/* * TLS support code for CUPS on macOS. * * Copyright 2007-2016 by Apple Inc. * Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright * law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * which should have been included with this file. If this file is * missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". * * This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception. */ /**** This file is included from tls.c ****/ /* * Include necessary headers... */ #include extern char **environ; /* * Constants, very secure stuff... */ #define _CUPS_CDSA_PASSWORD "42" /* CUPS keychain password */ #define _CUPS_CDSA_PASSLEN 2 /* Length of keychain password */ /* * Local globals... */ static int tls_auto_create = 0; /* Auto-create self-signed certs? */ static char *tls_common_name = NULL; /* Default common name */ #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN static int tls_cups_keychain = 0; /* Opened the CUPS keychain? */ static SecKeychainRef tls_keychain = NULL; /* Server cert keychain */ #else static SecIdentityRef tls_selfsigned = NULL; /* Temporary self-signed cert */ #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ static char *tls_keypath = NULL; /* Server cert keychain path */ static _cups_mutex_t tls_mutex = _CUPS_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* Mutex for keychain/certs */ static int tls_options = -1;/* Options for TLS connections */ /* * Local functions... */ static CFArrayRef http_cdsa_copy_server(const char *common_name); static SecCertificateRef http_cdsa_create_credential(http_credential_t *credential); #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN static const char *http_cdsa_default_path(char *buffer, size_t bufsize); static SecKeychainRef http_cdsa_open_keychain(const char *path, char *filename, size_t filesize); static SecKeychainRef http_cdsa_open_system_keychain(void); #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ static OSStatus http_cdsa_read(SSLConnectionRef connection, void *data, size_t *dataLength); static int http_cdsa_set_credentials(http_t *http); static OSStatus http_cdsa_write(SSLConnectionRef connection, const void *data, size_t *dataLength); /* * 'cupsMakeServerCredentials()' - Make a self-signed certificate and private key pair. * * @since CUPS 2.0/OS 10.10@ */ int /* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */ cupsMakeServerCredentials( const char *path, /* I - Keychain path or @code NULL@ for default */ const char *common_name, /* I - Common name */ int num_alt_names, /* I - Number of subject alternate names */ const char **alt_names, /* I - Subject Alternate Names */ time_t expiration_date) /* I - Expiration date */ { #if defined(HAVE_SECGENERATESELFSIGNEDCERTIFICATE) int status = 0; /* Return status */ OSStatus err; /* Error code (if any) */ CFStringRef cfcommon_name = NULL; /* CF string for server name */ SecIdentityRef ident = NULL; /* Identity */ SecKeyRef publicKey = NULL, /* Public key */ privateKey = NULL; /* Private key */ SecCertificateRef cert = NULL; /* Self-signed certificate */ CFMutableDictionaryRef keyParams = NULL; /* Key generation parameters */ DEBUG_printf(("cupsMakeServerCredentials(path=\"%s\", common_name=\"%s\", num_alt_names=%d, alt_names=%p, expiration_date=%d)", path, common_name, num_alt_names, alt_names, (int)expiration_date)); (void)path; (void)num_alt_names; (void)alt_names; (void)expiration_date; if (path) { DEBUG_puts("1cupsMakeServerCredentials: No keychain support compiled in, returning 0."); return (0); } if (tls_selfsigned) { DEBUG_puts("1cupsMakeServerCredentials: Using existing self-signed cert."); return (1); } cfcommon_name = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, common_name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (!cfcommon_name) { DEBUG_puts("1cupsMakeServerCredentials: Unable to create CF string of common name."); goto cleanup; } /* * Create a public/private key pair... */ keyParams = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); if (!keyParams) { DEBUG_puts("1cupsMakeServerCredentials: Unable to create key parameters dictionary."); goto cleanup; } CFDictionaryAddValue(keyParams, kSecAttrKeyType, kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA); CFDictionaryAddValue(keyParams, kSecAttrKeySizeInBits, CFSTR("2048")); CFDictionaryAddValue(keyParams, kSecAttrLabel, cfcommon_name); err = SecKeyGeneratePair(keyParams, &publicKey, &privateKey); if (err != noErr) { DEBUG_printf(("1cupsMakeServerCredentials: Unable to generate key pair: %d.", (int)err)); goto cleanup; } /* * Create a self-signed certificate using the public/private key pair... */ CFIndex usageInt = kSecKeyUsageAll; CFNumberRef usage = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberCFIndexType, &usageInt); CFIndex lenInt = 0; CFNumberRef len = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberCFIndexType, &lenInt); CFTypeRef certKeys[] = { kSecCSRBasicContraintsPathLen, kSecSubjectAltName, kSecCertificateKeyUsage }; CFTypeRef certValues[] = { len, cfcommon_name, usage }; CFDictionaryRef certParams = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, certKeys, certValues, sizeof(certKeys) / sizeof(certKeys[0]), &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFRelease(usage); CFRelease(len); const void *ca_o[] = { kSecOidOrganization, CFSTR("") }; const void *ca_cn[] = { kSecOidCommonName, cfcommon_name }; CFArrayRef ca_o_dn = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, ca_o, 2, NULL); CFArrayRef ca_cn_dn = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, ca_cn, 2, NULL); const void *ca_dn_array[2]; ca_dn_array[0] = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&ca_o_dn, 1, NULL); ca_dn_array[1] = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&ca_cn_dn, 1, NULL); CFArrayRef subject = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, ca_dn_array, 2, NULL); cert = SecGenerateSelfSignedCertificate(subject, certParams, publicKey, privateKey); CFRelease(subject); CFRelease(certParams); if (!cert) { DEBUG_puts("1cupsMakeServerCredentials: Unable to create self-signed certificate."); goto cleanup; } ident = SecIdentityCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, cert, privateKey); if (ident) { _cupsMutexLock(&tls_mutex); if (tls_selfsigned) CFRelease(ident); else tls_selfsigned = ident; _cupsMutexLock(&tls_mutex); # if 0 /* Someday perhaps SecItemCopyMatching will work for identities, at which point */ CFTypeRef itemKeys[] = { kSecClass, kSecAttrLabel, kSecValueRef }; CFTypeRef itemValues[] = { kSecClassIdentity, cfcommon_name, ident }; CFDictionaryRef itemAttrs = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, itemKeys, itemValues, sizeof(itemKeys) / sizeof(itemKeys[0]), &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); err = SecItemAdd(itemAttrs, NULL); /* SecItemAdd consumes itemAttrs... */ CFRelease(ident); if (err != noErr) { DEBUG_printf(("1cupsMakeServerCredentials: Unable to add identity to keychain: %d.", (int)err)); goto cleanup; } # endif /* 0 */ status = 1; } else DEBUG_puts("1cupsMakeServerCredentials: Unable to create identity from cert and keys."); /* * Cleanup and return... */ cleanup: if (cfcommon_name) CFRelease(cfcommon_name); if (keyParams) CFRelease(keyParams); if (cert) CFRelease(cert); if (publicKey) CFRelease(publicKey); if (privateKey) CFRelease(privateKey); DEBUG_printf(("1cupsMakeServerCredentials: Returning %d.", status)); return (status); #else /* !HAVE_SECGENERATESELFSIGNEDCERTIFICATE */ int pid, /* Process ID of command */ status, /* Status of command */ i; /* Looping var */ char command[1024], /* Command */ *argv[5], /* Command-line arguments */ *envp[1000], /* Environment variables */ days[32], /* CERTTOOL_EXPIRATION_DAYS env var */ keychain[1024], /* Keychain argument */ infofile[1024], /* Type-in information for cert */ filename[1024]; /* Default keychain path */ cups_file_t *fp; /* Seed/info file */ DEBUG_printf(("cupsMakeServerCredentials(path=\"%s\", common_name=\"%s\", num_alt_names=%d, alt_names=%p, expiration_date=%d)", path, common_name, num_alt_names, (void *)alt_names, (int)expiration_date)); (void)num_alt_names; (void)alt_names; if (!path) path = http_cdsa_default_path(filename, sizeof(filename)); /* * Run the "certtool" command to generate a self-signed certificate... */ if (!cupsFileFind("certtool", getenv("PATH"), 1, command, sizeof(command))) return (-1); /* * Create a file with the certificate information fields... * * Note: This assumes that the default questions are asked by the certtool * command... */ if ((fp = cupsTempFile2(infofile, sizeof(infofile))) == NULL) return (-1); cupsFilePrintf(fp, "CUPS Self-Signed Certificate\n" /* Enter key and certificate label */ "r\n" /* Generate RSA key pair */ "2048\n" /* 2048 bit encryption key */ "y\n" /* OK (y = yes) */ "b\n" /* Usage (b=signing/encryption) */ "2\n" /* Sign with SHA256 */ "y\n" /* OK (y = yes) */ "%s\n" /* Common name */ "\n" /* Country (default) */ "\n" /* Organization (default) */ "\n" /* Organizational unit (default) */ "\n" /* State/Province (default) */ "\n" /* Email address */ "y\n", /* OK (y = yes) */ common_name); cupsFileClose(fp); snprintf(keychain, sizeof(keychain), "k=%s", path); argv[0] = "certtool"; argv[1] = "c"; argv[2] = keychain; argv[3] = NULL; snprintf(days, sizeof(days), "CERTTOOL_EXPIRATION_DAYS=%d", (int)((expiration_date - time(NULL) + 86399) / 86400)); envp[0] = days; for (i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(envp) / sizeof(envp[0]) - 2) && environ[i]; i ++) envp[i + 1] = environ[i]; envp[i] = NULL; posix_spawn_file_actions_t actions; /* File actions */ posix_spawn_file_actions_init(&actions); posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&actions, 0); posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(&actions, 0, infofile, O_RDONLY, 0); posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&actions, 1); posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(&actions, 1, "/dev/null", O_WRONLY, 0); posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&actions, 2); posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(&actions, 2, "/dev/null", O_WRONLY, 0); if (posix_spawn(&pid, command, &actions, NULL, argv, envp)) { unlink(infofile); return (-1); } posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&actions); unlink(infofile); while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0) if (errno != EINTR) { status = -1; break; } return (!status); #endif /* HAVE_SECGENERATESELFSIGNEDCERTIFICATE && HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ } /* * 'cupsSetServerCredentials()' - Set the default server credentials. * * Note: The server credentials are used by all threads in the running process. * This function is threadsafe. * * @since CUPS 2.0/macOS 10.10@ */ int /* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */ cupsSetServerCredentials( const char *path, /* I - Keychain path or @code NULL@ for default */ const char *common_name, /* I - Default common name for server */ int auto_create) /* I - 1 = automatically create self-signed certificates */ { DEBUG_printf(("cupsSetServerCredentials(path=\"%s\", common_name=\"%s\", auto_create=%d)", path, common_name, auto_create)); #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN char filename[1024]; /* Keychain filename */ SecKeychainRef keychain = http_cdsa_open_keychain(path, filename, sizeof(filename)); if (!keychain) { DEBUG_puts("1cupsSetServerCredentials: Unable to open keychain."); return (0); } _cupsMutexLock(&tls_mutex); /* * Close any keychain that is currently open... */ if (tls_keychain) CFRelease(tls_keychain); if (tls_keypath) _cupsStrFree(tls_keypath); if (tls_common_name) _cupsStrFree(tls_common_name); /* * Save the new keychain... */ tls_keychain = keychain; tls_keypath = _cupsStrAlloc(filename); tls_auto_create = auto_create; tls_common_name = _cupsStrAlloc(common_name); _cupsMutexUnlock(&tls_mutex); DEBUG_puts("1cupsSetServerCredentials: Opened keychain, returning 1."); return (1); #else if (path) { DEBUG_puts("1cupsSetServerCredentials: No keychain support compiled in, returning 0."); return (0); } tls_auto_create = auto_create; tls_common_name = _cupsStrAlloc(common_name); return (1); #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ } /* * 'httpCopyCredentials()' - Copy the credentials associated with the peer in * an encrypted connection. * * @since CUPS 1.5/macOS 10.7@ */ int /* O - Status of call (0 = success) */ httpCopyCredentials( http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server */ cups_array_t **credentials) /* O - Array of credentials */ { OSStatus error; /* Error code */ SecTrustRef peerTrust; /* Peer trust reference */ CFIndex count; /* Number of credentials */ SecCertificateRef secCert; /* Certificate reference */ CFDataRef data; /* Certificate data */ int i; /* Looping var */ DEBUG_printf(("httpCopyCredentials(http=%p, credentials=%p)", (void *)http, (void *)credentials)); if (credentials) *credentials = NULL; if (!http || !http->tls || !credentials) return (-1); if (!(error = SSLCopyPeerTrust(http->tls, &peerTrust)) && peerTrust) { DEBUG_printf(("2httpCopyCredentials: Peer provided %d certificates.", (int)SecTrustGetCertificateCount(peerTrust))); if ((*credentials = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { count = SecTrustGetCertificateCount(peerTrust); for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) { secCert = SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex(peerTrust, i); #ifdef DEBUG CFStringRef cf_name = SecCertificateCopySubjectSummary(secCert); char name[1024]; if (cf_name) CFStringGetCString(cf_name, name, sizeof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8); else strlcpy(name, "unknown", sizeof(name)); DEBUG_printf(("2httpCopyCredentials: Certificate %d name is \"%s\".", i, name)); #endif /* DEBUG */ if ((data = SecCertificateCopyData(secCert)) != NULL) { DEBUG_printf(("2httpCopyCredentials: Adding %d byte certificate blob.", (int)CFDataGetLength(data))); httpAddCredential(*credentials, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), (size_t)CFDataGetLength(data)); CFRelease(data); } } } CFRelease(peerTrust); } return (error); } /* * '_httpCreateCredentials()' - Create credentials in the internal format. */ http_tls_credentials_t /* O - Internal credentials */ _httpCreateCredentials( cups_array_t *credentials) /* I - Array of credentials */ { CFMutableArrayRef peerCerts; /* Peer credentials reference */ SecCertificateRef secCert; /* Certificate reference */ http_credential_t *credential; /* Credential data */ if (!credentials) return (NULL); if ((peerCerts = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, cupsArrayCount(credentials), &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)) == NULL) return (NULL); for (credential = (http_credential_t *)cupsArrayFirst(credentials); credential; credential = (http_credential_t *)cupsArrayNext(credentials)) { if ((secCert = http_cdsa_create_credential(credential)) != NULL) { CFArrayAppendValue(peerCerts, secCert); CFRelease(secCert); } } return (peerCerts); } /* * 'httpCredentialsAreValidForName()' - Return whether the credentials are valid for the given name. * * @since CUPS 2.0/macOS 10.10@ */ int /* O - 1 if valid, 0 otherwise */ httpCredentialsAreValidForName( cups_array_t *credentials, /* I - Credentials */ const char *common_name) /* I - Name to check */ { SecCertificateRef secCert; /* Certificate reference */ CFStringRef cfcert_name = NULL; /* Certificate's common name (CF string) */ char cert_name[256]; /* Certificate's common name (C string) */ int valid = 1; /* Valid name? */ if ((secCert = http_cdsa_create_credential((http_credential_t *)cupsArrayFirst(credentials))) == NULL) return (0); /* * Compare the common names... */ if ((cfcert_name = SecCertificateCopySubjectSummary(secCert)) == NULL) { /* * Can't get common name, cannot be valid... */ valid = 0; } else if (CFStringGetCString(cfcert_name, cert_name, sizeof(cert_name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8) && _cups_strcasecmp(common_name, cert_name)) { /* * Not an exact match for the common name, check for wildcard certs... */ const char *domain = strchr(common_name, '.'); /* Domain in common name */ if (strncmp(cert_name, "*.", 2) || !domain || _cups_strcasecmp(domain, cert_name + 1)) { /* * Not a wildcard match. */ /* TODO: Check subject alternate names */ valid = 0; } } if (cfcert_name) CFRelease(cfcert_name); CFRelease(secCert); return (valid); } /* * 'httpCredentialsGetTrust()' - Return the trust of credentials. * * @since CUPS 2.0/macOS 10.10@ */ http_trust_t /* O - Level of trust */ httpCredentialsGetTrust( cups_array_t *credentials, /* I - Credentials */ const char *common_name) /* I - Common name for trust lookup */ { SecCertificateRef secCert; /* Certificate reference */ http_trust_t trust = HTTP_TRUST_OK; /* Trusted? */ cups_array_t *tcreds = NULL; /* Trusted credentials */ _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Per-thread globals */ if (!common_name) { _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("No common name specified."), 1); return (HTTP_TRUST_UNKNOWN); } if ((secCert = http_cdsa_create_credential((http_credential_t *)cupsArrayFirst(credentials))) == NULL) { _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Unable to create credentials from array."), 1); return (HTTP_TRUST_UNKNOWN); } if (cg->any_root < 0) _cupsSetDefaults(); /* * Look this common name up in the default keychains... */ httpLoadCredentials(NULL, &tcreds, common_name); if (tcreds) { char credentials_str[1024], /* String for incoming credentials */ tcreds_str[1024]; /* String for saved credentials */ httpCredentialsString(credentials, credentials_str, sizeof(credentials_str)); httpCredentialsString(tcreds, tcreds_str, sizeof(tcreds_str)); if (strcmp(credentials_str, tcreds_str)) { /* * Credentials don't match, let's look at the expiration date of the new * credentials and allow if the new ones have a later expiration... */ if (!cg->trust_first) { /* * Do not trust certificates on first use... */ _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Trust on first use is disabled."), 1); trust = HTTP_TRUST_INVALID; } else if (httpCredentialsGetExpiration(credentials) <= httpCredentialsGetExpiration(tcreds)) { /* * The new credentials are not newly issued... */ _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("New credentials are older than stored credentials."), 1); trust = HTTP_TRUST_INVALID; } else if (!httpCredentialsAreValidForName(credentials, common_name)) { /* * The common name does not match the issued certificate... */ _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("New credentials are not valid for name."), 1); trust = HTTP_TRUST_INVALID; } else if (httpCredentialsGetExpiration(tcreds) < time(NULL)) { /* * Save the renewed credentials... */ trust = HTTP_TRUST_RENEWED; httpSaveCredentials(NULL, credentials, common_name); } } httpFreeCredentials(tcreds); } else if (cg->validate_certs && !httpCredentialsAreValidForName(credentials, common_name)) { _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("No stored credentials, not valid for name."), 1); trust = HTTP_TRUST_INVALID; } else if (!cg->trust_first) { /* * See if we have a site CA certificate we can compare... */ if (!httpLoadCredentials(NULL, &tcreds, "site")) { if (cupsArrayCount(credentials) != (cupsArrayCount(tcreds) + 1)) { /* * Certificate isn't directly generated from the CA cert... */ trust = HTTP_TRUST_INVALID; } else { /* * Do a tail comparison of the two certificates... */ http_credential_t *a, *b; /* Certificates */ for (a = (http_credential_t *)cupsArrayFirst(tcreds), b = (http_credential_t *)cupsArrayIndex(credentials, 1); a && b; a = (http_credential_t *)cupsArrayNext(tcreds), b = (http_credential_t *)cupsArrayNext(credentials)) if (a->datalen != b->datalen || memcmp(a->data, b->data, a->datalen)) break; if (a || b) trust = HTTP_TRUST_INVALID; } if (trust != HTTP_TRUST_OK) _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Credentials do not validate against site CA certificate."), 1); } else { _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Trust on first use is disabled."), 1); trust = HTTP_TRUST_INVALID; } } if (trust == HTTP_TRUST_OK && !cg->expired_certs && !SecCertificateIsValid(secCert, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent())) { _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Credentials have expired."), 1); trust = HTTP_TRUST_EXPIRED; } if (trust == HTTP_TRUST_OK && !cg->any_root && cupsArrayCount(credentials) == 1) { _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Self-signed credentials are blocked."), 1); trust = HTTP_TRUST_INVALID; } CFRelease(secCert); return (trust); } /* * 'httpCredentialsGetExpiration()' - Return the expiration date of the credentials. * * @since CUPS 2.0/macOS 10.10@ */ time_t /* O - Expiration date of credentials */ httpCredentialsGetExpiration( cups_array_t *credentials) /* I - Credentials */ { SecCertificateRef secCert; /* Certificate reference */ time_t expiration; /* Expiration date */ if ((secCert = http_cdsa_create_credential((http_credential_t *)cupsArrayFirst(credentials))) == NULL) return (0); expiration = (time_t)(SecCertificateNotValidAfter(secCert) + kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970); CFRelease(secCert); return (expiration); } /* * 'httpCredentialsString()' - Return a string representing the credentials. * * @since CUPS 2.0/macOS 10.10@ */ size_t /* O - Total size of credentials string */ httpCredentialsString( cups_array_t *credentials, /* I - Credentials */ char *buffer, /* I - Buffer or @code NULL@ */ size_t bufsize) /* I - Size of buffer */ { http_credential_t *first; /* First certificate */ SecCertificateRef secCert; /* Certificate reference */ DEBUG_printf(("httpCredentialsString(credentials=%p, buffer=%p, bufsize=" CUPS_LLFMT ")", (void *)credentials, (void *)buffer, CUPS_LLCAST bufsize)); if (!buffer) return (0); if (buffer && bufsize > 0) *buffer = '\0'; if ((first = (http_credential_t *)cupsArrayFirst(credentials)) != NULL && (secCert = http_cdsa_create_credential(first)) != NULL) { CFStringRef cf_name; /* CF common name string */ char name[256]; /* Common name associated with cert */ time_t expiration; /* Expiration date of cert */ _cups_md5_state_t md5_state; /* MD5 state */ unsigned char md5_digest[16]; /* MD5 result */ if ((cf_name = SecCertificateCopySubjectSummary(secCert)) != NULL) { CFStringGetCString(cf_name, name, (CFIndex)sizeof(name), kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFRelease(cf_name); } else strlcpy(name, "unknown", sizeof(name)); expiration = (time_t)(SecCertificateNotValidAfter(secCert) + kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970); _cupsMD5Init(&md5_state); _cupsMD5Append(&md5_state, first->data, (int)first->datalen); _cupsMD5Finish(&md5_state, md5_digest); snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "%s / %s / %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", name, httpGetDateString(expiration), md5_digest[0], md5_digest[1], md5_digest[2], md5_digest[3], md5_digest[4], md5_digest[5], md5_digest[6], md5_digest[7], md5_digest[8], md5_digest[9], md5_digest[10], md5_digest[11], md5_digest[12], md5_digest[13], md5_digest[14], md5_digest[15]); CFRelease(secCert); } DEBUG_printf(("1httpCredentialsString: Returning \"%s\".", buffer)); return (strlen(buffer)); } /* * '_httpFreeCredentials()' - Free internal credentials. */ void _httpFreeCredentials( http_tls_credentials_t credentials) /* I - Internal credentials */ { if (!credentials) return; CFRelease(credentials); } /* * 'httpLoadCredentials()' - Load X.509 credentials from a keychain file. * * @since CUPS 2.0/OS 10.10@ */ int /* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */ httpLoadCredentials( const char *path, /* I - Keychain path or @code NULL@ for default */ cups_array_t **credentials, /* IO - Credentials */ const char *common_name) /* I - Common name for credentials */ { OSStatus err; /* Error info */ #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN char filename[1024]; /* Filename for keychain */ SecKeychainRef keychain = NULL,/* Keychain reference */ syschain = NULL;/* System keychain */ CFArrayRef list; /* Keychain list */ #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ SecCertificateRef cert = NULL; /* Certificate */ CFDataRef data; /* Certificate data */ SecPolicyRef policy = NULL; /* Policy ref */ CFStringRef cfcommon_name = NULL; /* Server name */ CFMutableDictionaryRef query = NULL; /* Query qualifiers */ DEBUG_printf(("httpLoadCredentials(path=\"%s\", credentials=%p, common_name=\"%s\")", path, (void *)credentials, common_name)); if (!credentials) return (-1); *credentials = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN keychain = http_cdsa_open_keychain(path, filename, sizeof(filename)); if (!keychain) goto cleanup; syschain = http_cdsa_open_system_keychain(); #else if (path) return (-1); #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ cfcommon_name = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, common_name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); policy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(1, cfcommon_name); if (cfcommon_name) CFRelease(cfcommon_name); if (!policy) goto cleanup; if (!(query = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks))) goto cleanup; CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecClass, kSecClassCertificate); CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecMatchPolicy, policy); CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecReturnRef, kCFBooleanTrue); CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecMatchLimit, kSecMatchLimitOne); #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN if (syschain) { const void *values[2] = { syschain, keychain }; list = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)values, 2, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); } else list = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&keychain, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecMatchSearchList, list); CFRelease(list); #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ err = SecItemCopyMatching(query, (CFTypeRef *)&cert); if (err) goto cleanup; if (CFGetTypeID(cert) != SecCertificateGetTypeID()) goto cleanup; if ((data = SecCertificateCopyData(cert)) != NULL) { DEBUG_printf(("1httpLoadCredentials: Adding %d byte certificate blob.", (int)CFDataGetLength(data))); *credentials = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL); httpAddCredential(*credentials, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), (size_t)CFDataGetLength(data)); CFRelease(data); } cleanup : #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN if (keychain) CFRelease(keychain); if (syschain) CFRelease(syschain); #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ if (cert) CFRelease(cert); if (policy) CFRelease(policy); if (query) CFRelease(query); DEBUG_printf(("1httpLoadCredentials: Returning %d.", *credentials ? 0 : -1)); return (*credentials ? 0 : -1); } /* * 'httpSaveCredentials()' - Save X.509 credentials to a keychain file. * * @since CUPS 2.0/OS 10.10@ */ int /* O - -1 on error, 0 on success */ httpSaveCredentials( const char *path, /* I - Keychain path or @code NULL@ for default */ cups_array_t *credentials, /* I - Credentials */ const char *common_name) /* I - Common name for credentials */ { int ret = -1; /* Return value */ OSStatus err; /* Error info */ #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN char filename[1024]; /* Filename for keychain */ SecKeychainRef keychain = NULL;/* Keychain reference */ CFArrayRef list; /* Keychain list */ #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ SecCertificateRef cert = NULL; /* Certificate */ CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs = NULL; /* Attributes for add */ DEBUG_printf(("httpSaveCredentials(path=\"%s\", credentials=%p, common_name=\"%s\")", path, (void *)credentials, common_name)); if (!credentials) goto cleanup; if (!httpCredentialsAreValidForName(credentials, common_name)) { DEBUG_puts("1httpSaveCredentials: Common name does not match."); return (-1); } if ((cert = http_cdsa_create_credential((http_credential_t *)cupsArrayFirst(credentials))) == NULL) { DEBUG_puts("1httpSaveCredentials: Unable to create certificate."); goto cleanup; } #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN keychain = http_cdsa_open_keychain(path, filename, sizeof(filename)); if (!keychain) goto cleanup; #else if (path) return (-1); #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ if ((attrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks)) == NULL) { DEBUG_puts("1httpSaveCredentials: Unable to create dictionary."); goto cleanup; } CFDictionaryAddValue(attrs, kSecClass, kSecClassCertificate); CFDictionaryAddValue(attrs, kSecValueRef, cert); #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN if ((list = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&keychain, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)) == NULL) { DEBUG_puts("1httpSaveCredentials: Unable to create list of keychains."); goto cleanup; } CFDictionaryAddValue(attrs, kSecMatchSearchList, list); CFRelease(list); #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ /* Note: SecItemAdd consumes "attrs"... */ err = SecItemAdd(attrs, NULL); DEBUG_printf(("1httpSaveCredentials: SecItemAdd returned %d.", (int)err)); cleanup : #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN if (keychain) CFRelease(keychain); #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ if (cert) CFRelease(cert); DEBUG_printf(("1httpSaveCredentials: Returning %d.", ret)); return (ret); } /* * '_httpTLSInitialize()' - Initialize the TLS stack. */ void _httpTLSInitialize(void) { /* * Nothing to do... */ } /* * '_httpTLSPending()' - Return the number of pending TLS-encrypted bytes. */ size_t _httpTLSPending(http_t *http) /* I - HTTP connection */ { size_t bytes; /* Bytes that are available */ if (!SSLGetBufferedReadSize(http->tls, &bytes)) return (bytes); return (0); } /* * '_httpTLSRead()' - Read from a SSL/TLS connection. */ int /* O - Bytes read */ _httpTLSRead(http_t *http, /* I - HTTP connection */ char *buf, /* I - Buffer to store data */ int len) /* I - Length of buffer */ { int result; /* Return value */ OSStatus error; /* Error info */ size_t processed; /* Number of bytes processed */ error = SSLRead(http->tls, buf, (size_t)len, &processed); DEBUG_printf(("6_httpTLSRead: error=%d, processed=%d", (int)error, (int)processed)); switch (error) { case 0 : result = (int)processed; break; case errSSLWouldBlock : if (processed) result = (int)processed; else { result = -1; errno = EINTR; } break; case errSSLClosedGraceful : default : if (processed) result = (int)processed; else { result = -1; errno = EPIPE; } break; } return (result); } /* * '_httpTLSSetOptions()' - Set TLS protocol and cipher suite options. */ void _httpTLSSetOptions(int options) /* I - Options */ { tls_options = options; } /* * '_httpTLSStart()' - Set up SSL/TLS support on a connection. */ int /* O - 0 on success, -1 on failure */ _httpTLSStart(http_t *http) /* I - HTTP connection */ { char hostname[256], /* Hostname */ *hostptr; /* Pointer into hostname */ _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Pointer to library globals */ OSStatus error; /* Error code */ const char *message = NULL;/* Error message */ cups_array_t *credentials; /* Credentials array */ cups_array_t *names; /* CUPS distinguished names */ CFArrayRef dn_array; /* CF distinguished names array */ CFIndex count; /* Number of credentials */ CFDataRef data; /* Certificate data */ int i; /* Looping var */ http_credential_t *credential; /* Credential data */ DEBUG_printf(("3_httpTLSStart(http=%p)", (void *)http)); if (tls_options < 0) { DEBUG_puts("4_httpTLSStart: Setting defaults."); _cupsSetDefaults(); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: tls_options=%x", tls_options)); } #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN if (http->mode == _HTTP_MODE_SERVER && !tls_keychain) { DEBUG_puts("4_httpTLSStart: cupsSetServerCredentials not called."); http->error = errno = EINVAL; http->status = HTTP_STATUS_ERROR; _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Server credentials not set."), 1); return (-1); } #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ if ((http->tls = SSLCreateContext(kCFAllocatorDefault, http->mode == _HTTP_MODE_CLIENT ? kSSLClientSide : kSSLServerSide, kSSLStreamType)) == NULL) { DEBUG_puts("4_httpTLSStart: SSLCreateContext failed."); http->error = errno = ENOMEM; http->status = HTTP_STATUS_ERROR; _cupsSetHTTPError(HTTP_STATUS_ERROR); return (-1); } error = SSLSetConnection(http->tls, http); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: SSLSetConnection, error=%d", (int)error)); if (!error) { error = SSLSetIOFuncs(http->tls, http_cdsa_read, http_cdsa_write); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: SSLSetIOFuncs, error=%d", (int)error)); } if (!error) { error = SSLSetSessionOption(http->tls, kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnServerAuth, true); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: SSLSetSessionOption, error=%d", (int)error)); } if (!error) { SSLProtocol minProtocol; if (tls_options & _HTTP_TLS_DENY_TLS10) minProtocol = kTLSProtocol11; else if (tls_options & _HTTP_TLS_ALLOW_SSL3) minProtocol = kSSLProtocol3; else minProtocol = kTLSProtocol1; error = SSLSetProtocolVersionMin(http->tls, minProtocol); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: SSLSetProtocolVersionMin(%d), error=%d", minProtocol, (int)error)); } # if HAVE_SSLSETENABLEDCIPHERS if (!error) { SSLCipherSuite supported[100]; /* Supported cipher suites */ size_t num_supported; /* Number of supported cipher suites */ SSLCipherSuite enabled[100]; /* Cipher suites to enable */ size_t num_enabled; /* Number of cipher suites to enable */ num_supported = sizeof(supported) / sizeof(supported[0]); error = SSLGetSupportedCiphers(http->tls, supported, &num_supported); if (!error) { DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: %d cipher suites supported.", (int)num_supported)); for (i = 0, num_enabled = 0; i < (int)num_supported && num_enabled < (sizeof(enabled) / sizeof(enabled[0])); i ++) { switch (supported[i]) { /* Obviously insecure cipher suites that we never want to use */ case SSL_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL : case SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 : case SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA : case SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 : case SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5 : case SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA : case SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DH_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DH_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DH_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DH_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DHE_DSS_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DHE_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5 : case SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 : case SSL_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA : case SSL_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA : case SSL_FORTEZZA_DMS_WITH_NULL_SHA : case TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA : case TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA : case TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA : case TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_NULL_SHA : case TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_SHA : case TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA : case TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA : case TLS_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA : case TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 : case TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA : case TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA : case TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 : case TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 : case TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 : case TLS_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 : case TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA256 : case TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_NULL_SHA384 : case SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_MD5 : DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: Excluding insecure cipher suite %d", supported[i])); break; /* RC4 cipher suites that should only be used as a last resort */ case SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 : case SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA : case TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA : case TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA : case TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA : case TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA : case TLS_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA : case TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA : if (tls_options & _HTTP_TLS_ALLOW_RC4) enabled[num_enabled ++] = supported[i]; else DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: Excluding RC4 cipher suite %d", supported[i])); break; /* DH/DHE cipher suites that are problematic with parameters < 1024 bits */ case TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA : // case TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA : // case TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 : // case TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 : case TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 : case TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 : // case TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 : // case TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 : case TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 : case TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 : case TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 : if (tls_options & _HTTP_TLS_ALLOW_DH) enabled[num_enabled ++] = supported[i]; else DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: Excluding DH/DHE cipher suite %d", supported[i])); break; /* Anything else we'll assume is secure */ default : enabled[num_enabled ++] = supported[i]; break; } } DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: %d cipher suites enabled.", (int)num_enabled)); error = SSLSetEnabledCiphers(http->tls, enabled, num_enabled); } } #endif /* HAVE_SSLSETENABLEDCIPHERS */ if (!error && http->mode == _HTTP_MODE_CLIENT) { /* * Client: set client-side credentials, if any... */ if (cg->client_cert_cb) { error = SSLSetSessionOption(http->tls, kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnCertRequested, true); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnCertRequested, " "error=%d", (int)error)); } else { error = http_cdsa_set_credentials(http); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: http_cdsa_set_credentials, error=%d", (int)error)); } } else if (!error) { /* * Server: find/create a certificate for TLS... */ if (http->fields[HTTP_FIELD_HOST][0]) { /* * Use hostname for TLS upgrade... */ strlcpy(hostname, http->fields[HTTP_FIELD_HOST], sizeof(hostname)); } else { /* * Resolve hostname from connection address... */ http_addr_t addr; /* Connection address */ socklen_t addrlen; /* Length of address */ addrlen = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(http->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrlen)) { DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: Unable to get socket address: %s", strerror(errno))); hostname[0] = '\0'; } else if (httpAddrLocalhost(&addr)) hostname[0] = '\0'; else { httpAddrLookup(&addr, hostname, sizeof(hostname)); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: Resolved socket address to \"%s\".", hostname)); } } if (isdigit(hostname[0] & 255) || hostname[0] == '[') hostname[0] = '\0'; /* Don't allow numeric addresses */ if (hostname[0]) http->tls_credentials = http_cdsa_copy_server(hostname); else if (tls_common_name) http->tls_credentials = http_cdsa_copy_server(tls_common_name); if (!http->tls_credentials && tls_auto_create && (hostname[0] || tls_common_name)) { DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: Auto-create credentials for \"%s\".", hostname[0] ? hostname : tls_common_name)); if (!cupsMakeServerCredentials(tls_keypath, hostname[0] ? hostname : tls_common_name, 0, NULL, time(NULL) + 365 * 86400)) { DEBUG_puts("4_httpTLSStart: cupsMakeServerCredentials failed."); http->error = errno = EINVAL; http->status = HTTP_STATUS_ERROR; _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Unable to create server credentials."), 1); return (-1); } http->tls_credentials = http_cdsa_copy_server(hostname[0] ? hostname : tls_common_name); } if (!http->tls_credentials) { DEBUG_puts("4_httpTLSStart: Unable to find server credentials."); http->error = errno = EINVAL; http->status = HTTP_STATUS_ERROR; _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Unable to find server credentials."), 1); return (-1); } error = SSLSetCertificate(http->tls, http->tls_credentials); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: SSLSetCertificate, error=%d", (int)error)); } DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: tls_credentials=%p", (void *)http->tls_credentials)); /* * Let the server know which hostname/domain we are trying to connect to * in case it wants to serve up a certificate with a matching common name. */ if (!error && http->mode == _HTTP_MODE_CLIENT) { /* * Client: get the hostname to use for TLS... */ if (httpAddrLocalhost(http->hostaddr)) { strlcpy(hostname, "localhost", sizeof(hostname)); } else { /* * Otherwise make sure the hostname we have does not end in a trailing dot. */ strlcpy(hostname, http->hostname, sizeof(hostname)); if ((hostptr = hostname + strlen(hostname) - 1) >= hostname && *hostptr == '.') *hostptr = '\0'; } error = SSLSetPeerDomainName(http->tls, hostname, strlen(hostname)); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: SSLSetPeerDomainName, error=%d", (int)error)); } if (!error) { int done = 0; /* Are we done yet? */ while (!error && !done) { error = SSLHandshake(http->tls); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: SSLHandshake returned %d.", (int)error)); switch (error) { case noErr : done = 1; break; case errSSLWouldBlock : error = noErr; /* Force a retry */ usleep(1000); /* in 1 millisecond */ break; case errSSLServerAuthCompleted : error = 0; if (cg->server_cert_cb) { error = httpCopyCredentials(http, &credentials); if (!error) { error = (cg->server_cert_cb)(http, http->tls, credentials, cg->server_cert_data); httpFreeCredentials(credentials); } DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: Server certificate callback " "returned %d.", (int)error)); } break; case errSSLClientCertRequested : error = 0; if (cg->client_cert_cb) { names = NULL; if (!(error = SSLCopyDistinguishedNames(http->tls, &dn_array)) && dn_array) { if ((names = cupsArrayNew(NULL, NULL)) != NULL) { for (i = 0, count = CFArrayGetCount(dn_array); i < count; i++) { data = (CFDataRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(dn_array, i); if ((credential = malloc(sizeof(*credential))) != NULL) { credential->datalen = (size_t)CFDataGetLength(data); if ((credential->data = malloc(credential->datalen))) { memcpy((void *)credential->data, CFDataGetBytePtr(data), credential->datalen); cupsArrayAdd(names, credential); } else free(credential); } } } CFRelease(dn_array); } if (!error) { error = (cg->client_cert_cb)(http, http->tls, names, cg->client_cert_data); DEBUG_printf(("4_httpTLSStart: Client certificate callback " "returned %d.", (int)error)); } httpFreeCredentials(names); } break; case errSSLUnknownRootCert : message = _("Unable to establish a secure connection to host " "(untrusted certificate)."); break; case errSSLNoRootCert : message = _("Unable to establish a secure connection to host " "(self-signed certificate)."); break; case errSSLCertExpired : message = _("Unable to establish a secure connection to host " "(expired certificate)."); break; case errSSLCertNotYetValid : message = _("Unable to establish a secure connection to host " "(certificate not yet valid)."); break; case errSSLHostNameMismatch : message = _("Unable to establish a secure connection to host " "(host name mismatch)."); break; case errSSLXCertChainInvalid : message = _("Unable to establish a secure connection to host " "(certificate chain invalid)."); break; case errSSLConnectionRefused : message = _("Unable to establish a secure connection to host " "(peer dropped connection before responding)."); break; default : break; } } } if (error) { http->error = error; http->status = HTTP_STATUS_ERROR; errno = ECONNREFUSED; CFRelease(http->tls); http->tls = NULL; /* * If an error string wasn't set by the callbacks use a generic one... */ if (!message) #ifdef HAVE_CSSMERRORSTRING message = cssmErrorString(error); #else message = _("Unable to establish a secure connection to host."); #endif /* HAVE_CSSMERRORSTRING */ _cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_CUPS_PKI, message, 1); return (-1); } return (0); } /* * '_httpTLSStop()' - Shut down SSL/TLS on a connection. */ void _httpTLSStop(http_t *http) /* I - HTTP connection */ { while (SSLClose(http->tls) == errSSLWouldBlock) usleep(1000); CFRelease(http->tls); if (http->tls_credentials) CFRelease(http->tls_credentials); http->tls = NULL; http->tls_credentials = NULL; } /* * '_httpTLSWrite()' - Write to a SSL/TLS connection. */ int /* O - Bytes written */ _httpTLSWrite(http_t *http, /* I - HTTP connection */ const char *buf, /* I - Buffer holding data */ int len) /* I - Length of buffer */ { ssize_t result; /* Return value */ OSStatus error; /* Error info */ size_t processed; /* Number of bytes processed */ DEBUG_printf(("2_httpTLSWrite(http=%p, buf=%p, len=%d)", (void *)http, (void *)buf, len)); error = SSLWrite(http->tls, buf, (size_t)len, &processed); switch (error) { case 0 : result = (int)processed; break; case errSSLWouldBlock : if (processed) { result = (int)processed; } else { result = -1; errno = EINTR; } break; case errSSLClosedGraceful : default : if (processed) { result = (int)processed; } else { result = -1; errno = EPIPE; } break; } DEBUG_printf(("3_httpTLSWrite: Returning %d.", (int)result)); return ((int)result); } /* * 'http_cdsa_copy_server()' - Find and copy server credentials from the keychain. */ static CFArrayRef /* O - Array of certificates or NULL */ http_cdsa_copy_server( const char *common_name) /* I - Server's hostname */ { #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN OSStatus err; /* Error info */ SecIdentityRef identity = NULL;/* Identity */ CFArrayRef certificates = NULL; /* Certificate array */ SecPolicyRef policy = NULL; /* Policy ref */ CFStringRef cfcommon_name = NULL; /* Server name */ CFMutableDictionaryRef query = NULL; /* Query qualifiers */ CFArrayRef list = NULL; /* Keychain list */ SecKeychainRef syschain = NULL;/* System keychain */ SecKeychainStatus status = 0; /* Keychain status */ DEBUG_printf(("3http_cdsa_copy_server(common_name=\"%s\")", common_name)); cfcommon_name = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, common_name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); policy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(1, cfcommon_name); if (!policy) { DEBUG_puts("4http_cdsa_copy_server: Unable to create SSL policy."); goto cleanup; } if (!(query = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks))) { DEBUG_puts("4http_cdsa_copy_server: Unable to create query dictionary."); goto cleanup; } _cupsMutexLock(&tls_mutex); err = SecKeychainGetStatus(tls_keychain, &status); if (err == noErr && !(status & kSecUnlockStateStatus) && tls_cups_keychain) SecKeychainUnlock(tls_keychain, _CUPS_CDSA_PASSLEN, _CUPS_CDSA_PASSWORD, TRUE); CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecClass, kSecClassIdentity); CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecMatchPolicy, policy); CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecReturnRef, kCFBooleanTrue); CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecMatchLimit, kSecMatchLimitOne); syschain = http_cdsa_open_system_keychain(); if (syschain) { const void *values[2] = { syschain, tls_keychain }; list = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)values, 2, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); } else list = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&tls_keychain, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); CFDictionaryAddValue(query, kSecMatchSearchList, list); CFRelease(list); err = SecItemCopyMatching(query, (CFTypeRef *)&identity); _cupsMutexUnlock(&tls_mutex); if (err != noErr) { DEBUG_printf(("4http_cdsa_copy_server: SecItemCopyMatching failed with status %d.", (int)err)); goto cleanup; } if (CFGetTypeID(identity) != SecIdentityGetTypeID()) { DEBUG_puts("4http_cdsa_copy_server: Search returned something that is not an identity."); goto cleanup; } if ((certificates = CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&identity, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)) == NULL) { DEBUG_puts("4http_cdsa_copy_server: Unable to create array of certificates."); goto cleanup; } cleanup : if (syschain) CFRelease(syschain); if (identity) CFRelease(identity); if (policy) CFRelease(policy); if (cfcommon_name) CFRelease(cfcommon_name); if (query) CFRelease(query); DEBUG_printf(("4http_cdsa_copy_server: Returning %p.", (void *)certificates)); return (certificates); #else if (!tls_selfsigned) return (NULL); return (CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)&tls_selfsigned, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks)); #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ } /* * 'http_cdsa_create_credential()' - Create a single credential in the internal format. */ static SecCertificateRef /* O - Certificate */ http_cdsa_create_credential( http_credential_t *credential) /* I - Credential */ { if (!credential) return (NULL); return (SecCertificateCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, credential->data, (CFIndex)credential->datalen)); } #ifdef HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN /* * 'http_cdsa_default_path()' - Get the default keychain path. */ static const char * /* O - Keychain path */ http_cdsa_default_path(char *buffer, /* I - Path buffer */ size_t bufsize) /* I - Size of buffer */ { const char *home = getenv("HOME"); /* HOME environment variable */ /* * Determine the default keychain path. Note that the login and system * keychains are no longer accessible to user applications starting in macOS * 10.11.4 (!), so we need to create our own keychain just for CUPS. */ if (getuid() && home) snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "%s/.cups/ssl.keychain", home); else strlcpy(buffer, "/etc/cups/ssl.keychain", bufsize); DEBUG_printf(("1http_cdsa_default_path: Using default path \"%s\".", buffer)); return (buffer); } /* * 'http_cdsa_open_keychain()' - Open (or create) a keychain. */ static SecKeychainRef /* O - Keychain or NULL */ http_cdsa_open_keychain( const char *path, /* I - Path to keychain */ char *filename, /* I - Keychain filename */ size_t filesize) /* I - Size of filename buffer */ { SecKeychainRef keychain = NULL;/* Temporary keychain */ OSStatus err; /* Error code */ Boolean interaction; /* Interaction allowed? */ SecKeychainStatus status = 0; /* Keychain status */ /* * Get the keychain filename... */ if (!path) { path = http_cdsa_default_path(filename, filesize); tls_cups_keychain = 1; } else { strlcpy(filename, path, filesize); tls_cups_keychain = 0; } /* * Save the interaction setting and disable while we open the keychain... */ SecKeychainGetUserInteractionAllowed(&interaction); SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(FALSE); if (access(path, R_OK) && tls_cups_keychain) { /* * Create a new keychain at the given path... */ err = SecKeychainCreate(path, _CUPS_CDSA_PASSLEN, _CUPS_CDSA_PASSWORD, FALSE, NULL, &keychain); } else { /* * Open the existing keychain and unlock as needed... */ err = SecKeychainOpen(path, &keychain); if (err == noErr) err = SecKeychainGetStatus(keychain, &status); if (err == noErr && !(status & kSecUnlockStateStatus) && tls_cups_keychain) err = SecKeychainUnlock(keychain, _CUPS_CDSA_PASSLEN, _CUPS_CDSA_PASSWORD, TRUE); } /* * Restore interaction setting... */ SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(interaction); /* * Release the keychain if we had any errors... */ if (err != noErr) { /* TODO: Set cups last error string */ DEBUG_printf(("4http_cdsa_open_keychain: Unable to open keychain (%d), returning NULL.", (int)err)); if (keychain) { CFRelease(keychain); keychain = NULL; } } /* * Return the keychain or NULL... */ return (keychain); } /* * 'http_cdsa_open_system_keychain()' - Open the System keychain. */ static SecKeychainRef http_cdsa_open_system_keychain(void) { SecKeychainRef keychain = NULL;/* Temporary keychain */ OSStatus err; /* Error code */ Boolean interaction; /* Interaction allowed? */ SecKeychainStatus status = 0; /* Keychain status */ /* * Save the interaction setting and disable while we open the keychain... */ SecKeychainGetUserInteractionAllowed(&interaction); SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(TRUE); err = SecKeychainOpen("/Library/Keychains/System.keychain", &keychain); if (err == noErr) err = SecKeychainGetStatus(keychain, &status); if (err == noErr && !(status & kSecUnlockStateStatus)) err = errSecInteractionNotAllowed; /* * Restore interaction setting... */ SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(interaction); /* * Release the keychain if we had any errors... */ if (err != noErr) { /* TODO: Set cups last error string */ DEBUG_printf(("4http_cdsa_open_system_keychain: Unable to open keychain (%d), returning NULL.", (int)err)); if (keychain) { CFRelease(keychain); keychain = NULL; } } /* * Return the keychain or NULL... */ return (keychain); } #endif /* HAVE_SECKEYCHAINOPEN */ /* * 'http_cdsa_read()' - Read function for the CDSA library. */ static OSStatus /* O - -1 on error, 0 on success */ http_cdsa_read( SSLConnectionRef connection, /* I - SSL/TLS connection */ void *data, /* I - Data buffer */ size_t *dataLength) /* IO - Number of bytes */ { OSStatus result; /* Return value */ ssize_t bytes; /* Number of bytes read */ http_t *http; /* HTTP connection */ http = (http_t *)connection; if (!http->blocking) { /* * Make sure we have data before we read... */ while (!_httpWait(http, http->wait_value, 0)) { if (http->timeout_cb && (*http->timeout_cb)(http, http->timeout_data)) continue; http->error = ETIMEDOUT; return (-1); } } do { bytes = recv(http->fd, data, *dataLength, 0); } while (bytes == -1 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)); if ((size_t)bytes == *dataLength) { result = 0; } else if (bytes > 0) { *dataLength = (size_t)bytes; result = errSSLWouldBlock; } else { *dataLength = 0; if (bytes == 0) result = errSSLClosedGraceful; else if (errno == EAGAIN) result = errSSLWouldBlock; else result = errSSLClosedAbort; } return (result); } /* * 'http_cdsa_set_credentials()' - Set the TLS credentials. */ static int /* O - Status of connection */ http_cdsa_set_credentials(http_t *http) /* I - HTTP connection */ { _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Pointer to library globals */ OSStatus error = 0; /* Error code */ http_tls_credentials_t credentials = NULL; /* TLS credentials */ DEBUG_printf(("7http_tls_set_credentials(%p)", (void *)http)); /* * Prefer connection specific credentials... */ if ((credentials = http->tls_credentials) == NULL) credentials = cg->tls_credentials; if (credentials) { error = SSLSetCertificate(http->tls, credentials); DEBUG_printf(("4http_tls_set_credentials: SSLSetCertificate, error=%d", (int)error)); } else DEBUG_puts("4http_tls_set_credentials: No credentials to set."); return (error); } /* * 'http_cdsa_write()' - Write function for the CDSA library. */ static OSStatus /* O - -1 on error, 0 on success */ http_cdsa_write( SSLConnectionRef connection, /* I - SSL/TLS connection */ const void *data, /* I - Data buffer */ size_t *dataLength) /* IO - Number of bytes */ { OSStatus result; /* Return value */ ssize_t bytes; /* Number of bytes read */ http_t *http; /* HTTP connection */ http = (http_t *)connection; do { bytes = write(http->fd, data, *dataLength); } while (bytes == -1 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)); if ((size_t)bytes == *dataLength) { result = 0; } else if (bytes >= 0) { *dataLength = (size_t)bytes; result = errSSLWouldBlock; } else { *dataLength = 0; if (errno == EAGAIN) result = errSSLWouldBlock; else result = errSSLClosedAbort; } return (result); }