/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.polo.wire.json; import com.google.polo.exception.PoloException; import com.google.polo.json.JSONException; import com.google.polo.json.JSONObject; import com.google.polo.pairing.PairingContext; import com.google.polo.pairing.PoloUtil; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.PoloMessage; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.PoloMessage.PoloMessageType; import com.google.polo.wire.PoloWireInterface; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; /** * A {@link PoloWireInterface} which uses JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) for * the message representation. *
* Messages are streamed over the wire prepended with an integer which indicates * the total length, in bytes, of the message which follows. The format of the * message is JSON. *
* See {@link JsonMessageBuilder} for the underlying message translation * implementation. */ public class JsonWireAdapter implements PoloWireInterface { /** * The output coming from the peer. */ private final DataInputStream mInputStream; /** * The input going to the peer. */ private final DataOutputStream mOutputStream; /** * Constructor. * * @param input the {@link InputStream} from the peer * @param output the {@link OutputStream} to the peer */ public JsonWireAdapter(InputStream input, OutputStream output) { mInputStream = new DataInputStream(input); mOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(output); } /** * Generates a new instance from a {@link PairingContext}. * * @param context the {@link PairingContext} * @return the new instance */ public static JsonWireAdapter fromContext(PairingContext context) { return new JsonWireAdapter(context.getPeerInputStream(), context .getPeerOutputStream()); } public PoloMessage getNextMessage() throws IOException, PoloException { byte[] payloadLenBytes = new byte[4]; mInputStream.readFully(payloadLenBytes); long payloadLen = PoloUtil.intBigEndianBytesToLong(payloadLenBytes); byte[] outerJsonBytes = new byte[(int) payloadLen]; mInputStream.readFully(outerJsonBytes); return parseOuterMessageString(new String(outerJsonBytes)); } public PoloMessage parseOuterMessageString(String outerString) throws PoloException { JSONObject outerMessage; try { outerMessage = new JSONObject(outerString); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new PoloException("Error parsing incoming message", e); } return JsonMessageBuilder.outerJsonToPoloMessage(outerMessage); } public PoloMessage getNextMessage(PoloMessageType type) throws IOException, PoloException { PoloMessage message = getNextMessage(); if (message.getType() != type) { throw new PoloException("Wrong message type (wanted " + type + ", got " + message.getType() + ")"); } return message; } public void sendErrorMessage(Exception exception) throws IOException { try { writeJson(JsonMessageBuilder.getErrorJson(exception)); } catch (PoloException e) { throw new IOException("Error sending error message"); } } public void sendMessage(PoloMessage message) throws IOException { String outString; JSONObject outerJson; try { outerJson = JsonMessageBuilder.getOuterJson(message); } catch (PoloException e) { throw new IOException("Error generating message"); } writeJson(outerJson); } /** * Writes a {@link JSONObject} to the output stream as a {@link String}. * * @param message the message to write * @throws IOException on error generating the serialized message */ private void writeJson(JSONObject message) throws IOException { byte[] outBytes = message.toString().getBytes(); mOutputStream.write(PoloUtil.intToBigEndianIntBytes(outBytes.length)); mOutputStream.write(outBytes); } }