/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include "FormatConversions.h" #include #include #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #define DD(...) ALOGD(...) #else #define DD(...) #endif void get_yv12_offsets(int width, int height, uint32_t* yStride_out, uint32_t* cStride_out, uint32_t* totalSz_out) { uint32_t align = 16; uint32_t yStride = (width + (align - 1)) & ~(align-1); uint32_t uvStride = (yStride / 2 + (align - 1)) & ~(align-1); uint32_t uvHeight = height / 2; uint32_t sz = yStride * height + 2 * (uvHeight * uvStride); if (yStride_out) *yStride_out = yStride; if (cStride_out) *cStride_out = uvStride; if (totalSz_out) *totalSz_out = sz; } void get_yuv420p_offsets(int width, int height, uint32_t* yStride_out, uint32_t* cStride_out, uint32_t* totalSz_out) { uint32_t align = 1; uint32_t yStride = (width + (align - 1)) & ~(align-1); uint32_t uvStride = (yStride / 2 + (align - 1)) & ~(align-1); uint32_t uvHeight = height / 2; uint32_t sz = yStride * height + 2 * (uvHeight * uvStride); if (yStride_out) *yStride_out = yStride; if (cStride_out) *cStride_out = uvStride; if (totalSz_out) *totalSz_out = sz; } signed clamp_rgb(signed value) { if (value > 255) { value = 255; } else if (value < 0) { value = 0; } return value; } void rgb565_to_yv12(char* dest, char* src, int width, int height, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { int align = 16; int yStride = (width + (align -1)) & ~(align-1); int cStride = (yStride / 2 + (align - 1)) & ~(align-1); int yOffset = 0; int cSize = cStride * height/2; uint16_t *rgb_ptr0 = (uint16_t *)src; uint8_t *yv12_y0 = (uint8_t *)dest; uint8_t *yv12_v0 = yv12_y0 + yStride * height; uint8_t *yv12_u0 = yv12_v0 + cSize; for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) { uint8_t *yv12_y = yv12_y0 + j * yStride; uint8_t *yv12_v = yv12_v0 + (j/2) * cStride; uint8_t *yv12_u = yv12_v + cSize; uint16_t *rgb_ptr = rgb_ptr0 + j * width; bool jeven = (j & 1) == 0; for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { uint8_t r = ((rgb_ptr[i]) >> 11) & 0x01f; uint8_t g = ((rgb_ptr[i]) >> 5) & 0x03f; uint8_t b = (rgb_ptr[i]) & 0x01f; // convert to 8bits // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2442576/how-does-one-convert-16-bit-rgb565-to-24-bit-rgb888 uint8_t R = (r * 527 + 23) >> 6; uint8_t G = (g * 259 + 33) >> 6; uint8_t B = (b * 527 + 23) >> 6; // convert to YV12 // frameworks/base/core/jni/android_hardware_camera2_legacy_LegacyCameraDevice.cpp yv12_y[i] = clamp_rgb((77 * R + 150 * G + 29 * B) >> 8); bool ieven = (i & 1) == 0; if (jeven && ieven) { yv12_u[i] = clamp_rgb((( -43 * R - 85 * G + 128 * B) >> 8) + 128); yv12_v[i] = clamp_rgb((( 128 * R - 107 * G - 21 * B) >> 8) + 128); } } } } void rgb888_to_yv12(char* dest, char* src, int width, int height, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { DD("%s convert %d by %d", __func__, width, height); int align = 16; int yStride = (width + (align -1)) & ~(align-1); int cStride = (yStride / 2 + (align - 1)) & ~(align-1); int yOffset = 0; int cSize = cStride * height/2; int rgb_stride = 3; uint8_t *rgb_ptr0 = (uint8_t *)src; uint8_t *yv12_y0 = (uint8_t *)dest; uint8_t *yv12_v0 = yv12_y0 + yStride * height; uint8_t *yv12_u0 = yv12_v0 + cSize; for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) { uint8_t *yv12_y = yv12_y0 + j * yStride; uint8_t *yv12_v = yv12_v0 + (j/2) * cStride; uint8_t *yv12_u = yv12_v + cSize; uint8_t *rgb_ptr = rgb_ptr0 + j * width*rgb_stride; bool jeven = (j & 1) == 0; for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { uint8_t R = rgb_ptr[i*rgb_stride]; uint8_t G = rgb_ptr[i*rgb_stride+1]; uint8_t B = rgb_ptr[i*rgb_stride+2]; // convert to YV12 // frameworks/base/core/jni/android_hardware_camera2_legacy_LegacyCameraDevice.cpp yv12_y[i] = clamp_rgb((77 * R + 150 * G + 29 * B) >> 8); bool ieven = (i & 1) == 0; if (jeven && ieven) { yv12_u[i] = clamp_rgb((( -43 * R - 85 * G + 128 * B) >> 8) + 128); yv12_v[i] = clamp_rgb((( 128 * R - 107 * G - 21 * B) >> 8) + 128); } } } } void rgb888_to_yuv420p(char* dest, char* src, int width, int height, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { DD("%s convert %d by %d", __func__, width, height); int yStride = width; int cStride = yStride / 2; int yOffset = 0; int cSize = cStride * height/2; int rgb_stride = 3; uint8_t *rgb_ptr0 = (uint8_t *)src; uint8_t *yv12_y0 = (uint8_t *)dest; uint8_t *yv12_u0 = yv12_y0 + yStride * height; uint8_t *yv12_v0 = yv12_u0 + cSize; for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) { uint8_t *yv12_y = yv12_y0 + j * yStride; uint8_t *yv12_u = yv12_u0 + (j/2) * cStride; uint8_t *yv12_v = yv12_u + cStride; uint8_t *rgb_ptr = rgb_ptr0 + j * width*rgb_stride; bool jeven = (j & 1) == 0; for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { uint8_t R = rgb_ptr[i*rgb_stride]; uint8_t G = rgb_ptr[i*rgb_stride+1]; uint8_t B = rgb_ptr[i*rgb_stride+2]; // convert to YV12 // frameworks/base/core/jni/android_hardware_camera2_legacy_LegacyCameraDevice.cpp yv12_y[i] = clamp_rgb((77 * R + 150 * G + 29 * B) >> 8); bool ieven = (i & 1) == 0; if (jeven && ieven) { yv12_u[i] = clamp_rgb((( -43 * R - 85 * G + 128 * B) >> 8) + 128); yv12_v[i] = clamp_rgb((( 128 * R - 107 * G - 21 * B) >> 8) + 128); } } } } // YV12 is aka YUV420Planar, or YUV420p; the only difference is that YV12 has // certain stride requirements for Y and UV respectively. void yv12_to_rgb565(char* dest, char* src, int width, int height, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { DD("%s convert %d by %d", __func__, width, height); int align = 16; int yStride = (width + (align -1)) & ~(align-1); int cStride = (yStride / 2 + (align - 1)) & ~(align-1); int yOffset = 0; int cSize = cStride * height/2; uint16_t *rgb_ptr0 = (uint16_t *)dest; uint8_t *yv12_y0 = (uint8_t *)src; uint8_t *yv12_v0 = yv12_y0 + yStride * height; uint8_t *yv12_u0 = yv12_v0 + cSize; for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) { uint8_t *yv12_y = yv12_y0 + j * yStride; uint8_t *yv12_v = yv12_v0 + (j/2) * cStride; uint8_t *yv12_u = yv12_v + cSize; uint16_t *rgb_ptr = rgb_ptr0 + (j-top) * (right-left+1); for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { // convert to rgb // frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/colorconversion/ColorConverter.cpp signed y1 = (signed)yv12_y[i] - 16; signed u = (signed)yv12_u[i / 2] - 128; signed v = (signed)yv12_v[i / 2] - 128; signed u_b = u * 517; signed u_g = -u * 100; signed v_g = -v * 208; signed v_r = v * 409; signed tmp1 = y1 * 298; signed b1 = clamp_rgb((tmp1 + u_b) / 256); signed g1 = clamp_rgb((tmp1 + v_g + u_g) / 256); signed r1 = clamp_rgb((tmp1 + v_r) / 256); uint16_t rgb1 = ((r1 >> 3) << 11) | ((g1 >> 2) << 5) | (b1 >> 3); rgb_ptr[i-left] = rgb1; } } } // YV12 is aka YUV420Planar, or YUV420p; the only difference is that YV12 has // certain stride requirements for Y and UV respectively. void yv12_to_rgb888(char* dest, char* src, int width, int height, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { DD("%s convert %d by %d", __func__, width, height); int align = 16; int yStride = (width + (align -1)) & ~(align-1); int cStride = (yStride / 2 + (align - 1)) & ~(align-1); int yOffset = 0; int cSize = cStride * height/2; int rgb_stride = 3; uint8_t *rgb_ptr0 = (uint8_t *)dest; uint8_t *yv12_y0 = (uint8_t *)src; uint8_t *yv12_v0 = yv12_y0 + yStride * height; uint8_t *yv12_u0 = yv12_v0 + cSize; for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) { uint8_t *yv12_y = yv12_y0 + j * yStride; uint8_t *yv12_v = yv12_v0 + (j/2) * cStride; uint8_t *yv12_u = yv12_v + cSize; uint8_t *rgb_ptr = rgb_ptr0 + (j-top) * (right-left+1) * rgb_stride; for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { // convert to rgb // frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/colorconversion/ColorConverter.cpp signed y1 = (signed)yv12_y[i] - 16; signed u = (signed)yv12_u[i / 2] - 128; signed v = (signed)yv12_v[i / 2] - 128; signed u_b = u * 517; signed u_g = -u * 100; signed v_g = -v * 208; signed v_r = v * 409; signed tmp1 = y1 * 298; signed b1 = clamp_rgb((tmp1 + u_b) / 256); signed g1 = clamp_rgb((tmp1 + v_g + u_g) / 256); signed r1 = clamp_rgb((tmp1 + v_r) / 256); rgb_ptr[(i-left)*rgb_stride] = r1; rgb_ptr[(i-left)*rgb_stride+1] = g1; rgb_ptr[(i-left)*rgb_stride+2] = b1; } } } // YV12 is aka YUV420Planar, or YUV420p; the only difference is that YV12 has // certain stride requirements for Y and UV respectively. void yuv420p_to_rgb888(char* dest, char* src, int width, int height, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { DD("%s convert %d by %d", __func__, width, height); int yStride = width; int cStride = yStride / 2; int yOffset = 0; int cSize = cStride * height/2; int rgb_stride = 3; uint8_t *rgb_ptr0 = (uint8_t *)dest; uint8_t *yv12_y0 = (uint8_t *)src; uint8_t *yv12_u0 = yv12_y0 + yStride * height; uint8_t *yv12_v0 = yv12_u0 + cSize; for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) { uint8_t *yv12_y = yv12_y0 + j * yStride; uint8_t *yv12_u = yv12_u0 + (j/2) * cStride; uint8_t *yv12_v = yv12_u + cSize; uint8_t *rgb_ptr = rgb_ptr0 + (j-top) * (right-left+1) * rgb_stride; for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) { // convert to rgb // frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/colorconversion/ColorConverter.cpp signed y1 = (signed)yv12_y[i] - 16; signed u = (signed)yv12_u[i / 2] - 128; signed v = (signed)yv12_v[i / 2] - 128; signed u_b = u * 517; signed u_g = -u * 100; signed v_g = -v * 208; signed v_r = v * 409; signed tmp1 = y1 * 298; signed b1 = clamp_rgb((tmp1 + u_b) / 256); signed g1 = clamp_rgb((tmp1 + v_g + u_g) / 256); signed r1 = clamp_rgb((tmp1 + v_r) / 256); rgb_ptr[(i-left)*rgb_stride] = r1; rgb_ptr[(i-left)*rgb_stride+1] = g1; rgb_ptr[(i-left)*rgb_stride+2] = b1; } } } void copy_rgb_buffer_from_unlocked( char* _dst, char* raw_data, int unlockedWidth, int width, int height, int top, int left, int bpp) { char* dst = _dst; int dst_line_len = width * bpp; int src_line_len = unlockedWidth * bpp; char *src = (char *)raw_data + top*src_line_len + left*bpp; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { memcpy(dst, src, dst_line_len); src += src_line_len; dst += dst_line_len; } }