/* * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "IptablesRestoreControllerTest" #include #include #include #include "IptablesRestoreController.h" #include "NetdConstants.h" #include "Stopwatch.h" #define XT_LOCK_NAME "/system/etc/xtables.lock" #define XT_LOCK_ATTEMPTS 10 #define XT_LOCK_POLL_INTERVAL_MS 100 using android::base::Join; using android::base::StringPrintf; class IptablesRestoreControllerTest : public ::testing::Test { public: IptablesRestoreController con; int mDefaultMaxRetries = con.MAX_RETRIES; int mDefaultPollTimeoutMs = con.POLL_TIMEOUT_MS; int mIptablesLock = -1; std::string mChainName; static void SetUpTestCase() { blockSigpipe(); } void SetUp() { ASSERT_EQ(0, createTestChain()); } void TearDown() { con.MAX_RETRIES = mDefaultMaxRetries; con.POLL_TIMEOUT_MS = mDefaultPollTimeoutMs; deleteTestChain(); } pid_t getIpRestorePid(const IptablesRestoreController::IptablesProcessType type) { return con.getIpRestorePid(type); }; void expectNoIptablesRestoreProcess(pid_t pid) { // We can't readlink /proc/PID/exe, because zombie processes don't have it. // Parse /proc/PID/stat instead. std::string statPath = StringPrintf("/proc/%d/stat", pid); int fd = open(statPath.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { // ENOENT means the process is gone (expected). ASSERT_EQ(errno, ENOENT) << "Unexpected error opening " << statPath << ": " << strerror(errno); return; } // If the PID exists, it's possible (though very unlikely) that the PID was reused. Check the // binary name as well, to ensure the test isn't flaky. char statBuf[1024]; ASSERT_NE(-1, read(fd, statBuf, sizeof(statBuf))) << "Could not read from " << statPath << ": " << strerror(errno); close(fd); std::string statString(statBuf); EXPECT_FALSE(statString.find("iptables-restor") || statString.find("ip6tables-resto")) << "Previous iptables-restore pid " << pid << " still alive: " << statString; } int createTestChain() { mChainName = StringPrintf("netd_unit_test_%u", arc4random_uniform(10000)).c_str(); // Create a chain to list. std::vector createCommands = { "*filter", StringPrintf(":%s -", mChainName.c_str()), StringPrintf("-A %s -j RETURN", mChainName.c_str()), "COMMIT", "" }; int ret = con.execute(V4V6, Join(createCommands, "\n"), nullptr); if (ret) mChainName = ""; return ret; } void deleteTestChain() { std::vector deleteCommands = { "*filter", StringPrintf(":%s -", mChainName.c_str()), // Flush chain (otherwise we can't delete it). StringPrintf("-X %s", mChainName.c_str()), // Delete it. "COMMIT", "" }; con.execute(V4V6, Join(deleteCommands, "\n"), nullptr); mChainName = ""; } int acquireIptablesLock() { mIptablesLock = open(XT_LOCK_NAME, O_CREAT, 0600); if (mIptablesLock == -1) return mIptablesLock; int attempts; for (attempts = 0; attempts < XT_LOCK_ATTEMPTS; attempts++) { if (flock(mIptablesLock, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) == 0) { return 0; } usleep(XT_LOCK_POLL_INTERVAL_MS * 1000); } EXPECT_LT(attempts, XT_LOCK_ATTEMPTS) << "Could not acquire iptables lock after " << XT_LOCK_ATTEMPTS << " attempts " << XT_LOCK_POLL_INTERVAL_MS << "ms apart"; return -1; } void releaseIptablesLock() { if (mIptablesLock != -1) { close(mIptablesLock); } } void setRetryParameters(int maxRetries, int pollTimeoutMs) { con.MAX_RETRIES = maxRetries; con.POLL_TIMEOUT_MS = pollTimeoutMs; } }; TEST_F(IptablesRestoreControllerTest, TestBasicCommand) { std::string output; EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V4V6, "#Test\n", nullptr)); pid_t pid4 = getIpRestorePid(IptablesRestoreController::IPTABLES_PROCESS); pid_t pid6 = getIpRestorePid(IptablesRestoreController::IP6TABLES_PROCESS); EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V6, "#Test\n", nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V4, "#Test\n", nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V4V6, "#Test\n", &output)); EXPECT_EQ("#Test\n#Test\n", output); // One for IPv4 and one for IPv6. // Check the PIDs are the same as they were before. If they're not, the child processes were // restarted, which causes a 30-60ms delay. EXPECT_EQ(pid4, getIpRestorePid(IptablesRestoreController::IPTABLES_PROCESS)); EXPECT_EQ(pid6, getIpRestorePid(IptablesRestoreController::IP6TABLES_PROCESS)); } TEST_F(IptablesRestoreControllerTest, TestRestartOnMalformedCommand) { std::string buffer; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { IptablesTarget target = (IptablesTarget) (i % 3); std::string *output = (i % 2) ? &buffer : nullptr; ASSERT_EQ(-1, con.execute(target, "malformed command\n", output)) << "Malformed command did not fail at iteration " << i; ASSERT_EQ(0, con.execute(target, "#Test\n", output)) << "No-op command did not succeed at iteration " << i; } } TEST_F(IptablesRestoreControllerTest, TestRestartOnProcessDeath) { std::string output; // Run a command to ensure that the processes are running. EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V4V6, "#Test\n", &output)); pid_t pid4 = getIpRestorePid(IptablesRestoreController::IPTABLES_PROCESS); pid_t pid6 = getIpRestorePid(IptablesRestoreController::IP6TABLES_PROCESS); ASSERT_EQ(0, kill(pid4, 0)) << "iptables-restore pid " << pid4 << " does not exist"; ASSERT_EQ(0, kill(pid6, 0)) << "ip6tables-restore pid " << pid6 << " does not exist"; ASSERT_EQ(0, kill(pid4, SIGTERM)) << "Failed to send SIGTERM to iptables-restore pid " << pid4; ASSERT_EQ(0, kill(pid6, SIGTERM)) << "Failed to send SIGTERM to ip6tables-restore pid " << pid6; // Wait 100ms for processes to terminate. TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(usleep(100 * 1000)); // Ensure that running a new command properly restarts the processes. EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V4V6, "#Test\n", nullptr)); EXPECT_NE(pid4, getIpRestorePid(IptablesRestoreController::IPTABLES_PROCESS)); EXPECT_NE(pid6, getIpRestorePid(IptablesRestoreController::IP6TABLES_PROCESS)); // Check there are no zombies. expectNoIptablesRestoreProcess(pid4); expectNoIptablesRestoreProcess(pid6); } TEST_F(IptablesRestoreControllerTest, TestCommandTimeout) { // Don't wait 10 seconds for this test to fail. setRetryParameters(3, 50); // Expected contents of the chain. std::vector expectedLines = { StringPrintf("Chain %s (0 references)", mChainName.c_str()), "target prot opt source destination ", "RETURN all -- ", StringPrintf("Chain %s (0 references)", mChainName.c_str()), "target prot opt source destination ", "RETURN all ::/0 ::/0 ", "" }; std::string expected = Join(expectedLines, "\n"); std::vector listCommands = { "*filter", StringPrintf("-n -L %s", mChainName.c_str()), // List chain. "COMMIT", "" }; std::string commandString = Join(listCommands, "\n"); std::string output; EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V4V6, commandString, &output)); EXPECT_EQ(expected, output); ASSERT_EQ(0, acquireIptablesLock()); EXPECT_EQ(-1, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V4V6, commandString, &output)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V4V6, commandString, &output)); releaseIptablesLock(); EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(IptablesTarget::V4V6, commandString, &output)); EXPECT_EQ(expected, output); } TEST_F(IptablesRestoreControllerTest, TestUidRuleBenchmark) { const std::vector ITERATIONS = { 1, 5, 10 }; const std::string IPTABLES_RESTORE_ADD = "*filter\n-I fw_powersave -m owner --uid-owner 2000000000 -j RETURN\nCOMMIT\n"; const std::string IPTABLES_RESTORE_DEL = "*filter\n-D fw_powersave -m owner --uid-owner 2000000000 -j RETURN\nCOMMIT\n"; for (const int iterations : ITERATIONS) { Stopwatch s; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(V4V6, IPTABLES_RESTORE_ADD, nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(0, con.execute(V4V6, IPTABLES_RESTORE_DEL, nullptr)); } float timeTaken = s.getTimeAndReset(); fprintf(stderr, " Add/del %d UID rules via restore: %.1fms (%.2fms per operation)\n", iterations, timeTaken, timeTaken / 2 / iterations); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { EXPECT_EQ(0, execIptables(V4V6, "-I", "fw_powersave", "-m", "owner", "--uid-owner", "2000000000", "-j", "RETURN", nullptr)); EXPECT_EQ(0, execIptables(V4V6, "-D", "fw_powersave", "-m", "owner", "--uid-owner", "2000000000", "-j", "RETURN", nullptr)); } timeTaken = s.getTimeAndReset(); fprintf(stderr, " Add/del %d UID rules via iptables: %.1fms (%.2fms per operation)\n", iterations, timeTaken, timeTaken / 2 / iterations); } }