// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "dbus/object_manager.h" #include <stddef.h> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/task_runner_util.h" #include "dbus/bus.h" #include "dbus/dbus_statistics.h" #include "dbus/message.h" #include "dbus/object_proxy.h" #include "dbus/property.h" #include "dbus/scoped_dbus_error.h" #include "dbus/util.h" namespace dbus { ObjectManager::Object::Object() : object_proxy(NULL) { } ObjectManager::Object::~Object() { } ObjectManager::ObjectManager(Bus* bus, const std::string& service_name, const ObjectPath& object_path) : bus_(bus), service_name_(service_name), object_path_(object_path), setup_success_(false), cleanup_called_(false), weak_ptr_factory_(this) { DVLOG(1) << "Creating ObjectManager for " << service_name_ << " " << object_path_.value(); DCHECK(bus_); bus_->AssertOnOriginThread(); object_proxy_ = bus_->GetObjectProxy(service_name_, object_path_); object_proxy_->SetNameOwnerChangedCallback( base::Bind(&ObjectManager::NameOwnerChanged, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); // Set up a match rule and a filter function to handle PropertiesChanged // signals from the service. This is important to avoid any race conditions // that might cause us to miss PropertiesChanged signals once all objects are // initialized via GetManagedObjects. base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult( bus_->GetDBusTaskRunner(), FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ObjectManager::SetupMatchRuleAndFilter, this), base::Bind(&ObjectManager::OnSetupMatchRuleAndFilterComplete, this)); } ObjectManager::~ObjectManager() { // Clean up Object structures for (ObjectMap::iterator iter = object_map_.begin(); iter != object_map_.end(); ++iter) { Object* object = iter->second; for (Object::PropertiesMap::iterator piter = object->properties_map.begin(); piter != object->properties_map.end(); ++piter) { PropertySet* properties = piter->second; delete properties; } delete object; } } void ObjectManager::RegisterInterface(const std::string& interface_name, Interface* interface) { interface_map_[interface_name] = interface; } void ObjectManager::UnregisterInterface(const std::string& interface_name) { InterfaceMap::iterator iter = interface_map_.find(interface_name); if (iter != interface_map_.end()) interface_map_.erase(iter); } std::vector<ObjectPath> ObjectManager::GetObjects() { std::vector<ObjectPath> object_paths; for (ObjectMap::iterator iter = object_map_.begin(); iter != object_map_.end(); ++iter) object_paths.push_back(iter->first); return object_paths; } std::vector<ObjectPath> ObjectManager::GetObjectsWithInterface( const std::string& interface_name) { std::vector<ObjectPath> object_paths; for (ObjectMap::iterator oiter = object_map_.begin(); oiter != object_map_.end(); ++oiter) { Object* object = oiter->second; Object::PropertiesMap::iterator piter = object->properties_map.find(interface_name); if (piter != object->properties_map.end()) object_paths.push_back(oiter->first); } return object_paths; } ObjectProxy* ObjectManager::GetObjectProxy(const ObjectPath& object_path) { ObjectMap::iterator iter = object_map_.find(object_path); if (iter == object_map_.end()) return NULL; Object* object = iter->second; return object->object_proxy; } PropertySet* ObjectManager::GetProperties(const ObjectPath& object_path, const std::string& interface_name) { ObjectMap::iterator iter = object_map_.find(object_path); if (iter == object_map_.end()) return NULL; Object* object = iter->second; Object::PropertiesMap::iterator piter = object->properties_map.find(interface_name); if (piter == object->properties_map.end()) return NULL; return piter->second; } void ObjectManager::GetManagedObjects() { MethodCall method_call(kObjectManagerInterface, kObjectManagerGetManagedObjects); object_proxy_->CallMethod( &method_call, ObjectProxy::TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT, base::Bind(&ObjectManager::OnGetManagedObjects, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } void ObjectManager::CleanUp() { DCHECK(bus_); bus_->AssertOnDBusThread(); DCHECK(!cleanup_called_); cleanup_called_ = true; if (!setup_success_) return; bus_->RemoveFilterFunction(&ObjectManager::HandleMessageThunk, this); ScopedDBusError error; bus_->RemoveMatch(match_rule_, error.get()); if (error.is_set()) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove match rule: " << match_rule_; match_rule_.clear(); } void ObjectManager::InitializeObjects() { DCHECK(bus_); DCHECK(object_proxy_); DCHECK(setup_success_); // |object_proxy_| is no longer valid if the Bus was shut down before this // call. Don't initiate any other action from the origin thread. if (cleanup_called_) return; object_proxy_->ConnectToSignal( kObjectManagerInterface, kObjectManagerInterfacesAdded, base::Bind(&ObjectManager::InterfacesAddedReceived, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::Bind(&ObjectManager::InterfacesAddedConnected, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); object_proxy_->ConnectToSignal( kObjectManagerInterface, kObjectManagerInterfacesRemoved, base::Bind(&ObjectManager::InterfacesRemovedReceived, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), base::Bind(&ObjectManager::InterfacesRemovedConnected, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); GetManagedObjects(); } bool ObjectManager::SetupMatchRuleAndFilter() { DCHECK(bus_); DCHECK(!setup_success_); bus_->AssertOnDBusThread(); if (cleanup_called_) return false; if (!bus_->Connect() || !bus_->SetUpAsyncOperations()) return false; service_name_owner_ = bus_->GetServiceOwnerAndBlock(service_name_, Bus::SUPPRESS_ERRORS); const std::string match_rule = base::StringPrintf( "type='signal', sender='%s', interface='%s', member='%s'", service_name_.c_str(), kPropertiesInterface, kPropertiesChanged); bus_->AddFilterFunction(&ObjectManager::HandleMessageThunk, this); ScopedDBusError error; bus_->AddMatch(match_rule, error.get()); if (error.is_set()) { LOG(ERROR) << "ObjectManager failed to add match rule \"" << match_rule << "\". Got " << error.name() << ": " << error.message(); bus_->RemoveFilterFunction(&ObjectManager::HandleMessageThunk, this); return false; } match_rule_ = match_rule; setup_success_ = true; return true; } void ObjectManager::OnSetupMatchRuleAndFilterComplete(bool success) { LOG_IF(WARNING, !success) << service_name_ << " " << object_path_.value() << ": Failed to set up match rule."; if (success) InitializeObjects(); } // static DBusHandlerResult ObjectManager::HandleMessageThunk(DBusConnection* connection, DBusMessage* raw_message, void* user_data) { ObjectManager* self = reinterpret_cast<ObjectManager*>(user_data); return self->HandleMessage(connection, raw_message); } DBusHandlerResult ObjectManager::HandleMessage(DBusConnection*, DBusMessage* raw_message) { DCHECK(bus_); bus_->AssertOnDBusThread(); // Handle the message only if it is a signal. // Note that the match rule in SetupMatchRuleAndFilter() is configured to // only accept signals, but we check here just in case. if (dbus_message_get_type(raw_message) != DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_SIGNAL) return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; // raw_message will be unrefed on exit of the function. Increment the // reference so we can use it in Signal. dbus_message_ref(raw_message); std::unique_ptr<Signal> signal(Signal::FromRawMessage(raw_message)); const std::string interface = signal->GetInterface(); const std::string member = signal->GetMember(); statistics::AddReceivedSignal(service_name_, interface, member); // Handle the signal only if it is PropertiesChanged. // Note that the match rule in SetupMatchRuleAndFilter() is configured to // only accept PropertiesChanged signals, but we check here just in case. const std::string absolute_signal_name = GetAbsoluteMemberName(interface, member); const std::string properties_changed_signal_name = GetAbsoluteMemberName(kPropertiesInterface, kPropertiesChanged); if (absolute_signal_name != properties_changed_signal_name) return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; VLOG(1) << "Signal received: " << signal->ToString(); // Handle the signal only if it is from the service that the ObjectManager // instance is interested in. // Note that the match rule in SetupMatchRuleAndFilter() is configured to // only accept messages from the service name of our interest. However, the // service='...' filter does not work as intended. See crbug.com/507206#14 // and #15 for details, hence it's necessary to check the sender here. std::string sender = signal->GetSender(); if (service_name_owner_ != sender) return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; const ObjectPath path = signal->GetPath(); if (bus_->HasDBusThread()) { // Post a task to run the method in the origin thread. Transfer ownership of // |signal| to NotifyPropertiesChanged, which will handle the clean up. Signal* released_signal = signal.release(); bus_->GetOriginTaskRunner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ObjectManager::NotifyPropertiesChanged, this, path, released_signal)); } else { // If the D-Bus thread is not used, just call the callback on the // current thread. Transfer the ownership of |signal| to // NotifyPropertiesChanged. NotifyPropertiesChanged(path, signal.release()); } // We don't return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED for signals because other // objects may be interested in them. (e.g. Signals from org.freedesktop.DBus) return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED; } void ObjectManager::NotifyPropertiesChanged( const dbus::ObjectPath object_path, Signal* signal) { DCHECK(bus_); bus_->AssertOnOriginThread(); NotifyPropertiesChangedHelper(object_path, signal); // Delete the message on the D-Bus thread. See comments in HandleMessage. bus_->GetDBusTaskRunner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&base::DeletePointer<Signal>, signal)); } void ObjectManager::NotifyPropertiesChangedHelper( const dbus::ObjectPath object_path, Signal* signal) { DCHECK(bus_); bus_->AssertOnOriginThread(); MessageReader reader(signal); std::string interface; if (!reader.PopString(&interface)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Property changed signal has wrong parameters: " << "expected interface name: " << signal->ToString(); return; } PropertySet* properties = GetProperties(object_path, interface); if (properties) properties->ChangedReceived(signal); } void ObjectManager::OnGetManagedObjects(Response* response) { if (response != NULL) { MessageReader reader(response); MessageReader array_reader(NULL); if (!reader.PopArray(&array_reader)) return; while (array_reader.HasMoreData()) { MessageReader dict_entry_reader(NULL); ObjectPath object_path; if (!array_reader.PopDictEntry(&dict_entry_reader) || !dict_entry_reader.PopObjectPath(&object_path)) continue; UpdateObject(object_path, &dict_entry_reader); } } else { LOG(WARNING) << service_name_ << " " << object_path_.value() << ": Failed to get managed objects"; } } void ObjectManager::InterfacesAddedReceived(Signal* signal) { DCHECK(signal); MessageReader reader(signal); ObjectPath object_path; if (!reader.PopObjectPath(&object_path)) { LOG(WARNING) << service_name_ << " " << object_path_.value() << ": InterfacesAdded signal has incorrect parameters: " << signal->ToString(); return; } UpdateObject(object_path, &reader); } void ObjectManager::InterfacesAddedConnected( const std::string& /*interface_name*/, const std::string& /*signal_name*/, bool success) { LOG_IF(WARNING, !success) << service_name_ << " " << object_path_.value() << ": Failed to connect to InterfacesAdded signal."; } void ObjectManager::InterfacesRemovedReceived(Signal* signal) { DCHECK(signal); MessageReader reader(signal); ObjectPath object_path; std::vector<std::string> interface_names; if (!reader.PopObjectPath(&object_path) || !reader.PopArrayOfStrings(&interface_names)) { LOG(WARNING) << service_name_ << " " << object_path_.value() << ": InterfacesRemoved signal has incorrect parameters: " << signal->ToString(); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < interface_names.size(); ++i) RemoveInterface(object_path, interface_names[i]); } void ObjectManager::InterfacesRemovedConnected( const std::string& /*interface_name*/, const std::string& /*signal_name*/, bool success) { LOG_IF(WARNING, !success) << service_name_ << " " << object_path_.value() << ": Failed to connect to " << "InterfacesRemoved signal."; } void ObjectManager::UpdateObject(const ObjectPath& object_path, MessageReader* reader) { DCHECK(reader); MessageReader array_reader(NULL); if (!reader->PopArray(&array_reader)) return; while (array_reader.HasMoreData()) { MessageReader dict_entry_reader(NULL); std::string interface_name; if (!array_reader.PopDictEntry(&dict_entry_reader) || !dict_entry_reader.PopString(&interface_name)) continue; AddInterface(object_path, interface_name, &dict_entry_reader); } } void ObjectManager::AddInterface(const ObjectPath& object_path, const std::string& interface_name, MessageReader* reader) { InterfaceMap::iterator iiter = interface_map_.find(interface_name); if (iiter == interface_map_.end()) return; Interface* interface = iiter->second; ObjectMap::iterator oiter = object_map_.find(object_path); Object* object; if (oiter == object_map_.end()) { object = object_map_[object_path] = new Object; object->object_proxy = bus_->GetObjectProxy(service_name_, object_path); } else object = oiter->second; Object::PropertiesMap::iterator piter = object->properties_map.find(interface_name); PropertySet* property_set; const bool interface_added = (piter == object->properties_map.end()); if (interface_added) { property_set = object->properties_map[interface_name] = interface->CreateProperties(object->object_proxy, object_path, interface_name); } else property_set = piter->second; property_set->UpdatePropertiesFromReader(reader); if (interface_added) interface->ObjectAdded(object_path, interface_name); } void ObjectManager::RemoveInterface(const ObjectPath& object_path, const std::string& interface_name) { ObjectMap::iterator oiter = object_map_.find(object_path); if (oiter == object_map_.end()) return; Object* object = oiter->second; Object::PropertiesMap::iterator piter = object->properties_map.find(interface_name); if (piter == object->properties_map.end()) return; // Inform the interface before removing the properties structure or object // in case it needs details from them to make its own decisions. InterfaceMap::iterator iiter = interface_map_.find(interface_name); if (iiter != interface_map_.end()) { Interface* interface = iiter->second; interface->ObjectRemoved(object_path, interface_name); } delete piter->second; object->properties_map.erase(piter); if (object->properties_map.empty()) { object_map_.erase(oiter); delete object; } } void ObjectManager::NameOwnerChanged(const std::string& old_owner, const std::string& new_owner) { service_name_owner_ = new_owner; if (!old_owner.empty()) { ObjectMap::iterator iter = object_map_.begin(); while (iter != object_map_.end()) { ObjectMap::iterator tmp = iter; ++iter; // PropertiesMap is mutated by RemoveInterface, and also Object is // destroyed; easier to collect the object path and interface names // and remove them safely. const dbus::ObjectPath object_path = tmp->first; Object* object = tmp->second; std::vector<std::string> interfaces; for (Object::PropertiesMap::iterator piter = object->properties_map.begin(); piter != object->properties_map.end(); ++piter) interfaces.push_back(piter->first); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator iiter = interfaces.begin(); iiter != interfaces.end(); ++iiter) RemoveInterface(object_path, *iiter); } } if (!new_owner.empty()) GetManagedObjects(); } } // namespace dbus