1; The visibility definitions here override the default 2; definitions in the object where the symbols are defined. We 3; check STV_HIDDEN and STV_PROTECTED with function and object 4; definition respectively. This is by no means a full coverage, 5; just enough to be a test-case for the bug described in 6; libdso-3.d. Use ld-elfvsb for general visibility tests. 7 8 .hidden expobj 9 .protected expfn 10 11 .text 12 .global globsym 13 .type globsym,@function 14globsym: 15 move.d expfn:GOTOFF,$r3 16 move.d expfn:PLTG,$r3 17 move.d expfn:PLT,$r3 18 move.d expobj:GOTOFF,$r3 19.Lfe1: 20 .size globsym,.Lfe1-globsym 21