Lines Matching refs:bp
79 mov bp,sp ; bp = 0x7c00
82 …mov byte ptr [bp+PhysicalDrive],dl ; BBS defines that BIOS would pass the booting driver nu…
92 cmp word ptr [bp+SectorSignature],0aa55h ; Verify Boot Sector Signature
94 mov cx,word ptr [bp+RootEntries] ; cx = RootEntries
162 mov bl,byte ptr [bp+SectorsPerCluster] ; bx = SectorsPerCluster
166 …add ax, word ptr [bp] ; ax = FirstClusterLBA + (StartCluster-2)*SectorsPerCl…
168 mov bl,byte ptr [bp+SectorsPerCluster] ; bx = Number of Sectors in a cluster
173 mov word ptr [bp+JumpSegment],ax
205 add eax,dword ptr [bp+LBAOffsetForBootSector] ; Add LBAOffsetForBootSector to Start LBA
206 add eax,dword ptr [bp+HiddenSectors] ; Add HiddenSectors to Start LBA
210 mov bp,07bfch ; bp = 0x7bfc
213 movzx ebx,word ptr [bp] ; bx = MaxSector
225 div word ptr [bp+2] ; ax = ax / (MaxHead + 1) = Cylinder
230 mov bp,07c00h ; bp = 0x7c00
231 mov dl,byte ptr [bp+PhysicalDrive] ; dl = Drive Number