1 // Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // Adapted from the javascript implementation upon WebGL by kwaters@.
10 static const char *sFlatVertexSource =
11     "attribute highp vec3 pos;\n"
12     "attribute lowp vec4 colorIn;\n"
13     "uniform highp mat4 mvp;\n"
14     "varying lowp vec4 color;\n"
15     "void main() {\n"
16     "  color = colorIn;\n"
17     "  gl_Position = mvp * vec4(pos.xyz, 1.);\n"
18     "}\n";
20 static const char *sFlatFragmentSource =
21     "varying lowp vec4 color;\n"
22     "void main() {\n"
23     "  gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb, 1.0);\n"
24     "}\n";
26 static const char *sLitVertexSource =
27     "attribute highp vec3 pos;\n"
28     "attribute highp vec3 normal;\n"
29     "attribute lowp vec4 colorIn;\n"
30     "\n"
31     "varying lowp vec4 color;\n"
32     "\n"
33     "uniform highp mat4 mvp;\n"
34     "uniform highp mat3 normalMatrix;\n"
35     "uniform lowp vec4 ambient;\n"
36     "uniform lowp float shininess;\n"
37     "uniform lowp vec3 light_0_direction;\n"
38     "uniform lowp vec4 light_0_diffuse;\n"
39     "uniform lowp vec4 light_0_specular;\n"
40     "uniform lowp vec3 light_1_direction;\n"
41     "uniform lowp vec4 light_1_diffuse;\n"
42     "uniform lowp vec3 light_2_direction;\n"
43     "uniform lowp vec4 light_2_diffuse;\n"
44     "\n"
45     "highp vec3 worldNormal;\n"
46     "\n"
47     "lowp vec4 SpecularLight(highp vec3 direction,\n"
48     "                        lowp vec4 diffuseColor,\n"
49     "                        lowp vec4 specularColor) {\n"
50     "  lowp vec3 lightDir = normalize(direction);\n"
51     "  lowp float diffuse = max(0., dot(worldNormal, lightDir));\n"
52     "  lowp float specular = 0.;\n"
53     "  if (diffuse > 0.) {\n"
54     "    highp vec3 halfv = normalize(lightDir + vec3(0., 0., 1.));\n"
55     "    specular = pow(max(0., dot(halfv, worldNormal)), shininess);\n"
56     "  }\n"
57     "  return diffuse * diffuseColor * colorIn + specular * specularColor;\n"
58     "}\n"
59     "\n"
60     "lowp vec4 DiffuseLight(highp vec3 direction, lowp vec4 diffuseColor) {\n"
61     "  highp vec3 lightDir = normalize(direction);\n"
62     "  lowp float diffuse = max(0., dot(worldNormal, lightDir));\n"
63     "  return diffuse * diffuseColor * colorIn;\n"
64     "}\n"
65     "\n"
66     "void main() {\n"
67     "  worldNormal = normalize(normalMatrix * normal);\n"
68     "\n"
69     "  gl_Position = mvp * vec4(pos, 1.);\n"
70     "\n"
71     "  color = ambient * colorIn;\n"
72     "  color += SpecularLight(light_0_direction, light_0_diffuse,\n"
73     "                         light_0_specular);\n"
74     "  color += DiffuseLight(light_1_direction, light_1_diffuse);\n"
75     "  color += DiffuseLight(light_2_direction, light_2_diffuse);\n"
76     "}\n";
78 static const char *sFadeVertexSource =
79     "attribute highp vec2 pos;\n"
80     "\n"
81     "varying lowp vec4 color;\n"
82     "\n"
83     "uniform lowp float minFade;\n"
84     "\n"
85     "void main() {\n"
86     "  color = vec4(minFade, minFade, minFade, 1.);\n"
87     "  gl_Position = vec4(pos, 0., 1.);\n"
88     "}\n";