/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #define S_IN_NS(s) (UINT64_C(1000000000)*(s)) #define SYNC_EXPIRATION S_IN_NS(50) //50 sec in ns, at max 500us diff #define SYNC_WINDOW_TIMEOUT S_IN_NS(2) //2 sec in ns #define SYNC_FILTER_B 8 #define SYNC_FILTER_A 1 #define DEBUG_SYNC false enum ApHubSyncState { NOT_INITED = 0, USE_MAX, USE_FILTERED }; void apHubSyncReset(struct ApHubSync* sync) { sync->state = 0; if (DEBUG_SYNC) { osLog(LOG_DEBUG, "ApHub sync reset"); } } void apHubSyncAddDelta(struct ApHubSync* sync, uint64_t apTime, uint64_t hubTime) { int64_t delta = apTime - hubTime; // if data is expired or lastTs is not set before, reset if (apTime > sync->lastTs + SYNC_EXPIRATION || sync->lastTs == 0) { apHubSyncReset(sync); } sync->lastTs = apTime; if (sync->state == NOT_INITED) { // setup the windowMax before switching state sync->windowMax = delta; sync->windowTimeout = apTime + SYNC_WINDOW_TIMEOUT; sync->state = USE_MAX; } else { sync->windowMax = (delta > sync->windowMax) ? delta : sync->windowMax; if (apTime > sync->windowTimeout) { // collected a window // setup deltaEstimation before switching state if (sync->state == USE_MAX) { sync->deltaEstimation = sync->windowMax; } else { sync->deltaEstimation = ((SYNC_FILTER_B - SYNC_FILTER_A) * sync->deltaEstimation + SYNC_FILTER_A * sync->windowMax) / SYNC_FILTER_B; } sync->state = USE_FILTERED; if (DEBUG_SYNC) { osLog(LOG_DEBUG, "ApHub new sync offset = %" PRId64, sync->deltaEstimation); } // start new window by resetting windowMax and windowTimeout after this window is done sync->windowMax = INT64_MIN; sync->windowTimeout = apTime + SYNC_WINDOW_TIMEOUT; } } } int64_t apHubSyncGetDelta(struct ApHubSync* sync, uint64_t hubTime) { int64_t ret; switch (sync->state) { case NOT_INITED: ret = 0; break; case USE_MAX: ret = sync->windowMax; break; case USE_FILTERED: ret = sync->deltaEstimation; break; default: // indicate error, should never happen ret = INT64_MIN; osLog(LOG_WARN, "ApHub sync: Invalid sync state %d", sync->state); apHubSyncReset(sync); } return ret; }