1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES 2.0 Module
3  * -------------------------------------------------
4  *
5  * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  *
19  *//*!
20  * \file
21  * \brief Light amount test.
22  *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
24 #include "es2fLightAmountTest.hpp"
25 #include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp"
26 #include "gluDefs.hpp"
27 #include "gluShaderProgram.hpp"
28 #include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
29 #include "deStringUtil.hpp"
30 #include "deInt32.h"
31 #include "deRandom.h"
33 #include <stdio.h>
34 #include <vector>
36 #include "glw.h"
38 using namespace std;
40 namespace deqp
41 {
42 namespace gles2
43 {
44 namespace Functional
45 {
47 const char* s_noLightsVertexShader =
48 	"uniform mat4 u_modelviewMatrix;\n"
49 	"uniform mat4 u_modelviewProjectionMatrix;\n"
50 	"uniform mat3 u_normalMatrix;\n"
51 	"\n"
52 	"attribute vec4 a_position;\n"
53 	"attribute vec3 a_normal;\n"
54 	"\n"
55 	"varying vec3 v_color;\n"
56 	"\n"
57 	"void main()\n"
58 	"{\n"
59 	"	v_color = vec3(0.0);\n"
60 	"	gl_Position = u_modelviewProjectionMatrix * a_position;\n"
61 	"}\n"
62 ;
64 const char* s_vertexShaderTemplate =
65 	"struct Light\n"
66 	"{\n"
67 	"	vec3	position;\n"
68 	"	vec3	diffuse;\n"
69 	"	vec3	specular;\n"
70 	"	vec3	attenuation;\n"
71 	"};\n"
72 	"uniform Light u_lights[${NUM_DIR_LIGHTS} + ${NUM_OMNI_LIGHTS}];\n"
73 	"uniform mat4 u_modelviewMatrix;\n"
74 	"uniform mat4 u_modelviewProjectionMatrix;\n"
75 	"uniform mat3 u_normalMatrix;\n"
76 	"\n"
77 	"attribute vec4 a_position;\n"
78 	"attribute vec3 a_normal;\n"
79 	"\n"
80 	"varying vec3 v_color;\n"
81 	"\n"
82 	"float computeAttenuation(vec3 dirToLight, vec3 attenuation)\n"
83 	"{\n"
84 	"	float dist = length(dirToLight);\n"
85 	"	return 1.0 / (attenuation.x + attenuation.y*dist + attenuation.z*dist*dist);\n"
86 	"}\n"
87 	"\n"
88 	"vec3 computeDirLight(int ndx, vec3 position, vec3 normal)\n"
89 	"{\n"
90 	"	Light light = u_lights[ndx];\n"
91 	"	float cosAngle = dot(light.position, normal);\n"
92 	"	return cosAngle * light.diffuse;\n"
93 	"}\n"
94 	"\n"
95 	"vec3 computeOmniLight(int ndx, vec3 position, vec3 normal)\n"
96 	"{\n"
97 	"	Light light = u_lights[ndx];\n"
98 	"	vec3 dirToLight = light.position - position;\n"
99 	"	float cosAngle = dot(normalize(dirToLight), normal);\n"
100 	"	float atten = computeAttenuation(dirToLight, light.attenuation);\n"
101 	"	return atten * cosAngle * light.diffuse;\n"
102 	"}\n"
103 	"\n"
104 	"void main()\n"
105 	"{\n"
106 	"	vec3 lightSpacePos = vec3(u_modelviewMatrix * a_position);\n"
107 	"	vec3 lightNormal = normalize(u_normalMatrix * a_normal);\n"
108 	"	vec3 color = vec3(0.0);\n"
109 	"	for (int i = 0; i < ${NUM_DIR_LIGHTS}; i++)\n"
110 	"		color += computeDirLight(i, lightSpacePos, lightNormal);\n"
111 	"	for (int i = 0; i < ${NUM_OMNI_LIGHTS}; i++)\n"
112 	"		color += computeOmniLight(${NUM_DIR_LIGHTS}+i, lightSpacePos, lightNormal);\n"
113 	"	v_color = color;\n"
114 	"	gl_Position = u_modelviewProjectionMatrix * a_position;\n"
115 	"}\n"
116 ;
118 const char* s_fragmentShaderTemplate =
119 	"varying highp vec3 v_color;\n"
120 	"\n"
121 	"void main()\n"
122 	"{\n"
123 	"	gl_FragColor = vec4(v_color, 1.0);\n"
124 	"}\n"
125 	;
127 class LightAmountCase : public TestCase
128 {
129 public:
LightAmountCase(Context & context,const char * name,int numDirectionalLights,int numOmniLights,int numSpotLights)130 	LightAmountCase(Context&  context, const char* name, int numDirectionalLights, int numOmniLights, int numSpotLights)
131 		: TestCase(context, name, name)
132 		, m_numDirectionalLights	(numDirectionalLights)
133 		, m_numOmniLights			(numOmniLights)
134 		, m_numSpotLights			(numSpotLights)
135 	{
136 	}
138 	virtual IterateResult	iterate		(void);
140 private:
141 	int				m_numDirectionalLights;
142 	int				m_numOmniLights;
143 	int				m_numSpotLights;
144 };
iterate(void)146 TestCase::IterateResult LightAmountCase::iterate (void)
147 {
148 	GLU_CHECK_MSG("LightAmountTest::iterate() begin");
150 	string vertexShaderSource;
151 	string fragmentShaderSource;
153 	// Fill in shader template parameters.
154 	{
155 		bool hasAnyLights = ((m_numDirectionalLights + m_numOmniLights + m_numSpotLights) != 0);
157 		tcu::StringTemplate vertexTemplate(hasAnyLights ? s_vertexShaderTemplate : s_noLightsVertexShader);
158 		tcu::StringTemplate fragmentTemplate(s_fragmentShaderTemplate);
160 		map<string, string> params;
161 		params.insert(pair<string, string>("NUM_DIR_LIGHTS", de::toString(m_numDirectionalLights)));
162 		params.insert(pair<string, string>("NUM_OMNI_LIGHTS", de::toString(m_numOmniLights)));
163 		params.insert(pair<string, string>("NUM_SPOT_LIGHTS", de::toString(m_numSpotLights)));
165 		vertexShaderSource		= vertexTemplate.specialize(params);
166 		fragmentShaderSource	= fragmentTemplate.specialize(params);
167 	}
169 	// Create shader and program objects.
170 	glu::ShaderProgram program(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::makeVtxFragSources(vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource));
171 	m_testCtx.getLog() << program;
173 	// Draw something? Check results?
174 	glUseProgram(program.getProgram());
176 	bool testOk = program.isOk();
178 	GLU_CHECK_MSG("LightAmountTest::iterate() end");
180 	m_testCtx.setTestResult(testOk ? QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS : QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, testOk ? "Pass" : "Fail");
181 	return TestCase::STOP;
182 }
184 //
LightAmountTest(Context & context)186 LightAmountTest::LightAmountTest (Context& context) : TestCaseGroup(context, "light_amount", "Light Amount Stress Tests")
187 {
188 }
~LightAmountTest(void)190 LightAmountTest::~LightAmountTest (void)
191 {
192 }
init(void)194 void LightAmountTest::init (void)
195 {
196 	//										name				dir,	omni,	spot
197 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "none",				0,		0,		0	));
198 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "1dir",				1,		0,		0	));
199 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "2dir",				2,		0,		0	));
200 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "4dir",				4,		0,		0	));
201 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "6dir",				6,		0,		0	));
202 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "8dir",				8,		0,		0	));
203 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "10dir",			10,		0,		0	));
204 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "12dir",			12,		0,		0	));
205 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "14dir",			14,		0,		0	));
206 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "16dir",			16,		0,		0	));
207 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "1omni",			0,		1,		0	));
208 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "2omni",			0,		2,		0	));
209 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "4omni",			0,		4,		0	));
210 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "6omni",			0,		6,		0	));
211 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "8omni",			0,		8,		0	));
212 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "10omni",			0,		10,		0	));
213 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "12omni",			0,		12,		0	));
214 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "14omni",			0,		14,		0	));
215 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "16omni",			0,		16,		0	));
216 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "1spot",			0,		0,		1	));
217 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "2spot",			0,		0,		2	));
218 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "4spot",			0,		0,		4	));
219 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "6spot",			0,		0,		6	));
220 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "8spot",			0,		0,		8	));
221 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "1dir_1omni",		1,		1,		0	));
222 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "2dir_2omni",		2,		2,		0	));
223 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "4dir_4omni",		4,		4,		0	));
224 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "1dir_1spot",		1,		0,		1	));
225 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "2dir_2spot",		2,		0,		2	));
226 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "4dir_4spot",		4,		0,		4	));
227 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "1omni_1spot",		0,		1,		1	));
228 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "2omni_2spot",		0,		2,		2	));
229 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "4omni_4spot",		0,		4,		4	));
230 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "1dir_1omni_1spot",	1,		1,		1	));
231 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "2dir_2omni_2spot",	2,		2,		2	));
232 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "4dir_2omni_2spot",	4,		2,		2	));
233 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "2dir_4omni_2spot",	2,		4,		2	));
234 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "2dir_2omni_4spot",	2,		2,		4	));
235 // 	addChild(new LightAmountCase(m_context, "4dir_4omni_4spot",	4,		4,		4	));
236 }
238 } // Functional
239 } // gles2
240 } // deqp