Lines Matching refs:TEST_DESCRIPTION

798     TEST_DESCRIPTION("Specify VK_NULL_HANDLE, NULL, and 0 for required handle, "  in TEST_F()
876 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Specify a non-zero value for a reserved parameter"); in TEST_F()
893 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Specify an invalid VkStructureType for a Vulkan " in TEST_F()
919 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Specify an invalid value for a Vulkan structure's pNext field"); in TEST_F()
951 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Specify unrecognized Vulkan enumeration, flags, and VkBool32 values"); in TEST_F()
1016 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Check for a message describing a VkResult failure code"); in TEST_F()
1047 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Check alignment parameters for vkCmdUpdateBuffer"); in TEST_F()
1083 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Check alignment parameters for vkCmdFillBuffer"); in TEST_F()
1114 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to use a non-solid polygon fill mode in a " in TEST_F()
1283 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create a buffer and image, allocate memory, and bind the " in TEST_F()
1381 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to map memory in a number of incorrect ways"); in TEST_F()
1891 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Specify wrong usage for image then create conflicting view of image " in TEST_F()
1952 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create a fence and destroy its device without first destroying the fence."); in TEST_F()
2008 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Allocate command buffers from one command pool and " in TEST_F()
2045 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Allocate descriptor sets from one DS pool and " in TEST_F()
2112 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Pass an invalid image object handle into a Vulkan API call."); in TEST_F()
2129 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Pass in an invalid pipeline object handle into a Vulkan API call."); in TEST_F()
2202 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test validation check for an invalid memory type index " in TEST_F()
2411 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Use bad sample counts in image transfer calls to trigger " in TEST_F()
2581 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Tests for validaiton of Queue Family property minImageTransferGranularity."); in TEST_F()
2748 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Submit command buffer created using one queue family and " in TEST_F()
2783 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Use a pipeline for the wrong subpass in a render pass instance"); in TEST_F()
2898 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Generate INVALID_RENDER_AREA error by beginning renderpass" in TEST_F()
2914 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Generate INDEPENDENT_BLEND by disabling independent " in TEST_F()
2946 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Specify no depth attachement in renderpass then specify " in TEST_F()
2974 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create a framebuffer where a subpass has a preserve " in TEST_F()
3011 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Ensure that CreateRenderPass produces a validation error " in TEST_F()
3052 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Ensure CreateRenderPass produces a validation error " in TEST_F()
3094 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Ensure CreateRenderPass produces a validation error " in TEST_F()
3135 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Hit errors when attempting to create a framebuffer :\n" in TEST_F()
3351 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run a simple draw calls to validate failure when Depth Bias dynamic " in TEST_F()
3362 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run a simple draw calls to validate failure when Line Width dynamic " in TEST_F()
3373 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run a simple draw calls to validate failure when Viewport dynamic " in TEST_F()
3384 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run a simple draw calls to validate failure when Scissor dynamic " in TEST_F()
3395 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run a simple draw calls to validate failure when Blend Constants " in TEST_F()
3407 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run a simple draw calls to validate failure when Depth Bounds dynamic " in TEST_F()
3423 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run a simple draw calls to validate failure when Stencil Read dynamic " in TEST_F()
3435 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run a simple draw calls to validate failure when Stencil Write dynamic" in TEST_F()
3447 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run a simple draw calls to validate failure when Stencil Ref dynamic " in TEST_F()
3459 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Run an indexed draw call without an index buffer bound."); in TEST_F()
3705 TEST_DESCRIPTION("This test verifies some requirements of chapter 13.2.3 of the Vulkan Spec " in TEST_F()
3867 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to draw with a command buffer that is invalid " in TEST_F()
3919 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Delete bufferView bound to cmd buffer, then attempt to submit cmd buffer."); in TEST_F()
4079 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to draw with a command buffer that is invalid " in TEST_F()
4148 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to draw with a command buffer that is invalid " in TEST_F()
4232 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Delete in-use framebuffer."); in TEST_F()
4271 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Delete in-use image that's child of framebuffer."); in TEST_F()
4358 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to draw with an image which has not had memory bound to it."); in TEST_F()
4419 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to copy from a buffer which has not had memory bound to it."); in TEST_F()
4477 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to draw with a command buffer that is invalid " in TEST_F()
4505 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to draw with a command buffer that is invalid " in TEST_F()
4535 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to draw with a command buffer that is invalid " in TEST_F()
4632 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to draw with a command buffer that is invalid " in TEST_F()
4788 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to draw with a command buffer that is invalid " in TEST_F()
5046 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Delete a DescriptorPool with a DescriptorSet that is in use."); in TEST_F()
5195TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt an image descriptor set update where image's bound memory has been freed… in TEST_F()
5384 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Bind a descriptor set that hasn't been updated."); in TEST_F()
5532TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to create a buffer view with a buffer that has no memory bound to it."); in TEST_F()
5738 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to update a descriptor with a non-sparse buffer " in TEST_F()
7541 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Begin a renderPass where clearValueCount is less than" in TEST_F()
7601 TEST_DESCRIPTION("End a command buffer with an active render pass"); in TEST_F()
7769 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced when CmdNextSubpass is " in TEST_F()
7788 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced when CmdEndRenderPass is " in TEST_F()
7849 TEST_DESCRIPTION("A variety of ways to get VK_INVALID_BARRIER "); in TEST_F()
8109 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt vkCmdExecuteCommands with a primary command buffer" in TEST_F()
8130 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to update descriptor sets for images and buffers " in TEST_F()
8296 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to update buffer descriptor set that has incorrect " in TEST_F()
8422 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to update descriptor sets for images " in TEST_F()
9305 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Hit RenderPass incompatible cases. " in TEST_F()
9502 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Points to a wrong colorAttachment index in a VkClearAttachment " in TEST_F()
9713 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Use an invalid count in a vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices call." in TEST_F()
9772 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Use an invalid queue index in a vkCmdWaitEvents call." in TEST_F()
9840 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Submit a command buffer using deleted vertex buffer, " in TEST_F()
9978 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Hit all possible validation checks associated with the " in TEST_F()
10163 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Attempt to update a STORAGE_IMAGE descriptor w/o GENERAL layout."); in TEST_F()
10262 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Use vkCmdExecuteCommands with invalid state " in TEST_F()
10325 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Use vkCmdExecuteCommands with invalid state " in TEST_F()
10476 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Delete in-use query pool."); in TEST_F()
10510 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Delete in-use pipeline."); in TEST_F()
10560 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Delete in-use imageView."); in TEST_F()
10722 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Delete in-use bufferView."); in TEST_F()
10882 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Delete in-use sampler."); in TEST_F()
11044 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Call VkQueueSubmit with a semaphore that is already " in TEST_F()
11092 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Bind a secondary command buffer with with a framebuffer " in TEST_F()
11182 TEST_DESCRIPTION("If logicOp is available on the device, set it to an " in TEST_F()
11367 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a spirv module " in TEST_F()
11394 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a spirv module " in TEST_F()
11450 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that a warning is produced for a vertex output that " in TEST_F()
11492TEST_DESCRIPTION("Challenge core_validation with shader validation issues related to vkCreateGraph… in TEST_F()
11617TEST_DESCRIPTION("Challenge core_validation with shader validation issues related to vkCreateGraph… in TEST_F()
11805TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create a graphics pipleine in which a push constant range containing a push cons… in TEST_F()
11920TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create a graphics pipeline in which a capability declared by the shader is not s… in TEST_F()
11965 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a fragment shader input " in TEST_F()
12007 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a fragment shader input " in TEST_F()
12049 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for mismatched array sizes " in TEST_F()
12095 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for mismatched types across " in TEST_F()
12138 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for mismatched types across " in TEST_F()
12182 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for location mismatches across " in TEST_F()
12226 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for component mismatches across the " in TEST_F()
12270 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that a warning is produced for a vertex attribute which is " in TEST_F()
12320 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that a warning is produced for a location mismatch on " in TEST_F()
12371 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a vertex shader input which is not " in TEST_F()
12412 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a mismatch between the " in TEST_F()
12464 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a pipeline containing multiple " in TEST_F()
12610 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a variable output from " in TEST_F()
12677 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a vertex attribute setup where multiple " in TEST_F()
12730 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a fragment shader which does not " in TEST_F()
12770TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that a warning is produced for a fragment shader which provides a spurious " in TEST_F()
12816 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a mismatch between the fundamental " in TEST_F()
12858 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a shader consuming a uniform " in TEST_F()
12900 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a shader consuming push constants " in TEST_F()
12943 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a shader consuming an input attachment " in TEST_F()
12996 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a shader consuming an input attachment " in TEST_F()
13071 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a shader consuming an input attachment " in TEST_F()
13124 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a compute pipeline consuming a " in TEST_F()
13163 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced for a pipeline consuming a " in TEST_F()
13213 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced when an image view type " in TEST_F()
13269 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that an error is produced when a multisampled images " in TEST_F()
13399 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create a render pass with an attachment description " in TEST_F()
13535 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create an image and try to create a view with an invalid aspectMask"); in TEST_F()
13660 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Creating images with unsuported formats "); in TEST_F()
13714 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Passing bad parameters to CreateImageView"); in TEST_F()
13807 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Image layer tests that don't belong elsewhare"); in TEST_F()
13937 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Exceed the limits of image format "); in TEST_F()
14789 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Call ClearColorImage w/ a depth|stencil image and " in TEST_F()
15213 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Ensure that the vkUpdateDescriptorSets validation code " in TEST_F()
15577 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create a descriptor set layout with a duplicate binding number."); in TEST_F()
15613 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Update last descriptor in a set that includes an empty binding"); in TEST_F()
15727 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create a buffer, allocate memory, bind memory, destroy " in TEST_F()
15842 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Ensure that validations handling of non-coherent memory " in TEST_F()
16052 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Verify that creating an image view from an image with valid usage " in TEST_F()
16080 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Bind 2 memory ranges to one image using vkQueueBindSparse, destroy the image" in TEST_F()
16171 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Ensure that CmdBeginRenderPass with an attachment's " in TEST_F()
16246 TEST_DESCRIPTION("This test should pass. Create a Framebuffer and " in TEST_F()
16336 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Ensure that CmdBeginRenderPass applies the layout " in TEST_F()
16430 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Validate that when an imageView of a depth/stencil image " in TEST_F()
16535 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Ensure that layout transitions work correctly without " in TEST_F()
16575 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Create a stencil-only attachment with a LOAD_OP set to " in TEST_F()
16743 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Wait on a event then set it after the wait has been submitted."); in TEST_F()
16802 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Issue a query on a secondary command buffery and copy it on a primary."); in TEST_F()
16923 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Issue a query and copy from it on a second command buffer."); in TEST_F()
17026 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Reset an event then set it after the reset has been submitted."); in TEST_F()
17089 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Two command buffers with two separate fences are each " in TEST_F()
17163 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Two command buffers, each in a separate QueueSubmit call " in TEST_F()
17261 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Two command buffers, each in a separate QueueSubmit call " in TEST_F()
17366 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Two command buffers, each in a separate QueueSubmit call " in TEST_F()
17540 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Two command buffers, each in a separate QueueSubmit call " in TEST_F()
17646 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Two command buffers, each in a separate QueueSubmit call " in TEST_F()
17746 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Two command buffers, each in a separate QueueSubmit call " in TEST_F()
17842 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Two command buffers, each in a separate QueueSubmit call " in TEST_F()
17935 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Two command buffers each in a separate SubmitInfo sent in a single " in TEST_F()
18057 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Positive test where we create a renderpass with an " in TEST_F()
18100 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts matrices passed " in TEST_F()
18209 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts consuming a vertex attribute " in TEST_F()
18305 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts the relaxed type matching rules " in TEST_F()
18356 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts per-vertex variables " in TEST_F()
18421 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts a user-defined " in TEST_F()
18475 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts basic use of 64bit vertex " in TEST_F()
18543 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Positive test for a correctly matched input attachment"); in TEST_F()
18616 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts a compute pipeline which declares a " in TEST_F()
18657 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts a shader consuming only the " in TEST_F()
18712 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts a shader consuming only the " in TEST_F()
18767 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Test that pipeline validation accepts a shader consuming " in TEST_F()
18822 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Verify that a valid pNext value is handled correctly"); in TEST_F()
18902 TEST_DESCRIPTION("Verify that using a solid polygon fill mode works correctly."); in TEST_F()