/** @file Return the initial module search path. Search in specified locations for the associated Python libraries. Py_GetPath returns module_search_path. Py_GetPrefix returns PREFIX Py_GetExec_Prefix returns PREFIX Py_GetProgramFullPath returns the full path to the python executable. These are built dynamically so that the proper volume name can be prefixed to the paths. For the EDK II, UEFI, implementation of Python, PREFIX and EXEC_PREFIX are set as follows: PREFIX = /Efi/StdLib EXEC_PREFIX = PREFIX The following final paths are assumed: /Efi/Tools/Python.efi The Python executable. /Efi/StdLib/lib/python.VERSION The platform independent Python modules. /Efi/StdLib/lib/python.VERSION/dynalib Dynamically loadable Python extension modules. Copyright (c) 2011 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* VERSION must be at least two characters long. */ #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION "27" #endif #ifndef VPATH #define VPATH "." #endif /* Search path entry delimiter */ #ifdef DELIM #define sDELIM ";" #endif #ifndef PREFIX #define PREFIX "/Efi/StdLib" #endif #ifndef EXEC_PREFIX #define EXEC_PREFIX PREFIX #endif #ifndef LIBPYTHON #define LIBPYTHON "lib/python." VERSION #endif #ifndef PYTHONPATH #ifdef HAVE_ENVIRONMENT_OPS #define PYTHONPATH PREFIX LIBPYTHON sDELIM \ EXEC_PREFIX LIBPYTHON "/lib-dynload" #else #define PYTHONPATH LIBPYTHON #endif #endif #ifndef LANDMARK #define LANDMARK "os.py" #endif static char prefix[MAXPATHLEN+1]; static char exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN+1]; static char progpath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; static char *module_search_path = NULL; static char lib_python[] = LIBPYTHON; static char volume_name[32] = { 0 }; /** Determine if "ch" is a separator character. @param[in] ch The character to test. @retval TRUE ch is a separator character. @retval FALSE ch is NOT a separator character. **/ static int is_sep(char ch) { #ifdef ALTSEP return ch == SEP || ch == ALTSEP; #else return ch == SEP; #endif } /** Reduce a path by its last element. The last element (everything to the right of the last separator character) in the path, dir, is removed from the path. Parameter dir is modified in place. @param[in,out] dir Pointer to the path to modify. **/ static void reduce(char *dir) { size_t i = strlen(dir); while (i > 0 && !is_sep(dir[i])) --i; dir[i] = '\0'; } #ifndef UEFI_C_SOURCE /** Does filename point to a file and not directory? @param[in] filename The fully qualified path to the object to test. @retval 0 Filename was not found, or is a directory. @retval 1 Filename refers to a regular file. **/ static int isfile(char *filename) { struct stat buf; if (stat(filename, &buf) != 0) { return 0; } //if (!S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { return 0; } return 1; } /** Determine if filename refers to a Python module. A Python module is indicated if the file exists, or if the file with 'o' or 'c' appended exists. @param[in] filename The fully qualified path to the object to test. @retval 0 **/ static int ismodule(char *filename) { if (isfile(filename)) { //if (Py_VerboseFlag) PySys_WriteStderr("%s[%d]: file = \"%s\"\n", __func__, __LINE__, filename); return 1; } /* Check for the compiled version of prefix. */ if (strlen(filename) < MAXPATHLEN) { strcat(filename, Py_OptimizeFlag ? "o" : "c"); if (isfile(filename)) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** Does filename point to a directory? @param[in] filename The fully qualified path to the object to test. @retval 0 Filename was not found, or is not a regular file. @retval 1 Filename refers to a directory. **/ static int isdir(char *filename) { struct stat buf; if (stat(filename, &buf) != 0) return 0; if (!S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) return 0; return 1; } #endif /* UEFI_C_SOURCE */ /** Determine if a path is absolute, or not. An absolute path consists of a volume name, "VOL:", followed by a rooted path, "/path/elements". If both of these components are present, the path is absolute. Let P be a pointer to the path to test. Let A be a pointer to the first ':' in P. Let B be a pointer to the first '/' or '\\' in P. If A and B are not NULL If (A-P+1) == (B-P) then the path is absolute. Otherwise, the path is NOT absolute. @param[in] path The path to test. @retval -1 Path is absolute but lacking volume name. @retval 0 Path is NOT absolute. @retval 1 Path is absolute. */ static int is_absolute(char *path) { char *A; char *B; A = strchr(path, ':'); B = strpbrk(path, "/\\"); if(B != NULL) { if(A == NULL) { if(B == path) { return -1; } } else { if(((A - path) + 1) == (B - path)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } /** Add a path component, by appending stuff to buffer. buffer must have at least MAXPATHLEN + 1 bytes allocated, and contain a NUL-terminated string with no more than MAXPATHLEN characters (not counting the trailing NUL). It's a fatal error if it contains a string longer than that (callers must be careful!). If these requirements are met, it's guaranteed that buffer will still be a NUL-terminated string with no more than MAXPATHLEN characters at exit. If stuff is too long, only as much of stuff as fits will be appended. @param[in,out] buffer The path to be extended. @param[in] stuff The stuff to join onto the path. */ static void joinpath(char *buffer, char *stuff) { size_t n, k; k = 0; if (is_absolute(stuff) == 1) { n = 0; } else { n = strlen(buffer); if(n == 0) { strncpy(buffer, volume_name, MAXPATHLEN); n = strlen(buffer); } /* We must not use an else clause here because we want to test n again. volume_name may have been empty. */ if (n > 0 && n < MAXPATHLEN) { if(!is_sep(buffer[n-1])) { buffer[n++] = SEP; } if(is_sep(stuff[0])) ++stuff; } } if (n > MAXPATHLEN) Py_FatalError("buffer overflow in getpath.c's joinpath()"); k = strlen(stuff); if (n + k > MAXPATHLEN) k = MAXPATHLEN - n; strncpy(buffer+n, stuff, k); buffer[n+k] = '\0'; } /** Is filename an executable file? An executable file: 1) exists 2) is a file, not a directory 3) has a name ending with ".efi" 4) Only has a single '.' in the name. If basename(filename) does not contain a '.', append ".efi" to filename If filename ends in ".efi", it is executable, else it isn't. This routine is used to when searching for the file named by argv[0]. As such, there is no need to search for extensions other than ".efi". @param[in] filename The name of the file to test. It may, or may not, have an extension. @retval 0 filename already has a path other than ".efi", or it doesn't exist, or is a directory. @retval 1 filename refers to an executable file. **/ static int isxfile(char *filename) { struct stat buf; char *bn; char *newbn; int bnlen; bn = basename(filename); // Separate off the file name component reduce(filename); // and isolate the path component bnlen = strlen(bn); newbn = strrchr(bn, '.'); // Does basename contain a period? if(newbn == NULL) { // Does NOT contain a period. newbn = &bn[bnlen]; strncpyX(newbn, ".efi", MAXPATHLEN - bnlen); // append ".efi" to basename bnlen += 4; } else if(strcmp(newbn, ".efi") != 0) { return 0; // File can not be executable. } joinpath(filename, bn); // Stitch path and file name back together if (stat(filename, &buf) != 0) { // Now, verify that file exists return 0; } if(S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { // And it is not a directory. return 0; } return 1; } /** Copy p into path, ensuring that the result is an absolute path. copy_absolute requires that path be allocated at least MAXPATHLEN + 1 bytes and that p be no more than MAXPATHLEN bytes. @param[out] path Destination to receive the absolute path. @param[in] p Path to be tested and possibly converted. **/ static void copy_absolute(char *path, char *p) { if (is_absolute(p) == 1) strcpy(path, p); else { if (!getcwd(path, MAXPATHLEN)) { /* unable to get the current directory */ if(volume_name[0] != 0) { strcpy(path, volume_name); joinpath(path, p); } else strcpy(path, p); return; } if (p[0] == '.' && is_sep(p[1])) p += 2; joinpath(path, p); } } /** Modify path so that the result is an absolute path. absolutize() requires that path be allocated at least MAXPATHLEN+1 bytes. @param[in,out] path The path to be made absolute. */ static void absolutize(char *path) { char buffer[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; if (is_absolute(path) == 1) return; copy_absolute(buffer, path); strcpy(path, buffer); } /** Extract the volume name from a path. @param[out] Dest Pointer to location in which to store the extracted volume name. @param[in] path Pointer to the path to extract the volume name from. **/ static void set_volume(char *Dest, char *path) { size_t VolLen; if(is_absolute(path)) { VolLen = strcspn(path, "/\\:"); if((VolLen != 0) && (path[VolLen] == ':')) { (void) strncpyX(Dest, path, VolLen + 1); } } } /** Determine paths. Two directories must be found, the platform independent directory (prefix), containing the common .py and .pyc files, and the platform dependent directory (exec_prefix), containing the shared library modules. Note that prefix and exec_prefix are the same directory for UEFI installations. Separate searches are carried out for prefix and exec_prefix. Each search tries a number of different locations until a ``landmark'' file or directory is found. If no prefix or exec_prefix is found, a warning message is issued and the preprocessor defined PREFIX and EXEC_PREFIX are used (even though they may not work); python carries on as best as is possible, but some imports may fail. Before any searches are done, the location of the executable is determined. If argv[0] has one or more slashes in it, it is used unchanged. Otherwise, it must have been invoked from the shell's path, so we search %PATH% for the named executable and use that. If the executable was not found on %PATH% (or there was no %PATH% environment variable), the original argv[0] string is used. Finally, argv0_path is set to the directory containing the executable (i.e. the last component is stripped). With argv0_path in hand, we perform a number of steps. The same steps are performed for prefix and for exec_prefix, but with a different landmark. The prefix landmark will always be lib/python.VERSION/os.py and the exec_prefix will always be lib/python.VERSION/dynaload, where VERSION is Python's version number as defined at the beginning of this file. First. See if the %PYTHONHOME% environment variable points to the installed location of the Python libraries. If %PYTHONHOME% is set, then it points to prefix and exec_prefix. %PYTHONHOME% can be a single directory, which is used for both, or the prefix and exec_prefix directories separated by the DELIM character. Next. Search the directories pointed to by the preprocessor variables PREFIX and EXEC_PREFIX. These paths are prefixed with the volume name extracted from argv0_path. The volume names correspond to the UEFI shell "map" names. That's it! Well, almost. Once we have determined prefix and exec_prefix, the preprocessor variable PYTHONPATH is used to construct a path. Each relative path on PYTHONPATH is prefixed with prefix. Then the directory containing the shared library modules is appended. The environment variable $PYTHONPATH is inserted in front of it all. Finally, the prefix and exec_prefix globals are tweaked so they reflect the values expected by other code, by stripping the "lib/python$VERSION/..." stuff off. This seems to make more sense given that currently the only known use of sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix is for the ILU installation process to find the installed Python tree. The final, fully resolved, paths should look something like: fs0:/Efi/Tools/python.efi fs0:/Efi/StdLib/lib/python27 fs0:/Efi/StdLib/lib/python27/dynaload **/ static void calculate_path(void) { extern char *Py_GetProgramName(void); static char delimiter[2] = {DELIM, '\0'}; static char separator[2] = {SEP, '\0'}; char *pythonpath = PYTHONPATH; char *rtpypath = Py_GETENV("PYTHONPATH"); //char *home = Py_GetPythonHome(); char *path = getenv("PATH"); char *prog = Py_GetProgramName(); char argv0_path[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char zip_path[MAXPATHLEN+1]; char *buf; size_t bufsz; size_t prefixsz; char *defpath; /* ########################################################################### Determine path to the Python.efi binary. Produces progpath, argv0_path, and volume_name. ########################################################################### */ /* If there is no slash in the argv0 path, then we have to * assume python is on the user's $PATH, since there's no * other way to find a directory to start the search from. If * $PATH isn't exported, you lose. */ if (strchr(prog, SEP)) strncpy(progpath, prog, MAXPATHLEN); else if (path) { while (1) { char *delim = strchr(path, DELIM); if (delim) { size_t len = delim - path; if (len > MAXPATHLEN) len = MAXPATHLEN; strncpy(progpath, path, len); *(progpath + len) = '\0'; } else strncpy(progpath, path, MAXPATHLEN); joinpath(progpath, prog); if (isxfile(progpath)) break; if (!delim) { progpath[0] = '\0'; break; } path = delim + 1; } } else progpath[0] = '\0'; if ( (!is_absolute(progpath)) && (progpath[0] != '\0') ) absolutize(progpath); strncpy(argv0_path, progpath, MAXPATHLEN); argv0_path[MAXPATHLEN] = '\0'; set_volume(volume_name, argv0_path); reduce(argv0_path); /* At this point, argv0_path is guaranteed to be less than MAXPATHLEN bytes long. */ /* ########################################################################### Build the FULL prefix string, including volume name. This is the full path to the platform independent libraries. ########################################################################### */ strncpy(prefix, volume_name, MAXPATHLEN); joinpath(prefix, PREFIX); joinpath(prefix, lib_python); /* ########################################################################### Build the FULL path to the zipped-up Python library. ########################################################################### */ strncpy(zip_path, prefix, MAXPATHLEN); zip_path[MAXPATHLEN] = '\0'; reduce(zip_path); joinpath(zip_path, "python00.zip"); bufsz = strlen(zip_path); /* Replace "00" with version */ zip_path[bufsz - 6] = VERSION[0]; zip_path[bufsz - 5] = VERSION[1]; /* ########################################################################### Build the FULL path to dynamically loadable libraries. ########################################################################### */ strncpy(exec_prefix, volume_name, MAXPATHLEN); joinpath(exec_prefix, EXEC_PREFIX); joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python); joinpath(exec_prefix, "lib-dynload"); /* ########################################################################### Build the module search path. ########################################################################### */ /* Reduce prefix and exec_prefix to their essence, * e.g. /usr/local/lib/python1.5 is reduced to /usr/local. * If we're loading relative to the build directory, * return the compiled-in defaults instead. */ reduce(prefix); reduce(prefix); /* The prefix is the root directory, but reduce() chopped * off the "/". */ if (!prefix[0]) { strcpy(prefix, volume_name); } bufsz = strlen(prefix); if(prefix[bufsz-1] == ':') { prefix[bufsz] = SEP; prefix[bufsz+1] = 0; } /* Calculate size of return buffer. */ defpath = pythonpath; bufsz = 0; if (rtpypath) bufsz += strlen(rtpypath) + 1; prefixsz = strlen(prefix) + 1; while (1) { char *delim = strchr(defpath, DELIM); if (is_absolute(defpath) == 0) /* Paths are relative to prefix */ bufsz += prefixsz; if (delim) bufsz += delim - defpath + 1; else { bufsz += strlen(defpath) + 1; break; } defpath = delim + 1; } bufsz += strlen(zip_path) + 1; bufsz += strlen(exec_prefix) + 1; /* This is the only malloc call in this file */ buf = (char *)PyMem_Malloc(bufsz); if (buf == NULL) { /* We can't exit, so print a warning and limp along */ fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for dynamic PYTHONPATH.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Using default static PYTHONPATH.\n"); module_search_path = PYTHONPATH; } else { /* Run-time value of $PYTHONPATH goes first */ if (rtpypath) { strcpy(buf, rtpypath); strcat(buf, delimiter); } else buf[0] = '\0'; /* Next is the default zip path */ strcat(buf, zip_path); strcat(buf, delimiter); /* Next goes merge of compile-time $PYTHONPATH with * dynamically located prefix. */ defpath = pythonpath; while (1) { char *delim = strchr(defpath, DELIM); if (is_absolute(defpath) != 1) { strcat(buf, prefix); strcat(buf, separator); } if (delim) { size_t len = delim - defpath + 1; size_t end = strlen(buf) + len; strncat(buf, defpath, len); *(buf + end) = '\0'; } else { strcat(buf, defpath); break; } defpath = delim + 1; } strcat(buf, delimiter); /* Finally, on goes the directory for dynamic-load modules */ strcat(buf, exec_prefix); /* And publish the results */ module_search_path = buf; } /* At this point, exec_prefix is set to VOL:/Efi/StdLib/lib/python.27/dynalib. We want to get back to the root value, so we have to remove the final three segments to get VOL:/Efi/StdLib. Because we don't know what VOL is, and EXEC_PREFIX is also indeterminate, we just remove the three final segments. */ reduce(exec_prefix); reduce(exec_prefix); reduce(exec_prefix); if (!exec_prefix[0]) { strcpy(exec_prefix, volume_name); } bufsz = strlen(exec_prefix); if(exec_prefix[bufsz-1] == ':') { exec_prefix[bufsz] = SEP; exec_prefix[bufsz+1] = 0; } if (Py_VerboseFlag) PySys_WriteStderr("%s[%d]: module_search_path = \"%s\"\n", __func__, __LINE__, module_search_path); if (Py_VerboseFlag) PySys_WriteStderr("%s[%d]: prefix = \"%s\"\n", __func__, __LINE__, prefix); if (Py_VerboseFlag) PySys_WriteStderr("%s[%d]: exec_prefix = \"%s\"\n", __func__, __LINE__, exec_prefix); if (Py_VerboseFlag) PySys_WriteStderr("%s[%d]: progpath = \"%s\"\n", __func__, __LINE__, progpath); } /* External interface */ char * Py_GetPath(void) { if (!module_search_path) calculate_path(); return module_search_path; } char * Py_GetPrefix(void) { if (!module_search_path) calculate_path(); return prefix; } char * Py_GetExecPrefix(void) { if (!module_search_path) calculate_path(); return exec_prefix; } char * Py_GetProgramFullPath(void) { if (!module_search_path) calculate_path(); return progpath; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif