/external/icu/icu4j/demos/src/com/ibm/icu/dev/demo/holiday/ |
D | HolidayBorderPanel.java | 79 private int thickness; field in HolidayBorderPanel 94 thickness = DEFAULT_THICKNESS; in HolidayBorderPanel() 122 public HolidayBorderPanel(Color color, int thickness) { in HolidayBorderPanel() argument 127 this.thickness = thickness; in HolidayBorderPanel() 141 case SOLID: thickness = DEFAULT_SOLID_THICKNESS; break; in HolidayBorderPanel() 142 case RAISED: thickness = DEFAULT_RAISED_THICKNESS; break; in HolidayBorderPanel() 143 case LOWERED: thickness = DEFAULT_LOWERED_THICKNESS; break; in HolidayBorderPanel() 144 case IN: thickness = DEFAULT_IN_THICKNESS; break; in HolidayBorderPanel() 145 case OUT: thickness = DEFAULT_OUT_THICKNESS; break; in HolidayBorderPanel() 147 thickness = DEFAULT_THICKNESS; in HolidayBorderPanel() [all …]
/external/opencv3/modules/imgcodecs/test/ |
D | test_drawing.cpp | 171 int baseline = 0, thickness = 3, fontFace = FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX; in draw() local 173 Size textSize = getTextSize( text1, fontFace, fontScale, thickness, &baseline); in draw() 174 baseline += thickness; in draw() 177 …line(img, textOrg + Point(0, thickness), textOrg + Point(textSize.width, thickness), Scalar(0, 0, … in draw() 178 putText(img, text1, textOrg, fontFace, fontScale, Scalar(150,0,150), thickness, 8); in draw() 182 fontScale = 0.5, thickness = 1; in draw() 185 textSize = getTextSize( text2, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale, thickness, &baseline); in draw() 187 putText(img, text2, textOrg, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale, color, thickness, CV_AA); in draw() 190 textSize = getTextSize( text2, FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, fontScale, thickness, &baseline); in draw() 192 putText(img, text2, textOrg, FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, fontScale, color, thickness, CV_AA); in draw() [all …]
/external/opencv3/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ml/introduction_to_svm/ |
D | introduction_to_svm.cpp | 56 int thickness = -1; in main() local 58 circle( image, Point(501, 10), 5, Scalar( 0, 0, 0), thickness, lineType ); in main() 59 circle( image, Point(255, 10), 5, Scalar(255, 255, 255), thickness, lineType ); in main() 60 circle( image, Point(501, 255), 5, Scalar(255, 255, 255), thickness, lineType ); in main() 61 circle( image, Point( 10, 501), 5, Scalar(255, 255, 255), thickness, lineType ); in main() 66 thickness = 2; in main() 73 … circle( image, Point( (int) v[0], (int) v[1]), 6, Scalar(128, 128, 128), thickness, lineType); in main()
/external/opencv3/modules/imgproc/src/ |
D | drawing.cpp | 70 const void* color, int thickness, int line_type, int shift ); 990 const void* color, int thickness, int line_type ) in EllipseEx() argument 999 if( thickness >= 0 ) in EllipseEx() 1000 PolyLine( img, &v[0], (int)v.size(), false, color, thickness, line_type, XY_SHIFT ); in EllipseEx() 1558 int thickness, int line_type, int flags, int shift ) in ThickLine() argument 1567 if( thickness <= 1 ) in ThickLine() 1590 int i, oddThickness = thickness & 1; in ThickLine() 1591 thickness <<= XY_SHIFT - 1; in ThickLine() 1595 r = (thickness + oddThickness*XY_ONE*0.5)/std::sqrt(r); in ThickLine() 1620 Circle( img, center, (thickness + (XY_ONE>>1)) >> XY_SHIFT, color, 1 ); in ThickLine() [all …]
/external/opencv3/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/Matrix/ |
D | Drawing_1.cpp | 84 int thickness = 2; in MyEllipse() local 94 thickness, in MyEllipse() 104 int thickness = -1; in MyFilledCircle() local 111 thickness, in MyFilledCircle() 163 int thickness = 2; in MyLine() local 169 thickness, in MyLine()
D | Drawing_2.cpp | 135 int thickness = rng.uniform( -3, 10 ); in Drawing_Random_Rectangles() local 144 rectangle( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), MAX( thickness, -1 ), lineType ); in Drawing_Random_Rectangles()
/external/opencv3/samples/python2/ |
D | grabcut.py | 52 thickness = 3 # brush thickness variable 84 cv2.circle(img,(x,y),thickness,value['color'],-1) 85 cv2.circle(mask,(x,y),thickness,value['val'],-1) 89 cv2.circle(img,(x,y),thickness,value['color'],-1) 90 cv2.circle(mask,(x,y),thickness,value['val'],-1) 95 cv2.circle(img,(x,y),thickness,value['color'],-1) 96 cv2.circle(mask,(x,y),thickness,value['val'],-1)
D | find_obj.py | 100 thickness = 3 101 cv2.line(vis, (x1-r, y1-r), (x1+r, y1+r), col, thickness) 102 cv2.line(vis, (x1-r, y1+r), (x1+r, y1-r), col, thickness) 103 cv2.line(vis, (x2-r, y2-r), (x2+r, y2+r), col, thickness) 104 cv2.line(vis, (x2-r, y2+r), (x2+r, y2-r), col, thickness)
D | peopledetect.py | 17 def draw_detections(img, rects, thickness = 1): argument 22 cv2.rectangle(img, (x+pad_w, y+pad_h), (x+w-pad_w, y+h-pad_h), (0, 255, 0), thickness)
/external/opencv/cxcore/src/ |
D | cxdrawing.cpp | 70 const void* color, int thickness, int line_type, int shift ); 914 const void* color, int thickness, int line_type ) in icvEllipseEx() argument 933 if( thickness >= 0 ) in icvEllipseEx() 935 icvPolyLine( img, v, count, 0, color, thickness, line_type, XY_SHIFT ); in icvEllipseEx() 1558 int thickness, int line_type, int flags, int shift ) in icvThickLine() argument 1567 if( thickness <= 1 ) in icvThickLine() 1591 thickness <<= XY_SHIFT - 1; in icvThickLine() 1595 r = thickness * cvInvSqrt( (float) r ); in icvThickLine() 1620 icvCircle( img, center, thickness >> XY_SHIFT, color, 1 ); in icvThickLine() 1624 icvEllipseEx( img, p0, cvSize(thickness, thickness), in icvThickLine() [all …]
/external/opencv3/doc/tutorials/core/basic_geometric_drawing/ |
D | basic_geometric_drawing.markdown | 106 int thickness = 2; 110 thickness, 120 - The line thickness is set to **thickness** (in this case 2) 126 int thickness = 2; 136 thickness, 149 - The ellipse's **thickness** is 2. 154 int thickness = -1; 161 thickness, 171 - Since **thickness** = -1, the circle will be drawn filled. 236 - Since the thickness value is given by **-1**, the rectangle will be filled.
/external/opencv3/samples/cpp/ |
D | grabcut.cpp | 54 static const int thickness = -1; member in GCApplication 120 circle( res, *it, radius, BLUE, thickness ); in showImage() 122 circle( res, *it, radius, RED, thickness ); in showImage() 124 circle( res, *it, radius, LIGHTBLUE, thickness ); in showImage() 126 circle( res, *it, radius, PINK, thickness ); in showImage() 166 circle( mask, p, radius, bvalue, thickness ); in setLblsInMask() 171 circle( mask, p, radius, fvalue, thickness ); in setLblsInMask()
D | drawing.cpp | 56 int thickness = rng.uniform(-3, 10); in main() local 58 rectangle( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), MAX(thickness, -1), lineType ); in main()
/external/opencv3/modules/java/src/ |
D | imgproc+Imgproc.java | 2500 …public static void line(Mat img, Point pt1, Point pt2, Scalar color, int thickness, int lineType, … in line() argument 2503 …, pt2.x, pt2.y, color.val[0], color.val[1], color.val[2], color.val[3], thickness, lineType, shift… in line() 2509 public static void line(Mat img, Point pt1, Point pt2, Scalar color, int thickness) in line() argument 2512 …bj, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, color.val[0], color.val[1], color.val[2], color.val[3], thickness); in line() 2532 …public static void arrowedLine(Mat img, Point pt1, Point pt2, Scalar color, int thickness, int lin… in arrowedLine() argument 2535 …, pt2.x, pt2.y, color.val[0], color.val[1], color.val[2], color.val[3], thickness, line_type, shif… in arrowedLine() 2555 …public static void rectangle(Mat img, Point pt1, Point pt2, Scalar color, int thickness, int lineT… in rectangle() argument 2558 …, pt2.x, pt2.y, color.val[0], color.val[1], color.val[2], color.val[3], thickness, lineType, shift… in rectangle() 2564 public static void rectangle(Mat img, Point pt1, Point pt2, Scalar color, int thickness) in rectangle() argument 2567 …bj, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, color.val[0], color.val[1], color.val[2], color.val[3], thickness); in rectangle() [all …]
D | imgproc.cpp | 5195 …_val0, jdouble color_val1, jdouble color_val2, jdouble color_val3, jint thickness, jint lineType, … in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_line_10() argument 5204 cv::line( img, pt1, pt2, color, (int)thickness, (int)lineType, (int)shift ); in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_line_10() 5219 …_y, jdouble color_val0, jdouble color_val1, jdouble color_val2, jdouble color_val3, jint thickness) in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_line_11() argument 5228 cv::line( img, pt1, pt2, color, (int)thickness ); in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_line_11() 5271 …_val0, jdouble color_val1, jdouble color_val2, jdouble color_val3, jint thickness, jint line_type,… in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_arrowedLine_10() argument 5280 …cv::arrowedLine( img, pt1, pt2, color, (int)thickness, (int)line_type, (int)shift, (double)tipLeng… in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_arrowedLine_10() 5323 …_val0, jdouble color_val1, jdouble color_val2, jdouble color_val3, jint thickness, jint lineType, … in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_rectangle_10() argument 5332 cv::rectangle( img, pt1, pt2, color, (int)thickness, (int)lineType, (int)shift ); in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_rectangle_10() 5347 …_y, jdouble color_val0, jdouble color_val1, jdouble color_val2, jdouble color_val3, jint thickness) in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_rectangle_11() argument 5356 cv::rectangle( img, pt1, pt2, color, (int)thickness ); in Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_rectangle_11() [all …]
/external/opencv3/modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc/ |
D | imgproc_c.h | 994 CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1003 CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1011 CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1022 CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1033 CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1037 int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1045 0, 360, color, thickness, line_type, shift ); 1065 int is_closed, CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1128 int thickness; //!< Qt: weight /** letters thickness */ member 1154 int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), [all …]
/external/eigen/Eigen/src/OrderingMethods/ |
D | Eigen_Colamd.h | 146 Index thickness ; /* number of original columns represented by this */ member 529 Col [col].shared1.thickness = 1 ; in init_rows_cols() 1037 pivot_col_thickness = Col [pivot_col].shared1.thickness ; in find_ordering() 1065 Col [pivot_col].shared1.thickness = -pivot_col_thickness ; in find_ordering() 1087 col_thickness = Col [col].shared1.thickness ; in find_ordering() 1091 Col [col].shared1.thickness = -col_thickness ; in find_ordering() 1101 Col [pivot_col].shared1.thickness = pivot_col_thickness ; in find_ordering() 1171 col_thickness = -Col [col].shared1.thickness ; in find_ordering() 1173 Col [col].shared1.thickness = col_thickness ; in find_ordering() 1289 pivot_row_degree -= Col [col].shared1.thickness ; in find_ordering() [all …]
/external/opencv3/modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/ |
D | imgproc.hpp | 3777 int thickness = 1, int lineType = LINE_8, int shift = 0); 3793 int thickness=1, int line_type=8, int shift=0, double tipLength=0.1); 3810 const Scalar& color, int thickness = 1, 3819 const Scalar& color, int thickness = 1, 3835 const Scalar& color, int thickness = 1, 3863 const Scalar& color, int thickness = 1, 3876 int thickness = 1, int lineType = LINE_8); 3926 int thickness = 1, int lineType = LINE_8, int shift = 0 ); 3943 int thickness = 1, int lineType = LINE_8, int shift = 0 ); 4018 int thickness = 1, int lineType = LINE_8, [all …]
/external/opencv3/doc/py_tutorials/py_gui/py_drawing_functions/ |
D | py_drawing_functions.markdown | 19 - thickness : Thickness of the line or circle etc. If **-1** is passed for closed figures like 20 circles, it will fill the shape. *default thickness = 1* 35 # Draw a diagonal blue line with thickness of 5 px 88 - regular things like color, thickness, lineType etc. For better look, lineType = cv2.LINE_AA
/external/opencv3/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/ |
D | Utils.cpp | 111 …cv::Point2i p, cv::Point2i q, cv::Scalar color, int arrowMagnitude, int thickness, int line_type, … in drawArrow() argument 114 cv::line(image, p, q, color, thickness, line_type, shift); in drawArrow() 122 cv::line(image, p, q, color, thickness, line_type, shift); in drawArrow() 127 cv::line(image, p, q, color, thickness, line_type, shift); in drawArrow()
D | Utils.h | 40 …Point2i p, cv::Point2i q, cv::Scalar color, int arrowMagnitude = 9, int thickness=1, int line_type…
/external/opencv/cxcore/include/ |
D | cxcore.h | 1287 CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1293 CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1300 CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1308 CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1312 int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1320 0, 360, color, thickness, line_type, shift ); 1333 int is_closed, CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1390 int thickness; /* letters thickness */ member 1400 int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1), 1403 CV_INLINE CvFont cvFont( double scale, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1) ) [all …]
/external/skia/samplecode/ |
D | SampleDither.cpp | 57 SkScalar thickness = p.getStrokeWidth(); in draw_sweep() local 63 path.lineTo(x + radius + thickness, y); in draw_sweep()
/external/opencv3/modules/viz/include/opencv2/viz/ |
D | widgets.hpp | 298 …WArrow(const Point3d& pt1, const Point3d& pt2, double thickness = 0.03, const Color &color = Color… 312 WCircle(double radius, double thickness = 0.01, const Color &color = Color::white()); 322 …WCircle(double radius, const Point3d& center, const Vec3d& normal, double thickness = 0.01, const …
/external/opencv3/modules/viz/src/ |
D | shapes.cpp | 150 cv::viz::WArrow::WArrow(const Point3d& pt1, const Point3d& pt2, double thickness, const Color &colo… in WArrow() argument 153 arrow_source->SetShaftRadius(thickness); in WArrow() 154 arrow_source->SetTipRadius(thickness * 3.0); in WArrow() 155 arrow_source->SetTipLength(thickness * 10.0); in WArrow() 190 cv::viz::WCircle::WCircle(double radius, double thickness, const Color &color) in WCircle() argument 194 disk->SetInnerRadius(radius - thickness); in WCircle() 195 disk->SetOuterRadius(radius + thickness); in WCircle() 211 …ircle(double radius, const Point3d& center, const Vec3d& normal, double thickness, const Color &co… in WCircle() argument 218 WCircle circle(radius, thickness, color); in WCircle()