# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging import re from autotest_lib.client.cros.audio import cmd_utils SOX_PATH = 'sox' def _raw_format_args(channels, bits, rate): """Gets raw format args used in sox. @param channels: Number of channels. @param bits: Bit length for a sample. @param rate: Sampling rate. @returns: A list of args. """ args = ['-t', 'raw', '-e', 'signed'] args += _format_args(channels, bits, rate) return args def _format_args(channels, bits, rate): """Gets format args used in sox. @param channels: Number of channels. @param bits: Bit length for a sample. @param rate: Sampling rate. @returns: A list of args. """ return ['-c', str(channels), '-b', str(bits), '-r', str(rate)] def generate_sine_tone_cmd( filename, channels=2, bits=16, rate=48000, duration=None, frequencies=440, gain=None, raw=True): """Gets a command to generate sine tones at specified ferquencies. @param filename: The name of the file to store the sine wave in. @param channels: The number of channels. @param bits: The number of bits of each sample. @param rate: The sampling rate. @param duration: The length of the generated sine tone (in seconds). @param frequencies: The frequencies of the sine wave. Pass a number or a list to specify frequency for each channel. @param gain: The gain (in db). @param raw: True to use raw data format. False to use what filename specifies. """ args = [SOX_PATH, '-n'] if raw: args += _raw_format_args(channels, bits, rate) else: args += _format_args(channels, bits, rate) args.append(filename) args.append('synth') if duration is not None: args.append(str(duration)) if not isinstance(frequencies, list): frequencies = [frequencies] for freq in frequencies: args += ['sine', str(freq)] if gain is not None: args += ['gain', str(gain)] return args def noise_profile(*arg, **karg): """A helper function to execute the noise_profile_cmd.""" return cmd_utils.execute(noise_profile_cmd(*arg, **karg)) def noise_profile_cmd(input, output, channels=1, bits=16, rate=48000): """Gets the noise profile of the input audio. @param input: The input audio. @param output: The file where the output profile will be stored in. @param channels: The number of channels. @param bits: The number of bits of each sample. @param rate: The sampling rate. """ args = [SOX_PATH] args += _raw_format_args(channels, bits, rate) args += [input, '-n', 'noiseprof', output] return args def noise_reduce(*args, **kargs): """A helper function to execute the noise_reduce_cmd.""" return cmd_utils.execute(noise_reduce_cmd(*args, **kargs)) def noise_reduce_cmd( input, output, noise_profile, channels=1, bits=16, rate=48000): """Reduce noise in the input audio by the given noise profile. @param input: The input audio file. @param ouput: The output file in which the noise reduced audio is stored. @param noise_profile: The noise profile. @param channels: The number of channels. @param bits: The number of bits of each sample. @param rate: The sampling rate. """ args = [SOX_PATH] format_args = _raw_format_args(channels, bits, rate) args += format_args args.append(input) # Uses the same format for output. args += format_args args.append(output) args.append('noisered') args.append(noise_profile) return args def extract_channel_cmd( input, output, channel_index, channels=2, bits=16, rate=48000): """Extract the specified channel data from the given input audio file. @param input: The input audio file. @param output: The output file to which the extracted channel is stored @param channel_index: The index of the channel to be extracted. Note: 1 for the first channel. @param channels: The number of channels. @param bits: The number of bits of each sample. @param rate: The sampling rate. """ args = [SOX_PATH] args += _raw_format_args(channels, bits, rate) args.append(input) args += ['-t', 'raw', output] args += ['remix', str(channel_index)] return args def stat_cmd(input, channels=1, bits=16, rate=44100): """Get statistical information about the input audio data. The statistics will be output to standard error. @param input: The input audio file. @param channels: The number of channels. @param bits: The number of bits of each sample. @param rate: The sampling rate. """ args = [SOX_PATH] args += _raw_format_args(channels, bits, rate) args += [input, '-n', 'stat'] return args def get_stat(*args, **kargs): """A helper function to execute the stat_cmd. It returns the statistical information (in text) read from the standard error. """ p = cmd_utils.popen(stat_cmd(*args, **kargs), stderr=cmd_utils.PIPE) #The output is read from the stderr instead of stdout stat_output = p.stderr.read() cmd_utils.wait_and_check_returncode(p) return parse_stat_output(stat_output) _SOX_STAT_ATTR_MAP = { 'Samples read': ('sameple_count', int), 'Length (seconds)': ('length', float), 'RMS amplitude': ('rms', float), 'Rough frequency': ('rough_frequency', float)} _RE_STAT_LINE = re.compile('(.*):(.*)') class _SOX_STAT: def __str__(self): return str(vars(self)) def _remove_redundant_spaces(value): return ' '.join(value.split()).strip() def parse_stat_output(stat_output): """A helper function to parses the stat_cmd's output to get a python object for easy access to the statistics. It returns a python object with the following attributes: .sample_count: The number of the audio samples. .length: The length of the audio (in seconds). .rms: The RMS value of the audio. .rough_frequency: The rough frequency of the audio (in Hz). @param stat_output: The statistics ouput to be parsed. """ stat = _SOX_STAT() for line in stat_output.splitlines(): match = _RE_STAT_LINE.match(line) if not match: continue key, value = (_remove_redundant_spaces(x) for x in match.groups()) attr, convfun = _SOX_STAT_ATTR_MAP.get(key, (None, None)) if attr: setattr(stat, attr, convfun(value)) if not all(hasattr(stat, x[0]) for x in _SOX_STAT_ATTR_MAP.values()): logging.error('stat_output: %s', stat_output) raise RuntimeError('missing entries: ' + str(stat)) return stat def convert_raw_file(path_src, channels_src, bits_src, rate_src, path_dst): """Converts a raw file to a new format. @param path_src: The path to the source file. @param channels_src: The channel number of the source file. @param bits_src: The size of sample in bits of the source file. @param rate_src: The sampling rate of the source file. @param path_dst: The path to the destination file. The file name determines the new file format. """ sox_cmd = [SOX_PATH] sox_cmd += _raw_format_args(channels_src, bits_src, rate_src) sox_cmd += [path_src] sox_cmd += [path_dst] cmd_utils.execute(sox_cmd) def convert_format(path_src, channels_src, bits_src, rate_src, path_dst, channels_dst, bits_dst, rate_dst, volume_scale, use_src_header=False, use_dst_header=False): """Converts a raw file to a new format. @param path_src: The path to the source file. @param channels_src: The channel number of the source file. @param bits_src: The size of sample in bits of the source file. @param rate_src: The sampling rate of the source file. @param path_dst: The path to the destination file. @param channels_dst: The channel number of the destination file. @param bits_dst: The size of sample in bits of the destination file. @param rate_dst: The sampling rate of the destination file. @param volume_scale: A float for volume scale used in sox command. E.g. 1.0 is the same. 0.5 to scale volume by half. -1.0 to invert the data. @param use_src_header: True to use header from source file and skip specifying channel, sample format, and rate for source. False otherwise. @param use_dst_header: True to use header for dst file. False to treat dst file as a raw file. """ sox_cmd = [SOX_PATH] if not use_src_header: sox_cmd += _raw_format_args(channels_src, bits_src, rate_src) sox_cmd += ['-v', '%f' % volume_scale] sox_cmd += [path_src] if not use_dst_header: sox_cmd += _raw_format_args(channels_dst, bits_dst, rate_dst) else: sox_cmd += _format_args(channels_dst, bits_dst, rate_dst) sox_cmd += [path_dst] cmd_utils.execute(sox_cmd) def lowpass_filter(path_src, channels_src, bits_src, rate_src, path_dst, frequency): """Passes a raw file to a lowpass filter. @param path_src: The path to the source file. @param channels_src: The channel number of the source file. @param bits_src: The size of sample in bits of the source file. @param rate_src: The sampling rate of the source file. @param path_dst: The path to the destination file. @param frequency: A float for frequency used in sox command. The 3dB frequency of the lowpass filter. Checks manual of sox command for detail. """ sox_cmd = [SOX_PATH] sox_cmd += _raw_format_args(channels_src, bits_src, rate_src) sox_cmd += [path_src] sox_cmd += _raw_format_args(channels_src, bits_src, rate_src) sox_cmd += [path_dst] sox_cmd += ['lowpass', '-2', str(frequency)] cmd_utils.execute(sox_cmd)