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Invalid use of pipe (%B|%N). Unable to redirect file. Redundant redirection specified. UEFI %s Shell v%d.%d %s UEFI v%d.%02d (%s, 0x%08x) No SimpleTextInputEx was found. CTRL-based features are not usable. lwЈ ddheb4(yynssܐiijrXbpjjj`s kj(k|mDnmq~Іh\ ``ز`dddd``\ ``ddddd```ddddd```ddddd`& --44en-USenglishLoadedImageDevicePathImageDevicePathDevicePathUtilitiesDevicePathToTextDevicePathFromTextDevicePathPCAnsiDevicePathVT100DevicePathVT100+DevicePathVTUTF8DriverBindingPlatformOverrideBusSpecificDriverOverrideDriverDiagnosticsDriverDiagnostics2ComponentNameComponentName2PlatformtoDriverConfigurationDriverVersionSimpleTextInSimpleTextInExSimpleTextOutSimplePointerAbsolutePointerSerialIOGraphicsOutputEDIDDiscoveredEDIDActiveEDIDOverrideConsoleInConsoleOutStdErrLoadFileLoadFile2SimpleFileSystemFileInfoFileSystemInfoTapeIODiskIODiskIO2BlockIOUnicodeCollationUnicodeCollation2AdapterInfoPCIRootBridgeIOPCIIOSCSIPassThruSCSIIOExtendedSCSIPassThruiSCSIInitiatorNameUSBIOUSBHostControlerUSBHostController2DebugSupportDebugPortDecompressAcpiTableEBCInterpreterSimpleNetworkNetworkInterfaceIdentifierNetworkInterfaceIdentifier31PXEBaseCodePXECallbackBISManagedNetworkServiceBindingManagedNetworkARPServiceBindingARPDHCPv4ServiceBindingDHCPv4TCPv4ServiceBindingTCPv4IPv4ServiceBindingIPv4IPv4ConfigIPv4Config2UDPv4ServiceBindingUDPv4MTFTPv4ServiceBindingMTFTPv4HashServiceBindingHashAuthenticationInfoHIIFontHIIStringHIIImageHIIDatabaseHIIConfigRoutingHIIConfigAccessHIIFormBrowser2ShellParametersShellShellDynamicCommandEFIGlobalVariableWinNTThunkWinNTDriverIOWinNTSerialPortUnknownDeviceShellInterfaceShellEnvironmentShellEnvironment2DeviceIOUGADrawUGAIOEFISystemPartitionLegacyMBRDriverConfigurationDriverConfiguration2ISAIOISAACPI Address: %%H%X%%N Attrib %02x  %c mode %d: Col %d Row %d DriverFamilyOverridePcdTcgHiiPackageListIp6ServiceBindingIp6Ip6ConfigMtftp6ServiceBindingMtftp6Dhcp6ServiceBindingDhcp6Udp6ServiceBindingUdp6Tcp6ServiceBindingTcp6VlanConfigEapEapManagementFtp4ServiceBindingFtp4IpSecConfigDriverHealthDeferredImageLoadUserCredentialUserManagerAtaPassThruFirmwareManagementIpSecIpSec2KmsBlockIo2StorageSecurityCommandUserCredential2GetPcdInfoProtocolBdsArchCpuArchMetronomeArchMonotonicCounterArchRealTimeClockArchResetArchRuntimeArchSecurityArchTimerArchVariableWriteArchVariableArchSecurityPolicyWatchdogTimerArchSmartCardReaderSmbusHcFirmwareVolume2FirmwareVolumeBlockCapsuleArchMpServicePciHostBridgeResourceAllocationPciPlatformPciOverridePciEnumerationCompleteIncompatiblePciDeviceSupportPciHotPlugInitPciHotPlugRequestSmbiosS3SaveStateS3SmmSaveStateRscHandlerSmmRscHandlerAcpiSdtSioSmmCpuIo2SmmBase2SmmAccess2SmmControl2SmmConfigSmmReadyToLockDxeSmmReadyToLockSmmCommunicationSmmStatusCodeSmmCpuSmmPCIRootBridgeIOSmmSwDispatch2SmmSxDispatch2SmmPeriodicTimerDispatch2SmmUsbDispatch2SmmGpiDispatch2SmmStandbyButtonDispatch2SmmPowerButtonDispatch2SmmIoTrapDispatch2FirmwareVolumeBlock2CpuIo2LegacyRegion2SalMcaInitPmiExtendedSalBootServiceExtendedSalBaseIoServicesExtendedSalStallServicesExtendedSalRtcServicesExtendedSalVariableServicesExtendedSalMtcServicesExtendedSalResetServicesExtendedSalStatusCodeServicesExtendedSalFvBlockServicesExtendedSalMpServicesExtendedSalPalServicesExtendedSalBaseServicesExtendedSalMcaServicesExtendedSalPciServicesExtendedSalCacheServicesExtendedSalMcaLogServicesSecurity2ArchSmmEndOfDxeIsaHcIsaHcServiceBindingSioControlGetPcdInfoI2cMasterI2cIoI2cEnumerateI2cHostI2cBusConfigurationManagementTrEETcg2TimestampRngNvmExpressPassThruHash2ServiceBindingHash2BlockIoCryptoSmartCardEdgeUsbFunctionIoBluetoothHcBluetoothIoServiceBindingBluetoothIoBluetoothConfigRegularExpressionBootManagerPolicyConfigKeywordHandlerWiFiEapManagement2EapConfigurationPkcs7VerifyDns4ServiceBindingDns4Dns6ServiceBindingDns6HttpServiceBindingHttpHttpUtilitiesRestIdeControllerInitDiskInfo ParentHandle..: %H%x%N  Segment #.....: %H%x%N  Attributes....: %H%x%N  Supports......: %H%x%N  BUS :  MEM :  IO :  Type Flag Base Limit Gran ==== ==== ================ ================ ====  Revision......: %%H0x%08x%%N ParentHandle..: %%H%x%%N SystemTable...: %%H%x%%N DeviceHandle..: %%H%x%%N FilePath......: %%H%x%%N OptionsSize...: %%H%x%%N LoadOptions...: %%H%s%%N ImageBase.....: %%H%x%%N ImageSize.....: %%H%Lx%%N CodeType......: %%H%s%%N DataType......: %%H%s%%N Unload........: %%H%x%%N  Max Mode............: %%H0x%08x%%N Current Mode........: %%H0x%08x%%N Frame Buffer Base...: %%H0x%L016x%%N Frame Buffer Size...: %%H0x%L016x%%N Mode Info Size......: %%H0x%L016x%%N Information Version...........: %%H0x%08x%%N Res Hor...........: %%H0x%08x%%N Res Ver...........: %%H0x%08x%%N Pixel Format......: %%H%s%%N Pixels / Scan Line: %%H0x%08x%%N Pixel Info RedMask.........: %%H0x%08x%%N GreenMask.......: %%H0x%08x%%N BlueMask........: %%H0x%08x%%N Unable to get supported types - %%H%r%%N  Supported Information Types:  Guid[%%H%d%%N] : %g - %%B%s%%N  Unable to get information - %%H%r%%N  MediaState: %%H0x%08x - %r%%N  iSsciIpv4BootCapablity : %%H%d%%N iScsiIpv6BootCapablity : %%H%d%%N FCoeBootCapablity : %%H%d%%N OffloadCapability : %%H%d%%N iScsiMpioCapability : %%H%d%%N iScsiIpv4Boot : %%H%d%%N iScsiIpv6Boot : %%H%d%%N FCoeBoot : %%H%d%%N  SanMacAddress: %%H%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x%%N  UNDI IPv6 Supported: %%H%d%%N  The 'InformationType' - %%H%g%%N can't be recongnized l6 p6  x6 `T,d p   8l 8L8%:!:44en-USenglish%H%s%N: Memory is not available. %H%s%N: Too many arguments. %H%s%N: Too few arguments. %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Bad value - '%H%s%N' for flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H-a%s%N' %H%s%N: Missing argument for flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Access denied. %H%s%N: File '%H%s%N' error - %r %H%s%N: Status: %r %H%s%N: Parameters conflict. %H%s%N: Flags conflict with - '%H%s%N' and '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Cannot open file - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Cannot close file - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: File access error - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: File not found - '%H%s%N'  %H%s%N: Current directory not specified. %H%s%N: Directory not found - '%H%s%N' - [ok] %H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is not a directory. %H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is not a file. ShellCommand,"%s" %H%s%N: The destination '%H%s%N' is ambiguous. %H%s%N: The destination is an existing file '%H%s%N'. %H%s%N: UEFI function '%H%s%N' returned an incorrect value for: %s (%x). %H%s%N: UEFI function '%H%s%N' returned: %r Destination file already exists. Overwrite? %BY%Nes, %BN%No, %BA%Nll, %BC%Nancel %H%s%N: Copy failure: insufficient capacity on destination media. %H%s%N: reading '%B%s%N': IO Error %H%s%N: writing '%B%s%N': IO Error %H%s%N: Memory allocation was not successful. %V%8s %N= %H%s%N %H%s%N: Environment Variable '%H%s%N' not defined. %H%s%N: Environment Variable '%H%s%N' could not be deleted. %H%s%N: Unable to set %H%s%N %s %H%s%N: No mapping found. %H%s%N: Cannot find mapped device - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: No mappable target found - '%H%s%N' Mappings,"%s","%s","%s" %EMapping table%N %E%10s%N %HAlias(s):%N%s %s  Handle: [%H%02x%N] Media Type: %s Removable: %s Current Dir: %s Attrib: %1c%1c%1c%1c%1c %s FloppyUnknownHardDiskCD-RomDirectory '%B%s%N' already exists. Directory '%B%s%N' unable to create. %02d/%02d/%04d Date,"%02d","%02d","%04d" %02d:%02d:%02d (UTC%1s%02d:%02d)%02d:%02d:%02d (LOCAL) DST: Not Affected  DST: Affected  DST: Adjusted  DST: Affected and Adjusted UTC-12:00, International Date Line West UTC-11:00, Midway Island, Samoa UTC-10:00, Hawaii UTC-09:00, Alaska UTC-08:00, Pacific Time(US & Canada), Tijuana, Portland UTC-07:00, Arizona, Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan, Mountain Time (US & Canada) UTC-06:00, Central America, Central Time(US & Canada) UTC-05:00, Bogota, Lima, Quito, Eastern Time(US & Canada) UTC-04:30, Caracas UTC-04:00, Atlantic Time(Canada), Caracas, Santiago UTC-03:30, Newfoundland UTC-03:00, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Greenland UTC-02:00, Mid-Atlantic UTC-01:00, Azores, Cape Verde Is. UTC , Greenwich Mean Time, Casablanca, Monrovia, Dublin, London UTC+01:00, Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Paris, West Central Africa UTC+02:00, Athens, Istanbul, Bucharest, Cairo, Jerusalem UTC+03:00, Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi UTC+03:30, Tehran UTC+04:00, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan UTC+04:30, Kabul UTC+05:00, Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent UTC+05:30, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi UTC+05:45, Kathmandu UTC+06:00, Almaty, Novosibirsk, Astana, Dhaka, Sri Jayawardenepura UTC+06:30, Rangoon UTC+07:00, Bangkok, Hanio, Jakarta, Krasnoyarsk UTC+08:00, Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi, Taipei, Perth UTC+09:00, Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, Seoul, Yakutsk UTC+09:30, Adelaide, Darwin UTC+10:00, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam, Hobart, Vladivostok UTC+11:00, Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia UTC+12:00, Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is. UTC+13:00, Nuku'alofa UTC+14:00, Line Islands LOCAL , Local Time UTC%1s%02d:%02d LOCAL No additional information known.Image '%s' is not an image. Image '%s' is not a driver. Image '%s' loaded at %x - %r Image '%s' error in StartImage: %r %t %5s %1c % ,L11d %s %V%s%N %B%s%N % ,L11d File(s) % ,L11d bytes % ,L11d Dir(s) Directory of: %H%s%N %H%s%N: File Not Found - '%H%s%N' VolumeInfo,"%s","%Ld","%5s","%Ld","%Ld" FileInfo,"%s","%Ld","%Ld","%s%s%s%s%s","%02d:%02d:%02d","%02d.%02d.%04d","%02d:%02d:%02d","%02d.%02d.%04d","%02d:%02d:%02d","%02d.%02d.%04d" Volume %s (%s) %Ld bytes total disk space %Ld bytes available on disk %d bytes in each allocation unit Remove Subtree '%B%s%N' [y/n]?Deleting '%B%s%N' Delete error: %r Delete error. Couldn't open file: %r Delete error. Invalid target '%B%s%N' Delete successful. %H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is read-only Moving %s -> %s Cannot move a directory into itself or its subdirectory. Cannot move to or from a read-only file or directory '%B%s%N' Cannot move current working directory or its subdirectory. Copying %s -> %s %H%s%N: Copying a directory requires -r. %H%s%N: The specified path does not exist - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: The source and destination are the same. %H%s%N: The destination is a parent of the source. %H%s%N: The destination is read-only. %H%s%N: The destination file '%B%s%N' failed to open with create. %H%s%N: The destination directory '%B%s%N' could not be created. %H%s%N: The source file '%B%s%N' failed to open with read. .TH attrib 0 "Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories." .SH NAME Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories. .SH SYNOPSIS ATTRIB [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [+r|-r] [file...] [directory...] .SH OPTIONS +a|-a - Sets or clears the 'archive' attribute. +s|-s - Sets or clears the 'system' attribute. +h|-h - Sets or clears the 'hidden' attribute. +r|-r - Sets or clears the 'read-only' attribute. file - Specifies the file name (wild cards are permitted). directory - Specifies the directory name (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. Four attribute types are supported in the UEFI file system: - Archive [A] - System [S] - Hidden [H] - Read only [R] 2. If a file (in general meaning) is a directory, then it is also shown to have the attribute [D]. 3. If any file in the file list that is specified does not exist, attrib will continue processing the remaining files while reporting the error. 4. If no attributes parameters are specified, the current attributes of the specified files or directories are displayed. 5. If no files or directories are specified, the command applies to all files and sub-directories within the current directory. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the attributes of a directory: fs0:\> attrib fs0:\ * To display the attributes of all files and sub-directories in the current directory: fs0:\> attrib * * To add the system attribute to all files with extension '.efi': fs0:\> attrib +s *.efi * To remove the read-only attribute from all files with extension '.inf': fs0:\> attrib -r *.inf .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The media that the action was to take place on is write-protected. .TH cd 0 "Displays or changes the current directory." .SH NAME Displays or changes the current directory. .SH SYNOPSIS CD [path] .SH OPTIONS path - Specifies the relative or absolute directory path. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command changes the current working directory that is used by the UEFI Shell environment. If a file system mapping is specified, then the current working directory is changed for that device. Otherwise, the current working directory is changed for the current device. 2. If path is not present, then the current working directory (including file system mapping) is displayed to standard out. 3. The table below describes the conventions that are used to refer to the directory, its parent, and the root directory in the UEFI Shell environment. Convention Description '.' Refers to the current directory. '..' Refers to the directory's parent. '\' Refers to the root of the current file system. 4. The current working directory is maintained in the environment variable %cwd%. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To change the current file system to the mapped fs0 file system: Shell> fs0: * To change the current directory to subdirectory 'efi': fs0:\> cd efi * To change the current directory to the parent directory (fs0:\): fs0:\efi\> cd .. * To change the current directory to 'fs0:\efi\Tools': fs0:\> cd efi\Tools * To change the current directory to the root of the current fs (fs0): fs0:\efi\Tools\> cd \ * To move between volumes and maintain the current path, and then copy all of files in fs0:\efi\Tools into the fs1:\Tmp directory: fs0:\> cd \efi\Tools fs0:\efi\Tools\> fs1: fs1:\> cd Tmp .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH cp 0 "Copies files or directories." .SH NAME Copies one or more files or directories to another location. .SH SYNOPSIS CP [-r] [-q] src [src...] [dst] .SH OPTIONS -r - Makes a recursive copy. -q - Makes a quiet copy (without a prompt). src - Specifies a source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted). dst - Specifies a destination file/directory name (wildcards are not permitted). If more than one directory is specified, the last directory is assumed to be the destination. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. '-r' must be specified if src is a directory. If '-r' is specified, the source directory is recursively copied to the destination. 'src' itself is copied. 2. If a destination is not specified, the current working directory is assumed to be the destination. 3. 'CP -r src1 src2 dst' copies all files and subdirectories in 'src1' and 'src2' to the destination 'dst'. 'src1' and 'src2' themselves are also copied. The 'dst' parameter is interpreted as a directory. 4. Copying a directory or file to itself is not allowed. 5. If an error occurs, this command exits immediately and the remaining files or directories are not copied. 6. When 'cp' is executed with a script file, it always performs quiet copying, regardless of whether the '-q' option is specified. 7. If you are copying multiple files, the destination must be an existing directory. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the contents of the current directory: fs0:\> ls * To copy a file in the same directory and change the file name: fs0:\> cp temp.txt readme.txt * To copy multiple files to another directory: fs0:\> cp temp.txt isaBus.efi \Test * To copy multiple directories recursively to another directory: fs0:\> cp -r test1 test2 boot \Test * To see the results of the above operations: fs0:\> ls \Test .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient space to save the requested file at the destination. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a file on media that was write-protected. .TH map 0 "Displays or defines file system mappings" .SH NAME Displays or defines file system mappings. .SH SYNOPSIS MAP [-d <sname>] MAP [[-r][-v][-c][-f][-u][-t <type[,type...]>][sname]] MAP [sname handle | mapping] .SH OPTIONS -d - Deletes a file system mapping. -r - Resets file system mappings to default values. -u - Adds file system mappings for newly-installed devices and removes mappings for uninstalled devices. This does not change the mappings of existing devices and preserves user-defined mappings. -v - Displays verbose information about all file system mappings. -c - Displays the consistent mappings. -f - Displays the normal mappings (not the consistent mappings). -t - Displays the device mappings, filtered according to the device type. Supported types are: fp - Floppy hd - Hard Disk cd - CD-ROM Types can be combined by putting a comma between two types. Spaces are not allowed between types. -sfo - Displays information in Standard-Format Output. sname - Specifies a mapping name. handle - Specifies the number of a handle. Use the same value that is displayed by the 'dh' command. mapping - Specifies a new mapping name to assign to a device. This value must end with a ':'. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command creates a mapping between a user-defined name and a device. The most common use of this command is to create a mapped name for devices that support a file system protocol. After these mappings are created, the names can be used with all the file manipulation commands. 2. The UEFI Shell environment creates default mappings for all of the devices that support a recognized file system. 3. This command can be used to create additional mappings, or when used with the -d option, to delete an existing mapping. If it is used without any parameters, all of the current mappings are listed. If the -v option is used, the mappings are shown with additional information about each device. 4. The -r option is used to reset all the default mappings in a system, which is useful if the system configuration has changed since the last boot. 5. The -u option adds mappings for newly-installed devices and removes mappings for uninstalled devices without changing the mappings of existing devices. User-defined mappings are also preserved. A mapping history is saved, which preserves the original mapping name for a device with a specific device path. The current directory is also preserved if the current device is not changed. 6. Each device in the system has a consistent mapping. If the hardware configuration has not changed, the device's consistent mappings do not change. If two or more machines have the same hardware configurations, the device's consistent mapping remains the same. Use the -c option to list all the consistent mappings in the system. 7. The mapping value must consist of digits and characters. Other characters are illegal. 8. This command support wildcards. You can use the wildcards to delete or show the mapping. However, when you assign the mapping, wildcards are forbidden. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display verbose mapping table information: Shell> map -v * To assign a different name to fs0: Shell> map floppy fs0: * To operate with the mapped name: Shell> floppy: * To delete a mapped name: Shell> map -d floppy: * To display all the mapped names starting with 'f': Shell> map f* .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH mkdir 0 "Creates directories." .SH NAME Creates one or more new directories. .SH SYNOPSIS MKDIR dir [dir...] .SH OPTIONS dir - Specifies the name of a directory or directories to create. (Wildcards are not allowed) .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The parent directory must already exist. 2. If the directory already exists, mkdir will abort. 3. Specifying additional directory parameters dependent on previous directory parameters is not allowed: For example, mkdir new new\Test is not allowed. 4. Redirecting output to a file that exists under the directory specified by this command is not allowed. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To create a new directory: fs0:\> mkdir rafter * To create multiple directories: fs0:\> mkdir temp1 temp2 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient space on the destination to create the requested directory. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a directory when the target media was write-protected. .TH mv 0 "Moves files." .SH NAME Moves one or more files to a destination within or between file systems. .SH SYNOPSIS MV src [src...] [dst] .SH OPTIONS src - Specifies a source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted). dst - Specifies a destination file/directory name (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command moves one or more files to a destination within or between file systems. 2. If the destination is an existing directory, the sources are moved into that directory. You cannot move the sources to a non-existing directory. 3. If a destination is not specified, the current directory is assumed to be the destination. If there is more than one argument on the command line, the last one is assumed to be the destination. 4. Attempting to move a read-only file/directory results in an error. Moving a directory that contains read-only files is allowed. 5. You cannot move a directory into itself or its subdirectories. 6. You cannot move a directory if the current working directory is itself or its subdirectories. 7. If an error occurs, the remaining files or directories are still be moved. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To rename a file: fs0:\> mv IsaBus.efi Bus.efi * To move a directory to the current directory: fs0:\> mkdir Test1\Temp fs0:\> mv Test1\Temp * To rename a directory: fs0:\> mv efi efi1.1 * To move multiple directories at a time: fs0:\> mv Test1 Test2 Test * To attempt moving a read-only directory, which results in a failure: fs0:\Test> attrib +r Temp1 DA R fs0:\Test\Temp1 fs0:\Test> mv Temp1 Temp2 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The source file was not able to be found. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient free space to move the requested file to its destination. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED An attempt was made to create a file on media that was write-protected. .TH parse 0 "Parses standard format output files." .SH NAME Retrieves a value from a standard format output file. .SH SYNOPSIS PARSE filename tablename column [-i <Instance>] [-s <Instance>] .SH OPTIONS filename - Specifies a source file name. tablename - Specifies the name of the table to be parsed. column - Specifies the one-based column index to use to determine which value from a particular record to parse. -i <Instance> - Specifies an instance number to use to start parsing the ShellCommand table, and then the specified tablename. If not specified, all instances are returned. -s <Instance> - Specifies an instance number to use to start parsing the ShellCommand table. If not present, then 1 is assumed. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command enables you to parse data from a file that has been output using the -sfo parameter. 2. Since the standard formatted output has a well known means of parsing, this command is intended to provide an easy way of enabling scripts to consume retrieved data from such constructed output files, and use it in the logic of scripts written for the UEFI shell. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * The following data is contained in a temporary file (temp.txt): ShellCommand,"ls" VolumeInfo,"MikesVolume","400000000","FALSE","32000000","16000000" FileInfo,"FS0:\efi\boot\winloader.efi","45670","45900","arsh","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013" FileInfo,"FS0:\efi\boot\mikesfile.txt","1250","1280","a","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013" FileInfo,"FS0:\efi\boot\readme.txt","795","900","a","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013" * To display VolumeInfo column 2 in temp.txt: fs0:\> parse temp.txt VolumeInfo 2 MikesVolume * To display FileInfo column 3 in temp.txt, starting with instance 3: fs0:\> parse temp.txt FileInfo 3 -i 3 795 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The source file was not able to be found. .TH reset 0 "Reset the system." .SH NAME Resets the system. .SH SYNOPSIS RESET [-w [string]] RESET [-s [string]] RESET [-c [string]] .SH OPTIONS -s - Performs a shutdown. -w - Performs a warm boot. -c - Performs a cold boot. string - Describes a reason for the reset. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command resets the system. 2. The default is to perform a cold reset unless the -w parameter is specified. 3. If a reset string is specified, it is passed into the Reset() function, and the system records the reason for the system reset. .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH rm 0 "Deletes one or more files or directories." .SH NAME Deletes one or more files or directories. .SH SYNOPSIS RM [-q] file/directory [file/directory ...] .SH OPTIONS -q - Specifies quiet mode. Does not prompt for a confirmation. file - Specifies a file name (wildcards are permitted). directory - Specifies a directory name (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command deletes one or more files or directories. 2. If the target is a directory, it deletes the directory, including all its subdirectories. 3. Redirecting a file whose parent directory (or the file itself) is being deleted is not allowed. 4. Removing a read-only file/directory results in a failure. 5. Removing a directory containing read-only file(s) results in a failure. If an error occurs, the command exits immediately and stops removing files/directories. 6. You cannot remove a directory when the current directory is itself or its subdirectory. If a file contains wildcards, you are not prompted for confirmation. 7. The root directory cannot be removed. 8. The current directory or its ancestor directories cannot be removed. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To remove multiple directories at a time: fs0:\> rm Test\Temp1 Temp2 * To remove multiple directories with wildcards: fs0:\> rm Test\Temp* * To attempt removing a directory that contains a read-only file, which results in a failure: fs0:\> attrib +r Test\Temp1 eadme.txt A R fs0:\Test\Temp1 eadme.txt fs0:\> rm Test\Temp1 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The source file was not able to be found. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The target was write protected. .TH set 0 "Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables." .SH NAME Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables. .SH SYNOPSIS SET [-v] [sname [value]] SET [-d <sname>] .SH OPTIONS -d - Deletes the environment variable. -v - Displays or modifies a volatile variable. sname - Specifies an environment variable name. value - Specifies an environment variable value. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command is used to maintain the UEFI Shell environment variables. This command can do the following: - Display environment variables. - Create new environment variables. - Change the value of existing environment variables. - Delete environment variables. 2. This command sets an environment variable to a specified value. You can use it to create a new environment variable or to modify an existing environment variable. 3. If used without any parameters, all the environment variables are displayed. 4. If used with the -d option, the environment variable that is specified by sname is deleted. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To add an environment variable: Shell> set DiagnosticPath fs0:\efi\diag;fs1:\efi\diag * To display environment variables: Shell> set * To delete an environment variable: Shell> set -d diagnosticpath * To change an environment variable: fs0:\> set src efi fs0:\> set src efi1.1 * To append an environment variable: Shell> set path %path%;fs0:\efi\Tools;fs0:\efi\boot;fs0:\r * To set a volatile variable that will disappear at the next boot: Shell> set -v EFI_SOURCE c:\project\EFI1.1 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A request to set a variable in a non-volatile fashion could not be completed. The resulting non-volatile request has been converted into a volatile request. .TH date 0 "Displays and sets the current date for the system." .SH NAME Displays and sets the current date for the system. .SH SYNOPSIS DATE [mm/dd/[yy]yy][-sfo] .SH OPTIONS -sfo - Displays information in Standard-Format Output. mm - Specifies the month of the date to be set. (1-12) dd - Specifies the day of the date to be set (1-31) yy/yyyy - Specifies the year of the date to be set. If only two digits, then enter 9x = 199x. Otherwise enter 20xx. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays and/or sets the current date for the system. If no parameters are used, it shows the current date. If a valid month, day, and year are specified, the system's date is updated. The following rules apply: - Except for numeric characters and /, all other characters in the argument are invalid. - The Shell reports an error if the number is in the wrong month/date/year range. - A space before or after the numeric character is not allowed. Inserting a space into the number is invalid. - Repeated zeros are allowed before the number. For example: Shell > date 0000008/000004/000097 Shell > date 08/04/2097 Shell > - The year range must be greater than or equal to 1998. - Two numeric characters indicate the year. Numbers below 98 are regarded as 20xx, and numbers equal to or above 98 are regarded as 19xx. 00 means 2000. For example: Shell > date 8/4/97 Shell > date 08/04/2097 Shell > Shell > date 8/4/98 Shell > date 08/04/1998 Shell > 2. The range of valid years is from 1998-2099. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the current date in the system: fs0:\> date * To set the date with long year format: fs0:\> date 01/01/2050 * To set the date with short year format: fs0:\> date 06/18/01 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR There was a hardware error preventing the completion of this command. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH time 0 "Displays or sets the time for the system." .SH NAME Displays or sets the current time for the system. .SH SYNOPSIS TIME [hh:mm[:ss]] [-tz tz] [-d dl] .SH OPTIONS -d - Sets or displays a daylight savings time value. -tz - Specifies a time zone adjustment, measured in minutes offset from UTC. Valid values are between -1440 and 1440 or 2047. If not present or set to 2047, time is interpreted as local time. hh - Specifies a new hour (0-23) (required). mm - Specifies a new minute (0-59) (required). ss - Specifies a new second (0-59). If not specified, zero is used. dl - Specifies a daylight saving time value to set. 0 : Time is not affected. 1 : Time is affected, and has not been adjusted for daylight savings. 3 : Time is affected, and has been adjusted for daylight savings. All other values are invalid. If no value follows -d, the current daylight savings time is displayed. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays or sets the current time for the system. If no parameters are used, it shows the current time. If valid hours, minutes, and seconds are provided, the system time is updated. Note the following rules: - Except for numeric characters and the : character, all other characters in the argument are invalid. - The Shell reports an error if the number is in the wrong hour/minute/second range. - Spaces before or after the numeric character and spaces inserted into the number are not allowed. - Repeated zeros are allowed before the number. For example: Shell> time 00000017:000004:0000 Shell> time 17:04:00 (UTC+08:00) 2. The seconds parameter is optional. If none is specified, it is set to zero. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display current system time: fs0:\> time * To set the system time: fs0:\> time 9:51:30 * To display the system time, including daylight savings time: fs0:\> time -d .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR There was a hardware error preventing the completion of this command SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH timezone 0 "Displays or sets time zone information." .SH NAME Displays or sets time zone information. .SH SYNOPSIS TIMEZONE [-s hh:mm | -l] [-b] [-f] .SH OPTIONS -s - Sets the time zone associated with hh:mm offset from UTC. -l - Displays a list of all time zones. -b - Displays one screen at a time. -f - Displays full information for the specified time zone. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays and sets the current time zone for the system. 2. If no parameters are used, it shows the current time zone. 3. If a valid hh:mm parameter is provided, the time zone information is updated. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display all available time zones: Shell> timezone -l * To set the time zone: Shell> timezone -s -7:00 * To display detailed information for the current time zone: Shell> timezone -f .TH ls 0 "Lists the contents of a directory or file information." .SH NAME Lists the contents of a directory or file information. .SH SYNOPSIS LS [-r] [-a[attrib]][-sfo][file] .SH OPTIONS -r - Displays recursively (including subdirectories). -a - Displays files with a specified attribute. If attribute is not specified, all files are listed. If -a is not specified, all non-system and non-hidden files are listed. -sfo - Displays information in Standard-Format Output. attrib - Specifies a file attribute list value: a - Archive s - System h - Hidden r - Read-only d - Directory file - Specifies a name of a file or directory (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command lists directory contents or file information. If no file name or directory name is specified, the current working directory is assumed. 2. The contents of a directory are listed if all of the following are true: - If option -r is not specified. - If no wildcard characters are specified in the file parameter. - If the file specified represents an existing directory. 3. In all other cases, the command functions as follows: - All files/directories that match the specified name are displayed. - The -r flag determines whether a recursive search is performed. - The option flag -a[attrib] only displays those files with the attributes that are specified. - If more than one attribute is specified, only the files that have all those attributes are listed. - If -a is followed by nothing, then all files/directories are displayed, regardless of their attributes. - If -a itself is not specified, then all files except system and hidden files are displayed. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To hide files by adding the hidden or system attribute to them: fs0:\> attrib +s +h *.efi * To display all, except the files/directories with 'h' or 's' attribute: fs0:\> ls * To display files with all attributes in the current directory: fs0:\> ls -a * To display files with read-only attributes in the current directory: fs0:\> ls -ar * To display the files with attribute of 's': fs0:\> ls -as isabus.efi * To display all in fs0:\efi directory recursively: fs0:\> ls -r -a efi * To display files with a specified type in the current directory: recursively: fs0:\> ls -r -a *.efi -b .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file or directory was not found. .TH load 0 "Loads a UEFI driver into memory." .SH NAME Loads a UEFI driver into memory. .SH SYNOPSIS LOAD [-nc] file [file...] .SH OPTIONS -nc - Loads the driver, but does not connect the driver. File - Specifies a file that contains the image of the UEFI driver (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command loads a driver into memory. It can load multiple files at one time. The file name supports wildcards. 2. If the -nc flag is not specified, this command attempts to connect the driver to a proper device. It might also cause previously loaded drivers to be connected to their corresponding devices. 3. Use the 'UNLOAD' command to unload a driver. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To load a driver: fs0:\> load Isabus.efi * To load multiple drivers: fs0:\> load Isabus.efi IsaSerial.efi * To load multiple drivers using file name wildcards: fs0:\> load Isa*.efi * To load a driver without connecting it to a device: fs0:\> load -nc IsaBus.efi .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found. .TH vol 0 "Displays or modifies information about a disk volume." .SH NAME Displays or modifies information about a disk volume. .SH SYNOPSIS VOL [fs] [-n <VolumeLabel>] VOL [fs] [-d] .SH OPTIONS -n - Displays or modifies a new volume label. -d - Displays or modifies an empty volume label. fs - Specifies the name of the file system. VolumeLabel - Specifies a volume label. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The following characters cannot be used in a volume label: % ^ * + = [ ] | : ; " < > ? / . 2. No spaces are allowed in a volume label. 3. This command displays the volume information for the specified file system. If fs is not specified, the current file system is used. 4. If -n is specified, the volume label for fs is set to VolumeLabel. 5. The maximum length for volume label is 11 characters. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the volume of the current file system: fs0:\> vol * To change the label of fs0: Shell> vol fs0 -n help_test * To delete the volume label of fs0: fs0:\> vol fs0 -d .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The target file-system was not found. c_44en-USenglishThe command '%H%s%N' is incorrect outside of a script %H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N' The argument '%B%s%N' is incorrect. Line: %d The script's Indexvar '%B%s%N' is incorrect %H%s%N: Too few arguments %H%s%N: Too many arguments %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Then cannot be followed by anything %H%s%N: Syntax after '%H%s%N' is incorrect Syntax after analyzing %s No matching '%H%s%N' for '%H%s%N' statement found. Line: %d Binary operator not found first in '%H%s%N' Syntax after %s %H%s%N: BootService Stall() failed .TH exit 0 "exits the script or shell" .SH NAME Exits the UEFI Shell or the current script. .SH SYNOPSIS EXIT [/b] [exit-code] .SH OPTIONS /b - Indicates that only the current UEFI shell script should be terminated. Ignored if not used within a script. exit-code - If exiting a UEFI shell script, the value that will be placed into the environment variable lasterror. If exiting an instance of the UEFI shell, the value that will be returned to the caller. If not specified, then 0 will be returned. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command exits the UEFI Shell or, if /b is specified, the current script. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To exit shell successfully: Shell> exit * To exit the current UEFI shell script: Shell> exit /b * To exit a UEFI shell script with exit-code value returned to the caller: Shell> exit 0 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: 0 Exited normally exit-code The return value specified as an option. .TH for 0 "starts a for loop" .SH NAME Starts a loop based on 'for' syntax. .SH SYNOPSIS FOR %indexvar IN set command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ENDFOR FOR %indexvar RUN (start end [step]) command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ENDFOR .SH OPTIONS %indexvar - Variable name used to index a set set - Set to be searched command [arguments] - Command to be executed with optional arguments .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The FOR command executes one or more commands for each item in a set of items. The set may be text strings or filenames or a mixture of both, separated by spaces (if not in a quotation). 2. If the length of an element in the set is between 0 and 256, and if the string contains wildcards, the string will be treated as a file name containing wildcards, and be expanded before command is executed. 3. If after expansion no such files are found, the literal string itself is kept. %indexvar is any alphabet character from 'a' to 'z' or 'A' to 'Z', and they are case sensitive. It should not be a digit (0-9) because %digit will be interpreted as a positional argument on the command line that launches the script. The namespace for index variables is separate from that for environment variables, so if %indexvar has the same name as an existing environment variable, the environment variable will remain unchanged by the FOR loop. 4. Each command is executed once for each item in the set, with any occurrence of %indexvar in the command replacing with the current item. In the second format of FOR ... ENDFOR statement, %indexvar will be assigned a value from start to end with an interval of step. Start and end can be any integer whose length is less than 7 digits excluding sign, and it can also applied to step with one exception of zero. Step is optional, if step is not specified it will be automatically determined by following rule: if start <= end then step = 1, otherwise step = -1. start, end and step are divided by space. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * Sample FOR loop - listing all .txt files: echo -off for %a in *.txt echo %a exists endfor # # If in current directory, there are 2 files named file1.txt and file2.txt # then the output of the sample script will be as shown below. # Sample1> echo -off file1.txt exists file2.txt exists * Theoretically it is legal for 2 nested FOR commands to use the same alphabet letter as their index variable, for instance, a: # # Sample FOR loop from 1 to 3 with step 1 # echo -off for %a run (1 3) echo %a endfor # # Sample FOR loop from 3 down to 1 with step -1 # echo -off for %a run (3 1 -1) echo %a endfor # # Sample FOR loop - 2 nested for using same index variable # echo -off for %a in value1 value2 for %a in value3 value4 echo %a endfor endfor Note: When processing first FOR and before seeing the ENDFOR, the index variable %a has the value "value1", so in second FOR, the %a has been already defined and it will be replaced with the current value of %a. The string after substitution becomes FOR value1 in value3 value4, which is not a legal FOR command. Thus only when the value of %a is also a single alphabet letter, the script will be executed without error. If 2 independent FOR commands use the same index variable, when the second FOR is encountered, the first FOR has already freed the variable so there will be no problem in this case. .TH endfor 0 "ends a for loop" .SH NAME Ends a 'for' loop. .SH SYNOPSIS See 'for' for usage. .SH EXAMPLES See 'for' for examples. .TH goto 0 "moves to a label" .SH NAME Moves around the point of execution in a script. .SH SYNOPSIS GOTO label .SH OPTIONS label - Specifies a location in batch file .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The GOTO command directs script file execution to the line in the script file after the given label. The command is not supported from the interactive shell. 2. A label is a line beginning with a colon (:). It can appear either after the GOTO command, or before the GOTO command. The search for label is done forward in the script file, from the current file position. If the end of the file is reached, the search resumes at the top of the file and continues until label is found or the starting point is reached. If label is not found, the script process terminates and an error message is displayed. If a label is encountered but there is no GOTO command executed, the label lines are ignored. 3. Using GOTO command to jump into another for loop is not allowed, but jumping into an if statement is legal. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * This is a script: goto Done ... :Done cleanup.nsh .TH endif 0 "ends an if block" .SH NAME Ends the block of a script controlled by an 'if' statement. .SH SYNOPSIS See 'if' for usage. .SH EXAMPLES See 'if' for examples. .TH if 0 "controls the execution of a block of a script" .SH NAME Executes commands in specified conditions. .SH SYNOPSIS IF [NOT] EXIST filename THEN command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... [ELSE command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ] ENDIF IF [/i] [NOT] string1 == string2 THEN command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... [ELSE command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ] ENDIF if [/i][/s] ConditionalExpression THEN command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... [ELSE command [arguments] [command [arguments]] ... ] ENDIF .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The IF command executes one or more commands before the ELSE or ENDIF commands, if the specified condition is TRUE; otherwise commands between ELSE (if present) and ENDIF are executed. 2. In the first usage of IF, the EXIST condition is true when the file specified by filename exists. The filename argument may include device and path information. Also wildcard expansion is supported by this form. If more than one file matches the wildcard pattern, the condition evaluates to TRUE. 3. In the second usage, the string1 == string2 condition is TRUE if the two strings are identical. Here the comparison can be case sensitive or insensitive, it depends on the optional switch /i. If /i is specified, it will compare strings in the case insensitive manner; otherwise, it compares strings in the case sensitive manner. 4. In the third usage, general purpose comparison is supported using expressions optionally separated by AND or OR. Since < and > are used for redirection, the expressions use common two character (FORTRAN) abbreviations for the operators (augmented with unsigned equivalents): - Expressions : Conditional expressions are evaluated strictly from left to right. Complex conditionals requiring precedence may be implemented as nested IFs. The expressions used in the third usage can have the following syntax: conditional-expression := expression | expression and expression | expression or expression expression := expr | not expr expr := item binop item | boolfunc(string) item := mapfunc(string) | string mapfunc := efierror | pierror | oemerror boolfunc := isint | exists | available | profile binop := gt | lt | eq | ne | ge | le | == | ugt | ult | uge | ule - Comparisons : By default, comparisons are done numerically if the strings on both sides of the operator are numbers (as defined below) and in case sensitive character sort order otherwise. Spaces separate the operators from operands. 5. The /s option forces string comparisons and the /i option forces case-insensitive string comparisons. If either of these is used, the signed or unsigned versions of the operators have the same results. The /s and /i apply to the entire line and must appear at the start of the line (just after the if itself). The two may appear in either order. 6. When performing comparisons, the Unicode Byte Ordering Character is ignored at the beginning of any argument. 7. Comparison Operator Definition: gt : Greater than ugt : Unsigned Greater than lt : Less than ult : Unsigned Less than ge : Greater than or equal uge : Unsigned greater than or equal le : Less than or equal ule : Unsigned less than or equal ne : Not equal eq : Equals (semantically equivalent to ==) == : Equals (semantically equivalent to eq) 8. Error Mapping Functions are used to convert integers into UEFI, PI or OEM error codes. Functions used to convert integers into UEFI, PI or OEM error codes: UefiError : Sets top nibble of parameter to 1000 binary (0x8) PiError : Sets top nibble of parameter to 1010 binary (0xA) OemError : Sets top nibble of parameter to 1100 binary (0xC) Each function maps the small positive parameter into its equivalent error classification. For example: if %lasterror% == EfiError(8) then # Check for write protect. ... 9. Boolean Functions may only be used to modify operators in comparisons. The following built-in Boolean functions are also available: IsInt : Evaluates to true if the parameter string that follows is a number (as defined below) and false otherwise. Exists : Evaluates to true if the file specified by string exists is in the current working directory or false if not. Available : Evaluates to true if the file specified by string is in the current working directory or current path. Profile : Determines whether the parameter string matches one of the profile names in the profiles environment variable. 10. No spaces are allowed between function names and the open parenthesis, between the open parenthesis and the string or between the string and the closed parenthesis. Constant strings containing spaces must be quoted. 11. To avoid ambiguity and current or future incompatibility, users are strongly encouraged to surround constant strings that contain parenthesis with quotes in if statements. 12. Allowable number formats are decimal numbers and C-style case insensitive hexadecimal numbers. Numbers may be preceded by a "-" indicating a negative number. Examples: 13 46 -0x3FFF 0x3fff 0x1234 13. Unsigned values must be less than 264. Signed integer values are bounded by -/+263. 14. Numbers are internally represented in two's compliment form. The representation of the number in the string has no bearing on the way that number is treated in an numeric expression - type is assigned by the operator. So, for example, -1 lt 2 is true but -1 ult 2 is false. 15. The IF command is only available in scripts. 16. The ELSE command is optional in an IF/ELSE statement. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * Sample script for "if" command usages 1 and 2: if exist fs0:\myscript.nsh then myscript myarg1 myarg2 endif if %myvar% == runboth then myscript1 myscript2 else echo ^%myvar^% != runboth endif Note: In this example, if the script file myscript.nsh exists in fs0:\, this script will be launched with 2 arguments, myarg1 and myarg2. After that, environment variable %myvar% is checked to see if its value is runboth, if so, script myscript1 and myscript2 will be executed one after the other, otherwise a message %myvar% != runboth is printed. * Sample script for "if" command usage 3: :Redo echo Enter 0-6 or q to quit # assumes "input y" stores a character of user input into variable y InputCh MyVar if x%MyVar% eq x then echo Empty line. Try again goto Redo endif if IsInt(%MyVar%) and %MyVar% le 6 then myscript1 %MyVar% goto Redo endif if /i %MyVar% ne q then echo Invalid input goto Redo endif Note: In this example, the script requests user input and uses the if command for input validation. It checks for empty line first and then range checks the input. .TH shift 0 "move parameters 1 down" .SH NAME Shifts in-script parameter positions. .SH SYNOPSIS SHIFT .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The SHIFT command shifts the contents of a UEFI Shell script's positional parameters so that %1 is discarded, %2 is copied to %1, %3 is copied to %2, %4 is copied to %3 and so on. This allows UEFI Shell scripts to process script parameters from left to right. 2. This command does not change the UEFI shell environment variable lasterror. 3. The SHIFT command is available only in UEFI Shell scripts. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * Following script is a sample of 'shift' command: fs0:\> type shift.nsh # # shift.nsh # echo %1 %2 %3 shift echo %1 %2 * To execute the script with echo on: fs0:\> shift.nsh welcome UEFI world shift.nsh> echo welcome UEFI world welcome UEFI world shift echo UEFI world UEFI world * To execute the script with echo off: fs0:\> echo -off fs0:\> shift.nsh welcome UEFI world welcome UEFI world UEFI world .TH else 0 "part of an 'if' conditional statement" .SH NAME Identifies the code executed when 'if' is FALSE. .SH SYNOPSIS See 'else' for usage. .SH EXAMPLES See 'if' for examples. .TH stall 0 "stall the operation" .SH NAME Stalls the operation for a specified number of microseconds. .SH SYNOPSIS STALL time .SH OPTIONS time - The number of microseconds for the processor to stall. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command would be used to establish a timed STALL of operations during a script. 2. Microseconds is in decimal units. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To stall the processor for 1000000 microseconds: Shell> stall 1000000 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested option was not found. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR There was a hardware error associated with this request. {{44en-USenglish%H%s%N: Too many arguments %H%s%N: Too few arguments %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Access denied. %H%s%N: Status: %r %H%s%N: Parameters conflict %H%s%N: Cannot open file - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: File not found - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is a directory The command '%H%s%N' is not allowed outside of a script %H%s%N: Operation was not successful on '%H%s%N' UEFI %s Shell v%d.%d %d.%d UEFI v%d.%02d (%s, 0x%08x) %s Echo is on. Echo is off. Enter 'q' to quit, any other key to continue: No help could be found for command '%B%s%N'. The help data for command '%B%s%N' was incorrect format. Character Description --------- ---------------------------------------------- <newline> Ends a command line. <space> Ends an argument, if it is not in a quotation. # Starts a comment. > Used for output redirection. < Used for input redirection. | Used for pipe command support. % Used to delimit a variable or an argument. " Used to delimit a quotation. ^ Prevents the next character from being interpreted as having special meaning. Can be used inside quoted strings. *, ?, [, ] Wildcards to specify multiple similar file names. %N Help usage:help [%Hcmd%N|%Hpattern%N|%Hspecial%N] [%H-usage%N] [%H-verbose%N] [%H-section name%N][%H-b%N] %1c %10s:%s %016Lx .TH help 0 "Displays help information from the UEFI Shell." .SH NAME Displays the UEFI Shell command list or verbose command help. .SH SYNOPSIS HELP [cmd | pattern | special] [-usage] [-verbose] [-section sectionname][-b] .SH OPTIONS -usage - Displays the usage information for the command. The same as specifying "-section NAME" and "-section SYNOPSIS" -section - Displays the specified section of the help information. -b - Displays one page on screen and allows user to continue to next page cmd - Specifies a command to display help about. pattern - Specifies a pattern which describes the commands to be displayed. special - Displays a list of the special characters used in the shell command line. sectionname - Specifies a section name. Supported options are: - NAME - SYNOPSIS - OPTIONS - DESCRIPTION - EXAMPLES - RETURNVALUES .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The HELP command displays information about one or more shell commands. 2. If no other options are specified, each command will be displayed along with a brief description of its function. 3. If -verbose is specified, then display all help information for the specified commands. 4. If -section is specified, only the help section specified will be displayed. 5. If -usage is specified, then the command, a brief description and the usage will be displayed. 6. The help text is gathered from UCS-2 text files found in the directory where the shell or shell command executable was located. The files have the name commandname. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the list of commands in the UEFI Shell and break after one screen: Shell> help -b * To display help information of a Shell command - ls: Shell> help ls Shell> -? ls Shell> ls -? * To display the list of commands that start with character 'p': Shell> help p* .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: 0 The help was displayed 1 No command help was displayed .TH alias 0 "Handles aliases in the Shell." .SH NAME Displays, creates, or deletes UEFI Shell aliases. .SH SYNOPSIS ALIAS [-d|-v] [alias-name] [command-name] .SH OPTIONS -d - Deletes an alias. Command-name must not be specified. -v - Makes the alias volatile. alias-name - Specifies an alias name. command-name - Specifies an original command's name or path. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays, creates, or deletes aliases in the UEFI Shell environment. 2. An alias provides a new name for an existing UEFI Shell command or UEFI application. Once the alias is created, it can be used to run the command or launch the UEFI application. 3. There are some aliases that are predefined in the UEFI Shell environment. These aliases provide the MS-DOS and UNIX equivalent names for the file manipulation commands. 4. Aliases will be retained even after exiting the shell unless the -v option is specified. If -v is specified then the alias will not be valid after leaving the shell. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display all aliases in the UEFI Shell environment: Shell> alias * To create an alias in the UEFI Shell environment: Shell> alias shutdown "reset -s" * To delete an alias in the UEFI Shell environment: Shell> alias -d shutdown * To add a volatile alias in the current UEFI environment, which has a star * at the line head. This volatile alias will disappear at next boot. Shell> alias -v fs0 floppy .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A request to set a variable in a non-volatile fashion could not be completed. The resulting non-volatile request has been converted into a volatile request. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. .TH cls 0 "clear screen" .SH NAME Clears standard output and optionally changes background color. .SH SYNOPSIS CLS [color] .SH OPTIONS color - Sets a new background color: 0 - Black 1 - Blue 2 - Green 3 - Cyan 4 - Red 5 - Magenta 6 - Yellow 7 - Light gray .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command clears the standard output device with an optional background color attribute. If a color is not specified, then the background color does not change. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To clear standard output without changing the background color: fs0:\> cls * To clear standard output and change the background color to cyan: fs0:\> cls 3 * To clear standard output and change the background to the default color: fs0:\> cls 0 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found. .TH echo 0 "display text or control text output" .SH NAME Controls script file command echoing or displays a message. .SH SYNOPSIS ECHO [-on|-off] ECHO [message] .SH OPTIONS -on - Enables display when reading commands from script files. -off - Disables display when reading commands from script files. message - Specifies a message to display. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The first form of this command controls whether script commands are displayed as they are read from the script file. If no argument is given, the current "on" or "off" status is displayed. 2. The second form prints the given message to the display. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display a message string of 'Hello World': fs0:\> echo Hello World * To turn command echoing on: fs0:\> echo -on * To execute HelloWorld.nsh, and display when reading lines from the script file: fs0:\> HelloWorld.nsh +HelloWorld.nsh> echo Hello World * To turn command echoing off: fs0:\> echo -off * To display the current echo setting: fs0:\> echo .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. .TH getmtc 0 "gets the MTC count" .SH NAME Gets the MTC from BootServices and displays it. .SH SYNOPSIS GETMTC .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays the current monotonic counter value. The lower 32 bits increment every time this command is executed. Every time the system is reset, the upper 32 bits will be incremented, and the lower 32 bits will be reset to 0. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the current monotonic counter value: fs0:\> getmtc .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR The underlying device was not working correctly. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. .TH pause 0 "pauses scripts" .SH NAME Pauses a script and waits for an operator to press a key. .SH SYNOPSIS PAUSE [-q] .SH OPTIONS -q - Does not display a test output prompt. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The PAUSE command prints a message to the display, then suspends script file execution, and waits for keyboard input. Pressing any key resumes execution, except for q or Q. If either q or Q is pressed, script processing terminates; otherwise, execution continues with the next line after the pause command. 2. The PAUSE command is available only in scripts. Switch -q can hide the message and it's optional. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * Following script is a sample of 'pause' command: fs0:\> type pause.nsh # # Example script for 'pause' command # echo pause.nsh begin.. date time pause echo pause.nsh done. * To execute the script with echo on: fs0:\> pause.nsh +pause.nsh> echo pause.nsh begin.. pause.nsh begin.. +pause.nsh> date 06/19/2001 +pause.nsh> time 00:51:45 +pause.nsh> pause Enter 'q' to quit, or any other key to continue: +pause.nsh> echo pause.nsh done. pause.nsh done. * To execute the script with echo off: fs0:\> echo -off fs0:\> pause.nsh pause.nsh begin.. 06/19/2001 00:52:50 Enter 'q' to quit, or any other key to continue: q fs0:\> .TH touch 0 "Touch a file to update a directory" .SH NAME Updates the filename timestamp with the current system date and time. .SH SYNOPSIS TOUCH [-r] file [file ...] .SH OPTIONS -r - Sets the update as recurse into subdirectories. file - Specifies the name or pattern of the file or directory. There can be multiple files on the command-line. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command updates to the current time and date the time and date on the file that is specified by the file parameter. 2. If multiple files are specified on the command line, it will continue processing. It will touch the files one by one and errors will be ignored. 3. TOUCH cannot change the time and date of read-only files and directories. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To update the timestamp of a specific file: fs0:\> touch for.nsh * To touch a directory recursively: fs0:\> touch -r efi1.1 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The target file or set of files were not found. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The media was write-protected or the file had a read-only attribute associated with it. .TH type 0 "print a file to StdOut" .SH NAME Sends the contents of a file to the standard output device. .SH SYNOPSIS TYPE [-a|-u] file [file...] .SH OPTIONS -a - Displays the file as if it is encoded as 8-bit ASCII -u - Displays the file as if it were encoded as UCS-2 Unicode. file - Specifies the name of the file to display. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command sends the contents of a file to the standard output device. If no options are used, then the command attempts to automatically detect the file type. If it fails, then UCS-2 is presumed. 2. If the -a option is specified, the file is sent to the standard output device as a stream of ASCII characters. 3. If the -u option is specified, the file is sent to the standard output device as a stream of Unicode (UCS-2) characters. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display a file in UCS-2 format: fs0:\> type -u pause.nsh * To display a file in ASCII format: fs0:\> type -a pause.nsh * To display multiple files: fs0:\> type test.* .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The target file or set of files were not found. .TH ver 0 "prints out version info" .SH NAME Displays UEFI Firmware version information. .SH SYNOPSIS VER [-s|-terse] .SH OPTIONS -s - Displays only the UEFI Shell version. -terse - Displays only the first part of the data. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays the version information for this UEFI Firmware, or the version information for the UEFI Shell itself. The information is retrieved through the UEFI System Table or the Shell image. 2. Standard format for ver output as shown below with a sample: UEFI <support-level> Shell v<uefi-shell-version> shell-supplier-specific-data UEFI v<uefi-firmware-version> (<firmware vendor name>, 0x<firmware vendor version as 32-bit hex value> <optional additional vendor version>) # # Sample # UEFI Basic Shell v2.0 Copyright 2008 by Intel(R) Corporation. UEFI v2.31 (Intel(R) Corporation., 0x00010100) 3. UEFI version tag information: <support-level> 0 = Minimal 1 = Scripting 2 = Basic 3 = Interactive <uefi-shell-version> Comes from the Shell specification upon which the Shell implementation is based. <shell-supplier-specific-data> Build, copyright, etc. <uefi-firmware-version> Comes from the UEFI specification upon which the firmware implementation is based <firmware vendor name> Indicates Vendor Name <firmware vendor version> Indicates Vendor's firmware version .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display UEFI Firmware version information: fs0:\> ver * To display UEFI Shell version information only: Shell> ver -s .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. P#44en-USenglish%H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Bad value - '%H%s%N' for flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Too few arguments %H%s%N: Too many arguments %H%s%N: Handle - '%H%s%N' not found %H%s%N: Flags conflict with - '%H%s%N' and '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Missing argument for flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Handle [%H%02x%N] is not a valid %s %H%s%N: Handle required with the specified options %H%s%N: The protocol '%H%s%N' is required and not found (%g) %H%s%N: File not found - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: File already exists - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Cannot open file - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Write file error - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Read file error - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Memory allocation was not successful %H%s%N: UEFI function '%H%s%N' returned: %r ShellCommand,"%s" %EAvailable Diagnostics%N. Driver [%H%02x%N]: No controller handles found. %H%s%N - Handle [%H%02x%N] Result %r. %H%s%N - (%H%02x%N,%H%02x%N,%H%02x%N) Result %r. %HConnect%N No drivers could be connected. %HDrvCfg%N No configurable devices were found. %HDrvCfg%N - operation complete. Handle[%H%02x%N] successfully updated from file. Handle[%H%02x%N] HII Config Access Driver[%H%02x%N] Ctrl[--] Lang[%H%a%N] Driver ConfigurationDriver[%H%02x%N] Ctrl[%H%02x%N] Lang[%H%a%N] Driver ConfigurationDriver[%H%02x%N] Ctrl[%H%02x%N] Child[%H%02x%N] Lang[%H%a%N] Driver ConfigurationRestart %s Stop Controller  Press [ENTER] to %sNone Controller %s Force Default Configuration to DefaultType %08x Validate Configuration Options Set Configuration Options Handle [%H%02x%N] does not support configuration.  - Options set. Action Required is  - Options not set. Status = %r  - Defaults forced. Action Required is  - Force of defaults failed. Status = %r  - Options valid  - Options not valid. Status = %r DevicePath '%B%s%N' from file not found in HII DB. Skipped. %N T D Y C I P F A CTRL E G G #P #D #C Device Name ==== = = = == == === ========================================================= %H%4x%N %1c %1c %1c %2d %2d %3d %s DevicesInfo,"%x","%c","%c","%c","%d","%d","%d","%s" %N T D Y C I P F A DRV VERSION E G G #D #C DRIVER NAME IMAGE PATH === ======== = = = === === =================================== ========== %H%3x%N %08x %1c %1c %1c %3d %3d %-35s %s DriversInfo,"%x","%x","%c","%c","%c","%d","%d","%s","%s" Protocol ID '%s' could not be identified. %H%02x%N: %s %H%02x%N: %x %s%s, %s, %s, %H%02x%N, %s, %s  Controller Name : %B%s%N  Device Path : %B%s%N Controller Type : %B%s%N Configuration : %B%s%N Diagnostics : %B%s%N  Managed by : %B%s%N  Drv[%H%02x%N] : Image(%B%s%N)r  Drv[%H%02x%N] : %B%s%N  Parent Controllers : %B%s%N  Parent[%H%02x%N] : %B%s%N  Child Controllers : %B%s%N  Child[%H%02x%N] : %B%s%N  Driver Image Name : %B%s%N  Driver Version : %B%08x%N Driver Type : %B%s%N Configuration : %B%s%N Diagnostics : %B%s%N  Ctrl[%H%02x%N] : %B%s%N Ctrl[%H%02x%N] %s %HUnload%N - Handle [%H%02x%N]. [y/n]? Handle %H%02x%N (%H%0p%N)  Drv[%H%02x%N] Ctrl[%H%02x%N] Cnt(%H%02x%N) %H%s Image%N(%s)  Drv[%H%02x%N] Ctrl[ ] Cnt(%H%02x%N) %H%s Image%N(%s)  Drv[%H%02x%N] Ctrl[%H%02x%N] Child[%H%02x%N] .TH drvcfg 0 "configure a UEFI driver." .SH NAME Invokes the driver configuration. .SH SYNOPSIS DRVCFG [-l XXX] [-c] [-f <Type>|-v|-s] [DriverHandle [DeviceHandle [ChildHandle]]] [-i filename] [-o filename] .SH OPTIONS -c - Configures all child devices. -l - Configures using the ISO 3066 language specified by XXX. -f - Forces defaults. -v - Validates options. -s - Sets options. -i - Receives configuration updates from an input file. -o - Exports the settings of the specified driver instance to a file. Type - Specifies the type of default configuration options to force on the controller. 0 - Standard Defaults. 1 - Manufacturing Defaults. 2 - Safe Defaults. 4000-FFFF - Custom Defaults. DriverHandle - Specifies the the handle of the driver to configure. DeviceHandle - Specifies the handle of a device that the DriverHandle is managing. ChildHandle - Specifies the handle of a device that is a child of the DeviceHandle. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. Default Type: 0 - Safe Defaults. Places a controller in a safe configuration with the greatest probability of functioning correctly in a platform. 1 - Manufacturing Defaults. Optional type that places the controller in a configuration suitable for a manufacturing and test environment. 2 - Custom Defaults. Optional type that places the controller in a custom configuration. 3 - Performance Defaults. Optional type that places the controller in a configuration that maximizes the controller's performance in a platform. Other Value - Depends on the driver's implementation. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the list of devices that are available for configuration: Shell> drvcfg * To display the list of devices and child devices that are available for configuration: Shell> drvcfg -c * To force defaults on all devices: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 * To force defaults on all devices that are managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 17 * To force defaults on device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 17 28 * To force defaults on all child devices of device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 17 28 -c * To force defaults on child device 0x30 of device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -f 0 17 28 30 * To validate options on all devices: Shell> drvcfg -v * To validate options on all devices that are managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -v 17 * To validate options on device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -v 17 28 * To validate options on all child devices of device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -v 17 28 -c * To validate options on child device 0x30 of device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -v 17 28 30 * To set options on device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -s 17 28 * To set options on child device 0x30 of device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvcfg -s 17 28 30 * To set options on device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17 in English: Shell> drvcfg -s 17 28 -l eng * To set options on device 0x28 that is managed by driver 0x17 in Spanish: Shell> drvcfg -s 17 28 -l spa .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_UNSUPPORTED The action as requested was unsupported. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH drivers 0 "display a list of drivers" .SH NAME Displays the UEFI driver list. .SH SYNOPSIS DRIVERS [-l XXX] [-sfo] .SH OPTIONS -l - Displays drivers using the specified language (e.g. ISO 639-2) -sfo - Displays information as described in Standard-Format Output. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays a list of information for drivers that follow the UEFI Driver Model in the UEFI environment. The list includes: DRV - The handle number of the UEFI driver. VERSION - The version number of the UEFI driver. TYPE - The driver type: [B] - Bus Driver [D] - Device Driver CFG - Driver supports the Driver Configuration Protocol. DIAG - Driver supports the Driver Diagnostics Protocol. #D - The number of devices that this driver is managing. #C - The number of child devices that this driver has produced. DRIVER NAME - The name of the driver from the Component Name Protocol. IMAGE PATH - The file path from which the driver was loaded. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the list: Shell> drivers .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH disconnect 0 "disconnect a driver" .SH NAME Disconnects one or more drivers from the specified devices. .SH SYNOPSIS DISCONNECT DeviceHandle [DriverHandle [ChildHandle]] [-r] .SH OPTIONS NOTES: -r - Disconnects all drivers from all devices. DeviceHandle - Specifies a device handle (a hexadecimal number). If not specified, then disconnect DriverHandle. DriverHandle - Specifies a driver handle (a hexadecimal number). ChildHandle - Specifies a child handle of a device (a hexadecimal number). If not specified, then all child handles of DeviceHandle are disconnected. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. If the 'DriverHandle' parameter is not specified, the default is to disconnect 'DeviceHandle'. 2. If the 'ChildHandle' parameter is not specified, the default is to disconnect all child handles of the 'DeviceHandle'. 3. If the '-r' option is specified, all consoles and drivers will be disconnected from all devices in the system. In this case, no other parameters are allowed. 4. This command does not support output redirection. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To disconnect all drivers from all devices: Shell> disconnect -r * To disconnect all drivers from device 0x28: fs0:\> disconnect 28 * To disconnect driver 0x17 from device 0x28: fs0:\> disconnect 28 17 * To disconnect driver 0x17 from controlling the child 0x32 of device 0x28: fs0:\> disconnect 28 17 32 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH dh 0 "displays list of handles" .SH NAME Displays the device handles in the UEFI environment. .SH SYNOPSIS DH [-l <lang>] [handle | -p <prot_id>] [-d] [-v] .SH OPTIONS -p - Dumps all handles of a protocol specified by the GUID. -d - Dumps UEFI Driver Model-related information. -l - Dumps information using the language codes (e.g. ISO 639-2). -sfo - Displays information as described in Standard-Format Output. -v - Dumps verbose information about a specific handle. handle - Specifies a handle to dump information about (a hexadecimal number). If not present, then all information will be dumped. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. When neither 'handle' nor 'prot_id' is specified, a list of all the device handles in the UEFI environment is displayed. 2. The '-d' option displays UEFI Driver Model related information including parent handles, child handles, all drivers installed on the handle, etc. 3. The '-v' option displays verbose information for the specified handle including all the protocols on the handle and their details. 4. If the '-p' option is specified, all handles containing the specified protocol will be displayed. Otherwise, the 'handle' parameter has to be specified for display. In this case, the '-d' option will be enabled automatically if the '-v' option is not specified. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display all handles and display one screen at a time: Shell> dh -b * To display the detailed information on handle 0x30: Shell> dh 30 * To display all handles with 'diskio' protocol: Shell> dh -p diskio * To display all handles with 'Image' protocol and break when the screen is full: Shell> dh -p Image -b .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH devtree 0 "display device tree" .SH NAME Displays the UEFI Driver Model compliant device tree. .SH SYNOPSIS DEVTREE [-b] [-d] [-l XXX] [DeviceHandle] .SH OPTIONS -b - Displays one screen at a time. -d - Displays the device tree using device paths. -l - Displays the device tree using the specified language. DeviceHandle - Displays the device tree below a certain handle. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command prints a tree of devices that are being managed by drivers that follow the UEFI Driver Model. By default, the devices are printed in device names that are retrieved from the Component Name Protocol. 2. If the option -d is specified, the device paths will be printed instead. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the tree of all devices compliant with the UEFI Driver Model: Shell> devtree * To display the tree of all devices below device 28 compliant with the UEFI Driver Model: Shell> devtree 28 * To display the tree of all devices compliant with the UEFI Driver Model one screen at a time: Shell> devtree -b .TH devices 0 "display a list of devices" .SH NAME Displays the list of devices managed by UEFI drivers. .SH SYNOPSIS DEVICES [-b] [-l XXX] [-sfo] .SH OPTIONS -b - Display one screen at a time -l XXX - Display devices using the specified ISO 639-2 language -sfo - Displays information as described in Standard-Format Output. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The command prints a list of devices that are being managed by drivers that follow the UEFI Driver Model. 2. Display Format: CTRL - The handle number of the UEFI device TYPE - The device type: [R] - Root Controller [B] - Bus Controller [D] - Device Controller CFG - A managing driver supports the Driver Configuration Protocol. Yes if 'Y' or 'X'; No if 'N' or '-'. DIAG - A managing driver supports the Driver Diagnostics Protocol. Yes if 'Y' or 'X'; No if 'N' or '-'. #P - The number of parent controllers for this device #D - The number of drivers managing the device #C - The number of child controllers produced by this device DEVICE NAME - The name of the device from the Component Name Protocol .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display all devices compliant with the UEFI Driver Model: Shell> devices .TH connect 0 "connect a driver" .SH NAME Binds a driver to a specific device and starts the driver. .SH SYNOPSIS CONNECT [[DeviceHandle] [DriverHandle] | [-c] | [-r]] .SH OPTIONS -c - Connects console devices -r - Connects recursively DeviceHandle - Specifies a device handle in hexadecimal format. DriverHandle - Specifies a driver handle in hexadecimal format. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. If no 'DeviceHandle' parameter is specified, all device handles in the current system will be the default. 2. If no 'DriverHandle' parameter is specified, all matched drivers will be bound to the specified device. 3. If 'DriverHandle' parameter is provided, the specified driver will have highest priority on connecting the device(s). 4. If the '-c' option is specified, only console devices described in the UEFI Shell environment variables and related devices will be connected. 5. If the '-r' option is specified, the command will recursively scan all handles and check to see if any loaded or embedded driver can match the specified device. If so, the driver will be bound to the device. Additionally, if more device handles are created during the binding, these handles will also be checked to see if a matching driver can bind to these devices as well. The process is repeated until no more drivers are able to connect to any devices. However, without the option, the newly created device handles will not be further bound to any drivers. 6. If only a single handle is specified and the handle has an EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL on it, then the handle is assumed to be a driver handle. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a device handle. 7. If no parameters are specified, then the command will attempt to bind all proper drivers to all devices without recursion. Each connection status will be displayed. 8. Output redirection is not supported for 'connect -r' usage. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To connect all drivers to all devices recursively: Shell> connect -r * To display all connections: Shell> connect * To connect drivers with 0x17 as highest priority to all the devices they can manage: Shell> connect 17 * To connect all possible drivers to device 0x19: Shell> connect 19 * To connect drivers with 0x17 as highest priority to device 0x19 they can manage: Shell> connect 19 17 * To connect console devices described in the UEFI Shell environment variables: Shell> connect -c .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH openinfo 0 "display info about a handle." .SH NAME Displays the protocols and agents associated with a handle. .SH SYNOPSIS OPENINFO Handle [-b] .SH OPTIONS -b - Displays one screen at a time. Handle - Displays open protocol information for the specified handle. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command is used to display the open protocols on a given handle. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To show open protocols on handle 0x23: Shell> openinfo 23 .TH drvdiag 0 "diagnose a driver" .SH NAME Invokes the Driver Diagnostics Protocol. .SH SYNOPSIS DRVDIAG [-c] [-l XXX] [-s|-e|-m] [DriverHandle [DeviceHandle [ChildHandle]]] .SH OPTIONS -c - Diagnoses all child devices. -l - Diagnoses using the ISO 639-2 language specified by XXX. -s - Runs diagnostics in standard mode. -e - Runs diagnostics in extended mode. -m - Runs diagnostics in manufacturing mode. DriverHandle - Specifies the handle of the driver to diagnose. DeviceHandle - Specifies the handle of a device that DriverHandle is managing. ChildHandle - Specifies the handle of a device that is a child of DeviceHandle. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command invokes the Driver Diagnostics Protocol. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the list of devices that are available for diagnostics: Shell> drvdiag * To display the list of devices and child devices that are available for diagnostics: Shell> drvdiag -c * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices: Shell> drvdiag -s * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices in English: Shell> drvdiag -s -l eng * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices in Spanish: Shell> drvdiag -s -l spa * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices and child devices: Shell> drvdiag -s -c * To run diagnostics in extended mode on all devices: Shell> drvdiag -e * To run diagnostics in manufacturing mode on all devices: Shell> drvdiag -m * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all devices managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvdiag -s 17 * To run diagnostics in standard mode on device 0x28 managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvdiag -s 17 28 * To run diagnostics in standard mode on all child devices of device 0x28 managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvdiag -s 17 28 -c * To run diagnostics in standard mode on child device 0x30 of device 0x28 managed by driver 0x17: Shell> drvdiag -s 17 28 30 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH reconnect 0 "reconnect drivers" .SH NAME Reconnects drivers to the specific device. .SH SYNOPSIS RECONNECT DeviceHandle [DriverHandle [ChildHandle]] RECONNECT -r .SH OPTIONS -r - Reconnects drivers to all devices. DeviceHandle - Specifies a device handle (a hexadecimal number). DriverHandle - Specifies a driver handle (a hexadecimal number). If not specified, all drivers on the specified device will be reconnected. ChildHandle - Specifies the child handle of device (a hexadecimal number). If not specified, then all child handles of the specified device are reconnected. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command reconnects drivers to the specific device. It will first disconnect the specified driver from the specified device and then connect the driver to the device recursively. 2. If the -r option is used, then all drivers will be reconnected to all devices. Any drivers that are bound to any devices will be disconnected first and then connected recursively. 3. See the connect and disconnect commands for more details. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To reconnect all drivers to all devices: Shell> reconnect -r * To reconnect all drivers to device 0x28: fs0:\> reconnect 28 * To disconnect 0x17 from 0x28 then reconnect drivers with 0x17 as highest priority to device 0x28: fs0:\> reconnect 28 17 * To disconnect 0x17 from 0x28 destroying child 0x32 then reconnect drivers with 0x17 as highest priority to device 0x28 fs0:\> reconnect 28 17 32 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH unload 0 "unload a driver" .SH NAME Unloads a driver image that was already loaded. .SH SYNOPSIS UNLOAD [-n] [-v|-verbose] Handle .SH OPTIONS -n - Skips all prompts during unloading, so that it can be used in a script file. -v, -verbose - Dumps verbose status information before the image is unloaded. Handle - Specifies the handle of driver to unload, always taken as hexadecimal number. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The '-n' option can be used to skip all prompts during unloading. 2. If the '-v' option is specified, verbose image information will be displayed before the image is unloaded. 3. Only drivers that support unloading can be successfully unloaded. 4. Use the 'LOAD' command to load a driver. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To find the handle for the UEFI driver image to unload: Shell> dh -b * To unload the UEFI driver image with handle 27: Shell> unload 27 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds.  00P `ppph| : X} : `} : xd : d : d : d : e 7 0e : Xe : xe : e : e pM f : Pf `: f : ^ @7 ^ @; ^ : _ : 0_ : P_ D _ 6 _ >  ` pE `` 3 ` : (j : Xj : : y : xb 9 b : b : b : : m : m : m : m : n : `n : n : n : ~ : ~ : 0 : (k : @k : Xk :  C `k : k : k : k 4 k : 0l : @l : : { : { : | : | : : x : x : p : q : Hq : q : !r : : Xy : H^ : ^ : h| : x| : | : | : } : z : z : z :  { : H{ : p{ : { : y : 8y : : ~ : `z : pz : : m B p : : Hr : `r : xr : r : r : r : (s : r : `s : s : s : r : t : @t : xt :  : t : t : u : 8u : pu : u : v : 8u : `v : v : w : 8u : Pw : w : w : 8} : X} : `} : p} : } : : x : f 9 f P6 g : Hg p8 Xg : g : g : Z[\]^_ Ԭ` a4bcdedfgPh x :  : `l :  I l :  : l : l : !m : Pm : 0~ : @~ : P~ : 0`~ : p~ : ~ : } : X} : `} : @x : 0`x : c : d : Hd : : x : x : g `> g `D h F 0h / Ph : h : h : h : i : } : X} : `} : j : j : j : j : j : 0j : @j : k : ` :  a : Pa : pa : a : a : a : b : @b : o : 8o : po : p : (p : P :  : h| :  : 8i : `i : i : i : i I i : c : 8c : Xc : c : c : Y 8 Z 1 @Z H hZ `3 Z J Z E Z P0 [ @? 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Dump  size=%d: SMBiosTable is NULL! %HSMBIOS Entry Point Structure:%N %HSMBIOS 3.0 (64-bit) Entry Point Structure:%N SMBIOS BCD Revision: 0x%x SMBIOS Docrev: 0x%x Number of Structures: %d Max Struct size: %d Table Address: 0x%p Table Length: %d Table Max Size: %d Anchor String: %a EPS Checksum: 0x%x Entry Point Len: %d Version: %d.%d Entry Point revision: 0x%x Formatted Area: Inter Anchor: %a Inter Checksum: 0x%x Format part Len : %d Structure Handle: %d Bootup state Power Supply State Thermal state Security Status Support Current Installed Enabled External Description String: Supported Event Log Type Descriptors %d: Access Method %d has not supported This structure is Type31, reserved by BIS (Boot Integrity Services) Memory Device %d: Device Load: 0x%02x,Device Handle: 0x%04x Inactive structure --- Needn't interpret it. This structure indicates the End-of-table! Structure Type undefined! BIOS Characteristics: Reserved bit Unknown bit BIOS Characteristics Not Supported ISA is supported MSA is supported EISA is supported PCI is supported PC Card(PCMCIA) is supported Plug and play is supported APM is supported BIOS is Upgradeable(FLASH) BIOS shadowing is allowed VL-VESA is supported ESCD support is available Boot form CD is supported Selectable Boot is supported BIOS ROM is socketed Boot From PC Card(PCMCIA)is supported EDD Enhanced Disk Driver) Specification is supported Int 13h - Japanese Floppy for NEC 9800 1.2mb (3.5",1k Bytes/Sector, 360 RPM) is supported Int 13h - Japanese Floppy for Toshiba 1.2mn (3.5", 360 RPM) is supported Int 13h - 5.25"/360KB Floppy Services are supported Int 13h - 5.25"/1.2MB Floppy services are supported Int 13h - 3.5"/720KB Floppy services are supported Int 13h - 3.5"/2.88MB Floppy services are supported Int 5h, Print screen Services is supported Int 9h, 8042 Keyboard services are supported Int 14h, Serial Services are supported Int 17h, Printer services are supported Int 10h, CGA/Mono Video services are supported2 NEC PC-98  Bits 32:47 are reserved for BIOS Vendor  Bits 48:64 are reserved for System Vendor BIOS Characteristics Extension Byte1: ACPI supported USB Legacy is supported AGP is supported I2O boot is supported LS-120 boot is supported ATAPI ZIP Drive boot is supported 1394 boot is supported Smart battery supported BIOS Characteristics Extension Byte2: BIOS Boot Specification supported Function key-initiated Network Service boot supported Enable Targeted Content Distribution UEFI Specification is supported The SMBIOS table describes a virtual machine  Bits %d:7 are reserved for future assignment Processor Family: Other Unknown Intel386(TM) Processor Intel486(TM) Processor Pentium(R) Processor Family Pentium(R) Pro processor Pentium(R) II processor Pentium(R) processor with MMX(TM) technology Celeron(TM) processor Pentium(R) II Xeon(TM) processor Pentium(R) III Processor M1 Family K5 Family Power PC Family Power PC 601 Power PC 603 Power PC 603+ Power PC 604 Alpha Family 2 Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo processor Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo mobile processor Intel(R) Core(TM) Solo mobile processor Intel(R) Atom(TM) processor Quad-Core AMD Opteron(TM) Processor Family Third-Generation AMD Opteron(TM) Processor Family AMD Phenom(TM) FX Quad-Core Processor Family AMD Phenom(TM) X4 Quad-Core Processor Family AMD Phenom(TM) X2 Dual-Core Processor Family AMD Athlon(TM) X2 Dual-Core Processor Family Quad-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3200 Series Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3000 Series Quad-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 5300 Series Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 5100 Series Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 5000 Series Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor LV Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor ULV Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7100 Series Quad-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 5400 Series Quad-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 5200 Series Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7200 Series Quad-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7300 Series Quad-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7400 Series Multi-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7400 Series Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Solo processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Extreme processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo mobile processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Solo mobile processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 processor Dual-Core Intel(R) Celeron(R) processor Multi-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3xxx Series Quad-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 3xxx Series Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 5xxx Series Quad-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 5xxx Series Dual-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7xxx Series Quad-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7xxx Series Multi-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor 7xxx Series AMD Opteron(TM) 3000 Series Processor AMD Sempron(TM) II Processor Family AMD FX(TM) Series Processor AMD Z-Series Processor AMD R-Series Processor AMD Opteron(TM) 4300 Series Processor AMD Opteron(TM) 6300 Series Processor AMD Opteron(TM) 3300 Series Processor AMD FirePro(TM) Series Processor Embedded AMD Opteron(TM) Quad-Core Processor Family AMD Phenom(TM) Triple-Core Processor Family AMD Turion(TM) Ultra Dual-Core Mobile Processor Family AMD Turion(TM) Dual-Core Mobile Processor Family AMD Athlon(TM) Dual-Core Processor Family AMD Sempron(TM) SI Processor Family MIPS Family SPARC Family 68040 Family Hobbit Family Weitek PA-RISC Family V30 Family Pentium(R) III Xeon(TM) Processor Undefined processor family and type Processor Information - Voltage: Processor current voltage = (%d/10)V  5V is supported  3.3V is supported  2.9V is supported Error, reserved BIT 3 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 4 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 5 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 6 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 7 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 10 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 11 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 12 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 13 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 14 must be zero Error, reserved BIT 15 must be zero Processor Status: CPU Socket Populated CPU Socket Unpopulated Bits CPU Enabled CPU Disabled by User via BIOS Setup CPU Disabled By BIOS (POST Error) CPU is Idle, waiting to be enabled Others Reserved The size of the largest memory module supported (per slot): %d * %d = %d MB The maximum amount of memory supported by this controller: There are %d Handles controlled by this controller Handles' List controlled by this controller: Handle%d: 0x%04x Bank Connections:Banks %d & %d(RAS# %d & %d) Bank %d(RAS# %d) No banks connected Memory Size: Memory Size Not determinable (Installed Size only)  Module is installed, but no memory has been enabled  Not installed  Memory Size: %d MB The memory module has a Double-bank connection The memory module has a Single-bank connection  Slot Id: the logical Micro Channel slot number is: %d  error, not 1-15.  the logical EISA slot number is: Identifies the Adapter Number is: %d  the value present in the Slot Number field of the PCI Interrupt Routing table entry that is associated with this slot is: %d  undefined Slot Id Cache Configuration: Write Through Write Back Varies with Memory Address Internal External Socketed Not Socketed Level %d System Boot Status:  No errors detected No bootable media The "normal" unable to load operating system. Firmware-detected hardware problem, including "unknown" failure types. Operating system-detected hardware failure. User-requested boot, usually via a keystroke System security violation Previously-requested image.  A system watchdog timer expired, causing the system to reboot. Reserved for future assignment via this specification.  Vendor/OEM-specific implementations. The Vendor/OEM identifier is the "Manufacturer" string found in the System Identification structure.Product-specific implementations. The product identifier is formed by the concatenation of the "Manufacturer" and "Product Name" strings found in the System Information structure.Error value SBDS Manufacture Date: %02d/%02d/%4d System Reset Capabilities: Bits 7:6 are reserved bits, must be zero System contains a watchdog timer System does not contain a watchdog timer Boot Option on Limit: Operating system System utilities Do not reboot Bits Boot Option :Do not reboot Hardware Security Settings: Power-on Password Status: Disabled Enabled Not Implemented Keyboard Password Status: Administrator Password Status: Front Panel Reset Status: Connections: Bits 7:2 are reserved bits, must be zero Outbound Connection Enabled Outbound Connection Disabled Inbound Connection Enabled Inbound Connection Disabled Power Supply Characteristics: Bits 15:14 are reserved bits, must be zero Type -  Other  Linear  Switching  Battery  UPS  Converter  Regulator  Reserved  Status -  OK  Non-critical  Critical, power supply has failed and has been taken off-line  Undefined Input Voltage Range Switching -  Manual  Auto-switch  Wide range  Not applicable  Reserved Power supply is unplugged from the wall Power supply is plugged from the wall Power supply is present Power supply is not present Power supply is hot replaceable Power supply is not hot replaceable BiosSize: %d KB No Info It also has reserved bits set 1 --- reserved bits: 0x%xSystem Wakeup Type:Base Board Feature Flags:Base Board Board Type:System Enclosure or Chassis Types:Chassis Lock present System Enclosure or Chassis Status: System Enclosure or Chassis Security Status: Processor Type: Processor Upgrade: Processor Characteristics: Memory Controller Error DetectMethod:Memory Controller Error Correct Capability: Memory Controller Interleave Support:Memory Controller Memory Speed:The required voltages for each memory module sockets: Memory Module Memory Type: Memory Module Error Status: Cache SRAM Type: Cache Error Correcting Type: Cache System Cache Type:Cache Associativity:Port Connector Type: Port Type: System Slot Type: System Slot Data Bus Width: System Slot Current Usage: System Slot Length: Slot characteristics 1: Slot characteristics 2: Onboard Device Type: System Event Log Type: Event Log Variable Data Format Types: POST Results Bitmap - First DWORD: POST Results Bitmap - Second DWORD: System Management Types: OEM assigned Reserved for future assignment via this specification A system-management probe or cooling device is out-of-range Physical Memory Array Location: Physical Memory Array Use: Physical Memory Array Error Correction Types: Memory Device - Form Factor: Memory Device - Type: Memory Device - Type Detail: 32-bit Memory Error Information - Type: Memory Error - Error granularity: Memory Error - Error Operation: Pointing Device - Type: Pointing Device - Interface:Portable Battery - Device Chemistry:Voltage Probe - Location:Voltage Probe - Status:Cooling Device - Status: Cooling Device - Type: Temperature Probe - Status:Electrical Current Probe - Status:Electrical Current Probe - Location:Management Device Type:Management Device - Address Type:Memory Channel Type:BMC Interface Type:Structure Type:Query Structure, conditions are: QueryType = Random QueryType = %d QueryHandle = Random QueryHandle = 0x%x ShowType = Type=%d, Handle=0x%x Dump Structure as: Index=%d,Length=0x%x,Addr=0x%p Entry Length: 0x%x Referenced Handle: 0x%x Referenced Offset: 0x%x Index=%04d Type=%03d Handle=0x%04x Offset=0x%04x Length=0x%04xPress Enter to continue.. SmbiosView: Cannot access SMBIOS table SmbiosView: SMBIOS table damaged SmbiosView: Out of memory SmbiosView: Cannot access statistics table %H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Bad value - '%H%s%N' for flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Missing argument for flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Too few arguments. %H%s%N: Too many arguments. %H%s%N: Protocol - PciRootBridgeIo not found. %H%s%N: Problem accessing the data using Protocol - PciRootBridgeIo %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Invalid parameter - '%H%s%N:'. Must be hexadecimal. %H%s%N: Flags conflict with - '%H%s%N' and '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Memory allocation was not successful. %H%s%N: Mapped device '%B%s%N' does not have protocol %B%s%N %H%s%N: Cannot open file - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Cannot delete file - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Current directory not specified. %H%s%N: The file '%H%s%N' is a directory. ShellCommand,"%s" Unable to open file on '%B%s%N' with: %r. %H%s%N: File not found - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Directories are not permitted - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: A valid size must be specified %H%s%N: File not specified %H%s%N: Write file error - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Read file error - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: The volume is full %H%s%N: Unable to change size on '%B%s%N' Size changed on '%B%s%N'. LBA %016LX Size %08x bytes BlkIo %0x Compare %s to %s. Difference # 1: File size mismatch. Difference #% 2d: File1: %s %08x: %02x *%c* File2: %s %08x: %02x *%c* Difference #% 2d: File1: %s %08x: %02x %02x *%c%c* File2: %s %08x: %02x %02x *%c%c* Difference #% 2d: File1: %s %08x: %02x %02x %02x *%c%c%c* File2: %s %08x: %02x %02x %02x *%c%c%c* Difference #% 2d: File1: %s %08x: %02x %02x %02x %02x *%c%c%c%c* File2: %s %08x: %02x %02x %02x %02x *%c%c%c%c* [difference(s) encountered] [no differences encountered] %H%s%N: Unable to change the mode. %H%s%N: No matching mode found to set Available modes for console output device.  Col % 5d Row % 5d %c %H%s%N: Unable to get memory map Type Start End # Pages Attributes % -10s %016LX-%016LX %016LX %016LX  Reserved : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) LoaderCode: %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) LoaderData: %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) BS_Code : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) BS_Data : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) RT_Code : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) RT_Data : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) ACPI_Recl : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) ACPI_NVS : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) MMIO : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) MMIO_Port : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) PalCode : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) Available : %,14ld Pages (%,ld Bytes) -------------- Total Memory: %,14ld MB (%,ld Bytes) MemoryMap,"%s","%LX","%LX","%LX","%LX" MemoryMapSummary,"%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld","%Ld" Unable to compress: %r. Unable to decompress: %r. The file does not appear to be a compressed file. Cannot continue. "%H%s%N" Memory Address %016LX %X Bytes Memory Mapped IO Address %016LX %X Bytes  Valid EFI Header at Address %016Lx --------------------------------------------- System: Table Structure size %08x revision %08x ConIn (%016LX) ConOut (%016LX) StdErr (%016LX) Runtime Services %016LX Boot Services %016LX SAL System Table %016LX ACPI Table %016LX ACPI 2.0 Table %016LX MPS Table %016LX SMBIOS Table %016LX Image '%B%s%N' load result: %r %H%s%N: File '%B%s%N' Image %d is corrupt. %H%s%N: File '%B%s%N' Image %d unable to load. %H%s%N: File '%B%s%N' Image %d unable to start. %H%s%N: Address parameter %016LX is not aligned. %H%s%N: Address parameter %016LX is not a valid PCI/PCIE address. %H%s%N: IO address out of range 0 - 0xFFFF %HMMIO%N%HIO%N%HPCI%N%HMEM%N%HPCIE%N 0x%016lx : 0x%0*lx%H%s%N: IO address out of range %H%s%N: Input had incorrect format %g - %s - %04x Bytes %H%s%N: Unable to set - %H%g%N - %H%s%N %H%s%N: Unable to get - %H%g%N - %H%s%N %H%s%N: DevicePathFromText conversion was not successful. %H%s%N: No serial ports found. %H%s%N: No serial port or specified serial port found. %H%s%N: Handle %H%02x%N is not a serial device handle. Mode set on handle %H%02x%N successfully. %H%s%N: Mode change on handle %H%02x%N was not successful. %x(%08x) - (%ld, %c, %d, %s) %H%s%N: One or more of the new settings is not supported on handle %H%02x%N. %H%s%N: The serial device on handle %H%02x%N is not functioning correctly. %H%s%N: Handle protocol or configuration error. %H%s%N: Get next bus range error. %H%s%N: Cannot find protocol interface for segment %x, bus %x. %H%s%N: Cannot read configuration data. %H PCI Segment %02x Bus %02x Device %02x Func %02x%N [EFI %02x%02x%02x%02x00]  Seg Bus Dev Func --- --- --- ----  %E%02x %02x %02x %02x ==> %N Vendor %04x Device %04x Prog Interface %x CapID(%2x): %E%02x%N NextCap Ptr(%2x): %E%02x%N Cap Register(%2x): %E%04x%N Device Capabilities(%2x): %E%08x%N Device Control(%2x): %E%04x%N Device Status(%2x): %E%04x%N Link Capabilities(%2x): %E%08x%N Link Control(%2x): %E%04x%N Link Status(%2x): %E%04x%N Slot Capabilities(%2x): %E%08x%N Slot Control(%2x): %E%04x%N Slot Status(%2x): %E%04x%N Root Control(%2x): %E%04x%N Root Capabilities(%2x): %E%04x%N Root Status(%2x): %E%08x%N Vendor ID(%x): %E%04x%N Device ID(%x): %E%04x%N Revision ID(%x): %E%02x%N BIST(%02x): Capable,Return: %E%02x%N  Incapable Cache Line Size(%x): %E%02x%N Latency Timer(%x): %E%02x%N Header Type(%02x): %E%02x%N, Multi-function, Single function, PCI device P2P bridge CardBus bridge Reserved Class: Base Address Registers(%x):  Start_Address Type Space Prefetchable? Size Limit  (None) Expansion ROM Disabled(%x)  Expansion ROM Base Address(%x): %E%08x%N Cardbus CIS ptr(%x): %E%08x%N Sub VendorID(%x): %E%04x%N Subsystem ID(%x): %E%04x%N Capabilities Ptr(%x): %E%02x%N Interrupt Line(%x): %E%02x%N Interrupt Pin(%x): %E%02x%N Min_Gnt(%x): %E%02x%N Max_Lat(%x): %E%02x%N Base Address Registers(%x): Start_Address Type Space Prefetchable? Size Limit  No Expansion ROM(%x)  Expansion ROM Base Address(%x): %E%08x%N  (Bus Numbers) Primary(%x) Secondary(%x) Subordinate(%x)  %E%02x%N Secondary Latency Timer(%x): %E%02x%N  CardBus Latency Timer(%x): %E%02x%N  Resource Type Type Base Limit Mem(%x) %s %E%08x%N %E%08x%N I/O(%x) %s %E%08x%N %E%08x%N  Interrupt Line(%x): %E%02x%N Interrupt Pin(%x): %E%02x%N  Sub VendorID(%x): %E%04x%N Subsystem ID(%x): %E%04x%N Optional 16-Bit PC Card legacy Mode Base Address(%x): %E%08x%N Status(%x): %E%04x%N Secondary Status(%2x): %E%4x%N  (04)New Capabilities linked list: %E%d%N (05)66MHz Capable: %EN/A%N  (05)66MHz Capable: %E%d%N  (07)Fast Back-to-Back Capable: %E%d%NNo YES  %E%04x%N  %08x  %08x%08x%04x %04x CardBus Socket Registers/ExCA Base Address Register(%x): %E%8x%N  (Bus Numbers) Pci(%x) CardBus(%x) Subordinate(%x)  %E%02x%N %E%02x%N %E%02x%N  (08)Master Data Parity Error: %E%d%N  (09)DEVSEL timing: %E Fast%N%E Medium%N%E Slow%N%EReserved%N (11)Signaled Target Abort: %E%d%N  (12)Received Target Abort: %E%d%N (13)Received Master Abort: %E%d%N  (14)Signaled System Error: %E%d%N (14)Received System Error: %E%d%N (15)Detected Parity Error: %E%d%N Command(%x): %E%04x%N  (00)I/O space access enabled: %E%d%N (01)Memory space access enabled: %E%d%N  (02)Behave as bus master: %E%d%N (03)Monitor special cycle enabled: %E%d%N  (04)Mem Write & Invalidate enabled: %E%d%N (05)Palette snooping is enabled: %E%d%N  (06)Assert PERR# when parity error: %E%d%N (07)Do address/data stepping: %E%d%N  (08)SERR# driver enabled: %E%d%N (09)Fast back-to-back transact...: %E%d%N Bridge Control(%x) %E%04x%N  (00)Parity Error Response: %E%d%N (01)SERR# Enable: %E%d%N  (02)ISA Enable: %E%d%N Resource Type Base Limit I/O(%x) %E%08x%N %E%08x%N Memory(%x) %E%08x%NPrefetchable Memory(%x) %E%08x%08x%N %E%08x%08x%N  Capabilities Ptr(%x): %E%02x%N  Interrupt Line(%x) %E%02x%N  %E%08x%N Mem 32 bits  %E%08x%08x%N 64 bits Mem  (03)VGA Enable: %E%d%N  (05)Master Abort Mode: %E%d%N (06)Secondary Bus Reset: %E%d%N  (07)Fast Back-to-Back Enable: %E%d%N (08)Primary Discard Timer: %E%s%N  (09)Secondary Discard Timer: %E%s%N (10)Discard Timer Status: %E%d%N  (11)Discard Timer SERR# Enable: %E%d%N  (06)CardBus Reset: %E%d%N  (07)IREQ/INT Enable: %E%d%N (10)Write Posting Enable: %E%d%N  Advanced Error Reporting UncorrectableErrorStatus %08x UncorrectableErrorMask %08x UncorrectableErrorSeverity %08x CorrectableErrorStatus %08x CorrectableErrorMask %08x AdvancedErrorCapAndControl %08x HeaderLog %08x RootErrorCommand %08x RootErrorStatus %08x ErrorSourceIdentification %04x CorrectableErrorSourceIden %04x TlpPrefixLog1 %08x TlpPrefixLog2 %08x TlpPrefixLog3 %08x TlpPrefixLog4 %08x  Link Control RootComplexLinkCapabilities %08x RootComplexLinkControl %04x RootComplexLinkStatus %04x  Link Declaration ElementSelfDescription %08x  LinkEntry[%x] %08x  Serial Number SerialNumber %L16x  Power Budgeting DataSelect %02x Data %08x PowerBudgetCapability %02x  ACS CapabilityRegister %04x ControlRegister %04x  EgressControlVectorByte[%x] %02x  Latency Tolerance Reporting MaxSnoopLatency %04x MaxNoSnoopLatency %04x  ARI AriCapability %04x AriControl %04x  RCRB VendorId %04x DeviceId %04x RcrbCapabilities %04x RcrbControl %04x  VendorSpecific VendorSpecificHeader %04x  DPA DpaCapability %04x DpaLatencyIndicator %04x DpaStatus %04x DpaControl %04x  DpaPowerAllocationArray[%x] %02x  Event Collector Endpoint Association AssociationBitmap %04x  Virtual (Multi) Channel Capability ExtendedVcCount %08x PortCapability1 %08x PortCapability2 %08x ArbitrationTableOffset %08x PortVcControl %04x PortVcStatus %04x  Virtual Channel Capability Extended Item[%x] ResourceCapability %08x ArbitrationTableOffset %08x ResourceControl %08x ResourceStatus %04x  MultiCast Capability MultiCastCapability %04x MulticastControl %04x McBaseAddress %L16x McReceiveAddress %L16x McBlockAll %L16x McBlockUntranslated %L16x McOverlayBar %L16x  Resizeable Bar Capability [%x] ResizableBarCapability %08x ResizableBarControl %04x  TPH TphRequesterCapability %08x TphRequesterControl %04x TphTable (optional):  Secondary PCI Express Extended Capability LinkControl3 %08x LaneErrorStatus %08x EqualizationControl: Save variable to file: %H%s%N. Load and set variables from file: %H%s%N. %H%s%N: Failed to set variable %H%s%N: %r. %H%s%N: Incorrect file format. Variable %H%s%N '%H%g%N:%H%s%N' DataSize = 0x%02x Delete variable '%H%g%N:%H%s%N': %r %H%s%N: No matching variables found. %H%s%N: No matching variables found. Guid %g, Name %s %H%s%N: No matching variables found. Name %s %H%s%N: No matching variables found. Guid %g .TH comp 0 "Compare 2 files" .SH NAME Compares the contents of two files on a byte-for-byte basis. .SH SYNOPSIS COMP [-b] file1 file2 .SH OPTIONS -b - Displays one screen at a time. file1 - Specifies a first file name (directory name or wildcards not permitted). file2 - Specifies a second file name (directory name or wildcards not permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command compares the contents of two files in binary mode. 2. It displays up to 10 differences between the two files. For each difference, up to 32 bytes from the location where the difference starts is dumped. 3. It will exit immediately if the lengths of the compared files are different. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To compare two files with the same length but different contents: fs0:\> comp bios.inf bios2.inf .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The function operated as expected. SHELL_NOT_EQUAL The files were not identical. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested file was not found. .TH setsize 0 "Set file size" .SH NAME Adjusts the size of a file. .SH SYNOPSIS SETSIZE size file [file...] .SH OPTIONS size - Specifies the size of the file after it is adjusted. file - Specifies the file or files to be adjusted. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. Setting the size smaller than the actual data contained in this file will truncate its data. 2. This command adjusts the size of a particular target file. 3. This command automatically truncates or extends the size of a file based on the passed-in parameters. If the file does not exist, it is created. .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_VOLUME_FULL The media has insufficient space to complete the request. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH mode 0 "Shows or changes ConOut mode." .SH NAME Displays or changes the console output device mode. .SH SYNOPSIS MODE [col row] .SH OPTIONS col - Specifies the number of columns. row - Specifies the number of rows. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command changes the display mode for the console output device. 2. When this command is used without any parameters, it shows the list of modes that the standard output device currently supports. 3. When used with the row and col parameter, this command changes the number of rows and columns on the standard output device. 4. The current selected mode is indicated by a '*'. 5. The display is cleared every time this command is used to change the currently selected display mode. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display all available modes on standard output: Shell> mode * To change the current mode setting: Shell> mode 80 50 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH memmap 0 "Displays the memory map." .SH NAME Displays the memory map maintained by the UEFI environment. .SH SYNOPSIS MEMMAP [-b] [-sfo] .SH OPTIONS -b - Displays one screen at a time -sfo - Displays information as described in Standard-Format Output. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The UEFI environment keeps track of all the physical memory in the system and how it is currently being used. 2. Total Memory is the physical memory size excluding Reserved, Unusable, MemoryMappedIO, and MemoryMappedIOPortSpace memory types. 3. Refer to the UEFI specification for memory type definitions. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the system memory map: Shell> memmap .TH eficompress 0 "compresses a file." .SH NAME Compresses a file using UEFI Compression Algorithm. .SH SYNOPSIS EFICOMPRESS infile outfile .SH OPTIONS infile - Specifies the file name of the uncompressed input file. outfile - Specifies the file name of the compressed output file. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command compresses a file using UEFI Compression Algorithm and writes the compressed form out to a new file. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To compress a file named 'uncompressed' to a file named 'compressed': fs0:\> eficompress uncompressed compressed .TH efidecompress 0 "Decompresses a file." .SH NAME Decompresses a file using UEFI Decompression Algorithm. .SH SYNOPSIS EFIDECOMPRESS infile outfile .SH OPTIONS infile - Specifies the file name of the compressed input file. outfile - Specifies the file name of the decompressed output file. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This decompresses a file using UEFI Decompression Algorithm and writes the decompressed form out to a new file. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To decompress a file named 'compressed' to a file named 'uncompressed': fs0:\> efidecompress compressed uncompressed .TH dmem 0 "Displays memory." .SH NAME Displays the contents of system or device memory. .SH SYNOPSIS DMEM [-b] [address] [size] [-MMIO] .SH OPTIONS -b - Displays one screen at a time. -MMIO - Forces address cycles to the PCI bus. address - Specifies a starting address in hexadecimal format. size - Specifies the number of bytes to display in hexadecimal format. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays the contents of system memory or device memory. 2. Enter address and size in hexadecimal format. 3. If address is not specified, the contents of the UEFI System Table are displayed. Otherwise, memory starting at the specified address is displayed. 4. Size specifies the number of bytes to display. If size is not specified, 512 bytes are displayed. 5. If MMIO is not specified, main system memory is displayed. Otherwise, device memory is displayed through the use of the EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the UEFI system table pointer entries: fs0:\> dmem * To display memory contents from 1af3088 with size of 16 bytes: Shell> dmem 1af3088 16 * To display memory mapped IO contents from 1af3088 with a size of 16 bytes: Shell> dmem 1af3088 16 -MMIO .TH mm 0 "Displays or modifies address space memory." .SH NAME Displays or modifies MEM/MMIO/IO/PCI/PCIE address space. .SH SYNOPSIS MM Address [Value] [-w 1|2|4|8] [-MEM | -MMIO | -IO | -PCI | -PCIE] [-n] .SH OPTIONS Address - Specifies a starting address. Value - Specifies the value to write. -MEM - Memory Address type -MMIO - Memory Mapped IO Address type -IO - IO Address type -PCI - PCI Configuration Space Address type: Address format: 0x000000ssbbddffrr ss - Segment bb - Bus dd - Device ff - Function rr - Register -PCIE - PCIE Configuration Space Address type: Address format: 0x00000ssbbddffrrr ss - Segment bb - Bus dd - Device ff - Function rrr - Register -w - Unit size accessed in bytes: 1 - 1 byte 2 - 2 bytes 4 - 4 bytes 8 - 8 bytes -n - Non-interactive mode .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. If the address type parameter is not specified, address type defaults to the 'MEM' type. 2. If the 'Value' parameter is specified, the '-n' option is used and the command writes the value to the specified address in non-interactive mode. If the 'Value' parameter is not specified, only the current contents in the address are displayed. 3. If the '-w' option is not specified, unit size defaults to 1 byte. 4. If the PCI address type is specified, the 'Address' parameter must follow the PCI Configuration Space Address format above. The 'PCI' command can be used to determine the address for a specified device. It is listed in the PCI configuration space dump information in the following format: "[EFI 0x000000ssbbddffxx]". 5. If the PCIE address type is specified, the 'Address' parameter must follow the PCIE Configuration Space Address format above. 6. In interactive mode, type a hex value to modify, 'q' or '.' to exit. If the '-n' option is specified, it runs in non-interactive mode, which supports batch file operation without user intervention. 7. Not all PCI configuration register locations are writable. 8. MM will only write the specified value. Read-modify-write operations are not supported. 9. The 'Address' parameter must be aligned on a boundary of the specified width. 10. Not all addresses are safe to access. Access to any improper address can bring unexpected results. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display or modify memory: Address 0x1b07288, default width=1 byte: fs0:\> mm 1b07288 MEM 0x0000000001B07288 : 0x6D > MEM 0x0000000001B07289 : 0x6D > MEM 0x0000000001B0728A : 0x61 > 80 MEM 0x0000000001B0728B : 0x70 > q fs0:\> mm 1b07288 MEM 0x0000000001B07288 : 0x6D > MEM 0x0000000001B07289 : 0x6D > MEM 0x0000000001B0728A : 0x80 > *Modified MEM 0x0000000001B0728B : 0x70 > q * To modify memory: Address 0x1b07288, width = 2 bytes: Shell> mm 1b07288 -w 2 MEM 0x0000000001B07288 : 0x6D6D > MEM 0x0000000001B0728A : 0x7061 > 55aa MEM 0x0000000001B0728C : 0x358C > q Shell> mm 1b07288 -w 2 MEM 0x0000000001B07288 : 0x6D6D > MEM 0x0000000001B0728A : 0x55AA > *Modified MEM 0x0000000001B0728C : 0x358C > q * To display IO space: Address 80h, width = 4 bytes: Shell> mm 80 -w 4 -IO IO 0x0000000000000080 : 0x000000FE > IO 0x0000000000000084 : 0x00FF5E6D > q * To modify IO space using non-interactive mode: Shell> mm 80 52 -w 1 -IO Shell> mm 80 -w 1 -IO IO 0x0000000000000080 : 0x52 > FE *Modified IO 0x0000000000000081 : 0xFF > IO 0x0000000000000082 : 0x00 > IO 0x0000000000000083 : 0x00 > IO 0x0000000000000084 : 0x6D > IO 0x0000000000000085 : 0x5E > IO 0x0000000000000086 : 0xFF > IO 0x0000000000000087 : 0x00 > q * To display PCI configuration space, ss=00, bb=00, dd=00, ff=00, rr=00: Shell> mm 0000000000 -PCI PCI 0x0000000000000000 : 0x86 > PCI 0x0000000000000001 : 0x80 > PCI 0x0000000000000002 : 0x30 > PCI 0x0000000000000003 : 0x11 > PCI 0x0000000000000004 : 0x06 > PCI 0x0000000000000005 : 0x00 > q These contents can also be displayed by 'PCI 00 00 00'. * To display PCIE configuration space, ss=00, bb=06, dd=00, ff=00, rrr=000: Shell> mm 00060000000 -PCIE PCIE 0x0000000060000000 : 0xAB > PCIE 0x0000000060000001 : 0x11 > PCIE 0x0000000060000002 : 0x61 > PCIE 0x0000000060000003 : 0x43 > .TH loadpcirom 0 "Loads a PCI option ROM file." .SH NAME Loads a PCI Option ROM. .SH SYNOPSIS LoadPciRom [-nc] romfile [romfile...] .SH OPTIONS -nc - Loads the ROM image(s) but does not connect drivers. romfile - Specifies the PCI option ROM image file (wildcards are permitted). .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command loads PCI option ROM images into memory for execution. 2. The file can contain legacy images and multiple PE32 images, in which case all PE32 images are loaded. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To load a rom file 'rom.bin': fs0:\> LoadPciRom rom.bin * To load '*.bin' files without connecting drivers: fs0:\> LoadPciRom -nc *.bin .TH setvar 0 "Displays or modifies a UEFI variable." .SH NAME Displays or modifies a UEFI variable. .SH SYNOPSIS SETVAR variable-name [-guid guid][-bs][-rt][-nv] [=data] .SH OPTIONS variable-name - Specifies the name of the UEFI variable to modify or display. -guid - Specifies the GUID of the UEFI variable to modify or display. If not present, GUID EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE is assumed. -bs - Indicates that the variable is a boot variable. Applies to a new variable; otherwise, it is ignored. -rt - Indicates that the variable is a runtime variable. Applies to a new variable; otherwise, it is ignored. -nv - Indicates that the variable is non-volatile. If not present, then the variable is assumed to be volatile. Applies to a new variable; otherwise, it is ignored. =data - Specifies there is new data for the variable. If there is nothing after the '=' then the variable is deleted. If '=' is not present, then the current value of the variable is dumped as hex bytes. The data can consist of zero or more of the following: xx[xx] - Hexadecimal bytes ^"ascii-string^" - ASCII-string with no null-terminator L^"UCS2-string^" - UCS-2 encoded string with no null-terminator --device - Device path text format .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command changes the UEFI variable specified by name and GUID. 2. If = is specified, but data is not, the variable is deleted, if it exists. 3. If = is not specified, then the current variable contents are displayed. 4. If =data is specified, then the variable's value is changed to the value specified by data. 5. -bs, -rt and -nv are only useful if the variable already exists. 6. If the variable already exists and the attributes cannot be changed, then -1 is returned. .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The shell has stored the variable and its data with the defined attributes. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER Incorrect attributes were used. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Insufficient resources were available for storing the variable and its data. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR The Variable could not be saved due to a hardware error. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The variable in question is read-only. SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED The variable in question cannot be deleted. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The variable could not be found. .TH sermode 0 "configure serial port" .SH NAME Sets serial port attributes. .SH SYNOPSIS SERMODE [handle [baudrate parity databits stopbits]] .SH OPTIONS handle - Specifies a device handle for a serial port in hexadecimal format. baudrate - Specifies a baud rate for specified serial port. parity - Sets parity bit settings for specified serial port. Valid values are: d - Default parity n - No parity e - Even parity o - Odd parity m - Mark parity s - Space parity databits - Sets the data bits for the specified serial port. stopbits - Sets the stop bits for the specified serial port. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The 'handle' parameter is the device handle of the desired serial port. The 'DH' command can be used to retrieve this information. 2. The 'stopbits' parameter supports the following settings: 0 (0 stop bits - default setting) 1 (1 stop bit) 2 (2 stop bits) 15 (1.5 stop bits) All other settings are invalid. 3. The 'baudrate' parameter supports the following settings: 50, 75, 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600(default), 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800 All other values will be converted to the next highest setting. 4. The 'databits' parameter supports the following settings: 4 7 8 (default) All other settings are invalid. 5. Parity attributes are mutually exclusive. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display the settings for all serial port devices: Shell> sermode * To display the settings for the serial port device whose handle is 0x6B: Shell> sermode 6B * To configure the serial port settings for handle 0x6B to 9600bps, even parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit: Shell> sermode 6B 9600 e 8 1 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The new attributes were set on the serial device. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the attributes has an unsupported value. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR The serial device is not functioning correctly. .TH pci 0 "Displays PCI device information." .SH NAME Displays a PCI device list or PCI function configuration space of a device. .SH SYNOPSIS PCI [Bus Dev [Func] [-s Seg] [-i]] .SH OPTIONS -s - Specifies optional segment number. -i - Displays interpreted information. Bus - Specifies a bus number. Dev - Specifies a device number. Func - Specifies a function number. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays a list of all the PCI devices found in the system. It also displays the configuration space of a PCI device according to the specified bus (Bus), device (Dev), and function (Func) addresses. If the function address is not specified, it defaults to 0. 2. The -i option displays verbose information for the specified PCI device. The PCI configuration space for the device is displayed with a detailed interpretation. 3. If no parameters are specified, all PCI devices are listed. 4. If the 'Bus' and 'Dev' parameters are specified but the 'Func' or 'Seg' parameters are not, Function or Seg are set to the default value of 0. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display all PCI devices in the system: Shell> pci * To display the configuration space of Bus 0, Device 0, Function 0: Shell> pci 00 00 00 -i * To display configuration space of Segment 0, Bus 0, Device 0, Function 0: Shell> pci 00 00 00 -s 0 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS Data was displayed as requested. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR The specified device parameters did not match a physical device in the system. .TH smbiosview 0 "Displays SMBIOS information." .SH NAME Displays SMBIOS information. .SH SYNOPSIS SMBIOSVIEW [-t SmbiosType]|[-h SmbiosHandle]|[-s]|[-a] .SH OPTIONS -t - Displays all structures of SmbiosType. -h - Displays structure of SmbiosHandle. -s - Displays a statistics table. -a - Displays all information. SmbiosType - Specifies a SMBIOS structure type. SmbiosHandle - Specifies a SMBIOS structure unique 16-bit handle. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. The SmbiosType parameter supports the following types: 0 - BIOS Information 1 - System Information 2 - Baseboard Information 3 - System Enclosure 4 - Processor Information 5 - Memory Controller Information 6 - Memory Module Information 7 - Cache Information 8 - Port Connector Information 9 - System Slots 10 - On Board Devices Information 11 - OEM Strings 12 - System Configuration Options 13 - BIOS Language Information 14 - Group Associations 15 - System Event Log 16 - Physical Memory Array 17 - Memory Device 18 - 32-bit Memory Error Information 19 - Memory Array Mapped Address 20 - Memory Device Mapped Address 21 - Built-in Pointing Device 22 - Portable Battery 23 - System Reset 24 - Hardware Security 25 - System Power Controls 26 - Voltage Probe 27 - Cooling Device 28 - Temperature Probe 29 - Electrical Current Probe 30 - Out-Of-Band Remote Access 31 - Boot Integrity Services (BIS) Entry Point 32 - System Boot Information 33 - 64-Bit Memory Error Information 34 - Management Device 35 - Management Device Component 36 - Management Device Threshold Data 37 - Memory Channel 38 - IPMI Device Information 39 - System Power Supply 40 - Additional Information 41 - Onboard Devices Extended Information 42 - Management Controller Host Interface 2. Enter the SmbiosHandle parameter in hexadecimal format. Do not use the '0x' prefix format for hexadecimal values. 3. Internal commands: :q -------- quit smbiosview :0 -------- Change smbiosview display NONE info :1 -------- Change smbiosview display OUTLINE info :2 -------- Change smbiosview display NORMAL info :3 -------- Change smbiosview display DETAIL info /? -------- Show help .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS Data was displayed as requested. SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR The requested structure was not found. .TH dmpstore 0 "Manages all UEFI variables." .SH NAME Manages all UEFI variables. .SH SYNOPSIS DMPSTORE [-b] [-d] [-all | ([variable] [-guid guid])] DMPSTORE [-all | ([variable] [-guid guid])] [-s file] DMPSTORE [-all | ([variable] [-guid guid])] [-l file] .SH OPTIONS -b - Displays one screen at a time. -guid - Specifies the GUID of the variables to be displayed in standard text format. If not specified and -all is not specified, the EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE GUID is assumed. -all - Dumps all variables, including those with a different GUID than EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE. -d - Delete variables. -s - Saves variables to a file. -l - Loads and sets variables from a file. variable - Specifies a variable name. This can be a literal name or a pattern as specified in the MetaiMatch() function of the EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION2_PROCOOL. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command manages the UEFI variables. The variables displayed or deleted depend on the command line options, as specified in the following table: Variable GUID -all Description --- --- --- All variables with the GUID EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE will be operated on. --- --- X All variables (regardless of GUID or name) will be operated on. --- X --- All variables with the specified GUID will be operated on. X --- --- The variable with the GUID EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE and the name Variable will be operated on. X X --- The variable with the specified GUID and name Variable will be operated on. 2. The variable value is printed as a hexadecimal dump. 3. Option -d is used to delete variables. Option -s and -l are used to save and load variables to and from a file. The variable name can be specified when using these flags so that the operation only takes effect on that variable. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To dump all variables with the GUID EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE: Shell> dmpstore * To dump all variables (regardless of GUID or name): Shell> dmpstore -all * To dump the 'path' variable with the GUID '158DEF5A-F656-419C-B027- 7A3192C079D2': Shell> dmpstore path -guid 158DEF5A-F656-419C-B027-7A3192C079D2 * To save all variables (regardless of GUID or name) to a file 'VarDump.txt': fs0:\> dmpstore -all -s VarDump.txt * To delete the 'BootOrder' variable with the GUID EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE: Shell> dmpstore -d BootOrder .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH dblk 0 "Displays one or more blocks from a block device." .SH NAME Displays one or more blocks from a block device. .SH SYNOPSIS DBLK device [lba] [blocks] [-b] .SH OPTIONS -b - Displays one screen at a time. device - Blocks the device name. lba - Specifies the index of the first block to be displayed (a hexadecimal number). The default is 0. blocks - Specifies the number of blocks to display (a hexadecimal number). The default is 1. If larger than 0x10, then only 0x10 are displayed. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command displays the contents of one or more blocks from a block device. Enter a hexidecimal value for the lba and blocks variables. If lba is not specified, block #0 is assumed. If blocks is not specified, on1y one block is displayed. The maximum number of blocks that can be displayed at one time is 0x10. 2. If an MBR is found on the block, the partition information is displayed after all the block contents are displayed. 3. If the block is a FAT partition, some FAT parameters are displayed (label, systemid, oemid, sectorsize, clustersize, media, and so forth) after all the blocks are displayed. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display one block of blk0, beginning from block 0: Shell> dblk blk0 * To display one block of fs0, beginning from block 0x2: Shell> dblk fs0 2 * To display 0x5 blocks of fs0, beginning from block 0x12: Shell> dblk fs0 12 5 * To display 0x10 blocks of fs0, beginning from block 0x12: Shell> dblk fs0 12 10 * To attempt to display more than 0x10 blocks, resulting in only 0x10 blocks being displayed: Shell> dblk fs0 12 20 * To display one block of blk2, beginning from the first block (blk0): fs1: mps1> dblk blk2 0 1 .TH edit 0 "Provides a full screen text editor for ASCII or UCS-2 files." .SH NAME Provides a full screen text editor for ASCII or UCS-2 files. .SH SYNOPSIS EDIT [file] .SH OPTIONS file - Specifies the name of file to be edited. If none is specified, an empty file is created with a default file name. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command enables full screen file editing. 2. The editor supports both UCS-2 and ASCII file types. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To edit the 'shell.log' file: fs0:\> edit shell.log .TH hexedit 0 "Provides a full screen hex editor for files, block devices, or memory." .SH NAME Provides a full screen hex editor for files, block devices, or memory. .SH SYNOPSIS HEXEDIT [[-f] filename| [-d diskname offset size] | [-m address size]] .SH OPTIONS -f - Specifies the name of the file to edit. -d - Specifies the disk block to edit: DiskName - Name of the disk to edit (for example fs0) Offset - Starting block number (beginning from 0) Size - Number of blocks to edit -m - Specifies the memory region to edit: Address - Starting 32-bit memory address (beginning from 0) Size - Size of memory region to edit in bytes .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command enables you to edit a file, block device, or memory region. 2. The region being edited is displayed as hexadecimal bytes. The contents can be modified and saved. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To edit a file in hex mode: fs0:\> hexedit test.bin * To edit block device fs0 starting at block 0 with size of 2 blocks: fs0:\> hexedit -d fs0 0 2 * To edit memory region starting at address 0x00000000 with size of 2 bytes: fs0:\> hexedit -m 0 2 |Ă({ y܁x~hz| Ă h ܁|x~ ({ | yzz *T%%014-,&p* ,X+ hW `     > > pB B B 0C pC C C (D HD pD D x  P ` p         8 hW 0   @    @   `     x  h x   `/ / / / 0 @0 p0 0 01 1 1  2 p2 '2 (/ 3 03 @   ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) H) p) ) ) * 0* X* * * + @+ + + 0, , , - H- - - @. . . (/ x  8 H X > @E E E  F  hW X}  `}    x   @ h x         H `       H x    8 `      h     ( F F F G 8G pG G G H PH pH H H I PI I I I J HJ J J K 0K PK xK K K K L PL L L ! M "hM #M $M %N &@N 'xN (N )N *0O ~O O  hW 0 `     > > @ @ (@ P@ @ @ @ @ A x  = = = = = > 8> X> >  x  8 h    @ x   : : : ; @; h; ; ; ; ; 0< X<   < < > > @ @ (@ P@ @ @ @ @ A > > ? ? ? ? # # 8$ p$ $ $ % H% % % % @& & & & ' H' ' ' ( H( H( H( H( x( H( H( H( ( ( ( (      H `     > > 0A @A pA A A A A  B HB    = 0= P= p= = ` x       x          0 x  X      6 6 6 6 7 x  P h > > ? ? ? ?   08 @8 P8 `8 p8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9  9 09 @9 P9 p9 9 0 @ X x      @ ` p      0 H p     `    ( X ! "   ( x  6  6 @6 `6 6   (7 87 H7 X7 h7 x7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 0 P     hW  m    3 4 @4 h4 4 4 4 5 05 `5 5 5     @ X x   0 P p   0   H h     0 @  hW 0    > > E  E  hW   0 0 ` x    8 P h       0 H ` x   ! " #8 $X %x & ' ( ) * + ,@ > > > > ? 0? P? h? h p   hW  8 h     P     x  9 9 9 9 ` :  : 0: H: h: :    `     0 X p     p `      0! x! ! ! " H" > > ? ? ? ? 0 @     ( h   ( @ X x  0        0 P `  x       ! 0 P  > > ? ? ? ? x   0 @ `    < < = > > D D D `" p" " " " # @# # # x     x  x  > > @ @ (@ P@ @ @ @ @ A ''44en-USenglish%H%s%N: Too many arguments. %H%s%N: Too few arguments. %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Access denied. %H%s%N: Parameters conflict. Config %r GetData %r Echo request sequence %d did not complete successfully. There are no sources in %s's multicast domain. %H%s%N: Network function failed with %r %H%s%N: No configured interfaces were found. There is no route to the destination '%B%s%N' from the source '%B%s%N' was found. Ping %s %d data bytes. Echo request sequence %d timeout. %d bytes from %s : icmp_seq=%d ttl=%d time%c%dms  %d packets transmitted, %d received, %d%% packet loss, time %dms  Rtt(round trip time) min=%dms max=%dms avg=%dms The option '%H%s%N' is unsupported now. Flags lack. Lack interface name. Lack interface config option. Invalid interface name. Invalid ipv4 address: '%H%s%N' Duplicate commands. Bad command %H%s%N is skipped. Conflict commands. Bad command %H%s%N is skipped. Unknown commands. Bad command %H%s%N is skipped. Failed to set address.  %H Routes (%d entries): %H Entry[%d] %12s: %N%d.%d.%d.%d  %8d.%d.%d.%d  ----------------------------------------------------------------- : %Hname : %s%N %HMedia State : %s%N %Hpolicy : dhcp%N %Hpolicy : static%N %Hmac addr : %N%02x %Hipv4 address : %N %Hsubnet mask : %N %Hdefault gateway: %N %HDNS server : %N %d.%d.%d.%d .TH ping 0 "Pings the target host with an IPv4 or IPv6 stack." .SH NAME Pings the target host with an IPv4 or IPv6 stack. .SH SYNOPSIS PING [-_ip6] [-_s SourceIp] [-n count] [-l size] TargetIp .SH OPTIONS -n - Specifies the number of echo request datagrams to be sent. -l - Specifies the size of the data buffer in the echo request datagram. -_ip6 - Specifies the IPv6 stack usage mode (Default is IPv4 stack). -_s - Specifies the source adapter as IPv4 or IPv6 address. SourceIp - Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the source machine. TargetIp - Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the target machine. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command uses the ICMPv4 or ICMPv6 ECHO_REQUEST datagram to elicit an ECHO_REPLY from a host. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To ping the target host with 64 bytes data: fs0:\> ping -l 64 * To ping the target host by sending 20 echo request datagrams: fs0:\> ping -n 20 * To ping the target host by specifying the source adapter as IPv4 address: fs0:\> ping -_s * To ping the target host by specifying the IPv6 stack usage mode: fs0:\> ping -_ip6 2000:bbbb::8 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. .TH ifconfig 0 "Modifies the default IP address of the UEFI IPv4 Network Stack." .SH NAME Modifies the default IP address of the UEFI IPv4 Network Stack. .SH SYNOPSIS IFCONFIG [-r [Name]] [-l [Name]] IFCONFIG [-s <Name> dhcp | <static <IP> <Mask> <Gateway>> | <dns <IP>>] .SH OPTIONS -r - Renew configuration of interface and set dhcp policy. -l - Lists the configuration. -s - Sets the configuration. Name - Specifies an adapter name (for example, eth0). IP - Specifies the IPv4 address in four integer values: - Example: SubnetMask - Specifies a subnet mask in four integer values: - Example: GatewayMask - Specifies a default gateway in four integer values: - Example: .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command modifies the default IP address for the UEFI IP4 network stack. 2. Use '-r' to renew configuration of interface and set dhcp policy. 3. Use '-l' to list the DNS and other address related settings for all interfaces or the specified interface. 4. Use '-s <Name> static <IP> <SubnetMask> <GatewayMask>' with static IP4 address configuration for specified interface. 5. Use '-s <Name> dhcp' for DHCP4 to request the IP4 address configuration dynamically for specified interface. 6. Use '-s <Name> dns <IP>' must under manual policy. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To list the configuration for the eth0 interface: fs0:\> ifconfig -l eth0 * To use DHCP4 to request the IPv4 address configuration dynamically for the eth0 interface: fs0:\> ifconfig -s eth0 dhcp * To use the static IPv4 address configuration for the eth0 interface: fs0:\> ifconfig -s eth0 static * To configure DNS server address for the eth0 interface: fs0:\> ifconfig -s eth0 dns ( > ; : : S S T //44en-USenglish%H%s%N: Memory is not available. %H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Missing argument for flag - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Driver or Boot must be selected. %H%s%N: Boot must be selected for hot key options. %H%s%N: Too few arguments. %H%s%N: Cannot open file - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: File not found - '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Memory allocation was not successful. %H%s%N: Unable to write to '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: Unable to read from '%H%s%N' %H%s%N: The handle [%H%02x%N] does not have DevicePath. %H%s%N: The file '%H%s%N' matches multiple files. %H%s%N: The file '%H%s%N' did not open. %H%s%N: The file '%H%s%N' could not convert to DevPath. %H%s%N: Could not find unused target index. Target = %04x. %H%s%N: Unable to set %H%s%N %H%s%N: Cannot create Key#### variable: All the numbers from 0x0000 - 0xFFFF have been used. %H%s%N: Numbers must be under %d. No options found. Option: %B%02x%N. Variable: %B%-11s%N Desc - %s DevPath - %s Optional- %c .TH bcfg 0 "configure boot and driver" .SH NAME Manages the boot and driver options that are stored in NVRAM. .SH SYNOPSIS BCFG driver|boot [dump [-v]] [add # file "desc"] [addp # file "desc"] [addh # handle "desc"] [rm #] [mv # #] [-opt # [[filename]|["data"]] | [KeyData <ScanCode UnicodeChar>]] .SH OPTIONS -v - Displays verbose information about options, including the optional data. -opt - Displays or modifies the optional data associated with a driver or boot option. This parameter is followed by the file name of the file that contains the binary data to be associated with the driver or boot option optional data, or the quote delimited data to be associated with the driver or boot option optional data. driver - Displays or modifies the driver option list. boot - Displays or modifies the boot option list. dump - Displays the option list. add - Adds an option. The # is the number of options to add in hexadecimal format. The file name is the name of the UEFI application/driver for the option. The quoted parameter is the description of the option to be added. addh - Adds an option that refers to the driver specified by a handle. The # is the number of options to add, in hexadecimal format. The handle is the driver handle, in hexadecimal format. The device path for the option is retrieved from the handle. The quoted parameter is the description of the option to be added. addp - Adds an option that refers to a specific file. Only the portion of the device path starting with the hard drive partition is placed in the option. The # is the number of options to add, in hexadecimal format. The quoted parameter is the description of the option being added. rm - Removes an option. The parameter lists the number of the options to remove in hexadecimal format. mv - Moves an option. The first numeric parameter is the number of the option to move in hexadecimal format. The second numeric parameter is the new number of the option to be moved. KeyData - Specifies the packed value associated with a hot-key. ScanCode - Specifies the UEFI-defined scan code portion of the EFI_INPUT_KEY instruction. This value is directly associated with the preceding KeyData value. When one instance of this parameter has a non-zero value, the paired UnicodeChar value will have a zero-based value. UnicodeChar - Specifies the Unicode value for the character associated with the preceding KeyData value. When one instance of this parameter has a non-zero value, the paired ScanCode value will have a zero-based value. .SH DESCRIPTION NOTES: 1. This command manages the boot and driver options stored in NVRAM. 2. Use the dump option to display Boot#### or Driver#### environment variables. 3. Use the add option to add a new Boot#### or Driver#### environment variable. 4. Use the rm option to delete a Boot#### or Driver#### environment variable, and then the mv option to reorder the Boot#### and Driver#### environment variables. 5. The add, rm, and mv options also update the BootOrder or DriverOrder environment variables, as appropriate. .SH EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: * To display driver options: Shell> bcfg driver dump * To display boot options: Shell> bcfg boot dump * To display verbose information about boot options: Shell> bcfg boot dump -v * To add a driver option #5: Shell> bcfg driver add 5 mydriver.efi "My Driver" * To add a boot option #3: Shell> bcfg boot add 3 osloader.efi "My OS" * To remove boot option #3: Shell> bcfg boot rm 3 * To move boot option #3 to boot option #7: Shell> bcfg boot mv 3 7 * To assign a CTRL-B hot-key to boot option #3: Shell> bcfg boot -opt 3 0x40000200 0 0x42 .SH RETURNVALUES RETURN VALUES: SHELL_SUCCESS The action was completed as requested. SHELL_NOT_FOUND The requested option was not found. SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly formatted or its value was out of bounds. SHELL_UNSUPPORTED The action as requested was unsupported. SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION This function was not performed due to a security violation. SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There was insufficient free space for the request to be completed. mskm,wzF'?M/^N};!G*Wir;dMMf wlCܰRͅRL/Jk?Yz qABZ [[݇ԋM̺&Bo<4 AIlf)Y^ΣFNA޿n.bBeb#nTUA_Fk!]${ir;Y,-\f_lWqvSsAi#' G 3ONioCkaF{Z~'\61/uNO*hʺx )IzNjQ#G*Wir;CЊ^aʓ +ށg Hc11HrE"X o; D[(&Hߘ<`$@[ Mեq1UB9^7O(Y*lBX;h-!Gf<>M=ӚrTp~Ma{׌I>RLEI2YD L͝9 |==C[,ةB2pΠJ]^{ ґ0VL?ir;3Z֞E&mGȓ^mE@x ̺&Bo |> ?startup.nsh.NSH*.NSH;.EFID~=8'?MܒdaU6Ey3UXv0?@ A0BCDPEFG`H`IPJPKLMШ N0OP QT@ RpSUV WXYZP [rps tud fp ep gPh ij` klm n o %&_ vw0 xpy z { |`}0 ~0`@@ pp 0 0)@-@Ц  P` p 0P 0 p0p P `p @@ s` @ 0  ` P ` pP P P @@@ ` `0   p\p ]p^@c3 3 83 H3 ShellCommandsF*@9 9 9 9 : : : : hd*fp*9 ; 9 : ; ; < & ; @9 >?X@ABChD,EFGHIxJ<KLMNLO.PQRSTUVzW\X YZ[\l]0^_`a> ; 9 `> > ; : 9 ; @ & @ ; ; : : 9 > ; : > ; S B Driver HandProt DriverEx TestProt Child ExclusiveUnknown GetProt : 9 L & > & > @U 9 9 L & > 9 > : ; Debug1Commands0123456789ABCDEF X ȃ  8 h Ȅ 0 ` 0 Ё  P h  Ѕ  @ h RuntimeData: B p C 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0)-startup-nostartup-noconsoleout-noconsolein-nointerrupt-nomap-noversion-delay-_exit-(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions == ((void *) 0) && Size == 0) || (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions != ((void *) 0)) ;FileHandle == ((void *) 0)BufferListEntry != ((void *) 0)Node != ((void *) 0)Node->Buffer != ((void *) 0)%OriginalCommandLine != ((void *) 0)^%StdOut == ((void *) 0)StrStr(CmdLine, L"|") != ((void *) 0)Split != ((void *) 0)Split->SplitStdOut != ((void *) 0)(SPLIT_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link) == SplitCmdLine != ((void *) 0)*CmdLine!= ((void *) 0):CmdLine[(StrLen(CmdLine)-1)] == L':' && StrStr(CmdLine, L" ") == ((void *) 0)-?help 0x%Lx0x%xdebuglasterrorlasterror?CommandWithPath != ((void *) 0)!ShellCommandGetScriptExit()NewScriptFile->ScriptName == ((void *) 0)NewScriptFile->Argv[LoopVar] == ((void *) 0)%9%8%7%6%5%4%3%2%1%0""@echo -off@echo -on%s ""^Argc != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Application\Shell\ShellParametersProtocol.cArgv != ((void *) 0)Count >= (*Argc)NewShellParameters != ((void *) 0)RootShellInstance != ((void *) 0)ShellOptFullCommandLine == ((void *) 0)(((INTN)(RETURN_STATUS)(Status)) < 0) || Size == sizeof FileTag 2>>v 1>>v >>v >v 1>>a 1>> >> >>a 1>a >a 2>> 2>v 1>v 2>a 2> 1> > < <a <v connect -rTempHandle != ((void *) 0)NULShellParameters != ((void *) 0)OldArgv != ((void *) 0)OldArgc != ((void *) 0)(PathForReturn == ((void *) 0) && PathSize == 0) || (PathForReturn != ((void *) 0))c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Application\Shell\ShellProtocol.cDevicePathCopy != ((void *) 0)MapPathCopy != ((void *) 0)AlignedNode != ((void *) 0)\>v>i*FileHandle != ((void *) 0)>o>eLoadedImage->LoadOptionsSize == 0!EFI_ERROR (CleanupStatus)Shell.efi -_exit TempString == ((void *) 0)(TempString == ((void *) 0) && Size == 0) || (TempString != ((void *) 0))ShellFileList != ((void *) 0)Path != ((void *) 0)(Path2 == ((void *) 0) && Path2Size == 0) || (Path2 != ((void *) 0))CurrentFilePattern != ((void *) 0)...NewShellNode != ((void *) 0)Node->Key != ((void *) 0)LasterrorDirectoryName != ((void *) 0)(MapListItem->CurrentDirectoryPath == ((void *) 0) && Size == 0) || (MapListItem->CurrentDirectoryPath != ((void *) 0))HelpText != ((void *) 0)FixCommand != ((void *) 0)(RetVal == ((void *) 0) && RetSize == 0) || (RetVal != ((void *) 0))AliasLower != ((void *) 0)OldProtocolNode != ((void *) 0)IsListEmpty(&ShellInfoObject.OldShellList.Link)ConsoleInfo != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Application\Shell\ConsoleLogger.cConsoleInfo->OldConOut != ((void *) 0)CR has Bad SignatureConsoleInfo->HistoryMode.CursorRow == (INT32)((ConsoleInfo->RowsPerScreen * ConsoleInfo->ScreenCount)-1)CopySize < ConsoleInfo->AttribSizeCopySize < ConsoleInfo->BufferSizeConsoleInfo->OriginalStartRow == ConsoleInfo->CurrentStartRowPrintIndex + ConsoleInfo->HistoryMode.CursorRow < ConsoleInfo->BufferSizePrintIndex < ConsoleInfo->AttribSize ShellInfoObject.PageBreakEnabledResp != ((void *) 0)ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo == ConsoleInfo%N FoundFileList != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Application\Shell\FileHandleWrappers.cTabLinePos != ((void *) 0)*%s%.*sFoundFileList == ((void *) 0) %2d. %s %SFileInterface->Buffer == ((void *) 0)FileInterface->BufferSize == 0FileInterface->Position == 0%aBuffer != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Application\Shell\ShellEnvVar.cList != ((void *) 0)=StrStr(CurrentString, L"=") != ((void *) 0).man.TH.SH c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Application\Shell\ShellManParser.c(*HelpText == ((void *) 0) && *HelpSize == 0) || (*HelpText != ((void *) 0)).SH.TH .TH (((UINTN) (StartOfBuffer)) & 0x01) == 0c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BasePrintLib\PrintLib.c(((UINTN) (FormatString)) & 0x01) == 0FormatString != ((void *) 0)SuccessWarning Unknown GlyphWarning Delete FailureWarning Write FailureWarning Buffer Too SmallWarning Stale DataLoad ErrorInvalid ParameterUnsupportedBad Buffer SizeBuffer Too SmallNot ReadyDevice ErrorWrite ProtectedOut of ResourcesVolume CorruptVolume FullNo MediaMedia changedNot FoundAccess DeniedNo ResponseNo mappingTime outNot startedAlready startedAbortedICMP ErrorTFTP ErrorProtocol ErrorIncompatible VersionSecurity ViolationCRC ErrorEnd of MediaReserved (29)Reserved (30)End of FileInvalid LanguageCompromised Datac:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BasePrintLib\PrintLibInternal.cStrSize ((CHAR16 *) Format) != 0AsciiStrSize (Format) != 0%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d%08X (((Flags & 0x00000040) == 0)) || (StrSize ((CHAR16 *) OriginalBuffer) != 0)(((Flags & 0x00000040) != 0)) || (AsciiStrSize (OriginalBuffer) != 0)0123456789ABCDEF  8 P ` x   ( 8 H X h x  0 @ P ` x (Length - 1) <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)DestinationBuffer)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\CopyMemWrapper.c(Length - 1) <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)SourceBuffer)(Length - 1) <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)Buffer)(Length & (sizeof (Value) - 1)) == 0c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\SetMem16Wrapper.c(((UINTN)Buffer) & (sizeof (Value) - 1)) == 0Length <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)Buffer + 1)!(Buffer == ((void *) 0) && Length > 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\SetMemWrapper.cFormat != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiDebugLibConOut\DebugLib.cASSERT [%a] %a(%d): %a Destination != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\String.c((UINTN) Destination & 0x00000001) == 0Length <= _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength((UINTN) String & 0x00000001) == 0Length < _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLengthStrSize (FirstString) != 0StrSize (SecondString) != 0StrSize (String) != 0StrSize (SearchString) != 0Result <= ((((UINTN) ~0) - (*String - L'0')) / 10)Result <= DivU64x32 (((UINT64) ~0) - (*String - L'0') , 10)Result <= ((((UINTN) ~0) - InternalHexCharToUintn (*String)) >> 4)*(String - 1) == L'0'Result <= RShiftU64 (((UINT64) ~0) - InternalHexCharToUintn (*String) , 4)StrSize (Source) != 0(UINTN) (Destination - (CHAR8 *) Source) >= StrSize (Source)(UINTN) ((CHAR8 *) Source - Destination) > StrLen (Source)*Source < 0x100AsciiStrSize (ReturnValue) != 0Length <= _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLengthLength < _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLengthAsciiStrSize (FirstString)AsciiStrSize (SecondString)AsciiStrSize (String) != 0*(String - 1) == '0'c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\SafeString.c((UINTN) Source & 0x00000001) == 0(Destination != ((void *) 0))(Source != ((void *) 0))(DestMax <= (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength))(DestMax != 0)(DestMax > SourceLen)InternalSafeStringNoStrOverlap (Destination, DestMax, (CHAR16 *)Source, SourceLen + 1)(Length <= (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength))(CopyLen != 0)(CopyLen > SourceLen)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\LinkedList.cList->ForwardLink != ((void *) 0)List->BackLink != ((void *) 0)Count < _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumLinkedListLengthListHead != ((void *) 0)InternalBaseLibIsNodeInList (ListHead, Entry, ((BOOLEAN)(0==1)))InternalBaseLibIsNodeInList (List, List, ((BOOLEAN)(0==1)))InternalBaseLibIsNodeInList (List, Node, ((BOOLEAN)(1==1)))InternalBaseLibIsNodeInList (ListHead, ListHead, ((BOOLEAN)(0==1)))InternalBaseLibIsNodeInList (FirstEntry, SecondEntry, ((BOOLEAN)(1==1)))!IsListEmpty (Entry)\..\\..\.\\.\\c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\Unaligned.cDivisor != 0c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\DivU64x32Remainder.cgImageHandle != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiBootServicesTableLib\UefiBootServicesTableLib.cgST != ((void *) 0)gBS != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiMemoryAllocationLib\MemoryAllocationLib.cAllocationSize <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN) Buffer + 1)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiDevicePathLib\UefiDevicePathLibOptionalDevicePathProtocol.cmDevicePathLibDevicePathUtilities != ((void *) 0)DevicePath != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiDevicePathLib\DevicePathUtilities.c(Length >= sizeof (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL)) && (Length < 0x00010000)Size != ((void *) 0)AcpiAdr != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiDevicePathLib\DevicePathFromText.cPrimarySecondaryMasterSlaveXonXoffHardwareNoTopologySATASASExternalInternalExpandedDirectUDPTCPStaticStatelessAutoConfigureDEFAULTD11.52CRC32CNoneCHAP_UNI0xMBRGPTFloppyHDCDROMPCMCIAUSBNetworkPathHardwarePathPciPcCardMemoryMappedVenHwCtrlBMCAcpiPathAcpiPciRootPcieRootKeyboardSerialParallelPortAcpiExAcpiExpAcpiAdrMsgAtaScsiFibreFibreExI1394I2OInfinibandVenMsgVenPcAnsiVenVt100VenVt100PlusVenUtf8UartFlowCtrlSasExNVMeUFSSDDebugPortMACIPv4IPv6UartUsbClassUsbAudioUsbCDCControlUsbHIDUsbImageUsbPrinterUsbMassStorageUsbHubUsbCDCDataUsbSmartCardUsbVideoUsbDiagnosticUsbWirelessUsbDeviceFirmwareUpdateUsbIrdaBridgeUsbTestAndMeasurementUsbWwidUnitiSCSIVlanUriBluetoothWi-FiMediaPathVenMediaMediaFvFvFileOffsetRamDiskVirtualDiskVirtualCDPersistentVirtualDiskPersistentVirtualCDBbsPathBBSSataDeviceNodeStr != ((void *) 0)DeviceNode != ((void *) 0)Str->Str != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiDevicePathLib\DevicePathToText.cPci(0x%x,0x%x)PcCard(0x%x)MemoryMapped(0x%x,0x%lx,0x%lx)HwVenPcAnsi()VenVt100()VenVt100Plus()VenUft8()UartFlowCtrl(%s)SAS(0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%x,NoTopology,0,0,0,%s,%s,%s,0,0x%x,0x%x,0,0,0,0x%x)DebugPort()Ven%s(%g,%02x)Ctrl(0x%x)BMC(0x%x,0x%lx)PciRoot(0x%x)PcieRoot(0x%x)Floppy(0x%x)Keyboard(0x%x)Serial(0x%x)ParallelPort(0x%x)Acpi(PNP%04x,0x%x)Acpi(0x%08x,0x%x)%c%c%c%04XAcpiExp(%s,%s,%a)AcpiEx(%a,AcpiEx(%s,%a,%a)%s)AcpiEx(%s,%s,0x%x,%a,%a,%a)AcpiAdr(0x%x,0x%xAta(0x%x)Ata(%s,%s,0x%x)Scsi(0x%x,0x%x)Fibre(0x%lx,0x%lx)FibreEx(0x,0xSasEx(0x,0x%x,NoTopology,0,0,000x%x,0,0,0NVMe(0x%x,%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x)UFS(0x%x,0x%x)SD(0x%x)I1394(%016lx)USB(0x%x,0x%x)NewStr != ((void *) 0)UsbWwid(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,"%s")Unit(0x%x)(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)UsbDeviceFirmwareUpdate(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)UsbIrdaBridge(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)UsbTestAndMeasurement(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)UsbClass(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)Sata(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)I2O(0x%x)MAC(,0x%x)%d.%d.%d.%d%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02xIPv4(DHCP,%s,IPv6(,Static,,StatelessAutoConfigure,,StatefulAutoConfigure,Infiniband(0x%x,%g,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx)Uart(DEFAULT,Uart(%ld,DEFAULT,%d,%c,D)1)1.5)2)x)iSCSI(%a,0x%x,0x%lx,%s,CHAP_BIreservedVlan(%d)Bluetooth(%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x)Wi-Fi(%a)UriStr != ((void *) 0)Uri(%a)HD(%d,%s,0x%08x,HD(%d,%s,%g,HD(%d,%d,0,0x%lx,0x%lx)CDROM(0x%x)CDROM(0x%x,0x%lx,0x%lx)%sMedia(%g)Fv(%g)FvFile(%g)Offset(0x%lx,0x%lx)VirtualDisk(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d)VirtualCD(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d)PersistentVirtualDisk(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d)PersistentVirtualCD(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d)RamDisk(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d,%g)BBS(%s,%aBBS(0x%x,%aPath(%d,%d%s(%d/ P    lDDDDGGHHJ$KKKKLLM0NHN\NlNN@OTOPQ ,Q R T (U`U DpVhWX|WWXYDhYXYxYYY YZ[gRT != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\MdeModulePkg\Library\UefiHiiServicesLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiLib\UefiLib.cTable != ((void *) 0)Name != ((void *) 0)Guid != ((void *) 0)Name != ((void *) 0) && Guid != ((void *) 0) && Value != ((void *) 0)*Value != ((void *) 0)SupportedLanguages != ((void *) 0)BufferToSort != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdeModulePkg\Library\UefiSortLib\UefiSortLib.cCompareFunction != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdeModulePkg\Library\UefiHiiLib\HiiLib.cHandle != ((void *) 0)PackageListGuid != ((void *) 0)HiiHandle != ((void *) 0)%s%sc:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdeModulePkg\Library\UefiHiiLib\ != 0PlatformLangc:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdeModulePkg\Library\UefiHiiLib\HiiLanguage.cStatus != ((RETURN_STATUS)(0x8000000000000000ULL | (5)))c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiFileHandleLib\UefiFileHandleLib.cCurrentSize != 0DestinationStartSize <= *CurrentSize(*FullFileName == ((void *) 0) && Size == 0) || (*FullFileName != ((void *) 0))-sfoStatus: 0x%08x !EFI_ERROR (ShellLibDestructor(gImageHandle, gST))c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLib\UefiShellLib.cFileName != ((void *) 0)FileInfo != ((void *) 0)mEfiShellEnvironment2 != ((void *) 0)FileList != ((void *) 0)OldInfo != ((void *) 0)OldInfo->Info != ((void *) 0)OldInfo->FullName != ((void *) 0)OldInfo->FileName != ((void *) 0)Arg != ((void *) 0)pathExtensionWalker != ((void *) 0)CheckList != ((void *) 0)Type != ((void *) 0)-bGetItemValue == 0CurrentItemPackage->Value != ((void *) 0)CheckPackage != ((void *) 0)mEfiShellInterface != ((void *) 0)%%N%N%%E%E%%H%H%%B%B%%V%VHiiFormatString != ((void *) 0)DirName != ((void *) 0)%c(Buffer == ((void *) 0) && Size == 0) || (Buffer != ((void *) 0))0X*Size == 0The line was truncated in ShellFileHandleReadLine%H%-14s%N- %s %N%s EfiReservedMemoryTypeEfiLoaderCodeEfiLoaderDataEfiBootServicesCodeEfiBootServicesDataEfiRuntimeServicesCodeEfiRuntimeServicesDataEfiConventionalMemoryEfiUnusableMemoryEfiACPIReclaimMemoryEfiACPIMemoryNVSEfiMemoryMappedIOEfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpaceEfiPalCodeEfiMaxMemoryTypec:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiHandleParsingLib\UefiHandleParsingLib.cPixelRedGreenBlueReserved8BitPerColorPixelBlueGreenRedReserved8BitPerColorPixelBitMaskPixelBltOnlyPixelFormatMaxmHandleParsingHiiHandle != ((void *) 0)LoadedImageGraphicsOutputPciRootBridgeIo%H%02x %016lx %016lx %02x%N Dev != ((void *) 0) && Dev->Mode != ((void *) 0)RetVal != ((void *) 0)0x%08xAdapterInfogEfiAdapterInfoMediaStateGuidgEfiAdapterInfoNetworkBootGuidgEfiAdapterInfoSanMacAddressGuidgEfiAdapterInfoUndiIpv6SupportGuidUnknownDeviceUnknownInfoTypeNameID != 0TheHandle != ((void *) 0)ListWalker != ((void *) 0)HandleCount != ((void *) 0)HandleBuffer != ((void *) 0)HandleType != ((void *) 0)DriverBindingHandle != ((void *) 0) || ControllerHandle != ((void *) 0)*HandleType != ((void *) 0)MatchingHandleCount != ((void *) 0)*MatchingHandleBuffer != ((void *) 0)DestinationBuffer != ((void *) 0)HandleList[(TotalSize/sizeof(EFI_HANDLE))-1] == ((void *) 0)MinimalScriptingBasicInteractiveBufferListEntry->Buffer != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellCommandLib\UefiShellCommandLib.cMapNode != ((void *) 0)CommandString != ((void *) 0)Node->CommandString != ((void *) 0)enGetManFileName != ((void *) 0)CommandHandler != ((void *) 0)ProfileName != ((void *) 0)(mProfileList == ((void *) 0) && mProfileListSize == 0) || (mProfileList != ((void *) 0))Command != ((void *) 0)Alias != ((void *) 0)Node->Alias != ((void *) 0)Type < MappingTypeMaxFS%d:BLK%d:.\\efi\tools\;\efi\boot\;DevicePathList != ((void *) 0)NewDefaultName != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellCommandLib\ConsistMapping.cFFPCD%ld161%c%gDevicePath1 != ((void *) 0)DevicePath2 != ((void *) 0)DevicePathNode != ((void *) 0)MappingItem != ((void *) 0)UsbIo != ((void *) 0)\cd \renmovemountdatetimetimezonec:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib.cSource != ((void *) 0)Target != ((void *) 0)-qc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Rm.c-d-vc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Set.c^+[]<>SysInfo != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Vol.crrw-n:\-w-s-cc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Reset.cReset with %s (%d bytes)TempList != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Map.cHD*CD*F*FP*FSBLKYesNo-r-f-u-tc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Cd.cCwd!=((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Cp.c\*DestDir != ((void *) 0)CleanFilePathStr != ((void *) 0)Node->FileName != ((void *) 0)Node->FullName != ((void *) 0)((EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO *)List->Link.ForwardLink) != ((void *) 0)((EFI_SHELL_FILE_INFO *)List->Link.ForwardLink)->FullName != ((void *) 0)FullCwd != ((void *) 0)gRT->GetTimec:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\TimeDate.c-tzTheTime.Daylight_local-l-l or -fc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Mv.cSourcePath != ((void *) 0)DestAttr != ((void *) 0)DestParameter != ((void *) 0)Node->Info != ((void *) 0)Cwd != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Ls.cTRUEFALSEFiles != ((void *) 0)Dirs != ((void *) 0)TheNode != ((void *) 0)shda<DIR>.nsh.efi(Node->Info->Attribute & 0x0000000000000037ULL) == Node->Info->Attribute-ac:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\MkDir.c+a+s-h+h+rc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Attrib.cListOfFiles == ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Parse.cTableName != ((void *) 0)ShellCommand,,"Column Index-ic:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib\Load.cLoadedDriverImage != ((void *) 0)-ncstallshiftexitTester != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel1CommandsLib\If.cProfilesString != ((void *) 0)(END_TAG_TYPE)OperatorToUse != EndTagThennotisint(existsexistexist(s)availableprofileefierrorpierroroemerrorgtlteqnegele==ugtultugeuleStartParameterNumber+2<=EndParameterNumberorandthenIfEndIf/i/sThen!EFI_ERROR (CommandInit())ElseElseEndifc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel1CommandsLib\Goto.cGotoc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel1CommandsLib\Stall.c/bc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel1CommandsLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel1CommandsLib\Shift.cCurrentScriptFile != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel1CommandsLib\For.cEndForForNode->Alias == ((void *) 0)Node->CommandString == ((void *) 0)in(ArgSet == ((void *) 0) && ArgSize == 0) || (ArgSet != ((void *) 0))Info != ((void *) 0)runInfo->Step == 1 || Info->Step == -1Info->Set != ((void *) 0)" "typetouchveraliasclsechopausegetmtchelpcat-on-offc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib\GetMtc.c-terse-_pac:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib\Ver.c%d c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib\Type.c-a & -uShellStatus == SHELL_SUCCESSc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib\Alias.c-usage-section-verbosec:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib\Help.cNAMENAME,SYNOPSISNAME,SYNOPSIS,OPTIONS,DESCRIPTION,EXAMPLESspecialDriver1connectdevicesopeninfodisconnectreconnectunloaddrvdiagdhdriversdevtreedrvcfgDriverHandleList!=((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\DrvDiag.cgEfiDriverDiagnosticsProtocolGuidgEfiDriverDiagnostics2ProtocolGuidControllerHandleList!=((void *) 0)ChildHandleList!=((void *) 0)ChildHandleList == ((void *) 0)DrvDiag-e-mc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\Disconnect.cParam2 != ((void *) 0)driver handleParam1 != ((void *) 0)DisconnectConInDevConOutDevErrOutDevErrOutConInConOutc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\Reconnect.cDevPath1 != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\DrvCfg.c*HiiHandle == ((void *) 0)HiiDb != ((void *) 0)MainBuffer != ((void *) 0)EfiHiiDatabaseProtocolDeviceHiiDatabase->UpdatePackageListstop controllerstoppedcontrollerrestart controllerrestartedplatformrestart platformDriverImageHandleBuffer-oc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\OpenInfo.c%H%s%N c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\Unload.cUnloadc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\Devices.cHandleList != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\Drivers.c-p(RetVal == ((void *) 0) && Size == 0) || (RetVal != ((void *) 0))c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\Dh.c) <Unknown>YESNOROOTBUSDEVICE<None>BusDevPathControllerNameDriverNameHandlesInfoHandleInfoen-usc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\DevTree.cHiiString != ((void *) 0)%%%ds %sUnknownConnectc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDriver1CommandsLib\Connect.cInstall1Debug1setsizecompmodememmapeficompressefidecompressdmemloadpcirommmsetvarsermodepcismbiosviewdmpstoredblkedithexeditmem%*a%08X: %-48a *%a* c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib.cNewFile%d.%sPre 2.0 deviceMass Storage ControllerNetwork ControllerDisplay ControllerMultimedia DeviceMemory ControllerBridge DeviceSimple Communications ControllersBase System PeripheralsInput DevicesDocking StationsProcessorsSerial Bus ControllersWireless ControllersIntelligent IO ControllersSatellite Communications ControllersEncryption/Decryption ControllersData Acquisition & Signal Processing ControllersProcessing AcceleratorsNon-Essential InstrumentationDevice does not fit in any defined classesAll devices other than VGAVGA-compatible devicesSCSIIDE controllerFloppy disk controllerIPI controllerRAID controllerATA controller with ADMA interfaceSerial ATA controllerSerial Attached SCSI (SAS) controller Non-volatile memory subsystemUniversal Flash Storage (UFS) controller Other mass storage controllerEthernet controllerToken ring controllerFDDI controllerATM controllerISDN controllerWorldFip controllerPICMG 2.14 Multi ComputingInfiniBand controllerOther network controllerVGA/8514 controllerXGA controller3D controllerOther display controllerVideo deviceAudio deviceComputer Telephony deviceMixed mode deviceOther multimedia deviceRAM memory controllerFlash memory controllerOther memory controllerHost/PCI bridgePCI/ISA bridgePCI/EISA bridgePCI/Micro Channel bridgePCI/PCI bridgePCI/PCMCIA bridgeNuBus bridgeCardBus bridgeRACEway bridgeSemi-transparent PCI-to-PCI bridgeInfiniBand-to-PCI host bridgeAdvanced Switching to PCI host bridgeOther bridge typeSerial controllerParallel portMultiport serial controllerModemGPIB (IEEE 488.1/2) controllerSmart CardOther communication devicePICDMA controllerSystem timerRTC controllerGeneric PCI Hot-Plug controllerSD Host controllerIOMMURoot Complex Event CollectorOther system peripheralKeyboard controllerDigitizer (pen)Mouse controllerScanner controllerGameport controllerOther input controllerGeneric docking stationOther type of docking station386486PentiumAlphaPowerPCMIPSCo-processorOther processorIEEE 1394ACCESS.busSSAFibre ChannelSystem Management BusInfiniBandIPMISERCOS Interface Standard (IEC 61491)CANbusOther bus typeiRDA compatible controllerRF controllerBroadbandEthernet (802.11a - 5 GHz)Ethernet (802.11b - 2.4 GHz)Other type of wireless controllerI2O ArchitectureTVAudioVoiceDataOther satellite communication controllerNetwork & computing Encrypt/DecryptEntertainment Encrypt/DecryptOther Encrypt/DecryptDPIO modulesPerformance CountersCommunications synchronization plus time and frequency test/measurement Management cardOther DAQ & SP controllersProcessing AcceleratorNon-Essential Instrumentation FunctionSCSI controllerSCSI storage device SOP using PQISCSI controller SOP using PQISCSI storage device and controller SOP using PQISCSI storage device SOP using NVMeOM-primaryPI-primaryOM/PI-primaryOM-secondaryOM-primary, OM-secondaryPI-primary, OM-secondaryOM/PI-primary, OM-secondaryOM-primary, PI-secondaryPI-primary, PI-secondaryOM/PI-primary, PI-secondaryOM-primary, OM/PI-secondaryPI-primary, OM/PI-secondaryOM/PI-primary, OM/PI-secondaryMaster, OM-primaryMaster, PI-primaryMaster, OM/PI-primaryMaster, OM-secondaryMaster, OM-primary, OM-secondaryMaster, PI-primary, OM-secondaryMaster, OM/PI-primary, OM-secondaryMaster, OM-primary, PI-secondaryMaster, PI-primary, PI-secondaryMaster, OM/PI-primary, PI-secondaryMaster, OM-primary, OM/PI-secondaryMaster, PI-primary, OM/PI-secondaryMaster, OM/PI-primary, OM/PI-secondarySingle steppingContinuous operationAHCISerial Storage BusObsoleteNVMHCINVM ExpressUFSHCIVGA compatible8514 compatibleSubtractive decodePrimary PCI bus side facing the system host processorSecondary PCI bus side facing the system host processorCustomASI-SIG Defined PortalGeneric XT-compatible16450-compatible16550-compatible16650-compatible16750-compatible16850-compatible16950-compatibleBi-directionalECP 1.X-compliantIEEE 1284IEEE 1284 target (not a controller)GenericHayes-compatible 16450Hayes-compatible 16550Hayes-compatible 16650Hayes-compatible 16750Generic 8259ISAEISAIO APICIO(x) APIC interrupt controllerGeneric 8237Generic 8254Using 1394 OpenHCI specUHCIOHCIEHCIxHCINo specific programming interface(Not Host Controller)SMICKeyboard Controller StyleBlock TransferConsumer IR controllerUWB Radio controllerMessage FIFO at offset 40hUNDEFINED%s - %s - %s%s - %sPCI Express EndpointLegacy PCI Express EndpointUnknown TypeUnknonw TypeRoot Port of PCI Express Root ComplexUpstream Port of PCI Express SwitchDownstream Port of PCI Express SwitchPCI Express to PCI/PCI-X BridgePCI/PCI-X to PCI Express BridgeRoot Complex Integrated EndpointLess than 64ns64ns to less than 128ns128ns to less than 256ns256ns to less than 512ns512ns to less than 1us1us to less than 2us2us-4usMore than 4usLess than 1us2us to less than 4us4us to less than 8us8us to less than 16us16us to less than 32us32us-64usMore than 64usDisabledL0s Entry EnabledL1 Entry EnabledL0s and L1 Entry Enabled1.0x0.1x0.01x0.001xReservedOnBlinkOffc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\Pci.c-_e -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I/O PrefetchableNon-Prefetchable 32 bit 16 bit2^102^15 Capability Version(3:0): %E0x%04x%N Device/PortType(7:4): %E%s%N Slot Implemented(8): %E%d%N Interrupt Message Number(13:9): %E0x%05x%N Max_Payload_Size Supported(2:0): %E%d bytes%N %EUnknown%N Phantom Functions Supported(4:3): %E%d%N Extended Tag Field Supported(5): %E%d-bit Tag field supported%N Endpoint L0s Acceptable Latency(8:6): %EMaximum of %d ns%N %EMaximum of %d us%N %ENo limit%N Endpoint L1 Acceptable Latency(11:9): Role-based Error Reporting(15): %E%d%N Captured Slot Power Limit Value(25:18): %E0x%02x%N Captured Slot Power Limit Scale(27:26): %E%s%N Function Level Reset Capability(28): %E%d%N Correctable Error Reporting Enable(0): %E%d%N Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable(1): %E%d%N Fatal Error Reporting Enable(2): %E%d%N Unsupported Request Reporting Enable(3): %E%d%N Enable Relaxed Ordering(4): %E%d%N Max_Payload_Size(7:5): Extended Tag Field Enable(8): %E%d%N Phantom Functions Enable(9): %E%d%N Auxiliary (AUX) Power PM Enable(10): %E%d%N Enable No Snoop(11): %E%d%N Max_Read_Request_Size(14:12): Bridge Configuration Retry Enable(15): %E%d%N Correctable Error Detected(0): %E%d%N Non-Fatal Error Detected(1): %E%d%N Fatal Error Detected(2): %E%d%N Unsupported Request Detected(3): %E%d%N AUX Power Detected(4): %E%d%N Transactions Pending(5): %E%d%N 2.5 GT/s5.0 GT/s8.0 GT/s Maximum Link Speed(3:0): %E%s%N Maximum Link Width(9:4): %Ex%d%N NotL0sL1L0s and L1 Active State Power Management Support(11:10): %E%s Supported%N L0s Exit Latency(14:12): %E%s%N L1 Exit Latency(17:15): %E%s%N Clock Power Management(18): %E%d%N Surprise Down Error Reporting Capable(19): %E%d%N Data Link Layer Link Active Reporting Capable(20): %E%d%N Link Bandwidth Notification Capability(21): %E%d%N Port Number(31:24): %E0x%02x%N Active State Power Management Control(1:0): %E%s%N Read Completion Boundary (RCB)(3): %E%d byte%N Link Disable(4): %E%d%N Common Clock Configuration(6): %E%d%N Extended Synch(7): %E%d%N Enable Clock Power Management(8): %E%d%N Hardware Autonomous Width Disable(9): %E%d%N Link Bandwidth Management Interrupt Enable(10): %E%d%N Link Autonomous Bandwidth Interrupt Enable(11): %E%d%N Current Link Speed(3:0): %E%s%N Negotiated Link Width(9:4): %Ex%d%N Link Training(11): %E%d%N Slot Clock Configuration(12): %E%d%N Data Link Layer Link Active(13): %E%d%N Link Bandwidth Management Status(14): %E%d%N Link Autonomous Bandwidth Status(15): %E%d%N Attention Button Present(0): %E%d%N Power Controller Present(1): %E%d%N MRL Sensor Present(2): %E%d%N Attention Indicator Present(3): %E%d%N Power Indicator Present(4): %E%d%N Hot-Plug Surprise(5): %E%d%N Hot-Plug Capable(6): %E%d%N Slot Power Limit Value(14:7): %E0x%02x%N Slot Power Limit Scale(16:15): %E%s%N Electromechanical Interlock Present(17): %E%d%N No Command Completed Support(18): %E%d%N Physical Slot Number(31:19): %E%d%N Attention Button Pressed Enable(0): %E%d%N Power Fault Detected Enable(1): %E%d%N MRL Sensor Changed Enable(2): %E%d%N Presence Detect Changed Enable(3): %E%d%N Command Completed Interrupt Enable(4): %E%d%N Hot-Plug Interrupt Enable(5): %E%d%N Attention Indicator Control(7:6): %E%s%N Power Indicator Control(9:8): %E%s%N Power Controller Control(10): %EPower Off%N On%N Electromechanical Interlock Control(11): %E%d%N Data Link Layer State Changed Enable(12): %E%d%N Attention Button Pressed(0): %E%d%N Power Fault Detected(1): %E%d%N MRL Sensor Changed(2): %E%d%N Presence Detect Changed(3): %E%d%N Command Completed(4): %E%d%N MRL Sensor State(5): %EMRL Opened%N Closed%N Presence Detect State(6): %ECard Present in slot%N %ESlot Empty%N Electromechanical Interlock Status(7): %EElectromechanical Interlock Engaged%N Disengaged%N Data Link Layer State Changed(8): %E%d%N System Error on Correctable Error Enable(0): %E%d%N System Error on Non-Fatal Error Enable(1): %E%d%N System Error on Fatal Error Enable(2): %E%d%N PME Interrupt Enable(3): %E%d%N CRS Software Visibility Enable(4): %E%d%N CRS Software Visibility(0): %E%d%N PME Requester ID(15:0): %E0x%04x%N PME Status(16): %E%d%N PME Pending(17): %E%d%N Unknown PCIe extended capability ID (%04xh). No interpretation available. Pci Express device capability structure: %HStart dumping PCIex extended configuration space (0x100 - 0xFFF).%N c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\Comp.cTempParam != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\Edit\\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\Dmem.c-mmioc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\LoadPciRom.cFile1Buffer != ((void *) 0)loadpcirom%s[%d]c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\MemMap.cVersion == 1-guid-bs-rt-nvc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\SetVar.c%02x Data[0] == L'='Data[0] != L'\0'%sL"--+NV+RT+BS+BS+HR+AW+ATInvalidc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\DmpStore.c-all-l or -sc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\SmbiosView\SmbiosView.c_SM_========================================================= ========================================================= _SM3_ ============================================================ ============================================================ SHOW_NONESHOW_OUTLINESHOW_NORMALSHOW_DETAILSHOW_ALLUndefined typec:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\EfiCompress.cInBuffer != ((void *) 0)OutBuffer != ((void *) 0)Defaultc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\HexEdit\HexEdit.cbinc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\SetSize.c BlockSize: 0x%08x, BlockCount: 0x%08x BlockIoc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\EfiDecompress.cTemp64Bit <= (UINT32)(-1)ScratchBuffer != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\Mode.c-mem-io-pci-pciePciRootBridgeIo != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\Mm.ctxtc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\Edit\FileBuffer.cPrintLine != ((void *) 0)PrintLine2 != ((void *) 0)Disk ErrorDirectory Can Not Be EditedAccess DeniedInvalid File Name or Current-working-directoryRead File FailedFile Format Wrong%d Lines ReadRead Only File Can Not Be SavedDirectory Can Not Be SavedWrite File FailedCreate File Failed%d Lines WroteUnknown CommandRead Only File Can Not Be ModifiedNothing to CutReplaceLen == SearchLenFile modified. Save (Yes/No/Cancel) ? File Name to Open: Invalid File NameNo Line to PasteEnter Search String: Find Next (Yes/No) ?Search String Not FoundReplace With: Replace (Yes/No/All/Cancel) ?Go To Line: No Such LineFile to Save: [%s]Open FailedAccess Denied - Read OnlyFile exists. Overwrite (Yes/No/Cancel) ? %E%s%NUEFI EDITc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\Edit\MainTextEditor.cInvalid Mouse Movement Disk Error. Try Again %d,%d %s %sINS|%s| Help: Ctrl-EOVRVendor: %a BiosVersionBiosSegment: %d BiosReleaseDateSystemBiosMajorReleaseSystemBiosMinorReleaseEmbeddedControllerFirmwareMajorReleaseEmbeddedControllerFirmwareMinorReleaseManufacturerProductNameVersionSerialNumberUuidSKUNumberFamilyAssetTagLocationInChassisChassisHandle: 0x%x TypeOemDefinedSocketProcessorManufactureProcessorIdProcessorVersionExternalClockMaxSpeedCurrentSpeedL1CacheHandleL2CacheHandleL3CacheHandlePartNumberCoreCountEnabledCoreCountThreadCountCoreCount2EnabledCoreCount2ThreadCount2AssociatedMemorySlotNumSocketDesignationMaximumCacheSizeInstalledSizeSupportedSRAMTypeCurrentSRAMTypeCacheSpeedInternalReferenceDesignatorInternal ExternalReferenceDesignatorSlotDesignationSegmentGroupNumBusNumDevFuncNum%a StringCountInstallableLanguagesFlagsReservedCurrentLanguagesGroupNameItemType %d: %d ItemHandle %d: %d LogAreaLengthLogHeaderStartOffsetLogDataStartOffsetAccessMethodAddressLogChangeTokenNumberOfSupportedLogTypeDescriptorsLengthOfLogTypeDescriptorMaximumCapacityMemoryErrorInformationHandleNumberOfMemoryDevicesExtendedMaximumCapacity: 0x%lx MemoryArrayHandleTotalWidthDataWidthSizeDeviceSetDeviceLocatorBankLocatorSpeedAttributesExtendedSizeConfiguredMemoryClockSpeedMinimumVoltageMaximumVoltageConfiguredVoltageVendorSyndromeMemoryArrayErrorAddressDeviceErrorAddressErrorResolutionStartingAddressEndingAddressPartitionWidthExtendedStartingAddressExtendedEndingAddressMemoryDeviceHandleMemoryArrayMappedAddressHandlePartitionRowPositionInterleavePositionInterleavedDataDepthNumberOfButtonsLocationManufactureDateDeviceNameDeviceCapacityDesignVoltageSBDSVersionNumberMaximumErrorInBatteryDataSBDSSerialNumberSBDSDeviceChemistryDesignCapacityMultiplierOEMSpecificResetCountResetLimitTimerIntervalTimeoutNextScheduledPowerOnMonthNextScheduledPowerOnDayOfMonthNextScheduledPowerOnHourNextScheduledPowerOnMinuteNextScheduledPowerOnSecondDescriptionMaximumValueMinimumValueResolutionToleranceAccuracyOEMDefinedNominalValueTemperatureProbeHandleCoolingUnitGroupNominalSpeedManufacturerNameAddressManagementDeviceHandleComponentHandleThresholdHandleLowerThresholdNonCriticalUpperThresholdNonCriticalLowerThresholdCriticalUpperThresholdCriticalLowerThresholdNonRecoverableUpperThresholdNonRecoverableMaximumChannelLoadMemoryDeviceCountIPMISpecificationRevisionI2CSlaveAddressNVStorageDeviceAddressBaseAddressPowerUnitGroupAssetTagNumberModelPartNumberRevisionLevelMaxPowerCapacityInputVoltageProbeHandleCoolingDeviceHandleInputCurrentProbeHandleNumberOfAdditionalInformationEntriesStringValueReferenceDesignationDevice Enabled Device Disabled DeviceTypeInstanceInterfaceType0x%x 8086 80286 8087 80287 80387 80487 M2 Family Intel Celeron M Intel Pentium 4 HT AMD Duron K6 Family K6-2 K6-3 AMD Althon Processor Family AMD 29000 Family K6-2+ Power PC 620 Power PC 704 Power PC 750 Alpha 21064 Alpha 21066 Alpha 21164 Alpha 21164PC Alpha 21164a Alpha 21264 Alpha 21364 AMD Turion II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile M Processor Family AMD Turion II Dual-Core Mobile M Processor Family AMD Althon II Dual-Core M Processor Family AMD Opteron 6100 Series Processor AMD Opteron 4100 Series Processor AMD Opteron 6200 Series Processor AMD Opteron 4200 Series Processor MIPS R4000 MIPS R4200 MIPS R4400 MIPS R4600 MIPS R10000 AMD C-Series Processor AMD E-Series Processor AMD A-Series Processor AMD G-Series Processor SuperSparc microSparc II microSparc IIep UltraSparc UltraSparc II UltraSparcIIi UltraSparcIII UltraSparcIIIi 68xx 68000 68010 68020 68030 Crusoe TM5000 Crusoe TM3000 Efficeon TM8000 Itanium AMD Athlon64 AMD Opteron AMD Sempron AMD Turion64 Mobile Dual-Core AMD Opteron AMD Athlon 64X2 DualCore AMD Turion 64X2 Mobile PA-RISC 8500 PA-RISC 8000 PA-RISC 7300LC PA-RISC 7200 PA-RISC 7100LC PA-RISC 7100 Pentium III Processorwith Intel SpeedStep Technology Pentium 4 processor Intel Xeon Processor AS400 Family Intel Xeon processor MP AMD Althon XP Processor Family AMD Althon MP Promcessor Family Intel Itanium 2 processor Intel Penium M processor Intel Celeron D processor Intel Pentium D processor Intel Pentium Processor Extreme Edition Intel Core Solo Processor Intel Core 2 Duo Processor IBM 390 G4 G5 G6 zArchitecture Intel Core i5 processor Intel Core i3 processor ViaC7M ViaC7D ViaC7 Eden Multi-Core Intel Xeon processor 3400 Series AMD Phenom II Processor Family AMD Althon II Processor Family Six-Core AMD Opteron Processor Family AMD Sempron M Processor Family i860 i960 SH-3 SH-4 ARM StrongARM 6x86 MediaGX MII WinChip DSP Video Processor The system reset is enabled by the user The system reset is disabled by the user Smbios != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\SmbiosView\LibSmbiosView.c(LoopVar3+2)<(2 * (16 + 3) - 1)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\Compress.c(LoopVar3+2)<(16 + 3)Go To Offset: Invalid OffsetDangerous to save disk/mem buffer. Save (Yes/No/Cancel) ? BufferSave: Problems WritingInvalid Block StartInvalid Block EndNo Block is SelectedNothing to PasteBuffer modified. Save (Yes/No/Cancel) ? Block Device to Open: First Block No.: Number of Blocks: Starting Offset: Buffer Size: Invalid parameterRead Device Error!UEFI HEXEDITc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\HexEdit\MainHexEditor.cDisk/Mem Buffer Length should not be changed%8X %x %x %xc:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\HexEdit\BufferImage.c%s %s ... ASCII UNICODE ReadOnly Offset %X | Size %XModifiedYes/No Reserved Other Unknown APM Timer Modem Ring LAN Remote Power Switch AC Power Restored Hosting board Requires at least one daughter board or auxiliary card Removable Replaceable Hot swappable Server Blade Connectivity Switch System Management Module Processor Module I/O Module Memory Module Daughter board Motherboard Processor/Memory Module Processor/IO Module Interconnect Board Other Unknown Desktop Low Profile Desktop Pizza Box Mini Tower Tower Portable LapTop Notebook Hand Held Docking Station All in One Sub Notebook Space-saving Main Server Chassis Expansion Chassis SubChassis Bus Expansion Chassis Peripheral Chassis RAID Chassis Rack Mount Chassis Sealed-case PC Multi-system Chassis CompactPCI AdvancedTCA Blade Blade Enclosure Safe Warning Critical Non-recoverable None External interface locked out External interface enabled Central Processor Math Processor DSP Processor Video Processor OtherDaughter BoardZIF SocketReplaceable Piggy BackLIF SocketSlot 1Slot 2370-pin socketSlot ASlot MSocket 423Socket ASocket 478Socket 754Socket 940Socket 939Socket mPGA604Socket LGA771Socket LGA775Socket S1Socket AM2Socket FSocket LGA1366Socket G34Socket AM3Socket C32Socket LGA1156Socket LGA1567Socket PGA988ASocket BGA1288Socket rPGA988BSocket BGA1023Socket BGA1224Socket LGA1155Socket LGA1356Socket LGA2011Socket FS1Socket FS2Socket FM1Socket FM2Socket LGA2011-3Socket LGA1356-3 64-bit Capable Multi-Core Hardware Thread Execute Protection Enhanced Virtualization Power/Performance Control8-bit Parity32-bit ECC64-bit ECC128-bit ECCCRCSingle Bit Error CorrectingDouble Bit Error CorrectingError ScrubbingOne Way InterleaveTwo Way InterleaveFour Way InterleaveEight Way InterleaveSixteen Way Interleave 70ns 60ns 50ns 5V 3.3V 2.9V Standard Fast Page Mode EDO Parity ECC SIMM DIMM Burst EDO SDRAM Uncorrectable errors received Correctable errors received Error Status obtained from the event log Non-Burst Burst Pipeline Burst Synchronous AsynchronousParitySingle-bit ECCMulti-bit ECCInstructionUnifiedDirect Mapped2-way Set-Associative4-way Set-AssociativeFully Associative8-way Set-Associative16-way Set-Associative12-way Set-Associative24-way Set-Associative32-way Set-Associative48-way Set-Associative64-way Set-Associative20-way Set-AssociativeCentronicsMini CentronicsProprietaryDB-25 pin maleDB-25 pin femaleDB-15 pin maleDB-15 pin femaleDB-9 pin maleDB-9 pin femaleRJ-11RJ-4550 Pin MiniSCSIMini-DINMicro-DINPS/2InfraredHP-HILAccess Bus (USB)SSA SCSICircular DIN-8 maleCircular DIN-8 femaleOn Board IDEOn Board Floppy9 Pin Dual Inline (pin 10 cut)25 Pin Dual Inline (pin 26 cut)50 Pin Dual Inline68 Pin Dual InlineOn Board Sound Input from CD-ROMMini-Centronics Type-14Mini-Centronics Type-26Mini-jack (headphones)BNC1394SAS/SATA Plug ReceptaclePC-98PC-98HiresoPC-H98PC-98NotePC-98FullParallel Port XT/AT CompatibleParallel Port PS/2Parallel Port ECPParallel Port EPPParallel Port ECP/EPPSerial Port XT/AT CompatibleSerial Port 16450 CompatibleSerial Port 16550 CompatibleSerial Port 16550A CompatibleSCSI PortMIDI PortJoy Stick PortKeyboard PortMouse PortFireWire (IEEE P1394)PCMCIA Type IIPCMCIA Type IIICardbusAccess Bus PortSCSI IISCSI WidePC-98-HiresoVideo PortAudio PortModem PortNetwork PortSATA PortSAS Port8251 Compatible8251 FIFO CompatibleOther MCAPCIPC Card (PCMCIA)VL-VESAProcessor Card SlotProprietary Memory Card SlotI/O Riser Card SlotNuBusPCI - 66MHz CapableAGPAGP 2XAGP 4XPCI-XPC-98/C20 PC-98/C24 PC-98/E PC-98/Local Bus PC-98/Card PCI Express PCI Express X1PCI Express X2PCI Express X4PCI Express X8PCI Express X16PCI Express Gen 2PCI Express Gen 2 X1PCI Express Gen 2 X2PCI Express Gen 2 X4PCI Express Gen 2 X8PCI Express Gen 2 X16PCI Express Gen 3PCI Express Gen 3 X1PCI Express Gen 3 X2PCI Express Gen 3 X4PCI Express Gen 3 X8PCI Express Gen 3 X16 8 bit 16 bit 32 bit 64 bit 128 bit 1x or x1 2x or x2 4x or x4 8x or x8 12x or x12 16x or x16 32x or x32 Available In use Short length Long Length Characteristics Unknown Provides 5.0 Volts Provides 3.3 Volts Slot's opening is shared with another slot, e.g. PCI/EISA shared slot. PC Card slot supports PC Card-16 PC Card slot supports CardBus PC Card slot supports Zoom Video PC Card slot supports Modem Ring Resume PCI slot supports Power Management Enable (PME#) signal Slot supports hot-plug devices PCI slot supports SMBus signal Video SCSI Controller Ethernet Token Ring Sound Pata Controller Sata Controller Sas Controller Reserved. Single-bit ECC memory error Multi-bit ECC memory error Parity memory error Bus time-out I/O Channel Check Software NMI POST Memory Resize POST Error PCI Parity Error PCI System Error CPU Failure EISA FailSafe Timer time-out Correctable memory log disabled Logging disabled for a specific Event Type System Limit Exceeded Asynchronous hardware timer expired and issued a system reset System configuration information Hard-disk information System reconfigured Uncorrectable CPU-complex error Log Area Reset/Cleared System boot Unused by SMBIOS specification System and OEM specified End-of-log None Handle Multiple-Event Multiple-Event Handle POST Results Bitmap System Management Type Multiple-Event System Management Type Unused OEM assigned Channel 2 Timer error Master PIC (8259 #1) error Slave PIC (8259 #2) error CMOS Battery Failure CMOS System Options Not Set CMOS Checksum Error CMOS Configuration Error Mouse and Keyboard Swapped Keyboard Locked Keyboard Not Functional Keyboard Controller Not Functional CMOS Memory Size Different Memory Decreased in Size Cache Memory Error Floppy Drive 0 Error Floppy Drive 1 Error Floppy Controller Failure Number of ATA Drives Reduced Error CMOS Time Not Set DDC Monitor Configuration Change Reserved, set to 0 Second DWORD has valid data Normally 0; available for OEM assignment PCI Memory Conflict PCI I/O Conflict PCI IRQ Conflict PNP Memory Conflict PNP 32 bit Memory Conflict PNP I/O Conflict PNP IRQ Conflict PNP DMA Conflict Bad PNP Serial ID Checksum Bad PNP Resource Data Checksum Static Resource Conflict NVRAM Checksum Error, NVRAM Cleared System Board Device Resource Conflict Primary Output Device Not Found Primary Input Device Not Found Primary Boot Device Not Found NVRAM Cleared By Jumper NVRAM Data Invalid, NVRAM Cleared FDC Resource Conflict Primary ATA Controller Resource Conflict Secondary ATA Controller Resource Conflict Parallel Port Resource Conflict Serial Port 1 Resource Conflict Serial Port 2 Resource Conflict Audio Resource Conflict +2.5V Out of range, #2 +3.3V Out of range +5V Out of range -5V Out of range +12V Out of range -12V Out of range Reserved for future out-of-range voltage levels System board temperature out of range Processor #1 temperature out of range Processor #2 temperature out of range Processor #3 temperature out of range Processor #4 temperature out of range Reserved for future out-of-range temperatures Fan n (n = 0 to 7) Out of range Reserved for future assignment via this specification Chassis secure switch activated System board or motherboard ISA add-on card EISA add-on card PCI add-on card MCA add-on card PCMCIA add-on card Proprietary add-on card NuBus PC-98/C20 add-on card PC-98/C24 add-on card PC-98/E add-on card PC-98/Local bus add-on card System memory Video memory Flash memory Non-volatile RAM Cache memory None Parity Single-bit ECC Multi-bit ECC CRC SIMM SIP Chip DIP ZIP Proprietary Card DIMM TSOP Row of chips RIMM SODIMM SRIMM FB-DIMM DRAM EDRAM VRAM SRAM RAM ROM FLASH EEPROM FEPROM EPROM CDRAM 3DRAM SDRAM SGRAM RDRAM DDR DDR2 DDR2 FB-DIMM DDR3 FBD2 Fast-paged Static column Pseudo-STATIC RAMBUS CMOS Window DRAM Cache DRAM Non-volatile Registered(Buffered) Unbuffered(Unregistered) OK Bad read Parity error Single-bit error Double-bit error Multi-bit error Nibble error Checksum error CRC error Corrected single-bit error Corrected error Uncorrectable error Device level Memory partition level Read Write Partial Write Mouse Track Ball Track Point Glide Point Touch Pad Serial PS/2 Infrared HP-HIL Bus mouse ADB(Apple Desktop Bus Bus mouse DB-9 Bus mouse mirco-DIN USB Other Unknown Lead Acid Nickel Cadmium Nickel metal hydride Lithium-ion Zinc air Lithium Polymer OK Non-critical Critical Non-recoverable Processor Disk Peripheral Bay System Management Module Motherboard Memory Module Processor Module Power Unit Add-in Card Fan Centrifugal Blower Chip Fan Cabinet Fan Power Supply Fan Heat Pipe Integrated Refrigeration Active Cooling Passive Cooling National Semiconductor LM75 National Semiconductor LM78 National Semiconductor LM79 National Semiconductor LM80 National Semiconductor LM81 Analog Devices ADM9240 Dallas Semiconductor DS1780 Maxim 1617 Genesys GL518SM Winbond W83781D Holtek HT82H791 I/O Port Memory SM Bus RamBus SyncLink KCS: Keyboard Controller Style SMIC: Server Management Interface Chip BT: Block Transfer Reserved for future assignment by this specification BIOS Information System Information Base Board Information System Enclosure Processor Information Memory Controller Information Memory Module Information Cache Information Port Connector Information System Slots On Board Devices Information OEM Strings System Configuration Options BIOS Language Information Group Associations System Event Log Physical Memory Array Memory Device 32-bit Memory Error Information Memory Array Mapped Address Memory Device Mapped Address Built-in Pointing Device Portable Battery System Reset Hardware Security System Power Controls Voltage Probe Cooling Device Temperature Probe Electrical Current Probe Out-of-Band Remote Access Boot Integrity Services (BIS) Entry Point System Boot Information 64-bit Memory Error Information Management Device Management Device Component Management Device Threshold Data Memory Channel IPMI Device Information System Power Supply Additional Information Onboard Devices Extended Information Management Controller Host Interface Inactive End-of-Table Undefined Value | 1920c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\HexEdit\Misc.cCannot Find DeviceRead Disk FailedInvalid Offset + Sizec:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\HexEdit\DiskImage.cRead Memory FailedMemory Specified Not Accessiblec:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\HexEdit\MemImage.cRead error on file %s: %rError parsing file.c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellDebug1CommandsLib\HexEdit\FileImage.cnetwork1pingifconfig-_s-_ip6gCpu != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellNetwork1CommandsLib\Ping.cPrivate->ProtocolPointers.Transmit != ((void *) 0)Private->IpChoice == 1EfiSb != ((void *) 0)staticdhcpdnsStr != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellNetwork1CommandsLib\Ifconfig.cArgNode != ((void *) 0)ArgNode->Next != ((void *) 0)Size <= 32Media disconnectedMedia presentSubnet NetmaskGatewayDns != ((void *) 0)Private != ((void *) 0)ArgList != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\CompareMemWrapper.cSourceBuffer != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\UefiLib\UefiLibPrint.c((UINTN) Format & 0x00000001) == 0Console != ((void *) 0)StrSize(BufferToReturn)==SizeRequiredBootDriver%s%04xOriginalData != ((void *) 0)c:\svn_code\edk2_code\ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellBcfgCommandLib\UefiShellBcfgCommandLib.c%Boot%04xHandle NumberbcfgNewOrder != ((void *) 0)BootOrderDriverOrderbcfg: Add %s as %x Option IndexTemp2 != ((void *) 0)OptionIndex <= OrderCountKey%04x-optdriverbootdump-v (without dump)addCurrentOperation.FileName == ((void *) 0)CurrentOperation.Description == ((void *) 0)addpaddhc:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseIoLibIntrinsic\IoLib.c(Address & 1) == 0(Address & 3) == 0(Address & 7) == 0(Port & 1) == 0c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdePkg\Library\BaseIoLibIntrinsic\IoLibMsc.c(Port & 3) == 0c:\svn_code\edk2_code\MdeModulePkg\Library\DxeNetLib\DxeNetLib.cIp6 != ((void *) 0)MediaPresent != ((void *) 0)MCastFilter != ((void *) 0)ȩЩة (08@HPX`hpxȪЪت(08@HPX`hpȫЫث(08@HPX`hpȬЬج0 `(8HhpȫЫ(0@HX`pxЬج 08`  (`hȯЯد0 <(0X`pxРؠ 08HP`hxȡء (8@PXhpȢТ 08hpУ 08HPxؤ8@PXhpȥХ(0X`px HP`hxا(0@HxȨب (8@PXhpȩЩ 08hpHP`hxȫث (8@PXhpȬЬ(0@HX`pxЭح 08hpȮЮHP`hxȯد@ h0XС Hآ (8@PXhpУأ 08hpȤФ 08HPxإ (8@PXhpȦЦ(0@HX`pxЧا (8@PXhpȨШ(0@HX`ة(0@HX`pxت (8@hpȫЫ(0@HX`pxЬج 08HPxȭ Lج (hxȭحPȮخ(8@P` (8HXhxȠؠ(8HXhxȡء(8HXhxȢآ(8HXhxȣأ(8HXhxȤؤ(8HXhxȥإ(8HXhxȦئ(8HXhxȧا(8HXhxȨب(8HXhxȩة(8HXhxȪت(8HXhxȫث(8HXhxȬج(8HXhxȭح(8HXhxȮخ(8HXhxȯد0 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