/** @file SMRAM Save State Map Definitions. SMRAM Save State Map definitions based on contents of the Intel(R) 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 3C, Section 34.4 SMRAM Volume 3C, Section 34.5 SMI Handler Execution Environment Volume 3C, Section 34.7 Managing Synchronous and Asynchronous SMIs and the AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual Volume 2, Section 10.2 SMM Resources Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2015, Red Hat, Inc.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef __QEMU_SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP_H__ #define __QEMU_SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP_H__ #pragma pack (1) /// /// 32-bit SMRAM Save State Map /// typedef struct { UINT8 Reserved0[0x200]; // 7c00h UINT8 Reserved1[0xf8]; // 7e00h UINT32 SMBASE; // 7ef8h UINT32 SMMRevId; // 7efch UINT16 IORestart; // 7f00h UINT16 AutoHALTRestart; // 7f02h UINT8 Reserved2[0x9C]; // 7f08h UINT32 IOMemAddr; // 7fa0h UINT32 IOMisc; // 7fa4h UINT32 _ES; // 7fa8h UINT32 _CS; // 7fach UINT32 _SS; // 7fb0h UINT32 _DS; // 7fb4h UINT32 _FS; // 7fb8h UINT32 _GS; // 7fbch UINT32 Reserved3; // 7fc0h UINT32 _TR; // 7fc4h UINT32 _DR7; // 7fc8h UINT32 _DR6; // 7fcch UINT32 _EAX; // 7fd0h UINT32 _ECX; // 7fd4h UINT32 _EDX; // 7fd8h UINT32 _EBX; // 7fdch UINT32 _ESP; // 7fe0h UINT32 _EBP; // 7fe4h UINT32 _ESI; // 7fe8h UINT32 _EDI; // 7fech UINT32 _EIP; // 7ff0h UINT32 _EFLAGS; // 7ff4h UINT32 _CR3; // 7ff8h UINT32 _CR0; // 7ffch } QEMU_SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP32; /// /// 64-bit SMRAM Save State Map /// typedef struct { UINT8 Reserved0[0x200]; // 7c00h UINT16 _ES; // 7e00h UINT16 _ESAccessRights; // 7e02h UINT32 _ESLimit; // 7e04h UINT64 _ESBase; // 7e08h UINT16 _CS; // 7e10h UINT16 _CSAccessRights; // 7e12h UINT32 _CSLimit; // 7e14h UINT64 _CSBase; // 7e18h UINT16 _SS; // 7e20h UINT16 _SSAccessRights; // 7e22h UINT32 _SSLimit; // 7e24h UINT64 _SSBase; // 7e28h UINT16 _DS; // 7e30h UINT16 _DSAccessRights; // 7e32h UINT32 _DSLimit; // 7e34h UINT64 _DSBase; // 7e38h UINT16 _FS; // 7e40h UINT16 _FSAccessRights; // 7e42h UINT32 _FSLimit; // 7e44h UINT64 _FSBase; // 7e48h UINT16 _GS; // 7e50h UINT16 _GSAccessRights; // 7e52h UINT32 _GSLimit; // 7e54h UINT64 _GSBase; // 7e58h UINT32 _GDTRReserved1; // 7e60h UINT16 _GDTRLimit; // 7e64h UINT16 _GDTRReserved2; // 7e66h UINT64 _GDTRBase; // 7e68h UINT16 _LDTR; // 7e70h UINT16 _LDTRAccessRights; // 7e72h UINT32 _LDTRLimit; // 7e74h UINT64 _LDTRBase; // 7e78h UINT32 _IDTRReserved1; // 7e80h UINT16 _IDTRLimit; // 7e84h UINT16 _IDTRReserved2; // 7e86h UINT64 _IDTRBase; // 7e88h UINT16 _TR; // 7e90h UINT16 _TRAccessRights; // 7e92h UINT32 _TRLimit; // 7e94h UINT64 _TRBase; // 7e98h UINT64 IO_RIP; // 7ea0h UINT64 IO_RCX; // 7ea8h UINT64 IO_RSI; // 7eb0h UINT64 IO_RDI; // 7eb8h UINT32 IO_DWord; // 7ec0h UINT8 Reserved1[0x04]; // 7ec4h UINT8 IORestart; // 7ec8h UINT8 AutoHALTRestart; // 7ec9h UINT8 Reserved2[0x06]; // 7ecah UINT64 IA32_EFER; // 7ed0h UINT64 SVM_Guest; // 7ed8h UINT64 SVM_GuestVMCB; // 7ee0h UINT64 SVM_GuestVIntr; // 7ee8h UINT8 Reserved3[0x0c]; // 7ef0h UINT32 SMMRevId; // 7efch UINT32 SMBASE; // 7f00h UINT8 Reserved4[0x1c]; // 7f04h UINT64 SVM_GuestPAT; // 7f20h UINT64 SVM_HostIA32_EFER; // 7f28h UINT64 SVM_HostCR4; // 7f30h UINT64 SVM_HostCR3; // 7f38h UINT64 SVM_HostCR0; // 7f40h UINT64 _CR4; // 7f48h UINT64 _CR3; // 7f50h UINT64 _CR0; // 7f58h UINT64 _DR7; // 7f60h UINT64 _DR6; // 7f68h UINT64 _RFLAGS; // 7f70h UINT64 _RIP; // 7f78h UINT64 _R15; // 7f80h UINT64 _R14; // 7f88h UINT64 _R13; // 7f90h UINT64 _R12; // 7f98h UINT64 _R11; // 7fa0h UINT64 _R10; // 7fa8h UINT64 _R9; // 7fb0h UINT64 _R8; // 7fb8h UINT64 _RDI; // 7fc0h UINT64 _RSI; // 7fc8h UINT64 _RBP; // 7fd0h UINT64 _RSP; // 7fd8h UINT64 _RBX; // 7fe0h UINT64 _RDX; // 7fe8h UINT64 _RCX; // 7ff0h UINT64 _RAX; // 7ff8h } QEMU_SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP64; /// /// Union of 32-bit and 64-bit SMRAM Save State Maps /// typedef union { QEMU_SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP32 x86; QEMU_SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP64 x64; } QEMU_SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP; #pragma pack () #endif