/* * Copyright 2010-2012, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _FRAMEWORKS_COMPILE_SLANG_SLANG_RS_REFLECTION_H_ // NOLINT #define _FRAMEWORKS_COMPILE_SLANG_SLANG_RS_REFLECTION_H_ #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h" #include "slang_assert.h" #include "slang_rs_export_type.h" #include "slang_rs_reflect_utils.h" namespace slang { class RSContext; class RSExportVar; class RSExportFunc; class RSExportForEach; class RSReflectionJava { private: const RSContext *mRSContext; // The name of the Java package name we're creating this file for, // e.g. com.example.android.rs.flashlight std::string mPackageName; // The name of the Java Renderscript package we'll be using, // e.g. android.renderscript // e.g. android.support.v8.renderscript std::string mRSPackageName; // The directory under which we'll create the Java files, in appropriate subdirectories, // e.g. /tmp/myout std::string mOutputBaseDirectory; // The output directory for the specfied package (mPackageName), // e.g. /tmp/myout/com/example/android/rs/flashlight/ // TODO This includes the terminating separator. Needed? std::string mOutputDirectory; // The full path of the .rs file that we are reflecting. std::string mRSSourceFileName; // The full path where the generated bit code can be read. std::string mBitCodeFileName; // The name of the resource we pass to the RenderScript constructor // e.g. flashlight std::string mResourceId; // The name of the Java class we are generating for this script. // e.g. ScriptC_flashlight std::string mScriptClassName; // This is set by startClass() and will change for the multiple classes generated. std::string mClassName; // This is the token used for determining the size of a given ScriptField.Item. std::string mItemSizeof; bool mEmbedBitcodeInJava; int mNextExportVarSlot; int mNextExportFuncSlot; int mNextExportForEachSlot; int mNextExportReduceSlot; GeneratedFile mOut; std::string mLastError; std::vector<std::string> *mGeneratedFileNames; // A mapping from a field in a record type to its index in the rsType // instance. Only used when generates TypeClass (ScriptField_*). typedef std::map<const RSExportRecordType::Field *, unsigned> FieldIndexMapTy; FieldIndexMapTy mFieldIndexMap; // Field index of current processing TypeClass. unsigned mFieldIndex; inline void setError(const std::string &Error) { mLastError = Error; } inline void clear() { mClassName = ""; mNextExportVarSlot = 0; mNextExportFuncSlot = 0; mNextExportForEachSlot = 0; mNextExportReduceSlot = 0; } public: typedef enum { AM_Public, AM_Protected, AM_Private, AM_PublicSynchronized } AccessModifier; // Generated RS Elements for type-checking code. std::set<std::string> mTypesToCheck; // Generated FieldPackers for unsigned setters/validation. std::set<std::string> mFieldPackerTypes; bool addTypeNameForElement(const std::string &TypeName); bool addTypeNameForFieldPacker(const std::string &TypeName); static const char *AccessModifierStr(AccessModifier AM); inline bool getEmbedBitcodeInJava() const { return mEmbedBitcodeInJava; } inline int getNextExportVarSlot() { return mNextExportVarSlot++; } inline int getNextExportFuncSlot() { return mNextExportFuncSlot++; } inline int getNextExportForEachSlot() { return mNextExportForEachSlot++; } inline int getNextExportReduceSlot() { return mNextExportReduceSlot++; } bool startClass(AccessModifier AM, bool IsStatic, const std::string &ClassName, const char *SuperClassName, std::string &ErrorMsg); void endClass(); void startFunction(AccessModifier AM, bool IsStatic, const char *ReturnType, const std::string &FunctionName, int Argc, ...); typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> ArgTy; void startFunction(AccessModifier AM, bool IsStatic, const char *ReturnType, const std::string &FunctionName, const ArgTy &Args); void endFunction(); inline const std::string &getPackageName() const { return mPackageName; } inline const std::string &getRSPackageName() const { return mRSPackageName; } inline const std::string &getClassName() const { return mClassName; } inline const std::string &getResourceId() const { return mResourceId; } void startTypeClass(const std::string &ClassName); void endTypeClass(); inline void incFieldIndex() { mFieldIndex++; } inline void resetFieldIndex() { mFieldIndex = 0; } inline void addFieldIndexMapping(const RSExportRecordType::Field *F) { slangAssert((mFieldIndexMap.find(F) == mFieldIndexMap.end()) && "Nested structure never occurs in C language."); mFieldIndexMap.insert(std::make_pair(F, mFieldIndex)); } inline unsigned getFieldIndex(const RSExportRecordType::Field *F) const { FieldIndexMapTy::const_iterator I = mFieldIndexMap.find(F); slangAssert((I != mFieldIndexMap.end()) && "Requesting field is out of scope."); return I->second; } inline void clearFieldIndexMap() { mFieldIndexMap.clear(); } private: static bool exportableReduce(const RSExportType *ResultType); bool genScriptClass(const std::string &ClassName, std::string &ErrorMsg); void genScriptClassConstructor(); void genInitBoolExportVariable(const std::string &VarName, const clang::APValue &Val); void genInitPrimitiveExportVariable(const std::string &VarName, const clang::APValue &Val); void genInitExportVariable(const RSExportType *ET, const std::string &VarName, const clang::APValue &Val); void genInitValue(const clang::APValue &Val, bool asBool); void genExportVariable(const RSExportVar *EV); void genPrimitiveTypeExportVariable(const RSExportVar *EV); void genPointerTypeExportVariable(const RSExportVar *EV); void genVectorTypeExportVariable(const RSExportVar *EV); void genMatrixTypeExportVariable(const RSExportVar *EV); void genConstantArrayTypeExportVariable(const RSExportVar *EV); void genRecordTypeExportVariable(const RSExportVar *EV); void genPrivateExportVariable(const std::string &TypeName, const std::string &VarName); void genSetExportVariable(const std::string &TypeName, const RSExportVar *EV, unsigned Dimension); void genGetExportVariable(const std::string &TypeName, const std::string &VarName); void genGetFieldID(const std::string &VarName); void genExportFunction(const RSExportFunc *EF); void genExportForEach(const RSExportForEach *EF); void genExportReduce(const RSExportReduce *ER); void genExportReduceAllocationVariant(const RSExportReduce *ER); void genExportReduceArrayVariant(const RSExportReduce *ER); void genExportReduceResultType(const RSExportType *ResultType); void genTypeCheck(const RSExportType *ET, const char *VarName); void genTypeInstanceFromPointer(const RSExportType *ET); void genTypeInstance(const RSExportType *ET); void genFieldPackerInstance(const RSExportType *ET); bool genTypeClass(const RSExportRecordType *ERT, std::string &ErrorMsg); void genTypeItemClass(const RSExportRecordType *ERT); void genTypeClassConstructor(const RSExportRecordType *ERT); void genTypeClassCopyToArray(const RSExportRecordType *ERT); void genTypeClassCopyToArrayLocal(const RSExportRecordType *ERT); void genTypeClassItemSetter(const RSExportRecordType *ERT); void genTypeClassItemGetter(const RSExportRecordType *ERT); void genTypeClassComponentSetter(const RSExportRecordType *ERT); void genTypeClassComponentGetter(const RSExportRecordType *ERT); void genTypeClassCopyAll(const RSExportRecordType *ERT); void genTypeClassResize(); void genBuildElement(const char *ElementBuilderName, const RSExportRecordType *ERT, const char *RenderScriptVar, bool IsInline); void genAddElementToElementBuilder(const RSExportType *ERT, const std::string &VarName, const char *ElementBuilderName, const char *RenderScriptVar, unsigned ArraySize); bool genCreateFieldPacker(const RSExportType *T, const char *FieldPackerName); void genPackVarOfType(const RSExportType *T, const char *VarName, const char *FieldPackerName); void genAllocateVarOfType(const RSExportType *T, const std::string &VarName); void genNewItemBufferIfNull(const char *Index); void genNewItemBufferPackerIfNull(); void genPairwiseDimCheck(const std::string &name0, const std::string &name1); void genVectorLengthCompatibilityCheck(const std::string &ArrayName, unsigned VecSize); void genNullArrayCheck(const std::string &ArrayName); public: RSReflectionJava(const RSContext *Context, std::vector<std::string> *GeneratedFileNames, const std::string &OutputBaseDirectory, const std::string &RSSourceFilename, const std::string &BitCodeFileName, bool EmbedBitcodeInJava); bool reflect(); inline const char *getLastError() const { if (mLastError.empty()) return nullptr; else return mLastError.c_str(); } }; // class RSReflectionJava } // namespace slang #endif // _FRAMEWORKS_COMPILE_SLANG_SLANG_RS_REFLECTION_H_ NOLINT