1# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
5# Build ALMOST everything provided by Skia; this should be the default target.
7# This omits the following targets that many developers won't want to build:
8# - debugger: this requires QT to build
11  'variables': {
12    'skia_skip_gui%': 0,
13  },
14  'targets': [
15    {
16      'target_name': 'most',
17      'type': 'none',
18      'dependencies': [
19        # The minimal set of static libraries for basic Skia functionality.
20        'skia_lib.gyp:skia_lib',
22        'bench.gyp:*',
23        'example.gyp:HelloWorld',
24        'SampleApp.gyp:SampleApp',
25        'tools.gyp:tools',
26        'pathops_unittest.gyp:*',
27        'pathops_skpclip.gyp:*',
28        'dm.gyp:dm',
29        'visualbench.gyp:visualbench',
30        'fuzz.gyp:fuzz',
31        'kilobench.gyp:kilobench',
32      ],
33      'conditions': [
34        [ 'skia_gpu == 0', {
35          'dependencies!': [
36            'visualbench.gyp:visualbench',
37            'kilobench.gyp:kilobench',
38          ]
39        }],
40        [ 'skia_os != "android" and skia_os != "linux"', {
41          'dependencies!': [
42            'kilobench.gyp:kilobench',
43          ],
44        }],
45        [ 'skia_gpu == 0 or skia_os == "android"', {
46          'dependencies!': [
47            'example.gyp:HelloWorld',
48          ],
49        }],
50        ['skia_os == "android"', {
51          'dependencies': [
52            'android_system.gyp:SampleApp_APK',
53          ],
54          'conditions': [
55            [ 'skia_gpu == 1', {
56              'dependencies': [
57                'android_system.gyp:VisualBench_APK',
58              ],
59            }],
60          ],
61        }],
62        ['skia_os == "ios"', {
63          'dependencies!': [
64            'example.gyp:HelloWorld',
65            'SampleApp.gyp:SampleApp',
66            'visualbench.gyp:visualbench',
67          ],
68          'dependencies': ['iOSShell.gyp:iOSShell' ],
69        }],
70        ['skia_os == "mac" or skia_os == "linux"', {
71          'dependencies': [ 'nanomsg.gyp:*' ],
72        }],
73        [ 'skia_skip_gui',
74          {
75            'dependencies!': [
76              'example.gyp:HelloWorld',
77              'SampleApp.gyp:SampleApp',
78              'visualbench.gyp:visualbench',
79            ]
80          }
81        ],
82        [ 'skia_build_server', {
83          'dependencies': [
84            'skiaserve.gyp:skiaserve',
85            'json.gyp:json',
86          ],
87        }],
88      ],
89    },
90  ],