# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import number_types as N from .number_types import (UOffsetTFlags, SOffsetTFlags, VOffsetTFlags) from . import encode from . import packer from . import compat from .compat import range_func from .compat import memoryview_type ## @file ## @addtogroup flatbuffers_python_api ## @{ ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL class OffsetArithmeticError(RuntimeError): """ Error caused by an Offset arithmetic error. Probably caused by bad writing of fields. This is considered an unreachable situation in normal circumstances. """ pass class IsNotNestedError(RuntimeError): """ Error caused by using a Builder to write Object data when not inside an Object. """ pass class IsNestedError(RuntimeError): """ Error caused by using a Builder to begin an Object when an Object is already being built. """ pass class StructIsNotInlineError(RuntimeError): """ Error caused by using a Builder to write a Struct at a location that is not the current Offset. """ pass class BuilderSizeError(RuntimeError): """ Error caused by causing a Builder to exceed the hardcoded limit of 2 gigabytes. """ pass class BuilderNotFinishedError(RuntimeError): """ Error caused by not calling `Finish` before calling `Output`. """ pass # VtableMetadataFields is the count of metadata fields in each vtable. VtableMetadataFields = 2 ## @endcond class Builder(object): """ A Builder is used to construct one or more FlatBuffers. Typically, Builder objects will be used from code generated by the `flatc` compiler. A Builder constructs byte buffers in a last-first manner for simplicity and performance during reading. Internally, a Builder is a state machine for creating FlatBuffer objects. It holds the following internal state: - Bytes: an array of bytes. - current_vtable: a list of integers. - vtables: a list of vtable entries (i.e. a list of list of integers). Attributes: Bytes: The internal `bytearray` for the Builder. finished: A boolean determining if the Builder has been finalized. """ ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTENRAL __slots__ = ("Bytes", "current_vtable", "head", "minalign", "objectEnd", "vtables", "nested", "finished") """Maximum buffer size constant, in bytes. Builder will never allow it's buffer grow over this size. Currently equals 2Gb. """ MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 2**31 ## @endcond def __init__(self, initialSize): """Initializes a Builder of size `initial_size`. The internal buffer is grown as needed. """ if not (0 <= initialSize <= Builder.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE): msg = "flatbuffers: Cannot create Builder larger than 2 gigabytes." raise BuilderSizeError(msg) self.Bytes = bytearray(initialSize) ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL self.current_vtable = None self.head = UOffsetTFlags.py_type(initialSize) self.minalign = 1 self.objectEnd = None self.vtables = [] self.nested = False ## @endcond self.finished = False def Output(self): """Return the portion of the buffer that has been used for writing data. This is the typical way to access the FlatBuffer data inside the builder. If you try to access `Builder.Bytes` directly, you would need to manually index it with `Head()`, since the buffer is constructed backwards. It raises BuilderNotFinishedError if the buffer has not been finished with `Finish`. """ if not self.finished: raise BuilderNotFinishedError() return self.Bytes[self.Head():] ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL def StartObject(self, numfields): """StartObject initializes bookkeeping for writing a new object.""" self.assertNotNested() # use 32-bit offsets so that arithmetic doesn't overflow. self.current_vtable = [0 for _ in range_func(numfields)] self.objectEnd = self.Offset() self.minalign = 1 self.nested = True def WriteVtable(self): """ WriteVtable serializes the vtable for the current object, if needed. Before writing out the vtable, this checks pre-existing vtables for equality to this one. If an equal vtable is found, point the object to the existing vtable and return. Because vtable values are sensitive to alignment of object data, not all logically-equal vtables will be deduplicated. A vtable has the following format: * N, where N is the number of fields in the schema for this type. Includes deprecated fields. Thus, a vtable is made of 2 + N elements, each VOffsetT bytes wide. An object has the following format: + """ # Prepend a zero scalar to the object. Later in this function we'll # write an offset here that points to the object's vtable: self.PrependSOffsetTRelative(0) objectOffset = self.Offset() existingVtable = None # Search backwards through existing vtables, because similar vtables # are likely to have been recently appended. See # BenchmarkVtableDeduplication for a case in which this heuristic # saves about 30% of the time used in writing objects with duplicate # tables. i = len(self.vtables) - 1 while i >= 0: # Find the other vtable, which is associated with `i`: vt2Offset = self.vtables[i] vt2Start = len(self.Bytes) - vt2Offset vt2Len = encode.Get(packer.voffset, self.Bytes, vt2Start) metadata = VtableMetadataFields * N.VOffsetTFlags.bytewidth vt2End = vt2Start + vt2Len vt2 = self.Bytes[vt2Start+metadata:vt2End] # Compare the other vtable to the one under consideration. # If they are equal, store the offset and break: if vtableEqual(self.current_vtable, objectOffset, vt2): existingVtable = vt2Offset break i -= 1 if existingVtable is None: # Did not find a vtable, so write this one to the buffer. # Write out the current vtable in reverse , because # serialization occurs in last-first order: i = len(self.current_vtable) - 1 while i >= 0: off = 0 if self.current_vtable[i] != 0: # Forward reference to field; # use 32bit number to ensure no overflow: off = objectOffset - self.current_vtable[i] self.PrependVOffsetT(off) i -= 1 # The two metadata fields are written last. # First, store the object bytesize: objectSize = UOffsetTFlags.py_type(objectOffset - self.objectEnd) self.PrependVOffsetT(VOffsetTFlags.py_type(objectSize)) # Second, store the vtable bytesize: vBytes = len(self.current_vtable) + VtableMetadataFields vBytes *= N.VOffsetTFlags.bytewidth self.PrependVOffsetT(VOffsetTFlags.py_type(vBytes)) # Next, write the offset to the new vtable in the # already-allocated SOffsetT at the beginning of this object: objectStart = SOffsetTFlags.py_type(len(self.Bytes) - objectOffset) encode.Write(packer.soffset, self.Bytes, objectStart, SOffsetTFlags.py_type(self.Offset() - objectOffset)) # Finally, store this vtable in memory for future # deduplication: self.vtables.append(self.Offset()) else: # Found a duplicate vtable. objectStart = SOffsetTFlags.py_type(len(self.Bytes) - objectOffset) self.head = UOffsetTFlags.py_type(objectStart) # Write the offset to the found vtable in the # already-allocated SOffsetT at the beginning of this object: encode.Write(packer.soffset, self.Bytes, self.Head(), SOffsetTFlags.py_type(existingVtable - objectOffset)) self.current_vtable = None return objectOffset def EndObject(self): """EndObject writes data necessary to finish object construction.""" self.assertNested() self.nested = False return self.WriteVtable() def growByteBuffer(self): """Doubles the size of the byteslice, and copies the old data towards the end of the new buffer (since we build the buffer backwards).""" if len(self.Bytes) == Builder.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE: msg = "flatbuffers: cannot grow buffer beyond 2 gigabytes" raise BuilderSizeError(msg) newSize = min(len(self.Bytes) * 2, Builder.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) if newSize == 0: newSize = 1 bytes2 = bytearray(newSize) bytes2[newSize-len(self.Bytes):] = self.Bytes self.Bytes = bytes2 ## @endcond def Head(self): """Get the start of useful data in the underlying byte buffer. Note: unlike other functions, this value is interpreted as from the left. """ ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL return self.head ## @endcond ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL def Offset(self): """Offset relative to the end of the buffer.""" return UOffsetTFlags.py_type(len(self.Bytes) - self.Head()) def Pad(self, n): """Pad places zeros at the current offset.""" for i in range_func(n): self.Place(0, N.Uint8Flags) def Prep(self, size, additionalBytes): """ Prep prepares to write an element of `size` after `additional_bytes` have been written, e.g. if you write a string, you need to align such the int length field is aligned to SizeInt32, and the string data follows it directly. If all you need to do is align, `additionalBytes` will be 0. """ # Track the biggest thing we've ever aligned to. if size > self.minalign: self.minalign = size # Find the amount of alignment needed such that `size` is properly # aligned after `additionalBytes`: alignSize = (~(len(self.Bytes) - self.Head() + additionalBytes)) + 1 alignSize &= (size - 1) # Reallocate the buffer if needed: while self.Head() < alignSize+size+additionalBytes: oldBufSize = len(self.Bytes) self.growByteBuffer() updated_head = self.head + len(self.Bytes) - oldBufSize self.head = UOffsetTFlags.py_type(updated_head) self.Pad(alignSize) def PrependSOffsetTRelative(self, off): """ PrependSOffsetTRelative prepends an SOffsetT, relative to where it will be written. """ # Ensure alignment is already done: self.Prep(N.SOffsetTFlags.bytewidth, 0) if not (off <= self.Offset()): msg = "flatbuffers: Offset arithmetic error." raise OffsetArithmeticError(msg) off2 = self.Offset() - off + N.SOffsetTFlags.bytewidth self.PlaceSOffsetT(off2) ## @endcond def PrependUOffsetTRelative(self, off): """Prepends an unsigned offset into vector data, relative to where it will be written. """ # Ensure alignment is already done: self.Prep(N.UOffsetTFlags.bytewidth, 0) if not (off <= self.Offset()): msg = "flatbuffers: Offset arithmetic error." raise OffsetArithmeticError(msg) off2 = self.Offset() - off + N.UOffsetTFlags.bytewidth self.PlaceUOffsetT(off2) ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL def StartVector(self, elemSize, numElems, alignment): """ StartVector initializes bookkeeping for writing a new vector. A vector has the following format: - - +, where T is the type of elements of this vector. """ self.assertNotNested() self.nested = True self.Prep(N.Uint32Flags.bytewidth, elemSize*numElems) self.Prep(alignment, elemSize*numElems) # In case alignment > int. return self.Offset() ## @endcond def EndVector(self, vectorNumElems): """EndVector writes data necessary to finish vector construction.""" self.assertNested() ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL self.nested = False ## @endcond # we already made space for this, so write without PrependUint32 self.PlaceUOffsetT(vectorNumElems) return self.Offset() def CreateString(self, s, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'): """CreateString writes a null-terminated byte string as a vector.""" self.assertNotNested() ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL self.nested = True ## @endcond if isinstance(s, compat.string_types): x = s.encode(encoding, errors) elif isinstance(s, compat.binary_types): x = s else: raise TypeError("non-string passed to CreateString") self.Prep(N.UOffsetTFlags.bytewidth, (len(x)+1)*N.Uint8Flags.bytewidth) self.Place(0, N.Uint8Flags) l = UOffsetTFlags.py_type(len(s)) ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL self.head = UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self.Head() - l) ## @endcond self.Bytes[self.Head():self.Head()+l] = x return self.EndVector(len(x)) ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL def assertNested(self): """ Check that we are in the process of building an object. """ if not self.nested: raise IsNotNestedError() def assertNotNested(self): """ Check that no other objects are being built while making this object. If not, raise an exception. """ if self.nested: raise IsNestedError() def assertStructIsInline(self, obj): """ Structs are always stored inline, so need to be created right where they are used. You'll get this error if you created it elsewhere. """ N.enforce_number(obj, N.UOffsetTFlags) if obj != self.Offset(): msg = ("flatbuffers: Tried to write a Struct at an Offset that " "is different from the current Offset of the Builder.") raise StructIsNotInlineError(msg) def Slot(self, slotnum): """ Slot sets the vtable key `voffset` to the current location in the buffer. """ self.assertNested() self.current_vtable[slotnum] = self.Offset() ## @endcond def Finish(self, rootTable): """Finish finalizes a buffer, pointing to the given `rootTable`.""" N.enforce_number(rootTable, N.UOffsetTFlags) self.Prep(self.minalign, N.UOffsetTFlags.bytewidth) self.PrependUOffsetTRelative(rootTable) self.finished = True return self.Head() ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL def Prepend(self, flags, off): self.Prep(flags.bytewidth, 0) self.Place(off, flags) def PrependSlot(self, flags, o, x, d): N.enforce_number(x, flags) N.enforce_number(d, flags) if x != d: self.Prepend(flags, x) self.Slot(o) def PrependBoolSlot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.BoolFlags, *args) def PrependByteSlot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Uint8Flags, *args) def PrependUint8Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Uint8Flags, *args) def PrependUint16Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Uint16Flags, *args) def PrependUint32Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Uint32Flags, *args) def PrependUint64Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Uint64Flags, *args) def PrependInt8Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Int8Flags, *args) def PrependInt16Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Int16Flags, *args) def PrependInt32Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Int32Flags, *args) def PrependInt64Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Int64Flags, *args) def PrependFloat32Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Float32Flags, *args) def PrependFloat64Slot(self, *args): self.PrependSlot(N.Float64Flags, *args) def PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(self, o, x, d): """ PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot prepends an UOffsetT onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written. """ if x != d: self.PrependUOffsetTRelative(x) self.Slot(o) def PrependStructSlot(self, v, x, d): """ PrependStructSlot prepends a struct onto the object at vtable slot `o`. Structs are stored inline, so nothing additional is being added. In generated code, `d` is always 0. """ N.enforce_number(d, N.UOffsetTFlags) if x != d: self.assertStructIsInline(x) self.Slot(v) ## @endcond def PrependBool(self, x): """Prepend a `bool` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.BoolFlags, x) def PrependByte(self, x): """Prepend a `byte` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Uint8Flags, x) def PrependUint8(self, x): """Prepend an `uint8` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Uint8Flags, x) def PrependUint16(self, x): """Prepend an `uint16` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Uint16Flags, x) def PrependUint32(self, x): """Prepend an `uint32` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Uint32Flags, x) def PrependUint64(self, x): """Prepend an `uint64` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Uint64Flags, x) def PrependInt8(self, x): """Prepend an `int8` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Int8Flags, x) def PrependInt16(self, x): """Prepend an `int16` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Int16Flags, x) def PrependInt32(self, x): """Prepend an `int32` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Int32Flags, x) def PrependInt64(self, x): """Prepend an `int64` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Int64Flags, x) def PrependFloat32(self, x): """Prepend a `float32` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Float32Flags, x) def PrependFloat64(self, x): """Prepend a `float64` to the Builder buffer. Note: aligns and checks for space. """ self.Prepend(N.Float64Flags, x) ############################################################## ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL def PrependVOffsetT(self, x): self.Prepend(N.VOffsetTFlags, x) def Place(self, x, flags): """ Place prepends a value specified by `flags` to the Builder, without checking for available space. """ N.enforce_number(x, flags) self.head = self.head - flags.bytewidth encode.Write(flags.packer_type, self.Bytes, self.Head(), x) def PlaceVOffsetT(self, x): """PlaceVOffsetT prepends a VOffsetT to the Builder, without checking for space. """ N.enforce_number(x, N.VOffsetTFlags) self.head = self.head - N.VOffsetTFlags.bytewidth encode.Write(packer.voffset, self.Bytes, self.Head(), x) def PlaceSOffsetT(self, x): """PlaceSOffsetT prepends a SOffsetT to the Builder, without checking for space. """ N.enforce_number(x, N.SOffsetTFlags) self.head = self.head - N.SOffsetTFlags.bytewidth encode.Write(packer.soffset, self.Bytes, self.Head(), x) def PlaceUOffsetT(self, x): """PlaceUOffsetT prepends a UOffsetT to the Builder, without checking for space. """ N.enforce_number(x, N.UOffsetTFlags) self.head = self.head - N.UOffsetTFlags.bytewidth encode.Write(packer.uoffset, self.Bytes, self.Head(), x) ## @endcond ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL def vtableEqual(a, objectStart, b): """vtableEqual compares an unwritten vtable to a written vtable.""" N.enforce_number(objectStart, N.UOffsetTFlags) if len(a) * N.VOffsetTFlags.bytewidth != len(b): return False for i, elem in enumerate(a): x = encode.Get(packer.voffset, b, i * N.VOffsetTFlags.bytewidth) # Skip vtable entries that indicate a default value. if x == 0 and elem == 0: pass else: y = objectStart - elem if x != y: return False return True ## @endcond ## @}