1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 SVOX AG, Baslerstr. 30, 8048 Zuerich, Switzerland
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <expat.h>
22 #ifndef _SVOX_SSML_PARSER_H_
23 #define _SVOX_SSML_PARSER_H_
25 /**
26  * SvoxSsmlParser
27  * Parses SSML 1.0 XML documents and convertes it to Pico compatible text input
28  */
29 class SvoxSsmlParser
30 {
31  public: /* construction code */
33   /**
34      Constructor
35      Creates Expat parser and allocates initial text storage
36   */
37   SvoxSsmlParser();
39   /**
40      Destructor
41      Deallocates all resources
42   */
43   ~SvoxSsmlParser();
45   /**
46      initSuccessful
47      Verifies that construction was successful
48      return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
49   */
50   int initSuccessful();
52  public: /* public members */
54   /**
55      parseDocument
56      Parses SSML 1.0 document passed in as argument
57      @ssmldoc - SSML document, partial document input is supported
58      @isFinal - indicates whether input is a complete or partial document, 1 indicates complete document, 0 indicates partial
59      return Expat status code
60   */
61   int parseDocument(const char* ssmldoc, int isFinal);
63   /**
64      getParsedDocument
65      Returns string containing parse result. This can be passed on to Pico for synthesis
66      return parsed string, NULL if error occurred
67   */
68   char* getParsedDocument();
70   /**
71      getParsedDocumentLanguage
72      Returns language string specified in xml:lang attribute of the <speak> tag
73      return language code of SSML document, NULL if not set
74   */
75   char* getParsedDocumentLanguage();
77  private: /* static callback functions */
79   /**
80      starttagHandler
81      Static callback function for Expat start-tag events, internal use only
82   */
83   static void starttagHandler(void* data, const XML_Char* element, const XML_Char** attributes);
85   /**
86      endtagHandler
87      Static callback function for Expat end-tag events, internal use only
88   */
89   static void endtagHandler(void* data, const XML_Char* element);
91   /**
92      textHandler
93      Static callback function for Expat text events, internal use only
94   */
95   static void textHandler(void* data, const XML_Char* text, int length);
97  private: /* element handlers */
99   /**
100      startElement
101      Handles start of element, called by starttagHandler.
102   */
103   void startElement(const XML_Char* element, const XML_Char** attributes);
105   /**
106      endElement
107      Handles end of element, called by endtagHandler.
108   */
109   void endElement(const XML_Char* element);
111   /**
112      textElement
113      Handles text element, called by textHandler.
114   */
115   void textElement(const XML_Char* text, int length);
117   /* helper functions */
119   /**
120      convertToSvoxPitch
121      Convertes SSML prosody tag pitch values to SVOX Pico pitch values.
122   */
123   char* convertToSvoxPitch(const char* value);
125   /**
126      convertToSvoxRate
127      Convertes SSML prosody tag rate values to SVOX Pico speed values.
128   */
129   char* convertToSvoxRate(const char* value);
131   /**
132      convertToSvoxVolume
133      Convertes SSML prosody tag volume values to SVOX Pico volume values.
134   */
135   char* convertToSvoxVolume(const char* value);
137   /**
138      convertBreakStrengthToTime
139      Convertes SSML break tag strength attribute values to SVOX Pico break time values.
140   */
141   char* convertBreakStrengthToTime(const char* value);
143   /**
144      growDataSize
145      Increases size of internal text field.
146   */
147   int growDataSize(int sizeToGrow);
149  private: /* data members*/
151   char* m_data;          /* internal text field, holds parsed text */
152   int m_datasize;        /* size of internal text field */
153   XML_Parser mParser;    /* Expat XML parser pointer */
154   int m_isInBreak;       /* indicator for handling break tag parsing */
155   char* m_appendix;      /* holds Pico pitch, speed and volume close tags for prosody tag parsing */
156   char* m_docLanguage;   /* language set in speak tag of SSML document */
157 };
159 #endif // _SVOX_SSML_PARSER_H_