1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
26 package java.lang.invoke;
28 import java.lang.reflect.*;
29 import java.util.*;
30 import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup;
31 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.*;
33 /**
34  * A symbolic reference obtained by cracking a direct method handle
35  * into its consitutent symbolic parts.
36  * To crack a direct method handle, call {@link Lookup#revealDirect Lookup.revealDirect}.
37  * <h1><a name="directmh"></a>Direct Method Handles</h1>
38  * A <em>direct method handle</em> represents a method, constructor, or field without
39  * any intervening argument bindings or other transformations.
40  * The method, constructor, or field referred to by a direct method handle is called
41  * its <em>underlying member</em>.
42  * Direct method handles may be obtained in any of these ways:
43  * <ul>
44  * <li>By executing an {@code ldc} instruction on a {@code CONSTANT_MethodHandle} constant.
45  *     (See the Java Virtual Machine Specification, sections 4.4.8 and 5.4.3.)
46  * <li>By calling one of the <a href="MethodHandles.Lookup.html#lookups">Lookup Factory Methods</a>,
47  *     such as {@link Lookup#findVirtual Lookup.findVirtual},
48  *     to resolve a symbolic reference into a method handle.
49  *     A symbolic reference consists of a class, name string, and type.
50  * <li>By calling the factory method {@link Lookup#unreflect Lookup.unreflect}
51  *     or {@link Lookup#unreflectSpecial Lookup.unreflectSpecial}
52  *     to convert a {@link Method} into a method handle.
53  * <li>By calling the factory method {@link Lookup#unreflectConstructor Lookup.unreflectConstructor}
54  *     to convert a {@link Constructor} into a method handle.
55  * <li>By calling the factory method {@link Lookup#unreflectGetter Lookup.unreflectGetter}
56  *     or {@link Lookup#unreflectSetter Lookup.unreflectSetter}
57  *     to convert a {@link Field} into a method handle.
58  * </ul>
59  *
60  * <h1>Restrictions on Cracking</h1>
61  * Given a suitable {@code Lookup} object, it is possible to crack any direct method handle
62  * to recover a symbolic reference for the underlying method, constructor, or field.
63  * Cracking must be done via a {@code Lookup} object equivalent to that which created
64  * the target method handle, or which has enough access permissions to recreate
65  * an equivalent method handle.
66  * <p>
67  * If the underlying method is <a href="MethodHandles.Lookup.html#callsens">caller sensitive</a>,
68  * the direct method handle will have been "bound" to a particular caller class, the
69  * {@linkplain java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup#lookupClass() lookup class}
70  * of the lookup object used to create it.
71  * Cracking this method handle with a different lookup class will fail
72  * even if the underlying method is public (like {@code Class.forName}).
73  * <p>
74  * The requirement of lookup object matching provides a "fast fail" behavior
75  * for programs which may otherwise trust erroneous revelation of a method
76  * handle with symbolic information (or caller binding) from an unexpected scope.
77  * Use {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles#reflectAs} to override this limitation.
78  *
79  * <h1><a name="refkinds"></a>Reference kinds</h1>
80  * The <a href="MethodHandles.Lookup.html#lookups">Lookup Factory Methods</a>
81  * correspond to all major use cases for methods, constructors, and fields.
82  * These use cases may be distinguished using small integers as follows:
83  * <table border=1 cellpadding=5 summary="reference kinds">
84  * <tr><th>reference kind</th><th>descriptive name</th><th>scope</th><th>member</th><th>behavior</th></tr>
85  * <tr>
86  *     <td>{@code 1}</td><td>{@code REF_getField}</td><td>{@code class}</td>
87  *     <td>{@code FT f;}</td><td>{@code (T) this.f;}</td>
88  * </tr>
89  * <tr>
90  *     <td>{@code 2}</td><td>{@code REF_getStatic}</td><td>{@code class} or {@code interface}</td>
91  *     <td>{@code static}<br>{@code FT f;}</td><td>{@code (T) C.f;}</td>
92  * </tr>
93  * <tr>
94  *     <td>{@code 3}</td><td>{@code REF_putField}</td><td>{@code class}</td>
95  *     <td>{@code FT f;}</td><td>{@code this.f = x;}</td>
96  * </tr>
97  * <tr>
98  *     <td>{@code 4}</td><td>{@code REF_putStatic}</td><td>{@code class}</td>
99  *     <td>{@code static}<br>{@code FT f;}</td><td>{@code C.f = arg;}</td>
100  * </tr>
101  * <tr>
102  *     <td>{@code 5}</td><td>{@code REF_invokeVirtual}</td><td>{@code class}</td>
103  *     <td>{@code T m(A*);}</td><td>{@code (T) this.m(arg*);}</td>
104  * </tr>
105  * <tr>
106  *     <td>{@code 6}</td><td>{@code REF_invokeStatic}</td><td>{@code class} or {@code interface}</td>
107  *     <td>{@code static}<br>{@code T m(A*);}</td><td>{@code (T) C.m(arg*);}</td>
108  * </tr>
109  * <tr>
110  *     <td>{@code 7}</td><td>{@code REF_invokeSpecial}</td><td>{@code class} or {@code interface}</td>
111  *     <td>{@code T m(A*);}</td><td>{@code (T) super.m(arg*);}</td>
112  * </tr>
113  * <tr>
114  *     <td>{@code 8}</td><td>{@code REF_newInvokeSpecial}</td><td>{@code class}</td>
115  *     <td>{@code C(A*);}</td><td>{@code new C(arg*);}</td>
116  * </tr>
117  * <tr>
118  *     <td>{@code 9}</td><td>{@code REF_invokeInterface}</td><td>{@code interface}</td>
119  *     <td>{@code T m(A*);}</td><td>{@code (T) this.m(arg*);}</td>
120  * </tr>
121  * </table>
122  * @since 1.8
123  */
124 public
125 interface MethodHandleInfo {
126     /**
127      * A direct method handle reference kind,
128      * as defined in the <a href="MethodHandleInfo.html#refkinds">table above</a>.
129      */
130     // Android-changed: Inlined the values of these constants from MethodHandleNatives.Constants.
131     public static final int
132         REF_getField                = 1,
133         REF_getStatic               = 2,
134         REF_putField                = 3,
135         REF_putStatic               = 4,
136         REF_invokeVirtual           = 5,
137         REF_invokeStatic            = 6,
138         REF_invokeSpecial           = 7,
139         REF_newInvokeSpecial        = 8,
140         REF_invokeInterface         = 9;
142     /**
143      * Returns the reference kind of the cracked method handle, which in turn
144      * determines whether the method handle's underlying member was a constructor, method, or field.
145      * See the <a href="MethodHandleInfo.html#refkinds">table above</a> for definitions.
146      * @return the integer code for the kind of reference used to access the underlying member
147      */
getReferenceKind()148     public int getReferenceKind();
150     /**
151      * Returns the class in which the cracked method handle's underlying member was defined.
152      * @return the declaring class of the underlying member
153      */
getDeclaringClass()154     public Class<?> getDeclaringClass();
156     /**
157      * Returns the name of the cracked method handle's underlying member.
158      * This is {@code "<init>"} if the underlying member was a constructor,
159      * else it is a simple method name or field name.
160      * @return the simple name of the underlying member
161      */
getName()162     public String getName();
164     /**
165      * Returns the nominal type of the cracked symbolic reference, expressed as a method type.
166      * If the reference is to a constructor, the return type will be {@code void}.
167      * If it is to a non-static method, the method type will not mention the {@code this} parameter.
168      * If it is to a field and the requested access is to read the field,
169      * the method type will have no parameters and return the field type.
170      * If it is to a field and the requested access is to write the field,
171      * the method type will have one parameter of the field type and return {@code void}.
172      * <p>
173      * Note that original direct method handle may include a leading {@code this} parameter,
174      * or (in the case of a constructor) will replace the {@code void} return type
175      * with the constructed class.
176      * The nominal type does not include any {@code this} parameter,
177      * and (in the case of a constructor) will return {@code void}.
178      * @return the type of the underlying member, expressed as a method type
179      */
getMethodType()180     public MethodType getMethodType();
182     // Utility methods.
183     // NOTE: class/name/type and reference kind constitute a symbolic reference
184     // member and modifiers are an add-on, derived from Core Reflection (or the equivalent)
186     /**
187      * Reflects the underlying member as a method, constructor, or field object.
188      * If the underlying member is public, it is reflected as if by
189      * {@code getMethod}, {@code getConstructor}, or {@code getField}.
190      * Otherwise, it is reflected as if by
191      * {@code getDeclaredMethod}, {@code getDeclaredConstructor}, or {@code getDeclaredField}.
192      * The underlying member must be accessible to the given lookup object.
193      * @param <T> the desired type of the result, either {@link Member} or a subtype
194      * @param expected a class object representing the desired result type {@code T}
195      * @param lookup the lookup object that created this MethodHandleInfo, or one with equivalent access privileges
196      * @return a reference to the method, constructor, or field object
197      * @exception ClassCastException if the member is not of the expected type
198      * @exception NullPointerException if either argument is {@code null}
199      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the underlying member is not accessible to the given lookup object
200      */
reflectAs(Class<T> expected, Lookup lookup)201     public <T extends Member> T reflectAs(Class<T> expected, Lookup lookup);
203     /**
204      * Returns the access modifiers of the underlying member.
205      * @return the Java language modifiers for underlying member,
206      *         or -1 if the member cannot be accessed
207      * @see Modifier
208      * @see #reflectAs
209      */
getModifiers()210     public int getModifiers();
212     /**
213      * Determines if the underlying member was a variable arity method or constructor.
214      * Such members are represented by method handles that are varargs collectors.
215      * @implSpec
216      * This produces a result equivalent to:
217      * <pre>{@code
218      *     getReferenceKind() >= REF_invokeVirtual && Modifier.isTransient(getModifiers())
219      * }</pre>
220      *
221      *
222      * @return {@code true} if and only if the underlying member was declared with variable arity.
223      */
224     // spelling derived from java.lang.reflect.Executable, not MethodHandle.isVarargsCollector
isVarArgs()225     public default boolean isVarArgs()  {
226         // fields are never varargs:
227         if (refKindIsField(getReferenceKind()))
228             return false;
229         // not in the public API: Modifier.VARARGS
230         final int ACC_VARARGS = 0x00000080;  // from JVMS 4.6 (Table 4.20)
232         // Android-changed: Removed assert() due to http://b/30862573
233         // assert(ACC_VARARGS == Modifier.TRANSIENT);
234         return Modifier.isTransient(getModifiers());
235     }
237     /**
238      * Returns the descriptive name of the given reference kind,
239      * as defined in the <a href="MethodHandleInfo.html#refkinds">table above</a>.
240      * The conventional prefix "REF_" is omitted.
241      * @param referenceKind an integer code for a kind of reference used to access a class member
242      * @return a mixed-case string such as {@code "getField"}
243      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the argument is not a valid
244      *            <a href="MethodHandleInfo.html#refkinds">reference kind number</a>
245      */
referenceKindToString(int referenceKind)246     public static String referenceKindToString(int referenceKind) {
247         if (!refKindIsValid(referenceKind))
248             throw newIllegalArgumentException("invalid reference kind", referenceKind);
249         return refKindName(referenceKind);
250     }
252     /**
253      * Returns a string representation for a {@code MethodHandleInfo},
254      * given the four parts of its symbolic reference.
255      * This is defined to be of the form {@code "RK C.N:MT"}, where {@code RK} is the
256      * {@linkplain #referenceKindToString reference kind string} for {@code kind},
257      * {@code C} is the {@linkplain java.lang.Class#getName name} of {@code defc}
258      * {@code N} is the {@code name}, and
259      * {@code MT} is the {@code type}.
260      * These four values may be obtained from the
261      * {@linkplain #getReferenceKind reference kind},
262      * {@linkplain #getDeclaringClass declaring class},
263      * {@linkplain #getName member name},
264      * and {@linkplain #getMethodType method type}
265      * of a {@code MethodHandleInfo} object.
266      *
267      * @implSpec
268      * This produces a result equivalent to:
269      * <pre>{@code
270      *     String.format("%s %s.%s:%s", referenceKindToString(kind), defc.getName(), name, type)
271      * }</pre>
272      *
273      * @param kind the {@linkplain #getReferenceKind reference kind} part of the symbolic reference
274      * @param defc the {@linkplain #getDeclaringClass declaring class} part of the symbolic reference
275      * @param name the {@linkplain #getName member name} part of the symbolic reference
276      * @param type the {@linkplain #getMethodType method type} part of the symbolic reference
277      * @return a string of the form {@code "RK C.N:MT"}
278      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the first argument is not a valid
279      *            <a href="MethodHandleInfo.html#refkinds">reference kind number</a>
280      * @exception NullPointerException if any reference argument is {@code null}
281      */
toString(int kind, Class<?> defc, String name, MethodType type)282     public static String toString(int kind, Class<?> defc, String name, MethodType type) {
283         Objects.requireNonNull(name); Objects.requireNonNull(type);
284         return String.format("%s %s.%s:%s", referenceKindToString(kind), defc.getName(), name, type);
285     }
287     // Android-changed: Inlined from MethodHandleNatives and changed to avoid references to
288     // REF_NONE and REF_LIMITED
refKindIsValid(int refKind)289     static boolean refKindIsValid(int refKind) {
290         return (refKind >= REF_getField && refKind <= REF_invokeInterface);
291     }
293     // Android-changed: Inlined from MethodHandleNatives.
refKindIsField(int refKind)294     static boolean refKindIsField(int refKind) {
295         return (refKind <= REF_putStatic);
296     }
298     // Android-changed: Inlined from MethodHandleNatives and replaced 'byte' argument with
299     // 'int'.
refKindName(int refKind)300     static String refKindName(int refKind) {
301         switch (refKind) {
302             case REF_getField:          return "getField";
303             case REF_getStatic:         return "getStatic";
304             case REF_putField:          return "putField";
305             case REF_putStatic:         return "putStatic";
306             case REF_invokeVirtual:     return "invokeVirtual";
307             case REF_invokeStatic:      return "invokeStatic";
308             case REF_invokeSpecial:     return "invokeSpecial";
309             case REF_newInvokeSpecial:  return "newInvokeSpecial";
310             case REF_invokeInterface:   return "invokeInterface";
311             default:                    return "REF_???";
312         }
313     }
314 }