/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2012 Ittiam Systems Pvt Ltd, Bangalore * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ /** ******************************************************************************* * @file * ihevcd_decode.c * * @brief * Contains codecs main decode function * * @author * Harish * * @par List of Functions: * - fill_outargs() * - ihevcd_decode * @remarks * None * ******************************************************************************* */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* File Includes */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "ihevc_typedefs.h" #include "iv.h" #include "ivd.h" #include "ihevcd_cxa.h" #include "ithread.h" #include "ihevc_defs.h" #include "ihevc_debug.h" #include "ihevc_structs.h" #include "ihevc_macros.h" #include "ihevc_platform_macros.h" #include "ihevc_cabac_tables.h" #include "ihevc_disp_mgr.h" #include "ihevc_buf_mgr.h" #include "ihevc_dpb_mgr.h" #include "ihevc_error.h" #include "ihevcd_defs.h" #include "ihevcd_function_selector.h" #include "ihevcd_structs.h" #include "ihevcd_error.h" #include "ihevcd_nal.h" #include "ihevcd_bitstream.h" #include "ihevcd_fmt_conv.h" #include "ihevcd_job_queue.h" #include "ihevcd_debug.h" #include "ihevcd_process_slice.h" #include "ihevcd_ittiam_logo.h" #include "ihevcd_profile.h" #define NUM_FRAMES_LIMIT_ENABLED 0 #if NUM_FRAMES_LIMIT_ENABLED #define NUM_FRAMES_LIMIT 10000 #else #define NUM_FRAMES_LIMIT 0x7FFFFFFF #endif IHEVCD_ERROR_T ihevcd_check_out_buf_size(codec_t *ps_codec); IHEVCD_ERROR_T ihevcd_fmt_conv(codec_t *ps_codec, process_ctxt_t *ps_proc, UWORD8 *pu1_y_dst, UWORD8 *pu1_u_dst, UWORD8 *pu1_v_dst, WORD32 cur_row, WORD32 num_rows); WORD32 ihevcd_init(codec_t *ps_codec); WORD32 ihevcd_allocate_dynamic_bufs(codec_t *ps_codec); WORD32 ihevcd_free_dynamic_bufs(codec_t *ps_codec); /*****************************************************************************/ /* Function Prototypes */ /*****************************************************************************/ /** ******************************************************************************* * * @brief Fills output arguments for decode process * * @par Description * Fills elements in the output structure based on the current state * * @param[in] ps_codec * Codec context * * @param[in] ps_dec_ip * Pointer to input structure * * @param[in] ps_dec_op * Pointer to output structure * * @returns none * * @remarks * ******************************************************************************* */ static UWORD32 ihevcd_map_error(IHEVCD_ERROR_T e_error) { UWORD32 error_code = 0; error_code = e_error; switch(error_code) { case IHEVCD_SUCCESS : break; case IHEVCD_INIT_NOT_DONE: case IHEVCD_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED: case IHEVCD_NUM_REF_UNSUPPORTED: case IHEVCD_NUM_REORDER_UNSUPPORTED: case IHEVCD_NUM_EXTRA_DISP_UNSUPPORTED: case IHEVCD_INSUFFICIENT_MEM_MVBANK: case IHEVCD_INSUFFICIENT_MEM_PICBUF: error_code |= 1 << IVD_FATALERROR; break; case IHEVCD_INVALID_DISP_STRD: case IHEVCD_CXA_VERS_BUF_INSUFFICIENT: case IHEVCD_UNSUPPORTED_VPS_ID: case IHEVCD_UNSUPPORTED_SPS_ID: case IHEVCD_UNSUPPORTED_PPS_ID: case IHEVCD_UNSUPPORTED_CHROMA_FMT_IDC: case IHEVCD_UNSUPPORTED_BIT_DEPTH: case IHEVCD_BUF_MGR_ERROR: case IHEVCD_NO_FREE_MVBANK: case IHEVCD_NO_FREE_PICBUF: case IHEVCD_SLICE_IN_HEADER_MODE: case IHEVCD_END_OF_SEQUENCE: break; default: break; } return error_code; } /** ******************************************************************************* * * @brief Fills output arguments for decode process * * @par Description * Fills elements in the output structure based on the current state * * @param[in] ps_codec * Codec context * * @param[in] ps_dec_ip * Pointer to input structure * * @param[in] ps_dec_op * Pointer to output structure * * @returns none * * @remarks * ******************************************************************************* */ static void ihevcd_fill_outargs(codec_t *ps_codec, ivd_video_decode_ip_t *ps_dec_ip, ivd_video_decode_op_t *ps_dec_op) { ps_dec_op->u4_error_code = ihevcd_map_error((IHEVCD_ERROR_T)ps_codec->i4_error_code); ps_dec_op->u4_num_bytes_consumed = ps_dec_ip->u4_num_Bytes - ps_codec->i4_bytes_remaining; if(ps_codec->i4_sps_done) { ps_dec_op->u4_pic_wd = ps_codec->i4_disp_wd; ps_dec_op->u4_pic_ht = ps_codec->i4_disp_ht; } else { ps_dec_op->u4_pic_wd = 0; ps_dec_op->u4_pic_ht = 0; } ps_dec_op->e_pic_type = ps_codec->e_dec_pic_type; ps_dec_op->u4_frame_decoded_flag = ps_codec->i4_pic_present; ps_dec_op->u4_new_seq = 0; ps_dec_op->u4_output_present = 0; ps_dec_op->u4_progressive_frame_flag = 1; if(ps_codec->i4_sps_done) { sps_t *ps_sps = (ps_codec->s_parse.ps_sps_base + ps_codec->i4_sps_id); profile_tier_lvl_info_t *ps_ptl; ps_ptl = &ps_sps->s_ptl; if((0 == ps_ptl->s_ptl_gen.i1_general_progressive_source_flag) && (1 == ps_ptl->s_ptl_gen.i1_general_interlaced_source_flag)) { ps_dec_op->u4_progressive_frame_flag = 0; } } ps_dec_op->u4_is_ref_flag = 1; ps_dec_op->e_output_format = ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt; ps_dec_op->u4_is_ref_flag = 1; ps_dec_op->e4_fld_type = IV_FLD_TYPE_DEFAULT; ps_dec_op->u4_ts = (UWORD32)(-1); ps_dec_op->u4_disp_buf_id = ps_codec->i4_disp_buf_id; if(ps_codec->i4_flush_mode) { ps_dec_op->u4_num_bytes_consumed = 0; /*In the case of flush ,since no frame is decoded set pic type as invalid*/ ps_dec_op->u4_is_ref_flag = 0; ps_dec_op->e_pic_type = IV_NA_FRAME; ps_dec_op->u4_frame_decoded_flag = 0; } /* If there is a display buffer */ if(ps_codec->ps_disp_buf) { pic_buf_t *ps_disp_buf = ps_codec->ps_disp_buf; sei_params_t *ps_sei = &ps_disp_buf->s_sei_params; if(ps_sei->i1_sei_parameters_present_flag && ps_sei->i1_pic_timing_params_present_flag) { UWORD32 u4_pic_struct; u4_pic_struct = ps_sei->s_pic_timing_sei_params.u4_pic_struct; switch(u4_pic_struct) { case 1: ps_dec_op->e4_fld_type = IV_TOP_FLD; ps_dec_op->u4_progressive_frame_flag = 0; break; case 2: ps_dec_op->e4_fld_type = IV_BOT_FLD; ps_dec_op->u4_progressive_frame_flag = 0; break; case 0: default: ps_dec_op->e4_fld_type = IV_FLD_TYPE_DEFAULT; ps_dec_op->u4_progressive_frame_flag = 1; break; } } ps_dec_op->u4_output_present = 1; ps_dec_op->u4_ts = ps_disp_buf->u4_ts; if((ps_codec->i4_flush_mode == 0) && (ps_codec->s_parse.i4_end_of_frame == 0)) ps_dec_op->u4_output_present = 0; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_wd = ps_codec->i4_disp_wd; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_ht = ps_codec->i4_disp_ht; if(ps_codec->i4_share_disp_buf) { ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.pv_y_buf = ps_disp_buf->pu1_luma; if(ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt != IV_YUV_420P) { ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.pv_u_buf = ps_disp_buf->pu1_chroma; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.pv_v_buf = NULL; } else { WORD32 i; UWORD8 *pu1_u_dst = NULL, *pu1_v_dst = NULL; for(i = 0; i < ps_codec->i4_share_disp_buf_cnt; i++) { WORD32 diff = ps_disp_buf->pu1_luma - ps_codec->s_disp_buffer[i].pu1_bufs[0]; if(diff == (ps_codec->i4_strd * PAD_TOP + PAD_LEFT)) { pu1_u_dst = ps_codec->s_disp_buffer[i].pu1_bufs[1]; pu1_u_dst += (ps_codec->i4_strd * PAD_TOP) / 4 + (PAD_LEFT / 2); pu1_v_dst = ps_codec->s_disp_buffer[i].pu1_bufs[2]; pu1_v_dst += (ps_codec->i4_strd * PAD_TOP) / 4 + (PAD_LEFT / 2); break; } } ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.pv_u_buf = pu1_u_dst; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.pv_v_buf = pu1_v_dst; } ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_strd = ps_codec->i4_strd; } else { ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.pv_y_buf = ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[0]; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.pv_u_buf = ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[1]; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.pv_v_buf = ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[2]; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_strd = ps_codec->i4_disp_strd; } if((IV_YUV_420SP_VU == ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt) || (IV_YUV_420SP_UV == ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt)) { ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_u_strd = ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_strd; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_v_strd = 0; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_u_wd = ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_wd; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_v_wd = 0; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_u_ht = ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_ht / 2; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_v_ht = 0; } else if(IV_YUV_420P == ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt) { ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_u_strd = ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_strd / 2; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_v_strd = ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_strd / 2; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_u_wd = ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_wd / 2; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_v_wd = ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_wd / 2; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_u_ht = ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_ht / 2; ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_v_ht = ps_dec_op->s_disp_frm_buf.u4_y_ht / 2; } } else if(ps_codec->i4_flush_mode) { ps_dec_op->u4_error_code = IHEVCD_END_OF_SEQUENCE; /* Come out of flush mode */ ps_codec->i4_flush_mode = 0; } } /** ******************************************************************************* * * @brief * Codec process call * * @par Description: * Codec process call Tests for few error checks Handle flush and decode * header related code Parse bitstream for start codes For each NAL unit * call decode NAL function Once a complete frame is decoded (in frame * decode mode) Fill output arguments and return * * @param[in] ps_codec_obj * Pointer to codec object at API level * * @param[in] pv_api_ip * Pointer to input argument structure * * @param[in] pv_api_op * Pointer to output argument structure * * @returns Status * * @remarks * * ******************************************************************************* */ WORD32 ihevcd_decode(iv_obj_t *ps_codec_obj, void *pv_api_ip, void *pv_api_op) { WORD32 ret = IV_SUCCESS; codec_t *ps_codec = (codec_t *)(ps_codec_obj->pv_codec_handle); ivd_video_decode_ip_t *ps_dec_ip; ivd_video_decode_op_t *ps_dec_op; WORD32 proc_idx = 0; WORD32 prev_proc_idx = 0; /* Initialize error code */ ps_codec->i4_error_code = 0; ps_dec_ip = (ivd_video_decode_ip_t *)pv_api_ip; ps_dec_op = (ivd_video_decode_op_t *)pv_api_op; { UWORD32 u4_size = ps_dec_op->u4_size; memset(ps_dec_op, 0, sizeof(ivd_video_decode_op_t)); ps_dec_op->u4_size = u4_size; //Restore size field } if(ps_codec->i4_init_done != 1) { ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= 1 << IVD_FATALERROR; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= IHEVCD_INIT_NOT_DONE; return IV_FAIL; } if(ps_codec->u4_pic_cnt >= NUM_FRAMES_LIMIT) { ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= 1 << IVD_FATALERROR; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= IHEVCD_NUM_FRAMES_LIMIT_REACHED; return IV_FAIL; } /* If reset flag is set, flush the existing buffers */ if(ps_codec->i4_reset_flag) { ps_codec->i4_flush_mode = 1; } /*Data memory barries instruction,so that bitstream write by the application is complete*/ //arm_dsb(); /* In case the decoder is not in flush mode check for input buffer validity */ if(0 == ps_codec->i4_flush_mode) { if(ps_dec_ip->pv_stream_buffer == NULL) { ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= 1 << IVD_UNSUPPORTEDPARAM; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= IVD_DEC_FRM_BS_BUF_NULL; return IV_FAIL; } if(ps_dec_ip->u4_num_Bytes <= MIN_START_CODE_LEN) { if((WORD32)ps_dec_ip->u4_num_Bytes > 0) ps_dec_op->u4_num_bytes_consumed = ps_dec_ip->u4_num_Bytes; else ps_dec_op->u4_num_bytes_consumed = 0; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= 1 << IVD_UNSUPPORTEDPARAM; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= IVD_DEC_NUMBYTES_INV; return IV_FAIL; } } #ifdef APPLY_CONCEALMENT { WORD32 num_mbs; num_mbs = (ps_codec->i4_wd * ps_codec->i4_ht + 255) >> 8; /* Reset MB Count at the beginning of every process call */ ps_codec->mb_count = 0; memset(ps_codec->mb_map, 0, ((num_mbs + 7) >> 3)); } #endif if(0 == ps_codec->i4_share_disp_buf && ps_codec->i4_header_mode == 0) { UWORD32 i; if(ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.u4_num_bufs == 0) { ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= 1 << IVD_UNSUPPORTEDPARAM; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= IVD_DISP_FRM_ZERO_OP_BUFS; return IV_FAIL; } for(i = 0; i < ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.u4_num_bufs; i++) { if(ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[i] == NULL) { ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= 1 << IVD_UNSUPPORTEDPARAM; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= IVD_DISP_FRM_OP_BUF_NULL; return IV_FAIL; } if(ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.u4_min_out_buf_size[i] == 0) { ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= 1 << IVD_UNSUPPORTEDPARAM; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= IVD_DISP_FRM_ZERO_OP_BUF_SIZE; return IV_FAIL; } } } ps_codec->ps_out_buffer = &ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer; ps_codec->u4_ts = ps_dec_ip->u4_ts; if(ps_codec->i4_flush_mode) { ps_dec_op->u4_pic_wd = ps_codec->i4_disp_wd; ps_dec_op->u4_pic_ht = ps_codec->i4_disp_ht; ps_dec_op->u4_new_seq = 0; ps_codec->ps_disp_buf = (pic_buf_t *)ihevc_disp_mgr_get( (disp_mgr_t *)ps_codec->pv_disp_buf_mgr, &ps_codec->i4_disp_buf_id); /* In case of non-shared mode, then convert/copy the frame to output buffer */ /* Only if the codec is in non-shared mode or in shared mode but needs 420P output */ if((ps_codec->ps_disp_buf) && ((0 == ps_codec->i4_share_disp_buf) || (IV_YUV_420P == ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt))) { process_ctxt_t *ps_proc = &ps_codec->as_process[prev_proc_idx]; if(0 == ps_proc->i4_init_done) { ihevcd_init_proc_ctxt(ps_proc, 0); } /* Output buffer check */ ret = ihevcd_check_out_buf_size(ps_codec); RETURN_IF((ret != (IHEVCD_ERROR_T)IHEVCD_SUCCESS), ret); /* Set remaining number of rows to be processed */ ret = ihevcd_fmt_conv(ps_codec, &ps_codec->as_process[prev_proc_idx], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[0], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[1], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[2], 0, ps_codec->i4_disp_ht); ihevc_buf_mgr_release((buf_mgr_t *)ps_codec->pv_pic_buf_mgr, ps_codec->i4_disp_buf_id, BUF_MGR_DISP); } ihevcd_fill_outargs(ps_codec, ps_dec_ip, ps_dec_op); if(1 == ps_dec_op->u4_output_present) { WORD32 xpos = ps_codec->i4_disp_wd - 32 - LOGO_WD; WORD32 ypos = ps_codec->i4_disp_ht - 32 - LOGO_HT; if(ypos < 0) ypos = 0; if(xpos < 0) xpos = 0; INSERT_LOGO(ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[0], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[1], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[2], ps_codec->i4_disp_strd, xpos, ypos, ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt, ps_codec->i4_disp_wd, ps_codec->i4_disp_ht); } if(NULL == ps_codec->ps_disp_buf) { /* If in flush mode and there are no more buffers to flush, * check for the reset flag and reset the decoder */ if(ps_codec->i4_reset_flag) { ihevcd_init(ps_codec); } return (IV_FAIL); } return (IV_SUCCESS); } /* In case of shared mode, check if there is a free buffer for reconstruction */ if((0 == ps_codec->i4_header_mode) && (1 == ps_codec->i4_share_disp_buf)) { WORD32 buf_status; buf_status = 1; if(ps_codec->pv_pic_buf_mgr) buf_status = ihevc_buf_mgr_check_free((buf_mgr_t *)ps_codec->pv_pic_buf_mgr); /* If there is no free buffer, then return with an error code */ if(0 == buf_status) { ps_dec_op->u4_error_code = IVD_DEC_REF_BUF_NULL; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= (1 << IVD_UNSUPPORTEDPARAM); return IV_FAIL; } } ps_codec->i4_bytes_remaining = ps_dec_ip->u4_num_Bytes; ps_codec->pu1_inp_bitsbuf = (UWORD8 *)ps_dec_ip->pv_stream_buffer; ps_codec->s_parse.i4_end_of_frame = 0; ps_codec->i4_pic_present = 0; ps_codec->i4_slice_error = 0; ps_codec->ps_disp_buf = NULL; if(ps_codec->i4_num_cores > 1) { ithread_set_affinity(0); } while(MIN_START_CODE_LEN < ps_codec->i4_bytes_remaining) { WORD32 nal_len; WORD32 nal_ofst; WORD32 bits_len; if(ps_codec->i4_slice_error) { slice_header_t *ps_slice_hdr_next = ps_codec->s_parse.ps_slice_hdr_base + (ps_codec->s_parse.i4_cur_slice_idx & (MAX_SLICE_HDR_CNT - 1)); WORD32 next_slice_addr = ps_slice_hdr_next->i2_ctb_x + ps_slice_hdr_next->i2_ctb_y * ps_codec->s_parse.ps_sps->i2_pic_wd_in_ctb; if(ps_codec->s_parse.i4_next_ctb_indx == next_slice_addr) ps_codec->i4_slice_error = 0; } if(ps_codec->pu1_bitsbuf_dynamic) { ps_codec->pu1_bitsbuf = ps_codec->pu1_bitsbuf_dynamic; ps_codec->u4_bitsbuf_size = ps_codec->u4_bitsbuf_size_dynamic; } else { ps_codec->pu1_bitsbuf = ps_codec->pu1_bitsbuf_static; ps_codec->u4_bitsbuf_size = ps_codec->u4_bitsbuf_size_static; } nal_ofst = ihevcd_nal_search_start_code(ps_codec->pu1_inp_bitsbuf, ps_codec->i4_bytes_remaining); ps_codec->i4_nal_ofst = nal_ofst; { WORD32 bytes_remaining = ps_codec->i4_bytes_remaining - nal_ofst; bytes_remaining = MIN((UWORD32)bytes_remaining, ps_codec->u4_bitsbuf_size); ihevcd_nal_remv_emuln_bytes(ps_codec->pu1_inp_bitsbuf + nal_ofst, ps_codec->pu1_bitsbuf, bytes_remaining, &nal_len, &bits_len); /* Decoder may read upto 8 extra bytes at the end of frame */ /* These are not used, but still set them to zero to avoid uninitialized reads */ if(bits_len < (WORD32)(ps_codec->u4_bitsbuf_size - 8)) { memset(ps_codec->pu1_bitsbuf + bits_len, 0, 2 * sizeof(UWORD32)); } } /* This may be used to update the offsets for tiles and entropy sync row offsets */ ps_codec->i4_num_emln_bytes = nal_len - bits_len; ps_codec->i4_nal_len = nal_len; ihevcd_bits_init(&ps_codec->s_parse.s_bitstrm, ps_codec->pu1_bitsbuf, bits_len); ret = ihevcd_nal_unit(ps_codec); /* If the frame is incomplete and * the bytes remaining is zero or a header is received, * complete the frame treating it to be in error */ if(ps_codec->i4_pic_present && (ps_codec->s_parse.i4_next_ctb_indx != ps_codec->s_parse.ps_sps->i4_pic_size_in_ctb)) { if((ps_codec->i4_bytes_remaining - (nal_len + nal_ofst) <= MIN_START_CODE_LEN) || (ps_codec->i4_header_in_slice_mode)) { slice_header_t *ps_slice_hdr_next; ps_codec->s_parse.i4_cur_slice_idx--; if(ps_codec->s_parse.i4_cur_slice_idx < 0) ps_codec->s_parse.i4_cur_slice_idx = 0; ps_slice_hdr_next = ps_codec->s_parse.ps_slice_hdr_base + ((ps_codec->s_parse.i4_cur_slice_idx + 1) & (MAX_SLICE_HDR_CNT - 1)); ps_slice_hdr_next->i2_ctb_x = 0; ps_slice_hdr_next->i2_ctb_y = ps_codec->s_parse.ps_sps->i2_pic_ht_in_ctb; ps_codec->i4_slice_error = 1; continue; } } if(IHEVCD_IGNORE_SLICE == ret) { ps_codec->s_parse.i4_cur_slice_idx = MAX(0, (ps_codec->s_parse.i4_cur_slice_idx - 1)); ps_codec->pu1_inp_bitsbuf += (nal_ofst + nal_len); ps_codec->i4_bytes_remaining -= (nal_ofst + nal_len); continue; } if((IVD_RES_CHANGED == ret) || (IVD_STREAM_WIDTH_HEIGHT_NOT_SUPPORTED == ret)) { break; } /* Update bytes remaining and bytes consumed and input bitstream pointer */ /* Do not consume the NAL in the following cases */ /* Slice header reached during header decode mode */ /* TODO: Next picture's slice reached */ if(ret != IHEVCD_SLICE_IN_HEADER_MODE) { if((0 == ps_codec->i4_slice_error) || (ps_codec->i4_bytes_remaining - (nal_len + nal_ofst) <= MIN_START_CODE_LEN)) { ps_codec->pu1_inp_bitsbuf += (nal_ofst + nal_len); ps_codec->i4_bytes_remaining -= (nal_ofst + nal_len); } if(ret != IHEVCD_SUCCESS) break; if(ps_codec->s_parse.i4_end_of_frame) break; } else { ret = IHEVCD_SUCCESS; break; } /* Allocate dynamic bitstream buffer once SPS is decoded */ if((ps_codec->u4_allocate_dynamic_done == 0) && ps_codec->i4_sps_done) { WORD32 ret; ret = ihevcd_allocate_dynamic_bufs(ps_codec); if(ret != IV_SUCCESS) { /* Free any dynamic buffers that are allocated */ ihevcd_free_dynamic_bufs(ps_codec); ps_codec->i4_error_code = IVD_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= 1 << IVD_FATALERROR; ps_dec_op->u4_error_code |= IVD_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED; return IV_FAIL; } } BREAK_AFTER_SLICE_NAL(); } if((ps_codec->u4_pic_cnt == 0) && (ret != IHEVCD_SUCCESS)) { ps_codec->i4_error_code = ret; ihevcd_fill_outargs(ps_codec, ps_dec_ip, ps_dec_op); return IV_FAIL; } if(1 == ps_codec->i4_pic_present) { WORD32 i; sps_t *ps_sps = ps_codec->s_parse.ps_sps; ps_codec->i4_first_pic_done = 1; /*TODO temporary fix: end_of_frame is checked before adding format conversion to job queue */ if(ps_codec->i4_num_cores > 1 && ps_codec->s_parse.i4_end_of_frame) { /* Add job queue for format conversion / frame copy for each ctb row */ /* Only if the codec is in non-shared mode or in shared mode but needs 420P output */ process_ctxt_t *ps_proc; /* i4_num_cores - 1 contexts are currently being used by other threads */ ps_proc = &ps_codec->as_process[ps_codec->i4_num_cores - 1]; if((ps_codec->ps_disp_buf) && ((0 == ps_codec->i4_share_disp_buf) || (IV_YUV_420P == ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt))) { /* If format conversion jobs were not issued in pic_init() add them here */ if((0 == ps_codec->u4_enable_fmt_conv_ahead) || (ps_codec->i4_disp_buf_id == ps_proc->i4_cur_pic_buf_id)) for(i = 0; i < ps_sps->i2_pic_ht_in_ctb; i++) { proc_job_t s_job; IHEVCD_ERROR_T ret; s_job.i4_cmd = CMD_FMTCONV; s_job.i2_ctb_cnt = 0; s_job.i2_ctb_x = 0; s_job.i2_ctb_y = i; s_job.i2_slice_idx = 0; s_job.i4_tu_coeff_data_ofst = 0; ret = ihevcd_jobq_queue((jobq_t *)ps_codec->s_parse.pv_proc_jobq, &s_job, sizeof(proc_job_t), 1); if(ret != (IHEVCD_ERROR_T)IHEVCD_SUCCESS) return (WORD32)ret; } } /* Reached end of frame : Signal terminate */ /* The terminate flag is checked only after all the jobs are dequeued */ ret = ihevcd_jobq_terminate((jobq_t *)ps_codec->s_parse.pv_proc_jobq); while(1) { IHEVCD_ERROR_T ret; proc_job_t s_job; process_ctxt_t *ps_proc; /* i4_num_cores - 1 contexts are currently being used by other threads */ ps_proc = &ps_codec->as_process[ps_codec->i4_num_cores - 1]; ret = ihevcd_jobq_dequeue((jobq_t *)ps_proc->pv_proc_jobq, &s_job, sizeof(proc_job_t), 1); if((IHEVCD_ERROR_T)IHEVCD_SUCCESS != ret) break; ps_proc->i4_ctb_cnt = s_job.i2_ctb_cnt; ps_proc->i4_ctb_x = s_job.i2_ctb_x; ps_proc->i4_ctb_y = s_job.i2_ctb_y; ps_proc->i4_cur_slice_idx = s_job.i2_slice_idx; if(CMD_PROCESS == s_job.i4_cmd) { ihevcd_init_proc_ctxt(ps_proc, s_job.i4_tu_coeff_data_ofst); ihevcd_process(ps_proc); } else if(CMD_FMTCONV == s_job.i4_cmd) { sps_t *ps_sps = ps_codec->s_parse.ps_sps; WORD32 num_rows = 1 << ps_sps->i1_log2_ctb_size; if(0 == ps_proc->i4_init_done) { ihevcd_init_proc_ctxt(ps_proc, 0); } num_rows = MIN(num_rows, (ps_codec->i4_disp_ht - (s_job.i2_ctb_y << ps_sps->i1_log2_ctb_size))); if(num_rows < 0) num_rows = 0; ihevcd_fmt_conv(ps_codec, ps_proc, ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[0], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[1], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[2], s_job.i2_ctb_y << ps_sps->i1_log2_ctb_size, num_rows); } } } /* In case of non-shared mode and while running in single core mode, then convert/copy the frame to output buffer */ /* Only if the codec is in non-shared mode or in shared mode but needs 420P output */ else if((ps_codec->ps_disp_buf) && ((0 == ps_codec->i4_share_disp_buf) || (IV_YUV_420P == ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt)) && (ps_codec->s_parse.i4_end_of_frame)) { process_ctxt_t *ps_proc = &ps_codec->as_process[proc_idx]; /* Set remaining number of rows to be processed */ ps_codec->s_fmt_conv.i4_num_rows = ps_codec->i4_disp_ht - ps_codec->s_fmt_conv.i4_cur_row; if(0 == ps_proc->i4_init_done) { ihevcd_init_proc_ctxt(ps_proc, 0); } if(ps_codec->s_fmt_conv.i4_num_rows < 0) ps_codec->s_fmt_conv.i4_num_rows = 0; ret = ihevcd_fmt_conv(ps_codec, ps_proc, ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[0], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[1], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[2], ps_codec->s_fmt_conv.i4_cur_row, ps_codec->s_fmt_conv.i4_num_rows); ps_codec->s_fmt_conv.i4_cur_row += ps_codec->s_fmt_conv.i4_num_rows; } DEBUG_DUMP_MV_MAP(ps_codec); /* Mark MV Buf as needed for reference */ ihevc_buf_mgr_set_status((buf_mgr_t *)ps_codec->pv_mv_buf_mgr, ps_codec->as_process[proc_idx].i4_cur_mv_bank_buf_id, BUF_MGR_REF); /* Mark pic buf as needed for reference */ ihevc_buf_mgr_set_status((buf_mgr_t *)ps_codec->pv_pic_buf_mgr, ps_codec->as_process[proc_idx].i4_cur_pic_buf_id, BUF_MGR_REF); /* Mark pic buf as needed for display */ ihevc_buf_mgr_set_status((buf_mgr_t *)ps_codec->pv_pic_buf_mgr, ps_codec->as_process[proc_idx].i4_cur_pic_buf_id, BUF_MGR_DISP); /* Insert the current picture as short term reference */ ihevc_dpb_mgr_insert_ref((dpb_mgr_t *)ps_codec->pv_dpb_mgr, ps_codec->as_process[proc_idx].ps_cur_pic, ps_codec->as_process[proc_idx].i4_cur_pic_buf_id); /* If a frame was displayed (in non-shared mode), then release it from display manager */ if((0 == ps_codec->i4_share_disp_buf) && (ps_codec->ps_disp_buf)) ihevc_buf_mgr_release((buf_mgr_t *)ps_codec->pv_pic_buf_mgr, ps_codec->i4_disp_buf_id, BUF_MGR_DISP); /* Wait for threads */ for(i = 0; i < (ps_codec->i4_num_cores - 1); i++) { if(ps_codec->ai4_process_thread_created[i]) { ithread_join(ps_codec->apv_process_thread_handle[i], NULL); ps_codec->ai4_process_thread_created[i] = 0; } } DEBUG_VALIDATE_PADDED_REGION(&ps_codec->as_process[proc_idx]); if(ps_codec->u4_pic_cnt > 0) { DEBUG_DUMP_PIC_PU(ps_codec); } DEBUG_DUMP_PIC_BUFFERS(ps_codec); /* Increment the number of pictures decoded */ ps_codec->u4_pic_cnt++; } ihevcd_fill_outargs(ps_codec, ps_dec_ip, ps_dec_op); if(1 == ps_dec_op->u4_output_present) { WORD32 xpos = ps_codec->i4_disp_wd - 32 - LOGO_WD; WORD32 ypos = ps_codec->i4_disp_ht - 32 - LOGO_HT; if(ypos < 0) ypos = 0; if(xpos < 0) xpos = 0; INSERT_LOGO(ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[0], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[1], ps_dec_ip->s_out_buffer.pu1_bufs[2], ps_codec->i4_disp_strd, xpos, ypos, ps_codec->e_chroma_fmt, ps_codec->i4_disp_wd, ps_codec->i4_disp_ht); } return ret; }