/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Tests socket functionality using loopback connections. The UDP tests assume that no packets are // lost, which should be the case for loopback communication, but is not guaranteed. // // Also tests our SocketMock class to make sure it works as expected and reports errors properly // if the mock expectations aren't met during a test. #include "socket.h" #include "socket_mock.h" #include <list> #include <gtest/gtest-spi.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> static constexpr int kShortTimeoutMs = 10; static constexpr int kTestTimeoutMs = 3000; // Creates connected sockets |server| and |client|. Returns true on success. bool MakeConnectedSockets(Socket::Protocol protocol, std::unique_ptr<Socket>* server, std::unique_ptr<Socket>* client, const std::string& hostname = "localhost") { *server = Socket::NewServer(protocol, 0); if (*server == nullptr) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to create server."; return false; } *client = Socket::NewClient(protocol, hostname, (*server)->GetLocalPort(), nullptr); if (*client == nullptr) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to create client."; return false; } // TCP passes the client off to a new socket. if (protocol == Socket::Protocol::kTcp) { *server = (*server)->Accept(); if (*server == nullptr) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to accept client connection."; return false; } } return true; } // Sends a string over a Socket. Returns true if the full string (without terminating char) // was sent. static bool SendString(Socket* sock, const std::string& message) { return sock->Send(message.c_str(), message.length()); } // Receives a string from a Socket. Returns true if the full string (without terminating char) // was received. static bool ReceiveString(Socket* sock, const std::string& message) { std::string received(message.length(), '\0'); ssize_t bytes = sock->ReceiveAll(&received[0], received.length(), kTestTimeoutMs); return static_cast<size_t>(bytes) == received.length() && received == message; } // Tests sending packets client -> server, then server -> client. TEST(SocketTest, TestSendAndReceive) { std::unique_ptr<Socket> server, client; for (Socket::Protocol protocol : {Socket::Protocol::kUdp, Socket::Protocol::kTcp}) { ASSERT_TRUE(MakeConnectedSockets(protocol, &server, &client)); EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(client.get(), "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveString(server.get(), "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(server.get(), "bar baz")); EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveString(client.get(), "bar baz")); } } TEST(SocketTest, TestReceiveTimeout) { std::unique_ptr<Socket> server, client; char buffer[16]; for (Socket::Protocol protocol : {Socket::Protocol::kUdp, Socket::Protocol::kTcp}) { ASSERT_TRUE(MakeConnectedSockets(protocol, &server, &client)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, server->Receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer), kShortTimeoutMs)); EXPECT_TRUE(server->ReceiveTimedOut()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, client->Receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer), kShortTimeoutMs)); EXPECT_TRUE(client->ReceiveTimedOut()); } // UDP will wait for timeout if the other side closes. ASSERT_TRUE(MakeConnectedSockets(Socket::Protocol::kUdp, &server, &client)); EXPECT_EQ(0, server->Close()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, client->Receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer), kShortTimeoutMs)); EXPECT_TRUE(client->ReceiveTimedOut()); } TEST(SocketTest, TestReceiveFailure) { std::unique_ptr<Socket> server, client; char buffer[16]; for (Socket::Protocol protocol : {Socket::Protocol::kUdp, Socket::Protocol::kTcp}) { ASSERT_TRUE(MakeConnectedSockets(protocol, &server, &client)); EXPECT_EQ(0, server->Close()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, server->Receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer), kTestTimeoutMs)); EXPECT_FALSE(server->ReceiveTimedOut()); EXPECT_EQ(0, client->Close()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, client->Receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer), kTestTimeoutMs)); EXPECT_FALSE(client->ReceiveTimedOut()); } // TCP knows right away when the other side closes and returns 0 to indicate EOF. ASSERT_TRUE(MakeConnectedSockets(Socket::Protocol::kTcp, &server, &client)); EXPECT_EQ(0, server->Close()); EXPECT_EQ(0, client->Receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer), kTestTimeoutMs)); EXPECT_FALSE(client->ReceiveTimedOut()); } // Tests sending and receiving large packets. TEST(SocketTest, TestLargePackets) { std::string message(1024, '\0'); std::unique_ptr<Socket> server, client; for (Socket::Protocol protocol : {Socket::Protocol::kUdp, Socket::Protocol::kTcp}) { ASSERT_TRUE(MakeConnectedSockets(protocol, &server, &client)); // Run through the test a few times. for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // Use a different message each iteration to prevent false positives. for (size_t j = 0; j < message.length(); ++j) { message[j] = static_cast<char>(i + j); } EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(client.get(), message)); EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveString(server.get(), message)); } } } // Tests UDP receive overflow when the UDP packet is larger than the receive buffer. TEST(SocketTest, TestUdpReceiveOverflow) { std::unique_ptr<Socket> server, client; ASSERT_TRUE(MakeConnectedSockets(Socket::Protocol::kUdp, &server, &client)); EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(client.get(), "1234567890")); // This behaves differently on different systems, either truncating the packet or returning -1. char buffer[5]; ssize_t bytes = server->Receive(buffer, 5, kTestTimeoutMs); if (bytes == 5) { EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(buffer, "12345", 5)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(-1, bytes); } } // Tests UDP multi-buffer send. TEST(SocketTest, TestUdpSendBuffers) { std::unique_ptr<Socket> sock = Socket::NewServer(Socket::Protocol::kUdp, 0); std::vector<std::string> data{"foo", "bar", "12345"}; std::vector<cutils_socket_buffer_t> buffers{{data[0].data(), data[0].length()}, {data[1].data(), data[1].length()}, {data[2].data(), data[2].length()}}; ssize_t mock_return_value = 0; // Mock out socket_send_buffers() to verify we're sending in the correct buffers and // return |mock_return_value|. sock->socket_send_buffers_function_ = [&buffers, &mock_return_value]( cutils_socket_t /*cutils_sock*/, cutils_socket_buffer_t* sent_buffers, size_t num_sent_buffers) -> ssize_t { EXPECT_EQ(buffers.size(), num_sent_buffers); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sent_buffers; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(buffers[i].data, sent_buffers[i].data); EXPECT_EQ(buffers[i].length, sent_buffers[i].length); } return mock_return_value; }; mock_return_value = strlen("foobar12345"); EXPECT_TRUE(sock->Send(buffers)); mock_return_value -= 1; EXPECT_FALSE(sock->Send(buffers)); mock_return_value = 0; EXPECT_FALSE(sock->Send(buffers)); mock_return_value = -1; EXPECT_FALSE(sock->Send(buffers)); } // Tests TCP re-sending until socket_send_buffers() sends all data. This is a little complicated, // but the general idea is that we intercept calls to socket_send_buffers() using a lambda mock // function that simulates partial writes. TEST(SocketTest, TestTcpSendBuffers) { std::unique_ptr<Socket> sock = Socket::NewServer(Socket::Protocol::kTcp, 0); std::vector<std::string> data{"foo", "bar", "12345"}; std::vector<cutils_socket_buffer_t> buffers{{data[0].data(), data[0].length()}, {data[1].data(), data[1].length()}, {data[2].data(), data[2].length()}}; // Test breaking up the buffered send at various points. std::list<std::string> test_sends[] = { // Successes. {"foobar12345"}, {"f", "oob", "ar12345"}, {"fo", "obar12", "345"}, {"foo", "bar12345"}, {"foob", "ar123", "45"}, {"f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}, // Failures. {}, {"f"}, {"foo", "bar"}, {"fo", "obar12"}, {"foobar1234"} }; for (auto& test : test_sends) { ssize_t bytes_sent = 0; bool expect_success = true; // Create a mock function for custom socket_send_buffers() behavior. This function will // check to make sure the input buffers start at the next unsent byte, then return the // number of bytes indicated by the next entry in |test|. sock->socket_send_buffers_function_ = [&bytes_sent, &data, &expect_success, &test]( cutils_socket_t /*cutils_sock*/, cutils_socket_buffer_t* buffers, size_t num_buffers) -> ssize_t { EXPECT_TRUE(num_buffers > 0); // Failure case - pretend we errored out before sending all the buffers. if (test.empty()) { expect_success = false; return -1; } // Count the bytes we've sent to find where the next buffer should start and how many // bytes should be left in it. size_t byte_count = bytes_sent, data_index = 0; while (data_index < data.size()) { if (byte_count >= data[data_index].length()) { byte_count -= data[data_index].length(); ++data_index; } else { break; } } void* expected_next_byte = &data[data_index][byte_count]; size_t expected_next_size = data[data_index].length() - byte_count; EXPECT_EQ(data.size() - data_index, num_buffers); EXPECT_EQ(expected_next_byte, buffers[0].data); EXPECT_EQ(expected_next_size, buffers[0].length); std::string to_send = std::move(test.front()); test.pop_front(); bytes_sent += to_send.length(); return to_send.length(); }; EXPECT_EQ(expect_success, sock->Send(buffers)); EXPECT_TRUE(test.empty()); } } TEST(SocketMockTest, TestSendSuccess) { SocketMock mock; mock.ExpectSend("foo"); EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(&mock, "foo")); mock.ExpectSend("abc"); mock.ExpectSend("123"); EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(&mock, "abc")); EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(&mock, "123")); } TEST(SocketMockTest, TestSendFailure) { SocketMock* mock = new SocketMock; mock->ExpectSendFailure("foo"); EXPECT_FALSE(SendString(mock, "foo")); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(SendString(mock, "foo"), "no message was expected"); mock->ExpectSend("foo"); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(SendString(mock, "bar"), "expected foo, but got bar"); EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(mock, "foo")); mock->AddReceive("foo"); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(SendString(mock, "foo"), "called out-of-order"); EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveString(mock, "foo")); mock->ExpectSend("foo"); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(delete mock, "1 event(s) were not handled"); } TEST(SocketMockTest, TestReceiveSuccess) { SocketMock mock; mock.AddReceive("foo"); EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveString(&mock, "foo")); mock.AddReceive("abc"); mock.AddReceive("123"); EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveString(&mock, "abc")); EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveString(&mock, "123")); // Make sure ReceiveAll() can piece together multiple receives. mock.AddReceive("foo"); mock.AddReceive("bar"); mock.AddReceive("123"); EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveString(&mock, "foobar123")); } TEST(SocketMockTest, TestReceiveFailure) { SocketMock* mock = new SocketMock; mock->AddReceiveFailure(); EXPECT_FALSE(ReceiveString(mock, "foo")); EXPECT_FALSE(mock->ReceiveTimedOut()); mock->AddReceiveTimeout(); EXPECT_FALSE(ReceiveString(mock, "foo")); EXPECT_TRUE(mock->ReceiveTimedOut()); mock->AddReceive("foo"); mock->AddReceiveFailure(); EXPECT_FALSE(ReceiveString(mock, "foobar")); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(ReceiveString(mock, "foo"), "no message was ready"); mock->ExpectSend("foo"); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(ReceiveString(mock, "foo"), "called out-of-order"); EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(mock, "foo")); char c; mock->AddReceive("foo"); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(mock->Receive(&c, 1, 0), "not enough bytes (1) for foo"); EXPECT_TRUE(ReceiveString(mock, "foo")); mock->AddReceive("foo"); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(delete mock, "1 event(s) were not handled"); } TEST(SocketMockTest, TestAcceptSuccess) { SocketMock mock; SocketMock* mock_handler = new SocketMock; mock.AddAccept(std::unique_ptr<SocketMock>(mock_handler)); EXPECT_EQ(mock_handler, mock.Accept().get()); mock.AddAccept(nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, mock.Accept().get()); } TEST(SocketMockTest, TestAcceptFailure) { SocketMock* mock = new SocketMock; EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(mock->Accept(), "no socket was ready"); mock->ExpectSend("foo"); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(mock->Accept(), "called out-of-order"); EXPECT_TRUE(SendString(mock, "foo")); mock->AddAccept(nullptr); EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE(delete mock, "1 event(s) were not handled"); }