1 // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
7 #include "fxcrt_windows.h"
9 #include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_string.h"
FXCRT_FileAccess_Create()12 IFXCRT_FileAccess* FXCRT_FileAccess_Create() {
13   return new CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64;
14 }
FXCRT_Windows_GetFileMode(FX_DWORD dwMode,FX_DWORD & dwAccess,FX_DWORD & dwShare,FX_DWORD & dwCreation)15 void FXCRT_Windows_GetFileMode(FX_DWORD dwMode,
16                                FX_DWORD& dwAccess,
17                                FX_DWORD& dwShare,
18                                FX_DWORD& dwCreation) {
19   dwAccess = GENERIC_READ;
21   if (!(dwMode & FX_FILEMODE_ReadOnly)) {
22     dwAccess |= GENERIC_WRITE;
23     dwCreation = (dwMode & FX_FILEMODE_Truncate) ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_ALWAYS;
24   } else {
25     dwCreation = OPEN_EXISTING;
26   }
27 }
28 #ifdef __cplusplus
29 extern "C" {
30 #endif
33                                         LARGE_INTEGER liDistanceToMove,
34                                         PLARGE_INTEGER lpNewFilePointer,
35                                         DWORD dwMoveMethod);
36 #ifdef __cplusplus
37 }
38 #endif
CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64()39 CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64() : m_hFile(NULL) {}
~CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64()40 CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::~CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64() {
41   Close();
42 }
Open(const CFX_ByteStringC & fileName,FX_DWORD dwMode)43 FX_BOOL CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::Open(const CFX_ByteStringC& fileName,
44                                       FX_DWORD dwMode) {
45   if (m_hFile) {
46     return FALSE;
47   }
48   FX_DWORD dwAccess, dwShare, dwCreation;
49   FXCRT_Windows_GetFileMode(dwMode, dwAccess, dwShare, dwCreation);
50   m_hFile = ::CreateFileA(fileName.GetCStr(), dwAccess, dwShare, NULL,
51                           dwCreation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
52   if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
53     m_hFile = NULL;
54   }
55   return m_hFile != NULL;
56 }
Open(const CFX_WideStringC & fileName,FX_DWORD dwMode)57 FX_BOOL CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::Open(const CFX_WideStringC& fileName,
58                                       FX_DWORD dwMode) {
59   if (m_hFile) {
60     return FALSE;
61   }
62   FX_DWORD dwAccess, dwShare, dwCreation;
63   FXCRT_Windows_GetFileMode(dwMode, dwAccess, dwShare, dwCreation);
64   m_hFile = ::CreateFileW((LPCWSTR)fileName.GetPtr(), dwAccess, dwShare, NULL,
65                           dwCreation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
66   if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
67     m_hFile = NULL;
68   }
69   return m_hFile != NULL;
70 }
Close()71 void CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::Close() {
72   if (!m_hFile) {
73     return;
74   }
75   ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
76   m_hFile = NULL;
77 }
Release()78 void CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::Release() {
79   delete this;
80 }
GetSize() const81 FX_FILESIZE CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::GetSize() const {
82   if (!m_hFile) {
83     return 0;
84   }
85   LARGE_INTEGER size = {};
86   if (!::GetFileSizeEx(m_hFile, &size)) {
87     return 0;
88   }
89   return (FX_FILESIZE)size.QuadPart;
90 }
GetPosition() const91 FX_FILESIZE CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::GetPosition() const {
92   if (!m_hFile) {
93     return (FX_FILESIZE)-1;
94   }
95   LARGE_INTEGER dist = {};
96   LARGE_INTEGER newPos = {};
97   if (!::SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, dist, &newPos, FILE_CURRENT)) {
98     return (FX_FILESIZE)-1;
99   }
100   return (FX_FILESIZE)newPos.QuadPart;
101 }
SetPosition(FX_FILESIZE pos)102 FX_FILESIZE CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::SetPosition(FX_FILESIZE pos) {
103   if (!m_hFile) {
104     return (FX_FILESIZE)-1;
105   }
106   LARGE_INTEGER dist;
107   dist.QuadPart = pos;
108   LARGE_INTEGER newPos = {};
109   if (!::SetFilePointerEx(m_hFile, dist, &newPos, FILE_BEGIN)) {
110     return (FX_FILESIZE)-1;
111   }
112   return (FX_FILESIZE)newPos.QuadPart;
113 }
Read(void * pBuffer,size_t szBuffer)114 size_t CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::Read(void* pBuffer, size_t szBuffer) {
115   if (!m_hFile) {
116     return 0;
117   }
118   size_t szRead = 0;
119   if (!::ReadFile(m_hFile, pBuffer, (DWORD)szBuffer, (LPDWORD)&szRead, NULL)) {
120     return 0;
121   }
122   return szRead;
123 }
Write(const void * pBuffer,size_t szBuffer)124 size_t CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::Write(const void* pBuffer, size_t szBuffer) {
125   if (!m_hFile) {
126     return 0;
127   }
128   size_t szWrite = 0;
129   if (!::WriteFile(m_hFile, pBuffer, (DWORD)szBuffer, (LPDWORD)&szWrite,
130                    NULL)) {
131     return 0;
132   }
133   return szWrite;
134 }
ReadPos(void * pBuffer,size_t szBuffer,FX_FILESIZE pos)135 size_t CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::ReadPos(void* pBuffer,
136                                         size_t szBuffer,
137                                         FX_FILESIZE pos) {
138   if (!m_hFile) {
139     return 0;
140   }
141   if (pos >= GetSize()) {
142     return 0;
143   }
144   if (SetPosition(pos) == (FX_FILESIZE)-1) {
145     return 0;
146   }
147   return Read(pBuffer, szBuffer);
148 }
WritePos(const void * pBuffer,size_t szBuffer,FX_FILESIZE pos)149 size_t CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::WritePos(const void* pBuffer,
150                                          size_t szBuffer,
151                                          FX_FILESIZE pos) {
152   if (!m_hFile) {
153     return 0;
154   }
155   if (SetPosition(pos) == (FX_FILESIZE)-1) {
156     return 0;
157   }
158   return Write(pBuffer, szBuffer);
159 }
Flush()160 FX_BOOL CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::Flush() {
161   if (!m_hFile) {
162     return FALSE;
163   }
164   return ::FlushFileBuffers(m_hFile);
165 }
Truncate(FX_FILESIZE szFile)166 FX_BOOL CFXCRT_FileAccess_Win64::Truncate(FX_FILESIZE szFile) {
167   if (SetPosition(szFile) == (FX_FILESIZE)-1) {
168     return FALSE;
169   }
170   return ::SetEndOfFile(m_hFile);
171 }
172 #endif