1 /** @file
2     Declaration of strctures and functions for SnpDxe driver.
4 Copyright (c) 2004 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 This program and the accompanying materials are licensed
6 and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which
7 accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
13 **/
14 #ifndef _SNP_H_
15 #define _SNP_H_
18 #include <Uefi.h>
20 #include <Protocol/SimpleNetwork.h>
21 #include <Protocol/PciIo.h>
22 #include <Protocol/NetworkInterfaceIdentifier.h>
23 #include <Protocol/DevicePath.h>
25 #include <Guid/EventGroup.h>
27 #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
28 #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
29 #include <Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint.h>
30 #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
31 #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
32 #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
33 #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
34 #include <Library/PrintLib.h>
36 #include <IndustryStandard/Pci.h>
37 #include <IndustryStandard/Acpi.h>
39 #define FOUR_GIGABYTES  (UINT64) 0x100000000ULL
42 #define SNP_DRIVER_SIGNATURE  SIGNATURE_32 ('s', 'n', 'd', 's')
43 #define MAX_MAP_LENGTH        100
45 #define PCI_BAR_IO_MASK       0x00000003
46 #define PCI_BAR_IO_MODE       0x00000001
48 #define PCI_BAR_MEM_MASK      0x0000000F
49 #define PCI_BAR_MEM_MODE      0x00000000
50 #define PCI_BAR_MEM_64BIT     0x00000004
53 #define SNP_MAX_TX_BUFFER_NUM         65536
55 typedef
58   UINT64         Cdb
59   );
61 typedef struct {
62   UINT32                      Signature;
63   EFI_LOCK                    Lock;
68   EFI_HANDLE                  DeviceHandle;
71   //
72   //  Local instance data needed by SNP driver
73   //
74   //  Pointer to S/W UNDI API entry point
75   //  This will be NULL for H/W UNDI
76   //
77   ISSUE_UNDI32_COMMAND  IssueUndi32Command;
79   BOOLEAN               IsSwUndi;
81   //
82   // undi interface number, if one undi manages more nics
83   //
84   PXE_IFNUM             IfNum;
86   //
87   //  Allocated tx/rx buffer that was passed to UNDI Initialize.
88   //
89   UINT32                TxRxBufferSize;
90   VOID                  *TxRxBuffer;
91   //
92   // mappable buffers for receive and fill header for undi3.0
93   // these will be used if the user buffers are above 4GB limit (instead of
94   // mapping the user buffers)
95   //
96   UINT8                 *ReceiveBufffer;
97   VOID                  *ReceiveBufferUnmap;
98   UINT8                 *FillHeaderBuffer;
99   VOID                  *FillHeaderBufferUnmap;
102   UINT8                 IoBarIndex;
103   UINT8                 MemoryBarIndex;
105   //
106   // Buffers for command descriptor block, command parameter block
107   // and data block.
108   //
109   PXE_CDB               Cdb;
110   VOID                  *Cpb;
111   VOID                  *CpbUnmap;
112   VOID                  *Db;
114   //
115   // UNDI structure, we need to remember the init info for a long time!
116   //
117   PXE_DB_GET_INIT_INFO  InitInfo;
119   VOID                  *SnpDriverUnmap;
120   //
121   // when ever we map an address, we must remember it's address and the un-map
122   // cookie so that we can unmap later
123   //
124   struct MAP_LIST {
125     EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  VirtualAddress;
126     VOID                  *MapCookie;
127   } MapList[MAX_MAP_LENGTH];
129   EFI_EVENT              ExitBootServicesEvent;
131   //
132   // Whether UNDI support reporting media status from GET_STATUS command,
134   //
135   BOOLEAN                MediaStatusSupported;
137   //
138   // Array of the recycled transmit buffer address from UNDI.
139   //
140   UINT64                 *RecycledTxBuf;
141   //
142   // The maximum number of recycled buffer pointers in RecycledTxBuf.
143   //
144   UINT32                 MaxRecycledTxBuf;
145   //
146   // Current number of recycled buffer pointers in RecycledTxBuf.
147   //
148   UINT32                 RecycledTxBufCount;
153 //
154 // Global Variables
155 //
156 extern EFI_DRIVER_BINDING_PROTOCOL    gSimpleNetworkDriverBinding;
157 extern EFI_COMPONENT_NAME_PROTOCOL    gSimpleNetworkComponentName;
158 extern EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL   gSimpleNetworkComponentName2;
160 /**
161   this routine calls undi to start the interface and changes the snp state.
163   @param  Snp                    pointer to snp driver structure
165   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       UNDI could not be started
166   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            UNDI is started successfully
168 **/
170 PxeStart (
171   IN SNP_DRIVER *Snp
172   );
174 /**
175   this routine calls undi to stop the interface and changes the snp state.
177   @param  Snp   pointer to snp driver structure
179   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  invalid parameter
180   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED        SNP is not started
181   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       SNP is not initialized
182   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        operation unsupported
184 **/
186 PxeStop (
187   SNP_DRIVER *Snp
188   );
190 /**
191   this routine calls undi to initialize the interface.
193   @param  Snp                   pointer to snp driver structure
194   @param  CableDetectFlag       Do/don't detect the cable (depending on what undi supports)
196   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           UNDI is initialized successfully
197   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      UNDI could not be initialized
198   @retval Other                 other errors
200 **/
202 PxeInit (
203   SNP_DRIVER *Snp,
204   UINT16     CableDetectFlag
205   );
207 /**
208   this routine calls undi to shut down the interface.
210   @param  Snp   pointer to snp driver structure
212   @retval EFI_SUCCESS        UNDI is shut down successfully
213   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR   UNDI could not be shut down
215 **/
217 PxeShutdown (
218   IN SNP_DRIVER *Snp
219   );
221 /**
222   this routine calls undi to read the MAC address of the NIC and updates the
223   mode structure with the address.
225   @param  Snp         pointer to snp driver structure.
227   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       the MAC address of the NIC is read successfully.
228   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR  failed to read the MAC address of the NIC.
230 **/
232 PxeGetStnAddr (
233   SNP_DRIVER *Snp
234   );
236 /**
237   This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI3.1 at undi_start time.
238   UNDI call this routine when it wants to have exclusive access to a critical
239   section of the code/data.
240   New callbacks for 3.1:
241   there won't be a virtual2physical callback for UNDI 3.1 because undi3.1 uses
242   the MemMap call to map the required address by itself!
244   @param UniqueId  This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to
245                    store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write
246                    this variable)
247   @param Enable    non-zero indicates acquire
248                    zero indicates release
249 **/
250 VOID
252 SnpUndi32CallbackBlock (
253   IN UINT64 UniqueId,
254   IN UINT32 Enable
255   );
257 /**
258   This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time.
259   UNDI call this routine with the number of micro seconds when it wants to
260   pause.
262   @param UniqueId      This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to
263                        store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write
264                        this variable)
265   @param MicroSeconds  number of micro seconds to pause, ususlly multiple of 10.
266 **/
267 VOID
269 SnpUndi32CallbackDelay (
270   IN UINT64 UniqueId,
271   IN UINT64 MicroSeconds
272   );
274 /**
275   This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time.
276   This is the IO routine for UNDI3.1 to start CPB.
278   @param UniqueId       This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this
279                         to store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or
280                         write this variable)
281   @param ReadOrWrite    indicates read or write, IO or Memory.
282   @param NumBytes       number of bytes to read or write.
283   @param MemOrPortAddr  IO or memory address to read from or write to.
284   @param BufferPtr      memory location to read into or that contains the bytes
285                         to write.
286 **/
287 VOID
289 SnpUndi32CallbackMemio (
290   IN UINT64     UniqueId,
291   IN UINT8      ReadOrWrite,
292   IN UINT8      NumBytes,
293   IN UINT64     MemOrPortAddr,
294   IN OUT UINT64 BufferPtr
295   );
297 /**
298   This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time.
299   UNDI call this routine when it has to map a CPU address to a device
300   address.
302   @param UniqueId      - This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to store
303                          Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write this variable)
304   @param CpuAddr       - Virtual address to be mapped!
305   @param NumBytes      - size of memory to be mapped
306   @param Direction     - direction of data flow for this memory's usage:
307                          cpu->device, device->cpu or both ways
308   @param DeviceAddrPtr - pointer to return the mapped device address
310 **/
311 VOID
313 SnpUndi32CallbackMap (
314   IN UINT64     UniqueId,
315   IN UINT64     CpuAddr,
316   IN UINT32     NumBytes,
317   IN UINT32     Direction,
318   IN OUT UINT64 DeviceAddrPtr
319   );
321 /**
322   This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time.
323   UNDI call this routine when it wants to unmap an address that was previously
324   mapped using map callback.
326   @param UniqueId    This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to store.
327                      Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write this variable)
328   @param CpuAddr     Virtual address that was mapped!
329   @param NumBytes    size of memory mapped
330   @param Direction   direction of data flow for this memory's usage:
331                      cpu->device, device->cpu or both ways
332   @param DeviceAddr  the mapped device address
334 **/
335 VOID
337 SnpUndi32CallbackUnmap (
338   IN UINT64             UniqueId,
339   IN UINT64             CpuAddr,
340   IN UINT32             NumBytes,
341   IN UINT32             Direction,
342   IN UINT64             DeviceAddr
343   );
345 /**
346   This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time.
347   UNDI call this routine when it wants synchronize the virtual buffer contents
348   with the mapped buffer contents. The virtual and mapped buffers need not
349   correspond to the same physical memory (especially if the virtual address is
350   > 4GB). Depending on the direction for which the buffer is mapped, undi will
351   need to synchronize their contents whenever it writes to/reads from the buffer
352   using either the cpu address or the device address.
354   EFI does not provide a sync call, since virt=physical, we sould just do
355   the synchronization ourself here!
357   @param UniqueId    This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to store
358                      Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write this variable)
359   @param CpuAddr     Virtual address that was mapped!
360   @param NumBytes    size of memory mapped.
361   @param Direction   direction of data flow for this memory's usage:
362                      cpu->device, device->cpu or both ways.
363   @param DeviceAddr  the mapped device address.
365 **/
366 VOID
368 SnpUndi32CallbackSync (
369   IN UINT64             UniqueId,
370   IN UINT64             CpuAddr,
371   IN UINT32             NumBytes,
372   IN UINT32             Direction,
373   IN UINT64             DeviceAddr
374   );
376 /**
377   Changes the state of a network interface from "stopped" to "started".
379   This function starts a network interface. If the network interface successfully
380   starts, then EFI_SUCCESS will be returned.
382   @param  This                   A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
384   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The network interface was started.
385   @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED    The network interface is already in the started state.
386   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  This parameter was NULL or did not point to a valid
387                                  EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL structure.
388   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       The command could not be sent to the network interface.
389   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        This function is not supported by the network interface.
391 **/
394 SnpUndi32Start (
396   );
398 /**
399   Changes the state of a network interface from "started" to "stopped".
401   This function stops a network interface. This call is only valid if the network
402   interface is in the started state. If the network interface was successfully
403   stopped, then EFI_SUCCESS will be returned.
405   @param  This                    A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
408   @retval EFI_SUCCESS             The network interface was stopped.
409   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED         The network interface has not been started.
410   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   This parameter was NULL or did not point to a valid
411                                   EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL structure.
412   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR        The command could not be sent to the network interface.
413   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED         This function is not supported by the network interface.
415 **/
418 SnpUndi32Stop (
420   );
422 /**
423   Resets a network adapter and allocates the transmit and receive buffers
424   required by the network interface; optionally, also requests allocation of
425   additional transmit and receive buffers.
427   This function allocates the transmit and receive buffers required by the network
428   interface. If this allocation fails, then EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES is returned.
429   If the allocation succeeds and the network interface is successfully initialized,
430   then EFI_SUCCESS will be returned.
432   @param This               A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
434   @param ExtraRxBufferSize  The size, in bytes, of the extra receive buffer space
435                             that the driver should allocate for the network interface.
436                             Some network interfaces will not be able to use the
437                             extra buffer, and the caller will not know if it is
438                             actually being used.
439   @param ExtraTxBufferSize  The size, in bytes, of the extra transmit buffer space
440                             that the driver should allocate for the network interface.
441                             Some network interfaces will not be able to use the
442                             extra buffer, and the caller will not know if it is
443                             actually being used.
445   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The network interface was initialized.
446   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The network interface has not been started.
447   @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There was not enough memory for the transmit and
448                                 receive buffers.
449   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This parameter was NULL or did not point to a valid
450                                 EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL structure.
451   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The command could not be sent to the network interface.
452   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The increased buffer size feature is not supported.
454 **/
457 SnpUndi32Initialize (
459   IN UINTN                       ExtraRxBufferSize OPTIONAL,
460   IN UINTN                       ExtraTxBufferSize OPTIONAL
461   );
463 /**
464   Resets a network adapter and reinitializes it with the parameters that were
465   provided in the previous call to Initialize().
467   This function resets a network adapter and reinitializes it with the parameters
468   that were provided in the previous call to Initialize(). The transmit and
469   receive queues are emptied and all pending interrupts are cleared.
470   Receive filters, the station address, the statistics, and the multicast-IP-to-HW
471   MAC addresses are not reset by this call. If the network interface was
472   successfully reset, then EFI_SUCCESS will be returned. If the driver has not
473   been initialized, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR will be returned.
475   @param This                 A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
476   @param ExtendedVerification Indicates that the driver may perform a more
477                               exhaustive verification operation of the device
478                               during reset.
480   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The network interface was reset.
481   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The network interface has not been started.
482   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the parameters has an unsupported value.
483   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The command could not be sent to the network interface.
484   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       This function is not supported by the network interface.
486 **/
489 SnpUndi32Reset (
491   IN BOOLEAN                      ExtendedVerification
492   );
494 /**
495   Resets a network adapter and leaves it in a state that is safe for another
496   driver to initialize.
498   This function releases the memory buffers assigned in the Initialize() call.
499   Pending transmits and receives are lost, and interrupts are cleared and disabled.
500   After this call, only the Initialize() and Stop() calls may be used. If the
501   network interface was successfully shutdown, then EFI_SUCCESS will be returned.
502   If the driver has not been initialized, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR will be returned.
504   @param  This  A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
506   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The network interface was shutdown.
507   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The network interface has not been started.
508   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This parameter was NULL or did not point to a valid
509                                 EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL structure.
510   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The command could not be sent to the network interface.
512 **/
515 SnpUndi32Shutdown (
517   );
519 /**
520   Manages the multicast receive filters of a network interface.
522   This function is used enable and disable the hardware and software receive
523   filters for the underlying network device.
524   The receive filter change is broken down into three steps:
525   * The filter mask bits that are set (ON) in the Enable parameter are added to
526     the current receive filter settings.
527   * The filter mask bits that are set (ON) in the Disable parameter are subtracted
528     from the updated receive filter settings.
529   * If the resulting receive filter setting is not supported by the hardware a
530     more liberal setting is selected.
531   If the same bits are set in the Enable and Disable parameters, then the bits
532   in the Disable parameter takes precedence.
533   If the ResetMCastFilter parameter is TRUE, then the multicast address list
534   filter is disabled (irregardless of what other multicast bits are set in the
535   Enable and Disable parameters). The SNP->Mode->MCastFilterCount field is set
536   to zero. The Snp->Mode->MCastFilter contents are undefined.
537   After enabling or disabling receive filter settings, software should verify
538   the new settings by checking the Snp->Mode->ReceiveFilterSettings,
539   Snp->Mode->MCastFilterCount and Snp->Mode->MCastFilter fields.
540   Note: Some network drivers and/or devices will automatically promote receive
541     filter settings if the requested setting can not be honored. For example, if
542     a request for four multicast addresses is made and the underlying hardware
543     only supports two multicast addresses the driver might set the promiscuous
544     or promiscuous multicast receive filters instead. The receiving software is
545     responsible for discarding any extra packets that get through the hardware
546     receive filters.
547     Note: Note: To disable all receive filter hardware, the network driver must
548       be Shutdown() and Stopped(). Calling ReceiveFilters() with Disable set to
549       Snp->Mode->ReceiveFilterSettings will make it so no more packets are
550       returned by the Receive() function, but the receive hardware may still be
551       moving packets into system memory before inspecting and discarding them.
552       Unexpected system errors, reboots and hangs can occur if an OS is loaded
553       and the network devices are not Shutdown() and Stopped().
554   If ResetMCastFilter is TRUE, then the multicast receive filter list on the
555   network interface will be reset to the default multicast receive filter list.
556   If ResetMCastFilter is FALSE, and this network interface allows the multicast
557   receive filter list to be modified, then the MCastFilterCnt and MCastFilter
558   are used to update the current multicast receive filter list. The modified
559   receive filter list settings can be found in the MCastFilter field of
560   EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE. If the network interface does not allow the multicast
561   receive filter list to be modified, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned.
562   If the driver has not been initialized, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR will be returned.
563   If the receive filter mask and multicast receive filter list have been
564   successfully updated on the network interface, EFI_SUCCESS will be returned.
566   @param This             A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
567   @param Enable           A bit mask of receive filters to enable on the network
568                           interface.
569   @param Disable          A bit mask of receive filters to disable on the network
570                           interface. For backward compatibility with EFI 1.1
571                           platforms, the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_RECEIVE_MULTICAST bit
572                           must be set when the ResetMCastFilter parameter is TRUE.
573   @param ResetMCastFilter Set to TRUE to reset the contents of the multicast
574                           receive filters on the network interface to their
575                           default values.
576   @param MCastFilterCnt   Number of multicast HW MAC addresses in the new MCastFilter
577                           list. This value must be less than or equal to the
578                           MCastFilterCnt field of EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE.
579                           This field is optional if ResetMCastFilter is TRUE.
580   @param MCastFilter      A pointer to a list of new multicast receive filter HW
581                           MAC addresses. This list will replace any existing
582                           multicast HW MAC address list. This field is optional
583                           if ResetMCastFilter is TRUE.
585   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The multicast receive filter list was updated.
586   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED        The network interface has not been started.
587   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
588                                  * This is NULL
589                                  * There are bits set in Enable that are not set
590                                    in Snp->Mode->ReceiveFilterMask
591                                  * There are bits set in Disable that are not set
592                                    in Snp->Mode->ReceiveFilterMask
593                                  * Multicast is being enabled (the
594                                    EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_RECEIVE_MULTICAST bit is
595                                    set in Enable, it is not set in Disable, and
596                                    ResetMCastFilter is FALSE) and MCastFilterCount
597                                    is zero
598                                  * Multicast is being enabled and MCastFilterCount
599                                    is greater than Snp->Mode->MaxMCastFilterCount
600                                  * Multicast is being enabled and MCastFilter is NULL
601                                  * Multicast is being enabled and one or more of
602                                    the addresses in the MCastFilter list are not
603                                    valid multicast MAC addresses
604   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
605                                  * The network interface has been started but has
606                                    not been initialized
607                                  * An unexpected error was returned by the
608                                    underlying network driver or device
609   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        This function is not supported by the network
610                                  interface.
612 **/
615 SnpUndi32ReceiveFilters (
617   IN UINT32                      Enable,
618   IN UINT32                      Disable,
619   IN BOOLEAN                     ResetMCastFilter,
620   IN UINTN                       MCastFilterCnt,  OPTIONAL
621   IN EFI_MAC_ADDRESS             *MCastFilter     OPTIONAL
622   );
624 /**
625   Modifies or resets the current station address, if supported.
627   This function modifies or resets the current station address of a network
628   interface, if supported. If Reset is TRUE, then the current station address is
629   set to the network interface's permanent address. If Reset is FALSE, and the
630   network interface allows its station address to be modified, then the current
631   station address is changed to the address specified by New. If the network
632   interface does not allow its station address to be modified, then
633   EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned. If the station address is successfully
634   updated on the network interface, EFI_SUCCESS will be returned. If the driver
635   has not been initialized, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR will be returned.
637   @param This  A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
638   @param Reset Flag used to reset the station address to the network interface's
639                permanent address.
640   @param New   New station address to be used for the network interface.
643   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The network interface's station address was updated.
644   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The Simple Network Protocol interface has not been
645                                 started by calling Start().
646   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The New station address was not accepted by the NIC.
647   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Reset is FALSE and New is NULL.
648   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The Simple Network Protocol interface has not
649                                 been initialized by calling Initialize().
650   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      An error occurred attempting to set the new
651                                 station address.
652   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The NIC does not support changing the network
653                                 interface's station address.
655 **/
658 SnpUndi32StationAddress (
660   IN BOOLEAN                     Reset,
661   IN EFI_MAC_ADDRESS             *New  OPTIONAL
662   );
664 /**
665   Resets or collects the statistics on a network interface.
667   This function resets or collects the statistics on a network interface. If the
668   size of the statistics table specified by StatisticsSize is not big enough for
669   all the statistics that are collected by the network interface, then a partial
670   buffer of statistics is returned in StatisticsTable, StatisticsSize is set to
671   the size required to collect all the available statistics, and
672   EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned.
673   If StatisticsSize is big enough for all the statistics, then StatisticsTable
674   will be filled, StatisticsSize will be set to the size of the returned
675   StatisticsTable structure, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned.
676   If the driver has not been initialized, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR will be returned.
677   If Reset is FALSE, and both StatisticsSize and StatisticsTable are NULL, then
678   no operations will be performed, and EFI_SUCCESS will be returned.
679   If Reset is TRUE, then all of the supported statistics counters on this network
680   interface will be reset to zero.
682   @param This            A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
683   @param Reset           Set to TRUE to reset the statistics for the network interface.
684   @param StatisticsSize  On input the size, in bytes, of StatisticsTable. On output
685                          the size, in bytes, of the resulting table of statistics.
686   @param StatisticsTable A pointer to the EFI_NETWORK_STATISTICS structure that
687                          contains the statistics. Type EFI_NETWORK_STATISTICS is
688                          defined in "Related Definitions" below.
690   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The requested operation succeeded.
691   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The Simple Network Protocol interface has not been
692                                 started by calling Start().
693   @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  StatisticsSize is not NULL and StatisticsTable is
694                                 NULL. The current buffer size that is needed to
695                                 hold all the statistics is returned in StatisticsSize.
696   @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  StatisticsSize is not NULL and StatisticsTable is
697                                 not NULL. The current buffer size that is needed
698                                 to hold all the statistics is returned in
699                                 StatisticsSize. A partial set of statistics is
700                                 returned in StatisticsTable.
701   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER StatisticsSize is NULL and StatisticsTable is not
702                                 NULL.
703   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The Simple Network Protocol interface has not
704                                 been initialized by calling Initialize().
705   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      An error was encountered collecting statistics
706                                 from the NIC.
707   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       The NIC does not support collecting statistics
708                                 from the network interface.
710 **/
713 SnpUndi32Statistics (
715   IN BOOLEAN                     Reset,
716   IN OUT UINTN                   *StatisticsSize,  OPTIONAL
718   );
720 /**
721   Converts a multicast IP address to a multicast HW MAC address.
723   This function converts a multicast IP address to a multicast HW MAC address
724   for all packet transactions. If the mapping is accepted, then EFI_SUCCESS will
725   be returned.
727   @param This A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
728   @param IPv6 Set to TRUE if the multicast IP address is IPv6 [RFC 2460].
729               Set to FALSE if the multicast IP address is IPv4 [RFC 791].
730   @param IP   The multicast IP address that is to be converted to a multicast
731               HW MAC address.
732   @param MAC  The multicast HW MAC address that is to be generated from IP.
734   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The multicast IP address was mapped to the
735                                 multicast HW MAC address.
736   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The Simple Network Protocol interface has not
737                                 been started by calling Start().
740   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER IP does not point to a valid IPv4 or IPv6
741                                 multicast address.
742   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The Simple Network Protocol interface has not
743                                 been initialized by calling Initialize().
744   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       IPv6 is TRUE and the implementation does not
745                                 support IPv6 multicast to MAC address conversion.
747 **/
750 SnpUndi32McastIpToMac (
752   IN BOOLEAN                     IPv6,
753   IN EFI_IP_ADDRESS              *IP,
754   OUT EFI_MAC_ADDRESS            *MAC
755   );
757 /**
758   Performs read and write operations on the NVRAM device attached to a network
759   interface.
761   This function performs read and write operations on the NVRAM device attached
762   to a network interface. If ReadWrite is TRUE, a read operation is performed.
763   If ReadWrite is FALSE, a write operation is performed. Offset specifies the
764   byte offset at which to start either operation. Offset must be a multiple of
765   NvRamAccessSize , and it must have a value between zero and NvRamSize.
766   BufferSize specifies the length of the read or write operation. BufferSize must
767   also be a multiple of NvRamAccessSize, and Offset + BufferSize must not exceed
768   NvRamSize.
769   If any of the above conditions is not met, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER will be
770   returned.
771   If all the conditions are met and the operation is "read," the NVRAM device
772   attached to the network interface will be read into Buffer and EFI_SUCCESS
773   will be returned. If this is a write operation, the contents of Buffer will be
774   used to update the contents of the NVRAM device attached to the network
775   interface and EFI_SUCCESS will be returned.
777   It does the basic checking on the input parameters and retrieves snp structure
778   and then calls the read_nvdata() call which does the actual reading
780   @param This       A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
781   @param ReadWrite  TRUE for read operations, FALSE for write operations.
782   @param Offset     Byte offset in the NVRAM device at which to start the read or
783                     write operation. This must be a multiple of NvRamAccessSize
784                     and less than NvRamSize. (See EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE)
785   @param BufferSize The number of bytes to read or write from the NVRAM device.
786                     This must also be a multiple of NvramAccessSize.
787   @param Buffer     A pointer to the data buffer.
789   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The NVRAM access was performed.
790   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The network interface has not been started.
791   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
792                                 * The This parameter is NULL
793                                 * The This parameter does not point to a valid
794                                   EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL  structure
795                                 * The Offset parameter is not a multiple of
796                                   EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE.NvRamAccessSize
797                                 * The Offset parameter is not less than
798                                   EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE.NvRamSize
799                                 * The BufferSize parameter is not a multiple of
800                                   EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE.NvRamAccessSize
801                                 * The Buffer parameter is NULL
802   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The command could not be sent to the network
803                                 interface.
804   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       This function is not supported by the network
805                                 interface.
807 **/
810 SnpUndi32NvData (
812   IN BOOLEAN                     ReadWrite,
813   IN UINTN                       Offset,
814   IN UINTN                       BufferSize,
815   IN OUT VOID                    *Buffer
816   );
818 /**
819   Reads the current interrupt status and recycled transmit buffer status from a
820   network interface.
822   This function gets the current interrupt and recycled transmit buffer status
823   from the network interface. The interrupt status is returned as a bit mask in
824   InterruptStatus. If InterruptStatus is NULL, the interrupt status will not be
825   read. If TxBuf is not NULL, a recycled transmit buffer address will be retrieved.
826   If a recycled transmit buffer address is returned in TxBuf, then the buffer has
827   been successfully transmitted, and the status for that buffer is cleared. If
828   the status of the network interface is successfully collected, EFI_SUCCESS
829   will be returned. If the driver has not been initialized, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR will
830   be returned.
832   @param This            A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
833   @param InterruptStatus A pointer to the bit mask of the currently active
834                          interrupts (see "Related Definitions"). If this is NULL,
835                          the interrupt status will not be read from the device.
836                          If this is not NULL, the interrupt status will be read
837                          from the device. When the interrupt status is read, it
838                          will also be cleared. Clearing the transmit interrupt does
839                          not empty the recycled transmit buffer array.
840   @param TxBuf           Recycled transmit buffer address. The network interface
841                          will not transmit if its internal recycled transmit
842                          buffer array is full. Reading the transmit buffer does
843                          not clear the transmit interrupt. If this is NULL, then
844                          the transmit buffer status will not be read. If there
845                          are no transmit buffers to recycle and TxBuf is not NULL,
846                          TxBuf will be set to NULL.
848   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The status of the network interface was retrieved.
849   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The network interface has not been started.
850   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This parameter was NULL or did not point to a valid
851                                 EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL structure.
852   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The command could not be sent to the network
853                                 interface.
855 **/
858 SnpUndi32GetStatus (
860   OUT UINT32                     *InterruptStatus, OPTIONAL
861   OUT VOID                       **TxBuf           OPTIONAL
862   );
864 /**
865   Places a packet in the transmit queue of a network interface.
867   This function places the packet specified by Header and Buffer on the transmit
868   queue. If HeaderSize is nonzero and HeaderSize is not equal to
869   This->Mode->MediaHeaderSize, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned. If
870   BufferSize is less than This->Mode->MediaHeaderSize, then EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
871   will be returned. If Buffer is NULL, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER will be
872   returned. If HeaderSize is nonzero and DestAddr or Protocol is NULL, then
873   EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned. If the transmit engine of the network
874   interface is busy, then EFI_NOT_READY will be returned. If this packet can be
875   accepted by the transmit engine of the network interface, the packet contents
876   specified by Buffer will be placed on the transmit queue of the network
877   interface, and EFI_SUCCESS will be returned. GetStatus() can be used to
878   determine when the packet has actually been transmitted. The contents of the
879   Buffer must not be modified until the packet has actually been transmitted.
880   The Transmit() function performs nonblocking I/O. A caller who wants to perform
881   blocking I/O, should call Transmit(), and then GetStatus() until the
882   transmitted buffer shows up in the recycled transmit buffer.
883   If the driver has not been initialized, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR will be returned.
885   @param This       A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
886   @param HeaderSize The size, in bytes, of the media header to be filled in by the
887                     Transmit() function. If HeaderSize is nonzero, then it must
888                     be equal to This->Mode->MediaHeaderSize and the DestAddr and
889                     Protocol parameters must not be NULL.
890   @param BufferSize The size, in bytes, of the entire packet (media header and
891                     data) to be transmitted through the network interface.
892   @param Buffer     A pointer to the packet (media header followed by data) to be
893                     transmitted. This parameter cannot be NULL. If HeaderSize is
894                     zero, then the media header in Buffer must already be filled
895                     in by the caller. If HeaderSize is nonzero, then the media
896                     header will be filled in by the Transmit() function.
897   @param SrcAddr    The source HW MAC address. If HeaderSize is zero, then this
898                     parameter is ignored. If HeaderSize is nonzero and SrcAddr
899                     is NULL, then This->Mode->CurrentAddress is used for the
900                     source HW MAC address.
901   @param DestAddr   The destination HW MAC address. If HeaderSize is zero, then
902                     this parameter is ignored.
903   @param Protocol   The type of header to build. If HeaderSize is zero, then this
904                     parameter is ignored. See RFC 1700, section "Ether Types,"
905                     for examples.
907   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The packet was placed on the transmit queue.
908   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The network interface has not been started.
909   @retval EFI_NOT_READY         The network interface is too busy to accept this
910                                 transmit request.
911   @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  The BufferSize parameter is too small.
912   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the parameters has an unsupported
913                                 value.
914   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The command could not be sent to the network interface.
915   @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       This function is not supported by the network interface.
917 **/
920 SnpUndi32Transmit (
922   IN UINTN                       HeaderSize,
923   IN UINTN                       BufferSize,
924   IN VOID                        *Buffer,
925   IN EFI_MAC_ADDRESS             *SrcAddr,  OPTIONAL
926   IN EFI_MAC_ADDRESS             *DestAddr, OPTIONAL
927   IN UINT16                      *Protocol  OPTIONAL
928   );
930 /**
931   Receives a packet from a network interface.
933   This function retrieves one packet from the receive queue of a network interface.
934   If there are no packets on the receive queue, then EFI_NOT_READY will be
935   returned. If there is a packet on the receive queue, and the size of the packet
936   is smaller than BufferSize, then the contents of the packet will be placed in
937   Buffer, and BufferSize will be updated with the actual size of the packet.
938   In addition, if SrcAddr, DestAddr, and Protocol are not NULL, then these values
939   will be extracted from the media header and returned. EFI_SUCCESS will be
940   returned if a packet was successfully received.
941   If BufferSize is smaller than the received packet, then the size of the receive
942   packet will be placed in BufferSize and EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL will be returned.
943   If the driver has not been initialized, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR will be returned.
945   @param This       A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL instance.
946   @param HeaderSize The size, in bytes, of the media header received on the network
947                     interface. If this parameter is NULL, then the media header size
948                     will not be returned.
949   @param BufferSize On entry, the size, in bytes, of Buffer. On exit, the size, in
950                     bytes, of the packet that was received on the network interface.
951   @param Buffer     A pointer to the data buffer to receive both the media
952                     header and the data.
953   @param SrcAddr    The source HW MAC address. If this parameter is NULL, the HW
954                     MAC source address will not be extracted from the media header.
955   @param DestAddr   The destination HW MAC address. If this parameter is NULL,
956                     the HW MAC destination address will not be extracted from
957                     the media header.
958   @param Protocol   The media header type. If this parameter is NULL, then the
959                     protocol will not be extracted from the media header. See
960                     RFC 1700 section "Ether Types" for examples.
962   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The received data was stored in Buffer, and
963                                 BufferSize has been updated to the number of
964                                 bytes received.
965   @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED       The network interface has not been started.
966   @retval EFI_NOT_READY         No packets have been received on the network interface.
967   @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  BufferSize is too small for the received packets.
968                                 BufferSize has been updated to the required size.
969   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
970                                 * The This parameter is NULL
971                                 * The This parameter does not point to a valid
972                                   EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL structure.
973                                 * The BufferSize parameter is NULL
974                                 * The Buffer parameter is NULL
975   @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The command could not be sent to the network interface.
977 **/
980 SnpUndi32Receive (
982   OUT UINTN                      *HeaderSize OPTIONAL,
983   IN OUT UINTN                   *BufferSize,
984   OUT VOID                       *Buffer,
985   OUT EFI_MAC_ADDRESS            *SrcAddr OPTIONAL,
986   OUT EFI_MAC_ADDRESS            *DestAddr OPTIONAL,
987   OUT UINT16                     *Protocol OPTIONAL
988   );
990 /**
991   Nofication call back function for WaitForPacket event.
993   @param  Event       EFI Event.
994   @param  SnpPtr      Pointer to SNP_DRIVER structure.
996 **/
997 VOID
999 SnpWaitForPacketNotify (
1000   EFI_EVENT Event,
1001   VOID      *SnpPtr
1002   );
1004 #define SNP_MEM_PAGES(x)  (((x) - 1) / 4096 + 1)
1007 #endif /*  _SNP_H_  */