// // Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "update_engine/chrome_browser_proxy_resolver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libcros/dbus-proxies.h" #include "libcros/dbus-proxy-mocks.h" #include "update_engine/dbus_test_utils.h" using ::testing::Return; using ::testing::StrEq; using ::testing::_; using brillo::MessageLoop; using org::chromium::LibCrosServiceInterfaceProxyMock; using org::chromium::UpdateEngineLibcrosProxyResolvedInterfaceProxyMock; using std::deque; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace chromeos_update_engine { class ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest() : service_interface_mock_(new LibCrosServiceInterfaceProxyMock()), ue_proxy_resolved_interface_mock_( new UpdateEngineLibcrosProxyResolvedInterfaceProxyMock()), libcros_proxy_( brillo::make_unique_ptr(service_interface_mock_), brillo::make_unique_ptr(ue_proxy_resolved_interface_mock_)) {} void SetUp() override { loop_.SetAsCurrent(); // The ProxyResolved signal should be subscribed to. MOCK_SIGNAL_HANDLER_EXPECT_SIGNAL_HANDLER( ue_proxy_resolved_signal_, *ue_proxy_resolved_interface_mock_, ProxyResolved); EXPECT_TRUE(resolver_.Init()); // Run the loop once to dispatch the successfully registered signal handler. EXPECT_TRUE(loop_.RunOnce(false)); } void TearDown() override { EXPECT_FALSE(loop_.PendingTasks()); } // Send the signal to the callback passed during registration of the // ProxyResolved. void SendReplySignal(const string& source_url, const string& proxy_info, const string& error_message); void RunTest(bool chrome_replies, bool chrome_alive); brillo::FakeMessageLoop loop_{nullptr}; // Local pointers to the mocks. The instances are owned by the // |libcros_proxy_|. LibCrosServiceInterfaceProxyMock* service_interface_mock_; UpdateEngineLibcrosProxyResolvedInterfaceProxyMock* ue_proxy_resolved_interface_mock_; // The registered signal handler for the signal // UpdateEngineLibcrosProxyResolvedInterface.ProxyResolved. chromeos_update_engine::dbus_test_utils::MockSignalHandler< void(const string&, const string&, const string&)> ue_proxy_resolved_signal_; LibCrosProxy libcros_proxy_; ChromeBrowserProxyResolver resolver_{&libcros_proxy_}; }; void ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest::SendReplySignal( const string& source_url, const string& proxy_info, const string& error_message) { ASSERT_TRUE(ue_proxy_resolved_signal_.IsHandlerRegistered()); ue_proxy_resolved_signal_.signal_callback().Run( source_url, proxy_info, error_message); } namespace { void CheckResponseResolved(const deque& proxies) { EXPECT_EQ(2U, proxies.size()); EXPECT_EQ("socks5://", proxies[0]); EXPECT_EQ(kNoProxy, proxies[1]); MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop(); } void CheckResponseNoReply(const deque& proxies) { EXPECT_EQ(1U, proxies.size()); EXPECT_EQ(kNoProxy, proxies[0]); MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop(); } } // namespace // chrome_replies should be set to whether or not we fake a reply from // chrome. If there's no reply, the resolver should time out. // If chrome_alive is false, assume that sending to chrome fails. void ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest::RunTest(bool chrome_replies, bool chrome_alive) { char kUrl[] = "http://example.com/blah"; char kProxyConfig[] = "SOCKS5;DIRECT"; EXPECT_CALL(*service_interface_mock_, ResolveNetworkProxy(StrEq(kUrl), StrEq(kLibCrosProxyResolveSignalInterface), StrEq(kLibCrosProxyResolveName), _, _)) .WillOnce(Return(chrome_alive)); ProxiesResolvedFn get_proxies_response = base::Bind(&CheckResponseNoReply); if (chrome_replies) { get_proxies_response = base::Bind(&CheckResponseResolved); MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest::SendReplySignal, base::Unretained(this), kUrl, kProxyConfig, ""), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1)); } EXPECT_NE(kProxyRequestIdNull, resolver_.GetProxiesForUrl(kUrl, get_proxies_response)); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); } TEST_F(ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest, ParseTest) { // Test ideas from // http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/net/proxy/proxy_list_unittest.cc vector inputs = { "PROXY foopy:10", " DIRECT", // leading space. "PROXY foopy1 ; proxy foopy2;\t DIRECT", "proxy foopy1 ; SOCKS foopy2", "DIRECT ; proxy foopy1 ; DIRECT ; SOCKS5 foopy2;DIRECT ", "DIRECT ; proxy foopy1:80; DIRECT ; DIRECT", "PROXY-foopy:10", "PROXY", "PROXY foopy1 ; JUNK ; JUNK ; SOCKS5 foopy2 ; ;", "HTTP foopy1; SOCKS5 foopy2"}; vector> outputs = { {"http://foopy:10", kNoProxy}, {kNoProxy}, {"http://foopy1", "http://foopy2", kNoProxy}, {"http://foopy1", "socks4://foopy2", kNoProxy}, {kNoProxy, "http://foopy1", kNoProxy, "socks5://foopy2", kNoProxy}, {kNoProxy, "http://foopy1:80", kNoProxy, kNoProxy}, {kNoProxy}, {kNoProxy}, {"http://foopy1", "socks5://foopy2", kNoProxy}, {"socks5://foopy2", kNoProxy}}; ASSERT_EQ(inputs.size(), outputs.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) { deque results = ChromeBrowserProxyResolver::ParseProxyString(inputs[i]); deque& expected = outputs[i]; EXPECT_EQ(results.size(), expected.size()) << "i = " << i; if (expected.size() != results.size()) continue; for (size_t j = 0; j < expected.size(); j++) { EXPECT_EQ(expected[j], results[j]) << "i = " << i; } } } TEST_F(ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest, SuccessTest) { RunTest(true, true); } TEST_F(ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest, NoReplyTest) { RunTest(false, true); } TEST_F(ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest, NoChromeTest) { RunTest(false, false); } TEST_F(ChromeBrowserProxyResolverTest, CancelCallbackTest) { int called = 0; auto callback = base::Bind( [](int* called, const deque& proxies) { (*called)++; }, &called); EXPECT_CALL(*service_interface_mock_, ResolveNetworkProxy(_, _, _, _, _)) .Times(4) .WillRepeatedly(Return(true)); EXPECT_NE(kProxyRequestIdNull, resolver_.GetProxiesForUrl("http://urlA", callback)); ProxyRequestId req_b = resolver_.GetProxiesForUrl("http://urlB", callback); // Note that we add twice the same url. ProxyRequestId req_c = resolver_.GetProxiesForUrl("http://urlC", callback); EXPECT_NE(kProxyRequestIdNull, resolver_.GetProxiesForUrl("http://urlC", callback)); EXPECT_EQ(0, called); EXPECT_TRUE(resolver_.CancelProxyRequest(req_b)); EXPECT_TRUE(resolver_.CancelProxyRequest(req_c)); // Canceling the same request twice should fail even if there's another // request for the same URL. EXPECT_FALSE(resolver_.CancelProxyRequest(req_c)); loop_.Run(); EXPECT_EQ(2, called); } } // namespace chromeos_update_engine