1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "webrtc/tools/frame_analyzer/video_quality_analysis.h"
13 #include <assert.h>
14 #include <stdio.h>
15 #include <stdlib.h>
17 #include <string>
19 #define STATS_LINE_LENGTH 32
20 #define Y4M_FILE_HEADER_MAX_SIZE 200
22 #define Y4M_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE 6
24 namespace webrtc {
25 namespace test {
27 using std::string;
ResultsContainer()29 ResultsContainer::ResultsContainer() {}
~ResultsContainer()30 ResultsContainer::~ResultsContainer() {}
GetI420FrameSize(int width,int height)32 int GetI420FrameSize(int width, int height) {
33   int half_width = (width + 1) >> 1;
34   int half_height = (height + 1) >> 1;
36   int y_plane = width * height;  // I420 Y plane.
37   int u_plane = half_width * half_height;  // I420 U plane.
38   int v_plane = half_width * half_height;  // I420 V plane.
40   return y_plane + u_plane + v_plane;
41 }
ExtractFrameSequenceNumber(std::string line)43 int ExtractFrameSequenceNumber(std::string line) {
44   size_t space_position = line.find(' ');
45   if (space_position == string::npos) {
46     return -1;
47   }
48   std::string frame = line.substr(0, space_position);
50   size_t underscore_position = frame.find('_');
51   if (underscore_position == string::npos) {
52     return -1;
53   }
54   std::string frame_number = frame.substr(underscore_position + 1);
56   return strtol(frame_number.c_str(), NULL, 10);
57 }
ExtractDecodedFrameNumber(std::string line)59 int ExtractDecodedFrameNumber(std::string line) {
60   size_t space_position = line.find(' ');
61   if (space_position == string::npos) {
62     return -1;
63   }
64   std::string decoded_number = line.substr(space_position + 1);
66   return strtol(decoded_number.c_str(), NULL, 10);
67 }
IsThereBarcodeError(std::string line)69 bool IsThereBarcodeError(std::string line) {
70   size_t barcode_error_position = line.find("Barcode error");
71   if (barcode_error_position != string::npos) {
72     return true;
73   }
74   return false;
75 }
GetNextStatsLine(FILE * stats_file,char * line)77 bool GetNextStatsLine(FILE* stats_file, char* line) {
78   int chars = 0;
79   char buf = 0;
81   while (buf != '\n') {
82     size_t chars_read = fread(&buf, 1, 1, stats_file);
83     if (chars_read != 1 || feof(stats_file)) {
84       return false;
85     }
86     line[chars] = buf;
87     ++chars;
88   }
89   line[chars-1] = '\0';  // Strip the trailing \n and put end of string.
90   return true;
91 }
ExtractFrameFromYuvFile(const char * i420_file_name,int width,int height,int frame_number,uint8_t * result_frame)93 bool ExtractFrameFromYuvFile(const char* i420_file_name,
94                              int width,
95                              int height,
96                              int frame_number,
97                              uint8_t* result_frame) {
98   int frame_size = GetI420FrameSize(width, height);
99   int offset = frame_number * frame_size;  // Calculate offset for the frame.
100   bool errors = false;
102   FILE* input_file = fopen(i420_file_name, "rb");
103   if (input_file == NULL) {
104     fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open input file for reading: %s\n",
105             i420_file_name);
106     return false;
107   }
109   // Change stream pointer to new offset.
110   fseek(input_file, offset, SEEK_SET);
112   size_t bytes_read = fread(result_frame, 1, frame_size, input_file);
113   if (bytes_read != static_cast<size_t>(frame_size) &&
114       ferror(input_file)) {
115     fprintf(stdout, "Error while reading frame no %d from file %s\n",
116             frame_number, i420_file_name);
117     errors = true;
118   }
119   fclose(input_file);
120   return !errors;
121 }
ExtractFrameFromY4mFile(const char * y4m_file_name,int width,int height,int frame_number,uint8_t * result_frame)123 bool ExtractFrameFromY4mFile(const char* y4m_file_name,
124                              int width,
125                              int height,
126                              int frame_number,
127                              uint8_t* result_frame) {
128   int frame_size = GetI420FrameSize(width, height);
129   int frame_offset = frame_number * frame_size;
130   bool errors = false;
132   FILE* input_file = fopen(y4m_file_name, "rb");
133   if (input_file == NULL) {
134     fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open input file for reading: %s\n",
135             y4m_file_name);
136     return false;
137   }
139   // YUV4MPEG2, a.k.a. Y4M File format has a file header and a frame header. The
140   // file header has the aspect: "YUV4MPEG2 C420 W640 H360 Ip F30:1 A1:1".
141   // Skip the header if this is the first frame of the file.
142   if (frame_number == 0) {
143     char frame_header[Y4M_FILE_HEADER_MAX_SIZE];
144     size_t bytes_read =
145         fread(frame_header, 1, Y4M_FILE_HEADER_MAX_SIZE, input_file);
146     if (bytes_read != static_cast<size_t>(frame_size) && ferror(input_file)) {
147       fprintf(stdout, "Error while reading first frame from file %s\n",
148           y4m_file_name);
149       fclose(input_file);
150       return false;
151     }
152     std::string header_contents(frame_header);
153     std::size_t found = header_contents.find(Y4M_FRAME_DELIMITER);
154     if (found == std::string::npos) {
155       fprintf(stdout, "Corrupted Y4M header, could not find \"FRAME\" in %s\n",
156           header_contents.c_str());
157       fclose(input_file);
158       return false;
159     }
160     frame_offset = static_cast<int>(found);
161   }
163   // Change stream pointer to new offset, skipping the frame header as well.
164   fseek(input_file, frame_offset + Y4M_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET);
166   size_t bytes_read = fread(result_frame, 1, frame_size, input_file);
167   if (bytes_read != static_cast<size_t>(frame_size) &&
168       ferror(input_file)) {
169     fprintf(stdout, "Error while reading frame no %d from file %s\n",
170             frame_number, y4m_file_name);
171     errors = true;
172   }
174   fclose(input_file);
175   return !errors;
176 }
CalculateMetrics(VideoAnalysisMetricsType video_metrics_type,const uint8_t * ref_frame,const uint8_t * test_frame,int width,int height)178 double CalculateMetrics(VideoAnalysisMetricsType video_metrics_type,
179                         const uint8_t* ref_frame,
180                         const uint8_t* test_frame,
181                         int width,
182                         int height) {
183   if (!ref_frame || !test_frame)
184     return -1;
185   else if (height < 0 || width < 0)
186     return -1;
187   int half_width = (width + 1) >> 1;
188   int half_height = (height + 1) >> 1;
189   const uint8_t* src_y_a = ref_frame;
190   const uint8_t* src_u_a = src_y_a + width * height;
191   const uint8_t* src_v_a = src_u_a + half_width * half_height;
192   const uint8_t* src_y_b = test_frame;
193   const uint8_t* src_u_b = src_y_b + width * height;
194   const uint8_t* src_v_b = src_u_b + half_width * half_height;
196   int stride_y = width;
197   int stride_uv = half_width;
199   double result = 0.0;
201   switch (video_metrics_type) {
202     case kPSNR:
203       // In the following: stride is determined by width.
204       result = libyuv::I420Psnr(src_y_a, width, src_u_a, half_width,
205                                 src_v_a, half_width, src_y_b, width,
206                                 src_u_b, half_width, src_v_b, half_width,
207                                 width, height);
208       // LibYuv sets the max psnr value to 128, we restrict it to 48.
209       // In case of 0 mse in one frame, 128 can skew the results significantly.
210       result = (result > 48.0) ? 48.0 : result;
211       break;
212     case kSSIM:
213       result = libyuv::I420Ssim(src_y_a, stride_y, src_u_a, stride_uv,
214                                 src_v_a, stride_uv, src_y_b, stride_y,
215                                 src_u_b, stride_uv, src_v_b, stride_uv,
216                                 width, height);
217       break;
218     default:
219       assert(false);
220   }
222   return result;
223 }
RunAnalysis(const char * reference_file_name,const char * test_file_name,const char * stats_file_name,int width,int height,ResultsContainer * results)225 void RunAnalysis(const char* reference_file_name, const char* test_file_name,
226                  const char* stats_file_name, int width, int height,
227                  ResultsContainer* results) {
228   // Check if the reference_file_name ends with "y4m".
229   bool y4m_mode = false;
230   if (std::string(reference_file_name).find("y4m") != std::string::npos) {
231     y4m_mode = true;
232   }
234   int size = GetI420FrameSize(width, height);
235   FILE* stats_file = fopen(stats_file_name, "r");
237   // String buffer for the lines in the stats file.
238   char line[STATS_LINE_LENGTH];
240   // Allocate buffers for test and reference frames.
241   uint8_t* test_frame = new uint8_t[size];
242   uint8_t* reference_frame = new uint8_t[size];
243   int previous_frame_number = -1;
245   // While there are entries in the stats file.
246   while (GetNextStatsLine(stats_file, line)) {
247     int extracted_test_frame = ExtractFrameSequenceNumber(line);
248     int decoded_frame_number = ExtractDecodedFrameNumber(line);
250     // If there was problem decoding the barcode in this frame or the frame has
251     // been duplicated, continue.
252     if (IsThereBarcodeError(line) ||
253         decoded_frame_number == previous_frame_number) {
254       continue;
255     }
257     assert(extracted_test_frame != -1);
258     assert(decoded_frame_number != -1);
260     ExtractFrameFromYuvFile(test_file_name, width, height, extracted_test_frame,
261                             test_frame);
262     if (y4m_mode) {
263       ExtractFrameFromY4mFile(reference_file_name, width, height,
264                               decoded_frame_number, reference_frame);
265     } else {
266       ExtractFrameFromYuvFile(reference_file_name, width, height,
267                               decoded_frame_number, reference_frame);
268     }
270     // Calculate the PSNR and SSIM.
271     double result_psnr = CalculateMetrics(kPSNR, reference_frame, test_frame,
272                                           width, height);
273     double result_ssim = CalculateMetrics(kSSIM, reference_frame, test_frame,
274                                           width, height);
276     previous_frame_number = decoded_frame_number;
278     // Fill in the result struct.
279     AnalysisResult result;
280     result.frame_number = decoded_frame_number;
281     result.psnr_value = result_psnr;
282     result.ssim_value = result_ssim;
284     results->frames.push_back(result);
285   }
287   // Cleanup.
288   fclose(stats_file);
289   delete[] test_frame;
290   delete[] reference_frame;
291 }
PrintMaxRepeatedAndSkippedFrames(const std::string & label,const std::string & stats_file_name)293 void PrintMaxRepeatedAndSkippedFrames(const std::string& label,
294                                       const std::string& stats_file_name) {
295   PrintMaxRepeatedAndSkippedFrames(stdout, label, stats_file_name);
296 }
PrintMaxRepeatedAndSkippedFrames(FILE * output,const std::string & label,const std::string & stats_file_name)298 void PrintMaxRepeatedAndSkippedFrames(FILE* output, const std::string& label,
299                                       const std::string& stats_file_name) {
300   FILE* stats_file = fopen(stats_file_name.c_str(), "r");
301   if (stats_file == NULL) {
302     fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open stats file for reading: %s\n",
303             stats_file_name.c_str());
304     return;
305   }
306   char line[STATS_LINE_LENGTH];
308   int repeated_frames = 1;
309   int max_repeated_frames = 1;
310   int max_skipped_frames = 1;
311   int previous_frame_number = -1;
313   while (GetNextStatsLine(stats_file, line)) {
314     int decoded_frame_number = ExtractDecodedFrameNumber(line);
316     if (decoded_frame_number == -1) {
317       continue;
318     }
320     // Calculate how many frames a cluster of repeated frames contains.
321     if (decoded_frame_number == previous_frame_number) {
322       ++repeated_frames;
323       if (repeated_frames > max_repeated_frames) {
324         max_repeated_frames = repeated_frames;
325       }
326     } else {
327       repeated_frames = 1;
328     }
330     // Calculate how much frames have been skipped.
331     if (decoded_frame_number != 0 && previous_frame_number != -1) {
332       int skipped_frames = decoded_frame_number - previous_frame_number - 1;
333       if (skipped_frames > max_skipped_frames) {
334         max_skipped_frames = skipped_frames;
335       }
336     }
337     previous_frame_number = decoded_frame_number;
338   }
339   fprintf(output, "RESULT Max_repeated: %s= %d\n", label.c_str(),
340           max_repeated_frames);
341   fprintf(output, "RESULT Max_skipped: %s= %d\n", label.c_str(),
342           max_skipped_frames);
343   fclose(stats_file);
344 }
PrintAnalysisResults(const std::string & label,ResultsContainer * results)346 void PrintAnalysisResults(const std::string& label, ResultsContainer* results) {
347   PrintAnalysisResults(stdout, label, results);
348 }
PrintAnalysisResults(FILE * output,const std::string & label,ResultsContainer * results)350 void PrintAnalysisResults(FILE* output, const std::string& label,
351                           ResultsContainer* results) {
352   std::vector<AnalysisResult>::iterator iter;
354   fprintf(output, "RESULT Unique_frames_count: %s= %u\n", label.c_str(),
355           static_cast<unsigned int>(results->frames.size()));
357   if (results->frames.size() > 0u) {
358     fprintf(output, "RESULT PSNR: %s= [", label.c_str());
359     for (iter = results->frames.begin(); iter != results->frames.end() - 1;
360          ++iter) {
361       fprintf(output, "%f,", iter->psnr_value);
362     }
363     fprintf(output, "%f] dB\n", iter->psnr_value);
365     fprintf(output, "RESULT SSIM: %s= [", label.c_str());
366     for (iter = results->frames.begin(); iter != results->frames.end() - 1;
367          ++iter) {
368       fprintf(output, "%f,", iter->ssim_value);
369     }
370     fprintf(output, "%f] score\n", iter->ssim_value);
371   }
372 }
374 }  // namespace test
375 }  // namespace webrtc