// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "MacroExpander.h" #include <algorithm> #include <sstream> #include "Diagnostics.h" #include "Token.h" namespace pp { class TokenLexer : public Lexer { public: typedef std::vector<Token> TokenVector; TokenLexer(TokenVector* tokens) { tokens->swap(mTokens); mIter = mTokens.begin(); } virtual void lex(Token* token) { if (mIter == mTokens.end()) { token->reset(); token->type = Token::LAST; } else { *token = *mIter++; } } private: PP_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TokenLexer); TokenVector mTokens; TokenVector::const_iterator mIter; }; MacroExpander::MacroExpander(Lexer* lexer, MacroSet* macroSet, Diagnostics* diagnostics, bool parseDefined) : mLexer(lexer), mMacroSet(macroSet), mDiagnostics(diagnostics), mParseDefined(parseDefined) { } MacroExpander::~MacroExpander() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mContextStack.size(); ++i) { delete mContextStack[i]; } } void MacroExpander::lex(Token* token) { while (true) { getToken(token); if (token->type != Token::IDENTIFIER) break; // Defined operator is parsed here since it may be generated by macro expansion. // Defined operator produced by macro expansion has undefined behavior according to C++ // spec, which the GLSL spec references (see C++14 draft spec section 16.1.4), but this // behavior is needed for passing dEQP tests, which enforce stricter compatibility between // implementations. if (mParseDefined && token->text == "defined") { bool paren = false; getToken(token); if (token->type == '(') { paren = true; getToken(token); } if (token->type != Token::IDENTIFIER) { mDiagnostics->report(Diagnostics::UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, token->location, token->text); break; } auto iter = mMacroSet->find(token->text); std::string expression = iter != mMacroSet->end() ? "1" : "0"; if (paren) { getToken(token); if (token->type != ')') { mDiagnostics->report(Diagnostics::UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, token->location, token->text); break; } } // We have a valid defined operator. // Convert the current token into a CONST_INT token. token->type = Token::CONST_INT; token->text = expression; break; } if (token->expansionDisabled()) break; MacroSet::const_iterator iter = mMacroSet->find(token->text); if (iter == mMacroSet->end()) break; const Macro& macro = iter->second; if (macro.disabled) { // If a particular token is not expanded, it is never expanded. token->setExpansionDisabled(true); break; } if ((macro.type == Macro::kTypeFunc) && !isNextTokenLeftParen()) { // If the token immediately after the macro name is not a '(', // this macro should not be expanded. break; } pushMacro(macro, *token); } } void MacroExpander::getToken(Token* token) { if (mReserveToken.get()) { *token = *mReserveToken; mReserveToken.reset(); return; } // First pop all empty macro contexts. while (!mContextStack.empty() && mContextStack.back()->empty()) { popMacro(); } if (!mContextStack.empty()) { *token = mContextStack.back()->get(); } else { mLexer->lex(token); } } void MacroExpander::ungetToken(const Token& token) { if (!mContextStack.empty()) { MacroContext* context = mContextStack.back(); context->unget(); assert(context->replacements[context->index] == token); } else { assert(!mReserveToken.get()); mReserveToken.reset(new Token(token)); } } bool MacroExpander::isNextTokenLeftParen() { Token token; getToken(&token); bool lparen = token.type == '('; ungetToken(token); return lparen; } bool MacroExpander::pushMacro(const Macro& macro, const Token& identifier) { assert(!macro.disabled); assert(!identifier.expansionDisabled()); assert(identifier.type == Token::IDENTIFIER); assert(identifier.text == macro.name); std::vector<Token> replacements; if (!expandMacro(macro, identifier, &replacements)) return false; // Macro is disabled for expansion until it is popped off the stack. macro.disabled = true; MacroContext* context = new MacroContext; context->macro = ¯o; context->replacements.swap(replacements); mContextStack.push_back(context); return true; } void MacroExpander::popMacro() { assert(!mContextStack.empty()); MacroContext* context = mContextStack.back(); mContextStack.pop_back(); assert(context->empty()); assert(context->macro->disabled); context->macro->disabled = false; delete context; } bool MacroExpander::expandMacro(const Macro& macro, const Token& identifier, std::vector<Token>* replacements) { replacements->clear(); if (macro.type == Macro::kTypeObj) { replacements->assign(macro.replacements.begin(), macro.replacements.end()); if (macro.predefined) { static const std::string kLine = "__LINE__"; static const std::string kFile = "__FILE__"; assert(replacements->size() == 1); Token& repl = replacements->front(); if (macro.name == kLine) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << identifier.location.line; repl.text = stream.str(); } else if (macro.name == kFile) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << identifier.location.file; repl.text = stream.str(); } } } else { assert(macro.type == Macro::kTypeFunc); std::vector<MacroArg> args; args.reserve(macro.parameters.size()); if (!collectMacroArgs(macro, identifier, &args)) return false; replaceMacroParams(macro, args, replacements); } for (size_t i = 0; i < replacements->size(); ++i) { Token& repl = replacements->at(i); if (i == 0) { // The first token in the replacement list inherits the padding // properties of the identifier token. repl.setAtStartOfLine(identifier.atStartOfLine()); repl.setHasLeadingSpace(identifier.hasLeadingSpace()); } repl.location = identifier.location; } return true; } bool MacroExpander::collectMacroArgs(const Macro& macro, const Token& identifier, std::vector<MacroArg>* args) { Token token; getToken(&token); assert(token.type == '('); args->push_back(MacroArg()); for (int openParens = 1; openParens != 0; ) { getToken(&token); if (token.type == Token::LAST) { mDiagnostics->report(Diagnostics::MACRO_UNTERMINATED_INVOCATION, identifier.location, identifier.text); // Do not lose EOF token. ungetToken(token); return false; } bool isArg = false; // True if token is part of the current argument. switch (token.type) { case '(': ++openParens; isArg = true; break; case ')': --openParens; isArg = openParens != 0; break; case ',': // The individual arguments are separated by comma tokens, but // the comma tokens between matching inner parentheses do not // seperate arguments. if (openParens == 1) args->push_back(MacroArg()); isArg = openParens != 1; break; default: isArg = true; break; } if (isArg) { MacroArg& arg = args->back(); // Initial whitespace is not part of the argument. if (arg.empty()) token.setHasLeadingSpace(false); arg.push_back(token); } } const Macro::Parameters& params = macro.parameters; // If there is only one empty argument, it is equivalent to no argument. if (params.empty() && (args->size() == 1) && args->front().empty()) { args->clear(); } // Validate the number of arguments. if (args->size() != params.size()) { Diagnostics::ID id = args->size() < macro.parameters.size() ? Diagnostics::MACRO_TOO_FEW_ARGS : Diagnostics::MACRO_TOO_MANY_ARGS; mDiagnostics->report(id, identifier.location, identifier.text); return false; } // Pre-expand each argument before substitution. // This step expands each argument individually before they are // inserted into the macro body. for (size_t i = 0; i < args->size(); ++i) { MacroArg& arg = args->at(i); TokenLexer lexer(&arg); MacroExpander expander(&lexer, mMacroSet, mDiagnostics, mParseDefined); arg.clear(); expander.lex(&token); while (token.type != Token::LAST) { arg.push_back(token); expander.lex(&token); } } return true; } void MacroExpander::replaceMacroParams(const Macro& macro, const std::vector<MacroArg>& args, std::vector<Token>* replacements) { for (size_t i = 0; i < macro.replacements.size(); ++i) { const Token& repl = macro.replacements[i]; if (repl.type != Token::IDENTIFIER) { replacements->push_back(repl); continue; } // TODO(alokp): Optimize this. // There is no need to search for macro params every time. // The param index can be cached with the replacement token. Macro::Parameters::const_iterator iter = std::find( macro.parameters.begin(), macro.parameters.end(), repl.text); if (iter == macro.parameters.end()) { replacements->push_back(repl); continue; } size_t iArg = std::distance(macro.parameters.begin(), iter); const MacroArg& arg = args[iArg]; if (arg.empty()) { continue; } size_t iRepl = replacements->size(); replacements->insert(replacements->end(), arg.begin(), arg.end()); // The replacement token inherits padding properties from // macro replacement token. replacements->at(iRepl).setHasLeadingSpace(repl.hasLeadingSpace()); } } } // namespace pp