Lines Matching refs:vector
30 vector char v_c;
31 vector signed char v_sc;
32 vector unsigned char v_uc;
33 vector short v_s;
34 vector signed short v_ss;
35 vector unsigned short v_us;
36 vector short int v_si;
37 vector signed short int v_ssi;
38 vector unsigned short int v_usi;
39 vector int v_i;
40 vector signed int v_sint;
41 vector unsigned int v_ui;
42 vector float v_f;
43 vector bool char v_bc;
44 vector bool short v_bs;
45 vector bool int v_bi;
46 vector __bool char v___bc;
47 vector __bool short v___bs;
48 vector __bool int v___bi;
49 vector __pixel v_p;
50 vector pixel v__p;
51 vector int f__r();
52 void f_a(vector int a);
53 void f_a2(int b, vector int a);
55 vector int v = (vector int)(-1);
64 vector long v_l; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
65 vector signed long v_sl; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
66 vector unsigned long v_ul; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
67 vector long int v_li; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
68 vector signed long int v_sli; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
69 vector unsigned long int v_uli; // expected-warning {{Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecat…
71 vector long double v_ld; // expected-error {{cannot use 'long double' with '__vector'}}
72 vector bool v_b; // expected-warning {{type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'…
73 vector __bool v___b; // expected-warning {{type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'…
77 vector double v_d2; // expected-error {{use of 'double' with '__vector' requires V…
80 vector bool long long v_bll3; // expected-error {{use of 'long long' with '__vector bool' re…
81 vector __bool long long v_bll4; // expected-error {{use of 'long long' with '__vector bool' re…
83 vector long double v_ld4; // expected-error {{cannot use 'long double' with '__vector'}}
84 vector bool float v_bf; // expected-error {{cannot use 'float' with '__vector bool'}}
85 vector bool double v_bd; // expected-error {{cannot use 'double' with '__vector bool'}}
86 vector bool pixel v_bp; // expected-error {{cannot use '__pixel' with '__vector bool'}}
87 vector bool signed char v_bsc; // expected-error {{cannot use 'signed' with '__vector bool'}}
88 vector bool unsigned int v_bsc2; // expected-error {{cannot use 'unsigned' with '__vector bool'…
89 vector bool long v_bl; // expected-error {{cannot use 'long' with '__vector bool'}}
90 vector __bool float v___bf; // expected-error {{cannot use 'float' with '__vector bool'}}
91 vector __bool double v___bd; // expected-error {{cannot use 'double' with '__vector bool'}}
92 vector __bool pixel v___bp; // expected-error {{cannot use '__pixel' with '__vector bool'}}
93 vector __bool signed char v___bsc; // expected-error {{cannot use 'signed' with '__vector bool'}}
94 vector __bool unsigned int v___bsc2; // expected-error {{cannot use 'unsigned' with '__vector bool'…
95 vector __bool long v___bl; // expected-error {{cannot use 'long' with '__vector bool'}}
98 vector long long v_ll;
99 vector signed long long v_sll;
100 vector unsigned long long v_ull;
107 vector bool i8; // expected-error {{requires a specifier or qualifier}}
108 vector pixel i16;
109 vector long i32; // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
115 __vector int v_cast = (vector int)v; in f()
116 __vector char vb_cast = (vector char)v; in f()
149 vector char v1 = (vector char)((vector int)(1, 2, 3, 4));
150 vector char v2 = (vector char)((vector float)(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f));
151 vector char v3 = (vector char)((vector int)('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'));
152 vector int v4 = (vector int)(1, 2, 3, 4);
153 vector float v5 = (vector float)(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
154 vector char v6 = (vector char)((vector int)(1+2, -2, (int)(2.0 * 3), -(5-3)));