// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License lt{ Version{""} durationUnits{ hm{"hh:mm"} hms{"hh:mm:ss"} ms{"mm:ss"} } units{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"laisvojo kritimo pagreičiai"} few{"{0} laisvojo kritimo pagreičiai"} many{"{0} laisvojo kritimo pagreičio"} one{"{0} laisvojo kritimo pagreitis"} other{"{0} laisvojo kritimo pagreičių"} } meter-per-second-squared{ dnam{"metrai per kvadratinę sekundę"} few{"{0} metrai per kvadratinęsekundę"} many{"{0} metro per kvadratinę sekundę"} one{"{0} metras per kvadratinę sekundę"} other{"{0} metrų per kvadratinę sekundę"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"kampo minutės"} few{"{0} kampo minutės"} many{"{0} kampo minutės"} one{"{0} kampo minutė"} other{"{0} kampo minučių"} } arc-second{ dnam{"kampo sekundės"} few{"{0} kampo sekundės"} many{"{0} kampo sekundės"} one{"{0} kampo sekundė"} other{"{0} kampo sekundžių"} } degree{ dnam{"laipsniai"} few{"{0} laipsniai"} many{"{0} 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one{"{0} kvadratinis colis"} other{"{0} kvadratinių colių"} per{"{0}/in²"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"kvadratiniai kilometrai"} few{"{0} kvadratiniai kilometrai"} many{"{0} kvadratinio kilometro"} one{"{0} kvadratinis kilometras"} other{"{0} kvadratinių kilometrų"} per{"{0} kv. km"} } square-meter{ dnam{"kvadratiniai metrai"} few{"{0} kvadratiniai metrai"} many{"{0} kvadratinio metro"} one{"{0} kvadratinis metras"} other{"{0} kvadratinių metrų"} per{"{0}/m²"} } square-mile{ dnam{"kvadratinės mylios"} few{"{0} kvadratinės mylios"} many{"{0} kvadratinės mylios"} one{"{0} kvadratinė mylia"} other{"{0} kvadratinių mylių"} per{"{0} kv. my"} } square-yard{ dnam{"kvadratiniai jardai"} few{"{0} kvadratiniai jardai"} many{"{0} kvadratinio jardo"} one{"{0} kvadratinis jardas"} other{"{0} yd²"} } } compound{ per{"{0}/{1}"} } concentr{ karat{ dnam{"karatai"} few{"{0} karatai"} many{"{0} karato"} one{"{0} karatas"} other{"{0} karatų"} } milligram-per-deciliter{ dnam{"miligramai decilitre"} few{"{0} 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many{"{0} ilgosios mylios"} one{"{0} ilgoji mylia"} other{"{0} ilgųjų mylių"} } millimeter{ dnam{"milimetrai"} few{"{0} milimetrai"} many{"{0} milimetro"} one{"{0} milimetras"} other{"{0} milimetrų"} } nanometer{ dnam{"nanometrai"} few{"{0} nanometrai"} many{"{0} nanometro"} one{"{0} nanometras"} other{"{0} nanometrų"} } nautical-mile{ dnam{"jūrmylės"} few{"{0} jūrmylės"} many{"{0} jūrmylės"} one{"{0} jūrmylė"} other{"{0} jūrmylių"} } parsec{ dnam{"parsekas"} few{"{0} parsekai"} many{"{0} parseko"} one{"{0} parsekas"} other{"{0} parsekų"} } picometer{ dnam{"pikometrai"} few{"{0} pikometrai"} many{"{0} pikometro"} one{"{0} pikometras"} other{"{0} pikometrų"} } yard{ dnam{"jardai"} few{"{0} jardai"} many{"{0} jardo"} one{"{0} jardas"} other{"{0} jardų"} } } light{ lux{ dnam{"liuksai"} few{"{0} liuksai"} many{"{0} liukso"} one{"{0} liuksas"} other{"{0} liuksų"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"karatai"} few{"{0} karatai"} many{"{0} karato"} one{"{0} karatas"} other{"{0} karatų"} } gram{ dnam{"gramai"} few{"{0} gramai"} many{"{0} gramo"} one{"{0} gramas"} other{"{0} gramų"} per{"{0}/g"} } kilogram{ dnam{"kilogramai"} few{"{0} kilogramai"} many{"{0} kilogramo"} one{"{0} kilogramas"} other{"{0} kilogramų"} per{"{0}/kg"} } metric-ton{ dnam{"metrinės tonos"} few{"{0} metrinės tonos"} many{"{0} metrinės tonos"} one{"{0} metrinė tona"} other{"{0} metrinių tonų"} } microgram{ dnam{"mikrogramai"} few{"{0} mikrogramai"} many{"{0} mikrogramo"} one{"{0} mikrogramas"} other{"{0} mikrogramų"} } milligram{ dnam{"miligramai"} few{"{0} miligramai"} many{"{0} miligramo"} one{"{0} miligramas"} other{"{0} miligramų"} } ounce{ dnam{"uncijos"} few{"{0} uncijos"} many{"{0} uncijos"} one{"{0} uncija"} other{"{0} uncijų"} per{"{0}/oz"} } ounce-troy{ dnam{"Trojos uncijos"} few{"{0} Trojos uncijos"} many{"{0} Trojos uncijos"} one{"{0} Trojos uncija"} other{"{0} Trojos uncijų"} } pound{ dnam{"svarai"} few{"{0} svarai"} many{"{0} svaro"} one{"{0} svaras"} other{"{0} svarų"} per{"{0}/lb"} } stone{ dnam{"stonai"} few{"{0} stonai"} many{"{0} stono"} one{"{0} stonas"} other{"{0} stonų"} } ton{ dnam{"tonos"} few{"{0} tonos"} many{"{0} tonos"} one{"{0} tona"} other{"{0} tonų"} } } power{ gigawatt{ dnam{"gigavatai"} few{"{0} gigavatai"} many{"{0} gigavato"} one{"{0} gigavatas"} other{"{0} gigavatų"} } horsepower{ dnam{"arklio galios"} few{"{0} arklio galios"} many{"{0} arklio galios"} one{"{0} arklio galia"} other{"{0} arklio galių"} } kilowatt{ dnam{"kilovatai"} few{"{0} kilovatai"} many{"{0} kilovato"} one{"{0} kilovatas"} other{"{0} kilovatų"} } megawatt{ dnam{"megavatai"} few{"{0} megavatai"} many{"{0} megavato"} one{"{0} megavatas"} other{"{0} megavatų"} } milliwatt{ dnam{"milivatai"} few{"{0} milivatai"} many{"{0} milivato"} one{"{0} milivatas"} other{"{0} milivatų"} } watt{ dnam{"vatai"} few{"{0} vatai"} many{"{0} vato"} one{"{0} vatas"} other{"{0} vatų"} } } pressure{ hectopascal{ dnam{"hektopaskaliai"} few{"{0} hektopaskaliai"} many{"{0} hektopaskalio"} one{"{0} 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few{"{0} mazgai"} many{"{0} mazgo"} one{"{0} mazgas"} other{"{0} mazgų"} } meter-per-second{ dnam{"metrai per sekundę"} few{"{0} metrai per sekundę"} many{"{0} metro per sekundę"} one{"{0} metras per sekundę"} other{"{0} metrų per sekundę"} } mile-per-hour{ dnam{"mylios per valandą"} few{"{0} mylios per valandą"} many{"{0} mylios per valandą"} one{"{0} mylia per valandą"} other{"{0} mylių per valandą"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"Celsijaus laipsniai"} few{"{0} Celsijaus laipsniai"} many{"{0} Celsijaus laipsnio"} one{"{0} Celsijaus laipsnis"} other{"{0} Celsijaus laipsnių"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"Farenheito laipsniai"} few{"{0} Farenheito laipsniai"} many{"{0} Farenheito laipsnio"} one{"{0} Farenheito laipsnis"} other{"{0} Farenheito laipsnių"} } generic{ dnam{"°"} few{"{0}°"} many{"{0}°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } kelvin{ dnam{"kelvinai"} few{"{0} kelvinai"} many{"{0} kelvino"} one{"{0} kelvinas"} other{"{0} kelvinų"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"pėdos akre"} few{"{0} pėdos akre"} many{"{0} pėdos akre"} one{"{0} pėda akre"} other{"{0} pėdų akre"} } bushel{ dnam{"bušeliai"} few{"{0} bušeliai"} many{"{0} bušelio"} one{"{0} bušelis"} other{"{0} bušelių"} } centiliter{ dnam{"centilitrai"} few{"{0} centilitrai"} many{"{0} centilitro"} one{"{0} centilitras"} other{"{0} centilitrų"} } cubic-centimeter{ dnam{"kubiniai centimetrai"} few{"{0} kubiniai centimetrai"} many{"{0} kubinio centimetro"} one{"{0} kubinis centimetras"} other{"{0} kubinių centimetrų"} per{"{0}/cm³"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"kubinės pėdos"} few{"{0} kubinės pėdos"} many{"{0} kubinės pėdos"} one{"{0} kubinė pėda"} other{"{0} kubinių pėdų"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"kubiniai coliai"} few{"{0} kubiniai coliai"} many{"{0} kubinio colio"} one{"{0} kubinis colis"} other{"{0} kubinių colių"} } cubic-kilometer{ dnam{"kubiniai kilometrai"} few{"{0} kubiniai kilimetrai"} many{"{0} kubinio kilometro"} one{"{0} kubinis kilometras"} other{"{0} kubinių kilometrų"} } cubic-meter{ dnam{"kubiniai metrai"} few{"{0} kubiniai 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galonas"} other{"{0} galonų"} per{"{0}/gal"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"imperinis galonas"} few{"{0} imperiniai galonai"} many{"{0} imperinio galono"} one{"{0} imperinis galonas"} other{"{0} imperinių galonų"} per{"{0} imperiniame galone"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hektolitrai"} few{"{0} hektolitrai"} many{"{0} hektolitro"} one{"{0} hektolitras"} other{"{0} hektolitrų"} } liter{ dnam{"litrai"} few{"{0} litrai"} many{"{0} litro"} one{"{0} litras"} other{"{0} litrų"} per{"{0}/l"} } megaliter{ dnam{"megalitrai"} few{"{0} megalitrai"} many{"{0} megalitro"} one{"{0} megalitras"} other{"{0} megalitrų"} } milliliter{ dnam{"mililitrai"} few{"{0} mililitrai"} many{"{0} mililitro"} one{"{0} mililitras"} other{"{0} mililitrų"} } pint{ dnam{"pintos"} few{"{0} pintos"} many{"{0} pintos"} one{"{0} pinta"} other{"{0} pintų"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"metrinės pintos"} few{"{0} metrinės pintos"} many{"{0} metrinės pintos"} one{"{0} metrinė pinta"} other{"{0} metrinių pintų"} } quart{ dnam{"kvortos"} few{"{0} 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other{"{0} km²"} } square-meter{ few{"{0} m²"} many{"{0} m²"} one{"{0} m²"} other{"{0} m²"} } square-mile{ few{"{0} mi²"} many{"{0} mi²"} one{"{0} mi²"} other{"{0} mi²"} } } compound{ per{"{0}/{1}"} } consumption{ liter-per-100kilometers{ dnam{"l/100 km"} few{"{0} l/100 km"} many{"{0} l/100 km"} one{"{0} l/100 km"} other{"{0} l/100 km"} } mile-per-gallon{ few{"{0} mi/gal"} many{"{0} mi/gal"} one{"{0} mi/gal"} other{"{0} mi/gal"} } } coordinate{ east{"{0} E"} north{"{0} N"} south{"{0} S"} west{"{0} W"} } duration{ day{ dnam{"diena"} few{"{0} d."} many{"{0} d."} one{"{0} d."} other{"{0} d."} } hour{ dnam{"valanda"} few{"{0} h"} many{"{0} h"} one{"{0} h"} other{"{0} h"} } millisecond{ dnam{"milisek."} few{"{0} ms"} many{"{0} ms"} one{"{0} ms"} other{"{0} ms"} } minute{ dnam{"min."} few{"{0} min."} many{"{0} min."} one{"{0} min."} other{"{0} min."} } month{ dnam{"mėnuo"} few{"{0} mėn."} many{"{0} mėn."} one{"{0} mėn."} other{"{0} mėn."} } second{ dnam{"sek."} few{"{0} s"} many{"{0} s"} one{"{0} s"} other{"{0} s"} } week{ dnam{"sav."} few{"{0} sav."} many{"{0} sav."} one{"{0} sav."} other{"{0} sav."} } year{ dnam{"metai"} few{"{0} m."} many{"{0} m."} one{"{0} m."} other{"{0} m."} } } length{ centimeter{ dnam{"cm"} few{"{0} cm"} many{"{0} cm"} one{"{0} cm"} other{"{0} cm"} } fathom{ dnam{"ftm"} few{"{0} ftm"} many{"{0} ftm"} one{"{0} ftm"} other{"{0} ftm"} } foot{ few{"{0} ft"} many{"{0} ft"} one{"{0} ft"} other{"{0} ft"} } furlong{ dnam{"fur"} few{"{0} fur"} many{"{0} fur"} one{"{0} fur"} other{"{0} fur"} } inch{ few{"{0} in"} many{"{0} in"} one{"{0} in"} other{"{0} in"} } kilometer{ dnam{"km"} few{"{0} km"} many{"{0} km"} one{"{0} km"} other{"{0} km"} } light-year{ few{"{0} šm."} many{"{0} šm."} one{"{0} šm."} other{"{0} šm."} } meter{ dnam{"m"} few{"{0} m"} many{"{0} m"} one{"{0} m"} other{"{0} m"} } mile{ few{"{0} my"} many{"{0} my"} one{"{0} my"} other{"{0} my"} } millimeter{ dnam{"mm"} few{"{0} mm"} many{"{0} mm"} one{"{0} mm"} other{"{0} mm"} } picometer{ few{"{0} pm"} many{"{0} pm"} one{"{0} pm"} other{"{0} pm"} } yard{ few{"{0} yd"} many{"{0} yd"} one{"{0} yd"} other{"{0} yd"} } } mass{ gram{ dnam{"g"} few{"{0} g"} many{"{0} g"} one{"{0} g"} other{"{0} g"} } kilogram{ dnam{"kg"} few{"{0} kg"} many{"{0} kg"} one{"{0} kg"} other{"{0} kg"} } ounce{ few{"{0} oz"} many{"{0} oz"} one{"{0} oz"} other{"{0} oz"} } pound{ few{"{0} lb"} many{"{0} lb"} one{"{0} lb"} other{"{0} lb"} } stone{ dnam{"st"} few{"{0} st"} many{"{0} st"} one{"{0} st"} other{"{0} st"} } } power{ horsepower{ few{"{0} AG"} many{"{0} AG"} one{"{0} AG"} other{"{0} AG"} } kilowatt{ few{"{0} kW"} many{"{0} kW"} one{"{0} kW"} other{"{0} kW"} } watt{ few{"{0} W"} many{"{0} W"} one{"{0} W"} other{"{0} W"} } } pressure{ hectopascal{ few{"{0} hPa"} many{"{0} hPa"} one{"{0} hPa"} other{"{0} hPa"} } inch-hg{ few{"{0} inHg"} many{"{0} inHg"} one{"{0} inHg"} other{"{0} inHg"} } millibar{ few{"{0} mbar"} many{"{0} mbar"} one{"{0} mbar"} other{"{0} mbar"} } millimeter-of-mercury{ few{"{0} mm Hg"} many{"{0} mm Hg"} one{"{0} mm Hg"} other{"{0} mm Hg"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"km/h"} few{"{0} km/h"} many{"{0} km/h"} one{"{0} km/h"} other{"{0} km/h"} } meter-per-second{ few{"{0} m/s"} many{"{0} m/s"} one{"{0} m/s"} other{"{0} m/s"} } mile-per-hour{ few{"{0} my/h"} many{"{0} my/h"} one{"{0} my/h"} other{"{0} my/h"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"°C"} few{"{0}°"} many{"{0}°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } fahrenheit{ few{"{0}°F"} many{"{0}°F"} one{"{0}°F"} other{"{0}°F"} } kelvin{ dnam{"K"} few{"{0} K"} many{"{0} K"} one{"{0} K"} other{"{0} K"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"ft akre"} few{"{0} ft akre"} many{"{0} ft akre"} one{"{0} ft akre"} other{"{0} ft akre"} } bushel{ dnam{"bu"} few{"{0} bu"} many{"{0} bu"} one{"{0} bu"} other{"{0} bu"} } cubic-kilometer{ few{"{0} km³"} many{"{0} km³"} one{"{0} km³"} other{"{0} km³"} } cubic-mile{ few{"{0} mi³"} many{"{0} mi³"} one{"{0} mi³"} other{"{0} mi³"} } fluid-ounce{ few{"{0} fl oz"} many{"{0} fl oz"} one{"{0} fl oz"} other{"{0} fl oz"} } liter{ dnam{"litrai"} few{"{0} l"} many{"{0} l"} one{"{0} l"} other{"{0} l"} } quart{ few{"{0} kvortos"} many{"{0} kvortos"} one{"{0} kvorta"} other{"{0} kvortų"} } } } unitsShort{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"G"} few{"{0} G"} many{"{0} G"} one{"{0} G"} other{"{0} G"} } meter-per-second-squared{ dnam{"m/s²"} few{"{0} m/s²"} many{"{0} m/s²"} one{"{0} m/s²"} other{"{0} m/s²"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"kampo minutės"} few{"{0}′"} many{"{0}′"} one{"{0}′"} other{"{0}′"} } arc-second{ dnam{"kampo sekundės"} few{"{0}″"} many{"{0}″"} one{"{0}″"} other{"{0}″"} } degree{ dnam{"laipsniai"} few{"{0}°"} many{"{0}°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } radian{ dnam{"rad"} few{"{0} rad"} many{"{0} rad"} one{"{0} rad"} other{"{0} rad"} } revolution{ dnam{"apsisuk."} few{"{0} apsisuk."} many{"{0} apsisuk."} one{"{0} apsisuk."} other{"{0} apsisuk."} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"akrai"} few{"{0} a."} many{"{0} a."} one{"{0} a."} other{"{0} a."} } hectare{ dnam{"hektarai"} few{"{0} ha"} many{"{0} ha"} one{"{0} ha"} other{"{0} ha"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"cm²"} few{"{0} cm²"} many{"{0} cm²"} one{"{0} cm²"} other{"{0} cm²"} per{"{0}/cm²"} } square-foot{ dnam{"kv. pėda"} few{"{0} kv. pėdos"} many{"{0} kv. pėdos"} one{"{0} kv. pėda"} other{"{0} kv. pėdų"} } square-inch{ dnam{"in²"} few{"{0} in²"} many{"{0} in²"} one{"{0} in²"} other{"{0} in²"} per{"{0}/in²"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"kv. km"} few{"{0} kv. km"} many{"{0} kv. km"} one{"{0} kv. km"} other{"{0} kv. km"} per{"{0}/km²"} } square-meter{ dnam{"kv. m"} few{"{0} kv. m"} many{"{0} kv. m"} one{"{0} kv. m"} other{"{0} kv. m"} per{"{0}/m²"} } square-mile{ dnam{"kv. mylios"} few{"{0} kv. my"} many{"{0} kv. my"} one{"{0} kv. my"} other{"{0} kv. my"} per{"{0}/my²"} } square-yard{ dnam{"yd²"} few{"{0} yd²"} many{"{0} yd²"} one{"{0} yd²"} other{"{0} yd²"} } } compound{ per{"{0}/{1}"} } concentr{ karat{ dnam{"kt"} few{"{0} kt"} many{"{0} kt"} one{"{0} kt"} other{"{0} kt"} } milligram-per-deciliter{ dnam{"mg/dl"} few{"{0} mg/dl"} many{"{0} mg/dl"} one{"{0} mg/dl"} other{"{0} mg/dl"} } millimole-per-liter{ dnam{"mmol/l"} few{"{0} mmol/l"} many{"{0} mmol/l"} one{"{0} mmol/l"} other{"{0} mmol/l"} } part-per-million{ dnam{"ppm"} few{"{0} ppm"} many{"{0} ppm"} one{"{0} ppm"} other{"{0} ppm"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100kilometers{ dnam{"l/100 km"} few{"{0} l/100 km"} many{"{0} l/100 km"} one{"{0} l/100 km"} other{"{0} l/100 km"} } liter-per-kilometer{ dnam{"l/km"} few{"{0} l/km"} many{"{0} l/km"} one{"{0} l/km"} other{"{0} l/km"} } mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"my/gal"} few{"{0} my/gal"} many{"{0} my/gal"} one{"{0} my/gal"} other{"{0} my/gal"} } mile-per-gallon-imperial{ dnam{"my/imp. g"} few{"{0} my/imp. g"} many{"{0} my/imp. g"} one{"{0} my/imp. g"} other{"{0} my/imp. g"} } } coordinate{ east{"{0} E"} north{"{0} N"} south{"{0} S"} west{"{0} W"} } digital{ bit{ dnam{"bitai"} few{"{0} b"} many{"{0} b"} one{"{0} b"} other{"{0} b"} } byte{ dnam{"B"} few{"{0} B"} many{"{0} B"} one{"{0} B"} other{"{0} B"} } gigabit{ dnam{"Gb"} few{"{0} Gb"} many{"{0} Gb"} one{"{0} Gb"} other{"{0} Gb"} } gigabyte{ dnam{"GB"} few{"{0} GB"} many{"{0} GB"} one{"{0} GB"} other{"{0} GB"} } kilobit{ dnam{"kb"} few{"{0} kb"} many{"{0} kb"} one{"{0} kb"} other{"{0} kb"} } kilobyte{ dnam{"kB"} few{"{0} kB"} many{"{0} kB"} one{"{0} kB"} other{"{0} kB"} } megabit{ dnam{"Mb"} few{"{0} Mb"} many{"{0} Mb"} one{"{0} Mb"} other{"{0} Mb"} } megabyte{ dnam{"MB"} few{"{0} MB"} many{"{0} MB"} one{"{0} MB"} other{"{0} MB"} } terabit{ dnam{"Tb"} few{"{0} Tb"} many{"{0} Tb"} one{"{0} Tb"} other{"{0} Tb"} } terabyte{ dnam{"TB"} few{"{0} TB"} many{"{0} TB"} one{"{0} TB"} other{"{0} TB"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"a."} few{"{0} a."} many{"{0} a."} one{"{0} a."} other{"{0} a."} } day{ dnam{"dienos"} few{"{0} d."} many{"{0} d."} one{"{0} d."} other{"{0} d."} per{"{0}/d."} } hour{ dnam{"valandos"} few{"{0} val."} many{"{0} val."} one{"{0} val."} other{"{0} val."} per{"{0}/h"} } microsecond{ dnam{"μs"} few{"{0} μs"} many{"{0} μs"} one{"{0} μs"} other{"{0} μs"} } millisecond{ dnam{"milisek."} few{"{0} ms"} many{"{0} ms"} one{"{0} ms"} other{"{0} ms"} } minute{ dnam{"min."} few{"{0} min."} many{"{0} min."} one{"{0} min."} other{"{0} min."} per{"{0}/min."} } month{ dnam{"mėnesiai"} few{"{0} mėn."} many{"{0} mėn."} one{"{0} mėn."} other{"{0} mėn."} per{"{0}/mėn."} } nanosecond{ dnam{"nanosek."} few{"{0} ns"} many{"{0} ns"} one{"{0} ns"} other{"{0} ns"} } second{ dnam{"sek."} few{"{0} sek."} many{"{0} sek."} one{"{0} sek."} other{"{0} sek."} per{"{0}/s"} } week{ dnam{"savaitės"} few{"{0} sav."} many{"{0} sav."} one{"{0} sav."} other{"{0} sav."} per{"{0}/sav."} } year{ dnam{"metai"} few{"{0} m."} many{"{0} m."} one{"{0} m."} other{"{0} m."} per{"{0}/m."} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"A"} few{"{0} A"} many{"{0} A"} one{"{0} A"} other{"{0} A"} } milliampere{ dnam{"mA"} few{"{0} mA"} many{"{0} mA"} one{"{0} mA"} other{"{0} mA"} } ohm{ dnam{"Ω"} few{"{0} Ω"} many{"{0} Ω"} one{"{0} Ω"} other{"{0} Ω"} } volt{ dnam{"V"} few{"{0} V"} many{"{0} V"} one{"{0} V"} other{"{0} V"} } } energy{ calorie{ dnam{"cal"} few{"{0} cal"} many{"{0} cal"} one{"{0} cal"} other{"{0} cal"} } foodcalorie{ dnam{"cal"} few{"{0} cal"} many{"{0} cal"} one{"{0} cal"} other{"{0} cal"} } joule{ dnam{"J"} few{"{0} J"} many{"{0} J"} one{"{0} J"} other{"{0} J"} } kilocalorie{ dnam{"kcal"} few{"{0} kcal"} many{"{0} kcal"} one{"{0} kcal"} other{"{0} kcal"} } kilojoule{ dnam{"kJ"} few{"{0} kJ"} many{"{0} kJ"} one{"{0} kJ"} other{"{0} kJ"} } kilowatt-hour{ dnam{"kWh"} few{"{0} kWh"} many{"{0} kWh"} one{"{0} kWh"} other{"{0} kWh"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ dnam{"GHz"} few{"{0} GHz"} many{"{0} GHz"} one{"{0} GHz"} other{"{0} GHz"} } hertz{ dnam{"Hz"} few{"{0} Hz"} many{"{0} Hz"} one{"{0} Hz"} other{"{0} Hz"} } kilohertz{ dnam{"kHz"} few{"{0} kHz"} many{"{0} kHz"} one{"{0} kHz"} other{"{0} kHz"} } megahertz{ dnam{"MHz"} few{"{0} MHz"} many{"{0} MHz"} one{"{0} MHz"} other{"{0} MHz"} } } length{ astronomical-unit{ dnam{"AV"} few{"{0} AV"} many{"{0} AV"} one{"{0} AV"} other{"{0} AV"} } centimeter{ dnam{"cm"} few{"{0} cm"} many{"{0} cm"} one{"{0} cm"} other{"{0} cm"} per{"{0}/cm"} } decimeter{ dnam{"dm"} few{"{0} dm"} many{"{0} dm"} one{"{0} dm"} other{"{0} dm"} } fathom{ dnam{"ftm"} few{"{0} ftm"} many{"{0} ftm"} one{"{0} ftm"} other{"{0} ftm"} } foot{ dnam{"pėda"} few{"{0} ft"} many{"{0} ft"} one{"{0} ft"} other{"{0} ft"} per{"{0}/ft"} } furlong{ dnam{"fur"} few{"{0} fur"} many{"{0} fur"} one{"{0} fur"} other{"{0} fur"} } inch{ dnam{"coliai"} few{"{0} in"} many{"{0} in"} one{"{0} in"} other{"{0} in"} per{"{0}/in"} } kilometer{ dnam{"km"} few{"{0} km"} many{"{0} km"} one{"{0} km"} other{"{0} km"} per{"{0}/km"} } light-year{ dnam{"šviesmečiai"} few{"{0} šm."} many{"{0} šm."} one{"{0} šm."} other{"{0} šm."} } meter{ dnam{"m"} few{"{0} m"} many{"{0} m"} one{"{0} m"} other{"{0} m"} per{"{0}/m"} } micrometer{ dnam{"µm"} few{"{0} µm"} many{"{0} µm"} one{"{0} µm"} other{"{0} µm"} } mile{ dnam{"mi"} few{"{0} mi"} many{"{0} mi"} one{"{0} mi"} other{"{0} mi"} } mile-scandinavian{ dnam{"IM"} few{"{0} IM"} many{"{0} IM"} one{"{0} IM"} other{"{0} IM"} } millimeter{ dnam{"mm"} few{"{0} mm"} many{"{0} mm"} one{"{0} mm"} other{"{0} mm"} } nanometer{ dnam{"nm"} few{"{0} nm"} many{"{0} nm"} one{"{0} nm"} other{"{0} nm"} } nautical-mile{ dnam{"M"} few{"{0} M"} many{"{0} M"} one{"{0} M"} other{"{0} M"} } parsec{ dnam{"pc"} few{"{0} pc"} many{"{0} pc"} one{"{0} pc"} other{"{0} pc"} } picometer{ dnam{"pm"} few{"{0} pm"} many{"{0} pm"} one{"{0} pm"} other{"{0} pm"} } yard{ dnam{"yd"} few{"{0} yd"} many{"{0} yd"} one{"{0} yd"} other{"{0} yd"} } } light{ lux{ dnam{"lx"} few{"{0} lx"} many{"{0} lx"} one{"{0} lx"} other{"{0} lx"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"ct"} few{"{0} ct"} many{"{0} ct"} one{"{0} ct"} other{"{0} ct"} } gram{ dnam{"g"} few{"{0} g"} many{"{0} g"} one{"{0} g"} other{"{0} g"} per{"{0}/g"} } kilogram{ dnam{"kg"} few{"{0} kg"} many{"{0} kg"} one{"{0} kg"} other{"{0} kg"} per{"{0}/kg"} } metric-ton{ dnam{"mt"} few{"{0} mt"} many{"{0} 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many{"{0} mi/h"} one{"{0} mi/h"} other{"{0} mi/h"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"°C"} few{"{0}°C"} many{"{0}°C"} one{"{0}°C"} other{"{0}°C"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"°F"} few{"{0}°F"} many{"{0}°F"} one{"{0}°F"} other{"{0}°F"} } generic{ dnam{"°"} few{"{0}°"} many{"{0}°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } kelvin{ dnam{"K"} few{"{0} K"} many{"{0} K"} one{"{0} K"} other{"{0} K"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"pėda akre"} few{"{0} ft akre"} many{"{0} ft akre"} one{"{0} ft akre"} other{"{0} ft akre"} } bushel{ dnam{"bu"} few{"{0} bu"} many{"{0} bu"} one{"{0} bu"} other{"{0} bu"} } centiliter{ dnam{"cl"} few{"{0} cl"} many{"{0} cl"} one{"{0} cl"} other{"{0} cl"} } cubic-centimeter{ dnam{"cm³"} few{"{0} cm³"} many{"{0} cm³"} one{"{0} cm³"} other{"{0} cm³"} per{"{0}/cm³"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"ft³"} few{"{0} ft³"} many{"{0} ft³"} one{"{0} ft³"} other{"{0} ft³"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"in³"} few{"{0} in³"} many{"{0} in³"} one{"{0} in³"} other{"{0} in³"} } cubic-kilometer{ dnam{"km³"} few{"{0} km³"} many{"{0} km³"} one{"{0} km³"} other{"{0} km³"} } cubic-meter{ dnam{"m³"} few{"{0} m³"} many{"{0} m³"} one{"{0} m³"} other{"{0} m³"} per{"{0}/m³"} } cubic-mile{ dnam{"mi³"} few{"{0} mi³"} many{"{0} mi³"} one{"{0} mi³"} other{"{0} mi³"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"yd³"} few{"{0} yd³"} many{"{0} yd³"} one{"{0} yd³"} other{"{0} yd³"} } cup{ dnam{"stikl."} few{"{0} stikl."} many{"{0} stikl."} one{"{0} stikl."} other{"{0} stikl."} } cup-metric{ dnam{"mat. puodelis"} few{"{0} mat. puodeliai"} many{"{0} mat. puodelio"} one{"{0} mat. puodelis"} other{"{0} mat. puodelių"} } deciliter{ dnam{"dl"} few{"{0} dl"} many{"{0} dl"} one{"{0} dl"} other{"{0} dl"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"skysčio oz"} few{"{0} skysčio oz"} many{"{0} skysčio oz"} one{"{0} skysčio oz"} other{"{0} skysčio oz"} } gallon{ dnam{"gal"} few{"{0} gal"} many{"{0} gal"} one{"{0} gal"} other{"{0} gal"} per{"{0}/gal"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"imp. galonas"} few{"{0} imp. galonai"} many{"{0} imp. galono"} one{"{0} imp. galonas"} other{"{0} imp. galonų"} per{"{0}/imp. galone"} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hl"} few{"{0} hl"} many{"{0} hl"} one{"{0} hl"} other{"{0} hl"} } liter{ dnam{"litrai"} few{"{0} l"} many{"{0} l"} one{"{0} l"} other{"{0} l"} per{"{0}/l"} } megaliter{ dnam{"Ml"} few{"{0} Ml"} many{"{0} Ml"} one{"{0} Ml"} other{"{0} Ml"} } milliliter{ dnam{"ml"} few{"{0} ml"} many{"{0} ml"} one{"{0} ml"} other{"{0} ml"} } pint{ dnam{"pintos"} few{"{0} pt"} many{"{0} pt"} one{"{0} pt"} other{"{0} pt"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"mpt"} few{"{0} mpt"} many{"{0} mpt"} one{"{0} mpt"} other{"{0} mpt"} } quart{ dnam{"kvortos"} few{"{0} kvortos"} many{"{0} kvortos"} one{"{0} kvorta"} other{"{0} kvortų"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"v. š."} few{"{0} v. š."} many{"{0} v. š."} one{"{0} v. š."} other{"{0} v. š."} } teaspoon{ dnam{"a. š."} few{"{0} a. š."} many{"{0} a. š."} one{"{0} a. š."} other{"{0} a. š."} } } } }