 * Destination localization support for CUPS.
 * Copyright 2012-2014 by Apple Inc.
 * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
 * law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
 * which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
 * missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/".
 * This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception.

 * Include necessary headers...

#include "cups-private.h"

 * Local functions...

static void	cups_create_localizations(http_t *http, cups_dinfo_t *dinfo);
static int	cups_read_strings(cups_file_t *fp, char *buffer, size_t bufsize,
		                  char **id, char **str);
static char	*cups_scan_strings(char *buffer);

 * 'cupsLocalizeDestMedia()' - Get the localized string for a destination media
 *                             size.
 * The returned string is stored in the destination information and will become
 * invalid if the destination information is deleted.
 * @since CUPS 2.0/macOS 10.10@

const char *				/* O - Localized string */
    http_t       *http,			/* I - Connection to destination */
    cups_dest_t  *dest,			/* I - Destination */
    cups_dinfo_t *dinfo,		/* I - Destination information */
    unsigned     flags,			/* I - Media flags */
    cups_size_t  *size)			/* I - Media size */
  cups_lang_t		*lang;		/* Standard localizations */
  _cups_message_t	key,		/* Search key */
			*match;		/* Matching entry */
  pwg_media_t		*pwg;		/* PWG media information */
  cups_array_t		*db;		/* Media database */
  _cups_media_db_t	*mdb;		/* Media database entry */
  char			name[1024],	/* Size name */
			temp[256];	/* Temporary string */
  const char		*lsize,		/* Localized media size */
			*lsource,	/* Localized media source */
			*ltype;		/* Localized media type */

  * Range check input...

  if (!http || !dest || !dinfo || !size)
    _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);
    return (NULL);

  * See if the localization is cached...

  if (!dinfo->localizations)
    cups_create_localizations(http, dinfo);

  key.id = size->media;
  if ((match = (_cups_message_t *)cupsArrayFind(dinfo->localizations, &key)) != NULL)
    return (match->str);

  * If not, get the localized size, source, and type strings...

  lang = cupsLangDefault();
  pwg  = pwgMediaForSize(size->width, size->length);

  if (pwg->ppd)
    lsize = _cupsLangString(lang, pwg->ppd);
    lsize = NULL;

  if (!lsize)
    if ((size->width % 635) == 0 && (size->length % 635) == 0)
      * Use inches since the size is a multiple of 1/4 inch.

      snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), _cupsLangString(lang, _("%g x %g")), size->width / 2540.0, size->length / 2540.0);
      * Use millimeters since the size is not a multiple of 1/4 inch.

      snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), _cupsLangString(lang, _("%d x %d mm")), (size->width + 50) / 100, (size->length + 50) / 100);

    lsize = temp;

    db = dinfo->ready_db;
    db = dinfo->media_db;

  DEBUG_printf(("1cupsLocalizeDestMedia: size->media=\"%s\"", size->media));

  for (mdb = (_cups_media_db_t *)cupsArrayFirst(db); mdb; mdb = (_cups_media_db_t *)cupsArrayNext(db))
    if (mdb->key && !strcmp(mdb->key, size->media))
    else if (mdb->size_name && !strcmp(mdb->size_name, size->media))

  if (!mdb)
    for (mdb = (_cups_media_db_t *)cupsArrayFirst(db); mdb; mdb = (_cups_media_db_t *)cupsArrayNext(db))
      if (mdb->width == size->width && mdb->length == size->length && mdb->bottom == size->bottom && mdb->left == size->left && mdb->right == size->right && mdb->top == size->top)

  if (mdb)
    DEBUG_printf(("1cupsLocalizeDestMedia: MATCH mdb%p [key=\"%s\" size_name=\"%s\" source=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" width=%d length=%d B%d L%d R%d T%d]", (void *)mdb, mdb->key, mdb->size_name, mdb->source, mdb->type, mdb->width, mdb->length, mdb->bottom, mdb->left, mdb->right, mdb->top));

    lsource = cupsLocalizeDestValue(http, dest, dinfo, "media-source", mdb->source);
    ltype   = cupsLocalizeDestValue(http, dest, dinfo, "media-type", mdb->type);
    lsource = NULL;
    ltype   = NULL;

  if (!lsource && !ltype)
    if (size->bottom || size->left || size->right || size->top)
      snprintf(name, sizeof(name), _cupsLangString(lang, _("%s (Borderless)")), lsize);
      strlcpy(name, lsize, sizeof(name));
  else if (!lsource)
    if (size->bottom || size->left || size->right || size->top)
      snprintf(name, sizeof(name), _cupsLangString(lang, _("%s (Borderless, %s)")), lsize, ltype);
      snprintf(name, sizeof(name), _cupsLangString(lang, _("%s (%s)")), lsize, ltype);
  else if (!ltype)
    if (size->bottom || size->left || size->right || size->top)
      snprintf(name, sizeof(name), _cupsLangString(lang, _("%s (Borderless, %s)")), lsize, lsource);
      snprintf(name, sizeof(name), _cupsLangString(lang, _("%s (%s)")), lsize, lsource);
    if (size->bottom || size->left || size->right || size->top)
      snprintf(name, sizeof(name), _cupsLangString(lang, _("%s (Borderless, %s, %s)")), lsize, ltype, lsource);
      snprintf(name, sizeof(name), _cupsLangString(lang, _("%s (%s, %s)")), lsize, ltype, lsource);

  if ((match = (_cups_message_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(_cups_message_t))) == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  match->id  = strdup(size->media);
  match->str = strdup(name);

  cupsArrayAdd(dinfo->localizations, match);

  return (match->str);

 * 'cupsLocalizeDestOption()' - Get the localized string for a destination
 *                              option.
 * The returned string is stored in the destination information and will become
 * invalid if the destination information is deleted.
 * @since CUPS 1.6/macOS 10.8@

const char *				/* O - Localized string */
    http_t       *http,			/* I - Connection to destination */
    cups_dest_t  *dest,			/* I - Destination */
    cups_dinfo_t *dinfo,		/* I - Destination information */
    const char   *option)		/* I - Option to localize */
  _cups_message_t	key,		/* Search key */
			*match;		/* Matching entry */

  if (!http || !dest || !dinfo)
    return (option);

  if (!dinfo->localizations)
    cups_create_localizations(http, dinfo);

  if (cupsArrayCount(dinfo->localizations) == 0)
    return (option);

  key.id = (char *)option;
  if ((match = (_cups_message_t *)cupsArrayFind(dinfo->localizations,
                                                &key)) != NULL)
    return (match->str);
    return (option);

 * 'cupsLocalizeDestValue()' - Get the localized string for a destination
 *                             option+value pair.
 * The returned string is stored in the destination information and will become
 * invalid if the destination information is deleted.
 * @since CUPS 1.6/macOS 10.8@

const char *				/* O - Localized string */
    http_t       *http,			/* I - Connection to destination */
    cups_dest_t  *dest,			/* I - Destination */
    cups_dinfo_t *dinfo,		/* I - Destination information */
    const char   *option,		/* I - Option to localize */
    const char   *value)		/* I - Value to localize */
  _cups_message_t	key,		/* Search key */
			*match;		/* Matching entry */
  char			pair[256];	/* option.value pair */

  if (!http || !dest || !dinfo)
    return (value);

  if (!dinfo->localizations)
    cups_create_localizations(http, dinfo);

  if (cupsArrayCount(dinfo->localizations) == 0)
    return (value);

  snprintf(pair, sizeof(pair), "%s.%s", option, value);
  key.id = pair;
  if ((match = (_cups_message_t *)cupsArrayFind(dinfo->localizations,
                                                &key)) != NULL)
    return (match->str);
    return (value);

 * 'cups_create_localizations()' - Create the localizations array for a
 *                                 destination.

static void
    http_t       *http,			/* I - Connection to destination */
    cups_dinfo_t *dinfo)		/* I - Destination informations */
  http_t		*http2;		/* Connection for strings file */
  http_status_t		status;		/* Request status */
  ipp_attribute_t	*attr;		/* "printer-strings-uri" attribute */
  char			scheme[32],	/* URI scheme */
  			userpass[256],	/* Username/password info */
  			hostname[256],	/* Hostname */
  			resource[1024],	/* Resource */
  					/* Hostname of connection */
			tempfile[1024];	/* Temporary filename */
  int			port;		/* Port number */
  http_encryption_t	encryption;	/* Encryption to use */
  cups_file_t		*temp;		/* Temporary file */

  * Create an empty message catalog...

  dinfo->localizations = _cupsMessageNew(NULL);

  * See if there are any localizations...

  if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(dinfo->attrs, "printer-strings-uri",
                               IPP_TAG_URI)) == NULL)
    * Nope...

    DEBUG_puts("4cups_create_localizations: No printer-strings-uri (uri) "
    return;				/* Nope */

  * Pull apart the URI and determine whether we need to try a different
  * server...

  if (httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, attr->values[0].string.text,
                      scheme, sizeof(scheme), userpass, sizeof(userpass),
                      hostname, sizeof(hostname), &port, resource,
                      sizeof(resource)) < HTTP_URI_STATUS_OK)
    DEBUG_printf(("4cups_create_localizations: Bad printer-strings-uri value "
                  "\"%s\".", attr->values[0].string.text));

  httpGetHostname(http, http_hostname, sizeof(http_hostname));

  if (!_cups_strcasecmp(http_hostname, hostname) &&
      port == httpAddrPort(http->hostaddr))
    * Use the same connection...

    http2 = http;
    * Connect to the alternate host...

    if (!strcmp(scheme, "https"))
      encryption = HTTP_ENCRYPTION_ALWAYS;

    if ((http2 = httpConnect2(hostname, port, NULL, AF_UNSPEC, encryption, 1,
                              30000, NULL)) == NULL)
      DEBUG_printf(("4cups_create_localizations: Unable to connect to "
                    "%s:%d: %s", hostname, port, cupsLastErrorString()));

  * Get a temporary file...

  if ((temp = cupsTempFile2(tempfile, sizeof(tempfile))) == NULL)
    DEBUG_printf(("4cups_create_localizations: Unable to create temporary "
                  "file: %s", cupsLastErrorString()));
    if (http2 != http)

  status = cupsGetFd(http2, resource, cupsFileNumber(temp));

  DEBUG_printf(("4cups_create_localizations: GET %s = %s", resource,

  if (status == HTTP_STATUS_OK)
    * Got the file, read it...

    char		buffer[8192],	/* Message buffer */
    			*id,		/* ID string */
    			*str;		/* Translated message */
    _cups_message_t	*m;		/* Current message */

    lseek(cupsFileNumber(temp), 0, SEEK_SET);

    while (cups_read_strings(temp, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &id, &str))
      if ((m = malloc(sizeof(_cups_message_t))) == NULL)

      m->id  = strdup(id);
      m->str = strdup(str);

      if (m->id && m->str)
        cupsArrayAdd(dinfo->localizations, m);
        if (m->id)

        if (m->str)


  DEBUG_printf(("4cups_create_localizations: %d messages loaded.",

  * Cleanup...


  if (http2 != http)

 * 'cups_read_strings()' - Read a pair of strings from a .strings file.

static int				/* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
cups_read_strings(cups_file_t *strings,	/* I - .strings file */
                  char        *buffer,	/* I - Line buffer */
                  size_t      bufsize,	/* I - Size of line buffer */
		  char        **id,	/* O - Pointer to ID string */
		  char        **str)	/* O - Pointer to translation string */
  char	*bufptr;			/* Pointer into buffer */

  while (cupsFileGets(strings, buffer, bufsize))
    if (buffer[0] != '\"')

    *id    = buffer + 1;
    bufptr = cups_scan_strings(buffer);

    if (*bufptr != '\"')

    *bufptr++ = '\0';

    while (*bufptr && *bufptr != '\"')
      bufptr ++;

    if (!*bufptr)

    *str   = bufptr + 1;
    bufptr = cups_scan_strings(bufptr);

    if (*bufptr != '\"')

    *bufptr = '\0';

    return (1);

  return (0);

 * 'cups_scan_strings()' - Scan a quoted string.

static char *				/* O - End of string */
cups_scan_strings(char *buffer)		/* I - Start of string */
  char	*bufptr;			/* Pointer into string */

  for (bufptr = buffer + 1; *bufptr && *bufptr != '\"'; bufptr ++)
    if (*bufptr == '\\')
      if (bufptr[1] >= '0' && bufptr[1] <= '3' &&
	  bufptr[2] >= '0' && bufptr[2] <= '7' &&
	  bufptr[3] >= '0' && bufptr[3] <= '7')
	* Decode \nnn octal escape...

	*bufptr = (char)(((((bufptr[1] - '0') << 3) | (bufptr[2] - '0')) << 3) | (bufptr[3] - '0'));
	_cups_strcpy(bufptr + 1, bufptr + 4);
	* Decode \C escape...

	_cups_strcpy(bufptr, bufptr + 1);
	if (*bufptr == 'n')
	  *bufptr = '\n';
	else if (*bufptr == 'r')
	  *bufptr = '\r';
	else if (*bufptr == 't')
	  *bufptr = '\t';

  return (bufptr);