/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "RadioService" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RadioService.h" #include "RadioRegions.h" namespace android { static const char kRadioTunerAudioDeviceName[] = "Radio tuner source"; static const String16 RADIO_PERMISSION("android.permission.ACCESS_FM_RADIO"); RadioService::RadioService() : BnRadioService(), mNextUniqueId(1) { ALOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__); } void RadioService::onFirstRef() { ALOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__); sp dev = RadioInterface::connectModule(RADIO_CLASS_AM_FM); if (dev == 0) { return; } struct radio_hal_properties halProperties; int rc = dev->getProperties(&halProperties); if (rc != 0) { ALOGE("could not read implementation properties"); return; } radio_properties_t properties; properties.handle = (radio_handle_t)android_atomic_inc(&mNextUniqueId); convertProperties(&properties, &halProperties); ALOGI("loaded default module %s, ver %s, handle %d", properties.product, properties.version, properties.handle); sp module = new Module(dev, properties); mModules.add(properties.handle, module); } RadioService::~RadioService() { } status_t RadioService::listModules(struct radio_properties *properties, uint32_t *numModules) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } ALOGV("listModules"); AutoMutex lock(mServiceLock); if (numModules == NULL || (*numModules != 0 && properties == NULL)) { return BAD_VALUE; } uint32_t maxModules = *numModules; *numModules = mModules.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mModules.size() && i < maxModules; i++) { properties[i] = mModules.valueAt(i)->properties(); } return NO_ERROR; } status_t RadioService::attach(radio_handle_t handle, const sp& client, const struct radio_band_config *config, bool withAudio, sp& radio) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } ALOGV("%s %d config %p withAudio %d", __FUNCTION__, handle, config, withAudio); AutoMutex lock(mServiceLock); radio.clear(); if (client == 0) { return BAD_VALUE; } ssize_t index = mModules.indexOfKey(handle); if (index < 0) { return BAD_VALUE; } sp module = mModules.valueAt(index); if (config == NULL) { config = module->getDefaultConfig(); if (config == NULL) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } } ALOGV("%s region %d type %d", __FUNCTION__, config->region, config->band.type); radio = module->addClient(client, config, withAudio); if (radio == 0) { return NO_INIT; } return NO_ERROR; } static const int kDumpLockRetries = 50; static const int kDumpLockSleep = 60000; static bool tryLock(Mutex& mutex) { bool locked = false; for (int i = 0; i < kDumpLockRetries; ++i) { if (mutex.tryLock() == NO_ERROR) { locked = true; break; } usleep(kDumpLockSleep); } return locked; } status_t RadioService::dump(int fd, const Vector& args __unused) { String8 result; if (checkCallingPermission(String16("android.permission.DUMP")) == false) { result.appendFormat("Permission Denial: can't dump RadioService"); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); } else { bool locked = tryLock(mServiceLock); // failed to lock - RadioService is probably deadlocked if (!locked) { result.append("RadioService may be deadlocked\n"); write(fd, result.string(), result.size()); } if (locked) mServiceLock.unlock(); } return NO_ERROR; } status_t RadioService::onTransact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { return BnRadioService::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags); } /* static */ void RadioService::convertProperties(radio_properties_t *properties, const radio_hal_properties_t *halProperties) { memset(properties, 0, sizeof(struct radio_properties)); properties->class_id = halProperties->class_id; strlcpy(properties->implementor, halProperties->implementor, RADIO_STRING_LEN_MAX); strlcpy(properties->product, halProperties->product, RADIO_STRING_LEN_MAX); strlcpy(properties->version, halProperties->version, RADIO_STRING_LEN_MAX); strlcpy(properties->serial, halProperties->serial, RADIO_STRING_LEN_MAX); properties->num_tuners = halProperties->num_tuners; properties->num_audio_sources = halProperties->num_audio_sources; properties->supports_capture = halProperties->supports_capture; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sKnownRegionConfigs); i++) { const radio_hal_band_config_t *band = &sKnownRegionConfigs[i].band; size_t j; for (j = 0; j < halProperties->num_bands; j++) { const radio_hal_band_config_t *halBand = &halProperties->bands[j]; size_t k; if (band->type != halBand->type) continue; if (band->lower_limit < halBand->lower_limit) continue; if (band->upper_limit > halBand->upper_limit) continue; for (k = 0; k < halBand->num_spacings; k++) { if (band->spacings[0] == halBand->spacings[k]) break; } if (k == halBand->num_spacings) continue; if (band->type == RADIO_BAND_AM) break; if ((band->fm.deemphasis & halBand->fm.deemphasis) == 0) continue; if (halBand->fm.rds == 0) break; if ((band->fm.rds & halBand->fm.rds) != 0) break; } if (j == halProperties->num_bands) continue; ALOGI("convertProperties() Adding band type %d region %d", sKnownRegionConfigs[i].band.type , sKnownRegionConfigs[i].region); memcpy(&properties->bands[properties->num_bands++], &sKnownRegionConfigs[i], sizeof(radio_band_config_t)); } } #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "RadioService::CallbackThread" RadioService::CallbackThread::CallbackThread(const wp& moduleClient) : mModuleClient(moduleClient), mMemoryDealer(new MemoryDealer(1024 * 1024, "RadioService")) { } RadioService::CallbackThread::~CallbackThread() { mEventQueue.clear(); } void RadioService::CallbackThread::onFirstRef() { run("RadioService cbk", ANDROID_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO); } bool RadioService::CallbackThread::threadLoop() { while (!exitPending()) { sp eventMemory; sp moduleClient; { Mutex::Autolock _l(mCallbackLock); while (mEventQueue.isEmpty() && !exitPending()) { ALOGV("CallbackThread::threadLoop() sleep"); mCallbackCond.wait(mCallbackLock); ALOGV("CallbackThread::threadLoop() wake up"); } if (exitPending()) { break; } eventMemory = mEventQueue[0]; mEventQueue.removeAt(0); moduleClient = mModuleClient.promote(); } if (moduleClient != 0) { moduleClient->onCallbackEvent(eventMemory); eventMemory.clear(); } } return false; } void RadioService::CallbackThread::exit() { Mutex::Autolock _l(mCallbackLock); requestExit(); mCallbackCond.broadcast(); } sp RadioService::CallbackThread::prepareEvent(radio_hal_event_t *halEvent) { sp eventMemory; // The event layout in shared memory is: // sizeof(struct radio_event) bytes : the event itself // 4 bytes : metadata size or 0 // N bytes : metadata if present uint32_t metadataOffset = sizeof(struct radio_event) + sizeof(uint32_t); uint32_t metadataSize = 0; switch (halEvent->type) { case RADIO_EVENT_TUNED: case RADIO_EVENT_AF_SWITCH: if (radio_metadata_check(halEvent->info.metadata) == 0) { metadataSize = (uint32_t)radio_metadata_get_size(halEvent->info.metadata); } break; case RADIO_EVENT_METADATA: if (radio_metadata_check(halEvent->metadata) != 0) { return eventMemory; } metadataSize = (uint32_t)radio_metadata_get_size(halEvent->metadata); break; default: break; } eventMemory = mMemoryDealer->allocate(metadataOffset + metadataSize); if (eventMemory == 0 || eventMemory->pointer() == NULL) { eventMemory.clear(); return eventMemory; } struct radio_event *event = (struct radio_event *)eventMemory->pointer(); *(uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)event + metadataOffset - sizeof(uint32_t)) = metadataSize; event->type = halEvent->type; event->status = halEvent->status; switch (event->type) { case RADIO_EVENT_CONFIG: event->config.band = halEvent->config; break; case RADIO_EVENT_TUNED: case RADIO_EVENT_AF_SWITCH: event->info = halEvent->info; if (metadataSize != 0) { memcpy((uint8_t *)event + metadataOffset, halEvent->info.metadata, metadataSize); } break; case RADIO_EVENT_TA: case RADIO_EVENT_EA: case RADIO_EVENT_ANTENNA: case RADIO_EVENT_CONTROL: event->on = halEvent->on; break; case RADIO_EVENT_METADATA: if (metadataSize != 0) { memcpy((uint8_t *)event + metadataOffset, halEvent->metadata, metadataSize); } break; case RADIO_EVENT_HW_FAILURE: default: break; } return eventMemory; } void RadioService::CallbackThread::sendEvent(radio_hal_event_t *event) { sp eventMemory = prepareEvent(event); if (eventMemory == 0) { return; } AutoMutex lock(mCallbackLock); mEventQueue.add(eventMemory); mCallbackCond.signal(); ALOGV("%s DONE", __FUNCTION__); } #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "RadioService::Module" RadioService::Module::Module(sp hwDevice, radio_properties properties) : mHwDevice(hwDevice), mProperties(properties), mMute(true) { } RadioService::Module::~Module() { mHwDevice.clear(); mModuleClients.clear(); } status_t RadioService::Module::dump(int fd __unused, const Vector& args __unused) { String8 result; return NO_ERROR; } sp RadioService::Module::addClient(const sp& client, const struct radio_band_config *config, bool audio) { ALOGV("addClient() %p config %p product %s", this, config, mProperties.product); AutoMutex lock(mLock); sp moduleClient; int ret; if (mHwDevice == 0) { return moduleClient; } for (size_t i = 0; i < mModuleClients.size(); i++) { if (mModuleClients[i]->client() == client) { // client already connected: reject return moduleClient; } } moduleClient = new ModuleClient(this, client, config, audio); struct radio_hal_band_config halConfig; halConfig = config->band; // Tuner preemption logic: // There is a limited amount of tuners and a limited amount of radio audio sources per module. // The minimum is one tuner and one audio source. // The numbers of tuners and sources are indicated in the module properties. // NOTE: current framework implementation only supports one radio audio source. // It is possible to open more than one tuner at a time but only one tuner can be connected // to the radio audio source (AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_FM_TUNER). // The base rule is that a newly connected tuner always wins, i.e. always gets a tuner // and can use the audio source if requested. // If another client is preempted, it is notified by a callback with RADIO_EVENT_CONTROL // indicating loss of control. // - If the newly connected client requests the audio source (audio == true): // - if an audio source is available // no problem // - if not: // the oldest client in the list using audio is preempted. // - If the newly connected client does not request the audio source (audio == false): // - if a tuner is available // no problem // - if not: // The oldest client not using audio is preempted first and if none is found the // the oldest client using audio is preempted. // Each time a tuner using the audio source is opened or closed, the audio policy manager is // notified of the connection or disconnection of AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_FM_TUNER. sp oldestTuner; sp oldestAudio; size_t allocatedTuners = 0; size_t allocatedAudio = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mModuleClients.size(); i++) { if (mModuleClients[i]->getTuner() != NULL) { if (mModuleClients[i]->audio()) { if (oldestAudio == 0) { oldestAudio = mModuleClients[i]; } allocatedAudio++; } else { if (oldestTuner == 0) { oldestTuner = mModuleClients[i]; } allocatedTuners++; } } } sp halTuner; sp preemtedClient; if (audio) { if (allocatedAudio >= mProperties.num_audio_sources) { ALOG_ASSERT(oldestAudio != 0, "addClient() allocatedAudio/oldestAudio mismatch"); preemtedClient = oldestAudio; } } else { if (allocatedAudio + allocatedTuners >= mProperties.num_tuners) { if (allocatedTuners != 0) { ALOG_ASSERT(oldestTuner != 0, "addClient() allocatedTuners/oldestTuner mismatch"); preemtedClient = oldestTuner; } else { ALOG_ASSERT(oldestAudio != 0, "addClient() allocatedAudio/oldestAudio mismatch"); preemtedClient = oldestAudio; } } } if (preemtedClient != 0) { halTuner = preemtedClient->getTuner(); sp clear; preemtedClient->setTuner(clear); mHwDevice->closeTuner(halTuner); if (preemtedClient->audio()) { notifyDeviceConnection(false, ""); } } ret = mHwDevice->openTuner(&halConfig, audio, moduleClient, halTuner); if (ret == 0) { ALOGV("addClient() setTuner %p", halTuner.get()); moduleClient->setTuner(halTuner); mModuleClients.add(moduleClient); if (audio) { notifyDeviceConnection(true, ""); } ALOGV("addClient() DONE moduleClient %p", moduleClient.get()); } else { ALOGW("%s open_tuner failed with error %d", __FUNCTION__, ret); moduleClient.clear(); } return moduleClient; } void RadioService::Module::removeClient(const sp& moduleClient) { ALOGV("removeClient()"); AutoMutex lock(mLock); int ret; ssize_t index = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < mModuleClients.size(); i++) { if (mModuleClients[i] == moduleClient) { index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { return; } mModuleClients.removeAt(index); sp halTuner = moduleClient->getTuner(); if (halTuner == NULL) { return; } if (mHwDevice != 0) { mHwDevice->closeTuner(halTuner); } if (moduleClient->audio()) { notifyDeviceConnection(false, ""); } mMute = true; if (mModuleClients.isEmpty()) { return; } if (mHwDevice == 0) { return; } // Tuner reallocation logic: // When a client is removed and was controlling a tuner, this tuner will be allocated to a // previously preempted client. This client will be notified by a callback with // RADIO_EVENT_CONTROL indicating gain of control. // - If a preempted client is waiting for an audio source and one becomes available: // Allocate the tuner to the most recently added client waiting for an audio source // - If not: // Allocate the tuner to the most recently added client. // Each time a tuner using the audio source is opened or closed, the audio policy manager is // notified of the connection or disconnection of AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_FM_TUNER. sp youngestClient; sp youngestClientAudio; size_t allocatedTuners = 0; size_t allocatedAudio = 0; for (ssize_t i = mModuleClients.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (mModuleClients[i]->getTuner() == NULL) { if (mModuleClients[i]->audio()) { if (youngestClientAudio == 0) { youngestClientAudio = mModuleClients[i]; } } else { if (youngestClient == 0) { youngestClient = mModuleClients[i]; } } } else { if (mModuleClients[i]->audio()) { allocatedAudio++; } else { allocatedTuners++; } } } ALOG_ASSERT(allocatedTuners + allocatedAudio < mProperties.num_tuners, "removeClient() removed client but no tuner available"); ALOG_ASSERT(!moduleClient->audio() || allocatedAudio < mProperties.num_audio_sources, "removeClient() removed audio client but no tuner with audio available"); if (allocatedAudio < mProperties.num_audio_sources && youngestClientAudio != 0) { youngestClient = youngestClientAudio; } ALOG_ASSERT(youngestClient != 0, "removeClient() removed client no candidate found for tuner"); struct radio_hal_band_config halConfig = youngestClient->halConfig(); ret = mHwDevice->openTuner(&halConfig, youngestClient->audio(), moduleClient, halTuner); if (ret == 0) { youngestClient->setTuner(halTuner); if (youngestClient->audio()) { notifyDeviceConnection(true, ""); } } } status_t RadioService::Module::setMute(bool mute) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); if (mute != mMute) { mMute = mute; //TODO notifify audio policy manager of media activity on radio audio device } return NO_ERROR; } status_t RadioService::Module::getMute(bool *mute) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); *mute = mMute; return NO_ERROR; } const struct radio_band_config *RadioService::Module::getDefaultConfig() const { if (mProperties.num_bands == 0) { return NULL; } return &mProperties.bands[0]; } void RadioService::Module::notifyDeviceConnection(bool connected, const char *address) { int64_t token = IPCThreadState::self()->clearCallingIdentity(); AudioSystem::setDeviceConnectionState(AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_FM_TUNER, connected ? AUDIO_POLICY_DEVICE_STATE_AVAILABLE : AUDIO_POLICY_DEVICE_STATE_UNAVAILABLE, address, kRadioTunerAudioDeviceName); IPCThreadState::self()->restoreCallingIdentity(token); } #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "RadioService::ModuleClient" RadioService::ModuleClient::ModuleClient(const sp& module, const sp& client, const struct radio_band_config *config, bool audio) : mModule(module), mClient(client), mConfig(*config), mAudio(audio), mTuner(0) { } void RadioService::ModuleClient::onFirstRef() { mCallbackThread = new CallbackThread(this); IInterface::asBinder(mClient)->linkToDeath(this); } RadioService::ModuleClient::~ModuleClient() { if (mClient != 0) { IInterface::asBinder(mClient)->unlinkToDeath(this); mClient.clear(); } if (mCallbackThread != 0) { mCallbackThread->exit(); } } void RadioService::ModuleClient::onEvent(radio_hal_event_t *halEvent) { mCallbackThread->sendEvent(halEvent); } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::dump(int fd __unused, const Vector& args __unused) { String8 result; return NO_ERROR; } void RadioService::ModuleClient::detach() { ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__); sp strongMe = this; { AutoMutex lock(mLock); if (mClient != 0) { IInterface::asBinder(mClient)->unlinkToDeath(this); mClient.clear(); } } sp module = mModule.promote(); if (module == 0) { return; } module->removeClient(this); } radio_hal_band_config_t RadioService::ModuleClient::halConfig() const { AutoMutex lock(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); return mConfig.band; } sp& RadioService::ModuleClient::getTuner() { AutoMutex lock(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); return mTuner; } void RadioService::ModuleClient::setTuner(sp& tuner) { ALOGV("%s %p", __FUNCTION__, this); AutoMutex lock(mLock); mTuner = tuner; ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); radio_hal_event_t event; event.type = RADIO_EVENT_CONTROL; event.status = 0; event.on = mTuner != 0; mCallbackThread->sendEvent(&event); ALOGV("%s DONE", __FUNCTION__); } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::setConfiguration(const struct radio_band_config *config) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } AutoMutex lock(mLock); status_t status = NO_ERROR; ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); if (mTuner != 0) { struct radio_hal_band_config halConfig; halConfig = config->band; status = (status_t)mTuner->setConfiguration(&halConfig); if (status == NO_ERROR) { mConfig = *config; } } else { mConfig = *config; status = INVALID_OPERATION; } return status; } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::getConfiguration(struct radio_band_config *config) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } AutoMutex lock(mLock); status_t status = NO_ERROR; ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); if (mTuner != 0) { struct radio_hal_band_config halConfig; status = (status_t)mTuner->getConfiguration(&halConfig); if (status == NO_ERROR) { mConfig.band = halConfig; } } *config = mConfig; return status; } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::setMute(bool mute) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } sp module; { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); if (mTuner == 0 || !mAudio) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } module = mModule.promote(); if (module == 0) { return NO_INIT; } } module->setMute(mute); return NO_ERROR; } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::getMute(bool *mute) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } sp module; { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); module = mModule.promote(); if (module == 0) { return NO_INIT; } } return module->getMute(mute); } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::scan(radio_direction_t direction, bool skipSubChannel) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } AutoMutex lock(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); status_t status; if (mTuner != 0) { status = (status_t)mTuner->scan(direction, skipSubChannel); } else { status = INVALID_OPERATION; } return status; } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::step(radio_direction_t direction, bool skipSubChannel) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } AutoMutex lock(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); status_t status; if (mTuner != 0) { status = (status_t)mTuner->step(direction, skipSubChannel); } else { status = INVALID_OPERATION; } return status; } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::tune(uint32_t channel, uint32_t subChannel) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } AutoMutex lock(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); status_t status; if (mTuner != 0) { status = (status_t)mTuner->tune(channel, subChannel); } else { status = INVALID_OPERATION; } return status; } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::cancel() { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } AutoMutex lock(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); status_t status; if (mTuner != 0) { status = (status_t)mTuner->cancel(); } else { status = INVALID_OPERATION; } return status; } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::getProgramInformation(struct radio_program_info *info) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } AutoMutex lock(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); status_t status; if (mTuner != NULL) { status = (status_t)mTuner->getProgramInformation(info); } else { status = INVALID_OPERATION; } return status; } status_t RadioService::ModuleClient::hasControl(bool *hasControl) { if (!PermissionCache::checkCallingPermission(RADIO_PERMISSION)) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); *hasControl = mTuner != 0; return NO_ERROR; } void RadioService::ModuleClient::onCallbackEvent(const sp& eventMemory) { if (eventMemory == 0 || eventMemory->pointer() == NULL) { return; } sp client; { AutoMutex lock(mLock); ALOGV("%s locked", __FUNCTION__); radio_event_t *event = (radio_event_t *)eventMemory->pointer(); switch (event->type) { case RADIO_EVENT_CONFIG: mConfig.band = event->config.band; event->config.region = mConfig.region; break; default: break; } client = mClient; } if (client != 0) { client->onEvent(eventMemory); } } void RadioService::ModuleClient::binderDied( const wp &who __unused) { ALOGW("client binder died for client %p", this); detach(); } }; // namespace android