEnabled MediaFormat.setFeatureEnabled}, then
240  call {@link MediaCodecList#findDecoderForFormat MediaCodecList.findDecoderForFormat} to get the
241  name of a codec that can handle that specific media format. Finally, create the codec using
242  {@link #createByCodecName}.
243  <p class=note>
244  <strong>Note:</strong> On {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP}, the format to
245  {@code MediaCodecList.findDecoder}/{@code EncoderForFormat} must not contain a {@linkplain
246  MediaFormat#KEY_FRAME_RATE frame rate}. Use
247  <code class=prettyprint>format.setString(MediaFormat.KEY_FRAME_RATE, null)</code>
248  to clear any existing frame rate setting in the format.
249  <p>
250  You can also create the preferred codec for a specific MIME type using {@link
251  #createDecoderByType createDecoder}/{@link #createEncoderByType EncoderByType(String)}.
252  This, however, cannot be used to inject features, and may create a codec that cannot handle the
253  specific desired media format.
255  <h4>Creating secure decoders</h4>
256  <p>
257  On versions {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT_WATCH} and earlier, secure codecs might
258  not be listed in {@link MediaCodecList}, but may still be available on the system. Secure codecs
259  that exist can be instantiated by name only, by appending {@code ".secure"} to the name of a
260  regular codec (the name of all secure codecs must end in {@code ".secure"}.) {@link
261  #createByCodecName} will throw an {@code IOException} if the codec is not present on the system.
262  <p>
263  From {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP} onwards, you should use the {@link
264  CodecCapabilities#FEATURE_SecurePlayback} feature in the media format to create a secure decoder.
266  <h3>Initialization</h3>
267  <p>
268  After creating the codec, you can set a callback using {@link #setCallback setCallback} if you
269  want to process data asynchronously. Then, {@linkplain #configure configure} the codec using the
270  specific media format. This is when you can specify the output {@link Surface} for video
271  producers &ndash; codecs that generate raw video data (e.g. video decoders). This is also when
272  you can set the decryption parameters for secure codecs (see {@link MediaCrypto}). Finally, since
273  some codecs can operate in multiple modes, you must specify whether you want it to work as a
274  decoder or an encoder.
275  <p>
276  Since {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP}, you can query the resulting input and
277  output format in the Configured state. You can use this to verify the resulting configuration,
278  e.g. color formats, before starting the codec.
279  <p>
280  If you want to process raw input video buffers natively with a video consumer &ndash; a codec
281  that processes raw video input, such as a video encoder &ndash; create a destination Surface for
282  your input data using {@link #createInputSurface} after configuration. Alternately, set up the
283  codec to use a previously created {@linkplain #createPersistentInputSurface persistent input
284  surface} by calling {@link #setInputSurface}.
286  <h4 id=CSD><a name="CSD"></a>Codec-specific Data</h4>
287  <p>
288  Some formats, notably AAC audio and MPEG4, H.264 and H.265 video formats require the actual data
289  to be prefixed by a number of buffers containing setup data, or codec specific data. When
290  processing such compressed formats, this data must be submitted to the codec after {@link
291  #start} and before any frame data. Such data must be marked using the flag {@link
292  #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG} in a call to {@link #queueInputBuffer queueInputBuffer}.
293  <p>
294  Codec-specific data can also be included in the format passed to {@link #configure configure} in
295  ByteBuffer entries with keys "csd-0", "csd-1", etc. These keys are always included in the track
296  {@link MediaFormat} obtained from the {@link MediaExtractor#getTrackFormat MediaExtractor}.
297  Codec-specific data in the format is automatically submitted to the codec upon {@link #start};
298  you <strong>MUST NOT</strong> submit this data explicitly. If the format did not contain codec
299  specific data, you can choose to submit it using the specified number of buffers in the correct
300  order, according to the format requirements. In case of H.264 AVC, you can also concatenate all
301  codec-specific data and submit it as a single codec-config buffer.
302  <p>
303  Android uses the following codec-specific data buffers. These are also required to be set in
304  the track format for proper {@link MediaMuxer} track configuration. Each parameter set and the
305  codec-specific-data sections marked with (<sup>*</sup>) must start with a start code of
306  {@code "\x00\x00\x00\x01"}.
307  <p>
308  <style>td.NA { background: #ccc; } .mid > tr > td { vertical-align: middle; }</style>
309  <table>
310   <thead>
311    <th>Format</th>
312    <th>CSD buffer #0</th>
313    <th>CSD buffer #1</th>
314    <th>CSD buffer #2</th>
315   </thead>
316   <tbody class=mid>
317    <tr>
318     <td>AAC</td>
319     <td>Decoder-specific information from ESDS<sup>*</sup></td>
320     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
321     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
322    </tr>
323    <tr>
324     <td>VORBIS</td>
325     <td>Identification header</td>
326     <td>Setup header</td>
327     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
328    </tr>
329    <tr>
330     <td>OPUS</td>
331     <td>Identification header</td>
332     <td>Pre-skip in nanosecs<br>
333         (unsigned 64-bit {@linkplain ByteOrder#nativeOrder native-order} integer.)<br>
334         This overrides the pre-skip value in the identification header.</td>
335     <td>Seek Pre-roll in nanosecs<br>
336         (unsigned 64-bit {@linkplain ByteOrder#nativeOrder native-order} integer.)</td>
337    </tr>
338    <tr>
339     <td>MPEG-4</td>
340     <td>Decoder-specific information from ESDS<sup>*</sup></td>
341     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
342     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
343    </tr>
344    <tr>
345     <td>H.264 AVC</td>
346     <td>SPS (Sequence Parameter Sets<sup>*</sup>)</td>
347     <td>PPS (Picture Parameter Sets<sup>*</sup>)</td>
348     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
349    </tr>
350    <tr>
351     <td>H.265 HEVC</td>
352     <td>VPS (Video Parameter Sets<sup>*</sup>) +<br>
353      SPS (Sequence Parameter Sets<sup>*</sup>) +<br>
354      PPS (Picture Parameter Sets<sup>*</sup>)</td>
355     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
356     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
357    </tr>
358    <tr>
359     <td>VP9</td>
360     <td>VP9 <a href="http://wiki.webmproject.org/vp9-codecprivate">CodecPrivate</a> Data
361         (optional)</td>
362     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
363     <td class=NA>Not Used</td>
364    </tr>
365   </tbody>
366  </table>
368  <p class=note>
369  <strong>Note:</strong> care must be taken if the codec is flushed immediately or shortly
370  after start, before any output buffer or output format change has been returned, as the codec
371  specific data may be lost during the flush. You must resubmit the data using buffers marked with
372  {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG} after such flush to ensure proper codec operation.
373  <p>
374  Encoders (or codecs that generate compressed data) will create and return the codec specific data
375  before any valid output buffer in output buffers marked with the {@linkplain
376  #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG codec-config flag}. Buffers containing codec-specific-data have no
377  meaningful timestamps.
379  <h3>Data Processing</h3>
380  <p>
381  Each codec maintains a set of input and output buffers that are referred to by a buffer-ID in
382  API calls. After a successful call to {@link #start} the client "owns" neither input nor output
383  buffers. In synchronous mode, call {@link #dequeueInputBuffer dequeueInput}/{@link
384  #dequeueOutputBuffer OutputBuffer(&hellip;)} to obtain (get ownership of) an input or output
385  buffer from the codec. In asynchronous mode, you will automatically receive available buffers via
386  the {@link Callback#onInputBufferAvailable MediaCodec.Callback.onInput}/{@link
387  Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable OutputBufferAvailable(&hellip;)} callbacks.
388  <p>
389  Upon obtaining an input buffer, fill it with data and submit it to the codec using {@link
390  #queueInputBuffer queueInputBuffer} &ndash; or {@link #queueSecureInputBuffer
391  queueSecureInputBuffer} if using decryption. Do not submit multiple input buffers with the same
392  timestamp (unless it is <a href="#CSD">codec-specific data</a> marked as such).
393  <p>
394  The codec in turn will return a read-only output buffer via the {@link
395  Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable onOutputBufferAvailable} callback in asynchronous mode, or in
396  response to a {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer dequeuOutputBuffer} call in synchronous mode. After the
397  output buffer has been processed, call one of the {@link #releaseOutputBuffer
398  releaseOutputBuffer} methods to return the buffer to the codec.
399  <p>
400  While you are not required to resubmit/release buffers immediately to the codec, holding onto
401  input and/or output buffers may stall the codec, and this behavior is device dependent.
402  <strong>Specifically, it is possible that a codec may hold off on generating output buffers until
403  <em>all</em> outstanding buffers have been released/resubmitted.</strong> Therefore, try to
404  hold onto to available buffers as little as possible.
405  <p>
406  Depending on the API version, you can process data in three ways:
407  <table>
408   <thead>
409    <tr>
410     <th>Processing Mode</th>
411     <th>API version <= 20<br>Jelly Bean/KitKat</th>
412     <th>API version >= 21<br>Lollipop and later</th>
413    </tr>
414   </thead>
415   <tbody>
416    <tr>
417     <td>Synchronous API using buffer arrays</td>
418     <td>Supported</td>
419     <td>Deprecated</td>
420    </tr>
421    <tr>
422     <td>Synchronous API using buffers</td>
423     <td class=NA>Not Available</td>
424     <td>Supported</td>
425    </tr>
426    <tr>
427     <td>Asynchronous API using buffers</td>
428     <td class=NA>Not Available</td>
429     <td>Supported</td>
430    </tr>
431   </tbody>
432  </table>
434  <h4>Asynchronous Processing using Buffers</h4>
435  <p>
436  Since {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP}, the preferred method is to process data
437  asynchronously by setting a callback before calling {@link #configure configure}. Asynchronous
438  mode changes the state transitions slightly, because you must call {@link #start} after {@link
439  #flush} to transition the codec to the Running sub-state and start receiving input buffers.
440  Similarly, upon an initial call to {@code start} the codec will move directly to the Running
441  sub-state and start passing available input buffers via the callback.
442  <p>
443  <center><object style="width: 516px; height: 353px;" type="image/svg+xml"
444    data="../../../images/media/mediacodec_async_states.svg"><img
445    src="../../../images/media/mediacodec_async_states.png" style="width: 516px; height: 353px"
446    alt="MediaCodec state diagram for asynchronous operation"></object></center>
447  <p>
448  MediaCodec is typically used like this in asynchronous mode:
449  <pre class=prettyprint>
450  MediaCodec codec = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(name);
451  MediaFormat mOutputFormat; // member variable
452  codec.setCallback(new MediaCodec.Callback() {
453    {@literal @Override}
454    void onInputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mc, int inputBufferId) {
455      ByteBuffer inputBuffer = codec.getInputBuffer(inputBufferId);
456      // fill inputBuffer with valid data
457      &hellip;
458      codec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferId, &hellip;);
459    }
461    {@literal @Override}
462    void onOutputBufferAvailable(MediaCodec mc, int outputBufferId, &hellip;) {
463      ByteBuffer outputBuffer = codec.getOutputBuffer(outputBufferId);
464      MediaFormat bufferFormat = codec.getOutputFormat(outputBufferId); // option A
465      // bufferFormat is equivalent to mOutputFormat
466      // outputBuffer is ready to be processed or rendered.
467      &hellip;
468      codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferId, &hellip;);
469    }
471    {@literal @Override}
472    void onOutputFormatChanged(MediaCodec mc, MediaFormat format) {
473      // Subsequent data will conform to new format.
474      // Can ignore if using getOutputFormat(outputBufferId)
475      mOutputFormat = format; // option B
476    }
478    {@literal @Override}
479    void onError(&hellip;) {
480      &hellip;
481    }
482  });
483  codec.configure(format, &hellip;);
484  mOutputFormat = codec.getOutputFormat(); // option B
485  codec.start();
486  // wait for processing to complete
487  codec.stop();
488  codec.release();</pre>
490  <h4>Synchronous Processing using Buffers</h4>
491  <p>
492  Since {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP}, you should retrieve input and output
493  buffers using {@link #getInputBuffer getInput}/{@link #getOutputBuffer OutputBuffer(int)} and/or
494  {@link #getInputImage getInput}/{@link #getOutputImage OutputImage(int)} even when using the
495  codec in synchronous mode. This allows certain optimizations by the framework, e.g. when
496  processing dynamic content. This optimization is disabled if you call {@link #getInputBuffers
497  getInput}/{@link #getOutputBuffers OutputBuffers()}.
499  <p class=note>
500  <strong>Note:</strong> do not mix the methods of using buffers and buffer arrays at the same
501  time. Specifically, only call {@code getInput}/{@code OutputBuffers} directly after {@link
502  #start} or after having dequeued an output buffer ID with the value of {@link
504  <p>
505  MediaCodec is typically used like this in synchronous mode:
506  <pre>
507  MediaCodec codec = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(name);
508  codec.configure(format, &hellip;);
509  MediaFormat outputFormat = codec.getOutputFormat(); // option B
510  codec.start();
511  for (;;) {
512    int inputBufferId = codec.dequeueInputBuffer(timeoutUs);
513    if (inputBufferId &gt;= 0) {
514      ByteBuffer inputBuffer = codec.getInputBuffer(&hellip;);
515      // fill inputBuffer with valid data
516      &hellip;
517      codec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferId, &hellip;);
518    }
519    int outputBufferId = codec.dequeueOutputBuffer(&hellip;);
520    if (outputBufferId &gt;= 0) {
521      ByteBuffer outputBuffer = codec.getOutputBuffer(outputBufferId);
522      MediaFormat bufferFormat = codec.getOutputFormat(outputBufferId); // option A
523      // bufferFormat is identical to outputFormat
524      // outputBuffer is ready to be processed or rendered.
525      &hellip;
526      codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferId, &hellip;);
527    } else if (outputBufferId == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
528      // Subsequent data will conform to new format.
529      // Can ignore if using getOutputFormat(outputBufferId)
530      outputFormat = codec.getOutputFormat(); // option B
531    }
532  }
533  codec.stop();
534  codec.release();</pre>
536  <h4>Synchronous Processing using Buffer Arrays (deprecated)</h4>
537  <p>
538  In versions {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT_WATCH} and before, the set of input and
539  output buffers are represented by the {@code ByteBuffer[]} arrays. After a successful call to
540  {@link #start}, retrieve the buffer arrays using {@link #getInputBuffers getInput}/{@link
541  #getOutputBuffers OutputBuffers()}. Use the buffer ID-s as indices into these arrays (when
542  non-negative), as demonstrated in the sample below. Note that there is no inherent correlation
543  between the size of the arrays and the number of input and output buffers used by the system,
544  although the array size provides an upper bound.
545  <pre>
546  MediaCodec codec = MediaCodec.createByCodecName(name);
547  codec.configure(format, &hellip;);
548  codec.start();
549  ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers = codec.getInputBuffers();
550  ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
551  for (;;) {
552    int inputBufferId = codec.dequeueInputBuffer(&hellip;);
553    if (inputBufferId &gt;= 0) {
554      // fill inputBuffers[inputBufferId] with valid data
555      &hellip;
556      codec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferId, &hellip;);
557    }
558    int outputBufferId = codec.dequeueOutputBuffer(&hellip;);
559    if (outputBufferId &gt;= 0) {
560      // outputBuffers[outputBufferId] is ready to be processed or rendered.
561      &hellip;
562      codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferId, &hellip;);
563    } else if (outputBufferId == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
564      outputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
565    } else if (outputBufferId == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
566      // Subsequent data will conform to new format.
567      MediaFormat format = codec.getOutputFormat();
568    }
569  }
570  codec.stop();
571  codec.release();</pre>
573  <h4>End-of-stream Handling</h4>
574  <p>
575  When you reach the end of the input data, you must signal it to the codec by specifying the
576  {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM} flag in the call to {@link #queueInputBuffer
577  queueInputBuffer}. You can do this on the last valid input buffer, or by submitting an additional
578  empty input buffer with the end-of-stream flag set. If using an empty buffer, the timestamp will
579  be ignored.
580  <p>
581  The codec will continue to return output buffers until it eventually signals the end of the
582  output stream by specifying the same end-of-stream flag in the {@link BufferInfo} set in {@link
583  #dequeueOutputBuffer dequeueOutputBuffer} or returned via {@link Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable
584  onOutputBufferAvailable}. This can be set on the last valid output buffer, or on an empty buffer
585  after the last valid output buffer. The timestamp of such empty buffer should be ignored.
586  <p>
587  Do not submit additional input buffers after signaling the end of the input stream, unless the
588  codec has been flushed, or stopped and restarted.
590  <h4>Using an Output Surface</h4>
591  <p>
592  The data processing is nearly identical to the ByteBuffer mode when using an output {@link
593  Surface}; however, the output buffers will not be accessible, and are represented as {@code null}
594  values. E.g. {@link #getOutputBuffer getOutputBuffer}/{@link #getOutputImage Image(int)} will
595  return {@code null} and {@link #getOutputBuffers} will return an array containing only {@code
596  null}-s.
597  <p>
598  When using an output Surface, you can select whether or not to render each output buffer on the
599  surface. You have three choices:
600  <ul>
601  <li><strong>Do not render the buffer:</strong> Call {@link #releaseOutputBuffer(int, boolean)
602  releaseOutputBuffer(bufferId, false)}.</li>
603  <li><strong>Render the buffer with the default timestamp:</strong> Call {@link
604  #releaseOutputBuffer(int, boolean) releaseOutputBuffer(bufferId, true)}.</li>
605  <li><strong>Render the buffer with a specific timestamp:</strong> Call {@link
606  #releaseOutputBuffer(int, long) releaseOutputBuffer(bufferId, timestamp)}.</li>
607  </ul>
608  <p>
609  Since {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M}, the default timestamp is the {@linkplain
610  BufferInfo#presentationTimeUs presentation timestamp} of the buffer (converted to nanoseconds).
611  It was not defined prior to that.
612  <p>
613  Also since {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M}, you can change the output Surface
614  dynamically using {@link #setOutputSurface setOutputSurface}.
616  <h4>Transformations When Rendering onto Surface</h4>
618  If the codec is configured into Surface mode, any crop rectangle, {@linkplain
619  MediaFormat#KEY_ROTATION rotation} and {@linkplain #setVideoScalingMode video scaling
620  mode} will be automatically applied with one exception:
621  <p class=note>
622  Prior to the {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M} release, software decoders may not
623  have applied the rotation when being rendered onto a Surface. Unfortunately, there is no way to
624  identify software decoders, or if they apply the rotation other than by trying it out.
625  <p>
626  There are also some caveats.
627  <p class=note>
628  Note that the pixel aspect ratio is not considered when displaying the output onto the
629  Surface. This means that if you are using {@link #VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT} mode, you
630  must position the output Surface so that it has the proper final display aspect ratio. Conversely,
631  you can only use {@link #VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT_WITH_CROPPING} mode for content with
632  square pixels (pixel aspect ratio or 1:1).
633  <p class=note>
634  Note also that as of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#N} release, {@link
635  #VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT_WITH_CROPPING} mode may not work correctly for videos rotated
636  by 90 or 270 degrees.
637  <p class=note>
638  When setting the video scaling mode, note that it must be reset after each time the output
639  buffers change. Since the {@link #INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED} event is deprecated, you can
640  do this after each time the output format changes.
642  <h4>Using an Input Surface</h4>
643  <p>
644  When using an input Surface, there are no accessible input buffers, as buffers are automatically
645  passed from the input surface to the codec. Calling {@link #dequeueInputBuffer
646  dequeueInputBuffer} will throw an {@code IllegalStateException}, and {@link #getInputBuffers}
647  returns a bogus {@code ByteBuffer[]} array that <strong>MUST NOT</strong> be written into.
648  <p>
649  Call {@link #signalEndOfInputStream} to signal end-of-stream. The input surface will stop
650  submitting data to the codec immediately after this call.
651  <p>
653  <h3>Seeking &amp; Adaptive Playback Support</h3>
654  <p>
655  Video decoders (and in general codecs that consume compressed video data) behave differently
656  regarding seek and format change whether or not they support and are configured for adaptive
657  playback. You can check if a decoder supports {@linkplain
658  CodecCapabilities#FEATURE_AdaptivePlayback adaptive playback} via {@link
659  CodecCapabilities#isFeatureSupported CodecCapabilities.isFeatureSupported(String)}. Adaptive
660  playback support for video decoders is only activated if you configure the codec to decode onto a
661  {@link Surface}.
663  <h4 id=KeyFrames><a name="KeyFrames"></a>Stream Boundary and Key Frames</h4>
664  <p>
665  It is important that the input data after {@link #start} or {@link #flush} starts at a suitable
666  stream boundary: the first frame must a key frame. A <em>key frame</em> can be decoded
667  completely on its own (for most codecs this means an I-frame), and no frames that are to be
668  displayed after a key frame refer to frames before the key frame.
669  <p>
670  The following table summarizes suitable key frames for various video formats.
671  <table>
672   <thead>
673    <tr>
674     <th>Format</th>
675     <th>Suitable key frame</th>
676    </tr>
677   </thead>
678   <tbody class=mid>
679    <tr>
680     <td>VP9/VP8</td>
681     <td>a suitable intraframe where no subsequent frames refer to frames prior to this frame.<br>
682       <i>(There is no specific name for such key frame.)</i></td>
683    </tr>
684    <tr>
685     <td>H.265 HEVC</td>
686     <td>IDR or CRA</td>
687    </tr>
688    <tr>
689     <td>H.264 AVC</td>
690     <td>IDR</td>
691    </tr>
692    <tr>
693     <td>MPEG-4<br>H.263<br>MPEG-2</td>
694     <td>a suitable I-frame where no subsequent frames refer to frames prior to this frame.<br>
695       <i>(There is no specific name for such key frame.)</td>
696    </tr>
697   </tbody>
698  </table>
700  <h4>For decoders that do not support adaptive playback (including when not decoding onto a
701  Surface)</h4>
702  <p>
703  In order to start decoding data that is not adjacent to previously submitted data (i.e. after a
704  seek) you <strong>MUST</strong> flush the decoder. Since all output buffers are immediately
705  revoked at the point of the flush, you may want to first signal then wait for the end-of-stream
706  before you call {@code flush}. It is important that the input data after a flush starts at a
707  suitable stream boundary/key frame.
708  <p class=note>
709  <strong>Note:</strong> the format of the data submitted after a flush must not change; {@link
710  #flush} does not support format discontinuities; for that, a full {@link #stop} - {@link
711  #configure configure(&hellip;)} - {@link #start} cycle is necessary.
713  <p class=note>
714  <strong>Also note:</strong> if you flush the codec too soon after {@link #start} &ndash;
715  generally, before the first output buffer or output format change is received &ndash; you
716  will need to resubmit the codec-specific-data to the codec. See the <a
717  href="#CSD">codec-specific-data section</a> for more info.
719  <h4>For decoders that support and are configured for adaptive playback</h4>
720  <p>
721  In order to start decoding data that is not adjacent to previously submitted data (i.e. after a
722  seek) it is <em>not necessary</em> to flush the decoder; however, input data after the
723  discontinuity must start at a suitable stream boundary/key frame.
724  <p>
725  For some video formats - namely H.264, H.265, VP8 and VP9 - it is also possible to change the
726  picture size or configuration mid-stream. To do this you must package the entire new
727  codec-specific configuration data together with the key frame into a single buffer (including
728  any start codes), and submit it as a <strong>regular</strong> input buffer.
729  <p>
730  You will receive an {@link #INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED} return value from {@link
731  #dequeueOutputBuffer dequeueOutputBuffer} or a {@link Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable
732  onOutputFormatChanged} callback just after the picture-size change takes place and before any
733  frames with the new size have been returned.
734  <p class=note>
735  <strong>Note:</strong> just as the case for codec-specific data, be careful when calling
736  {@link #flush} shortly after you have changed the picture size. If you have not received
737  confirmation of the picture size change, you will need to repeat the request for the new picture
738  size.
740  <h3>Error handling</h3>
741  <p>
742  The factory methods {@link #createByCodecName createByCodecName} and {@link #createDecoderByType
743  createDecoder}/{@link #createEncoderByType EncoderByType} throw {@code IOException} on failure
744  which you must catch or declare to pass up. MediaCodec methods throw {@code
745  IllegalStateException} when the method is called from a codec state that does not allow it; this
746  is typically due to incorrect application API usage. Methods involving secure buffers may throw
747  {@link CryptoException}, which has further error information obtainable from {@link
748  CryptoException#getErrorCode}.
749  <p>
750  Internal codec errors result in a {@link CodecException}, which may be due to media content
751  corruption, hardware failure, resource exhaustion, and so forth, even when the application is
752  correctly using the API. The recommended action when receiving a {@code CodecException}
753  can be determined by calling {@link CodecException#isRecoverable} and {@link
754  CodecException#isTransient}:
755  <ul>
756  <li><strong>recoverable errors:</strong> If {@code isRecoverable()} returns true, then call
757  {@link #stop}, {@link #configure configure(&hellip;)}, and {@link #start} to recover.</li>
758  <li><strong>transient errors:</strong> If {@code isTransient()} returns true, then resources are
759  temporarily unavailable and the method may be retried at a later time.</li>
760  <li><strong>fatal errors:</strong> If both {@code isRecoverable()} and {@code isTransient()}
761  return false, then the {@code CodecException} is fatal and the codec must be {@linkplain #reset
762  reset} or {@linkplain #release released}.</li>
763  </ul>
764  <p>
765  Both {@code isRecoverable()} and {@code isTransient()} do not return true at the same time.
767  <h2 id=History><a name="History"></a>Valid API Calls and API History</h2>
768  <p>
769  This sections summarizes the valid API calls in each state and the API history of the MediaCodec
770  class. For API version numbers, see {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES}.
772  <style>
773  .api > tr > th, .api > tr > td { text-align: center; padding: 4px 4px; }
774  .api > tr > th     { vertical-align: bottom; }
775  .api > tr > td     { vertical-align: middle; }
776  .sml > tr > th, .sml > tr > td { text-align: center; padding: 2px 4px; }
777  .fn { text-align: left; }
778  .fn > code > a { font: 14px/19px Roboto Condensed, sans-serif; }
779  .deg45 {
780    white-space: nowrap; background: none; border: none; vertical-align: bottom;
781    width: 30px; height: 83px;
782  }
783  .deg45 > div {
784    transform: skew(-45deg, 0deg) translate(1px, -67px);
785    transform-origin: bottom left 0;
786    width: 30px; height: 20px;
787  }
788  .deg45 > div > div { border: 1px solid #ddd; background: #999; height: 90px; width: 42px; }
789  .deg45 > div > div > div { transform: skew(45deg, 0deg) translate(-55px, 55px) rotate(-45deg); }
790  </style>
792  <table align="right" style="width: 0%">
793   <thead>
794    <tr><th>Symbol</th><th>Meaning</th></tr>
795   </thead>
796   <tbody class=sml>
797    <tr><td>&#9679;</td><td>Supported</td></tr>
798    <tr><td>&#8277;</td><td>Semantics changed</td></tr>
799    <tr><td>&#9675;</td><td>Experimental support</td></tr>
800    <tr><td>[ ]</td><td>Deprecated</td></tr>
801    <tr><td>&#9099;</td><td>Restricted to surface input mode</td></tr>
802    <tr><td>&#9094;</td><td>Restricted to surface output mode</td></tr>
803    <tr><td>&#9639;</td><td>Restricted to ByteBuffer input mode</td></tr>
804    <tr><td>&#8617;</td><td>Restricted to synchronous mode</td></tr>
805    <tr><td>&#8644;</td><td>Restricted to asynchronous mode</td></tr>
806    <tr><td>( )</td><td>Can be called, but shouldn't</td></tr>
807   </tbody>
808  </table>
810  <table style="width: 100%;">
811   <thead class=api>
812    <tr>
813     <th class=deg45><div><div style="background:#4285f4"><div>Uninitialized</div></div></div></th>
814     <th class=deg45><div><div style="background:#f4b400"><div>Configured</div></div></div></th>
815     <th class=deg45><div><div style="background:#e67c73"><div>Flushed</div></div></div></th>
816     <th class=deg45><div><div style="background:#0f9d58"><div>Running</div></div></div></th>
817     <th class=deg45><div><div style="background:#f7cb4d"><div>End of Stream</div></div></div></th>
818     <th class=deg45><div><div style="background:#db4437"><div>Error</div></div></div></th>
819     <th class=deg45><div><div style="background:#666"><div>Released</div></div></div></th>
820     <th></th>
821     <th colspan="8">SDK Version</th>
822    </tr>
823    <tr>
824     <th colspan="7">State</th>
825     <th>Method</th>
826     <th>16</th>
827     <th>17</th>
828     <th>18</th>
829     <th>19</th>
830     <th>20</th>
831     <th>21</th>
832     <th>22</th>
833     <th>23</th>
834    </tr>
835   </thead>
836   <tbody class=api>
837    <tr>
838     <td></td>
839     <td></td>
840     <td></td>
841     <td></td>
842     <td></td>
843     <td></td>
844     <td></td>
845     <td class=fn>{@link #createByCodecName createByCodecName}</td>
846     <td>&#9679;</td>
847     <td>&#9679;</td>
848     <td>&#9679;</td>
849     <td>&#9679;</td>
850     <td>&#9679;</td>
851     <td>&#9679;</td>
852     <td>&#9679;</td>
853     <td>&#9679;</td>
854    </tr>
855    <tr>
856     <td></td>
857     <td></td>
858     <td></td>
859     <td></td>
860     <td></td>
861     <td></td>
862     <td></td>
863     <td class=fn>{@link #createDecoderByType createDecoderByType}</td>
864     <td>&#9679;</td>
865     <td>&#9679;</td>
866     <td>&#9679;</td>
867     <td>&#9679;</td>
868     <td>&#9679;</td>
869     <td>&#9679;</td>
870     <td>&#9679;</td>
871     <td>&#9679;</td>
872    </tr>
873    <tr>
874     <td></td>
875     <td></td>
876     <td></td>
877     <td></td>
878     <td></td>
879     <td></td>
880     <td></td>
881     <td class=fn>{@link #createEncoderByType createEncoderByType}</td>
882     <td>&#9679;</td>
883     <td>&#9679;</td>
884     <td>&#9679;</td>
885     <td>&#9679;</td>
886     <td>&#9679;</td>
887     <td>&#9679;</td>
888     <td>&#9679;</td>
889     <td>&#9679;</td>
890    </tr>
891    <tr>
892     <td></td>
893     <td></td>
894     <td></td>
895     <td></td>
896     <td></td>
897     <td></td>
898     <td></td>
899     <td class=fn>{@link #createPersistentInputSurface createPersistentInputSurface}</td>
900     <td></td>
901     <td></td>
902     <td></td>
903     <td></td>
904     <td></td>
905     <td></td>
906     <td></td>
907     <td>&#9679;</td>
908    </tr>
909    <tr>
910     <td>16+</td>
911     <td>-</td>
912     <td>-</td>
913     <td>-</td>
914     <td>-</td>
915     <td>-</td>
916     <td>-</td>
917     <td class=fn>{@link #configure configure}</td>
918     <td>&#9679;</td>
919     <td>&#9679;</td>
920     <td>&#9679;</td>
921     <td>&#9679;</td>
922     <td>&#9679;</td>
923     <td>&#8277;</td>
924     <td>&#9679;</td>
925     <td>&#9679;</td>
926    </tr>
927    <tr>
928     <td>-</td>
929     <td>18+</td>
930     <td>-</td>
931     <td>-</td>
932     <td>-</td>
933     <td>-</td>
934     <td>-</td>
935     <td class=fn>{@link #createInputSurface createInputSurface}</td>
936     <td></td>
937     <td></td>
938     <td>&#9099;</td>
939     <td>&#9099;</td>
940     <td>&#9099;</td>
941     <td>&#9099;</td>
942     <td>&#9099;</td>
943     <td>&#9099;</td>
944    </tr>
945    <tr>
946     <td>-</td>
947     <td>-</td>
948     <td>16+</td>
949     <td>16+</td>
950     <td>(16+)</td>
951     <td>-</td>
952     <td>-</td>
953     <td class=fn>{@link #dequeueInputBuffer dequeueInputBuffer}</td>
954     <td>&#9679;</td>
955     <td>&#9679;</td>
956     <td>&#9639;</td>
957     <td>&#9639;</td>
958     <td>&#9639;</td>
959     <td>&#8277;&#9639;&#8617;</td>
960     <td>&#9639;&#8617;</td>
961     <td>&#9639;&#8617;</td>
962    </tr>
963    <tr>
964     <td>-</td>
965     <td>-</td>
966     <td>16+</td>
967     <td>16+</td>
968     <td>16+</td>
969     <td>-</td>
970     <td>-</td>
971     <td class=fn>{@link #dequeueOutputBuffer dequeueOutputBuffer}</td>
972     <td>&#9679;</td>
973     <td>&#9679;</td>
974     <td>&#9679;</td>
975     <td>&#9679;</td>
976     <td>&#9679;</td>
977     <td>&#8277;&#8617;</td>
978     <td>&#8617;</td>
979     <td>&#8617;</td>
980    </tr>
981    <tr>
982     <td>-</td>
983     <td>-</td>
984     <td>16+</td>
985     <td>16+</td>
986     <td>16+</td>
987     <td>-</td>
988     <td>-</td>
989     <td class=fn>{@link #flush flush}</td>
990     <td>&#9679;</td>
991     <td>&#9679;</td>
992     <td>&#9679;</td>
993     <td>&#9679;</td>
994     <td>&#9679;</td>
995     <td>&#9679;</td>
996     <td>&#9679;</td>
997     <td>&#9679;</td>
998    </tr>
999    <tr>
1000     <td>18+</td>
1001     <td>18+</td>
1002     <td>18+</td>
1003     <td>18+</td>
1004     <td>18+</td>
1005     <td>18+</td>
1006     <td>-</td>
1007     <td class=fn>{@link #getCodecInfo getCodecInfo}</td>
1008     <td></td>
1009     <td></td>
1010     <td>&#9679;</td>
1011     <td>&#9679;</td>
1012     <td>&#9679;</td>
1013     <td>&#9679;</td>
1014     <td>&#9679;</td>
1015     <td>&#9679;</td>
1016    </tr>
1017    <tr>
1018     <td>-</td>
1019     <td>-</td>
1020     <td>(21+)</td>
1021     <td>21+</td>
1022     <td>(21+)</td>
1023     <td>-</td>
1024     <td>-</td>
1025     <td class=fn>{@link #getInputBuffer getInputBuffer}</td>
1026     <td></td>
1027     <td></td>
1028     <td></td>
1029     <td></td>
1030     <td></td>
1031     <td>&#9679;</td>
1032     <td>&#9679;</td>
1033     <td>&#9679;</td>
1034    </tr>
1035    <tr>
1036     <td>-</td>
1037     <td>-</td>
1038     <td>16+</td>
1039     <td>(16+)</td>
1040     <td>(16+)</td>
1041     <td>-</td>
1042     <td>-</td>
1043     <td class=fn>{@link #getInputBuffers getInputBuffers}</td>
1044     <td>&#9679;</td>
1045     <td>&#9679;</td>
1046     <td>&#9679;</td>
1047     <td>&#9679;</td>
1048     <td>&#9679;</td>
1049     <td>[&#8277;&#8617;]</td>
1050     <td>[&#8617;]</td>
1051     <td>[&#8617;]</td>
1052    </tr>
1053    <tr>
1054     <td>-</td>
1055     <td>21+</td>
1056     <td>(21+)</td>
1057     <td>(21+)</td>
1058     <td>(21+)</td>
1059     <td>-</td>
1060     <td>-</td>
1061     <td class=fn>{@link #getInputFormat getInputFormat}</td>
1062     <td></td>
1063     <td></td>
1064     <td></td>
1065     <td></td>
1066     <td></td>
1067     <td>&#9679;</td>
1068     <td>&#9679;</td>
1069     <td>&#9679;</td>
1070    </tr>
1071    <tr>
1072     <td>-</td>
1073     <td>-</td>
1074     <td>(21+)</td>
1075     <td>21+</td>
1076     <td>(21+)</td>
1077     <td>-</td>
1078     <td>-</td>
1079     <td class=fn>{@link #getInputImage getInputImage}</td>
1080     <td></td>
1081     <td></td>
1082     <td></td>
1083     <td></td>
1084     <td></td>
1085     <td>&#9675;</td>
1086     <td>&#9679;</td>
1087     <td>&#9679;</td>
1088    </tr>
1089    <tr>
1090     <td>18+</td>
1091     <td>18+</td>
1092     <td>18+</td>
1093     <td>18+</td>
1094     <td>18+</td>
1095     <td>18+</td>
1096     <td>-</td>
1097     <td class=fn>{@link #getName getName}</td>
1098     <td></td>
1099     <td></td>
1100     <td>&#9679;</td>
1101     <td>&#9679;</td>
1102     <td>&#9679;</td>
1103     <td>&#9679;</td>
1104     <td>&#9679;</td>
1105     <td>&#9679;</td>
1106    </tr>
1107    <tr>
1108     <td>-</td>
1109     <td>-</td>
1110     <td>(21+)</td>
1111     <td>21+</td>
1112     <td>21+</td>
1113     <td>-</td>
1114     <td>-</td>
1115     <td class=fn>{@link #getOutputBuffer getOutputBuffer}</td>
1116     <td></td>
1117     <td></td>
1118     <td></td>
1119     <td></td>
1120     <td></td>
1121     <td>&#9679;</td>
1122     <td>&#9679;</td>
1123     <td>&#9679;</td>
1124    </tr>
1125    <tr>
1126     <td>-</td>
1127     <td>-</td>
1128     <td>16+</td>
1129     <td>16+</td>
1130     <td>16+</td>
1131     <td>-</td>
1132     <td>-</td>
1133     <td class=fn>{@link #getOutputBuffers getOutputBuffers}</td>
1134     <td>&#9679;</td>
1135     <td>&#9679;</td>
1136     <td>&#9679;</td>
1137     <td>&#9679;</td>
1138     <td>&#9679;</td>
1139     <td>[&#8277;&#8617;]</td>
1140     <td>[&#8617;]</td>
1141     <td>[&#8617;]</td>
1142    </tr>
1143    <tr>
1144     <td>-</td>
1145     <td>21+</td>
1146     <td>16+</td>
1147     <td>16+</td>
1148     <td>16+</td>
1149     <td>-</td>
1150     <td>-</td>
1151     <td class=fn>{@link #getOutputFormat()}</td>
1152     <td>&#9679;</td>
1153     <td>&#9679;</td>
1154     <td>&#9679;</td>
1155     <td>&#9679;</td>
1156     <td>&#9679;</td>
1157     <td>&#9679;</td>
1158     <td>&#9679;</td>
1159     <td>&#9679;</td>
1160    </tr>
1161    <tr>
1162     <td>-</td>
1163     <td>-</td>
1164     <td>(21+)</td>
1165     <td>21+</td>
1166     <td>21+</td>
1167     <td>-</td>
1168     <td>-</td>
1169     <td class=fn>{@link #getOutputFormat(int)}</td>
1170     <td></td>
1171     <td></td>
1172     <td></td>
1173     <td></td>
1174     <td></td>
1175     <td>&#9679;</td>
1176     <td>&#9679;</td>
1177     <td>&#9679;</td>
1178    </tr>
1179    <tr>
1180     <td>-</td>
1181     <td>-</td>
1182     <td>(21+)</td>
1183     <td>21+</td>
1184     <td>21+</td>
1185     <td>-</td>
1186     <td>-</td>
1187     <td class=fn>{@link #getOutputImage getOutputImage}</td>
1188     <td></td>
1189     <td></td>
1190     <td></td>
1191     <td></td>
1192     <td></td>
1193     <td>&#9675;</td>
1194     <td>&#9679;</td>
1195     <td>&#9679;</td>
1196    </tr>
1197    <tr>
1198     <td>-</td>
1199     <td>-</td>
1200     <td>-</td>
1201     <td>16+</td>
1202     <td>(16+)</td>
1203     <td>-</td>
1204     <td>-</td>
1205     <td class=fn>{@link #queueInputBuffer queueInputBuffer}</td>
1206     <td>&#9679;</td>
1207     <td>&#9679;</td>
1208     <td>&#9679;</td>
1209     <td>&#9679;</td>
1210     <td>&#9679;</td>
1211     <td>&#8277;</td>
1212     <td>&#9679;</td>
1213     <td>&#9679;</td>
1214    </tr>
1215    <tr>
1216     <td>-</td>
1217     <td>-</td>
1218     <td>-</td>
1219     <td>16+</td>
1220     <td>(16+)</td>
1221     <td>-</td>
1222     <td>-</td>
1223     <td class=fn>{@link #queueSecureInputBuffer queueSecureInputBuffer}</td>
1224     <td>&#9679;</td>
1225     <td>&#9679;</td>
1226     <td>&#9679;</td>
1227     <td>&#9679;</td>
1228     <td>&#9679;</td>
1229     <td>&#8277;</td>
1230     <td>&#9679;</td>
1231     <td>&#9679;</td>
1232    </tr>
1233    <tr>
1234     <td>16+</td>
1235     <td>16+</td>
1236     <td>16+</td>
1237     <td>16+</td>
1238     <td>16+</td>
1239     <td>16+</td>
1240     <td>16+</td>
1241     <td class=fn>{@link #release release}</td>
1242     <td>&#9679;</td>
1243     <td>&#9679;</td>
1244     <td>&#9679;</td>
1245     <td>&#9679;</td>
1246     <td>&#9679;</td>
1247     <td>&#9679;</td>
1248     <td>&#9679;</td>
1249     <td>&#9679;</td>
1250    </tr>
1251    <tr>
1252     <td>-</td>
1253     <td>-</td>
1254     <td>-</td>
1255     <td>16+</td>
1256     <td>16+</td>
1257     <td>-</td>
1258     <td>-</td>
1259     <td class=fn>{@link #releaseOutputBuffer(int, boolean)}</td>
1260     <td>&#9679;</td>
1261     <td>&#9679;</td>
1262     <td>&#9679;</td>
1263     <td>&#9679;</td>
1264     <td>&#9679;</td>
1265     <td>&#8277;</td>
1266     <td>&#9679;</td>
1267     <td>&#8277;</td>
1268    </tr>
1269    <tr>
1270     <td>-</td>
1271     <td>-</td>
1272     <td>-</td>
1273     <td>21+</td>
1274     <td>21+</td>
1275     <td>-</td>
1276     <td>-</td>
1277     <td class=fn>{@link #releaseOutputBuffer(int, long)}</td>
1278     <td></td>
1279     <td></td>
1280     <td></td>
1281     <td></td>
1282     <td></td>
1283     <td>&#9094;</td>
1284     <td>&#9094;</td>
1285     <td>&#9094;</td>
1286    </tr>
1287    <tr>
1288     <td>21+</td>
1289     <td>21+</td>
1290     <td>21+</td>
1291     <td>21+</td>
1292     <td>21+</td>
1293     <td>21+</td>
1294     <td>-</td>
1295     <td class=fn>{@link #reset reset}</td>
1296     <td></td>
1297     <td></td>
1298     <td></td>
1299     <td></td>
1300     <td></td>
1301     <td>&#9679;</td>
1302     <td>&#9679;</td>
1303     <td>&#9679;</td>
1304    </tr>
1305    <tr>
1306     <td>21+</td>
1307     <td>-</td>
1308     <td>-</td>
1309     <td>-</td>
1310     <td>-</td>
1311     <td>-</td>
1312     <td>-</td>
1313     <td class=fn>{@link #setCallback(Callback) setCallback}</td>
1314     <td></td>
1315     <td></td>
1316     <td></td>
1317     <td></td>
1318     <td></td>
1319     <td>&#9679;</td>
1320     <td>&#9679;</td>
1321     <td>{@link #setCallback(Callback, Handler) &#8277;}</td>
1322    </tr>
1323    <tr>
1324     <td>-</td>
1325     <td>23+</td>
1326     <td>-</td>
1327     <td>-</td>
1328     <td>-</td>
1329     <td>-</td>
1330     <td>-</td>
1331     <td class=fn>{@link #setInputSurface setInputSurface}</td>
1332     <td></td>
1333     <td></td>
1334     <td></td>
1335     <td></td>
1336     <td></td>
1337     <td></td>
1338     <td></td>
1339     <td>&#9099;</td>
1340    </tr>
1341    <tr>
1342     <td>23+</td>
1343     <td>23+</td>
1344     <td>23+</td>
1345     <td>23+</td>
1346     <td>23+</td>
1347     <td>(23+)</td>
1348     <td>(23+)</td>
1349     <td class=fn>{@link #setOnFrameRenderedListener setOnFrameRenderedListener}</td>
1350     <td></td>
1351     <td></td>
1352     <td></td>
1353     <td></td>
1354     <td></td>
1355     <td></td>
1356     <td></td>
1357     <td>&#9675; &#9094;</td>
1358    </tr>
1359    <tr>
1360     <td>-</td>
1361     <td>23+</td>
1362     <td>23+</td>
1363     <td>23+</td>
1364     <td>23+</td>
1365     <td>-</td>
1366     <td>-</td>
1367     <td class=fn>{@link #setOutputSurface setOutputSurface}</td>
1368     <td></td>
1369     <td></td>
1370     <td></td>
1371     <td></td>
1372     <td></td>
1373     <td></td>
1374     <td></td>
1375     <td>&#9094;</td>
1376    </tr>
1377    <tr>
1378     <td>19+</td>
1379     <td>19+</td>
1380     <td>19+</td>
1381     <td>19+</td>
1382     <td>19+</td>
1383     <td>(19+)</td>
1384     <td>-</td>
1385     <td class=fn>{@link #setParameters setParameters}</td>
1386     <td></td>
1387     <td></td>
1388     <td></td>
1389     <td>&#9679;</td>
1390     <td>&#9679;</td>
1391     <td>&#9679;</td>
1392     <td>&#9679;</td>
1393     <td>&#9679;</td>
1394    </tr>
1395    <tr>
1396     <td>-</td>
1397     <td>(16+)</td>
1398     <td>(16+)</td>
1399     <td>16+</td>
1400     <td>(16+)</td>
1401     <td>(16+)</td>
1402     <td>-</td>
1403     <td class=fn>{@link #setVideoScalingMode setVideoScalingMode}</td>
1404     <td>&#9094;</td>
1405     <td>&#9094;</td>
1406     <td>&#9094;</td>
1407     <td>&#9094;</td>
1408     <td>&#9094;</td>
1409     <td>&#9094;</td>
1410     <td>&#9094;</td>
1411     <td>&#9094;</td>
1412    </tr>
1413    <tr>
1414     <td>-</td>
1415     <td>-</td>
1416     <td>18+</td>
1417     <td>18+</td>
1418     <td>-</td>
1419     <td>-</td>
1420     <td>-</td>
1421     <td class=fn>{@link #signalEndOfInputStream signalEndOfInputStream}</td>
1422     <td></td>
1423     <td></td>
1424     <td>&#9099;</td>
1425     <td>&#9099;</td>
1426     <td>&#9099;</td>
1427     <td>&#9099;</td>
1428     <td>&#9099;</td>
1429     <td>&#9099;</td>
1430    </tr>
1431    <tr>
1432     <td>-</td>
1433     <td>16+</td>
1434     <td>21+(&#8644;)</td>
1435     <td>-</td>
1436     <td>-</td>
1437     <td>-</td>
1438     <td>-</td>
1439     <td class=fn>{@link #start start}</td>
1440     <td>&#9679;</td>
1441     <td>&#9679;</td>
1442     <td>&#9679;</td>
1443     <td>&#9679;</td>
1444     <td>&#9679;</td>
1445     <td>&#8277;</td>
1446     <td>&#9679;</td>
1447     <td>&#9679;</td>
1448    </tr>
1449    <tr>
1450     <td>-</td>
1451     <td>-</td>
1452     <td>16+</td>
1453     <td>16+</td>
1454     <td>16+</td>
1455     <td>-</td>
1456     <td>-</td>
1457     <td class=fn>{@link #stop stop}</td>
1458     <td>&#9679;</td>
1459     <td>&#9679;</td>
1460     <td>&#9679;</td>
1461     <td>&#9679;</td>
1462     <td>&#9679;</td>
1463     <td>&#9679;</td>
1464     <td>&#9679;</td>
1465     <td>&#9679;</td>
1466    </tr>
1467   </tbody>
1468  </table>
1469  */
1470 final public class MediaCodec {
1471     /**
1472      * Per buffer metadata includes an offset and size specifying
1473      * the range of valid data in the associated codec (output) buffer.
1474      */
1475     public final static class BufferInfo {
1476         /**
1477          * Update the buffer metadata information.
1478          *
1479          * @param newOffset the start-offset of the data in the buffer.
1480          * @param newSize   the amount of data (in bytes) in the buffer.
1481          * @param newTimeUs the presentation timestamp in microseconds.
1482          * @param newFlags  buffer flags associated with the buffer.  This
1483          * should be a combination of  {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME} and
1484          * {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}.
1485          */
set( int newOffset, int newSize, long newTimeUs, @BufferFlag int newFlags)1486         public void set(
1487                 int newOffset, int newSize, long newTimeUs, @BufferFlag int newFlags) {
1488             offset = newOffset;
1489             size = newSize;
1490             presentationTimeUs = newTimeUs;
1491             flags = newFlags;
1492         }
1494         /**
1495          * The start-offset of the data in the buffer.
1496          */
1497         public int offset;
1499         /**
1500          * The amount of data (in bytes) in the buffer.  If this is {@code 0},
1501          * the buffer has no data in it and can be discarded.  The only
1502          * use of a 0-size buffer is to carry the end-of-stream marker.
1503          */
1504         public int size;
1506         /**
1507          * The presentation timestamp in microseconds for the buffer.
1508          * This is derived from the presentation timestamp passed in
1509          * with the corresponding input buffer.  This should be ignored for
1510          * a 0-sized buffer.
1511          */
1512         public long presentationTimeUs;
1514         /**
1515          * Buffer flags associated with the buffer.  A combination of
1516          * {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME} and {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}.
1517          *
1518          * <p>Encoded buffers that are key frames are marked with
1519          * {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME}.
1520          *
1521          * <p>The last output buffer corresponding to the input buffer
1522          * marked with {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM} will also be marked
1523          * with {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}. In some cases this could
1524          * be an empty buffer, whose sole purpose is to carry the end-of-stream
1525          * marker.
1526          */
1527         @BufferFlag
1528         public int flags;
1530         /** @hide */
1531         @NonNull
dup()1532         public BufferInfo dup() {
1533             BufferInfo copy = new BufferInfo();
1534             copy.set(offset, size, presentationTimeUs, flags);
1535             return copy;
1536         }
1537     };
1539     // The follow flag constants MUST stay in sync with their equivalents
1540     // in MediaCodec.h !
1542     /**
1543      * This indicates that the (encoded) buffer marked as such contains
1544      * the data for a key frame.
1545      *
1546      * @deprecated Use {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME} instead.
1547      */
1548     public static final int BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_FRAME = 1;
1550     /**
1551      * This indicates that the (encoded) buffer marked as such contains
1552      * the data for a key frame.
1553      */
1554     public static final int BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME = 1;
1556     /**
1557      * This indicated that the buffer marked as such contains codec
1558      * initialization / codec specific data instead of media data.
1559      */
1560     public static final int BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG = 2;
1562     /**
1563      * This signals the end of stream, i.e. no buffers will be available
1564      * after this, unless of course, {@link #flush} follows.
1565      */
1566     public static final int BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM = 4;
1568     /** @hide */
1569     @IntDef(
1570         flag = true,
1571         value = {
1572             BUFFER_FLAG_SYNC_FRAME,
1573             BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME,
1574             BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG,
1575             BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM,
1576     })
1577     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
1578     public @interface BufferFlag {}
1580     private EventHandler mEventHandler;
1581     private EventHandler mOnFrameRenderedHandler;
1582     private EventHandler mCallbackHandler;
1583     private Callback mCallback;
1584     private OnFrameRenderedListener mOnFrameRenderedListener;
1585     private Object mListenerLock = new Object();
1587     private static final int EVENT_CALLBACK = 1;
1588     private static final int EVENT_SET_CALLBACK = 2;
1589     private static final int EVENT_FRAME_RENDERED = 3;
1591     private static final int CB_INPUT_AVAILABLE = 1;
1592     private static final int CB_OUTPUT_AVAILABLE = 2;
1593     private static final int CB_ERROR = 3;
1594     private static final int CB_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGE = 4;
1596     private class EventHandler extends Handler {
1597         private MediaCodec mCodec;
EventHandler(@onNull MediaCodec codec, @NonNull Looper looper)1599         public EventHandler(@NonNull MediaCodec codec, @NonNull Looper looper) {
1600             super(looper);
1601             mCodec = codec;
1602         }
1604         @Override
handleMessage(@onNull Message msg)1605         public void handleMessage(@NonNull Message msg) {
1606             switch (msg.what) {
1607                 case EVENT_CALLBACK:
1608                 {
1609                     handleCallback(msg);
1610                     break;
1611                 }
1612                 case EVENT_SET_CALLBACK:
1613                 {
1614                     mCallback = (MediaCodec.Callback) msg.obj;
1615                     break;
1616                 }
1617                 case EVENT_FRAME_RENDERED:
1618                     synchronized (mListenerLock) {
1619                         Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>)msg.obj;
1620                         for (int i = 0; ; ++i) {
1621                             Object mediaTimeUs = map.get(i + "-media-time-us");
1622                             Object systemNano = map.get(i + "-system-nano");
1623                             if (mediaTimeUs == null || systemNano == null
1624                                     || mOnFrameRenderedListener == null) {
1625                                 break;
1626                             }
1627                             mOnFrameRenderedListener.onFrameRendered(
1628                                     mCodec, (long)mediaTimeUs, (long)systemNano);
1629                         }
1630                         break;
1631                     }
1632                 default:
1633                 {
1634                     break;
1635                 }
1636             }
1637         }
handleCallback(@onNull Message msg)1639         private void handleCallback(@NonNull Message msg) {
1640             if (mCallback == null) {
1641                 return;
1642             }
1644             switch (msg.arg1) {
1645                 case CB_INPUT_AVAILABLE:
1646                 {
1647                     int index = msg.arg2;
1648                     synchronized(mBufferLock) {
1649                         validateInputByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
1650                     }
1651                     mCallback.onInputBufferAvailable(mCodec, index);
1652                     break;
1653                 }
1655                 case CB_OUTPUT_AVAILABLE:
1656                 {
1657                     int index = msg.arg2;
1658                     BufferInfo info = (MediaCodec.BufferInfo) msg.obj;
1659                     synchronized(mBufferLock) {
1660                         validateOutputByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, index, info);
1661                     }
1662                     mCallback.onOutputBufferAvailable(
1663                             mCodec, index, info);
1664                     break;
1665                 }
1667                 case CB_ERROR:
1668                 {
1669                     mCallback.onError(mCodec, (MediaCodec.CodecException) msg.obj);
1670                     break;
1671                 }
1673                 case CB_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGE:
1674                 {
1675                     mCallback.onOutputFormatChanged(mCodec,
1676                             new MediaFormat((Map<String, Object>) msg.obj));
1677                     break;
1678                 }
1680                 default:
1681                 {
1682                     break;
1683                 }
1684             }
1685         }
1686     }
1688     private boolean mHasSurface = false;
1690     /**
1691      * Instantiate the preferred decoder supporting input data of the given mime type.
1692      *
1693      * The following is a partial list of defined mime types and their semantics:
1694      * <ul>
1695      * <li>"video/x-vnd.on2.vp8" - VP8 video (i.e. video in .webm)
1696      * <li>"video/x-vnd.on2.vp9" - VP9 video (i.e. video in .webm)
1697      * <li>"video/avc" - H.264/AVC video
1698      * <li>"video/hevc" - H.265/HEVC video
1699      * <li>"video/mp4v-es" - MPEG4 video
1700      * <li>"video/3gpp" - H.263 video
1701      * <li>"audio/3gpp" - AMR narrowband audio
1702      * <li>"audio/amr-wb" - AMR wideband audio
1703      * <li>"audio/mpeg" - MPEG1/2 audio layer III
1704      * <li>"audio/mp4a-latm" - AAC audio (note, this is raw AAC packets, not packaged in LATM!)
1705      * <li>"audio/vorbis" - vorbis audio
1706      * <li>"audio/g711-alaw" - G.711 alaw audio
1707      * <li>"audio/g711-mlaw" - G.711 ulaw audio
1708      * </ul>
1709      *
1710      * <strong>Note:</strong> It is preferred to use {@link MediaCodecList#findDecoderForFormat}
1711      * and {@link #createByCodecName} to ensure that the resulting codec can handle a
1712      * given format.
1713      *
1714      * @param type The mime type of the input data.
1715      * @throws IOException if the codec cannot be created.
1716      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if type is not a valid mime type.
1717      * @throws NullPointerException if type is null.
1718      */
1719     @NonNull
createDecoderByType(@onNull String type)1720     public static MediaCodec createDecoderByType(@NonNull String type)
1721             throws IOException {
1722         return new MediaCodec(type, true /* nameIsType */, false /* encoder */);
1723     }
1725     /**
1726      * Instantiate the preferred encoder supporting output data of the given mime type.
1727      *
1728      * <strong>Note:</strong> It is preferred to use {@link MediaCodecList#findEncoderForFormat}
1729      * and {@link #createByCodecName} to ensure that the resulting codec can handle a
1730      * given format.
1731      *
1732      * @param type The desired mime type of the output data.
1733      * @throws IOException if the codec cannot be created.
1734      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if type is not a valid mime type.
1735      * @throws NullPointerException if type is null.
1736      */
1737     @NonNull
createEncoderByType(@onNull String type)1738     public static MediaCodec createEncoderByType(@NonNull String type)
1739             throws IOException {
1740         return new MediaCodec(type, true /* nameIsType */, true /* encoder */);
1741     }
1743     /**
1744      * If you know the exact name of the component you want to instantiate
1745      * use this method to instantiate it. Use with caution.
1746      * Likely to be used with information obtained from {@link android.media.MediaCodecList}
1747      * @param name The name of the codec to be instantiated.
1748      * @throws IOException if the codec cannot be created.
1749      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if name is not valid.
1750      * @throws NullPointerException if name is null.
1751      */
1752     @NonNull
createByCodecName(@onNull String name)1753     public static MediaCodec createByCodecName(@NonNull String name)
1754             throws IOException {
1755         return new MediaCodec(
1756                 name, false /* nameIsType */, false /* unused */);
1757     }
MediaCodec( @onNull String name, boolean nameIsType, boolean encoder)1759     private MediaCodec(
1760             @NonNull String name, boolean nameIsType, boolean encoder) {
1761         Looper looper;
1762         if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) != null) {
1763             mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper);
1764         } else if ((looper = Looper.getMainLooper()) != null) {
1765             mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper);
1766         } else {
1767             mEventHandler = null;
1768         }
1769         mCallbackHandler = mEventHandler;
1770         mOnFrameRenderedHandler = mEventHandler;
1772         mBufferLock = new Object();
1774         native_setup(name, nameIsType, encoder);
1775     }
1777     @Override
finalize()1778     protected void finalize() {
1779         native_finalize();
1780     }
1782     /**
1783      * Returns the codec to its initial (Uninitialized) state.
1784      *
1785      * Call this if an {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isRecoverable unrecoverable}
1786      * error has occured to reset the codec to its initial state after creation.
1787      *
1788      * @throws CodecException if an unrecoverable error has occured and the codec
1789      * could not be reset.
1790      * @throws IllegalStateException if in the Released state.
1791      */
reset()1792     public final void reset() {
1793         freeAllTrackedBuffers(); // free buffers first
1794         native_reset();
1795     }
native_reset()1797     private native final void native_reset();
1799     /**
1800      * Free up resources used by the codec instance.
1801      *
1802      * Make sure you call this when you're done to free up any opened
1803      * component instance instead of relying on the garbage collector
1804      * to do this for you at some point in the future.
1805      */
release()1806     public final void release() {
1807         freeAllTrackedBuffers(); // free buffers first
1808         native_release();
1809     }
native_release()1811     private native final void native_release();
1813     /**
1814      * If this codec is to be used as an encoder, pass this flag.
1815      */
1816     public static final int CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE = 1;
1818     /** @hide */
1819     @IntDef(flag = true, value = { CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE })
1820     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
1821     public @interface ConfigureFlag {}
1823     /**
1824      * Configures a component.
1825      *
1826      * @param format The format of the input data (decoder) or the desired
1827      *               format of the output data (encoder). Passing {@code null}
1828      *               as {@code format} is equivalent to passing an
1829      *               {@link MediaFormat#MediaFormat an empty mediaformat}.
1830      * @param surface Specify a surface on which to render the output of this
1831      *                decoder. Pass {@code null} as {@code surface} if the
1832      *                codec does not generate raw video output (e.g. not a video
1833      *                decoder) and/or if you want to configure the codec for
1834      *                {@link ByteBuffer} output.
1835      * @param crypto  Specify a crypto object to facilitate secure decryption
1836      *                of the media data. Pass {@code null} as {@code crypto} for
1837      *                non-secure codecs.
1838      * @param flags   Specify {@link #CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE} to configure the
1839      *                component as an encoder.
1840      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the surface has been released (or is invalid),
1841      * or the format is unacceptable (e.g. missing a mandatory key),
1842      * or the flags are not set properly
1843      * (e.g. missing {@link #CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE} for an encoder).
1844      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Uninitialized state.
1845      * @throws CryptoException upon DRM error.
1846      * @throws CodecException upon codec error.
1847      */
configure( @ullable MediaFormat format, @Nullable Surface surface, @Nullable MediaCrypto crypto, @ConfigureFlag int flags)1848     public void configure(
1849             @Nullable MediaFormat format,
1850             @Nullable Surface surface, @Nullable MediaCrypto crypto,
1851             @ConfigureFlag int flags) {
1852         String[] keys = null;
1853         Object[] values = null;
1855         if (format != null) {
1856             Map<String, Object> formatMap = format.getMap();
1857             keys = new String[formatMap.size()];
1858             values = new Object[formatMap.size()];
1860             int i = 0;
1861             for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: formatMap.entrySet()) {
1862                 if (entry.getKey().equals(MediaFormat.KEY_AUDIO_SESSION_ID)) {
1863                     int sessionId = 0;
1864                     try {
1865                         sessionId = (Integer)entry.getValue();
1866                     }
1867                     catch (Exception e) {
1868                         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong Session ID Parameter!");
1869                     }
1870                     keys[i] = "audio-hw-sync";
1871                     values[i] = AudioSystem.getAudioHwSyncForSession(sessionId);
1872                 } else {
1873                     keys[i] = entry.getKey();
1874                     values[i] = entry.getValue();
1875                 }
1876                 ++i;
1877             }
1878         }
1880         mHasSurface = surface != null;
1882         native_configure(keys, values, surface, crypto, flags);
1883     }
1885     /**
1886      *  Dynamically sets the output surface of a codec.
1887      *  <p>
1888      *  This can only be used if the codec was configured with an output surface.  The
1889      *  new output surface should have a compatible usage type to the original output surface.
1890      *  E.g. codecs may not support switching from a SurfaceTexture (GPU readable) output
1891      *  to ImageReader (software readable) output.
1892      *  @param surface the output surface to use. It must not be {@code null}.
1893      *  @throws IllegalStateException if the codec does not support setting the output
1894      *            surface in the current state.
1895      *  @throws IllegalArgumentException if the new surface is not of a suitable type for the codec.
1896      */
setOutputSurface(@onNull Surface surface)1897     public void setOutputSurface(@NonNull Surface surface) {
1898         if (!mHasSurface) {
1899             throw new IllegalStateException("codec was not configured for an output surface");
1900         }
1901         native_setSurface(surface);
1902     }
native_setSurface(@onNull Surface surface)1904     private native void native_setSurface(@NonNull Surface surface);
1906     /**
1907      * Create a persistent input surface that can be used with codecs that normally have an input
1908      * surface, such as video encoders. A persistent input can be reused by subsequent
1909      * {@link MediaCodec} or {@link MediaRecorder} instances, but can only be used by at
1910      * most one codec or recorder instance concurrently.
1911      * <p>
1912      * The application is responsible for calling release() on the Surface when done.
1913      *
1914      * @return an input surface that can be used with {@link #setInputSurface}.
1915      */
1916     @NonNull
createPersistentInputSurface()1917     public static Surface createPersistentInputSurface() {
1918         return native_createPersistentInputSurface();
1919     }
1921     static class PersistentSurface extends Surface {
1922         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
PersistentSurface()1923         PersistentSurface() {} // used by native
1925         @Override
release()1926         public void release() {
1927             native_releasePersistentInputSurface(this);
1928             super.release();
1929         }
1931         private long mPersistentObject;
1932     };
1934     /**
1935      * Configures the codec (e.g. encoder) to use a persistent input surface in place of input
1936      * buffers.  This may only be called after {@link #configure} and before {@link #start}, in
1937      * lieu of {@link #createInputSurface}.
1938      * @param surface a persistent input surface created by {@link #createPersistentInputSurface}
1939      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Configured state or does not require an input
1940      *           surface.
1941      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the surface was not created by
1942      *           {@link #createPersistentInputSurface}.
1943      */
setInputSurface(@onNull Surface surface)1944     public void setInputSurface(@NonNull Surface surface) {
1945         if (!(surface instanceof PersistentSurface)) {
1946             throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a PersistentSurface");
1947         }
1948         native_setInputSurface(surface);
1949     }
1951     @NonNull
native_createPersistentInputSurface()1952     private static native final PersistentSurface native_createPersistentInputSurface();
native_releasePersistentInputSurface(@onNull Surface surface)1953     private static native final void native_releasePersistentInputSurface(@NonNull Surface surface);
native_setInputSurface(@onNull Surface surface)1954     private native final void native_setInputSurface(@NonNull Surface surface);
native_setCallback(@ullable Callback cb)1956     private native final void native_setCallback(@Nullable Callback cb);
native_configure( @ullable String[] keys, @Nullable Object[] values, @Nullable Surface surface, @Nullable MediaCrypto crypto, @ConfigureFlag int flags)1958     private native final void native_configure(
1959             @Nullable String[] keys, @Nullable Object[] values,
1960             @Nullable Surface surface, @Nullable MediaCrypto crypto, @ConfigureFlag int flags);
1962     /**
1963      * Requests a Surface to use as the input to an encoder, in place of input buffers.  This
1964      * may only be called after {@link #configure} and before {@link #start}.
1965      * <p>
1966      * The application is responsible for calling release() on the Surface when
1967      * done.
1968      * <p>
1969      * The Surface must be rendered with a hardware-accelerated API, such as OpenGL ES.
1970      * {@link android.view.Surface#lockCanvas(android.graphics.Rect)} may fail or produce
1971      * unexpected results.
1972      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Configured state.
1973      */
1974     @NonNull
createInputSurface()1975     public native final Surface createInputSurface();
1977     /**
1978      * After successfully configuring the component, call {@code start}.
1979      * <p>
1980      * Call {@code start} also if the codec is configured in asynchronous mode,
1981      * and it has just been flushed, to resume requesting input buffers.
1982      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Configured state
1983      *         or just after {@link #flush} for a codec that is configured
1984      *         in asynchronous mode.
1985      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error. Note that some codec errors
1986      * for start may be attributed to future method calls.
1987      */
start()1988     public final void start() {
1989         native_start();
1990         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
1991             cacheBuffers(true /* input */);
1992             cacheBuffers(false /* input */);
1993         }
1994     }
native_start()1995     private native final void native_start();
1997     /**
1998      * Finish the decode/encode session, note that the codec instance
1999      * remains active and ready to be {@link #start}ed again.
2000      * To ensure that it is available to other client call {@link #release}
2001      * and don't just rely on garbage collection to eventually do this for you.
2002      * @throws IllegalStateException if in the Released state.
2003      */
stop()2004     public final void stop() {
2005         native_stop();
2006         freeAllTrackedBuffers();
2008         synchronized (mListenerLock) {
2009             if (mCallbackHandler != null) {
2010                 mCallbackHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_SET_CALLBACK);
2011                 mCallbackHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_CALLBACK);
2012             }
2013             if (mOnFrameRenderedHandler != null) {
2014                 mOnFrameRenderedHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_FRAME_RENDERED);
2015             }
2016         }
2017     }
native_stop()2019     private native final void native_stop();
2021     /**
2022      * Flush both input and output ports of the component.
2023      * <p>
2024      * Upon return, all indices previously returned in calls to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer
2025      * dequeueInputBuffer} and {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer dequeueOutputBuffer} &mdash; or obtained
2026      * via {@link Callback#onInputBufferAvailable onInputBufferAvailable} or
2027      * {@link Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable onOutputBufferAvailable} callbacks &mdash; become
2028      * invalid, and all buffers are owned by the codec.
2029      * <p>
2030      * If the codec is configured in asynchronous mode, call {@link #start}
2031      * after {@code flush} has returned to resume codec operations. The codec
2032      * will not request input buffers until this has happened.
2033      * <strong>Note, however, that there may still be outstanding {@code onOutputBufferAvailable}
2034      * callbacks that were not handled prior to calling {@code flush}.
2035      * The indices returned via these callbacks also become invalid upon calling {@code flush} and
2036      * should be discarded.</strong>
2037      * <p>
2038      * If the codec is configured in synchronous mode, codec will resume
2039      * automatically if it is configured with an input surface.  Otherwise, it
2040      * will resume when {@link #dequeueInputBuffer dequeueInputBuffer} is called.
2041      *
2042      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
2043      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2044      */
flush()2045     public final void flush() {
2046         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2047             invalidateByteBuffers(mCachedInputBuffers);
2048             invalidateByteBuffers(mCachedOutputBuffers);
2049             mDequeuedInputBuffers.clear();
2050             mDequeuedOutputBuffers.clear();
2051         }
2052         native_flush();
2053     }
native_flush()2055     private native final void native_flush();
2057     /**
2058      * Thrown when an internal codec error occurs.
2059      */
2060     public final static class CodecException extends IllegalStateException {
CodecException(int errorCode, int actionCode, @Nullable String detailMessage)2061         CodecException(int errorCode, int actionCode, @Nullable String detailMessage) {
2062             super(detailMessage);
2063             mErrorCode = errorCode;
2064             mActionCode = actionCode;
2066             // TODO get this from codec
2067             final String sign = errorCode < 0 ? "neg_" : "";
2068             mDiagnosticInfo =
2069                 "android.media.MediaCodec.error_" + sign + Math.abs(errorCode);
2070         }
2072         /**
2073          * Returns true if the codec exception is a transient issue,
2074          * perhaps due to resource constraints, and that the method
2075          * (or encoding/decoding) may be retried at a later time.
2076          */
2077         public boolean isTransient() {
2078             return mActionCode == ACTION_TRANSIENT;
2079         }
2081         /**
2082          * Returns true if the codec cannot proceed further,
2083          * but can be recovered by stopping, configuring,
2084          * and starting again.
2085          */
2086         public boolean isRecoverable() {
2087             return mActionCode == ACTION_RECOVERABLE;
2088         }
2090         /**
2091          * Retrieve the error code associated with a CodecException
2092          */
2093         public int getErrorCode() {
2094             return mErrorCode;
2095         }
2097         /**
2098          * Retrieve a developer-readable diagnostic information string
2099          * associated with the exception. Do not show this to end-users,
2100          * since this string will not be localized or generally
2101          * comprehensible to end-users.
2102          */
2103         public @NonNull String getDiagnosticInfo() {
2104             return mDiagnosticInfo;
2105         }
2107         /**
2108          * This indicates required resource was not able to be allocated.
2109          */
2110         public static final int ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCE = 1100;
2112         /**
2113          * This indicates the resource manager reclaimed the media resource used by the codec.
2114          * <p>
2115          * With this exception, the codec must be released, as it has moved to terminal state.
2116          */
2117         public static final int ERROR_RECLAIMED = 1101;
2119         /** @hide */
2120         @IntDef({
2122             ERROR_RECLAIMED,
2123         })
2124         @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
2125         public @interface ReasonCode {}
2127         /* Must be in sync with android_media_MediaCodec.cpp */
2128         private final static int ACTION_TRANSIENT = 1;
2129         private final static int ACTION_RECOVERABLE = 2;
2131         private final String mDiagnosticInfo;
2132         private final int mErrorCode;
2133         private final int mActionCode;
2134     }
2136     /**
2137      * Thrown when a crypto error occurs while queueing a secure input buffer.
2138      */
2139     public final static class CryptoException extends RuntimeException {
2140         public CryptoException(int errorCode, @Nullable String detailMessage) {
2141             super(detailMessage);
2142             mErrorCode = errorCode;
2143         }
2145         /**
2146          * This indicates that the requested key was not found when trying to
2147          * perform a decrypt operation.  The operation can be retried after adding
2148          * the correct decryption key.
2149          */
2150         public static final int ERROR_NO_KEY = 1;
2152         /**
2153          * This indicates that the key used for decryption is no longer
2154          * valid due to license term expiration.  The operation can be retried
2155          * after updating the expired keys.
2156          */
2157         public static final int ERROR_KEY_EXPIRED = 2;
2159         /**
2160          * This indicates that a required crypto resource was not able to be
2161          * allocated while attempting the requested operation.  The operation
2162          * can be retried if the app is able to release resources.
2163          */
2164         public static final int ERROR_RESOURCE_BUSY = 3;
2166         /**
2167          * This indicates that the output protection levels supported by the
2168          * device are not sufficient to meet the requirements set by the
2169          * content owner in the license policy.
2170          */
2171         public static final int ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_PROTECTION = 4;
2173         /**
2174          * This indicates that decryption was attempted on a session that is
2175          * not opened, which could be due to a failure to open the session,
2176          * closing the session prematurely, or the session being reclaimed
2177          * by the resource manager.
2178          */
2179         public static final int ERROR_SESSION_NOT_OPENED = 5;
2181         /**
2182          * This indicates that an operation was attempted that could not be
2183          * supported by the crypto system of the device in its current
2184          * configuration.  It may occur when the license policy requires
2185          * device security features that aren't supported by the device,
2186          * or due to an internal error in the crypto system that prevents
2187          * the specified security policy from being met.
2188          */
2189         public static final int ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = 6;
2191         /** @hide */
2192         @IntDef({
2193             ERROR_NO_KEY,
2194             ERROR_KEY_EXPIRED,
2195             ERROR_RESOURCE_BUSY,
2197             ERROR_SESSION_NOT_OPENED,
2199         })
2200         @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
2201         public @interface CryptoErrorCode {}
2203         /**
2204          * Retrieve the error code associated with a CryptoException
2205          */
2206         @CryptoErrorCode
2207         public int getErrorCode() {
2208             return mErrorCode;
2209         }
2211         private int mErrorCode;
2212     }
2214     /**
2215      * After filling a range of the input buffer at the specified index
2216      * submit it to the component. Once an input buffer is queued to
2217      * the codec, it MUST NOT be used until it is later retrieved by
2218      * {@link #getInputBuffer} in response to a {@link #dequeueInputBuffer}
2219      * return value or a {@link Callback#onInputBufferAvailable}
2220      * callback.
2221      * <p>
2222      * Many decoders require the actual compressed data stream to be
2223      * preceded by "codec specific data", i.e. setup data used to initialize
2224      * the codec such as PPS/SPS in the case of AVC video or code tables
2225      * in the case of vorbis audio.
2226      * The class {@link android.media.MediaExtractor} provides codec
2227      * specific data as part of
2228      * the returned track format in entries named "csd-0", "csd-1" ...
2229      * <p>
2230      * These buffers can be submitted directly after {@link #start} or
2231      * {@link #flush} by specifying the flag {@link
2232      * #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG}.  However, if you configure the
2233      * codec with a {@link MediaFormat} containing these keys, they
2234      * will be automatically submitted by MediaCodec directly after
2235      * start.  Therefore, the use of {@link
2236      * #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG} flag is discouraged and is
2237      * recommended only for advanced users.
2238      * <p>
2239      * To indicate that this is the final piece of input data (or rather that
2240      * no more input data follows unless the decoder is subsequently flushed)
2241      * specify the flag {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}.
2242      * <p class=note>
2243      * <strong>Note:</strong> Prior to {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#M},
2244      * {@code presentationTimeUs} was not propagated to the frame timestamp of (rendered)
2245      * Surface output buffers, and the resulting frame timestamp was undefined.
2246      * Use {@link #releaseOutputBuffer(int, long)} to ensure a specific frame timestamp is set.
2247      * Similarly, since frame timestamps can be used by the destination surface for rendering
2248      * synchronization, <strong>care must be taken to normalize presentationTimeUs so as to not be
2249      * mistaken for a system time. (See {@linkplain #releaseOutputBuffer(int, long)
2250      * SurfaceView specifics}).</strong>
2251      *
2252      * @param index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned
2253      *              in a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer}.
2254      * @param offset The byte offset into the input buffer at which the data starts.
2255      * @param size The number of bytes of valid input data.
2256      * @param presentationTimeUs The presentation timestamp in microseconds for this
2257      *                           buffer. This is normally the media time at which this
2258      *                           buffer should be presented (rendered). When using an output
2259      *                           surface, this will be propagated as the {@link
2260      *                           SurfaceTexture#getTimestamp timestamp} for the frame (after
2261      *                           conversion to nanoseconds).
2262      * @param flags A bitmask of flags
2263      *              {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG} and {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}.
2264      *              While not prohibited, most codecs do not use the
2265      *              {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME} flag for input buffers.
2266      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
2267      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2268      * @throws CryptoException if a crypto object has been specified in
2269      *         {@link #configure}
2270      */
2271     public final void queueInputBuffer(
2272             int index,
2273             int offset, int size, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)
2274         throws CryptoException {
2275         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2276             invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
2277             mDequeuedInputBuffers.remove(index);
2278         }
2279         try {
2280             native_queueInputBuffer(
2281                     index, offset, size, presentationTimeUs, flags);
2282         } catch (CryptoException | IllegalStateException e) {
2283             revalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
2284             throw e;
2285         }
2286     }
2288     private native final void native_queueInputBuffer(
2289             int index,
2290             int offset, int size, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)
2291         throws CryptoException;
2293     public static final int CRYPTO_MODE_UNENCRYPTED = 0;
2294     public static final int CRYPTO_MODE_AES_CTR     = 1;
2295     public static final int CRYPTO_MODE_AES_CBC     = 2;
2297     /**
2298      * Metadata describing the structure of a (at least partially) encrypted
2299      * input sample.
2300      * A buffer's data is considered to be partitioned into "subSamples",
2301      * each subSample starts with a (potentially empty) run of plain,
2302      * unencrypted bytes followed by a (also potentially empty) run of
2303      * encrypted bytes. If pattern encryption applies, each of the latter runs
2304      * is encrypted only partly, according to a repeating pattern of "encrypt"
2305      * and "skip" blocks. numBytesOfClearData can be null to indicate that all
2306      * data is encrypted. This information encapsulates per-sample metadata as
2307      * outlined in ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-7:2011 "Common encryption in ISO base
2308      * media file format files".
2309      */
2310     public final static class CryptoInfo {
2311         /**
2312          * The number of subSamples that make up the buffer's contents.
2313          */
2314         public int numSubSamples;
2315         /**
2316          * The number of leading unencrypted bytes in each subSample.
2317          */
2318         public int[] numBytesOfClearData;
2319         /**
2320          * The number of trailing encrypted bytes in each subSample.
2321          */
2322         public int[] numBytesOfEncryptedData;
2323         /**
2324          * A 16-byte key id
2325          */
2326         public byte[] key;
2327         /**
2328          * A 16-byte initialization vector
2329          */
2330         public byte[] iv;
2331         /**
2332          * The type of encryption that has been applied,
2333          * see {@link #CRYPTO_MODE_UNENCRYPTED}, {@link #CRYPTO_MODE_AES_CTR}
2334          * and {@link #CRYPTO_MODE_AES_CBC}
2335          */
2336         public int mode;
2338         /**
2339          * Metadata describing an encryption pattern for the protected bytes in
2340          * a subsample.  An encryption pattern consists of a repeating sequence
2341          * of crypto blocks comprised of a number of encrypted blocks followed
2342          * by a number of unencrypted, or skipped, blocks.
2343          */
2344         public final static class Pattern {
2345             /**
2346              * Number of blocks to be encrypted in the pattern. If zero, pattern
2347              * encryption is inoperative.
2348              */
2349             private int mEncryptBlocks;
2351             /**
2352              * Number of blocks to be skipped (left clear) in the pattern. If zero,
2353              * pattern encryption is inoperative.
2354              */
2355             private int mSkipBlocks;
2357             /**
2358              * Construct a sample encryption pattern given the number of blocks to
2359              * encrypt and skip in the pattern.
2360              */
2361             public Pattern(int blocksToEncrypt, int blocksToSkip) {
2362                 set(blocksToEncrypt, blocksToSkip);
2363             }
2365             /**
2366              * Set the number of blocks to encrypt and skip in a sample encryption
2367              * pattern.
2368              */
2369             public void set(int blocksToEncrypt, int blocksToSkip) {
2370                 mEncryptBlocks = blocksToEncrypt;
2371                 mSkipBlocks = blocksToSkip;
2372             }
2374             /**
2375              * Return the number of blocks to skip in a sample encryption pattern.
2376              */
2377             public int getSkipBlocks() {
2378                 return mSkipBlocks;
2379             }
2381             /**
2382              * Return the number of blocks to encrypt in a sample encryption pattern.
2383              */
2384             public int getEncryptBlocks() {
2385                 return mEncryptBlocks;
2386             }
2387         };
2389         /**
2390          * The pattern applicable to the protected data in each subsample.
2391          */
2392         private Pattern pattern;
2394         /**
2395          * Set the subsample count, clear/encrypted sizes, key, IV and mode fields of
2396          * a {@link MediaCodec.CryptoInfo} instance.
2397          */
2398         public void set(
2399                 int newNumSubSamples,
2400                 @NonNull int[] newNumBytesOfClearData,
2401                 @NonNull int[] newNumBytesOfEncryptedData,
2402                 @NonNull byte[] newKey,
2403                 @NonNull byte[] newIV,
2404                 int newMode) {
2405             numSubSamples = newNumSubSamples;
2406             numBytesOfClearData = newNumBytesOfClearData;
2407             numBytesOfEncryptedData = newNumBytesOfEncryptedData;
2408             key = newKey;
2409             iv = newIV;
2410             mode = newMode;
2411             pattern = new Pattern(0, 0);
2412         }
2414         /**
2415          * Set the encryption pattern on a {@link MediaCodec.CryptoInfo} instance.
2416          * See {@link MediaCodec.CryptoInfo.Pattern}.
2417          */
2418         public void setPattern(Pattern newPattern) {
2419             pattern = newPattern;
2420         }
2422         @Override
2423         public String toString() {
2424             StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
2425             builder.append(numSubSamples + " subsamples, key [");
2426             String hexdigits = "0123456789abcdef";
2427             for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
2428                 builder.append(hexdigits.charAt((key[i] & 0xf0) >> 4));
2429                 builder.append(hexdigits.charAt(key[i] & 0x0f));
2430             }
2431             builder.append("], iv [");
2432             for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
2433                 builder.append(hexdigits.charAt((iv[i] & 0xf0) >> 4));
2434                 builder.append(hexdigits.charAt(iv[i] & 0x0f));
2435             }
2436             builder.append("], clear ");
Arrays.toString(numBytesOfClearData)2437             builder.append(Arrays.toString(numBytesOfClearData));
2438             builder.append(", encrypted ");
Arrays.toString(numBytesOfEncryptedData)2439             builder.append(Arrays.toString(numBytesOfEncryptedData));
2440             return builder.toString();
2441         }
2442     };
2444     /**
2445      * Similar to {@link #queueInputBuffer queueInputBuffer} but submits a buffer that is
2446      * potentially encrypted.
2447      * <strong>Check out further notes at {@link #queueInputBuffer queueInputBuffer}.</strong>
2448      *
2449      * @param index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned
2450      *              in a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer}.
2451      * @param offset The byte offset into the input buffer at which the data starts.
2452      * @param info Metadata required to facilitate decryption, the object can be
2453      *             reused immediately after this call returns.
2454      * @param presentationTimeUs The presentation timestamp in microseconds for this
2455      *                           buffer. This is normally the media time at which this
2456      *                           buffer should be presented (rendered).
2457      * @param flags A bitmask of flags
2458      *              {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG} and {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}.
2459      *              While not prohibited, most codecs do not use the
2460      *              {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME} flag for input buffers.
2461      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
2462      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2463      * @throws CryptoException if an error occurs while attempting to decrypt the buffer.
2464      *              An error code associated with the exception helps identify the
2465      *              reason for the failure.
2466      */
queueSecureInputBuffer( int index, int offset, @NonNull CryptoInfo info, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)2467     public final void queueSecureInputBuffer(
2468             int index,
2469             int offset,
2470             @NonNull CryptoInfo info,
2471             long presentationTimeUs,
2472             int flags) throws CryptoException {
2473         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2474             invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
2475             mDequeuedInputBuffers.remove(index);
2476         }
2477         try {
2478             native_queueSecureInputBuffer(
2479                     index, offset, info, presentationTimeUs, flags);
2480         } catch (CryptoException | IllegalStateException e) {
2481             revalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
2482             throw e;
2483         }
2484     }
native_queueSecureInputBuffer( int index, int offset, @NonNull CryptoInfo info, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)2486     private native final void native_queueSecureInputBuffer(
2487             int index,
2488             int offset,
2489             @NonNull CryptoInfo info,
2490             long presentationTimeUs,
2491             int flags) throws CryptoException;
2493     /**
2494      * Returns the index of an input buffer to be filled with valid data
2495      * or -1 if no such buffer is currently available.
2496      * This method will return immediately if timeoutUs == 0, wait indefinitely
2497      * for the availability of an input buffer if timeoutUs &lt; 0 or wait up
2498      * to "timeoutUs" microseconds if timeoutUs &gt; 0.
2499      * @param timeoutUs The timeout in microseconds, a negative timeout indicates "infinite".
2500      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state,
2501      *         or codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
2502      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2503      */
dequeueInputBuffer(long timeoutUs)2504     public final int dequeueInputBuffer(long timeoutUs) {
2505         int res = native_dequeueInputBuffer(timeoutUs);
2506         if (res >= 0) {
2507             synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2508                 validateInputByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, res);
2509             }
2510         }
2511         return res;
2512     }
native_dequeueInputBuffer(long timeoutUs)2514     private native final int native_dequeueInputBuffer(long timeoutUs);
2516     /**
2517      * If a non-negative timeout had been specified in the call
2518      * to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}, indicates that the call timed out.
2519      */
2520     public static final int INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER        = -1;
2522     /**
2523      * The output format has changed, subsequent data will follow the new
2524      * format. {@link #getOutputFormat()} returns the new format.  Note, that
2525      * you can also use the new {@link #getOutputFormat(int)} method to
2526      * get the format for a specific output buffer.  This frees you from
2527      * having to track output format changes.
2528      */
2529     public static final int INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED  = -2;
2531     /**
2532      * The output buffers have changed, the client must refer to the new
2533      * set of output buffers returned by {@link #getOutputBuffers} from
2534      * this point on.
2535      *
2536      * <p>Additionally, this event signals that the video scaling mode
2537      * may have been reset to the default.</p>
2538      *
2539      * @deprecated This return value can be ignored as {@link
2540      * #getOutputBuffers} has been deprecated.  Client should
2541      * request a current buffer using on of the get-buffer or
2542      * get-image methods each time one has been dequeued.
2543      */
2544     public static final int INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED = -3;
2546     /** @hide */
2547     @IntDef({
2548         INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER,
2551     })
2552     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
2553     public @interface OutputBufferInfo {}
2555     /**
2556      * Dequeue an output buffer, block at most "timeoutUs" microseconds.
2557      * Returns the index of an output buffer that has been successfully
2558      * decoded or one of the INFO_* constants.
2559      * @param info Will be filled with buffer meta data.
2560      * @param timeoutUs The timeout in microseconds, a negative timeout indicates "infinite".
2561      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state,
2562      *         or codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
2563      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2564      */
2565     @OutputBufferInfo
dequeueOutputBuffer( @onNull BufferInfo info, long timeoutUs)2566     public final int dequeueOutputBuffer(
2567             @NonNull BufferInfo info, long timeoutUs) {
2568         int res = native_dequeueOutputBuffer(info, timeoutUs);
2569         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2570             if (res == INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
2571                 cacheBuffers(false /* input */);
2572             } else if (res >= 0) {
2573                 validateOutputByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, res, info);
2574                 if (mHasSurface) {
2575                     mDequeuedOutputInfos.put(res, info.dup());
2576                 }
2577             }
2578         }
2579         return res;
2580     }
native_dequeueOutputBuffer( @onNull BufferInfo info, long timeoutUs)2582     private native final int native_dequeueOutputBuffer(
2583             @NonNull BufferInfo info, long timeoutUs);
2585     /**
2586      * If you are done with a buffer, use this call to return the buffer to the codec
2587      * or to render it on the output surface. If you configured the codec with an
2588      * output surface, setting {@code render} to {@code true} will first send the buffer
2589      * to that output surface. The surface will release the buffer back to the codec once
2590      * it is no longer used/displayed.
2591      *
2592      * Once an output buffer is released to the codec, it MUST NOT
2593      * be used until it is later retrieved by {@link #getOutputBuffer} in response
2594      * to a {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer} return value or a
2595      * {@link Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable} callback.
2596      *
2597      * @param index The index of a client-owned output buffer previously returned
2598      *              from a call to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}.
2599      * @param render If a valid surface was specified when configuring the codec,
2600      *               passing true renders this output buffer to the surface.
2601      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
2602      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2603      */
releaseOutputBuffer(int index, boolean render)2604     public final void releaseOutputBuffer(int index, boolean render) {
2605         BufferInfo info = null;
2606         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2607             invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, index);
2608             mDequeuedOutputBuffers.remove(index);
2609             if (mHasSurface) {
2610                 info = mDequeuedOutputInfos.remove(index);
2611             }
2612         }
2613         releaseOutputBuffer(index, render, false /* updatePTS */, 0 /* dummy */);
2614     }
2616     /**
2617      * If you are done with a buffer, use this call to update its surface timestamp
2618      * and return it to the codec to render it on the output surface. If you
2619      * have not specified an output surface when configuring this video codec,
2620      * this call will simply return the buffer to the codec.<p>
2621      *
2622      * The timestamp may have special meaning depending on the destination surface.
2623      *
2624      * <table>
2625      * <tr><th>SurfaceView specifics</th></tr>
2626      * <tr><td>
2627      * If you render your buffer on a {@link android.view.SurfaceView},
2628      * you can use the timestamp to render the buffer at a specific time (at the
2629      * VSYNC at or after the buffer timestamp).  For this to work, the timestamp
2630      * needs to be <i>reasonably close</i> to the current {@link System#nanoTime}.
2631      * Currently, this is set as within one (1) second. A few notes:
2632      *
2633      * <ul>
2634      * <li>the buffer will not be returned to the codec until the timestamp
2635      * has passed and the buffer is no longer used by the {@link android.view.Surface}.
2636      * <li>buffers are processed sequentially, so you may block subsequent buffers to
2637      * be displayed on the {@link android.view.Surface}.  This is important if you
2638      * want to react to user action, e.g. stop the video or seek.
2639      * <li>if multiple buffers are sent to the {@link android.view.Surface} to be
2640      * rendered at the same VSYNC, the last one will be shown, and the other ones
2641      * will be dropped.
2642      * <li>if the timestamp is <em>not</em> "reasonably close" to the current system
2643      * time, the {@link android.view.Surface} will ignore the timestamp, and
2644      * display the buffer at the earliest feasible time.  In this mode it will not
2645      * drop frames.
2646      * <li>for best performance and quality, call this method when you are about
2647      * two VSYNCs' time before the desired render time.  For 60Hz displays, this is
2648      * about 33 msec.
2649      * </ul>
2650      * </td></tr>
2651      * </table>
2652      *
2653      * Once an output buffer is released to the codec, it MUST NOT
2654      * be used until it is later retrieved by {@link #getOutputBuffer} in response
2655      * to a {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer} return value or a
2656      * {@link Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable} callback.
2657      *
2658      * @param index The index of a client-owned output buffer previously returned
2659      *              from a call to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}.
2660      * @param renderTimestampNs The timestamp to associate with this buffer when
2661      *              it is sent to the Surface.
2662      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
2663      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2664      */
releaseOutputBuffer(int index, long renderTimestampNs)2665     public final void releaseOutputBuffer(int index, long renderTimestampNs) {
2666         BufferInfo info = null;
2667         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2668             invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, index);
2669             mDequeuedOutputBuffers.remove(index);
2670             if (mHasSurface) {
2671                 info = mDequeuedOutputInfos.remove(index);
2672             }
2673         }
2674         releaseOutputBuffer(
2675                 index, true /* render */, true /* updatePTS */, renderTimestampNs);
2676     }
releaseOutputBuffer( int index, boolean render, boolean updatePTS, long timeNs)2678     private native final void releaseOutputBuffer(
2679             int index, boolean render, boolean updatePTS, long timeNs);
2681     /**
2682      * Signals end-of-stream on input.  Equivalent to submitting an empty buffer with
2683      * {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM} set.  This may only be used with
2684      * encoders receiving input from a Surface created by {@link #createInputSurface}.
2685      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
2686      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2687      */
signalEndOfInputStream()2688     public native final void signalEndOfInputStream();
2690     /**
2691      * Call this after dequeueOutputBuffer signals a format change by returning
2692      * {@link #INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED}.
2693      * You can also call this after {@link #configure} returns
2694      * successfully to get the output format initially configured
2695      * for the codec.  Do this to determine what optional
2696      * configuration parameters were supported by the codec.
2697      *
2698      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing or
2699      *                               Configured state.
2700      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2701      */
2702     @NonNull
getOutputFormat()2703     public final MediaFormat getOutputFormat() {
2704         return new MediaFormat(getFormatNative(false /* input */));
2705     }
2707     /**
2708      * Call this after {@link #configure} returns successfully to
2709      * get the input format accepted by the codec. Do this to
2710      * determine what optional configuration parameters were
2711      * supported by the codec.
2712      *
2713      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing or
2714      *                               Configured state.
2715      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2716      */
2717     @NonNull
getInputFormat()2718     public final MediaFormat getInputFormat() {
2719         return new MediaFormat(getFormatNative(true /* input */));
2720     }
2722     /**
2723      * Returns the output format for a specific output buffer.
2724      *
2725      * @param index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously
2726      *              returned from a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer}.
2727      *
2728      * @return the format for the output buffer, or null if the index
2729      * is not a dequeued output buffer.
2730      */
2731     @NonNull
getOutputFormat(int index)2732     public final MediaFormat getOutputFormat(int index) {
2733         return new MediaFormat(getOutputFormatNative(index));
2734     }
2736     @NonNull
getFormatNative(boolean input)2737     private native final Map<String, Object> getFormatNative(boolean input);
2739     @NonNull
getOutputFormatNative(int index)2740     private native final Map<String, Object> getOutputFormatNative(int index);
2742     // used to track dequeued buffers
2743     private static class BufferMap {
2744         // various returned representations of the codec buffer
2745         private static class CodecBuffer {
2746             private Image mImage;
2747             private ByteBuffer mByteBuffer;
free()2749             public void free() {
2750                 if (mByteBuffer != null) {
2751                     // all of our ByteBuffers are direct
2752                     java.nio.NioUtils.freeDirectBuffer(mByteBuffer);
2753                     mByteBuffer = null;
2754                 }
2755                 if (mImage != null) {
2756                     mImage.close();
2757                     mImage = null;
2758                 }
2759             }
setImage(@ullable Image image)2761             public void setImage(@Nullable Image image) {
2762                 free();
2763                 mImage = image;
2764             }
setByteBuffer(@ullable ByteBuffer buffer)2766             public void setByteBuffer(@Nullable ByteBuffer buffer) {
2767                 free();
2768                 mByteBuffer = buffer;
2769             }
2770         }
2772         private final Map<Integer, CodecBuffer> mMap =
2773             new HashMap<Integer, CodecBuffer>();
remove(int index)2775         public void remove(int index) {
2776             CodecBuffer buffer = mMap.get(index);
2777             if (buffer != null) {
2778                 buffer.free();
2779                 mMap.remove(index);
2780             }
2781         }
put(int index, @Nullable ByteBuffer newBuffer)2783         public void put(int index, @Nullable ByteBuffer newBuffer) {
2784             CodecBuffer buffer = mMap.get(index);
2785             if (buffer == null) { // likely
2786                 buffer = new CodecBuffer();
2787                 mMap.put(index, buffer);
2788             }
2789             buffer.setByteBuffer(newBuffer);
2790         }
put(int index, @Nullable Image newImage)2792         public void put(int index, @Nullable Image newImage) {
2793             CodecBuffer buffer = mMap.get(index);
2794             if (buffer == null) { // likely
2795                 buffer = new CodecBuffer();
2796                 mMap.put(index, buffer);
2797             }
2798             buffer.setImage(newImage);
2799         }
clear()2801         public void clear() {
2802             for (CodecBuffer buffer: mMap.values()) {
2803                 buffer.free();
2804             }
2805             mMap.clear();
2806         }
2807     }
2809     private ByteBuffer[] mCachedInputBuffers;
2810     private ByteBuffer[] mCachedOutputBuffers;
2811     private final BufferMap mDequeuedInputBuffers = new BufferMap();
2812     private final BufferMap mDequeuedOutputBuffers = new BufferMap();
2813     private final Map<Integer, BufferInfo> mDequeuedOutputInfos =
2814         new HashMap<Integer, BufferInfo>();
2815     final private Object mBufferLock;
invalidateByteBuffer( @ullable ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index)2817     private final void invalidateByteBuffer(
2818             @Nullable ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index) {
2819         if (buffers != null && index >= 0 && index < buffers.length) {
2820             ByteBuffer buffer = buffers[index];
2821             if (buffer != null) {
2822                 buffer.setAccessible(false);
2823             }
2824         }
2825     }
validateInputByteBuffer( @ullable ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index)2827     private final void validateInputByteBuffer(
2828             @Nullable ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index) {
2829         if (buffers != null && index >= 0 && index < buffers.length) {
2830             ByteBuffer buffer = buffers[index];
2831             if (buffer != null) {
2832                 buffer.setAccessible(true);
2833                 buffer.clear();
2834             }
2835         }
2836     }
revalidateByteBuffer( @ullable ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index)2838     private final void revalidateByteBuffer(
2839             @Nullable ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index) {
2840         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2841             if (buffers != null && index >= 0 && index < buffers.length) {
2842                 ByteBuffer buffer = buffers[index];
2843                 if (buffer != null) {
2844                     buffer.setAccessible(true);
2845                 }
2846             }
2847         }
2848     }
validateOutputByteBuffer( @ullable ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index, @NonNull BufferInfo info)2850     private final void validateOutputByteBuffer(
2851             @Nullable ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index, @NonNull BufferInfo info) {
2852         if (buffers != null && index >= 0 && index < buffers.length) {
2853             ByteBuffer buffer = buffers[index];
2854             if (buffer != null) {
2855                 buffer.setAccessible(true);
2856                 buffer.limit(info.offset + info.size).position(info.offset);
2857             }
2858         }
2859     }
invalidateByteBuffers(@ullable ByteBuffer[] buffers)2861     private final void invalidateByteBuffers(@Nullable ByteBuffer[] buffers) {
2862         if (buffers != null) {
2863             for (ByteBuffer buffer: buffers) {
2864                 if (buffer != null) {
2865                     buffer.setAccessible(false);
2866                 }
2867             }
2868         }
2869     }
freeByteBuffer(@ullable ByteBuffer buffer)2871     private final void freeByteBuffer(@Nullable ByteBuffer buffer) {
2872         if (buffer != null /* && buffer.isDirect() */) {
2873             // all of our ByteBuffers are direct
2874             java.nio.NioUtils.freeDirectBuffer(buffer);
2875         }
2876     }
freeByteBuffers(@ullable ByteBuffer[] buffers)2878     private final void freeByteBuffers(@Nullable ByteBuffer[] buffers) {
2879         if (buffers != null) {
2880             for (ByteBuffer buffer: buffers) {
2881                 freeByteBuffer(buffer);
2882             }
2883         }
2884     }
freeAllTrackedBuffers()2886     private final void freeAllTrackedBuffers() {
2887         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2888             freeByteBuffers(mCachedInputBuffers);
2889             freeByteBuffers(mCachedOutputBuffers);
2890             mCachedInputBuffers = null;
2891             mCachedOutputBuffers = null;
2892             mDequeuedInputBuffers.clear();
2893             mDequeuedOutputBuffers.clear();
2894         }
2895     }
cacheBuffers(boolean input)2897     private final void cacheBuffers(boolean input) {
2898         ByteBuffer[] buffers = null;
2899         try {
2900             buffers = getBuffers(input);
2901             invalidateByteBuffers(buffers);
2902         } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
2903             // we don't get buffers in async mode
2904         }
2905         if (input) {
2906             mCachedInputBuffers = buffers;
2907         } else {
2908             mCachedOutputBuffers = buffers;
2909         }
2910     }
2912     /**
2913      * Retrieve the set of input buffers.  Call this after start()
2914      * returns. After calling this method, any ByteBuffers
2915      * previously returned by an earlier call to this method MUST no
2916      * longer be used.
2917      *
2918      * @deprecated Use the new {@link #getInputBuffer} method instead
2919      * each time an input buffer is dequeued.
2920      *
2921      * <b>Note:</b> As of API 21, dequeued input buffers are
2922      * automatically {@link java.nio.Buffer#clear cleared}.
2923      *
2924      * <em>Do not use this method if using an input surface.</em>
2925      *
2926      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state,
2927      *         or codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
2928      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2929      */
2930     @NonNull
getInputBuffers()2931     public ByteBuffer[] getInputBuffers() {
2932         if (mCachedInputBuffers == null) {
2933             throw new IllegalStateException();
2934         }
2935         // FIXME: check codec status
2936         return mCachedInputBuffers;
2937     }
2939     /**
2940      * Retrieve the set of output buffers.  Call this after start()
2941      * returns and whenever dequeueOutputBuffer signals an output
2942      * buffer change by returning {@link
2943      * #INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED}. After calling this method, any
2944      * ByteBuffers previously returned by an earlier call to this
2945      * method MUST no longer be used.
2946      *
2947      * @deprecated Use the new {@link #getOutputBuffer} method instead
2948      * each time an output buffer is dequeued.  This method is not
2949      * supported if codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
2950      *
2951      * <b>Note:</b> As of API 21, the position and limit of output
2952      * buffers that are dequeued will be set to the valid data
2953      * range.
2954      *
2955      * <em>Do not use this method if using an output surface.</em>
2956      *
2957      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state,
2958      *         or codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
2959      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2960      */
2961     @NonNull
getOutputBuffers()2962     public ByteBuffer[] getOutputBuffers() {
2963         if (mCachedOutputBuffers == null) {
2964             throw new IllegalStateException();
2965         }
2966         // FIXME: check codec status
2967         return mCachedOutputBuffers;
2968     }
2970     /**
2971      * Returns a {@link java.nio.Buffer#clear cleared}, writable ByteBuffer
2972      * object for a dequeued input buffer index to contain the input data.
2973      *
2974      * After calling this method any ByteBuffer or Image object
2975      * previously returned for the same input index MUST no longer
2976      * be used.
2977      *
2978      * @param index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously
2979      *              returned from a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer},
2980      *              or received via an onInputBufferAvailable callback.
2981      *
2982      * @return the input buffer, or null if the index is not a dequeued
2983      * input buffer, or if the codec is configured for surface input.
2984      *
2985      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
2986      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
2987      */
2988     @Nullable
getInputBuffer(int index)2989     public ByteBuffer getInputBuffer(int index) {
2990         ByteBuffer newBuffer = getBuffer(true /* input */, index);
2991         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
2992             invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
2993             mDequeuedInputBuffers.put(index, newBuffer);
2994         }
2995         return newBuffer;
2996     }
2998     /**
2999      * Returns a writable Image object for a dequeued input buffer
3000      * index to contain the raw input video frame.
3001      *
3002      * After calling this method any ByteBuffer or Image object
3003      * previously returned for the same input index MUST no longer
3004      * be used.
3005      *
3006      * @param index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously
3007      *              returned from a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer},
3008      *              or received via an onInputBufferAvailable callback.
3009      *
3010      * @return the input image, or null if the index is not a
3011      * dequeued input buffer, or not a ByteBuffer that contains a
3012      * raw image.
3013      *
3014      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
3015      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
3016      */
3017     @Nullable
getInputImage(int index)3018     public Image getInputImage(int index) {
3019         Image newImage = getImage(true /* input */, index);
3020         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
3021             invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
3022             mDequeuedInputBuffers.put(index, newImage);
3023         }
3024         return newImage;
3025     }
3027     /**
3028      * Returns a read-only ByteBuffer for a dequeued output buffer
3029      * index. The position and limit of the returned buffer are set
3030      * to the valid output data.
3031      *
3032      * After calling this method, any ByteBuffer or Image object
3033      * previously returned for the same output index MUST no longer
3034      * be used.
3035      *
3036      * @param index The index of a client-owned output buffer previously
3037      *              returned from a call to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer},
3038      *              or received via an onOutputBufferAvailable callback.
3039      *
3040      * @return the output buffer, or null if the index is not a dequeued
3041      * output buffer, or the codec is configured with an output surface.
3042      *
3043      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
3044      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
3045      */
3046     @Nullable
getOutputBuffer(int index)3047     public ByteBuffer getOutputBuffer(int index) {
3048         ByteBuffer newBuffer = getBuffer(false /* input */, index);
3049         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
3050             invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, index);
3051             mDequeuedOutputBuffers.put(index, newBuffer);
3052         }
3053         return newBuffer;
3054     }
3056     /**
3057      * Returns a read-only Image object for a dequeued output buffer
3058      * index that contains the raw video frame.
3059      *
3060      * After calling this method, any ByteBuffer or Image object previously
3061      * returned for the same output index MUST no longer be used.
3062      *
3063      * @param index The index of a client-owned output buffer previously
3064      *              returned from a call to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer},
3065      *              or received via an onOutputBufferAvailable callback.
3066      *
3067      * @return the output image, or null if the index is not a
3068      * dequeued output buffer, not a raw video frame, or if the codec
3069      * was configured with an output surface.
3070      *
3071      * @throws IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
3072      * @throws MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
3073      */
3074     @Nullable
getOutputImage(int index)3075     public Image getOutputImage(int index) {
3076         Image newImage = getImage(false /* input */, index);
3077         synchronized(mBufferLock) {
3078             invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, index);
3079             mDequeuedOutputBuffers.put(index, newImage);
3080         }
3081         return newImage;
3082     }
3084     /**
3085      * The content is scaled to the surface dimensions
3086      */
3087     public static final int VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT               = 1;
3089     /**
3090      * The content is scaled, maintaining its aspect ratio, the whole
3091      * surface area is used, content may be cropped.
3092      * <p class=note>
3093      * This mode is only suitable for content with 1:1 pixel aspect ratio as you cannot
3094      * configure the pixel aspect ratio for a {@link Surface}.
3095      * <p class=note>
3096      * As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#N} release, this mode may not work if
3097      * the video is {@linkplain MediaFormat#KEY_ROTATION rotated} by 90 or 270 degrees.
3098      */
3099     public static final int VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT_WITH_CROPPING = 2;
3101     /** @hide */
3102     @IntDef({
3105     })
3106     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
3107     public @interface VideoScalingMode {}
3109     /**
3110      * If a surface has been specified in a previous call to {@link #configure}
3111      * specifies the scaling mode to use. The default is "scale to fit".
3112      * <p class=note>
3113      * The scaling mode may be reset to the <strong>default</strong> each time an
3114      * {@link #INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED} event is received from the codec; therefore, the client
3115      * must call this method after every buffer change event (and before the first output buffer is
3116      * released for rendering) to ensure consistent scaling mode.
3117      * <p class=note>
3118      * Since the {@link #INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED} event is deprecated, this can also be done
3119      * after each {@link #INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED} event.
3120      *
3121      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if mode is not recognized.
3122      * @throws IllegalStateException if in the Released state.
3123      */
setVideoScalingMode(@ideoScalingMode int mode)3124     public native final void setVideoScalingMode(@VideoScalingMode int mode);
3126     /**
3127      * Get the component name. If the codec was created by createDecoderByType
3128      * or createEncoderByType, what component is chosen is not known beforehand.
3129      * @throws IllegalStateException if in the Released state.
3130      */
3131     @NonNull
getName()3132     public native final String getName();
3134     /**
3135      * Change a video encoder's target bitrate on the fly. The value is an
3136      * Integer object containing the new bitrate in bps.
3137      */
3138     public static final String PARAMETER_KEY_VIDEO_BITRATE = "video-bitrate";
3140     /**
3141      * Temporarily suspend/resume encoding of input data. While suspended
3142      * input data is effectively discarded instead of being fed into the
3143      * encoder. This parameter really only makes sense to use with an encoder
3144      * in "surface-input" mode, as the client code has no control over the
3145      * input-side of the encoder in that case.
3146      * The value is an Integer object containing the value 1 to suspend
3147      * or the value 0 to resume.
3148      */
3149     public static final String PARAMETER_KEY_SUSPEND = "drop-input-frames";
3151     /**
3152      * Request that the encoder produce a sync frame "soon".
3153      * Provide an Integer with the value 0.
3154      */
3155     public static final String PARAMETER_KEY_REQUEST_SYNC_FRAME = "request-sync";
3157     /**
3158      * Communicate additional parameter changes to the component instance.
3159      * <b>Note:</b> Some of these parameter changes may silently fail to apply.
3160      *
3161      * @param params The bundle of parameters to set.
3162      * @throws IllegalStateException if in the Released state.
3163      */
setParameters(@ullable Bundle params)3164     public final void setParameters(@Nullable Bundle params) {
3165         if (params == null) {
3166             return;
3167         }
3169         String[] keys = new String[params.size()];
3170         Object[] values = new Object[params.size()];
3172         int i = 0;
3173         for (final String key: params.keySet()) {
3174             keys[i] = key;
3175             values[i] = params.get(key);
3176             ++i;
3177         }
3179         setParameters(keys, values);
3180     }
3182     /**
3183      * Sets an asynchronous callback for actionable MediaCodec events.
3184      *
3185      * If the client intends to use the component in asynchronous mode,
3186      * a valid callback should be provided before {@link #configure} is called.
3187      *
3188      * When asynchronous callback is enabled, the client should not call
3189      * {@link #getInputBuffers}, {@link #getOutputBuffers},
3190      * {@link #dequeueInputBuffer(long)} or {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer(BufferInfo, long)}.
3191      * <p>
3192      * Also, {@link #flush} behaves differently in asynchronous mode.  After calling
3193      * {@code flush}, you must call {@link #start} to "resume" receiving input buffers,
3194      * even if an input surface was created.
3195      *
3196      * @param cb The callback that will run.  Use {@code null} to clear a previously
3197      *           set callback (before {@link #configure configure} is called and run
3198      *           in synchronous mode).
3199      * @param handler Callbacks will happen on the handler's thread. If {@code null},
3200      *           callbacks are done on the default thread (the caller's thread or the
3201      *           main thread.)
3202      */
setCallback(@ullable Callback cb, @Nullable Handler handler)3203     public void setCallback(@Nullable /* MediaCodec. */ Callback cb, @Nullable Handler handler) {
3204         if (cb != null) {
3205             synchronized (mListenerLock) {
3206                 EventHandler newHandler = getEventHandlerOn(handler, mCallbackHandler);
3207                 // NOTE: there are no callbacks on the handler at this time, but check anyways
3208                 // even if we were to extend this to be callable dynamically, it must
3209                 // be called when codec is flushed, so no messages are pending.
3210                 if (newHandler != mCallbackHandler) {
3211                     mCallbackHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_SET_CALLBACK);
3212                     mCallbackHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_CALLBACK);
3213                     mCallbackHandler = newHandler;
3214                 }
3215             }
3216         } else if (mCallbackHandler != null) {
3217             mCallbackHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_SET_CALLBACK);
3218             mCallbackHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_CALLBACK);
3219         }
3221         if (mCallbackHandler != null) {
3222             // set java callback on main handler
3223             Message msg = mCallbackHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_CALLBACK, 0, 0, cb);
3224             mCallbackHandler.sendMessage(msg);
3226             // set native handler here, don't post to handler because
3227             // it may cause the callback to be delayed and set in a wrong state.
3228             // Note that native codec may start sending events to the callback
3229             // handler after this returns.
3230             native_setCallback(cb);
3231         }
3232     }
3234     /**
3235      * Sets an asynchronous callback for actionable MediaCodec events on the default
3236      * looper.
3237      * <p>
3238      * Same as {@link #setCallback(Callback, Handler)} with handler set to null.
3239      * @param cb The callback that will run.  Use {@code null} to clear a previously
3240      *           set callback (before {@link #configure configure} is called and run
3241      *           in synchronous mode).
3242      * @see #setCallback(Callback, Handler)
3243      */
setCallback(@ullable Callback cb)3244     public void setCallback(@Nullable /* MediaCodec. */ Callback cb) {
3245         setCallback(cb, null /* handler */);
3246     }
3248     /**
3249      * Listener to be called when an output frame has rendered on the output surface
3250      *
3251      * @see MediaCodec#setOnFrameRenderedListener
3252      */
3253     public interface OnFrameRenderedListener {
3255         /**
3256          * Called when an output frame has rendered on the output surface.
3257          * <p>
3258          * <strong>Note:</strong> This callback is for informational purposes only: to get precise
3259          * render timing samples, and can be significantly delayed and batched. Some frames may have
3260          * been rendered even if there was no callback generated.
3261          *
3262          * @param codec the MediaCodec instance
3263          * @param presentationTimeUs the presentation time (media time) of the frame rendered.
3264          *          This is usually the same as specified in {@link #queueInputBuffer}; however,
3265          *          some codecs may alter the media time by applying some time-based transformation,
3266          *          such as frame rate conversion. In that case, presentation time corresponds
3267          *          to the actual output frame rendered.
3268          * @param nanoTime The system time when the frame was rendered.
3269          *
3270          * @see System#nanoTime
3271          */
onFrameRendered( @onNull MediaCodec codec, long presentationTimeUs, long nanoTime)3272         public void onFrameRendered(
3273                 @NonNull MediaCodec codec, long presentationTimeUs, long nanoTime);
3274     }
3276     /**
3277      * Registers a callback to be invoked when an output frame is rendered on the output surface.
3278      * <p>
3279      * This method can be called in any codec state, but will only have an effect in the
3280      * Executing state for codecs that render buffers to the output surface.
3281      * <p>
3282      * <strong>Note:</strong> This callback is for informational purposes only: to get precise
3283      * render timing samples, and can be significantly delayed and batched. Some frames may have
3284      * been rendered even if there was no callback generated.
3285      *
3286      * @param listener the callback that will be run
3287      * @param handler the callback will be run on the handler's thread. If {@code null},
3288      *           the callback will be run on the default thread, which is the looper
3289      *           from which the codec was created, or a new thread if there was none.
3290      */
setOnFrameRenderedListener( @ullable OnFrameRenderedListener listener, @Nullable Handler handler)3291     public void setOnFrameRenderedListener(
3292             @Nullable OnFrameRenderedListener listener, @Nullable Handler handler) {
3293         synchronized (mListenerLock) {
3294             mOnFrameRenderedListener = listener;
3295             if (listener != null) {
3296                 EventHandler newHandler = getEventHandlerOn(handler, mOnFrameRenderedHandler);
3297                 if (newHandler != mOnFrameRenderedHandler) {
3298                     mOnFrameRenderedHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_FRAME_RENDERED);
3299                 }
3300                 mOnFrameRenderedHandler = newHandler;
3301             } else if (mOnFrameRenderedHandler != null) {
3302                 mOnFrameRenderedHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_FRAME_RENDERED);
3303             }
3304             native_enableOnFrameRenderedListener(listener != null);
3305         }
3306     }
native_enableOnFrameRenderedListener(boolean enable)3308     private native void native_enableOnFrameRenderedListener(boolean enable);
getEventHandlerOn( @ullable Handler handler, @NonNull EventHandler lastHandler)3310     private EventHandler getEventHandlerOn(
3311             @Nullable Handler handler, @NonNull EventHandler lastHandler) {
3312         if (handler == null) {
3313             return mEventHandler;
3314         } else {
3315             Looper looper = handler.getLooper();
3316             if (lastHandler.getLooper() == looper) {
3317                 return lastHandler;
3318             } else {
3319                 return new EventHandler(this, looper);
3320             }
3321         }
3322     }
3324     /**
3325      * MediaCodec callback interface. Used to notify the user asynchronously
3326      * of various MediaCodec events.
3327      */
3328     public static abstract class Callback {
3329         /**
3330          * Called when an input buffer becomes available.
3331          *
3332          * @param codec The MediaCodec object.
3333          * @param index The index of the available input buffer.
3334          */
onInputBufferAvailable(@onNull MediaCodec codec, int index)3335         public abstract void onInputBufferAvailable(@NonNull MediaCodec codec, int index);
3337         /**
3338          * Called when an output buffer becomes available.
3339          *
3340          * @param codec The MediaCodec object.
3341          * @param index The index of the available output buffer.
3342          * @param info Info regarding the available output buffer {@link MediaCodec.BufferInfo}.
3343          */
onOutputBufferAvailable( @onNull MediaCodec codec, int index, @NonNull BufferInfo info)3344         public abstract void onOutputBufferAvailable(
3345                 @NonNull MediaCodec codec, int index, @NonNull BufferInfo info);
3347         /**
3348          * Called when the MediaCodec encountered an error
3349          *
3350          * @param codec The MediaCodec object.
3351          * @param e The {@link MediaCodec.CodecException} object describing the error.
3352          */
onError(@onNull MediaCodec codec, @NonNull CodecException e)3353         public abstract void onError(@NonNull MediaCodec codec, @NonNull CodecException e);
3355         /**
3356          * Called when the output format has changed
3357          *
3358          * @param codec The MediaCodec object.
3359          * @param format The new output format.
3360          */
onOutputFormatChanged( @onNull MediaCodec codec, @NonNull MediaFormat format)3361         public abstract void onOutputFormatChanged(
3362                 @NonNull MediaCodec codec, @NonNull MediaFormat format);
3363     }
postEventFromNative( int what, int arg1, int arg2, @Nullable Object obj)3365     private void postEventFromNative(
3366             int what, int arg1, int arg2, @Nullable Object obj) {
3367         synchronized (mListenerLock) {
3368             EventHandler handler = mEventHandler;
3369             if (what == EVENT_CALLBACK) {
3370                 handler = mCallbackHandler;
3371             } else if (what == EVENT_FRAME_RENDERED) {
3372                 handler = mOnFrameRenderedHandler;
3373             }
3374             if (handler != null) {
3375                 Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(what, arg1, arg2, obj);
3376                 handler.sendMessage(msg);
3377             }
3378         }
3379     }
setParameters(@onNull String[] keys, @NonNull Object[] values)3381     private native final void setParameters(@NonNull String[] keys, @NonNull Object[] values);
3383     /**
3384      * Get the codec info. If the codec was created by createDecoderByType
3385      * or createEncoderByType, what component is chosen is not known beforehand,
3386      * and thus the caller does not have the MediaCodecInfo.
3387      * @throws IllegalStateException if in the Released state.
3388      */
3389     @NonNull
getCodecInfo()3390     public MediaCodecInfo getCodecInfo() {
3391         return MediaCodecList.getInfoFor(getName());
3392     }
3394     @NonNull
getBuffers(boolean input)3395     private native final ByteBuffer[] getBuffers(boolean input);
3397     @Nullable
getBuffer(boolean input, int index)3398     private native final ByteBuffer getBuffer(boolean input, int index);
3400     @Nullable
getImage(boolean input, int index)3401     private native final Image getImage(boolean input, int index);
native_init()3403     private static native final void native_init();
native_setup( @onNull String name, boolean nameIsType, boolean encoder)3405     private native final void native_setup(
3406             @NonNull String name, boolean nameIsType, boolean encoder);
native_finalize()3408     private native final void native_finalize();
3410     static {
3411         System.loadLibrary("media_jni");
native_init()3412         native_init();
3413     }
3415     private long mNativeContext;
3417     /** @hide */
3418     public static class MediaImage extends Image {
3419         private final boolean mIsReadOnly;
3420         private final int mWidth;
3421         private final int mHeight;
3422         private final int mFormat;
3423         private long mTimestamp;
3424         private final Plane[] mPlanes;
3425         private final ByteBuffer mBuffer;
3426         private final ByteBuffer mInfo;
3427         private final int mXOffset;
3428         private final int mYOffset;
3430         private final static int TYPE_YUV = 1;
3432         @Override
getFormat()3433         public int getFormat() {
3434             throwISEIfImageIsInvalid();
3435             return mFormat;
3436         }
3438         @Override
getHeight()3439         public int getHeight() {
3440             throwISEIfImageIsInvalid();
3441             return mHeight;
3442         }
3444         @Override
getWidth()3445         public int getWidth() {
3446             throwISEIfImageIsInvalid();
3447             return mWidth;
3448         }
3450         @Override
getTimestamp()3451         public long getTimestamp() {
3452             throwISEIfImageIsInvalid();
3453             return mTimestamp;
3454         }
3456         @Override
3457         @NonNull
getPlanes()3458         public Plane[] getPlanes() {
3459             throwISEIfImageIsInvalid();
3460             return Arrays.copyOf(mPlanes, mPlanes.length);
3461         }
3463         @Override
close()3464         public void close() {
3465             if (mIsImageValid) {
3466                 java.nio.NioUtils.freeDirectBuffer(mBuffer);
3467                 mIsImageValid = false;
3468             }
3469         }
3471         /**
3472          * Set the crop rectangle associated with this frame.
3473          * <p>
3474          * The crop rectangle specifies the region of valid pixels in the image,
3475          * using coordinates in the largest-resolution plane.
3476          */
3477         @Override
setCropRect(@ullable Rect cropRect)3478         public void setCropRect(@Nullable Rect cropRect) {
3479             if (mIsReadOnly) {
3480                 throw new ReadOnlyBufferException();
3481             }
3482             super.setCropRect(cropRect);
3483         }
MediaImage( @onNull ByteBuffer buffer, @NonNull ByteBuffer info, boolean readOnly, long timestamp, int xOffset, int yOffset, @Nullable Rect cropRect)3486         public MediaImage(
3487                 @NonNull ByteBuffer buffer, @NonNull ByteBuffer info, boolean readOnly,
3488                 long timestamp, int xOffset, int yOffset, @Nullable Rect cropRect) {
3489             mFormat = ImageFormat.YUV_420_888;
3490             mTimestamp = timestamp;
3491             mIsImageValid = true;
3492             mIsReadOnly = buffer.isReadOnly();
3493             mBuffer = buffer.duplicate();
3495             // save offsets and info
3496             mXOffset = xOffset;
3497             mYOffset = yOffset;
3498             mInfo = info;
3500             // read media-info.  See MediaImage2
3501             if (info.remaining() == 104) {
3502                 int type = info.getInt();
3503                 if (type != TYPE_YUV) {
3504                     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unsupported type: " + type);
3505                 }
3506                 int numPlanes = info.getInt();
3507                 if (numPlanes != 3) {
3508                     throw new RuntimeException("unexpected number of planes: " + numPlanes);
3509                 }
3510                 mWidth = info.getInt();
3511                 mHeight = info.getInt();
3512                 if (mWidth < 1 || mHeight < 1) {
3513                     throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
3514                             "unsupported size: " + mWidth + "x" + mHeight);
3515                 }
3516                 int bitDepth = info.getInt();
3517                 if (bitDepth != 8) {
3518                     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unsupported bit depth: " + bitDepth);
3519                 }
3520                 int bitDepthAllocated = info.getInt();
3521                 if (bitDepthAllocated != 8) {
3522                     throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
3523                             "unsupported allocated bit depth: " + bitDepthAllocated);
3524                 }
3525                 mPlanes = new MediaPlane[numPlanes];
3526                 for (int ix = 0; ix < numPlanes; ix++) {
3527                     int planeOffset = info.getInt();
3528                     int colInc = info.getInt();
3529                     int rowInc = info.getInt();
3530                     int horiz = info.getInt();
3531                     int vert = info.getInt();
3532                     if (horiz != vert || horiz != (ix == 0 ? 1 : 2)) {
3533                         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected subsampling: "
3534                                 + horiz + "x" + vert + " on plane " + ix);
3535                     }
3536                     if (colInc < 1 || rowInc < 1) {
3537                         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unexpected strides: "
3538                                 + colInc + " pixel, " + rowInc + " row on plane " + ix);
3539                     }
3541                     buffer.clear();
3542                     buffer.position(mBuffer.position() + planeOffset
3543                             + (xOffset / horiz) * colInc + (yOffset / vert) * rowInc);
3544                     buffer.limit(buffer.position() + Utils.divUp(bitDepth, 8)
3545                             + (mHeight / vert - 1) * rowInc + (mWidth / horiz - 1) * colInc);
3546                     mPlanes[ix] = new MediaPlane(buffer.slice(), rowInc, colInc);
3547                 }
3548             } else {
3549                 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
3550                         "unsupported info length: " + info.remaining());
3551             }
3553             if (cropRect == null) {
3554                 cropRect = new Rect(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);
3555             }
3556             cropRect.offset(-xOffset, -yOffset);
3557             super.setCropRect(cropRect);
3558         }
3560         private class MediaPlane extends Plane {
MediaPlane(@onNull ByteBuffer buffer, int rowInc, int colInc)3561             public MediaPlane(@NonNull ByteBuffer buffer, int rowInc, int colInc) {
3562                 mData = buffer;
3563                 mRowInc = rowInc;
3564                 mColInc = colInc;
3565             }
3567             @Override
getRowStride()3568             public int getRowStride() {
3569                 throwISEIfImageIsInvalid();
3570                 return mRowInc;
3571             }
3573             @Override
getPixelStride()3574             public int getPixelStride() {
3575                 throwISEIfImageIsInvalid();
3576                 return mColInc;
3577             }
3579             @Override
3580             @NonNull
getBuffer()3581             public ByteBuffer getBuffer() {
3582                 throwISEIfImageIsInvalid();
3583                 return mData;
3584             }
3586             private final int mRowInc;
3587             private final int mColInc;
3588             private final ByteBuffer mData;
3589         }
3590     }
3591 }