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6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
252 [id(1), helpstring("method SetValue")] HRESULT SetValue([in] BSTR key, [in] VARIANT value);
254 [id(2), helpstring("method RemoveValue")] HRESULT RemoveValue([in] BSTR key);
256 …[id(3), helpstring("method ContainsKey")] HRESULT ContainsKey([in] BSTR key, [out,retval] VARIANT_…
258 …[id(4), helpstring("method GetValueForKey")] HRESULT GetValueForKey([in] BSTR key, [out,retval] VA…
262 …[id(6), helpstring("method GetKeyAtIndex")] HRESULT GetKeyAtIndex([in] ULONG index, [out,retval] B…
264 …[id(7), helpstring("method GetValueAtIndex")] HRESULT GetValueAtIndex([in] ULONG index, [out,retva…
286 …[id(1), helpstring("method Update")] HRESULT Update([in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] VARIANT rdata, [in
288 [id(2), helpstring("method Remove")] HRESULT Remove([in] DNSSDFlags flags);
330 …"method EnumerateDomains")] HRESULT EnumerateDomains([in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [i…
332 …rowse"), local] HRESULT Browse([in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG interfaceIndex, [in] BSTR regtype…
334 …lve")] HRESULT Resolve([in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR serviceName, [in] BSTR…
336in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR name, [in] BSTR regType, [in] BSTR domain, [in
338 …SULT QueryRecord([in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR fullname, [in] DNSSDRRType r…
340in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR fullname, [in] DNSSDRRType rrtype, [in] DNSSDR…
342 …("method AddRecord")] HRESULT AddRecord([in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] DNSSDRRType rrtype, [in] VARIA…
344 … ReconfirmRecord([in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR fullname, [in] DNSSDRRType r…
346 …[id(9), helpstring("method GetProperty")] HRESULT GetProperty([in] BSTR prop, [in,out] VARIANT * v…
348 …)] HRESULT GetAddrInfo([in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] DNSSDAddressFamily addressF…
350in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] DNSSDAddressFamily addressFamily, [in] DNSSDProtoco…
388 …ethod DomainFound")] void DomainFound([in] IDNSSDService* service, [in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULO…
390 …"method DomainLost")] void DomainLost([in] IDNSSDService* service, [in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULO…
392 …oid ServiceFound([in] IDNSSDService* browser, [in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR…
394 …void ServiceLost([in] IDNSSDService* browser, [in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR…
396 …Resolved([in] IDNSSDService* service, [in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR fullNam…
398 …ered")] void ServiceRegistered([in] IDNSSDService* service, [in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] BSTR name,…
400in] IDNSSDService* service, [in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR fullName, [in] DN…
402 …helpstring("method RecordRegistered")] void RecordRegistered([in] IDNSSDRecord* record, [in] DNSSD…
404in] IDNSSDService* service, [in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] BSTR hostname, [in] DN…
406in] IDNSSDService* service, [in] DNSSDFlags flags, [in] ULONG ifIndex, [in] ULONG externalAddress,…
408 … helpstring("method OperationFailed")] void OperationFailed([in] IDNSSDService* service, [in] DNSS…