# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import adb import os import unittest import fastboot import subprocess class ShellTest(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ShellTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fastboot = fastboot.FastbootDevice() def exists_validvals(self, varname, varlist, validlist): self.assertIn(varname, varlist) self.assertIn(varlist[varname], validlist) return varlist[varname] def exists_yes_no(self, varname, varlist): return self.exists_validvals(varname, varlist, ["yes", "no"]) def exists_nonempty(self, varname, varlist): self.assertIn(varname, varlist) self.assertGreater(len(varlist[varname]), 0) return varlist[varname] def exists_integer(self, varname, varlist, base=10): val = 0 self.assertIn(varname, varlist) try: val = int(varlist[varname], base) except ValueError: self.fail("%s (%s) is not an integer" % (varname, varlist[varname])) return val def get_exists(self, varname): val = self.fastboot.getvar(varname) self.assertIsNotNone(val) return val def get_exists_validvals(self, varname, validlist): val = self.get_exists(varname) self.assertIn(val, validlist) return val def get_exists_yes_no(self, varname): return self.get_exists_validvals(varname, ["yes", "no"]) def get_exists_nonempty(self, varname): val = self.get_exists(varname) self.assertGreater(len(val), 0) return val def get_exists_integer(self, varname, base=10): val = self.get_exists(varname) try: num = int(val, base) except ValueError: self.fail("%s (%s) is not an integer" % (varname, val)) return num def test_getvarall(self): """Tests that required variables are reported by getvar all""" var_all = self.fastboot.getvar_all() self.exists_nonempty("version-baseband", var_all) self.exists_nonempty("version-bootloader", var_all) self.exists_nonempty("product", var_all) self.exists_yes_no("secure", var_all) self.exists_yes_no("unlocked", var_all) self.exists_validvals("off-mode-charge", var_all, ["0", "1"]) self.assertIn("variant", var_all) voltage = self.exists_nonempty("battery-voltage", var_all) if voltage[-2:].lower() == "mv": voltage = voltage[:-2] try: voltnum = float(voltage) except ValueError: self.fail("battery-voltage (%s) is not a number" % (varname, voltage)) self.exists_yes_no("battery-soc-ok", var_all) maxdl = self.exists_integer("max-download-size", var_all, 16) self.assertGreater(maxdl, 0) if "slot-count" in var_all: try: slotcount = int(var_all["slot-count"]) except ValueError: self.fail("slot-count (%s) is not an integer" % var_all["slot-count"]) if slotcount > 1: # test for A/B variables slots = [chr(slotnum+ord('a')) for slotnum in range(slotcount)] self.exists_validvals("current-slot", var_all, slots) # test for slot metadata for slot in slots: self.exists_yes_no("slot-unbootable:"+slot, var_all) self.exists_yes_no("slot-unbootable:"+slot, var_all) self.exists_integer("slot-retry-count:"+slot, var_all) else: print "This does not appear to be an A/B device." def test_getvar_nonexistent(self): """Tests behaviour of nonexistent variables.""" self.assertIsNone(self.fastboot.getvar("fhqwhgads")) def test_getvar(self): """Tests all variables separately""" self.get_exists_nonempty("version-baseband") self.get_exists_nonempty("version-bootloader") self.get_exists_nonempty("product") self.get_exists_yes_no("secure") self.get_exists_yes_no("unlocked") self.get_exists_validvals("off-mode-charge", ["0", "1"]) self.get_exists("variant") voltage = self.get_exists_nonempty("battery-voltage") if voltage[-2:].lower() == "mv": voltage = voltage[:-2] try: voltnum = float(voltage) except ValueError: self.fail("battery-voltage (%s) is not a number" % voltage) self.get_exists_yes_no("battery-soc-ok") maxdl = self.get_exists_integer("max-download-size", 16) self.assertGreater(maxdl, 0) slotcount = 0 try: slotcountString = self.fastboot.getvar("slot-count") if slotcountString != None: slotcount = int(slotcountString) except ValueError: self.fail("slot-count (%s) is not an integer" % slotcountString) if slotcount > 1: # test for A/B variables slots = [chr(slotnum+ord('a')) for slotnum in range(slotcount)] self.get_exists_validvals("current-slot", slots) # test for slot metadata for slot in slots: self.get_exists_yes_no("slot-unbootable:"+slot) self.get_exists_yes_no("slot-successful:"+slot) self.get_exists_integer("slot-retry-count:"+slot) else: print "This does not appear to be an A/B device." def test_setactive(self): """Tests that A/B devices can switch to each slot, and the change persists over a reboot.""" slotcount = 0 try: val = self.fastboot.getvar("slot-count") if val != None: slotcount = int(val) except ValueError: self.fail("slot-count (%s) is not an integer" % val) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print "Does not appear to be an A/B device." maxtries = 0 if slotcount > 1: slots = [chr(slotnum+ord('a')) for slotnum in range(slotcount)] for slot in slots: self.fastboot.set_active(slot) self.assertEqual(slot, self.fastboot.getvar("current-slot")) self.assertEqual("no", self.fastboot.getvar("slot-unbootable:"+slot)) self.assertEqual("no", self.fastboot.getvar("slot-successful:"+slot)) retry = self.get_exists_integer("slot-retry-count:"+slot) if maxtries == 0: maxtries = retry else: self.assertEqual(maxtries, retry) self.fastboot.reboot(True) self.assertEqual(slot, self.fastboot.getvar("current-slot")) self.assertEqual("no", self.fastboot.getvar("slot-unbootable:"+slot)) self.assertEqual("no", self.fastboot.getvar("slot-successful:"+slot)) retry = self.get_exists_integer("slot-retry-count:"+slot) if maxtries == 0: maxtries = retry else: self.assertEqual(maxtries, retry) else: print "Does not appear to be an A/B device." if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(verbosity=3)