/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.polo.wire.protobuf; import com.google.polo.exception.BadSecretException; import com.google.polo.exception.NoConfigurationException; import com.google.polo.exception.PoloException; import com.google.polo.exception.ProtocolErrorException; import com.google.polo.pairing.PairingContext; import com.google.polo.pairing.PoloUtil; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.ConfigurationAckMessage; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.ConfigurationMessage; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.EncodingOption; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.OptionsMessage; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.PairingRequestAckMessage; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.PairingRequestMessage; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.PoloMessage; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.SecretAckMessage; import com.google.polo.pairing.message.SecretMessage; import com.google.polo.wire.PoloWireInterface; import com.google.polo.wire.protobuf.nano.PoloProto; import com.google.polo.wire.protobuf.nano.PoloProto.OuterMessage; import com.google.protobuf.nano.MessageNano; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; /** * Implementation of {@link PoloWireInterface} that uses Protocol Buffers for * the data representation. *
* The primary work of this class is to translate Protocol Buffer messages * instances (derived from {@link MessageNano} to an internal message * instance (derived from {@link PoloMessage}, and vice versa. * * The reason we are going through all this trouble, and not using protocol * buffer objects directly, is that we'd like to limit the scope of protocol * buffers to the wire protocol only. Some applications may prefer to use * a different wire format, where the requirement of adding the protobuf library * could be an impediment. */ public class ProtobufWireAdapter implements PoloWireInterface { /** * The output coming from the peer. */ private final InputStream mInputStream; /** * The input going to the peer. */ private final OutputStream mOutputStream; /** * Constructor. * * @param input the {@link InputStream} from the peer * @param output the {@link OutputStream} to the peer */ public ProtobufWireAdapter(InputStream input, OutputStream output) { mInputStream = input; mOutputStream = output; } /** * Generates a new instance from a {@link PairingContext}. * * @param context the {@link PairingContext} * @return the new instance */ public static ProtobufWireAdapter fromContext(PairingContext context) { return new ProtobufWireAdapter(context.getPeerInputStream(), context.getPeerOutputStream()); } /** * Returns the next message sent over the wire, blocking as necessary. */ public PoloMessage getNextMessage() throws IOException, PoloException { return protoToPoloMessage(readNextInnerMessage()); } /** * Returns the next message read over the wire, requiring it to be a certain * type. * * @param type the required message type * @throws IOException on error during read * @throws PoloException if the wrong message type was read, or on protocol * error */ public PoloMessage getNextMessage(PoloMessage.PoloMessageType type) throws IOException, PoloException { PoloMessage message = getNextMessage(); if (message.getType() != type) { throw new PoloException("Wrong message type (wanted " + type + ", got " + message.getType() + ")"); } return message; } /** * Returns the next message seen on the input stream. * * @return the next OuterMessage read from the wire * @throws IOException on error during read */ private OuterMessage readNextOuterMessage() throws IOException, PoloException { // Read the preamble (length of payload) byte[] preambleBuffer = readBytesBlocking(4); int messageLen = (int) PoloUtil.intBigEndianBytesToLong(preambleBuffer); // Read the payload (serialized PoloMessage) byte[] messageBuffer = readBytesBlocking(messageLen); // Decode and return the payload OuterMessage message = OuterMessage.parseFrom(messageBuffer); if (message.status != OuterMessage.STATUS_OK) { throw new ProtocolErrorException(); } return message; } /** * Reads the next inner message from the wire, decoding and handling the outer * message in the process. * * @return a protocol buffer message * @throws IOException on error during read * @throws PoloException on protocol error */ private MessageNano readNextInnerMessage() throws IOException, PoloException { OuterMessage message = readNextOuterMessage(); byte[] payload = message.payload; if (message.type == OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_OPTIONS) { return PoloProto.Options.parseFrom(payload); } else if (message.type == OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_PAIRING_REQUEST) { return PoloProto.PairingRequest.parseFrom(payload); } else if (message.type == OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_PAIRING_REQUEST_ACK) { return PoloProto.PairingRequestAck.parseFrom(payload); } else if (message.type == OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION) { return PoloProto.Configuration.parseFrom(payload); } else if (message.type == OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_ACK) { return PoloProto.ConfigurationAck.parseFrom(payload); } else if (message.type == OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_SECRET) { return PoloProto.Secret.parseFrom(payload); } else if (message.type == OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_SECRET_ACK) { return PoloProto.SecretAck.parseFrom(payload); } throw new IOException("Could not unparse message"); } /** * Convenience method to read a fixed number of bytes from the client * InputStream, blocking if necessary. * * @param numBytes the number of bytes to read * @return the bytes read * @throws IOException on error during read */ private byte[] readBytesBlocking(int numBytes) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[numBytes]; int bytesRead = 0; // For an SSLSocket, read() can frequently return zero bytes, // or fewer bytes than desired, due to SSL unwrapping and other // non-application-data events. while (bytesRead < numBytes) { int inc = mInputStream.read(buf, bytesRead, numBytes - bytesRead); if (inc < 0) { throw new IOException("Stream closed while reading."); } bytesRead += inc; } return buf; } /** * Wraps an outer message in an inner message. * * @param message the {@link MessageNano} to wrap * @throws PoloException if the message was not well formed */ private OuterMessage wrapInnerMessage(MessageNano message) throws PoloException { int type; if (message instanceof PoloProto.Options) { type = OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_OPTIONS; } else if (message instanceof PoloProto.PairingRequest) { type = OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_PAIRING_REQUEST; } else if (message instanceof PoloProto.PairingRequestAck) { type = OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_PAIRING_REQUEST_ACK; } else if (message instanceof PoloProto.Configuration) { type = OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION; } else if (message instanceof PoloProto.ConfigurationAck) { type = OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_ACK; } else if (message instanceof PoloProto.Secret) { type = OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_SECRET; } else if (message instanceof PoloProto.SecretAck) { type = OuterMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_SECRET_ACK; } else { throw new PoloException("Bad inner message type."); } // compose outer message OuterMessage outerMessage = new OuterMessage(); outerMessage.status = OuterMessage.STATUS_OK; outerMessage.protocolVersion = 1; outerMessage.type = type; outerMessage.payload = MessageNano.toByteArray(message); return outerMessage; } /** * Writes an {@link OuterMessage} to the wire. * * @param message the message * @throws IOException on error during write */ private void writeMessage(OuterMessage message) throws IOException { byte[] messageBytes = message.payload; int messageLength = messageBytes.length; mOutputStream.write(PoloUtil.intToBigEndianIntBytes(messageLength)); mOutputStream.write(messageBytes); } /** * Writes a new message to the wire. */ public void sendMessage(PoloMessage message) throws IOException, PoloException { MessageNano pb = poloMessageToProto(message); OuterMessage outerMessage = wrapInnerMessage(pb); writeMessage(outerMessage); } /** * Sends a new error message to the wire. */ public void sendErrorMessage(Exception e) throws IOException { OuterMessage outerMessage = new OuterMessage(); outerMessage.protocolVersion = 1; if (e instanceof NoConfigurationException) { outerMessage.status = OuterMessage.STATUS_BAD_CONFIGURATION; } else if (e instanceof BadSecretException) { outerMessage.status = OuterMessage.STATUS_BAD_SECRET; } else { outerMessage.status = OuterMessage.STATUS_ERROR; } writeMessage(outerMessage); } /** * Converts an internal message to the corresponding protocol buffer message. * * @param poloMessage the internal message * @return a new {@link MessageNano} instance */ private MessageNano poloMessageToProto(PoloMessage poloMessage) { if (poloMessage instanceof PairingRequestMessage) { return toProto((PairingRequestMessage) poloMessage); } else if (poloMessage instanceof PairingRequestAckMessage) { return toProto((PairingRequestAckMessage) poloMessage); } else if (poloMessage instanceof OptionsMessage) { return toProto((OptionsMessage) poloMessage); } else if (poloMessage instanceof ConfigurationMessage) { return toProto((ConfigurationMessage) poloMessage); } else if (poloMessage instanceof ConfigurationAckMessage) { return toProto((ConfigurationAckMessage) poloMessage); } else if (poloMessage instanceof SecretMessage) { return toProto((SecretMessage) poloMessage); } else if (poloMessage instanceof SecretAckMessage) { return toProto((SecretAckMessage) poloMessage); } return null; } /** * Converts a {@link PairingRequestMessage} to a * {@link PoloProto.PairingRequest}. */ private PoloProto.PairingRequest toProto(PairingRequestMessage poloMessage) { PoloProto.PairingRequest pairingRequest = new PoloProto.PairingRequest(); pairingRequest.serviceName = poloMessage.getServiceName(); if (poloMessage.hasClientName()) { pairingRequest.clientName = poloMessage.getClientName(); } return pairingRequest; } /** * Converts a {@link PairingRequestAckMessage} to a * {@link PoloProto.PairingRequestAck}. */ private PoloProto.PairingRequestAck toProto(PairingRequestAckMessage poloMessage) { PoloProto.PairingRequestAck pairingRequestAck = new PoloProto.PairingRequestAck(); if (poloMessage.hasServerName()) { pairingRequestAck.serverName = poloMessage.getServerName(); } return pairingRequestAck; } /** * Converts a {@link OptionsMessage} to a {@link PoloProto.Options}. */ private PoloProto.Options toProto(OptionsMessage poloMessage) { PoloProto.Options options = new PoloProto.Options(); switch (poloMessage.getProtocolRolePreference()) { case DISPLAY_DEVICE: options.preferredRole = PoloProto.Options.ROLE_TYPE_INPUT; break; case INPUT_DEVICE: options.preferredRole = PoloProto.Options.ROLE_TYPE_OUTPUT; break; } int i = 0, n = poloMessage.getOutputEncodingSet().size(); options.outputEncodings = new PoloProto.Options.Encoding[n]; for (EncodingOption enc : poloMessage.getOutputEncodingSet()) { options.outputEncodings[i++] = toProto(enc); } i = 0; n = poloMessage.getInputEncodingSet().size(); options.inputEncodings = new PoloProto.Options.Encoding[n]; for (EncodingOption enc : poloMessage.getInputEncodingSet()) { options.inputEncodings[i++] = toProto(enc); } return options; } /** * Converts a {@link ConfigurationMessage} to a * {@link PoloProto.Configuration}. */ private PoloProto.Configuration toProto(ConfigurationMessage poloMessage) { PoloProto.Configuration configuration = new PoloProto.Configuration(); configuration.encoding = toProto(poloMessage.getEncoding()); configuration.clientRole = toProto(poloMessage.getClientRole()); return configuration; } /** * Converts a {@link EncodingOption} to a {@link PoloProto.Options.Encoding}. */ private PoloProto.Options.Encoding toProto(EncodingOption enc) { PoloProto.Options.Encoding encoding = new PoloProto.Options.Encoding(); switch (enc.getType()) { case ENCODING_ALPHANUMERIC: encoding.type = PoloProto.Options.Encoding.ENCODING_TYPE_ALPHANUMERIC; break; case ENCODING_HEXADECIMAL: encoding.type = PoloProto.Options.Encoding.ENCODING_TYPE_HEXADECIMAL; break; case ENCODING_NUMERIC: encoding.type = PoloProto.Options.Encoding.ENCODING_TYPE_NUMERIC; break; case ENCODING_QRCODE: encoding.type = PoloProto.Options.Encoding.ENCODING_TYPE_QRCODE; break; default: encoding.type = PoloProto.Options.Encoding.ENCODING_TYPE_UNKNOWN; break; } encoding.symbolLength = enc.getSymbolLength(); return encoding; } /** * Converts a {@link OptionsMessage.ProtocolRole} to a * {@link PoloProto.Options}. */ private int toProto(OptionsMessage.ProtocolRole role) { switch (role) { case DISPLAY_DEVICE: return PoloProto.Options.ROLE_TYPE_OUTPUT; case INPUT_DEVICE: return PoloProto.Options.ROLE_TYPE_INPUT; default: return PoloProto.Options.ROLE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } } /** * Converts a {@link ConfigurationAckMessage} to a * {@link PoloProto.ConfigurationAck}. */ private PoloProto.ConfigurationAck toProto(ConfigurationAckMessage poloMessage) { PoloProto.ConfigurationAck configurationAck = new PoloProto.ConfigurationAck(); return configurationAck; } /** * Converts a {@link SecretMessage} to a {@link PoloProto.Secret}. */ private PoloProto.Secret toProto(SecretMessage poloMessage) { PoloProto.Secret secret = new PoloProto.Secret(); secret.secret = poloMessage.getSecret(); return secret; } /** * Converts a {@link SecretAckMessage} to a {@link PoloProto.SecretAck}. */ private PoloProto.SecretAck toProto(SecretAckMessage poloMessage) { PoloProto.SecretAck secretAck = new PoloProto.SecretAck(); secretAck.secret = poloMessage.getSecret(); return secretAck; } // // polo -> protocol buffer routines // /** * Converts a protocol buffer message to the corresponding internal * message. * * @param protoMessage the protobuf message to convert * @return the new {@link PoloMessage} */ private PoloMessage protoToPoloMessage(MessageNano protoMessage) { if (protoMessage instanceof PoloProto.PairingRequest) { return fromProto((PoloProto.PairingRequest) protoMessage); } else if (protoMessage instanceof PoloProto.PairingRequestAck) { return fromProto((PoloProto.PairingRequestAck) protoMessage); } else if (protoMessage instanceof PoloProto.Options) { return fromProto((PoloProto.Options) protoMessage); } else if (protoMessage instanceof PoloProto.Configuration) { return fromProto((PoloProto.Configuration) protoMessage); } else if (protoMessage instanceof PoloProto.ConfigurationAck) { return fromProto((PoloProto.ConfigurationAck) protoMessage); } else if (protoMessage instanceof PoloProto.Secret) { return fromProto((PoloProto.Secret) protoMessage); } else if (protoMessage instanceof PoloProto.SecretAck) { return fromProto((PoloProto.SecretAck) protoMessage); } return null; } /** * Converts a {@link PoloProto.PairingRequest} to a * {@link PairingRequestMessage}. */ private PairingRequestMessage fromProto(PoloProto.PairingRequest protoMessage) { return new PairingRequestMessage(protoMessage.serviceName, protoMessage.clientName); } /** * Converts a {@link PoloProto.PairingRequestAck} to a * {@link PairingRequestAckMessage}. */ private PairingRequestAckMessage fromProto(PoloProto.PairingRequestAck protoMessage) { return new PairingRequestAckMessage(protoMessage.serverName); } /** * Converts a {@link PoloProto.Options} to a {@link OptionsMessage}. */ private OptionsMessage fromProto(PoloProto.Options protoMessage) { OptionsMessage optionsMessage = new OptionsMessage(); switch (protoMessage.preferredRole) { case PoloProto.Options.ROLE_TYPE_INPUT: optionsMessage.setProtocolRolePreference(OptionsMessage.ProtocolRole.INPUT_DEVICE); break; case PoloProto.Options.ROLE_TYPE_OUTPUT: optionsMessage.setProtocolRolePreference(OptionsMessage.ProtocolRole.DISPLAY_DEVICE); break; } for (PoloProto.Options.Encoding e : protoMessage.inputEncodings) { optionsMessage.addInputEncoding(fromProto(e)); } for (PoloProto.Options.Encoding e : protoMessage.outputEncodings) { optionsMessage.addOutputEncoding(fromProto(e)); } return optionsMessage; } /** * Converts a {@link PoloProto.Configuration} to a * {@link ConfigurationMessage}. */ private ConfigurationMessage fromProto(PoloProto.Configuration protoMessage) { EncodingOption enc = fromProto(protoMessage.encoding); OptionsMessage.ProtocolRole role = OptionsMessage.ProtocolRole.UNKNOWN; switch (protoMessage.clientRole) { case PoloProto.Options.ROLE_TYPE_INPUT: role = OptionsMessage.ProtocolRole.INPUT_DEVICE; break; case PoloProto.Options.ROLE_TYPE_OUTPUT: role = OptionsMessage.ProtocolRole.DISPLAY_DEVICE; break; } return new ConfigurationMessage(enc, role); } /** * Converts a {@link PoloProto.ConfigurationAck} to a * {@link ConfigurationAckMessage}. */ private ConfigurationAckMessage fromProto(PoloProto.ConfigurationAck protoMessage) { return new ConfigurationAckMessage(); } /** * Converts a {@link PoloProto.Secret} to a {@link SecretMessage}. */ private SecretMessage fromProto(PoloProto.Secret protoMessage) { return new SecretMessage(protoMessage.secret); } /** * Converts a {@link PoloProto.SecretAck} to a {@link SecretAckMessage}. */ private SecretAckMessage fromProto(PoloProto.SecretAck protoMessage) { return new SecretAckMessage(protoMessage.secret); } /** * Converts a {@link PoloProto.Options.Encoding} to a {@link EncodingOption}. */ private EncodingOption fromProto(PoloProto.Options.Encoding enc) { EncodingOption.EncodingType type; switch (enc.type) { case PoloProto.Options.Encoding.ENCODING_TYPE_ALPHANUMERIC: type = EncodingOption.EncodingType.ENCODING_ALPHANUMERIC; break; case PoloProto.Options.Encoding.ENCODING_TYPE_HEXADECIMAL: type = EncodingOption.EncodingType.ENCODING_HEXADECIMAL; break; case PoloProto.Options.Encoding.ENCODING_TYPE_NUMERIC: type = EncodingOption.EncodingType.ENCODING_NUMERIC; break; case PoloProto.Options.Encoding.ENCODING_TYPE_QRCODE: type = EncodingOption.EncodingType.ENCODING_QRCODE; break; default: type = EncodingOption.EncodingType.ENCODING_UNKNOWN; } return new EncodingOption(type, enc.symbolLength); } }