Lines Matching refs:gettext_noop

232   { 'a', ARG_DUP, "ipaddr",  gettext_noop("Specify local address(es) to listen on."), NULL },
233 …{ 'A', ARG_DUP, "/domain/ipaddr", gettext_noop("Return ipaddr for all hosts in specified domains."…
234 …{ 'b', OPT_BOGUSPRIV, NULL, gettext_noop("Fake reverse lookups for RFC1918 private address ranges.…
235 …{ 'B', ARG_DUP, "ipaddr", gettext_noop("Treat ipaddr as NXDOMAIN (defeats Verisign wildcard)."), N…
236 …{ 'c', ARG_ONE, "cachesize", gettext_noop("Specify the size of the cache in entries (defaults to %…
237 { 'C', ARG_DUP, "path", gettext_noop("Specify configuration file (defaults to %s)."), CONFFILE },
238 …{ 'd', OPT_DEBUG, NULL, gettext_noop("Do NOT fork into the background: run in debug mode."), NULL …
239 …{ 'D', OPT_NODOTS_LOCAL, NULL, gettext_noop("Do NOT forward queries with no domain part."), NULL }…
240 { 'e', OPT_SELFMX, NULL, gettext_noop("Return self-pointing MX records for local hosts."), NULL },
241 …{ 'E', OPT_EXPAND, NULL, gettext_noop("Expand simple names in /etc/hosts with domain-suffix."), NU…
242 …{ 'f', OPT_FILTER, NULL, gettext_noop("Don't forward spurious DNS requests from Windows hosts."), …
243 …{ 'F', ARG_DUP, "ipaddr,ipaddr,time", gettext_noop("Enable DHCP in the range given with lease dura…
244 …{ 'g', ARG_ONE, "groupname", gettext_noop("Change to this group after startup (defaults to %s)."),…
245 …{ 'G', ARG_DUP, "<hostspec>", gettext_noop("Set address or hostname for a specified machine."), NU…
246 { LOPT_DHCP_HOST, ARG_ONE, "<filename>", gettext_noop("Read DHCP host specs from file"), NULL },
247 { LOPT_DHCP_OPTS, ARG_ONE, "<filename>", gettext_noop("Read DHCP option specs from file"), NULL },
248 { 'h', OPT_NO_HOSTS, NULL, gettext_noop("Do NOT load %s file."), HOSTSFILE },
249 …{ 'H', ARG_DUP, "path", gettext_noop("Specify a hosts file to be read in addition to %s."), HOSTSF…
250 { 'i', ARG_DUP, "interface", gettext_noop("Specify interface(s) to listen on."), NULL },
251 { 'I', ARG_DUP, "int", gettext_noop("Specify interface(s) NOT to listen on.") , NULL },
252 { 'j', ARG_DUP, "<tag>,<class>", gettext_noop("Map DHCP user class to tag."), NULL },
253 …{ LOPT_CIRCUIT, ARG_DUP, "<tag>,<circuit>", gettext_noop("Map RFC3046 circuit-id to tag."), NULL },
254 { LOPT_REMOTE, ARG_DUP, "<tag>,<remote>", gettext_noop("Map RFC3046 remote-id to tag."), NULL },
255 …{ LOPT_SUBSCR, ARG_DUP, "<tag>,<remote>", gettext_noop("Map RFC3993 subscriber-id to tag."), NULL …
256 { 'J', ARG_DUP, "=<id>[,<id>]", gettext_noop("Don't do DHCP for hosts with tag set."), NULL },
257 …{ LOPT_BROADCAST, ARG_DUP, "=<id>[,<id>]", gettext_noop("Force broadcast replies for hosts with ta…
258 …{ 'k', OPT_NO_FORK, NULL, gettext_noop("Do NOT fork into the background, do NOT run in debug mode.…
259 …{ 'K', OPT_AUTHORITATIVE, NULL, gettext_noop("Assume we are the only DHCP server on the local netw…
260 …{ 'l', ARG_ONE, "path", gettext_noop("Specify where to store DHCP leases (defaults to %s)."), LEAS…
261 { 'L', OPT_LOCALMX, NULL, gettext_noop("Return MX records for local hosts."), NULL },
262 { 'm', ARG_DUP, "host_name,target,pref", gettext_noop("Specify an MX record."), NULL },
263 { 'M', ARG_DUP, "<bootp opts>", gettext_noop("Specify BOOTP options to DHCP server."), NULL },
264 …{ 'n', OPT_NO_POLL, NULL, gettext_noop("Do NOT poll %s file, reload only on SIGHUP."), RESOLVFILE …
265 { 'N', OPT_NO_NEG, NULL, gettext_noop("Do NOT cache failed search results."), NULL },
266 …{ 'o', OPT_ORDER, NULL, gettext_noop("Use nameservers strictly in the order given in %s."), RESOLV…
267 { 'O', ARG_DUP, "<optspec>", gettext_noop("Specify options to be sent to DHCP clients."), NULL },
268 …{ LOPT_FORCE, ARG_DUP, "<optspec>", gettext_noop("DHCP option sent even if the client does not req…
269 …{ 'p', ARG_ONE, "number", gettext_noop("Specify port to listen for DNS requests on (defaults to 53…
270 …{ 'P', ARG_ONE, "<size>", gettext_noop("Maximum supported UDP packet size for EDNS.0 (defaults to …
271 { 'q', OPT_LOG, NULL, gettext_noop("Log DNS queries."), NULL },
272 …{ 'Q', ARG_ONE, "number", gettext_noop("Force the originating port for upstream DNS queries."), NU…
273 { 'R', OPT_NO_RESOLV, NULL, gettext_noop("Do NOT read resolv.conf."), NULL },
274 …{ 'r', ARG_DUP, "path", gettext_noop("Specify path to resolv.conf (defaults to %s)."), RESOLVFILE …
275 …{ 'S', ARG_DUP, "/domain/ipaddr", gettext_noop("Specify address(es) of upstream servers with optio…
276 …{ LOPT_LOCAL, ARG_DUP, "/domain/", gettext_noop("Never forward queries to specified domains."), NU…
277 …{ 's', ARG_DUP, "<domain>[,<range>]", gettext_noop("Specify the domain to be assigned in DHCP leas…
278 { 't', ARG_ONE, "host_name", gettext_noop("Specify default target in an MX record."), NULL },
279 …{ 'T', ARG_ONE, "time", gettext_noop("Specify time-to-live in seconds for replies from /etc/hosts.…
280 …{ LOPT_NEGTTL, ARG_ONE, "time", gettext_noop("Specify time-to-live in seconds for negative caching…
281 …{ 'u', ARG_ONE, "username", gettext_noop("Change to this user after startup. (defaults to %s)."), …
282 { 'U', ARG_DUP, "<id>,<class>", gettext_noop("Map DHCP vendor class to tag."), NULL },
283 { 'v', 0, NULL, gettext_noop("Display dnsmasq version and copyright information."), NULL },
284 …{ 'V', ARG_DUP, "addr,addr,mask", gettext_noop("Translate IPv4 addresses from upstream servers."),…
285 { 'W', ARG_DUP, "name,target,...", gettext_noop("Specify a SRV record."), NULL },
286 …{ 'w', 0, NULL, gettext_noop("Display this message. Use --help dhcp for known DHCP options."), NUL…
287 { 'x', ARG_ONE, "path", gettext_noop("Specify path of PID file (defaults to %s)."), RUNFILE },
288 …{ 'X', ARG_ONE, "number", gettext_noop("Specify maximum number of DHCP leases (defaults to %s)."),…
289 …{ 'y', OPT_LOCALISE, NULL, gettext_noop("Answer DNS queries based on the interface a query was sen…
290 { 'Y', ARG_DUP, "name,txt....", gettext_noop("Specify TXT DNS record."), NULL },
291 { LOPT_PTR, ARG_DUP, "name,target", gettext_noop("Specify PTR DNS record."), NULL },
292 …{ LOPT_INTNAME, ARG_DUP, "name,interface", gettext_noop("Give DNS name to IPv4 address of interfac…
293 { 'z', OPT_NOWILD, NULL, gettext_noop("Bind only to interfaces in use."), NULL },
294 { 'Z', OPT_ETHERS, NULL, gettext_noop("Read DHCP static host information from %s."), ETHERSFILE },
295 …{ '1', OPT_DBUS, NULL, gettext_noop("Enable the DBus interface for setting upstream servers, etc."…
296 …{ '2', ARG_DUP, "interface", gettext_noop("Do not provide DHCP on this interface, only provide DNS…
297 …{ '3', ARG_DUP, "[=<id>[,<id>]]", gettext_noop("Enable dynamic address allocation for bootp."), NU…
298 …{ '4', ARG_DUP, "<id>,<mac address>", gettext_noop("Map MAC address (with wildcards) to option set…
299 …{ LOPT_BRIDGE, ARG_DUP, "iface,alias,..", gettext_noop("Treat DHCP requests on aliases as arriving…
300 …{ '5', OPT_NO_PING, NULL, gettext_noop("Disable ICMP echo address checking in the DHCP server."), …
301 …{ '6', ARG_ONE, "path", gettext_noop("Script to run on DHCP lease creation and destruction."), NUL…
302 …{ '7', ARG_DUP, "path", gettext_noop("Read configuration from all the files in this directory."), …
303 …{ '8', ARG_ONE, "<facilty>|<file>", gettext_noop("Log to this syslog facility or file. (defaults t…
304 { '9', OPT_LEASE_RO, NULL, gettext_noop("Do not use leasefile."), NULL },
305 …{ '0', ARG_ONE, "<queries>", gettext_noop("Maximum number of concurrent DNS queries. (defaults to …
306 { LOPT_RELOAD, OPT_RELOAD, NULL, gettext_noop("Clear DNS cache when reloading %s."), RESOLVFILE },
307 …{ LOPT_NO_NAMES, ARG_DUP, "[=<id>[,<id>]]", gettext_noop("Ignore hostnames provided by DHCP client…
308 …{ LOPT_OVERRIDE, OPT_NO_OVERRIDE, NULL, gettext_noop("Do NOT reuse filename and server fields for …
309 { LOPT_TFTP, OPT_TFTP, NULL, gettext_noop("Enable integrated read-only TFTP server."), NULL },
310 …{ LOPT_PREFIX, ARG_ONE, "<directory>", gettext_noop("Export files by TFTP only from the specified …
311 { LOPT_APREF, OPT_TFTP_APREF, NULL, gettext_noop("Add client IP address to tftp-root."), NULL },
312 …{ LOPT_SECURE, OPT_TFTP_SECURE, NULL, gettext_noop("Allow access only to files owned by the user r…
313 …{ LOPT_TFTP_MAX, ARG_ONE, "<connections>", gettext_noop("Maximum number of conncurrent TFTP transf…
314 …{ LOPT_NOBLOCK, OPT_TFTP_NOBLOCK, NULL, gettext_noop("Disable the TFTP blocksize extension."), NUL…
315 …{ LOPT_TFTPPORTS, ARG_ONE, "<start>,<end>", gettext_noop("Ephemeral port range for use by TFTP tra…
316 { LOPT_LOG_OPTS, OPT_LOG_OPTS, NULL, gettext_noop("Extra logging for DHCP."), NULL },
317 …{ LOPT_MAX_LOGS, ARG_ONE, "[=<log lines>]", gettext_noop("Enable async. logging; optionally set qu…
318 …{ LOPT_REBIND, OPT_NO_REBIND, NULL, gettext_noop("Stop DNS rebinding. Filter private IP ranges whe…
319 …{ LOPT_NOLAST, OPT_ALL_SERVERS, NULL, gettext_noop("Always perform DNS queries to all servers."), …
320 …{ LOPT_MATCH, ARG_DUP, "<netid>,<optspec>", gettext_noop("Set tag if client includes matching opti…
321 { LOPT_ALTPORT, ARG_ONE, "[=<ports>]", gettext_noop("Use alternative ports for DHCP."), NULL },
322 …{ LOPT_SCRIPTUSR, ARG_ONE, "<username>", gettext_noop("Run lease-change script as this user."), NU…
323 { LOPT_NAPTR, ARG_DUP, "<name>,<naptr>", gettext_noop("Specify NAPTR DNS record."), NULL },
324 …{ LOPT_MINPORT, ARG_ONE, "<port>", gettext_noop("Specify lowest port available for DNS query trans…
325 …{ LOPT_DHCP_FQDN, OPT_DHCP_FQDN, NULL, gettext_noop("Use only fully qualified domain names for DHC…
326 …{ LOPT_CNAME, ARG_DUP, "<alias>,<target>", gettext_noop("Specify alias name for LOCAL DNS name."),…
327 …{ LOPT_PXE_PROMT, ARG_DUP, "<prompt>,[<timeout>]", gettext_noop("Prompt to send to PXE clients."),…
328 { LOPT_PXE_SERV, ARG_DUP, "<service>", gettext_noop("Boot service for PXE menu."), NULL },
329 { LOPT_LISTNMARK, ARG_ONE, NULL, gettext_noop("Socket mark to use for listen sockets."), NULL },
330 { LOPT_TEST, 0, NULL, gettext_noop("Check configuration syntax."), NULL },