syntax = "proto2"; package; option java_package = ""; option java_multiple_files = true; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; message InteractionEvent { enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0; // Leaving tags 1-14 for more frequent interactions, e.g. ANSWERED_CALL // An incoming call was blocked CALL_BLOCKED = 15; // The user blocked a number from the Call Log screen BLOCK_NUMBER_CALL_LOG = 16; // The user blocked a number from the Call details screen BLOCK_NUMBER_CALL_DETAIL = 17; // The user blocked a number from the Management screen BLOCK_NUMBER_MANAGEMENT_SCREEN = 18; // The user unblocked a number from the Call Log screen UNBLOCK_NUMBER_CALL_LOG = 19; // The user unblocked a number from the Call details screen UNBLOCK_NUMBER_CALL_DETAIL = 20; // The user unblocked a number from the Management screen UNBLOCK_NUMBER_MANAGEMENT_SCREEN = 21; // The user blocked numbers from contacts marked as send to voicemail IMPORT_SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL = 22; // The user blocked a number then undid the block UNDO_BLOCK_NUMBER = 23; // The user unblocked a number then undid the unblock UNDO_UNBLOCK_NUMBER = 24; } }