import heapq import os import logging import common from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils from autotest_lib.scheduler import drones from autotest_lib.scheduler import drone_utility from autotest_lib.scheduler import drone_task_queue from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_config from autotest_lib.scheduler import thread_lib try: from chromite.lib import metrics except ImportError: metrics = utils.metrics_mock # results on drones will be placed under the drone_installation_directory in a # directory with this name _DRONE_RESULTS_DIR_SUFFIX = 'results' WORKING_DIRECTORY = object() # see execute_command() AUTOSERV_PID_FILE = '.autoserv_execute' CRASHINFO_PID_FILE = '.collect_crashinfo_execute' PARSER_PID_FILE = '.parser_execute' ARCHIVER_PID_FILE = '.archiver_execute' ALL_PIDFILE_NAMES = (AUTOSERV_PID_FILE, CRASHINFO_PID_FILE, PARSER_PID_FILE, ARCHIVER_PID_FILE) _THREADED_DRONE_MANAGER = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( scheduler_config.CONFIG_SECTION, 'threaded_drone_manager', type=bool, default=True) class DroneManagerError(Exception): pass class CustomEquals(object): def _id(self): raise NotImplementedError def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented return self._id() == other._id() def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(self._id()) class Process(CustomEquals): def __init__(self, hostname, pid, ppid=None): self.hostname = hostname = pid self.ppid = ppid def _id(self): return (self.hostname, def __str__(self): return '%s/%s' % (self.hostname, def __repr__(self): return super(Process, self).__repr__() + '<%s>' % self class PidfileId(CustomEquals): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def _id(self): return self.path def __str__(self): return str(self.path) class _PidfileInfo(object): age = 0 num_processes = None class PidfileContents(object): process = None exit_status = None num_tests_failed = None def is_invalid(self): return False def is_running(self): return self.process and not self.exit_status class InvalidPidfile(object): process = None exit_status = None num_tests_failed = None def __init__(self, error): self.error = error def is_invalid(self): return True def is_running(self): return False def __str__(self): return self.error class _DroneHeapWrapper(object): """Wrapper to compare drones based on used_capacity(). These objects can be used to keep a heap of drones by capacity. """ def __init__(self, drone): self.drone = drone def __cmp__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, _DroneHeapWrapper) return cmp(self.drone.used_capacity(), other.drone.used_capacity()) class BaseDroneManager(object): """ This class acts as an interface from the scheduler to drones, whether it be only a single "drone" for localhost or multiple remote drones. All paths going into and out of this class are relative to the full results directory, except for those returns by absolute_path(). """ # Minimum time to wait before next email # about a drone hitting process limit is sent. NOTIFY_INTERVAL = 60 * 60 * 24 # one day _STATS_KEY = 'drone_manager' _ACTIVE_PROCESS_GAUGE = metrics.Gauge( 'chromeos/autotest/drone/active_processes') def __init__(self): # absolute path of base results dir self._results_dir = None # holds Process objects self._process_set = set() # holds the list of all processes running on all drones self._all_processes = {} # maps PidfileId to PidfileContents self._pidfiles = {} # same as _pidfiles self._pidfiles_second_read = {} # maps PidfileId to _PidfileInfo self._registered_pidfile_info = {} # used to generate unique temporary paths self._temporary_path_counter = 0 # maps hostname to Drone object self._drones = {} self._results_drone = None # maps results dir to dict mapping file path to contents self._attached_files = {} # heapq of _DroneHeapWrappers self._drone_queue = [] # A threaded task queue used to refresh drones asynchronously. if _THREADED_DRONE_MANAGER: self._refresh_task_queue = thread_lib.ThreadedTaskQueue( name='%s.refresh_queue' % self._STATS_KEY) else: self._refresh_task_queue = drone_task_queue.DroneTaskQueue() def initialize(self, base_results_dir, drone_hostnames, results_repository_hostname): self._results_dir = base_results_dir for hostname in drone_hostnames: self._add_drone(hostname) if not self._drones: # all drones failed to initialize raise DroneManagerError('No valid drones found') self.refresh_drone_configs()'Using results repository on %s', results_repository_hostname) self._results_drone = drones.get_drone(results_repository_hostname) results_installation_dir = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( scheduler_config.CONFIG_SECTION, 'results_host_installation_directory', default=None) if results_installation_dir: self._results_drone.set_autotest_install_dir( results_installation_dir) # don't initialize() the results drone - we don't want to clear out any # directories and we don't need to kill any processes def reinitialize_drones(self): for drone in self.get_drones(): with metrics.SecondsTimer( 'chromeos/autotest/drone_manager/' 'reinitialize_drones_duration', fields={'drone': drone.hostname}):'initialize', self._results_dir) def shutdown(self): for drone in self.get_drones(): drone.shutdown() def _get_max_pidfile_refreshes(self): """ Normally refresh() is called on every monitor_db.Dispatcher.tick(). @returns: The number of refresh() calls before we forget a pidfile. """ pidfile_timeout = global_config.global_config.get_config_value( scheduler_config.CONFIG_SECTION, 'max_pidfile_refreshes', type=int, default=2000) return pidfile_timeout def _add_drone(self, hostname):'Adding drone %s', hostname) drone = drones.get_drone(hostname) if drone: self._drones[drone.hostname] = drone'initialize', self.absolute_path('')) def _remove_drone(self, hostname): self._drones.pop(hostname, None) def refresh_drone_configs(self): """ Reread global config options for all drones. """ # Import server_manager_utils is delayed rather than at the beginning of # this module. The reason is that test_that imports drone_manager when # importing autoserv_utils. The import is done before test_that setup # django (test_that only setup django in setup_local_afe, since it's # not needed when test_that runs the test in a lab duts through :lab: # option. Therefore, if server_manager_utils is imported at the # beginning of this module, test_that will fail since django is not # setup yet. from autotest_lib.site_utils import server_manager_utils config = global_config.global_config section = scheduler_config.CONFIG_SECTION config.parse_config_file() for hostname, drone in self._drones.iteritems(): if server_manager_utils.use_server_db(): server = server_manager_utils.get_servers(hostname=hostname)[0] attributes = dict([(a.attribute, a.value) for a in server.attributes.all()]) drone.enabled = ( int(attributes.get('disabled', 0)) == 0) drone.max_processes = int( attributes.get( 'max_processes', scheduler_config.config.max_processes_per_drone)) allowed_users = attributes.get('users', None) else: disabled = config.get_config_value( section, '%s_disabled' % hostname, default='') drone.enabled = not bool(disabled) drone.max_processes = config.get_config_value( section, '%s_max_processes' % hostname, type=int, default=scheduler_config.config.max_processes_per_drone) allowed_users = config.get_config_value( section, '%s_users' % hostname, default=None) if allowed_users: drone.allowed_users = set(allowed_users.split()) else: drone.allowed_users = None'Drone %s.max_processes: %s', hostname, drone.max_processes)'Drone %s.enabled: %s', hostname, drone.enabled)'Drone %s.allowed_users: %s', hostname, drone.allowed_users)'Drone %s.support_ssp: %s', hostname, drone.support_ssp) self._reorder_drone_queue() # max_processes may have changed # Clear notification record about reaching max_processes limit. self._notify_record = {} def get_drones(self): return self._drones.itervalues() def cleanup_orphaned_containers(self): """Queue cleanup_orphaned_containers call at each drone. """ for drone in self._drones.values():'Queue cleanup_orphaned_containers at %s', drone.hostname) drone.queue_call('cleanup_orphaned_containers') def _get_drone_for_process(self, process): return self._drones[process.hostname] def _get_drone_for_pidfile_id(self, pidfile_id): pidfile_contents = self.get_pidfile_contents(pidfile_id) assert pidfile_contents.process is not None return self._get_drone_for_process(pidfile_contents.process) def _drop_old_pidfiles(self): # use items() since the dict is modified in unregister_pidfile() for pidfile_id, info in self._registered_pidfile_info.items(): if info.age > self._get_max_pidfile_refreshes(): logging.warning('dropping leaked pidfile %s', pidfile_id) self.unregister_pidfile(pidfile_id) else: info.age += 1 def _reset(self): self._process_set = set() self._all_processes = {} self._pidfiles = {} self._pidfiles_second_read = {} self._drone_queue = [] def _parse_pidfile(self, drone, raw_contents): """Parse raw pidfile contents. @param drone: The drone on which this pidfile was found. @param raw_contents: The raw contents of a pidfile, eg: "pid\nexit_staus\nnum_tests_failed\n". """ contents = PidfileContents() if not raw_contents: return contents lines = raw_contents.splitlines() if len(lines) > 3: return InvalidPidfile('Corrupt pid file (%d lines):\n%s' % (len(lines), lines)) try: pid = int(lines[0]) contents.process = Process(drone.hostname, pid) # if len(lines) == 2, assume we caught Autoserv between writing # exit_status and num_failed_tests, so just ignore it and wait for # the next cycle if len(lines) == 3: contents.exit_status = int(lines[1]) contents.num_tests_failed = int(lines[2]) except ValueError, exc: return InvalidPidfile('Corrupt pid file: ' + str(exc.args)) return contents def _process_pidfiles(self, drone, pidfiles, store_in_dict): for pidfile_path, contents in pidfiles.iteritems(): pidfile_id = PidfileId(pidfile_path) contents = self._parse_pidfile(drone, contents) store_in_dict[pidfile_id] = contents def _add_process(self, drone, process_info): process = Process(drone.hostname, int(process_info['pid']), int(process_info['ppid'])) self._process_set.add(process) def _add_autoserv_process(self, drone, process_info): assert process_info['comm'] == 'autoserv' # only root autoserv processes have pgid == pid if process_info['pgid'] != process_info['pid']: return self._add_process(drone, process_info) def _enqueue_drone(self, drone): heapq.heappush(self._drone_queue, _DroneHeapWrapper(drone)) def _reorder_drone_queue(self): heapq.heapify(self._drone_queue) def _compute_active_processes(self, drone): drone.active_processes = 0 for pidfile_id, contents in self._pidfiles.iteritems(): is_running = contents.exit_status is None on_this_drone = (contents.process and contents.process.hostname == drone.hostname) if is_running and on_this_drone: info = self._registered_pidfile_info[pidfile_id] if info.num_processes is not None: drone.active_processes += info.num_processes self._ACTIVE_PROCESS_GAUGE.set( drone.active_processes, fields={'drone_hostname': drone.hostname}) def _check_drone_process_limit(self, drone): """ Notify if the number of processes on |drone| is approaching limit. @param drone: A Drone object. """ try: percent = float(drone.active_processes) / drone.max_processes except ZeroDivisionError: percent = 100 metrics.Float('chromeos/autotest/drone/active_process_percentage' ).set(percent, fields={'drone_hostname': drone.hostname}) def trigger_refresh(self): """Triggers a drone manager refresh. @raises DroneManagerError: If a drone has un-executed calls. Since they will get clobbered when we queue refresh calls. """ self._reset() self._drop_old_pidfiles() pidfile_paths = [pidfile_id.path for pidfile_id in self._registered_pidfile_info] drones = list(self.get_drones()) for drone in drones: calls = drone.get_calls() if calls: raise DroneManagerError('Drone %s has un-executed calls: %s ' 'which might get corrupted through ' 'this invocation' % (drone, [str(call) for call in calls])) drone.queue_call('refresh', pidfile_paths)"Invoking drone refresh.") with metrics.SecondsTimer( 'chromeos/autotest/drone_manager/trigger_refresh_duration'): self._refresh_task_queue.execute(drones, wait=False) def sync_refresh(self): """Complete the drone refresh started by trigger_refresh. Waits for all drone threads then refreshes internal datastructures with drone process information. """ # This gives us a dictionary like what follows: # {drone: [{'pidfiles': (raw contents of pidfile paths), # 'autoserv_processes': (autoserv process info from ps), # 'all_processes': (all process info from ps), # 'parse_processes': (parse process infor from ps), # 'pidfile_second_read': (pidfile contents, again),}] # drone2: ...} # The values of each drone are only a list because this adheres to the # drone utility interface (each call is executed and its results are # places in a list, but since we never couple the refresh calls with # any other call, this list will always contain a single dict). with metrics.SecondsTimer( 'chromeos/autotest/drone_manager/sync_refresh_duration'): all_results = self._refresh_task_queue.get_results()"Drones refreshed.") # The loop below goes through and parses pidfile contents. Pidfiles # are used to track autoserv execution, and will always contain < 3 # lines of the following: pid, exit code, number of tests. Each pidfile # is identified by a PidfileId object, which contains a unique pidfile # path (unique because it contains the job id) making it hashable. # All pidfiles are stored in the drone managers _pidfiles dict as: # {pidfile_id: pidfile_contents(Process(drone, pid), # exit_code, num_tests_failed)} # In handle agents, each agent knows its pidfile_id, and uses this # to retrieve the refreshed contents of its pidfile via the # PidfileRunMonitor (through its tick) before making decisions. If # the agent notices that its process has exited, it unregisters the # pidfile from the drone_managers._registered_pidfile_info dict # through its epilog. for drone, results_list in all_results.iteritems(): results = results_list[0] drone_hostname = drone.hostname.replace('.', '_') for process_info in results['all_processes']: if process_info['comm'] == 'autoserv': self._add_autoserv_process(drone, process_info) drone_pid = drone.hostname, int(process_info['pid']) self._all_processes[drone_pid] = process_info for process_info in results['parse_processes']: self._add_process(drone, process_info) self._process_pidfiles(drone, results['pidfiles'], self._pidfiles) self._process_pidfiles(drone, results['pidfiles_second_read'], self._pidfiles_second_read) self._compute_active_processes(drone) if drone.enabled: self._enqueue_drone(drone) self._check_drone_process_limit(drone) def refresh(self): """Refresh all drones.""" with metrics.SecondsTimer( 'chromeos/autotest/drone_manager/refresh_duration'): self.trigger_refresh() self.sync_refresh() @metrics.SecondsTimerDecorator( 'chromeos/autotest/drone_manager/execute_actions_duration') def execute_actions(self): """ Called at the end of a scheduler cycle to execute all queued actions on drones. """ # Invoke calls queued on all drones since the last call to execute # and wait for them to return. if _THREADED_DRONE_MANAGER: thread_lib.ThreadedTaskQueue( name='%s.execute_queue' % self._STATS_KEY).execute( self._drones.values()) else: drone_task_queue.DroneTaskQueue().execute(self._drones.values()) try: self._results_drone.execute_queued_calls() except error.AutoservError: m = 'chromeos/autotest/errors/results_repository_failed' metrics.Counter(m).increment( fields={'drone_hostname': self._results_drone.hostname}) self._results_drone.clear_call_queue() def get_orphaned_autoserv_processes(self): """ Returns a set of Process objects for orphaned processes only. """ return set(process for process in self._process_set if process.ppid == 1) def kill_process(self, process): """ Kill the given process. """'killing %s', process) drone = self._get_drone_for_process(process) drone.queue_call('kill_process', process) def _ensure_directory_exists(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def total_running_processes(self): return sum(drone.active_processes for drone in self.get_drones()) def max_runnable_processes(self, username, drone_hostnames_allowed): """ Return the maximum number of processes that can be run (in a single execution) given the current load on drones. @param username: login of user to run a process. may be None. @param drone_hostnames_allowed: list of drones that can be used. May be None """ usable_drone_wrappers = [wrapper for wrapper in self._drone_queue if wrapper.drone.usable_by(username) and (drone_hostnames_allowed is None or wrapper.drone.hostname in drone_hostnames_allowed)] if not usable_drone_wrappers: # all drones disabled or inaccessible return 0 runnable_processes = [ wrapper.drone.max_processes - wrapper.drone.active_processes for wrapper in usable_drone_wrappers] return max([0] + runnable_processes) def _least_loaded_drone(self, drones): drone_to_use = drones[0] for drone in drones[1:]: if drone.used_capacity() < drone_to_use.used_capacity(): drone_to_use = drone return drone_to_use def _choose_drone_for_execution(self, num_processes, username, drone_hostnames_allowed, require_ssp=False): """Choose a drone to execute command. @param num_processes: Number of processes needed for execution. @param username: Name of the user to execute the command. @param drone_hostnames_allowed: A list of names of drone allowed. @param require_ssp: Require server-side packaging to execute the, command, default to False. @return: A drone object to be used for execution. """ # cycle through drones is order of increasing used capacity until # we find one that can handle these processes checked_drones = [] usable_drones = [] # Drones do not support server-side packaging, used as backup if no # drone is found to run command requires server-side packaging. no_ssp_drones = [] drone_to_use = None while self._drone_queue: drone = heapq.heappop(self._drone_queue).drone checked_drones.append(drone)'Checking drone %s', drone.hostname) if not drone.usable_by(username): continue drone_allowed = (drone_hostnames_allowed is None or drone.hostname in drone_hostnames_allowed) if not drone_allowed: logging.debug('Drone %s not allowed: ', drone.hostname) continue if require_ssp and not drone.support_ssp: logging.debug('Drone %s does not support server-side ' 'packaging.', drone.hostname) no_ssp_drones.append(drone) continue usable_drones.append(drone) if drone.active_processes + num_processes <= drone.max_processes: drone_to_use = drone break'Drone %s has %d active + %s requested > %s max', drone.hostname, drone.active_processes, num_processes, drone.max_processes) if not drone_to_use and usable_drones: # Drones are all over loaded, pick the one with least load. drone_summary = ','.join('%s %s/%s' % (drone.hostname, drone.active_processes, drone.max_processes) for drone in usable_drones) logging.error('No drone has capacity to handle %d processes (%s) ' 'for user %s', num_processes, drone_summary, username) drone_to_use = self._least_loaded_drone(usable_drones) elif not drone_to_use and require_ssp and no_ssp_drones: # No drone supports server-side packaging, choose the least loaded. drone_to_use = self._least_loaded_drone(no_ssp_drones) # refill _drone_queue for drone in checked_drones: self._enqueue_drone(drone) return drone_to_use def _substitute_working_directory_into_command(self, command, working_directory): for i, item in enumerate(command): if item is WORKING_DIRECTORY: command[i] = working_directory def execute_command(self, command, working_directory, pidfile_name, num_processes, log_file=None, paired_with_pidfile=None, username=None, drone_hostnames_allowed=None): """ Execute the given command, taken as an argv list. @param command: command to execute as a list. if any item is WORKING_DIRECTORY, the absolute path to the working directory will be substituted for it. @param working_directory: directory in which the pidfile will be written @param pidfile_name: name of the pidfile this process will write @param num_processes: number of processes to account for from this execution @param log_file (optional): path (in the results repository) to hold command output. @param paired_with_pidfile (optional): a PidfileId for an already-executed process; the new process will execute on the same drone as the previous process. @param username (optional): login of the user responsible for this process. @param drone_hostnames_allowed (optional): hostnames of the drones that this command is allowed to execute on """ abs_working_directory = self.absolute_path(working_directory) if not log_file: log_file = self.get_temporary_path('execute') log_file = self.absolute_path(log_file) self._substitute_working_directory_into_command(command, abs_working_directory) if paired_with_pidfile: drone = self._get_drone_for_pidfile_id(paired_with_pidfile) else: require_ssp = '--require-ssp' in command drone = self._choose_drone_for_execution( num_processes, username, drone_hostnames_allowed, require_ssp=require_ssp) # Enable --warn-no-ssp option for autoserv to log a warning and run # the command without using server-side packaging. if require_ssp and not drone.support_ssp: command.append('--warn-no-ssp') if not drone: raise DroneManagerError('command failed; no drones available: %s' % command)"command = %s", command)'log file = %s:%s', drone.hostname, log_file) self._write_attached_files(working_directory, drone) drone.queue_call('execute_command', command, abs_working_directory, log_file, pidfile_name) drone.active_processes += num_processes self._reorder_drone_queue() pidfile_path = os.path.join(abs_working_directory, pidfile_name) pidfile_id = PidfileId(pidfile_path) self.register_pidfile(pidfile_id) self._registered_pidfile_info[pidfile_id].num_processes = num_processes return pidfile_id def get_pidfile_id_from(self, execution_tag, pidfile_name): path = os.path.join(self.absolute_path(execution_tag), pidfile_name) return PidfileId(path) def register_pidfile(self, pidfile_id): """ Indicate that the DroneManager should look for the given pidfile when refreshing. """ if pidfile_id not in self._registered_pidfile_info:'monitoring pidfile %s', pidfile_id) self._registered_pidfile_info[pidfile_id] = _PidfileInfo() self._reset_pidfile_age(pidfile_id) def _reset_pidfile_age(self, pidfile_id): if pidfile_id in self._registered_pidfile_info: self._registered_pidfile_info[pidfile_id].age = 0 def unregister_pidfile(self, pidfile_id): if pidfile_id in self._registered_pidfile_info:'forgetting pidfile %s', pidfile_id) del self._registered_pidfile_info[pidfile_id] def declare_process_count(self, pidfile_id, num_processes): self._registered_pidfile_info[pidfile_id].num_processes = num_processes def get_pidfile_contents(self, pidfile_id, use_second_read=False): """ Retrieve a PidfileContents object for the given pidfile_id. If use_second_read is True, use results that were read after the processes were checked, instead of before. """ self._reset_pidfile_age(pidfile_id) if use_second_read: pidfile_map = self._pidfiles_second_read else: pidfile_map = self._pidfiles return pidfile_map.get(pidfile_id, PidfileContents()) def is_process_running(self, process): """ Check if the given process is in the running process list. """ if process in self._process_set: return True drone_pid = process.hostname, if drone_pid in self._all_processes: logging.error('Process %s found, but not an autoserv process. ' 'Is %s', process, self._all_processes[drone_pid]) return True return False def get_temporary_path(self, base_name): """ Get a new temporary path guaranteed to be unique across all drones for this scheduler execution. """ self._temporary_path_counter += 1 return os.path.join(drone_utility._TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY, '%s.%s' % (base_name, self._temporary_path_counter)) def absolute_path(self, path, on_results_repository=False): if on_results_repository: base_dir = self._results_dir else: base_dir = os.path.join(drones.AUTOTEST_INSTALL_DIR, _DRONE_RESULTS_DIR_SUFFIX) return os.path.join(base_dir, path) def _copy_results_helper(self, process, source_path, destination_path, to_results_repository=False): logging.debug('_copy_results_helper. process: %s, source_path: %s, ' 'destination_path: %s, to_results_repository: %s', process, source_path, destination_path, to_results_repository) full_source = self.absolute_path(source_path) full_destination = self.absolute_path( destination_path, on_results_repository=to_results_repository) source_drone = self._get_drone_for_process(process) if to_results_repository: source_drone.send_file_to(self._results_drone, full_source, full_destination, can_fail=True) else: source_drone.queue_call('copy_file_or_directory', full_source, full_destination) def copy_to_results_repository(self, process, source_path, destination_path=None): """ Copy results from the given process at source_path to destination_path in the results repository. """ if destination_path is None: destination_path = source_path self._copy_results_helper(process, source_path, destination_path, to_results_repository=True) def copy_results_on_drone(self, process, source_path, destination_path): """ Copy a results directory from one place to another on the drone. """ self._copy_results_helper(process, source_path, destination_path) def _write_attached_files(self, results_dir, drone): attached_files = self._attached_files.pop(results_dir, {}) for file_path, contents in attached_files.iteritems(): drone.queue_call('write_to_file', self.absolute_path(file_path), contents) def attach_file_to_execution(self, results_dir, file_contents, file_path=None): """ When the process for the results directory is executed, the given file contents will be placed in a file on the drone. Returns the path at which the file will be placed. """ if not file_path: file_path = self.get_temporary_path('attach') files_for_execution = self._attached_files.setdefault(results_dir, {}) assert file_path not in files_for_execution files_for_execution[file_path] = file_contents return file_path def write_lines_to_file(self, file_path, lines, paired_with_process=None): """ Write the given lines (as a list of strings) to a file. If paired_with_process is given, the file will be written on the drone running the given Process. Otherwise, the file will be written to the results repository. """ file_contents = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n' if paired_with_process: drone = self._get_drone_for_process(paired_with_process) on_results_repository = False else: drone = self._results_drone on_results_repository = True full_path = self.absolute_path( file_path, on_results_repository=on_results_repository) drone.queue_call('write_to_file', full_path, file_contents) SiteDroneManager = utils.import_site_class( __file__, 'autotest_lib.scheduler.site_drone_manager', 'SiteDroneManager', BaseDroneManager) class DroneManager(SiteDroneManager): pass _the_instance = None def instance(): if _the_instance is None: _set_instance(DroneManager()) return _the_instance def _set_instance(instance): # usable for testing global _the_instance _the_instance = instance