/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "SensorDevice.h" #include "SensorService.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using android::hardware::hidl_vec; using namespace android::hardware::sensors::V1_0; using namespace android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::implementation; namespace android { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANDROID_SINGLETON_STATIC_INSTANCE(SensorDevice) static status_t StatusFromResult(Result result) { switch (result) { case Result::OK: return OK; case Result::BAD_VALUE: return BAD_VALUE; case Result::PERMISSION_DENIED: return PERMISSION_DENIED; case Result::INVALID_OPERATION: return INVALID_OPERATION; case Result::NO_MEMORY: return NO_MEMORY; } } SensorDevice::SensorDevice() : mHidlTransportErrors(20) { if (!connectHidlService()) { return; } float minPowerMa = 0.001; // 1 microAmp checkReturn(mSensors->getSensorsList( [&](const auto &list) { const size_t count = list.size(); mActivationCount.setCapacity(count); Info model; for (size_t i=0 ; i < count; i++) { sensor_t sensor; convertToSensor(list[i], &sensor); // Sanity check and clamp power if it is 0 (or close) if (sensor.power < minPowerMa) { ALOGE("Reported power %f not deemed sane, clamping to %f", sensor.power, minPowerMa); sensor.power = minPowerMa; } mSensorList.push_back(sensor); mActivationCount.add(list[i].sensorHandle, model); checkReturn(mSensors->activate(list[i].sensorHandle, 0 /* enabled */)); } })); mIsDirectReportSupported = (checkReturn(mSensors->unregisterDirectChannel(-1)) != Result::INVALID_OPERATION); } bool SensorDevice::connectHidlService() { // SensorDevice may wait upto 100ms * 10 = 1s for hidl service. constexpr auto RETRY_DELAY = std::chrono::milliseconds(100); size_t retry = 10; while (true) { int initStep = 0; mSensors = ISensors::getService(); if (mSensors != nullptr) { ++initStep; // Poke ISensor service. If it has lingering connection from previous generation of // system server, it will kill itself. There is no intention to handle the poll result, // which will be done since the size is 0. if(mSensors->poll(0, [](auto, const auto &, const auto &) {}).isOk()) { // ok to continue break; } // hidl service is restarting, pointer is invalid. mSensors = nullptr; } if (--retry <= 0) { ALOGE("Cannot connect to ISensors hidl service!"); break; } // Delay 100ms before retry, hidl service is expected to come up in short time after // crash. ALOGI("%s unsuccessful, try again soon (remaining retry %zu).", (initStep == 0) ? "getService()" : "poll() check", retry); std::this_thread::sleep_for(RETRY_DELAY); } return (mSensors != nullptr); } void SensorDevice::handleDynamicSensorConnection(int handle, bool connected) { // not need to check mSensors because this is is only called after successful poll() if (connected) { Info model; mActivationCount.add(handle, model); checkReturn(mSensors->activate(handle, 0 /* enabled */)); } else { mActivationCount.removeItem(handle); } } std::string SensorDevice::dump() const { if (mSensors == nullptr) return "HAL not initialized\n"; String8 result; result.appendFormat("Total %zu h/w sensors, %zu running:\n", mSensorList.size(), mActivationCount.size()); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); for (const auto & s : mSensorList) { int32_t handle = s.handle; const Info& info = mActivationCount.valueFor(handle); if (info.batchParams.isEmpty()) continue; result.appendFormat("0x%08x) active-count = %zu; ", handle, info.batchParams.size()); result.append("sampling_period(ms) = {"); for (size_t j = 0; j < info.batchParams.size(); j++) { const BatchParams& params = info.batchParams[j]; result.appendFormat("%.1f%s", params.mTSample / 1e6f, j < info.batchParams.size() - 1 ? ", " : ""); } result.appendFormat("}, selected = %.2f ms; ", info.bestBatchParams.mTSample / 1e6f); result.append("batching_period(ms) = {"); for (size_t j = 0; j < info.batchParams.size(); j++) { const BatchParams& params = info.batchParams[j]; result.appendFormat("%.1f%s", params.mTBatch / 1e6f, j < info.batchParams.size() - 1 ? ", " : ""); } result.appendFormat("}, selected = %.2f ms\n", info.bestBatchParams.mTBatch / 1e6f); } return result.string(); } ssize_t SensorDevice::getSensorList(sensor_t const** list) { *list = &mSensorList[0]; return mSensorList.size(); } status_t SensorDevice::initCheck() const { return mSensors != NULL ? NO_ERROR : NO_INIT; } ssize_t SensorDevice::poll(sensors_event_t* buffer, size_t count) { if (mSensors == nullptr) return NO_INIT; ssize_t err; int numHidlTransportErrors = 0; bool hidlTransportError = false; do { auto ret = mSensors->poll( count, [&](auto result, const auto &events, const auto &dynamicSensorsAdded) { if (result == Result::OK) { convertToSensorEvents(events, dynamicSensorsAdded, buffer); err = (ssize_t)events.size(); } else { err = StatusFromResult(result); } }); if (ret.isOk()) { hidlTransportError = false; } else { hidlTransportError = true; numHidlTransportErrors++; if (numHidlTransportErrors > 50) { // Log error and bail ALOGE("Max Hidl transport errors this cycle : %d", numHidlTransportErrors); handleHidlDeath(ret.description()); } else { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); } } } while (hidlTransportError); if(numHidlTransportErrors > 0) { ALOGE("Saw %d Hidl transport failures", numHidlTransportErrors); HidlTransportErrorLog errLog(time(NULL), numHidlTransportErrors); mHidlTransportErrors.add(errLog); mTotalHidlTransportErrors++; } return err; } void SensorDevice::autoDisable(void *ident, int handle) { Info& info( mActivationCount.editValueFor(handle) ); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); info.removeBatchParamsForIdent(ident); } status_t SensorDevice::activate(void* ident, int handle, int enabled) { if (mSensors == nullptr) return NO_INIT; status_t err(NO_ERROR); bool actuateHardware = false; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); Info& info( mActivationCount.editValueFor(handle) ); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "SensorDevice::activate: ident=%p, handle=0x%08x, enabled=%d, count=%zu", ident, handle, enabled, info.batchParams.size()); if (enabled) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "enable index=%zd", info.batchParams.indexOfKey(ident)); if (isClientDisabledLocked(ident)) { ALOGE("SensorDevice::activate, isClientDisabledLocked(%p):true, handle:%d", ident, handle); return INVALID_OPERATION; } if (info.batchParams.indexOfKey(ident) >= 0) { if (info.numActiveClients() == 1) { // This is the first connection, we need to activate the underlying h/w sensor. actuateHardware = true; } } else { // Log error. Every activate call should be preceded by a batch() call. ALOGE("\t >>>ERROR: activate called without batch"); } } else { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "disable index=%zd", info.batchParams.indexOfKey(ident)); // If a connected dynamic sensor is deactivated, remove it from the // dictionary. auto it = mConnectedDynamicSensors.find(handle); if (it != mConnectedDynamicSensors.end()) { delete it->second; mConnectedDynamicSensors.erase(it); } if (info.removeBatchParamsForIdent(ident) >= 0) { if (info.numActiveClients() == 0) { // This is the last connection, we need to de-activate the underlying h/w sensor. actuateHardware = true; } else { // Call batch for this sensor with the previously calculated best effort // batch_rate and timeout. One of the apps has unregistered for sensor // events, and the best effort batch parameters might have changed. ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "\t>>> actuating h/w batch 0x%08x %" PRId64 " %" PRId64, handle, info.bestBatchParams.mTSample, info.bestBatchParams.mTBatch); checkReturn(mSensors->batch( handle, info.bestBatchParams.mTSample, info.bestBatchParams.mTBatch)); } } else { // sensor wasn't enabled for this ident } if (isClientDisabledLocked(ident)) { return NO_ERROR; } } if (actuateHardware) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "\t>>> actuating h/w activate handle=%d enabled=%d", handle, enabled); err = StatusFromResult(checkReturn(mSensors->activate(handle, enabled))); ALOGE_IF(err, "Error %s sensor %d (%s)", enabled ? "activating" : "disabling", handle, strerror(-err)); if (err != NO_ERROR && enabled) { // Failure when enabling the sensor. Clean up on failure. info.removeBatchParamsForIdent(ident); } } return err; } status_t SensorDevice::batch( void* ident, int handle, int flags, int64_t samplingPeriodNs, int64_t maxBatchReportLatencyNs) { if (mSensors == nullptr) return NO_INIT; if (samplingPeriodNs < MINIMUM_EVENTS_PERIOD) { samplingPeriodNs = MINIMUM_EVENTS_PERIOD; } if (maxBatchReportLatencyNs < 0) { maxBatchReportLatencyNs = 0; } ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "SensorDevice::batch: ident=%p, handle=0x%08x, flags=%d, period_ns=%" PRId64 " timeout=%" PRId64, ident, handle, flags, samplingPeriodNs, maxBatchReportLatencyNs); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); Info& info(mActivationCount.editValueFor(handle)); if (info.batchParams.indexOfKey(ident) < 0) { BatchParams params(samplingPeriodNs, maxBatchReportLatencyNs); info.batchParams.add(ident, params); } else { // A batch has already been called with this ident. Update the batch parameters. info.setBatchParamsForIdent(ident, flags, samplingPeriodNs, maxBatchReportLatencyNs); } BatchParams prevBestBatchParams = info.bestBatchParams; // Find the minimum of all timeouts and batch_rates for this sensor. info.selectBatchParams(); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "\t>>> curr_period=%" PRId64 " min_period=%" PRId64 " curr_timeout=%" PRId64 " min_timeout=%" PRId64, prevBestBatchParams.mTSample, info.bestBatchParams.mTSample, prevBestBatchParams.mTBatch, info.bestBatchParams.mTBatch); status_t err(NO_ERROR); // If the min period or min timeout has changed since the last batch call, call batch. if (prevBestBatchParams != info.bestBatchParams) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "\t>>> actuating h/w BATCH 0x%08x %" PRId64 " %" PRId64, handle, info.bestBatchParams.mTSample, info.bestBatchParams.mTBatch); err = StatusFromResult( checkReturn(mSensors->batch( handle, info.bestBatchParams.mTSample, info.bestBatchParams.mTBatch))); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("sensor batch failed %p 0x%08x %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " err=%s", mSensors.get(), handle, info.bestBatchParams.mTSample, info.bestBatchParams.mTBatch, strerror(-err)); info.removeBatchParamsForIdent(ident); } } return err; } status_t SensorDevice::setDelay(void* ident, int handle, int64_t samplingPeriodNs) { return batch(ident, handle, 0, samplingPeriodNs, 0); } int SensorDevice::getHalDeviceVersion() const { if (mSensors == nullptr) return -1; return SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_4; } status_t SensorDevice::flush(void* ident, int handle) { if (mSensors == nullptr) return NO_INIT; if (isClientDisabled(ident)) return INVALID_OPERATION; ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "\t>>> actuating h/w flush %d", handle); return StatusFromResult(checkReturn(mSensors->flush(handle))); } bool SensorDevice::isClientDisabled(void* ident) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return isClientDisabledLocked(ident); } bool SensorDevice::isClientDisabledLocked(void* ident) { return mDisabledClients.indexOf(ident) >= 0; } void SensorDevice::enableAllSensors() { if (mSensors == nullptr) return; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mDisabledClients.clear(); ALOGI("cleared mDisabledClients"); for (size_t i = 0; i< mActivationCount.size(); ++i) { Info& info = mActivationCount.editValueAt(i); if (info.batchParams.isEmpty()) continue; info.selectBatchParams(); const int sensor_handle = mActivationCount.keyAt(i); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "\t>> reenable actuating h/w sensor enable handle=%d ", sensor_handle); status_t err = StatusFromResult( checkReturn(mSensors->batch( sensor_handle, info.bestBatchParams.mTSample, info.bestBatchParams.mTBatch))); ALOGE_IF(err, "Error calling batch on sensor %d (%s)", sensor_handle, strerror(-err)); if (err == NO_ERROR) { err = StatusFromResult( checkReturn(mSensors->activate(sensor_handle, 1 /* enabled */))); ALOGE_IF(err, "Error activating sensor %d (%s)", sensor_handle, strerror(-err)); } } } void SensorDevice::disableAllSensors() { if (mSensors == nullptr) return; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); for (size_t i = 0; i< mActivationCount.size(); ++i) { const Info& info = mActivationCount.valueAt(i); // Check if this sensor has been activated previously and disable it. if (info.batchParams.size() > 0) { const int sensor_handle = mActivationCount.keyAt(i); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "\t>> actuating h/w sensor disable handle=%d ", sensor_handle); checkReturn(mSensors->activate(sensor_handle, 0 /* enabled */)); // Add all the connections that were registered for this sensor to the disabled // clients list. for (size_t j = 0; j < info.batchParams.size(); ++j) { mDisabledClients.add(info.batchParams.keyAt(j)); ALOGI("added %p to mDisabledClients", info.batchParams.keyAt(j)); } } } } status_t SensorDevice::injectSensorData( const sensors_event_t *injected_sensor_event) { if (mSensors == nullptr) return NO_INIT; ALOGD_IF(DEBUG_CONNECTIONS, "sensor_event handle=%d ts=%" PRId64 " data=%.2f, %.2f, %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f", injected_sensor_event->sensor, injected_sensor_event->timestamp, injected_sensor_event->data[0], injected_sensor_event->data[1], injected_sensor_event->data[2], injected_sensor_event->data[3], injected_sensor_event->data[4], injected_sensor_event->data[5]); Event ev; convertFromSensorEvent(*injected_sensor_event, &ev); return StatusFromResult(checkReturn(mSensors->injectSensorData(ev))); } status_t SensorDevice::setMode(uint32_t mode) { if (mSensors == nullptr) return NO_INIT; return StatusFromResult( checkReturn(mSensors->setOperationMode( static_cast(mode)))); } int32_t SensorDevice::registerDirectChannel(const sensors_direct_mem_t* memory) { if (mSensors == nullptr) return NO_INIT; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); SharedMemType type; switch (memory->type) { case SENSOR_DIRECT_MEM_TYPE_ASHMEM: type = SharedMemType::ASHMEM; break; case SENSOR_DIRECT_MEM_TYPE_GRALLOC: type = SharedMemType::GRALLOC; break; default: return BAD_VALUE; } SharedMemFormat format; if (memory->format != SENSOR_DIRECT_FMT_SENSORS_EVENT) { return BAD_VALUE; } format = SharedMemFormat::SENSORS_EVENT; SharedMemInfo mem = { .type = type, .format = format, .size = static_cast(memory->size), .memoryHandle = memory->handle, }; int32_t ret; checkReturn(mSensors->registerDirectChannel(mem, [&ret](auto result, auto channelHandle) { if (result == Result::OK) { ret = channelHandle; } else { ret = StatusFromResult(result); } })); return ret; } void SensorDevice::unregisterDirectChannel(int32_t channelHandle) { if (mSensors == nullptr) return; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); checkReturn(mSensors->unregisterDirectChannel(channelHandle)); } int32_t SensorDevice::configureDirectChannel(int32_t sensorHandle, int32_t channelHandle, const struct sensors_direct_cfg_t *config) { if (mSensors == nullptr) return NO_INIT; Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); RateLevel rate; switch(config->rate_level) { case SENSOR_DIRECT_RATE_STOP: rate = RateLevel::STOP; break; case SENSOR_DIRECT_RATE_NORMAL: rate = RateLevel::NORMAL; break; case SENSOR_DIRECT_RATE_FAST: rate = RateLevel::FAST; break; case SENSOR_DIRECT_RATE_VERY_FAST: rate = RateLevel::VERY_FAST; break; default: return BAD_VALUE; } int32_t ret; checkReturn(mSensors->configDirectReport(sensorHandle, channelHandle, rate, [&ret, rate] (auto result, auto token) { if (rate == RateLevel::STOP) { ret = StatusFromResult(result); } else { if (result == Result::OK) { ret = token; } else { ret = StatusFromResult(result); } } })); return ret; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SensorDevice::Info::numActiveClients() { SensorDevice& device(SensorDevice::getInstance()); int num = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < batchParams.size(); ++i) { if (!device.isClientDisabledLocked(batchParams.keyAt(i))) { ++num; } } return num; } status_t SensorDevice::Info::setBatchParamsForIdent(void* ident, int, int64_t samplingPeriodNs, int64_t maxBatchReportLatencyNs) { ssize_t index = batchParams.indexOfKey(ident); if (index < 0) { ALOGE("Info::setBatchParamsForIdent(ident=%p, period_ns=%" PRId64 " timeout=%" PRId64 ") failed (%s)", ident, samplingPeriodNs, maxBatchReportLatencyNs, strerror(-index)); return BAD_INDEX; } BatchParams& params = batchParams.editValueAt(index); params.mTSample = samplingPeriodNs; params.mTBatch = maxBatchReportLatencyNs; return NO_ERROR; } void SensorDevice::Info::selectBatchParams() { BatchParams bestParams; // default to max Tsample and max Tbatch SensorDevice& device(SensorDevice::getInstance()); for (size_t i = 0; i < batchParams.size(); ++i) { if (device.isClientDisabledLocked(batchParams.keyAt(i))) { continue; } bestParams.merge(batchParams[i]); } // if mTBatch <= mTSample, it is in streaming mode. set mTbatch to 0 to demand this explicitly. if (bestParams.mTBatch <= bestParams.mTSample) { bestParams.mTBatch = 0; } bestBatchParams = bestParams; } ssize_t SensorDevice::Info::removeBatchParamsForIdent(void* ident) { ssize_t idx = batchParams.removeItem(ident); if (idx >= 0) { selectBatchParams(); } return idx; } void SensorDevice::notifyConnectionDestroyed(void* ident) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); mDisabledClients.remove(ident); } bool SensorDevice::isDirectReportSupported() const { return mIsDirectReportSupported; } void SensorDevice::convertToSensorEvent( const Event &src, sensors_event_t *dst) { ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::implementation::convertToSensorEvent( src, dst); if (src.sensorType == SensorType::DYNAMIC_SENSOR_META) { const DynamicSensorInfo &dyn = src.u.dynamic; dst->dynamic_sensor_meta.connected = dyn.connected; dst->dynamic_sensor_meta.handle = dyn.sensorHandle; if (dyn.connected) { auto it = mConnectedDynamicSensors.find(dyn.sensorHandle); CHECK(it != mConnectedDynamicSensors.end()); dst->dynamic_sensor_meta.sensor = it->second; memcpy(dst->dynamic_sensor_meta.uuid, dyn.uuid.data(), sizeof(dst->dynamic_sensor_meta.uuid)); } } } void SensorDevice::convertToSensorEvents( const hidl_vec &src, const hidl_vec &dynamicSensorsAdded, sensors_event_t *dst) { // Allocate a sensor_t structure for each dynamic sensor added and insert // it into the dictionary of connected dynamic sensors keyed by handle. for (size_t i = 0; i < dynamicSensorsAdded.size(); ++i) { const SensorInfo &info = dynamicSensorsAdded[i]; auto it = mConnectedDynamicSensors.find(info.sensorHandle); CHECK(it == mConnectedDynamicSensors.end()); sensor_t *sensor = new sensor_t; convertToSensor(info, sensor); mConnectedDynamicSensors.insert( std::make_pair(sensor->handle, sensor)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i) { convertToSensorEvent(src[i], &dst[i]); } } void SensorDevice::handleHidlDeath(const std::string & detail) { // restart is the only option at present. LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Abort due to ISensors hidl service failure, detail: %s.", detail.c_str()); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // namespace android