# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging import os import time from autotest_lib.client.bin import site_utils, test, utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import file_utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chrome from autotest_lib.client.cros import power_status, power_utils from autotest_lib.client.cros import service_stopper from autotest_lib.client.cros.video import histogram_verifier from autotest_lib.client.cros.video import constants DISABLE_ACCELERATED_VIDEO_DECODE_BROWSER_ARGS = [ '--disable-accelerated-video-decode'] DOWNLOAD_BASE = 'http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromiumos-test-assets-public/' PLAYBACK_WITH_HW_ACCELERATION = 'playback_with_hw_acceleration' PLAYBACK_WITHOUT_HW_ACCELERATION = 'playback_without_hw_acceleration' # Measurement duration in seconds. MEASUREMENT_DURATION = 30 # Time to exclude from calculation after playing a video [seconds]. STABILIZATION_DURATION = 10 # List of thermal throttling services that should be disabled. # - temp_metrics for link. # - thermal for daisy, snow, pit etc. THERMAL_SERVICES = ['temp_metrics', 'thermal'] # Time in seconds to wait for cpu idle until giveup. WAIT_FOR_IDLE_CPU_TIMEOUT = 60.0 # Maximum percent of cpu usage considered as idle. CPU_IDLE_USAGE = 0.1 CPU_USAGE_DESCRIPTION = 'video_cpu_usage_' DROPPED_FRAMES_DESCRIPTION = 'video_dropped_frames_' DROPPED_FRAMES_PERCENT_DESCRIPTION = 'video_dropped_frames_percent_' POWER_DESCRIPTION = 'video_mean_energy_rate_' # Minimum battery charge percentage to run the test BATTERY_INITIAL_CHARGED_MIN = 10 class video_PlaybackPerf(test.test): """ The test outputs the cpu usage, the dropped frame count and the power consumption for video playback to performance dashboard. """ version = 1 arc_mode = None def initialize(self): self._service_stopper = None self._original_governors = None self._backlight = None def start_playback(self, cr, local_path): """ Opens the video and plays it. @param cr: Autotest Chrome instance. @param local_path: path to the local video file to play. """ cr.browser.platform.SetHTTPServerDirectories(self.bindir) tab = cr.browser.tabs[0] tab.Navigate(cr.browser.platform.http_server.UrlOf(local_path)) tab.WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete() tab.EvaluateJavaScript("document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]." "loop=true") def run_once(self, video_name, video_description, power_test=False, arc_mode=None): """ Runs the video_PlaybackPerf test. @param video_name: the name of video to play in the DOWNLOAD_BASE @param video_description: a string describes the video to play which will be part of entry name in dashboard. @param power_test: True if this is a power test and it would only run the power test. If False, it would run the cpu usage test and the dropped frame count test. @param arc_mode: if 'enabled', run the test with Android enabled. """ # Download test video. url = DOWNLOAD_BASE + video_name local_path = os.path.join(self.bindir, os.path.basename(video_name)) logging.info("Downloading %s to %s", url, local_path); file_utils.download_file(url, local_path) self.arc_mode = arc_mode if not power_test: # Run the video playback dropped frame tests. keyvals = self.test_dropped_frames(local_path) # Every dictionary value is a tuple. The first element of the tuple # is dropped frames. The second is dropped frames percent. keyvals_dropped_frames = {k: v[0] for k, v in keyvals.iteritems()} keyvals_dropped_frames_percent = { k: v[1] for k, v in keyvals.iteritems()} self.log_result(keyvals_dropped_frames, DROPPED_FRAMES_DESCRIPTION + video_description, 'frames') self.log_result(keyvals_dropped_frames_percent, DROPPED_FRAMES_PERCENT_DESCRIPTION + video_description, 'percent') # Run the video playback cpu usage tests. keyvals = self.test_cpu_usage(local_path) self.log_result(keyvals, CPU_USAGE_DESCRIPTION + video_description, 'percent') else: keyvals = self.test_power(local_path) self.log_result(keyvals, POWER_DESCRIPTION + video_description, 'W') def test_dropped_frames(self, local_path): """ Runs the video dropped frame test. @param local_path: the path to the video file. @return a dictionary that contains the test result. """ def get_dropped_frames(cr): time.sleep(MEASUREMENT_DURATION) tab = cr.browser.tabs[0] decoded_frame_count = tab.EvaluateJavaScript( "document.getElementsByTagName" "('video')[0].webkitDecodedFrameCount") dropped_frame_count = tab.EvaluateJavaScript( "document.getElementsByTagName" "('video')[0].webkitDroppedFrameCount") if decoded_frame_count != 0: dropped_frame_percent = \ 100.0 * dropped_frame_count / decoded_frame_count else: logging.error("No frame is decoded. Set drop percent to 100.") dropped_frame_percent = 100.0 logging.info("Decoded frames=%d, dropped frames=%d, percent=%f", decoded_frame_count, dropped_frame_count, dropped_frame_percent) return (dropped_frame_count, dropped_frame_percent) return self.test_playback(local_path, get_dropped_frames) def test_cpu_usage(self, local_path): """ Runs the video cpu usage test. @param local_path: the path to the video file. @return a dictionary that contains the test result. """ def get_cpu_usage(cr): time.sleep(STABILIZATION_DURATION) cpu_usage_start = site_utils.get_cpu_usage() time.sleep(MEASUREMENT_DURATION) cpu_usage_end = site_utils.get_cpu_usage() return site_utils.compute_active_cpu_time(cpu_usage_start, cpu_usage_end) * 100 if not utils.wait_for_idle_cpu(WAIT_FOR_IDLE_CPU_TIMEOUT, CPU_IDLE_USAGE): raise error.TestError('Could not get idle CPU.') if not utils.wait_for_cool_machine(): raise error.TestError('Could not get cold machine.') # Stop the thermal service that may change the cpu frequency. self._service_stopper = service_stopper.ServiceStopper(THERMAL_SERVICES) self._service_stopper.stop_services() # Set the scaling governor to performance mode to set the cpu to the # highest frequency available. self._original_governors = utils.set_high_performance_mode() return self.test_playback(local_path, get_cpu_usage) def test_power(self, local_path): """ Runs the video power consumption test. @param local_path: the path to the video file. @return a dictionary that contains the test result. """ self._backlight = power_utils.Backlight() self._backlight.set_default() self._service_stopper = service_stopper.ServiceStopper( service_stopper.ServiceStopper.POWER_DRAW_SERVICES) self._service_stopper.stop_services() self._power_status = power_status.get_status() # Verify that we are running on battery and the battery is sufficiently # charged. self._power_status.assert_battery_state(BATTERY_INITIAL_CHARGED_MIN) measurements = [power_status.SystemPower( self._power_status.battery_path)] def get_power(cr): power_logger = power_status.PowerLogger(measurements) power_logger.start() time.sleep(STABILIZATION_DURATION) start_time = time.time() time.sleep(MEASUREMENT_DURATION) power_logger.checkpoint('result', start_time) keyval = power_logger.calc() return keyval['result_' + measurements[0].domain + '_pwr'] return self.test_playback(local_path, get_power) def test_playback(self, local_path, gather_result): """ Runs the video playback test with and without hardware acceleration. @param local_path: the path to the video file. @param gather_result: a function to run and return the test result after chrome opens. The input parameter of the funciton is Autotest chrome instance. @return a dictionary that contains test the result. """ keyvals = {} with chrome.Chrome(arc_mode=self.arc_mode, init_network_controller=True) as cr: # Open the video playback page and start playing. self.start_playback(cr, local_path) result = gather_result(cr) # Check if decode is hardware accelerated. if histogram_verifier.is_bucket_present( cr, constants.MEDIA_GVD_INIT_STATUS, constants.MEDIA_GVD_BUCKET): keyvals[PLAYBACK_WITH_HW_ACCELERATION] = result else: logging.info("Can not use hardware decoding.") keyvals[PLAYBACK_WITHOUT_HW_ACCELERATION] = result return keyvals # Start chrome with disabled video hardware decode flag. with chrome.Chrome(extra_browser_args= DISABLE_ACCELERATED_VIDEO_DECODE_BROWSER_ARGS, arc_mode=self.arc_mode) as cr: # Open the video playback page and start playing. self.start_playback(cr, local_path) result = gather_result(cr) # Make sure decode is not hardware accelerated. if histogram_verifier.is_bucket_present( cr, constants.MEDIA_GVD_INIT_STATUS, constants.MEDIA_GVD_BUCKET): raise error.TestError( 'Video decode acceleration should not be working.') keyvals[PLAYBACK_WITHOUT_HW_ACCELERATION] = result return keyvals def log_result(self, keyvals, description, units): """ Logs the test result output to the performance dashboard. @param keyvals: a dictionary that contains results returned by test_playback. @param description: a string that describes the video and test result and it will be part of the entry name in the dashboard. @param units: the units of test result. """ result_with_hw = keyvals.get(PLAYBACK_WITH_HW_ACCELERATION) if result_with_hw is not None: self.output_perf_value( description= 'hw_' + description, value=result_with_hw, units=units, higher_is_better=False) result_without_hw = keyvals[PLAYBACK_WITHOUT_HW_ACCELERATION] self.output_perf_value( description= 'sw_' + description, value=result_without_hw, units=units, higher_is_better=False) def cleanup(self): # cleanup() is run by common_lib/test.py. if self._backlight: self._backlight.restore() if self._service_stopper: self._service_stopper.restore_services() if self._original_governors: utils.restore_scaling_governor_states(self._original_governors) super(video_PlaybackPerf, self).cleanup()