Lines Matching refs:CDBG_HIGH

1455     CDBG_HIGH("%s: w x h: %d x %d", __func__, dim.width, dim.height);  in getLiveSnapshotSize()
1573 CDBG_HIGH("%s: live snapshot size %d x %d", __func__, in setLiveSnapshotSize()
1618 CDBG_HIGH("%s: format %d\n", __func__, mPreviewFormat); in setPreviewFormat()
1645 CDBG_HIGH("%s: format %d\n", __func__, mPictureFormat); in setPictureFormat()
1766 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Burst LED on period %u", __func__, m_nBurstLEDOnPeriod); in setBurstLEDOnPeriod()
1793 CDBG_HIGH("%s:[ZSL Retro] m_nRetroBurstNum = %d", __func__, m_nRetroBurstNum); in setRetroActiveBurstNum()
1809 CDBG_HIGH("%s: [ZSL Retro] m_nRetroBurstNum = %d", __func__, m_nRetroBurstNum); in setRetroActiveBurstNum()
1922 CDBG_HIGH("%s: FpsRange Values:(%d, %d)", __func__, prevMinFps, prevMaxFps); in setPreviewFpsRange()
1923 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Requested FpsRange Values:(%d, %d)", __func__, minFps, maxFps); in setPreviewFpsRange()
1932 CDBG_HIGH("%s: UpdateHFRFrameRate %d", __func__, updateNeeded); in setPreviewFpsRange()
1943 CDBG_HIGH("%s: No change in FpsRange", __func__); in setPreviewFpsRange()
1953 CDBG_HIGH("%s: FPS i=%d : minFps = %d, maxFps = %d" in setPreviewFpsRange()
2003 CDBG_HIGH("%s: CameraParameters - : minFps = %d, maxFps = %d ", in UpdateHFRFrameRate()
2005 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Requested params - : minFps = %d, maxFps = %d ", in UpdateHFRFrameRate()
2033 CDBG_HIGH("%s: prevHfrMode - %d, currentHfrMode = %d ", in UpdateHFRFrameRate()
2082 CDBG_HIGH("%s: HFR mode (%d) Set video FPS : minFps = %d, maxFps = %d ", in UpdateHFRFrameRate()
2091 CDBG_HIGH("HFR mode is ON"); in UpdateHFRFrameRate()
2097 CDBG_HIGH("HFR mode is OFF"); in UpdateHFRFrameRate()
2211 CDBG_HIGH("%s, dont set focus pos to back-end!", __func__); in setFocusPosition()
2248 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Brigtness not set by App ",__func__); in setBrightness()
2304 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Sharpness not set by App ",__func__); in setSharpness()
2343 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Skintone enhancement not set by App ",__func__); in setSkinToneEnhancement()
2382 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Saturation not set by App ",__func__); in setSaturation()
2421 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Contrast not set by App ",__func__); in setContrast()
2461 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Exposure compensation not set by App ",__func__); in setExposureCompensation()
2600 CDBG_HIGH("%s: ctrl mask :%d", __func__, mask); in setStatsDebugMask()
2629 CDBG_HIGH("%s: PAAF is: %s", __func__, paaf ? "ON": "OFF"); in setPAAF()
2755 CDBG_HIGH("%s: no zoom support", __func__); in setZoom()
2829 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting continuous ISO value %d", __func__, continous_iso); in setContinuousISO()
3025 CDBG_HIGH("%s : Auto HDR set to: %s", __func__, str); in setAutoHDR()
3031 CDBG_HIGH("%s : Auto HDR set to: %s", __func__, prop); in setAutoHDR()
3059 CDBG_HIGH("%s : Auto HDR status is: %d", __func__, value); in isAutoHDREnabled()
3063 CDBG_HIGH("%s : Auto HDR status not set!", __func__); in isAutoHDREnabled()
3220 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str - %s, prev_str - %s",__func__, str, prev_str); in setSceneMode()
3234 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Sensor HDR mode Enabled",__func__); in setSceneMode()
3237 CDBG_HIGH("%s: S/W HDR Enabled",__func__); in setSceneMode()
3253 CDBG_HIGH("%s: scene mode changed between HDR and non-HDR, need restart", __func__); in setSceneMode()
3304 CDBG_HIGH("%s: scene mode is HDR, overwrite AE bracket setting to off", __func__); in setAEBracket()
3349 CDBG_HIGH("%s: AF Bracketing is not supported",__func__); in setAFBracket()
3354 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str =%s & prev_str =%s",__func__, str, prev_str); in setAFBracket()
3386 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str =%s & prev_str =%s",__func__, str, prev_str); in setReFocus()
3413 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Chroma Flash is not supported",__func__); in setChromaFlash()
3418 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str =%s & prev_str =%s",__func__, str, prev_str); in setChromaFlash()
3445 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Opti Zoom is not supported",__func__); in setOptiZoom()
3450 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str =%s & prev_str =%s",__func__, str, prev_str); in setOptiZoom()
3482 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str =%s & prev_str =%s", __func__, str, prev_str); in setTruePortrait()
3511 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str =%s & prev_str =%s",__func__, str, prev_str); in setHDRMode()
3515 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Only sensor HDR is supported",__func__); in setHDRMode()
3519 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Only multi frame HDR is supported",__func__); in setHDRMode()
3522 CDBG_HIGH("%s: HDR is not supported",__func__); in setHDRMode()
3551 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str =%s & prev_str =%s", __func__, str, prev_str); in setHDRNeed1x()
3554 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Only multi frame HDR supports 1x frame",__func__); in setHDRNeed1x()
3585 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str =%s & prev_str =%s", __func__, str, prev_str); in setSeeMore()
3616 CDBG_HIGH("%s: str =%s & prev_str =%s", __func__, str, prev_str); in setStillMore()
3781 CDBG_HIGH("%s: nBurstNum = %d, nExpnum = %d", __func__, nBurstNum, nExpnum); in setNumOfSnapshot()
3813 CDBG_HIGH("%s: %d: Setting DIS value again", __func__, __LINE__); in setRecordingHint()
3855 CDBG_HIGH("Param m_bNoDisplayMode = %d", m_bNoDisplayMode); in setNoDisplayMode()
3959 CDBG_HIGH("%s: TNR is not supported",__func__); in setTemporalDenoise()
4274 CDBG_HIGH("%s: [ZSL Retro] burst interval: %s", __func__, prop); in setZslAttributes()
4284 CDBG_HIGH("%s: [ZSL Retro] look back count: %s", __func__, prop); in setZslAttributes()
4294 CDBG_HIGH("%s: [ZSL Retro] queue depth: %s", __func__, prop); in setZslAttributes()
4315 CDBG_HIGH("%s: flip is not supported.", __func__); in setFlip()
4392 CDBG_HIGH("%s: [ZSL Retro] m_nBurstNum = %d", __func__, m_nBurstNum); in setBurstNum()
4643 CDBG_HIGH("%s: supported preview sizes: %s", __func__, previewSizeValues.string()); in initDefaultParameters()
4657 CDBG_HIGH("%s: supported video sizes: %s", __func__, videoSizeValues.string()); in initDefaultParameters()
4675 CDBG_HIGH("%s: supported pic sizes: %s", __func__, pictureSizeValues.string()); in initDefaultParameters()
4697 CDBG_HIGH("%s: scaled supported pic sizes: %s", __func__, pictureSizeValues.string()); in initDefaultParameters()
4787 CDBG_HIGH("%s: supported fps rates: %s", __func__, fpsValues.string()); in initDefaultParameters()
5045 CDBG_HIGH("%s, Exposure time min %f ms, max %f ms", __func__, in initDefaultParameters()
5051 CDBG_HIGH("%s, ISO min %d, max %d", __func__, in initDefaultParameters()
5318 CDBG_HIGH("%s: %d: Forcing Camera to ZSL mode ", __func__, __LINE__); in initDefaultParameters()
5386 CDBG_HIGH("%s: totalram = %ld, freeram = %ld ", __func__, info.totalram, in initDefaultParameters()
5686 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting preview fps range %s", __func__, str); in setPreviewFpsRange()
5695 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Updated: minFps = %d, maxFps = %d ," in setPreviewFpsRange()
5701 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Thermal adjusted Preview fps range %3.2f,%3.2f, %3.2f, %3.2f", in setPreviewFpsRange()
5732 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting auto exposure %s", __func__, autoExp); in setAutoExposure()
5761 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting effect %s", __func__, effect); in setEffect()
5793 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting brightness %s", __func__, val); in setBrightness()
5819 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting focus mode %s", __func__, focusMode); in setFocusMode()
5852 CDBG_HIGH("%s, type:%s, pos: %s", __func__, typeStr, posStr); in setFocusPosition()
5861 CDBG_HIGH("%s, focusPos min: %d, max: %d", __func__, minFocusPos, maxFocusPos); in setFocusPosition()
5964 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting sharpness %s", __func__, val); in setSharpness()
5990 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting skintone enhancement %s", __func__, val); in setSkinToneEnhancement()
6016 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting saturation %s", __func__, val); in setSaturation()
6042 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting contrast %s", __func__, val); in setContrast()
6069 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting Scene Detect %s", __func__, sceneDetect); in setSceneDetect()
6100 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting Sensor Snapshot HDR %s", __func__, snapshotHDR); in setSensorSnapshotHDR()
6132 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting Video HDR %s", __func__, videoHDR); in setVideoHDR()
6165 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting Vt Enable %s", __func__, vtEnable); in setVtEnable()
6199 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting face recognition %s", __func__, faceRecog); in setFaceRecognition()
6210 CDBG_HIGH("%s: face process mask not changed, no ops here", __func__); in setFaceRecognition()
6214 CDBG_HIGH("%s: FaceProcMask -> %d", __func__, m_nFaceProcMask); in setFaceRecognition()
6249 CDBG_HIGH("%s: zoom level: %d", __func__, zoom_level); in setZoom()
6280 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting ISO value %s", __func__, isoValue); in setISOValue()
6353 CDBG_HIGH("%s, exposure time: %f ms", __func__, expTimeMs); in setExposureTime()
6422 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting Flash value %s", __func__, flashStr); in setFlash()
6448 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Error!! Invalid flash mode (%d)", __func__, flash_mode); in updateFlashMode()
6451 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting Flash mode from EZTune %d", __func__, flash_mode); in updateFlashMode()
6465 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting Flash mode %d", __func__, mFlashValue); in updateFlashMode()
6495 CDBG_HIGH("%s: E",__func__); in configureFlash()
6513 CDBG_HIGH("%s : Enable Chroma Flash capture", __func__); in configureFlash()
6554 CDBG_HIGH("%s: E",__func__); in configureHDRBracketing()
6559 CDBG_HIGH("%s : HDR values %d, %d frame count: %u", in configureHDRBracketing()
6601 CDBG_HIGH("%s: E",__func__); in configureAEBracketing()
6608 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Failed to disable tone map during AEBracketing", __func__); in configureAEBracketing()
6642 CDBG_HIGH("%s: num_frame = %d X",__func__, burstCount); in configureAEBracketing()
6723 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Failed to enable tone map during HDR/AEBracketing", __func__); in resetFrameCapture()
6729 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Failed to enable tone map during chroma flash", __func__); in resetFrameCapture()
6775 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting AECLock value %s", __func__, aecLockStr); in setAecLock()
6807 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting AWBLock value %s", __func__, awbLockStr); in setAwbLock()
6838 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting AWBLock value %s", __func__, mceStr); in setMCEValue()
6924 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting Tintless value %s", __func__, tintStr); in setTintlessValue()
7061 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting DIS value %s", __func__, disStr); in setDISValue()
7105 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Valid OIS mode!! ", __func__); in updateOisValue()
7111 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Disable OIS mode!! ois_disable(%d) oisValue(%d)", in updateOisValue()
7127 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Sending OIS mode (%d)", __func__, enable); in updateOisValue()
7181 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting LensShade value %s", __func__, lensShadeStr); in setLensShadeValue()
7239 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting WhiteBalance value %s", __func__, wbStr); in setWhiteBalance()
7271 CDBG_HIGH("%s, cct value: %d", __func__, cctVal); in setWBManualCCT()
7400 CDBG_HIGH("%s, setting rgb gains: %s", __func__, gainStr); in setManualWBGains()
7414 CDBG_HIGH("Invalid manual wb gains: %s", in setManualWBGains()
7451 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting AntiBanding value %s", __func__, antiBandingStr); in setAntibanding()
7529 CDBG_HIGH("%s: FocusArea[%d] = (%d, %d, %d, %d)", in setFocusAreas()
7621 CDBG_HIGH("%s: MeteringArea[%d] = (%d, %d, %d, %d)", in setMeteringAreas()
7668 CDBG_HIGH("%s: H/W HDR mode enabled. Do not set Best Shot Mode", __func__); in setSceneMode()
7783 CDBG_HIGH("%s, EXP_BRACKETING_OFF", __func__); in setAEBracket()
7816 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Setting Lock lockStr =%s", __func__, lockStr); in set3ALock()
7874 CDBG_HIGH("%s: E",__func__); in setAndCommitZoom()
7892 CDBG_HIGH("%s: X",__func__); in setAndCommitZoom()
7914 CDBG_HIGH("%s: current zoom level =%u & zoom_threshold =%u", in isOptiZoomEnabled()
7974 CDBG_HIGH("%s: E",__func__); in commitFlashBracket()
7992 CDBG_HIGH("%s: X",__func__); in commitFlashBracket()
8010 CDBG_HIGH("%s: afBracketStr =%s",__func__,afBracketStr); in setAFBracket()
8042 CDBG_HIGH("%s: reFocusStr =%s",__func__,reFocusStr); in setReFocus()
8071 CDBG_HIGH("%s: chromaFlashStr =%s",__func__,chromaFlashStr); in setChromaFlash()
8102 CDBG_HIGH("%s: optiZoomStr =%s",__func__,optiZoomStr); in setOptiZoom()
8132 CDBG_HIGH("%s: truePortraitStr =%s", __func__, truePortraitStr); in setTruePortrait()
8143 CDBG_HIGH("Invalid true portrait value: %s", in setTruePortrait()
8162 CDBG_HIGH("%s: hdrModeStr =%s", __func__, hdrModeStr); in setHDRMode()
8182 CDBG_HIGH("Invalid hdr mode value: %s", in setHDRMode()
8203 CDBG_HIGH("%s: seeMoreStr =%s", __func__, seeMoreStr); in setSeeMore()
8217 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Failed to disable tone map during SeeMore", __func__); in setSeeMore()
8223 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Failed to enable tone map during SeeMore", __func__); in setSeeMore()
8249 CDBG_HIGH("%s: stillMoreStr =%s", __func__, stillMoreStr); in setStillMore()
8279 CDBG_HIGH("%s: hdrNeed1xStr =%s", __func__, hdrNeed1xStr); in setHDRNeed1x()
8296 CDBG_HIGH("Invalid hdr need 1x value: %s", in setHDRNeed1x()
8535 CDBG_HIGH("%s: WNR is not supported",__func__); in setWaveletDenoise()
8878 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Raw stream format %d bundled with snapshot", in getStreamFormat()
8936 CDBG_HIGH("%s: the filp mode of stream type %d is %d .", __func__, type, flipMode); in getFlipMode()
9077 CDBG_HIGH("%s: format %d\n", __func__, halPixelFormat); in getPreviewHalPixelFormat()
9179 CDBG_HIGH("%s: VideoHint = %d", __func__, value); in setRecordingHintValue()
9273 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Snapshot burst count = %d", __func__, burstCount); in getBurstCountForAdvancedCapture()
9292 CDBG_HIGH("%s: [ZSL Retro] : numOfRetroSnaps - %d", __func__, numOfRetroSnapshots); in getNumOfRetroSnapshots()
9307 CDBG_HIGH("%s: [ZSL Retro] burst LED ON period: %d", __func__, m_nBurstLEDOnPeriod); in getBurstLEDOnPeriod()
9366 CDBG_HIGH("%s: m_nBurstNum = %d", __func__, m_nBurstNum); in getBurstNum()
9879 CDBG_HIGH("%s: setting KEY_FOCUS_DISTANCES as %s", __FUNCTION__, str.string()); in updateFocusDistances()
9911 CDBG_HIGH("%s: %d: Setting DIS value again!!", __func__, __LINE__); in updateRecordingHintValue()
9939 CDBG_HIGH("%s: histogram flag not changed, no ops here", __func__); in setHistogram()
9964 CDBG_HIGH(" Histogram -> %s", m_bHistogramEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); in setHistogram()
10051 CDBG_HIGH("%s: face process mask not changed, no ops here", __func__); in setFaceDetection()
10064 CDBG_HIGH("[KPI Perf] %s: PROFILE_FACE_DETECTION_VALUE = %d num_fd = %d", in setFaceDetection()
10089 CDBG_HIGH("%s: FaceProcMask -> %d", __func__, m_nFaceProcMask); in setFaceDetection()
10173 CDBG_HIGH("%s : RAW Dimension = %d X %d",__func__,raw_dim.width,raw_dim.height); in updateRAW()
10424 CDBG_HIGH("%s: aecBracketStr=%s, value=%d.", __func__, aecBracketStr, value); in isYUVFrameInfoNeeded()
10693 CDBG_HIGH("%s: scale picture size: i =%d, width=%d, height=%d.", __func__, in setScaleSizeTbl()
10699 CDBG_HIGH("%s: sensor supportted picture size: i =%d, width=%d, height=%d.", __func__, in setScaleSizeTbl()
10887 CDBG_HIGH("%s: mPicSizeFromAPK- with=%d, height=%d, mPicSizeSetted- with =%d, height=%d.", in setValidatePicSize()
10900CDBG_HIGH("%s: X. mIsUnderScaling=%d, width=%d, height=%d.", __func__, mIsUnderScaling, width, hei… in setValidatePicSize()
11182 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Reset stream config!!", __func__); in setStreamConfigure()
11187 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Done Resetting stream config!!", __func__); in setStreamConfigure()
11666 CDBG_HIGH("%s: Offline Raw %d",__func__, mOfflineRAW); in setOfflineRAW()
11735 CDBG_HIGH("%s: stream type: %d, pp_mask: 0x%x", __func__, stream_type, feature_mask); in updatePpFeatureMask()
11834 CDBG_HIGH("%s : Buffer batch count = %d", __func__, mBufBatchCnt); in setBufBatchCount()
11845 CDBG_HIGH("%s : Buffer batch count = %d", __func__, mBufBatchCnt); in setBufBatchCount()
11851 CDBG_HIGH("%s : Buffer batch count = %d", __func__, mBufBatchCnt); in setBufBatchCount()
12061 CDBG_HIGH("%s: tone map mode %d ", __func__, enable); in setToneMapMode()
12122 CDBG_HIGH(" cds mode -> %d", cds_mode); in setCDSMode()