Lines Matching refs:output
114 output="output.txt"
799 "./${run}" $run_args "$@" >"$output" 2>&1
804 "$checker" -q $checker_args "$cfg_output" "$tmp_dir" >> "$output" 2>&1
806 sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]$//g' < "$output" >"${td_expected}"
817 cp "$build_output" "$output"
818 echo "build exit status: $build_exit" >>"$output"
819 diff --strip-trailing-cr -q "$expected" "$output" >/dev/null
826 find $tmp_dir -mindepth 1 ! -regex ".*/\(.*jar\|$output\|$expected\)" | xargs rm -rf
833 "./${run}" $run_args "$@" >"$output" 2>&1
842 "$checker" -q $checker_args "$cfg_output" "$tmp_dir" >> "$output" 2>&1
855 cp "$build_output" "$output"
856 echo "Failed to build in tmpdir=${tmp_dir} from oldwd=${oldwd} and cwd=`pwd`" >> "$output"
857 echo "Non-canonical tmpdir was ${noncanonical_tmp_dir}" >> "$output"
858 echo "Args: ${args}" >> "$output"
859 echo "build exit status: $build_exit" >> "$output"
861 echo "Max filename (NAME_MAX): ${max_name_length}" >> "$output"
863 echo "Max pathlength (PATH_MAX): ${max_path_length}" >> "$output"
865 ./$check_cmd "$expected" "$output"
882 diff --strip-trailing-cr -u "$expected" "$output" | tail -n 3000
921 --expected-output="$cwd/expected.txt" \