/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "linker_config.h" #include "linker_globals.h" #include "linker_debug.h" #include "linker_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class ConfigParser { public: enum { kProperty, kSection, kEndOfFile, kError, }; explicit ConfigParser(std::string&& content) : content_(content), p_(0), lineno_(0), was_end_of_file_(false) {} /* * Possible return values * kProperty: name is set to property name and value is set to property value * kSection: name is set to section name. * kEndOfFile: reached end of file. * kError: error_msg is set. */ int next_token(std::string* name, std::string* value, std::string* error_msg) { std::string line; while(NextLine(&line)) { size_t found = line.find('#'); line = android::base::Trim(line.substr(0, found)); if (line.empty()) { continue; } if (line[0] == '[' && line[line.size() - 1] == ']') { *name = line.substr(1, line.size() - 2); return kSection; } found = line.find('='); if (found == std::string::npos) { *error_msg = std::string("invalid format: ") + line + ", expected \"name = property\" or \"[section]\""; return kError; } *name = android::base::Trim(line.substr(0, found)); *value = android::base::Trim(line.substr(found + 1)); return kProperty; } // to avoid infinite cycles when programmer makes a mistake CHECK(!was_end_of_file_); was_end_of_file_ = true; return kEndOfFile; } size_t lineno() const { return lineno_; } private: bool NextLine(std::string* line) { if (p_ == std::string::npos) { return false; } size_t found = content_.find('\n', p_); if (found != std::string::npos) { *line = content_.substr(p_, found - p_); p_ = found + 1; } else { *line = content_.substr(p_); p_ = std::string::npos; } lineno_++; return true; } std::string content_; size_t p_; size_t lineno_; bool was_end_of_file_; DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(ConfigParser); }; class PropertyValue { public: PropertyValue() = default; PropertyValue(std::string&& value, size_t lineno) : value_(value), lineno_(lineno) {} const std::string& value() const { return value_; } size_t lineno() const { return lineno_; } private: std::string value_; size_t lineno_; }; static std::string create_error_msg(const char* file, size_t lineno, const std::string& msg) { char buf[1024]; __libc_format_buffer(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%zu: error: %s", file, lineno, msg.c_str()); return std::string(buf); } static bool parse_config_file(const char* ld_config_file_path, const char* binary_realpath, std::unordered_map* properties, std::string* error_msg) { std::string content; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(ld_config_file_path, &content)) { if (errno != ENOENT) { *error_msg = std::string("error reading file \"") + ld_config_file_path + "\": " + strerror(errno); } return false; } ConfigParser cp(std::move(content)); std::string section_name; while(true) { std::string name; std::string value; std::string error; int result = cp.next_token(&name, &value, &error); if (result == ConfigParser::kError) { DL_WARN("error parsing %s:%zd: %s (ignoring this line)", ld_config_file_path, cp.lineno(), error.c_str()); continue; } if (result == ConfigParser::kSection || result == ConfigParser::kEndOfFile) { return false; } if (result == ConfigParser::kProperty) { if (!android::base::StartsWith(name, "dir.")) { DL_WARN("error parsing %s:%zd: unexpected property name \"%s\", " "expected format dir. (ignoring this line)", ld_config_file_path, cp.lineno(), name.c_str()); continue; } // remove trailing '/' while (value[value.size() - 1] == '/') { value = value.substr(0, value.size() - 1); } if (value.empty()) { DL_WARN("error parsing %s:%zd: property value is empty (ignoring this line)", ld_config_file_path, cp.lineno()); continue; } if (file_is_under_dir(binary_realpath, value)) { section_name = name.substr(4); break; } } } // skip everything until we meet a correct section while (true) { std::string name; std::string value; std::string error; int result = cp.next_token(&name, &value, &error); if (result == ConfigParser::kSection && name == section_name) { break; } if (result == ConfigParser::kEndOfFile) { *error_msg = create_error_msg(ld_config_file_path, cp.lineno(), std::string("section \"") + section_name + "\" not found"); return false; } } // found the section - parse it while (true) { std::string name; std::string value; std::string error; int result = cp.next_token(&name, &value, &error); if (result == ConfigParser::kEndOfFile || result == ConfigParser::kSection) { break; } if (result == ConfigParser::kProperty) { if (properties->find(name) != properties->end()) { DL_WARN("%s:%zd: warning: property \"%s\" redefinition", ld_config_file_path, cp.lineno(), name.c_str()); } (*properties)[name] = PropertyValue(std::move(value), cp.lineno()); } if (result == ConfigParser::kError) { DL_WARN("error parsing %s:%zd: %s (ignoring this line)", ld_config_file_path, cp.lineno(), error.c_str()); continue; } } return true; } static Config g_config; static constexpr const char* kDefaultConfigName = "default"; static constexpr const char* kPropertyAdditionalNamespaces = "additional.namespaces"; #if defined(__LP64__) static constexpr const char* kLibParamValue = "lib64"; #else static constexpr const char* kLibParamValue = "lib"; #endif class Properties { public: explicit Properties(std::unordered_map&& properties) : properties_(properties), target_sdk_version_(__ANDROID_API__) {} std::vector get_strings(const std::string& name, size_t* lineno = nullptr) const { auto it = find_property(name, lineno); if (it == properties_.end()) { // return empty vector return std::vector(); } std::vector strings = android::base::Split(it->second.value(), ","); for (size_t i = 0; i < strings.size(); ++i) { strings[i] = android::base::Trim(strings[i]); } return strings; } bool get_bool(const std::string& name, size_t* lineno = nullptr) const { auto it = find_property(name, lineno); if (it == properties_.end()) { return false; } return it->second.value() == "true"; } std::string get_string(const std::string& name, size_t* lineno = nullptr) const { auto it = find_property(name, lineno); return (it == properties_.end()) ? "" : it->second.value(); } std::vector get_paths(const std::string& name, size_t* lineno = nullptr) { std::string paths_str = get_string(name, lineno); std::vector paths; split_path(paths_str.c_str(), ":", &paths); std::vector> params; params.push_back({ "LIB", kLibParamValue }); if (target_sdk_version_ != 0) { char buf[16]; __libc_format_buffer(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", target_sdk_version_); params.push_back({ "SDK_VER", buf }); } for (auto&& path : paths) { format_string(&path, params); } std::vector resolved_paths; // do not remove paths that do not exist resolve_paths(paths, &resolved_paths); return resolved_paths; } void set_target_sdk_version(int target_sdk_version) { target_sdk_version_ = target_sdk_version; } private: std::unordered_map::const_iterator find_property(const std::string& name, size_t* lineno) const { auto it = properties_.find(name); if (it != properties_.end() && lineno != nullptr) { *lineno = it->second.lineno(); } return it; } std::unordered_map properties_; int target_sdk_version_; DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(Properties); }; bool Config::read_binary_config(const char* ld_config_file_path, const char* binary_realpath, bool is_asan, const Config** config, std::string* error_msg) { // TODO(b/38114603) Currently, multiple namespaces does not support ASAN mode // where some symbols should be intercepted via LD_PRELOAD; LD_PRELOADed libs // are not being preloaded into the linked namespaces other than the default // namespace. Until we fix the problem, we temporarily disable ld.config.txt // in ASAN mode. if (is_asan) { return false; } g_config.clear(); std::unordered_map property_map; if (!parse_config_file(ld_config_file_path, binary_realpath, &property_map, error_msg)) { return false; } Properties properties(std::move(property_map)); auto failure_guard = make_scope_guard([] { g_config.clear(); }); std::unordered_map namespace_configs; namespace_configs[kDefaultConfigName] = g_config.create_namespace_config(kDefaultConfigName); std::vector additional_namespaces = properties.get_strings(kPropertyAdditionalNamespaces); for (const auto& name : additional_namespaces) { namespace_configs[name] = g_config.create_namespace_config(name); } bool versioning_enabled = properties.get_bool("enable.target.sdk.version"); int target_sdk_version = __ANDROID_API__; if (versioning_enabled) { std::string version_file = dirname(binary_realpath) + "/.version"; std::string content; if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(version_file, &content)) { if (errno != ENOENT) { *error_msg = std::string("error reading version file \"") + version_file + "\": " + strerror(errno); return false; } } else { content = android::base::Trim(content); errno = 0; char* end = nullptr; const char* content_str = content.c_str(); int result = strtol(content_str, &end, 10); if (errno == 0 && *end == '\0' && result > 0) { target_sdk_version = result; properties.set_target_sdk_version(target_sdk_version); } else { *error_msg = std::string("invalid version \"") + version_file + "\": \"" + content +"\""; return false; } } } g_config.set_target_sdk_version(target_sdk_version); for (auto ns_config_it : namespace_configs) { auto& name = ns_config_it.first; NamespaceConfig* ns_config = ns_config_it.second; std::string property_name_prefix = std::string("namespace.") + name; size_t lineno = 0; std::vector linked_namespaces = properties.get_strings(property_name_prefix + ".links", &lineno); for (const auto& linked_ns_name : linked_namespaces) { if (namespace_configs.find(linked_ns_name) == namespace_configs.end()) { *error_msg = create_error_msg(ld_config_file_path, lineno, std::string("undefined namespace: ") + linked_ns_name); return false; } std::string shared_libs = properties.get_string(property_name_prefix + ".link." + linked_ns_name + ".shared_libs", &lineno); if (shared_libs.empty()) { *error_msg = create_error_msg(ld_config_file_path, lineno, std::string("list of shared_libs for ") + name + "->" + linked_ns_name + " link is not specified or is empty."); return false; } ns_config->add_namespace_link(linked_ns_name, shared_libs); } ns_config->set_isolated(properties.get_bool(property_name_prefix + ".isolated")); ns_config->set_visible(properties.get_bool(property_name_prefix + ".visible")); // these are affected by is_asan flag if (is_asan) { property_name_prefix += ".asan"; } ns_config->set_search_paths(properties.get_paths(property_name_prefix + ".search.paths")); ns_config->set_permitted_paths(properties.get_paths(property_name_prefix + ".permitted.paths")); } failure_guard.disable(); *config = &g_config; return true; } NamespaceConfig* Config::create_namespace_config(const std::string& name) { namespace_configs_.push_back(std::unique_ptr(new NamespaceConfig(name))); NamespaceConfig* ns_config_ptr = namespace_configs_.back().get(); namespace_configs_map_[name] = ns_config_ptr; return ns_config_ptr; } void Config::clear() { namespace_configs_.clear(); namespace_configs_map_.clear(); }